X-Git-Url: http://git.projectaon.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=inline;f=en%2Fxml%2F29tsoc.xml;h=105510797660381e4dcb4c9085064496ddd5eea7;hb=e3a5f59c07f06fdde4e447333df2b36583525536;hp=73cf4d48a2065afc9ba373fce538b838ed0f39cc;hpb=237b170e7b31061e606247fe59e07c06d98b562c;p=project-aon.git diff --git a/en/xml/29tsoc.xml b/en/xml/29tsoc.xml index 73cf4d4..1055107 100644 --- a/en/xml/29tsoc.xml +++ b/en/xml/29tsoc.xml @@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@ 54 -

You signal to Lieutenant Quang to halt and he and the Watchers immediately obey your command. Quickly you inform them of what you have seen and they agree to investigate the tavern with you. After dismounting and securing your horses, Queng, Bai and Chao hurry around to the rear of the tavern while you and Deng force open the front door. As soon as you set foot inside the empty taproom you hear the sounds of a struggle taking place on the floor above.


You signal to Lieutenant Quang to halt and he and the Watchers immediately obey your command. Quickly you inform them of what you have seen and they agree to investigate the tavern with you. After dismounting and securing your horses, Quang, Bai and Chao hurry around to the rear of the tavern while you and Deng force open the front door. As soon as you set foot inside the empty taproom you hear the sounds of a struggle taking place on the floor above.

Swiftly you ascend a narrow staircase that leads to the upper floor, drawing your Kai Weapon as you bound up the creaky wooden steps. Upon reaching the top of the stairs you see an open trapdoor in the ceiling directly above. Your sixth sense screams a warning of danger, but you have barely a second to react before a hulking grey shape drops down and slams you to the floor. The scabrous hairless grey skin of this cadaverous horror reeks of a charnel smell. Foul black fluid drips from its fanged mouth and a baleful green glow radiates from its ragged eye sockets. From the tip of the index fingers of its right hand extends a curved razor-sharp talon.

A Nagah Ghoul! screams Deng, Ishir save us!

Nagah Ghoul3838 @@ -2082,7 +2082,7 @@

Your arrow grazes the top of Chagarashis skull and fails to slow its inexorable advance. Curing your misfortune, you leap from the drivers seat and unsheathe your Kai Weapon the instant you land with a splash on the muddy highway. The Chagarashi are intent on attacking the leading pair of horses and you move quickly to block their advance. Screeching with frustration, the larger of the two horrors launches itself upon you with ferocious zeal.

Large Chagarashi4237 If you win the combat in 3 rounds or less, turn to 313 - If you are still engaged in combat at the start of the 4th round, do not calculate the outcome of this round. Instead, turn to 49 + If you are still engaged in combat at the start of the fourth round, do not calculate the outcome of this round. Instead, turn to 49
@@ -2174,7 +2174,7 @@
  • Small Blanket: 10 Ren (1 Gold Crown)
  • Arrows: 10 Ren each (1 Gold Crown each)
  • Lantern: 20 Ren (2 Gold Crowns)
  • -
  • Rope (50ft length): 30 Ren (3 Gold Crowns)
  • +
  • Rope (50 ft. length): 30 Ren (3 Gold Crowns)
  • Potion of Laumspur: 40 Ren (4 Gold Crowns)
  • Compass: 50 Ren (5 Gold Crowns)
  • @@ -2493,7 +2493,7 @@

    Zashnor is immune to Mindblast, and has partial resistance to Kai-surge and Kai-blast. If you possess Kai-surge and use it during this combat, you may add 4 points to your COMBAT SKILL at a cost of 1 ENDURANCE point per round. If you possess the advanced Grand Master discipline of Kai-blast and use it during this combat, you may pick only 1 number from the Random Number Table to determine the damage inflicted upon the Nadziran, at the cost of 4 ENDURANCE points. If you use the Kai Weapon 'Valiance' or 'Spawnsmite' you may add the bonus that you gain from its unique properties during this combat.

