The Darke Crusade: Corrections
Erratum (Uncorrected)
Erratum (Corrected)
Erratum (Rejected)
Non-erratum (Uncorrected)
Non-erratum (Corrected)
Non-erratum (Rejected)
Footnote (Unimplemented)
Footnote (Implemented)
Footnote (Rejected)
Unknown (erratum vs. non-erratum)
Jonathan Blake
David Davis
Jeff Dougan
Ingo Klöcker
Christopher Lundgren
Simon Osborne
Jody Williams
Thomas Wolmer
title #1: Most everything needs to be updated, inluding the name of the license.
dedicate #1: Insert real dedication.
To the spirit of San Diego - America's Finest City
The Story So Far . . . #1: Footnote the Nyraz vs. Nyras discrepancy.
In the Magnamund Companion, and in Newsletter Summer Special 1987 it is spelled Nyraz. In TDC it is consistently spelled Nyras.
Perhaps we could include a footnote in "The Story So Far . . ." explaining the discrepancy. I don't think we should change it here, being later and presumably more thought-out, but if we ever finish XML versions of the Newsletters and MC, we could change it there.
The Story So Far . . . #21: Left-Handed -> Left-handed
(2x) Have we standardized on this?
If we hadn't before we have now. 14tcok already conforms, but there are two incorrect instances in TPLOR.
The Story So Far . . . #23: the occupants will have long since brought about their own extinction. Elsewhere, throughout Northern Magnamund, peace reigns victorious
Sasha Cooper: There's a paragraph break after 'their own extinction' in the other novels
This is Errata. I think it should be changed so 'Elsewhere, throughout Northern Magnamund...' is a separate paragraph because it is in the previous books, and it is in the following book, The Legacy of Vashna.
gamerulz #1: Remove ' that you will find in the front of this book. For ease of use, and for further adventuring, it is recommended that you photocopy these pages' from the first paragraph.
gamerulz #2: Remove ' on the last page of this book' in the second paragraph.
gamerulz #3: Encode the dashes in 'Books 1-14', 'Books 1-5' and 'Books 6-12' as &endash;
gamerulz #4: Remove "Korlinium Scabbard" and "Silver Bracers" from the allowed Special Items list.
Grand Master Disciplines #8: 'Advanced Curing', 'Advanced Divination' and 'Advanced Invisibility' shouldn't be in BOLD, but should be Italicised
Grand Master Disciplines #9: together with your extra Grand Master Discipline -> together with your extra Grand Master Discipline(s)
discplnz #10: Include standard footnote.
. . . Disciplines #13: Note the following in the errata list: In description of "Deliverance", changed COMBAT SKILL to ENDURANCE, as in later editions, and also because it does not make sense - it is not possible (or very, very unlikely) for your Combat Skill to fall to below 8.
. . . Disciplines #15: this, the first -> this, the third
check to verify the original wording
the original wording is "set in Book 15 of the Lone Wolf Grand Master series"
Equipment #1: safe-keeping -> safekeeping (2x) (as in PAMoS)
Equipment #6: Equipment (How to use / Money) Remove the reference to Palmyrion and Lune. Replace with: 'The currency of Nyras is the Kika. The exchange rate is 10 Kika for 1 Gold Crown.'
[This section does not appear at all in the original text]
equipmnt #7: Make 'map' a link to the map.
equipmnt #8: Remove ' (see the inside front cover of this book)' from the first paragraph.
equipmnt #9: Make 'Random Number Table' and 'Action Chart' in the first paragraph links to the respective sections.
equipmnt #10: Encode the dash in 'Books 1-14' as &endash;
equipmnt #11: Fix the items list (list items shall be paragraphed).
Equipment #12: Note the following in the errata list: In "Equipment - How to use it", under "Weapons", changed the bonus for combat skill from "3" to "5", once again as in later editions and due to the description of Grand Weaponmastery at the beginning.
cmbtrulz #1: Fix the stages list (list items shall be paragraphed).
cmbtrulz #2: Make 'Combat Results Table' in stage 4 a link to the section.
cmbtrulz #3: Remove ' on the inside back cover of this book' in stage 4.
cmbtrulz #4: Encode the minus in '35-30' as &endash;
should be −
cmbtrulz #5: Encode the minus in '35-30' as −
cmbtrulz #6: Change 'on the page after the Random Number Table' to 'in the back of this book'.
Rules for Combat #7: Make the following change: In the example for the rules of combat, the bonus for using Kai-surge is changed from "3" to "8", for consistency with the rules in the Grand Master disciplines section. Therefore I changed all the numbers in the example further on where appropriate.
