X-Git-Url: http://git.projectaon.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=en%2Fxml%2F17tdoi.xml;h=af7bf7d046dfcf97ce82676c760ea9379159f9ca;hb=192d78db166d4d630b705421ce72066239d93711;hp=f4183d833f0e4bebcdc283737391cbc6c31cfbc3;hpb=f4bdee5083ca9a72713637e1e979aa183e06faea;p=project-aon.git diff --git a/en/xml/17tdoi.xml b/en/xml/17tdoi.xml index f4183d8..af7bf7d 100644 --- a/en/xml/17tdoi.xml +++ b/en/xml/17tdoi.xml @@ -915,7 +915,7 @@

You mistime your jump and land badly, breaking your right leg in three places and rendering yourself incapable of moving. Gritting your teeth against the intense pain, you draw on your healing skills to mend the broken bones. Unfortunately, before your legs have healed sufficiently for you to go on, you are crushed to death by a deluge of falling masonry.

Your incredible courage has brought about the defeat of the evil Deathlord Ixiataaga, saving untold millions of living souls from an eternity of slavery in his service. So long as there is Good upon Magnamund you will never be forgotten. Sadly, though, death is the price you have paid for this victory.


Your life and your quest end here in the Crystal Spire of Xaagon.

+ Your life and your quest end here in the Crystal Spire of Xaagon.
@@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@

Skilfully Bosun Nolrim lands the Skyrider on the paved courtyard in front of the Vadera Citadel, which has been cleared of crowds in expectation of your arrival. Awaiting you is a party of stern-faced Vadera officials who, with a minimum of fuss, escort you and Banedon directly to the court of King Sarnac.

We are honoured to welcome you once again to our city, Grand Master, says the silver-haired King. My only regret is the reason for your visit. Id have hoped our meeting would have been in less ominous circumstances.

Formally you acknowledge the Kings greeting; then you turn to face the elderly man who is standing beside the Kings throne. You recognized him as soon as you entered the Kings chamberhe is Lord Ardan, an Elder Magi from Dessi, one of Lord Rimoahs countrymen.


Well met, my Lord, you say, and Ardan returns your greeting with a smile. Sadly, his smile soon fades when he says: No doubt your able companion, Guildmaster Banedon, has told you of the rise of evil in Ixia. Dire news indeed, Grand Master, for it threatens our very existence, most especially the existence of our Lencian friends. If the Deathlords power is allowed to grow unchecked, Lencia will be the first Freeland state to suffer his wrath.


Well met, my lord, you say, and Ardan returns your greeting with a smile. Sadly, his smile soon fades when he says: No doubt your able companion, Guildmaster Banedon, has told you of the rise of evil in Ixia. Dire news indeed, Grand Master, for it threatens our very existence, most especially the existence of our Lencian friends. If the Deathlords power is allowed to grow unchecked, Lencia will be the first Freeland state to suffer his wrath.

I pledge to do all in my power to prevent such an outcome, my lord, you reply earnestly.

We have every faith in you, Lone Wolf, says King Sarnac, and we shall help you accomplish your mission in whatever way we can. He signals to one of his silver-armoured bodyguards and the soldier leaves the chamber. He returns shortly in the company of another man, clad in the court uniform of a Guard Captain.

If you took part in the Battle of Cetza or have visited the city of Darke in any previous Lone Wolf adventures, turn to 305. @@ -1590,7 +1590,7 @@

You hurl yourself to the floor to avoid the onrushing bolt of energy, but your reactions are too slow. It catches you in the back and an explosion of white-hot fire obliterates your senses. In this terrifying instant, the light that is your life is snuffed out.


Tragically, you have fallen victim to the power of the Deathstaff. Your life and your quest end here in the Crystal Spire of Ixia.

+ Tragically, you have fallen victim to the power of the Deathstaff. Your life and your quest end here in the Crystal Spire of Ixia.
@@ -1715,7 +1715,7 @@

Your attempt at opening the lock using only your Magnakai skill of Nexus proves to be a fatal mistake. Inadvertently, you activate a powerful necromantic spell of protection placed upon the lock by Deathlord Ixiataaga himself. You see a flash of white light as, in an instant, a surge of radiant energy comes shooting from the hole to hit you squarely in the face. Pain engulfs your mind, followed by an explosion of white-hot fire which obliterates your senses. Then, in a terrifying instant, the light that is your life is snuffed out.


Tragically, you have fallen victim to one of the Deathlords spells. Your life and your quest end here.