    The Eye of Agarash becomes active throughout this combat. It drains you of 1 ENDURANCE point per round until the combat ends.

    If you win this combat in 6 rounds or less, turn to 312 - If combat is still in progress when you reach the beginning of the 7th round, do not continue. Turn instead to 50 + If combat is still in progress when you reach the beginning of the seventh round, do not continue. Turn instead to 50 @@ -2581,7 +2581,7 @@

    The painting depicts the fall of Autarch Sejanoz. The setting is a darkened chamber heaped with rubble and earth. Light pours down through a ragged hole in the ceiling, illuminating the evil tyrant who is shown on his knees at the left of the composition. The magical Arrow of Atonement is embedded deep in his chest and, through the grill of his tiger helm, his eyes blaze with anger and agony. A small boy, young Prince Kamada, is shown in the foreground running towards the sanctuary of your outstretched arms. You are positioned on the right of the painting and you are pleased to see that you have been depicted with some fair degree of accuracy. The artist has captured your hair and facial features well, but he has exercised a degree of license by showing you clad in overly ornate Kai battle dress and not the plain blue padded tunic and breeches that you were wearing at the time. The bow with which you fired the fateful arrow into the Autarchs heart lies discarded on the ground at your feet.

    My compliments, Grand Master says Captain Voushan, with deep respect. The likeness is uncanny. You have barely aged at all since this painting was commissioned. If memory serves, I believe it was first hung in the throne room 17 years ago.

    Youre too kind, you reply with a smile, and say no more than this. You refrain from telling the Captain that you owe your preservation to your diligent exercise and development of your innate Grand Master disciplines. Since you became a Kai Grand Master, your body has aged at a much slower rate than men less gifted than you. For every five years that elapse you age but one year.


    A fanfare of trumpets sounds in the concourse, announcing Lin Taos return to the Pensei Pagoda. You return to the middle of the throne room and place your empty tea cup on the golden tray. As you straighten up, the young Khea-khan comes striding into chamber with his personal bodyguard, Lieutenant Quang, following close behind. He is clad in golden armour and is wearing his Hoguan, his imperial crown.


    A fanfare of trumpets sounds in the concourse, announcing Lin Taos return to the Pensei Pagoda. You return to the middle of the throne room and place your empty tea cup on the golden tray. As you straighten up, the young Khea-khan comes striding into chamber with his personal bodyguard, Lieutenant Quang, following close behind. He is clad in golden armour and is wearing his Hoguan, his imperial crown.

    Greetings Grand Master, he says, with a youthful yet confident voice. We are humbled to finally meet the Slayer of Sejanoz. We forever owe you a debt of gratitude for ridding us of the unholy Autarch. Lao Tin pauses to instruct his bodyguard to bring the Watchers to the throne room then he mounts his throne and motions to you and Captain Voushan to approach the marble plinth.

    We have been informed of your reason for coming to Pensei. We are in accord with your desire to convey the Eye of Agarash to the Elder Magi, and we shall assist you as best we can. You are impressed by the candour of this young Khea-khan. He has the proud mien of his illustrious forbears and you sense that he will become an exceptional leader, given time and good fortune. Lao Tin removes a small leather satchel that hangs by a strap from his shoulder. He offers it to you and you lean forward with your hand outstretched to accept it.

    If you possess Kai-screen, turn to 275 @@ -2594,7 +2594,7 @@

    You hear shrieks of pain and triumphant Chai battle cries. Captain Jian Tzu has rallied the City Guard and he is leading them personally in a merciless pursuit of the Doomgah. The last of these loathsome creatures have been flushed out of the streets and passageways of Dwala and hounded mercilessly towards the quay. Now the few remaining Doomgah are being pushed off the quay into the turbulent waters of the estuary. None of them can swim and they all perish swiftly in the deep dark waters.


    For Chai! shout the victorious guardsmen, For Khea-Khan and Chai!


    For Chai! shout the victorious guardsmen, For Khea-khan and Chai!