Made the same changes as in The Plague Lords of Ruel.
imprvdsc #7: Include the Kai Grand Guardian improvements too... ah, they are already there in the XML but commented out.
(they don't appear in the original text, but I think they should appear in the PA editions).
imprvdsc #8: Make an <ul> of the Kai-alchemy spells instead of a <blockquote>.
imprvdsc #9: Encode the dash in '2-3' as &endash;
imprvdsc #10: Remove single quotes around 'Improved Grand Master Disciplines' in the last paragraph.
Improved . . . Disciplines #12:
We should probably footnote the Strength spell advising that it doesn't always seem to be used in unarmed combat.
Improved . . . Disciplines #14: (e.g. Broadsword, Quarterstaff, Spear etc)
Should we convert that to a definitive list. We should at least do: etc -> etc.
Yes we should. It would look better and make the rules easier to apply in-game.
1 #1: transversed -> traversed
1 #3: formatly -> formally
1 #4: decision to ??? King Sarnac's aid
2 #1: add illustration of sword here
2 #2: Turn to 184 -> Turn to 184.
This is ne in my copy.
5 #1: rnouldering -> mouldering
5 #2: curiousity -> curiosity
5 #3: needs puzzle footnote.
Section 5 requires a footnote to say 'This is the correct answer to the door lock puzzle in section 221.'
5 #4: <onomatopoeia> click
6 #1: tunnel stalker -> Tunnel Stalker
7 #1: swellng -> swelling
8 #1: beginning of section missing
10 #2: potions -> Potions
11 #1: Emphasize "and" in the first choice.
11 #2: Pathsmanship, and -> Pathsmanship and
13 #1: Teritarias -> Tentarias
16 #1: cautiousy -> cautiously
16 #2: distracted. -> distracted,
16 #3: turn 124 -> turn to 124
and create link
17 #1: BrotherHood -> Brotherhood
17 #2: rnagnify -> magnify
17 #3: renegrades -> renegades
17 #4: <spell> Halt Missle
17 #6: Brotherhood spell -> Brotherhood Spell
18 #2: tunnel stalker -> Tunnel Stalker
18 #3: " or higher" in "Sun Knight or higher" is superfluous as Sun Knight is the higest rank you can have in this book.
Fair point, although I think all the books always this phrasing, do they not? And there's nothing to *stop* you playing the books in the wrong order, is there...? (Seriously, when *I* were a lad, I remember I got 'The Chasm of Doom' before 'The Caverns of Kalte', cos the bookshop didn't have it in stock!
This will only serves to confuse those that play in order. We decided when creating the Rules Handbook to ignore the concerns of those who insist on abusing the rules. ;)
18 #4: Emphasize "and" in the first choice.
18 #5: Pathsmanship, and -> Pathsmanship and
20 #1: Should 'Ziran' here be <foreign> instead of <quote>?
in addition to <quote>
22 #1: gap but -> gap, but
22 #2: approaching and -> approaching, and
22 #3: Mastership -> Mastery (?)
re: 22 and 223, what did we decide upon in the previous books? I know we relplaced Grandmastery -> Grand Mastery. Should we do the same in these instances with Mastership, or is it OK?
I found instances of both terms in my quick survey of the books. I think this may come down to personal preference, or just leaving the book as is even though it's inconsistent.
22 #4: Emphasize "and" in the second choice.
22 #5: Kai-alchemy, and -> Kai-alchemy and
22 #6: Kai-surge, and -> Kai-surge and
23 #1: river bank -> riverbank
23 #3: woodsmoke -> wood smoke
as in the PAMoS
23 #4: raised -> razed
'raised to the ground' suggests the buildings were originally underground!
23 #5: incident and, shortly -> incident, and shortly
24 #1: mawtaw -> Mawtaw (cf. 24, 121, 258, 297)
24 #2: imniediately -> immiediately
24 #3: pathsmanship -> Pathsmanship
24 #4: immiediately -> immediately
25 #1: headquarters In -> headquarters in
25 #3: or, failing -> or failing
25 #4: aknowledge -> acknowledge
25 #5: ante-chamber -> antechamber (2x) (as in LW05 (4x), LW06, LW09, LW13 (18x), GS01 (7x))
25 #6: ante-chamber -> antechamber
only one (of 2) occurrences was fixed
25 #7: assauge -> assuage
25 #9: complication . . . -> complication . . .
too many spaces
25 #10: area . . . -> area . . .
too many spaces
30 #1: Kal-alchemy -> Kai-alchemy
31 #1: aimed ready -> aimed, ready
31 #2: They comprise a line -> They comprise of a line
not sure I agree but it's 4.30 AM so I can hardly speak Swedish either...
