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A visit to the fabulous court of Xo-lin is disrupted when news of an invasion arrives at the venerable emperors palace in Pensei. The evil Autarch Sejanoz of Bhanar has launched a sudden and devastating attack upon Xo-lins ancient realm. With the tyrants armies swarming across his borders, the aged Xo-lin is forced to flee his Imperial Palace and seek sanctuary in the distant city of Tazhan.


In The Hunger of Sejanoz, your mission is to escort the aged emperor and his entourage safely across the Great Lissan Plain to Tazhan. Will you succeed in your perilous taskor will you and your charges fall victim to the merciless forces of the Autarch?


The Forces of Darkness have launched a coordinated assault upon the Free Nations of Magnamund. Their intentions are clear: to overwhelm and annihilate them before an effective counter-offensive can be undertaken.


In The Storms of Chai, your mission is one of seven that Kai Supreme Master Lone Wolf has initiated to turn back this unprecedented tide of evil before it engulfs all the goodly nations of Magnamund forever.


Will you succeed in your vital quest to retrieve the Eye of Agarash from the city of Pensei and bring it back safely to the Kai Monastery of Lorn, or will you fall victim to the powerful Nadziran Zashnor and the terrible creatures at his command?


Internet Edition published by Project Aon. This edition is intended to reflect the complete text of the original version. Where we have made minor corrections, they will be noted in the Errata.


Internet Edition published by Project Aon. This edition is intended to reflect the complete text of the original version. Where we have made minor corrections, they will be noted in the Errata.

Text 2016 Joe Dever. @@ -121,7 +122,7 @@
MS 5086 Bhanar and Chai
The Chai army occupied eastern Bhanar, and all of its steam-powered engines and weapons of war were systematically destroyed. The aged Khea-khan Xo-lin of Chai died, and his only remaining son, Zha-zhing, acceded to the throne. Zha-zhings political rivals accused him of plotting and orchestrating the young prince Kadamas death in the preceding year for his personal gain. These accusations were never proven. Upon his inauguration he married Princess Myelsha of Mhytan. Chai forts along the border with Bhanar were attacked by Bhanarian irregulars in reprisal for the Massacre of Yua Tzhan. A treaty was signed between Chai and Mhytan (the Chai Sea Treaty). All Bhanarian shipping was denied access to the Chai Sea by Mhytanian and Chai men of war. The blockade soon suffocated Bhanarian resistance.
MS 5086 Shadaki and Free Alliance of Southern Magnamund
Zultan Zedoli seized the throne of Shadaki in a bloody uprising, and the state of Shadaki seceded from the Free Alliance of Southern Magnamundthe confederation of states which had emerged from the collapse of the Shadakine Empire of Shasarak the Wytch-king in MS 5057. Grey Star, the previous ruler of Shadaki, fled but he remained the Wizard Regent of the Free Alliance and set up his new capital in Port of Suhn.
Zultan Zedoli seized the throne of Shadaki in a bloody uprising, and the state of Shadaki seceded from the Free Alliance of Southern Magnamundthe confederation of states which had emerged from the collapse of the Shadakine Empire of Shasarak the Wytch-king in MS5057. Grey Star, the previous ruler of Shadaki, fled but he remained the Wizard Regent of the Free Alliance and set up his new capital in Port of Suhn.
MS 5087 Bhanar and Chai
Bhanarian resistance collapsed. Khea-khan Zha-zhing installed Overseer Klutan upon the throne of Bhanar. Klutan was a political puppet of Chai. The Chai army withdrew from eastern Bhanar. Khea-khan Zha-zhing had a son, Lao Tin.
MS 5088 Vaduzhan, Bhanar and Chai
@@ -218,7 +219,61 @@ - +

It is early Spring in the year MS5102, and you are a Grand Master of the New Order of the Kai, the warrior elite of Sommerlund.

+ +

It is a clear moonlit night and you are staring out across the crystal clear waters of the Sea of Dreams from the high window of your chambers in the Kai Monastery of Lorn. The crunching sound of footfalls on loose gravel draws your attention to the parade ground below. A pair of diligent young Kai Warmarns, clad in black and yellow chequered tabards, is patrolling the perimeter with spears on their shoulders. Your eyes wander towards the centre of the parade ground, to a low circular wall of white Kirlundin stone. It encompasses two sturdy Sommlending Oaks. You are reminded of when these trees were transplanted here during the inauguration of the monastery, on the Feast of Fehmarn, two years previously. They were transported all the way from your homeland by sea. The oaks represent the two Sommlending Kai Monasteries with their roots inextricably entwined. The moon is full tonight. Ishirs Blessing casts its ashen light upon the battlements, towers and gleaming porticos of the new monastery. You take great pride in what you see, for the sweat of your own labour contributed to the construction of this magnificent fortress.