    Journeymage Honos and Herbwarden Zautro are with Captain Jian Tzu and they spot you standing on the deck of the Silver Virixe. They hurry along the walkway of the stone pier and come running down the gangplank, their faces beaming with joy that you are still alive. They embrace you warmly and commend your skill and bravery. The dramatic turn in the weather tells them that you have overcome a great evil this night and saved the city, and all of Chai, from a terrible fate at the hands of the merciless Zashnor. You inform them about the Claw of Naar and they can hardly believe their ears. But when you point to it lying on the deck a few yards away, all doubt is swiftly dispelled. Journeymage Honos removes his cape and carefully he wraps the accursed artefact, making sure that he does not touch the twisted shaft with his bare hands.

    I will carry this back to City Guard headquarters, he says, solemnly. I fear that if you were to convey it along with the Eye of Agarash, the consequences would prove fatal, my Lord.

    Your Sixth Sense tells you that Honoss fears are well founded. The close proximity of the Eye and the Claw would create a surge of evil energy that would kill you in an instant. You follow a safe distance behind Honos and Zautro as you return along the pier to the quayside. Captain Jian Tzu is overjoyed to see that you are alive. He salutes you and shakes you warmly by the hand.

    @@ -2650,8 +2650,8 @@

    It is still dark when Quang wakes you up. The glowing embers of the camp fire illuminate the interior of the shelter with a dull amber light by which you and the Watchers are able to gather your equipment and make ready to leave.


    Bai and Chao venture outside and go forage for some edible foliage with which to feed the horses. There are plentiful puddles of rainwater and Queng makes sure the horses drink their fill before Bai and Chao return. Dawn has broken by the time the horses have finished feeding and you mount up and begin your woodland journey to the village of Jueng.


    It is mid-morning when you happen upon an old hunting track. It is mostly overgrown with foliage, but it provides you with a south-easterly route through the forest which is easy to follow. The rain stops and your woodland ride is blessedly uneventful. The forest is rich with berries, nuts and edible flora that are sufficient to sustain you and your companions throughout the day. Shortly before dusk you come to a wide and muddy highway. Bai and Chao recognize this road at once for it connects the town of Klatii with the village of Jueng. They have travelled this highway many times in their youth. Bai, who was born and raised in Klatii, remembers that there was an old woodmans hut near here, just a mile or two to the south in the direction of Jueng. He leads you to it and you spend the night here before setting off to Jueng at first light.


    Bai and Chao venture outside and go forage for some edible foliage with which to feed the horses. There are plentiful puddles of rainwater and Quang makes sure the horses drink their fill before Bai and Chao return. Dawn has broken by the time the horses have finished feeding and you mount up and begin your woodland journey to the village of Jueng.


    It is mid-morning when you happen upon an old hunting track. It is mostly overgrown with foliage, but it provides you with a south-easterly route through the forest which is easy to follow. The rain stops and your woodland ride is blessedly uneventful. The forest is rich with berries, nuts and edible flora that are sufficient to sustain you and your companions throughout the day. Shortly before dusk you come to a wide and muddy highway. Bai and Chao recognize this road at once for it connects the town of Klatii with the village of Jueng. They have travelled this highway many times in their youth. Bai, who was born and raised in Klatii, remembers that there was an old woodsmans hut near here, just a mile or two to the south in the direction of Jueng. He leads you to it and you spend the night here before setting off to Jueng at first light.

    Turn to 64
    @@ -2724,7 +2724,7 @@

    Hurriedly, you draw upon your Magnakai discipline of Psi-surge and launch a pulse of mental energy at the entity. It penetrates its ghostly form and disrupts its ability to leech psychic power from the dome of darkness. Your swift action saves your companions from a gruesome fate, but your hasty attack weakens you and leaves you trembling with psychic shock: lose 7 ENDURANCE.

    The entity musters its strength and focuses all of its power upon you. You steel yourself for the psychic combat which is about to begin.