No, I don't think this is valid - "They comprise a line" is fine, like saying "they make a line", as opposed "they consist of a line" or "they are made up of a line"....
Here's a handy phrase: the whole comprises its parts, the parts compose the whole. The word "comprise" should be almost synonymous with "contain".
33 #1: floroa -> Floroa (2x) (can be picked up)
33 #2: how many handfuls?
Section 33 - As a rules note, it isn't clear how many handfuls of the plant you can take
I'd guess from the wording you are only supposed to take 1, but if there are several (i.e. 4), and you use one in the section, you should be able to take up to a maximum of 3 with you.
33 #3: floroa fungi -> Floroa Fungi
can be picked up and we changed other occurrences of floroa
33 #4: The footnote anchor is missing class="footnote", with strange side effects.
36 #1: word of advice -> words of advice
36 #2: steps and, as -> steps, and as
37 #1: <onomatopoeia> crack and remove quotation
37 #2: Suuddenly -> Suddenly
38 #1: arrow -> Arrow
39 #1: most of the mercenaries ... has deserted -> most of the mercenaries ... have deserted
39 #2: remnants have -> remnants had (to match the tense of the other sentences)
39 #3: Lenicians -> Lencians
39 #4: Samac -> Sarnac (as everywhere else in this book)
40 #1: <onomatopoeia> click
40 #2: puzzle footnote
Section 40 requires a footnote to say 'This is the correct answer to the combination lock in section 89.'
40 #3: The footnote anchor is missing class="footnote", with strange side effects.
41 #1: treeline -> tree-line (as in 227 and in LW04, LW05 (4x), LW06, LW09)
41 #2: psi-surge -> Psi-surge
43 #1: directions and, with -> directions, and with
43 #2: cascades the passageway -> cascades into the passageway
43 #3: an almighty -> a mighty
is it really all-powerful? :)
A quirk of British-English. 'Almighty' can acceptably (colloquially?) be used in this way despite being inaccurate to the point of hyperbole, so I'd leave as-is.
45 #1: west and -> west, and
45 #2: Prarg and -> Prarg, and
45 #3: Antah and -> Antah, and
46 #1: Drakkarim backpack (I think this is OK uncapped)
assuming that the backpack wasn't meant to be picked up
48 #1: pathsmanship -> Pathsmanship
50 #1: anger and -> anger, and
50 #2: shoulder and, as -> shoulder, and as
50 #3: and, judging -> and judging
51 #1: much-needed -> much needed
as in the PAMoS
I've made some changes to the MoS
59 #1: The old well-beaten cumulative-or-not horse strikes again. Surely those two effects cannot be cumulative?
I doubt they're intended to be cumulative, no (very few bonuses of this type are, right back to the rules of the Kai Discipline of Weaponskill - perhaps add a footnote to clarify this?)
59 #2: " (or higher)" in "Sun Knight (or higher)" is superfluous as Sun Knight is the higest rank you can have in this book.
60 #1: Hellswarnp -> Hellswamp
63 #3: breastplace -> breastplate (as in 348)
65 #1: argument, then -> argument. Then
65 #3: open and -> open, and
65 #4: recently-cleared -> recently cleared
66 #1: Emphasize "and" in the phrase "and have reached".
68 #1: Link "Action Chart"
68 #2: backpack -> Backpack
70 #1: now and -> now, and
71 #1: turn to 217 -> turn to 267
72 #1: no sections lead here
Section 72 mirrors section 349 and 185, both of which are linked. It needs footnoting that it is superfluous.
73 #1: horizon and -> horizon, and
74 #1: ahead, to -> ahead to
75 #1: '(with Nyras Sceptre)' should be italicised
76 #2: turn 174 -> turn to 174 (and link)
77 #1: upright you -> upright, you
79 #1: Magnaam's -> Magnaarn's (as 84+ times in this book)
79 #2: escape and -> escape, and
79 #3: spy and, as -> spy, and as
79 #4: platform, and, as -> platform, and as
80 #1: seen Soon -> seen. Soon
81 #2: Pathsrnanship -> Pathsmanship
81 #3: crack and, almost -> crack, and almost
81 #4: <onomatopoeia> crack
82 #1: Shugkona -> Shugkona.