+ +

Your pride is tinged with apprehension for you have much on your mind. Sommerlund suffered greatly during the perpetual winter and heavy thaw of last year. Fortunately, before his untimely death in MS5101, King Tor IV had wisely made provision for the storage of food and fuel throughout Sommerlund, and these caches saved the lives of countless thousands of citizens. You are confident that your homeland will surely recover from the Long Winter of MS5101, but it will likely take two years or more before life there returns to normal. However, this is the lesser of your present concerns. The greater is something less tangible. For the past two weeks, you have been haunted by a feeling that the forces of darkness are poised to unleash an assault upon Magnamund. You are not alone in your feelings. Blazer, one of your fellow Grand Masters, confided to you this evening that he, too, has been having similar feelings of foreboding for no apparent reason, as have several of the more-psychically gifted Kai Masters in the monastery.

+ +

The events of tomorrow should allay or confirm your fears. Supreme Master Lone Wolf is expected to arrive by skyship from Dessi at noon. You and Grand Master Blazer will formally greet him when he disembarks upon the monastery parade ground. You have personally overseen the arrangements for the docking of his skyship, and an honour guard of Kai Masters has been drilled to perfection is readiness for his inspection. Satisfied that everything is prepared for tomorrows duty, you close your window and retire to your bed.

+ +

You awake at dawn and breakfast with a dozen Kai Masters in the mess hall. Then you make your final preparations for Lone Wolfs return. As noon approaches, there is a buzz of anticipation on the parade ground as eagerly you await the imminent arrival of Supreme Master Lone Wolfs skyship. Together with Blazer, your fellow Kai Grand Master, you make one last inspection to check that everything is ready. The lookout in the Tower of the Moon spots two skyships approaching, and he informs you of this by a telepathic message. Hastily, you issue orders to the Kai docking crew to prepare to receive this second, unexpected skycraft. A further area of the parade ground is cleared, and mooring points for the second craft are quickly installed and made ready.

+ +

The skyships make a slow and simultaneous decent towards the parade ground from out of the blue cloudless sky. They come to hover, side by side, no more than a few feet above the ground and their sorcerous engines are powered-down to a soft hum. Mooring lines are attached fore and aft of each vessel, and wheeled stairs are positioned against the gunwales of their main decks. The larger of the two skyships is Skyfort, Supreme Master Lone Wolfs personal vessel, which he received as a gift from Guildmaster Banedon two years previously. Lone Wolf appears at the head of the stairs, and behind him you can see four Kai Grand Masters: Black Hawk, Star Lynx, Steel Hand and Swift Sword, each dressed in their distinctive personal uniforms.

+ +

The smaller skyship is named Comet, one of the Brotherhood of the Crystal Stars new fleet of fast aerial vessels. Standing on its main deck, you recognize Lord Rimoah and Guildmaster Banedon. With them is a small humanoid creature with greenish skin and crimson eyes. It shuffles impatiently and tugs at the brim of its tall felt hat to shield its sensitive crimson eyes from the glare of the noon sun. Although you have never seen a creature like this before, you know enough about the myriad races of Magnamund to deduce that this is a Kloon Sage of Chaman.

+ +

Supreme Master Lone Wolf descends the stairs to the parade ground, and a fanfare of cornets is sounded when he first sets foot on the gravelled surface. He makes a swift inspection of the assembled ranks and commends the Kai Masters on their turnout. Then he dismisses them in order that they may return to their teaching duties. As they disperse and leave the parade ground, Lone Wolf calls you and Blazer forward and informs you both that a special conference will be held in his personal chambers in one hours time. You are both instructed to attend.

+ +

Supreme Master Lone Wolfs chambers occupy the top two floors of the Tower of the Moon, the tallest of the monasterys crenulated towers. The lower of these two floors contains the Grand Hall of the Supreme Master, and it is here that the special conference is convened. The hall is a magnificent exemplification of Sommlending architectural design. Its gold-veined pillars of marble support a buttressed ceiling embellished with a vibrant mural depicting famous events in Sommlending history. The walls are draped with the war banners of the Kai, and several glass-fronted display cabinets, set around the hall, contain trophies, medals, and mementoes collected by Lone Wolf during his many quests. You and Blazer pass through the halls great door which closes behind you and locks with a muffled click. Gathered in a circle around a large table set before the Supreme Masters alabaster throne, you see the illustrious and dignified group who arrived at the monastery an hour ago. Lone Wolf beckons you and Blazer to join them. Spread upon the tables polished surface is a detailed map of Magnamund.

+ +

Now that our company is complete, I call upon Lord Rimoah and Sage Chastan to give their report of the unprecedented events that have prompted me to convene this special meeting, says Lone Wolf.

+ +

Thank you, my Lord, responds Rimoah. He picks up a steel pointer from the table and uses it to aid his briefing. Tapping its tip upon his homeland of Dessi, he begins.

+ +

The High Council of the Elder Magi has become aware of several threats to the security of Magnamund that have demanded our urgent attention. Whereas, in the past, the agents of darkness have confined their attempts to corrupt sovereign nations in one or two specific regions, we are now convinced that an orchestrated effort is underway to overwhelm the goodly nations of Magnamund. Several sizeable and coordinated attacks have been launched simultaneously. We believe their express purpose is to overwhelm us before we are able to gather our allies and mount an effective counter-offensive. Here, in Dessi, from the depths of the chasm of Gorgoron, a vast horde of Agarashi has awoken. They have emerged from the chasm and spread throughout the central jungles of my homeland. Our magicians and our brave Vakeros are now locked in battle with this horde as I speak.