    Spectral Entity4540 -

    This is a psychic combat without physical contact. You cannot add any bonuses to your COMBAT SKILL that you would normally gain by the use of your Kai Weapon and by the Grand Master discipline of Grand Weapomnmastery. Your Magnakai discipline of Psi-surge will grant you a +6 bonus to your COMBAT SKILL but at a cost of -2 ENDURANCE per round of combat.


    This is a psychic combat without physical contact. You cannot add any bonuses to your COMBAT SKILL that you would normally gain by the use of your Kai Weapon and by the Grand Master discipline of Grand Weaponmastery. Your Magnakai discipline of Psi-surge will grant you a +6 bonus to your COMBAT SKILL but at a cost of -2 ENDURANCE per round of combat.

    If you win this combat, turn to 330
    @@ -2856,7 +2856,7 @@ 127 -

    Two Imperial Guardsmen clad in angsei (the famous Chai waistcoats of golden mail) who are posted at the gates of the Imperial Palace Keep come smartly to attention and salute Captain Voushan as you approach. He acknowledges their salute and you accompany the Captain into the courtyard beyond. The largest building in this exclusive area is the Pensei Pagoda. It is also the oldest and most impressive construction in all of Chai, dating back to the time when the country was first established following the collapse of the Vaduzhan Empire during the Great Civil War of MS 1620.


    Two Imperial Guardsmen clad in angsei (the famous Chai waistcoats of golden mail) who are posted at the gates of the Imperial Palace Keep come smartly to attention and salute Captain Voushan as you approach. He acknowledges their salute and you accompany the Captain into the courtyard beyond. The largest building in this exclusive area is the Pensei Pagoda. It is also the oldest and most impressive construction in all of Chai, dating back to the time when the country was first established following the collapse of the Vaduzhan Empire during the Great Civil War of MS 1620.

    Upon entering the main concourse of the Pensei Pagoda, you are struck by the lavishness of the interior which recently has been renovated at Khea-khan Lao Tins behest. Its panelled walls and ornamented arched doors are exquisitely carved with symbols of historic and religious significance, delicately inlaid with fine gold leaf and myriad pearls. There is an impressive circular skywell positioned above an elegant indoor garden that harbours several dozen miniature trees, all meticulously cultivated and beautifully arranged around a narrow winding stream of shimmering azure water. A grand mahogany staircase dominates the north side of the concourse and ascends to the first storey. It is here that the Grand Throne Room of the Khea-khan is located.

    The arched door opens as you reach the top of the staircase and Captain Voushan escorts you into the luxuriously appointed chamber beyond. Every inch of the walls and ceiling are embellished with intricate carvings clad with gold leaf. The effect is dazzling at first sight. Portraits of past Khea-khans and depictions of significant events in Chais proud history are displayed around the walls, and in the centre of the chamber there is a grand ebony throne set atop a large rectangular slab of crimson-veined marble. You inspect the throne and you are disappointed to discover that the Eye of Agarash is missing. There is a deep indentation where the gem was mounted. Tell-tale gouges around this indentation reveal that the gem has recently been prised out of its setting.

    A robed courtier approaches Captain Voushan and informs him that the Khea-khan is inspecting the west wall defences. He is expected to return within the hour and she invites you to await him here.

    @@ -2917,7 +2917,7 @@

    Your arrow pierces the creatures left shoulder and makes it shriek loudly. But it does not penetrate any vital organs and the beast is enraged by the sudden pain. It grips the shaft of the arrow and contemptuously it snaps it in half as it lopes towards the terrified horses.

    You leap from the drivers seat and unsheathe your Kai Weapon the instant you land with a splash on the muddy highway. The remaining Chagarashi is intent upon attacking the leading pair of horses and you move quickly to block its advance. Screeching with pain and frustration, the ghastly creature launches itself upon you in a frenzied attack.

    Wounded Chagarashi3833 -

    Anseng joins you in this fight at the beginning of the 2nd round. You may now temporarily increase your COMBAT SKILL by 5 points until the combat ends.