84 #1: watch and, hungry -> watch, and hungry
84 #2: weight. they -> weight, they
85 #1: Kai alchemy -> Kai-alchemy
86 #1: spell: Invisible Shield
86 #2: Brotherhood spell -> Brotherhood Spell
87 #1: trench but -> trench, but
87 #2: edge and -> edge, and
87 #3: french -> trench (there's a funny one: headfirst into the french!)
89 #2: The even more user friendly version of this kind of footnote includes <p>To turn to the section of your choice, there are several methods. One is to turn to the <a idref="numbered">Numbered Sections</a> and choose the appropriate section from the list.</p>
The problem is when the reader is reading this in a non-hypertext context (e.g. printed PDF). That language doesn't make sense in that context. One of these days, I'll update the DTD to include a facility to choose between media.
90 #1: pathsmanship -> Pathsmanship
91 #1: tunnel stalker -> Tunnel Stalker
93 #1: invisibility -> Invisbility
94 #3: infra-vision -> infravision (as in LW13 and LW14)
94 #4: Magi-magic -> Magi-Magic
95 #1: battlements; engulfing -> battlements, engulfing
100 #1: open but -> open, but
101 #1: otherwise, and -> otherwise and
104 #1: spell: Sense Evil
104 #2: Sense -> Detect
should Sense -> Detect as in LW14?
The later books also seem to use Sense. We should change the one occurrence in 14TCoK.
104 #3: ahead and -> ahead, and
104 #4: Brotherhood spell -> Brotherhood Spell
106 #1: pathsmanship -> Pathsmanship
107 #1: 'and' should be italicised in 1st option
108 #1: themsleves -> themselves
110 #1: "Concussion" shall be encoded as a <spell>, not a <quote>.
110 #2: feet and, using -> feet, and using
111 #3: immediately It -> immediately it
There is something seriously wrong with the 1st paragraph's 2nd sentence.
Very small change, actually.
114 #1: consumate -> consummate
115 #1: animal control -> Animal Control
121 #1: Kai-akhemy -> Kai-alchemy
121 #2: " (or higher)" in "Sun Knight (or higher)" is superfluous as Sun Knight is the higest rank you can have in this book.
121 #3: Oh no, one of those tricky modify ENDURANCE and then revert it back situations. I believe it should be something like "Treat the ENDURANCE point increase like this: Note down your current ENDURANCE score, and then add 5 to each. Fight the combat. If your ENDURANCE score is then still higher than your original value, decrease it to the original value. If it is lower, keep it as it is."
This seems to be the effects of the Strength spell that comes with Kai-alchemy at the rank of Sun Knight, although in the description of it is says it applied to unarmed combat... oh well, better keep that can of works closed.
Well, yeah, I suppose this is OK - the alternative is that if your EP drops to 5, then you die - which rather defeats the point of the spell!! (unless that 5EP lasts long enough for you to swallow some Laumspur before the spell wears off
121 #4: Emphasize "and" in the first choice.
121 #5: Kai-alchemy, and -> Kai-alchemy and
122 #1: distented -> distended
125 #1: Len clans -> Lencians
126 #1: Its ends -> It ends
129 #1: Tlmberwolves -> Timberwolves
134 #1: Kai-shield -> Kai-screen (?)
135 #1: much-needed -> much needed
as in the PAMoS
I've made some changes to the MoS
136 #1: remove dashes around Mind Charm
136 #2: <spell> Mind Charm
136 #3: Drakknr -> Drakkar
136 #4: Brotherhood spell -> Brotherhood Spell
138 #1: semi-circular -> semicircular (as semicircles in PAMoS)
139 #1: infra-vision -> infravision (as in LW13 and LW14)
140 #2: Remove central justification of the first line of paragraph 4
This is automatically fixed by the XML, but doesn't require an entry in the errata list.
140 #3: hard pressed -> hard-pressed
as in the PAMoS
140 #4: counter-attack -> counterattack
as in the PAMoS
140 #5: abroad the Skyrider -> aboard the Skyrider
140 #6: yourself are piped -> you are piped
I don't know about the grammar on this one, but I prefer 'yourself' to 'you'.
"Yourself" sounds a little better even though it is used incorrectly. It's a reflexive noun that's used in the subject of a sentence which is a common grammatical overcorrection.
141 #1: recognizes Its -> recognizes its
142 #1: <onomatopoeia> click
142 #2: the, guards -> the guards
145 #1: <onomatopoeia>bang</onomatopoeia>
145 #2: can and, using -> can, and using
147 #1: omes -> comes (?)