+ Tragically, you have fallen victim to one of the Deathlords spells. Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -1824,7 +1824,7 @@ - Consider the grid of numbers. When you think you have determined the missing number, turn to the entryturn to the entry that is the same number as your answer. + Consider the grid of numbers. When you think you have determined the missing number, turn to the entryturn to the entry that is the same number as your answer. If your answer is incorrect, or if you cannot solve this lock puzzle, turn to 139. @@ -1854,7 +1854,7 @@

You dive aside from the onrushing Demonlord but your reactions are too slow to avoid being hit. He catches you with the tip of his spiked helm and you feel an agonizing pain shoot through your body. Then an explosion of white-hot fire obliterates your senses, and in a terrifying instant, the light that is your life is snuffed out.


Tragically, you have fallen victim to a helm of power, forged and fashioned by the Dark God Naar himself. Sadly your life and your quest end here on the Plane of Darkness.

+ Tragically, you have fallen victim to a helm of power, forged and fashioned by the Dark God Naar himself. Sadly your life and your quest end here on the Plane of Darkness.
@@ -2179,7 +2179,7 @@

Before you reach the cover of the ice-shelf, you are caught up in the avalanche and swept away to the bottom of the pass. Buried and crushed beneath the irresistible mass of ice and rock, your death is mercifully swift.


Tragically, your life and your quest end here in the mountains of Ixia.

+ Tragically, your life and your quest end here in the mountains of Ixia.
@@ -2596,7 +2596,7 @@

In the tightening confines of this narrow fjord, it proves impossible for you to avoid a collision. With a shuddering crash, the port bow grounds on a submerged ridge of ice and is torn wide open. Within the hour, your ship sinks, leaving you stranded alone on the ice-field.

For three weeks you survive on the ice until, in the middle of one cold and stormy night, with your strength nearing its lowest ebb, you are swept into the sea, never to be seen again.

You can take some comfort in the fact that your incredible courage brought about the defeat of the evil Deathlord, saving untold millions from an eternity of slavery in his service. So long as there is Good upon Magnamund you will never be forgotten. Sadly, though, death is the price you have paid for this victory.


Your life and your quest end here in the Tozaz Sea.

+ Your life and your quest end here in the Tozaz Sea. @@ -2628,7 +2628,7 @@

You lasso the spur of rock on your first attempt and pull yourself out of the cloying mire barely seconds before the unseen creature, which is circling below the surface, moves in to attack your legs. On reaching the spur, you retrieve your rope and set out to climb the wall of this shaft.

Above, the snickering horde of Chaos-creatures watch your ascent with eager anticipation. When you are within a few feet of the top, you unsheathe your weapon and get ready to fight your way out of the shaft one-handedly.

Chaos-horde4646 -

Unless you have attained the Kai rank of Sun Lord, you must reduce your COMBAT SKILL by 4 for the duration of this combat, due to your disadvantageous position. Unless you have Grand Weaponmastery and are a Sun Knight or higher, you may not use a two-handed weapon (i.e. Broadsword, Quarterstaff, and Spear) for this combat.


Unless you have attained the Kai rank of Sun Lord, you must reduce your COMBAT SKILL by 4 for the duration of this combat, due to your disadvantageous position. Unless you have Grand Weaponmastery and are a Sun Knight or higher, you may not use a two-handed weapon (i.e. Broadsword, Quarterstaff, or Spear) for this combat.

If you win the combat, turn to 82. @@ -3104,7 +3104,7 @@

As your divine blade inflicts the wounds which destroy these creatures, their bodies undergo a swift and gruesome transformation. They implode, twisting and shrinking as they contract, until all that is left are three evil-smelling pools of bubbling black venom surrounded by melted ice and fragments of smouldering cloth.

You sheathe the Sommerswerd and step away from the foul remains. But as you turn to leave the ruins, you hear a terrifying howl that makes your blood run cold. With fearful anticipation you look up at the towering Crystal Spire and see, illuminated by lightning flashes, the awesome figure of Deathlord Ixiataaga. He stands behind the parapet of a window in the upper reaches of the spire, the Deathstaff raised high in his ungodly hand. He has sensed the presence of the Sommerswerd and he has determined to destroy it.

You see a flash of white light explode at the tip of the Deathstaff, and in the very next instant, you feel agonizing pain shoot through every part of your body. Then an explosion of white-hot fire obliterates your senses, and in a terrifying instant, the light that is your life is snuffed out.


Tragically, you have fallen victim to the Deathlord of Ixia. Your life and your quest end here.

+ Tragically, you have fallen victim to the Deathlord of Ixia. Your life and your quest end here. @@ -3162,7 +3162,7 @@

You dive to avoid the onrushing bolt of energy but your reactions are too slow. It catches you in the upper body and an explosion of white-hot fire obliterates your senses. In this terrifying instant, the light that is your life is snuffed out.


Tragically, you have fallen victim to the power of the Deathstaff. Your life and your quest end here in the Crystal Spire of Ixia.