    Anseng joins you in this fight at the beginning of the second round. You may now temporarily increase your COMBAT SKILL by 5 points until the combat ends.

    If you win the combat, turn to 90
    @@ -3176,7 +3176,7 @@

    One moment, he says. Ill gladly let you have these ales for free if youd be so kind to tell me what is happening in the north.

    You look to Quang and he narrows his eyes a little. He is signalling you to say nothing.

    Come a little closer, he says to the inquisitive innkeeper. I will tell you what we know, but Id prefer that not everyone in your fine establishment hears what I have to say.


    Of course, my Lord, replies Shousun, with a wry smile. He moves closer to Quang and leans forward so that the Lieutenant can speak quietly in his ear. In a hushed voice, Quang tells him that some of the citizens of Pensei believe their city will be attacked by the Bhanarians. They have decided to leave their homes and travel to HiJoi by way of Vabou and Klatii. He tells him to have faith in the might of the Chai army and the wisdom of his Khea-khan. If the threat to Pensei is real, we shall prevail.


    Of course, my Lord, replies Shousun, with a wry smile. He moves closer to Quang and leans forward so that the Lieutenant can speak quietly in his ear. In a hushed voice, Quang tells him that some of the citizens of Pensei believe their city will be attacked by the Bhanarians. They have decided to leave their homes and travel to Hijoi by way of Vabou and Klatii. He tells him to have faith in the might of the Chai army and the wisdom of his Khea-khan. If the threat to Pensei is real, we shall prevail.

    Thank you my Lord, says the innkeeper. Having now satisfied his curiosity, Shousun tells you that the ales are on the house. He says that it is an honour to have an Imperial Guardsman visit his humble inn and he invites you all to enjoy a meal and stay the night at his expense. Quang thanks him and accepts his hospitality.

    Turn to 299 @@ -3368,7 +3368,7 @@

    You may buy any of the items listed above for the price indicated. With the exception of the arrows, they are all backpack items that will take up one space in your backpack. You are under no obligation to make a purchase.

    @@ -3420,7 +3420,7 @@

    Once the puzzling is done and the successful wagers have all been paid out, the taproom settles down and the patrons resume their drinking and convivial conversations. Quang and Deng both won their wagers, but it does little to lift Dengs sullen mood. The innkeeper leaves his counter in the capable hands of his two sons and comes out to mingle with his customers. The storms have been good for business and he is in high spirits. When he passes by your table, Quang stops him and asks if he has any room for the night.

    Im sorry, my Lord, he replies. Were completely full. Even my attic and stables are occupied tonight.


    Do you know if anyone is crossing the estuary before nightfall, asks Queng.


    Do you know if anyone is crossing the estuary before nightfall, asks Quang.

    Not if they know whats best for them. Thereve been no boats on the waters for the past three days. The ferry is closed and the fishermen are all safely tucked up at home. Well, those that arent in here that is!

    With each passing minute new customers enter the inn until the taproom is bursting at the seams.

    Its time to leave, says Quang. There little chance well find anyone wholl take us to Dwala in here.

    @@ -4287,7 +4287,7 @@
  • Lantern: 20 Ren (2 Gold Crowns)
  • Iron Pot: 20 Ren (2 Gold Crowns)
  • Hammer: 30 Ren (3 Gold Crowns)
  • -
  • Rope (50ft length): 30 Ren (3 Gold Crowns)
  • +
  • Rope (50 ft. length): 30 Ren (3 Gold Crowns)
  • Potion of Laumspur: 40 Ren (4 Gold Crowns)
  • Spyglass: 50 Ren (5 Gold Crowns)
  • @@ -4531,7 +4531,7 @@

    You leap from the drivers seat and unsheathe your Kai Weapon the instant you land with a splash on the muddy highway. The Chagarashi are intent on attacking the leading pair of horses and you move quickly to block their advance. Screeching with frustration, the larger of the two horrors launches itself upon you with ferocious zeal.