147 #2: link Action Chart
149 #1: succcess -> success
149 #2: the second a stables -> the second is a stables
not necessary IMO
"the second a stables" is perfectly fine (and actually rather poetic)! don't change it.
I don't know about poetic, ;) but it is an acceptable ommission of the verb.
149 #3: Gaol
Should we standardize between "gaol" and "jail"?
In 07CD we left all instances of gaol / gaoler.
To this foreigner "gaol" sounds far more archaic and flavourful, while "jail" sounds modern and American :-)
Yup - I'd put money on the fact that Joe Dever used "goal" precisely to achieve the literary effect of flavoursome archaism
Among the LW books, 03tcok, 06tcok, 07cd, 08tjoh, now 15tdc, and also 18dtod and 19wb all use "gaol/gaoler". 02fotw has one "jail" and 05sots one "jailer". In the GS series, 01gstw consistently uses "jailer". FW has only "gaols" in 01hh, 02smr and 03oz. Anyway, I don't see a standardization being necessary, but if it is done I think only 02fotw and 05sots should be changed. The GS books do after all have a different author and the letters "Jailer's Keys" are probably already imprinted in the minds of all surviving Grey Stars this far :-)
I don't see any reason at all to standardize this - in English, there are two spellings, "gaol" and "jail", both perfectly valid, but with different literary connotations - so Dever or Page will have used them as such...... we've no business "correcting" this!
Don't mistake an effort to enforce consistency with a fussy and misguided decision about correctness. ;) I agree that only 02fotw and 05sots should be changed.
150 #1: Lenician -> Lencian
150 #2: Ellipsis missing space
150 #3: weapons enough -> weapons, enough
or "enough weapons"
not necessary IMO
! again, "you'll have weapons enough to" is a nice turn of phrase, don't go putting commas in, you'll ruin it!
150 #4: eyes and, for -> eyes, and for
152 #1: Botherhood spell - 'Lightning Hand' - and -> Brotherhood spell Lightning Hand [italicised] and
152 #2: Brotherhood spell -> Brotherhood Spell
153 #1: pfatform -> platform
154 #1: barnlike -> barn-like (?) (as all other xyz-like words)
154 #2: Lenclan -> Lencian
155 #1: hard-worn -> hard-won
155 #2: much-needed -> much needed
as in the PAMoS
156 #1: breakthrough -> break through
156 #2: Maybe we should change the text put a note here that if your ENDURANCE is below 15, do nothing. Or is that too obvious?
Worth clarifying in my opinion.
158 #1: Kai Alchemy -> Kai-alchemy (x2)
#2: Kai-alchemy, and -> Kai-alchemy and
158 #3: The links for the Kai alchemy with and without rank Sun Knight should be swapped - you learn "halt missile", which you use in section 17, at the rank of Sun Knight
158 #4: Emphasize "and" in the first choice.
158 #5: Kai-alchemy, and -> Kai-alchemy and
159 #1: 'and' should be italicised in 1st option
160 #1: on to -> onto
161 #1: Magnaam -> Magnaarn (as 84+ times in this book)
163 #1: Wha . . . -> Wha. . . .
I'm not sure that this is what was intended. See next entry.
163 #2: Wha . . .What's -> Wha . . . What's
166 #1: Drakkarirn -> Drakkarim
166 #2: you swept -> you are swept
167 #1: Brotherhood spell -> Brotherhood Spell
170 #2: bow -> Bow
The word is used in a quotation where it seems inappropriate to capitalize thereby coloring the emphasis of the sentence.
173 #1: 'and' should be italicised in 1st option
175 #1: 'and' should be italicised in 1st option
178 #1: Drakkarlm -> Drakkarim
179 #1: Magnaam -> Magnaarn (as 84+ times in this book)
179 #2: '(with Nyras Sceptre)' should be italicised
180 #1: arrows -> Arrows
Need to check the rest of the book for "Arrows"
180 #4: (Remember to erase three arrows from your quiver.) - Italicised (*ne)
180 #5: (Remember to erase three arrows from your quiver.) - Also, maybe put this before the options
181 #1: compafiion -> companion
183 #2: soldiers and -> soldiers, and
185 #1: death cry -> death-cry
as in the PAMoS
185 #2: <onomatopoeia>splash</onomatopoeia>
It's a tough call. I don't think that there's a right or wrong answer, but an onomatopoeia is a sound word that mimics the sound itself. It's not clear here and in the other places that I rejected "splash" that it's used in that way and not just describing the physical splash of water or snow.