+ Tragically, you have fallen victim to the power of the Deathstaff. Your life and your quest end here in the Crystal Spire of Ixia.
@@ -3652,7 +3652,7 @@

With a yell of desperation you tumble headlong towards the sea and strike the water face-first. For an instant you feel its icy chill; then you are plunged into darkness as your head and left shoulder slam against a ridge of solid ice that lies submerged just a few inches below the slushy surface. Mercifully, you are knocked unconscious and spared the agony of being crushed and torn between the ships prow and the cruel, unyielding ice.


Tragically, your life and your quest end here in the Tozaz Sea.

+ Tragically, your life and your quest end here in the Tozaz Sea.
@@ -3670,7 +3670,7 @@

You sheathe your weapon and step away from the foul-smelling mounds of dust. But as you go to leave, you discover that the open archway that these creatures were guarding when you first arrived in this chamber is now sealed. You approach the solid sheet of opaque green crystal and examine an intricate lockplate which is set in the centre of its mirror-smooth surface. It is a lock of ancient design, one which operates by psychic energy. You study the intricate patterns which embellish it and gradually you realize that they give clues to a two-digit number. By projecting the image of this number at the lock, using your psychic powers, you will release the locking mechanism and cause the portal to open.

The first of the two numbers is equal to the number of islands which lie within 150 miles to the west of Xaagon.

The second number is equal to the number of cities and towns which can be found located in the Shegtar Peaks.

- Consult the map in order to determine the correct two-digit number which will open the lock. When you think you have cracked it, turn to the entryturn to the entry that bears that same number as your answer. + Consult the map in order to determine the correct two-digit number which will open the lock. When you think you have cracked it, turn to the entryturn to the entry that bears that same number as your answer. If you calculate incorrectly, or if you cannot solve the clues, turn instead to 199. @@ -3709,7 +3709,7 @@

You unsheathe your weapon and advance bravely towards the Deathlord, determined to take the fight to him and finish him in mortal combat. His laughter buffets you like a ghastly storm, and its growing, concussive power keeps you from reaching the fiery moat. Then you see a ball of light appear at the tip of the Deathstaff and, in the very next moment, an agonizing pain shoots through your chest. Almost immediately there is an explosion of white-hot fire that obliterates your senses and, in a terrifying instant, the light that is your life is snuffed out.


Tragically, you have fallen victim to the Deathlord and his staff of unholy power. Your life and your quest end here.

+ Tragically, you have fallen victim to the Deathlord and his staff of unholy power. Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -3972,7 +3972,7 @@

The moment you draw your divine blade, the bodies of your attackers undergo a swift and gruesome transformation. The radiant golden light of your sword washes over them, causing their torsos to implode with dramatic effect. They barely have time to cry out in agony as their twisted remains hit the floor and crumble to dust.

You sheathe the Sommerswerd and step away from the foul-smelling mounds of dust. But as you turn towards the archway that these fell creatures were guarding, you are confronted by a terrifying sight. Framed in the archway is the awesome figure of Deathlord Ixiataaga himself, the Deathstaff raised high in his ungodly hand. He has sensed the presence of the Sommerswerd and he has come to destroy it. Stunned by his awful visage, you fail to react in time to save yourself. You see a flash of white light explode at the tip of the staff and, in the very next instant, you feel agonizing pain shoot through every part of your body. Then an explosion of white-hot fire obliterates your senses and, in a terrifying instant, the light that is your life is snuffed out.


Tragically, you have fallen victim to the Deathlord and his staff of unholy power. Your life and your quest end here.

+ Tragically, you have fallen victim to the Deathlord and his staff of unholy power. Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -4195,7 +4195,7 @@

You dive to avoid the onrushing Demonlord but your reactions are too slow. He catches you with the tip of his spiked helm and you feel agonizing pain shoot through your body. Then an explosion of a white-hot fire obliterates your senses and, in a terrifying instant, the light that is your life is snuffed out.


Tragically, you have fallen victim to a helm of power, forged and fashioned by the Dark God Naar. Your life and your quest end here on the Plane of Darkness.

+ Tragically, you have fallen victim to a helm of power, forged and fashioned by the Dark God Naar. Your life and your quest end here on the Plane of Darkness.
@@ -4345,7 +4345,8 @@

You land badly, breaking your legs and your pelvis and rendering yourself incapable of moving. Concussed and in great pain, you attempt to draw on your healing skills to mend your broken bones. Unfortunately, before your bones have healed sufficiently for you to be able to go on, you are crushed to death beneath a deluge of falling rock and crystal.


Your incredible courage has brought about the defeat of the evil Deathlord Ixiataaga, saving untold millions of living souls from an eternity of slavery in his service. So long as there is Good upon Magnamund you will never be forgotten. Sadly, though, death is the price you have paid for this victory. Your life and your quest end here in the Crystal Spire of Xaagon.