    Large Chagarashi4238 If you win the combat in 3 rounds or less, turn to 313 - If you are still engaged in combat at the start of the 4th round, do not calculate the outcome of this round. Instead, turn to 49 + If you are still engaged in combat at the start of the fourth round, do not calculate the outcome of this round. Instead, turn to 49
    @@ -4596,7 +4596,7 @@

    The sergeant salutes his senior officer and, without any murmur of dissent, he signals to his men to leave the blockhouse. He follows as they file out of the chamber and pauses only to close the stout door behind him.

    Ive been briefed to expect you, but Im sorry to hear that Anseng is missing. Hes a fine man, an exemplary guardsman. I pray to Ishir hell find his way here before the siege begins.

    Captain Voushan formally introduces himself and tells you what has happened in Pensei over the past few days.


    An attack was launched upon Fort Jhung, two days ago, by Bhanarian forces and a horde of Agarashi commanded by the dark wizard they call Zashnor. It was destroyed in a blizzard of lightning and crumbled to the ground. None of the forts garrison is known to have survived. The destruction of Fort Jhung created a breach in the Chai Wall through which Zashnors army has poured like water through a broken dam. Yesterday at dawn, the enemy vanguard was first sighted on the west road. By dusk, theyd reached the city wall. All throughout today their numbers have grown greater as the bulk of Zashnors invasion force has arrived from the ruins of Fort Jhung. Many of our citizens have abandoned their homes and are heading south to take refuge in the towns of Valus and HiJoi. I have deployed the guard and garrison of Pensei along the west wall. Only a small bodyguard remains here in the palace under my command. Lao Tin received word of your coming from three Watchers who arrived here yesterday from Dwala. I am privy to the Princes plans and I can assure you that the item you seek will be given to you gladly. Lao Tin is young but he is wise beyond his years. He believes that Zashnor craves that which you are determined to deny him, and he hopes the sorcerer will withdraw his forces from the city when he discovers that it is no longer here.


    An attack was launched upon Fort Jhung, two days ago, by Bhanarian forces and a horde of Agarashi commanded by the dark wizard they call Zashnor. It was destroyed in a blizzard of lightning and crumbled to the ground. None of the forts garrison is known to have survived. The destruction of Fort Jhung created a breach in the Chai Wall through which Zashnors army has poured like water through a broken dam. Yesterday at dawn, the enemy vanguard was first sighted on the west road. By dusk, theyd reached the city wall. All throughout today their numbers have grown greater as the bulk of Zashnors invasion force has arrived from the ruins of Fort Jhung. Many of our citizens have abandoned their homes and are heading south to take refuge in the towns of Valus and Hijoi. I have deployed the guard and garrison of Pensei along the west wall. Only a small bodyguard remains here in the palace under my command. Lao Tin received word of your coming from three Watchers who arrived here yesterday from Dwala. I am privy to the Princes plans and I can assure you that the item you seek will be given to you gladly. Lao Tin is young but he is wise beyond his years. He believes that Zashnor craves that which you are determined to deny him, and he hopes the sorcerer will withdraw his forces from the city when he discovers that it is no longer here.

    Captain Voushan bids you follow him to the keep of the Imperial Palace where Prince Lao Tin resides. You leave the blockhouse in his company and cross a parade ground on your way to the doors of the keep. On one side of the parade ground, illuminated by a circle of guttering torches, two men in torn clothing kneel in the pouring rain with their heads bowed and their hands tied behind their backs. Behind them stand two Imperial Guardsmen at attention with their kirusamis held diagonally across their chests.

    If you wish to ask Captain Voushan who the kneeling men are, turn to 146 If you choose not to ask the Captain this question, turn to 127 @@ -5671,6 +5671,7 @@
  • : 10th Grand Master Discipline if you have completed 5 New Order Adventures successfully
  • : 11th Grand Master Discipline if you have completed 6 New Order Adventures successfully
  • : 12th Grand Master Discipline if you have completed 7 New Order Adventures successfully
  • +
  • : 13th Grand Master Discipline if you have completed 7 New Order Adventures successfully
  • Weapons:

      @@ -6147,12 +6148,14 @@

      (45) Replaced 50ft with 50 ft..