192 #1: If you do not possess this skill -> If you do not possess this skill, or have yet to reach this level of Kai training
192 #2: 'and' should be italicised in 1st option
192 #3: " or higher" in "Sun Knight or higher" is superfluous as Sun Knight is the higest rank you can have in this book.
194 #1: no sections lead here
Section 194 appears to be completely superfluous, repeating the events of Section 19 but missing out on much of the information. Nothing currently links to it; nothing can or needs to. It needs footnoting that it is such.
200 #1: Magaarn -> Magnaarn (as 84+ times in this book)
200 #2: portlcullis -> portcullis
not porticullis
203 #1: backpack -> Backpack
204 #1: Item -> item (?)
Did we decide not to capitalise 'item' in such an instance?
206 #1: <foreign> 'Gaz rekenarim! Gaz rekenarim!'
207 #1: <spell> Lightning Hand
207 #2: Brotherhood spell -> Brotherhood Spell
208 #1: pathsmanship -> Pathsmanship
211 #1: backpack -> Backpack
212 #1: I believe the "turn to 30" link should be "turn to 304", as in section 109. 30 is where you go if you fail to solve the puzzle!
213 #1: link Action Chart
217 #1: Magnakal -> Magnakai
217 #2: mindforce -> Mindforce (it's capitalized in all other books)
219 #1: Praerg -> Prarg (as everywhere else in this book)
219 #3: Should war-hog be capitalised? The Giak name is Nad-Jaguz
It seems that "Nad-jaguz" is considered to be the proper name of the war-hogs.
220 #1: add "You hurry to the door and examine the lock. It is a" to the start of the section
221 #1: The last paragraph should be an option (i.e. indented)
221 #4: It is very hard to read the dragons' numbers. I thought the first one said 19, not 15, which caused me some confusion. Is it possible to do anything about the illustration?
I've made it as big as possible with the current format.
221 #5: have swore -> have sworn
221 #6: If you discover that your answer is wrong, or if you cannot solve the puzzle
Sasha Cooper: The text this option leads to shows Lone Wolf giving up - it seems a bit strange not to allow more than one try.
222 #1: hocklng -> shocking
223 #1: Mastership -> Mastery (?)
see 22
225 #2: yet, as -> yet as
225 #3: upon an upright -> up on an upright
This is an ugly phrase, isn't it. I'd be inclined to add 'to' into the phrase: 'up onto an upright'.
"up onto" it is.
225 #4: still and -> still, and
226 #1: <onomatopoeia>splash</onomatopoeia>
226 #2: arrow but, fortunately -> arrow, but fortunately
230 #1: woodsmoke -> wood smoke
as in the PAMoS
231 #1: ramshakle -> ramshackle
232 #1: Brotherhood spell -> Brotherhood Spell
234 #1: crusader's -> crusaders'
238 #1: "If the weapon you are using is a Special Item, add 2 to the number you have picked. If it is a Mace, a Warhammer, an Axe, or a Broadsword, add 1. If it is a Dagger, a Quarterstaff, or a Short Sword, deduct 1." Are these cumulative? Jewelled Mace, +3? Dagger of Vashna, only +1? However unlikely it is that people use these as their main weapons...
241 #2: second arrow -> second Arrow
i.e. another one in addition to the already correct(ed?) one
243 #1: killing bow -> killing blow
243 #2: Fix broken link to Action Chart
249 #1: Should war-hog be capitalised? The Giak name is Nad-Jaguz
see 219
256 #2: Brotherhood spell -> Brotherhood Spell
257 #1: less-enchanting -> less enchanting (?)
258 #2: pathsmanship -> Pathsmanship
262 #1: pin-points -> pinpoints
as in the PAMoS
262 #2: bank and, as -> bank, and as
264 #1: much-needed -> much needed
as in the PAMoS
I've made some changes to the MoS
265 #1: <onomatopoeia>bang</onomatopoeia>
267 #1: Drakkarlm -> Drakkarim
270 #3: "If you have Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, add 4 to the number you have picked.": should this be +3 consistent with just being a reminder about the standard bonus?
insufficient reason to overide explicitly granted bonus.