Your incredible courage has brought about the defeat of the evil Deathlord Ixiataaga, saving untold millions of living souls from an eternity of slavery in his service. So long as there is Good upon Magnamund you will never be forgotten. Sadly, though, death is the price you have paid for this victory.

+ Your life and your quest end here in the Crystal Spire of Xaagon.
@@ -4914,7 +4915,7 @@

You sprint across the rubble and rush through the collapsing archway. But in your desperate hurry to escape you slip on a chunk of crystal and fall heavily against a pilaster, gashing your head. Dazed with concussion, you fail to move out of the way in time to avoid being crushed to death by a falling keystone.

Your incredible courage has brought about the defeat of the evil Deathlord, saving untold millions from an eternity of slavery in his service. So long as there is Good upon Magnamund you will never be forgotten. Sadly, though, death is the price you have paid for this victory.


Your life and your quest end here in Xaagon.

+ Your life and your quest end here in Xaagon.
@@ -4944,7 +4945,7 @@

Sadly you react too slowly to avoid being hit by the combined bolts of energy. As you splash face-first into the snow, you feel agonizing pain shoot through every part of your body. An explosion of white-hot fire obliterates your senses and, in a terrifying instant, the light that is your life is snuffed out.


Tragically, your life and your quest end here in the city of Xaagon.

+ Tragically, your life and your quest end here in the city of Xaagon.
@@ -4982,7 +4983,7 @@

The first of the three numbers is equal to the number of islands which can be found between the Tozaz Sea and the Gulf of Konkor.

The second of the three numbers is equal to the total of islands which can be found in Lake Ghargon.

The third and final number is equal to the number of cities that can be found on the banks of the River Zegar.


Consult the map in order to determine the correct three-digit number which will open the lock. When you think you have cracked it, turn to the entryturn to the entry that bears the same number as your answer.

+ Consult the map in order to determine the correct three-digit number which will open the lock. When you think you have cracked it, turn to the entryturn to the entry that bears the same number as your answer. If you calculate incorrectly, or if you cannot solve the clues, turn instead to 84. @@ -5044,7 +5045,7 @@

Your attempt at opening the lock using only the power of your mind proves to be a fatal mistake.

Inadvertently, you set off an alarm which in turn activates a powerful necromantic spell of protection. You see a flash of white light as, in an instant, a surge of radiant energy comes shooting from the hole to hit you squarely in the face. Pain engulfs your mind, to be followed by an explosion of white-hot fire which obliterates your senses. In a terrifying instant, the light that is your life is snuffed out.


Tragically, you have fallen victim to one of the Deathlords spells. Your life and your quest end here in the Crystal Spire.

+ Tragically, you have fallen victim to one of the Deathlords spells. Your life and your quest end here in the Crystal Spire.
@@ -5908,7 +5909,7 @@

(18) Replaced Skark oil with skark oil. Began a new paragraph before Do not fear,. Replaced you reply, I shall soon return. with you reply. I shall soon return.. Replaced on to with onto. Replaced fought, Captain with fought, captain.

(19) Replaced Kai mastery with Kai Mastery. Replaced attained, above with attained above.

(20) Replaced now-open with now open. Replaced all occurrences of free-standing with freestanding. Replaced Kai-alchemy, and with Kai-alchemy and.


(22) Replaced freestate with Freeland state. Replaced in previous Lone Wolf adventures with in any previous Lone Wolf adventures. Replaced If you have not with If you did not. Replaced King greeting, then with Kings greeting; then. Replaced the Lencian capital with the great northern Lencian port in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition. Replaced Cetza, or with Cetza or.


(22) Replaced freestate with Freeland state. Replaced in previous Lone Wolf adventures with in any previous Lone Wolf adventures. Replaced If you have not with If you did not. Replaced King greeting, then with Kings greeting; then. Replaced the Lencian capital with the great northern Lencian port in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition. Replaced Cetza, or with Cetza or. Replaced my Lord with my lord.

(23) Replaced Ixian undead with Ixian Undead.

(24) Replaced your psi-screen with your Psi-screen. Replaced head in which with head from which. Replaced Bow, and with Bow and. Replaced them, or with them or.

(25) Replaced sixth sense with Sixth Sense.

@@ -6089,6 +6090,7 @@

(265) Replaced bow, and with Bow and. Replaced Kai-surge, and with Kai-surge and.

(266) Replaced sixth sense with Sixth Sense. Replaced cross-winds with crosswinds. Replaced crystal spire with Crystal Spire.

(267) Replaced Kai mastery with Kai Mastery.


(269) Split the final sentence into its own paragraph for consistency.

(270) Replaced all occurrences of crystal spire with Crystal Spire.

(272) Replaced Sun Knight, or higher with Sun Knight or higher. Replaced you increase you with you increase your.

(273) Replaced spellSlow Fallenables with spell Slow Fall enables.