      (46) Replaced it is has been with it has been.

      (49) Replaced 4th with fourth. Replaced 3rd with third.


      (49) Replaced all instances of 7th with seventh. Replaced 8th with eighth.


      (50) Replaced all instances of 7th with seventh. Replaced 8th with eighth.

      (54) Replaced Queng with Quang.

      (55) Replaced birdsong with bird song.

      (58) Replaced traveling with travelling.

      (62) Added a quotation mark at the end of the paragraph starting with When he was a young boy,.


      (66) Replaced 4th round with fourth round.

      (63) Replaced worshiped with worshipped.


      (73) Replaced 50ft length with 50 ft. length.

      (78) Replaced Old Kingdom spell with Old Kingdom Spell.

      (79) Added a quotation mark at the end of the phrase Steady, my Lord,. Replaced treeline with tree-line.

      (87) Added a quotation mark at the end of the phrase Hah! and replaced Snorts with snorts.

      @@ -6161,18 +6164,26 @@

      (96) Replaced Brotherhood spell with Brotherhood Spell.

      (98) Replaced traveling with travelling.

      (99) Replaced treeline with tree-line.


      (100) Replaced 7th round with seventh round.


      (107) Replaced Khea-Khan with Khea-khan.

      (108) Replaced treeline with tree-line.


      (111) Replaced Queng with Quang. Replaced woodmans with woodsmans.

      (114) Placed Madam Dai-zias speech inside a block quote element and removed the quotation mark at the beginning of the first paragraph and at the end of the last. Added an apostrophe to the phrase three minutes time. Added a period to the end of the last paragraph.


      (116) Replaced Weapomnmastery with Weaponmastery.

      (123) Added a quotation mark at the end of the phrase Steady, my Lord,.


      (131) Replaced 2nd round with second round.

      (134) Replaced gulley with gully.

      (137) Replaced both occurrences of treeline with tree-line.

      (142) Replaced treeline with tree-line.

      (146) Replaced distain with disdain.

      (151) Replaced actives with activates.


      (154) Replaced HiJoi with Hijoi.

      (157) Replaced ENDRANCE with ENDURANCE.

      (167) Replaced Brotherhood spell with Brotherhood Spell.

      (170) Replaced Brotherhood spell with Brotherhood Spell.


      (171) Replaced 50ft length with 50 ft. length.

      (172) Changed 1/6th to and multiple occurrences of 5/6ths to .


      (175) Replaced Queng with Quang.

      (181) Replaced treeline with tree-line. Replaced gulley with gully.

      (194) Replaced ENDRANCE with ENDURANCE.

      (198) Replaced both occurrences of treeline with tree-line.

      @@ -6182,12 +6193,13 @@

      (240) Replaced ENDURANE with ENDURANCE.

      (242) Replaced Chagarashi Scouts (x2) with 2 Chagarashi Scouts.

      (241) Added a quotation mark at the end of the phrase Thank you very much,.


      (245) Replaced Sheni with Shen.


      (245) Replaced Sheni with Shen. Replaced 50ft length with 50 ft. length.

      (252) Replaced Old Kingdom spell with Old Kingdom Spell. Replaced treeline with tree-line. Replaced gulley with gully.

      (264) Replaced treeline with tree-line. Replaced gulley with gully.


      (265) Replaced 4th round with fourth round.

      (267) Replaced treeline with tree-line.

      (268) Replaced Chagarashi Scouts (x2) with 2 Chagarashi Scouts.


      (270) Replaced Zasnhor with Zashnor.


      (270) Replaced Zasnhor with Zashnor. Replaced HiJoi with Hijoi.

      (271) Replaced Brotherhood spell with Brotherhood Spell.

      (273) Replaced fulfill with fulfil.

      (275) Replaced it is has been with it has been.