270 #4: block and, at -> block, and at
272 #1: '(in battle frenzy)' should be italicised (Errata)
272 #2: <onomatopoeia> clang
272 #3: battle frenzy -> battle-frenzy
as in the PAMoS
272 #4: remove <onomatopoeia> from clang
274 #1: smoothwalled -> smooth-walled (as in 5 and 325)
276 #1: add "You scramble to your feet to see that your horse is" to the start of the section
278 #2: bow -> Bow
not Lone Wolf's bow
279 #1: 'and' should be italicised in 1st option
279 #2: <onomatopoeia>splash</onomatopoeia>
282 #1: pathsmanship -> Pathsmanship
284 #1: Ellipsis missing space
284 #2: much-needed -> much needed
as in the PAMoS
I've made some changes to the MoS
285 #1: distented -> distended
287 #2: Should 'Ziran' here be <foreign> instead of <quote>?
in addition to <quote>
289 #1: Emphasize "and" in the phrase "and have reached".
289 #2: Weaponmastery, and -> Weaponmastery and
291 #1: 'and' should be italicised in 1st option
293 #1: corpses; human -> corpses, human
294 #1: alongside-the -> alongside the
294 #2: suggestion and, after -> suggestion, and after
294 #3: length and, upon -> length, and upon
297 #2: Remove " (or higher)".
297 #3: Emphasize "and" in the first choice.
299 #1: Action Charts -> Action Chart
303 #1: Ciquati -> Ciquali (as everywhere else in this book)
304 #1: <onomatopoeia> click
304 #2: sixth sense -> Sixth Sense
304 #3: backpack -> Backpack
306 #1: Backpack item -> Backpack Item
308 #1: Ellipsis missing space
308 #2: --'Sense Evil'-- -> Sense Evil
308 #3: Brotherhood spell -> Brotherhood Spell
309 #1: Should war-hog be capitalised? The Giak name is Nad-Jaguz
see 219
310 #1: larger, unit -> larger unit
310 #2: area and, aided -> area, and aided
312 #1: but, as -> but as
313 #1: unconscious, companion -> unconscious companion
313 #2: Action Chart needs to be turned into a link
313 #3: temperature Your -> temperature. Your
313 #4: face and, within -> face, and within
314 #1: Drakkarlrn -> Drakkarim
314 #3: <onomatopoeia> crack
319 #1: pathsmanship -> Pathsmanship
320 #2: Mastery, and -> Mastery and
320 #3: 'and' should be italicised in 1st option
320 #4: It says that 'and' has been italicized, but it is not. If this to be done generally, consider also sections 11, 18, 22, 66, 121, 158, 289, 297 and 347.
There's no real need for the emphasis. We should limit future changes to those that are emphasized in the original.
323 #1: momentoes -> mementoes (?)
323 #2: less-noble -> less noble (?)
I think this is OK, actually.
"less" is an adverb which makes the hyphen unnecessary
323 #4: jadin amulet -> Jadin Amulet
(not capitalized in first paragraph, but it is in the next paragraph)
323 #5:
Is this meaning to hit with or to avoid being hit by normal missiles?
323 #6: Random Number Table needs to be turned into a link?
332 #1: <spell> Lightning Hand
332 #2: but, as -> but as
332 #3: Brotherhood spell -> Brotherhood Spell
333 #1: Mastery, and -> Mastery and
unable to locate
333 #2: 'and' should be italicised in 1st option
338 #1: <spell> Lightning Hand and remove dashes
338 #2: Brotherhood spell -> Brotherhood Spell
339 #1: <spell> Lightning Hand
339 #2: blue-fire -> blue fire
339 #3: arcs.through -> arcs through (remove period)
339 #4: Brotherhood spell -> Brotherhood Spell
340 #1: <spell> Levitation and remove dashes
340 #2: Brotherhood spell -> Brotherhood Spell
341 #1: weaken centre -> weakened centre
342 #2: <onomatopoeia>bang</onomatopoeia>
344 #1: Items in the list are not separated
344 #2: potions -> Potions
344 #3: Action Chart needs to be turned into a link
347 #1: Mastery, and -> Mastery and
347 #2: 'and' should be italicised in 1st option
347 #3: " or higher" in "Sun Knight or higher" is superfluous as Sun Knight is the higest rank you can have in this book.
349 #1: CiqualI -> Ciquali
350 #1: remnants . . . is -> remnants . . . are (subject-verb don't agree)
350 #2: correct link to The Legacy of Vashna
350 #3: Nyras and, after -> Nyras, and after
crsumary #1: If we really want to, stage 3 and 4 could be made to look like in e.g. 02TFC.
New Errata: In my copy of TDC, stage 4 says 'Combat Results Tables'. Tables Table. The alterations suggested would need to be implemented in ALL preceding Lone Wolf Books. It's probably a good idea, though.
Combat Rules Summary #2: Combat Results Tables -> Combat Results Table
FYI. This has already been fixed but is not mentioned on the Errata page.
Random Number Table #1: replace the blank spot in the table with a '0' as in the US edition. Need to add entry to errata list.
Errata #1: Pathmanship -> Pathsmanship
there are a lot of occurrences (5) of the the following form (or similar): Replaced "pathmanship" with "Pathmanship". which have to be changed to Replaced "pathmanship" with "Pathsmanship".
Errata #2: with "barnlike" -> with "barn-like"
in (154)
Errata #3: (104) Removed the quotation marks around 'Sense Evil' and 'ahead and' with 'ahead, and'. -> (104) Removed the quotation marks around 'Sense Evil' and replaced 'ahead and' with 'ahead, and'.
Errata #4: Move '(Remember -> Moved '(Remember
Errata #5: Pathmanship -> Pathsmanship
in (333)
Footnotes #1: it's consistent -> its consistent
'It' never uses the possessive apostrophe
Footnotes #2: The Drakkim land -> The Drakkarim land
Is Drakkim the correct word here, or should it be Drakkarim?
Footnotes #3: The numbering on the actual pages begins to be off with Section 5.
Footnotes #4: The Grand Master Disciplines footnote is missing from the footnotes page.
Footnotes #5: not 3) -> not 3).
in the footnote for section 59
Small Illustrations
Small 1 = Section 89 (as per book)
Small 2 = Section 221 (as per book)
Not much room for argument there. :)
Small 3 = Section 85, 118, 136, 201, 253 ("Axe")
118 is the description of the executioner's block. The others follow 118 in the storyline.
But 118 already has Illustration 7?
Small 4 = Section 78, 274, 138 ("tunnel")
This tunnel is first described (including chain, and water running to the side of the walkway) in 78, but 119 and 162 describe this tunnel as it is in the illustration: with the gate winched open.
Ah, I see what I did. I searched for 'grille' instead of 'grill' (and found no results).
Small 5 = Section 25* 124, 266, 295 ("Wine")
25 is the most appropriate due to the Lencian swan on the top of the bottle (it's the Lencian King serving the "rare vintage"). The other sections describe a cork in the bottle.
Small 6 = Section 262 ("Lencian Knight"); 95, 81, 275, 125 ("Lencian")
I believe 262 is going to be covered by Illustration 14. 125 is the most appropriate of those suggested. 140 with its description of the newly successful Lencian crusade would also be appropriate.
Added to 140 only.
Small 7 = Section 140 ("chart"), 53, 329, 266, 140, 124 ("table")
Since the illustration is a close shot that shows that the chart is only
a diagram of the encampment, 53, 124, and 266.
Small 8 = Section 45 ("Temple")
100 (the next section) is better.
Yeah, actually. (Wish I'd thought to dig out the flowchart now!)
Small 9 = Section 54 (?), 63 (?), 295, 305, 337 (?) ("Sword")
Anyone know offhand whose arms are the blue dragon shown on the map? The hilt of the sword is crafted to resemble a dragon--a clue perhaps. This may end up as just an accent that isn't tied to any particular scene.
I would tentatively guess Lencia since it is in an opposing position to Magnaarn's banner.
Added to 2.
Small 10 = Section 10, 96, 213, 344 ("Hourglass")
Agreed, but maybe instances where time is critical: 1, 65?, 238, 263?
65 already has ill 4, don't think 263 fits, but agree with 1 and 238.
Also added to 156.
Small 11 = Section 45, 71, 105, 149 ("swords") 206 (?)
Magnaarn's emblem and that of the Tukodakim: 45, 71, 105, 149.
Small 12 = Section 125(?) ("Lencian Crusaders"), 21, 234, 272, 95 ("battle")
125. I'm not crazy about that section, but I can't seem to see any better.
It seems to be unrelated to the actual text. If there's nothing better, 125 sounds the closest.
Small 13 = Section 83, 79, 45, 39, 36, 308, 221, 200, 179, 161 all (?) ("Doomstone")
36, 83, 161, and 200. 179 will have Illustration 5 otherwise it would have been a good choice.
Added to 36 and 161. 83 immediately precedes 161, and 200 has a large illustration.
Small 14 = Section 2, 23, 73, 293, 296 ("Ruin")
back-to-back vs. back to back:
32: Stand back-to-back.
250: Stand back-to-back.
LW10 329: Stand back to back,