+ +

Lord Rimoah moves the pointer across the map and taps several other places where sinister uprisings are taking place.

+ +

The Maakengorge, the Kraknalorg Chasm, The Dark Realm of Ruel, the ruins of Cragmantle, Ljuk, The Danarg, the city of Shadaki and the Doomlands of Naaros. All of these places have now become mustering points for the forces of darkness.

+ +

Lord Rimoah lifts his steely gaze from the map and looks to the slight figure of Sage Chastan.

+ +

Our learned allies in Chaman forewarned us late last year. I very much regret that the High Council did not heed their warnings sooner, and for that I owe our learned ally a sincere apology. The Kloon blinks his crimson eyes and accepts Rimoahs apology with a gracious nod of his head.

+ +

Our fears have become real, he replies, in a softly rasping tone. But there is still time enough to stem this tide of darkness, though precious little time it is.

+ +

Precious little time, indeed, says Lone Wolf, solemnly. If we are to prevent this resurgence of evil from overwhelming the Freelands of Magnamund, we must strike swiftly and effectively at the enemys main mustering points. By preventing the reinforcement of their hordes, we shall stem this flood before it converges and drowns us.

+ +

Lone Wolf casts his eyes upon each Kai Grand Master in turn as he continues speaking.

+ +

With the aid of my wise and learned councillors, I have prepared missions for each and every one of you. From the pocket of his golden battle tunic, Lone Wolf produces six furled parchments, each tied with a silk cord of a different colour. One by one, he hands them out to you and the five other Kai Grand Masters assembled here.

+ +

Unfurl your scroll, my lords. Read and memorise the contents, instructs Lone Wolf.

+ +

With a tingle of anticipation, you untie the scarlet cord and open your furled parchment. It contains the details of your mission, handwritten by Supreme Master Lone Wolf personally.

+ +

An Agarashi horde, numbering several thousands, has emerged from the Doomlands of Naaros. Our agents in Chai inform us that it is being commanded by a powerful Nadziranim sorcerer called Zashnor. The Bhanarian city of Bakhasa has become their mustering point and it is now completely under Zashnors control. Bhanarian forces hungry to avenge the Massacre of Yua Tzhan, have been mobilised and are currently marching southeast towards the Chai border with Zahsnors Agarashi horde. Khea-khan Zha-zhing, Chais renowned warrior king, passed away peacefully in his sleep some weeks ago, on the Feast of Fehmarn. The new ruler of Chai is Zha-zhings son, Lao Tin. He is sixteen years old. Although he commands the loyalty and respect of Chais military High Command, he does not yet possess the wisdom and martial experience of his famous father. Without Zha-zhings outstanding generalship, Chai is especially vulnerable to invasion at this time.

+ +

Seventeen years ago, you defeated Autarch Sejanoz of Bhanar and secured the cursed artefact called the Claw of Naar. This powerful weapon was delivered to the Elder Magi in order that they should destroy it, to prevent it from ever falling into the hands of our enemies. Alas, despite every attempt to annihilate this foul object by all means at their disposal, its destruction has not been achieved. The Elder Magi have constructed a secure prison for the weapon in a secret location in Dessi until the means to destroy it is found. After years of careful study, and with the invaluable assistance of the Sages of Chaman, we now know a great deal more about this cursed artefact than we did when you first captured it. The Claw is powerful, but it is not complete. It is but one half of a weapon that is capable of unleashing a far more intense blast of destructive energy, with power enough to obliterate an entire city at a single stroke. The missing component of this weapon is a gem-like object called the Eye of Agarash. Without the Claw, the Eye of Agarash has no innate destructive powers. However, when it is married with the Claw, it greatly intensifies and concentrates the power of that weapon several hundredfold.

+ +

The Sages of Chaman have located the Eye of Agarash. For centuries, and without the knowledge of a succession of royal owners, it has been a gem that embellishes the Grand Throne of the Khea-khans. This throne is located in the Imperial Palace of Pensei, in Chai. Your mission is to journey to Pensei and retrieve the Eye of Agarash. Once you have it in your possession, you must return with it as quickly as you are able to the Kai Monastery of Lorn. Years ago, you saved the life of the young Khea-Khans grandfather. For that, he will forever be in your debt. Our agents in Chai are confident that Lao Tin will willingly give you the Eye of Agarash and assist your swift return here to the monastery. However, now that Zashnors hordes are moving quickly to invade Chai, there is a serious risk that the city of Pensei may fall within a matter of days.

+ +

We are in no doubt that Zashnor is aware of the Eyes location and its significance. It must be retrieved before it falls into his foul hands. We know that he possesses a personal weapon that bears a chilling similarity to the Claw of Naar. If, indeed, it has the same properties as the Claw you retrieved, then the consequences of him capturing the Eye of Agarash will be devastating. This outcome must be prevented at all costs.

+ +

When you and the other Grand Masters have finished reading and digesting the contents of your mission scrolls, Lone Wolf instructs you to furl them and place them in the centre of the map table. Guildmaster Banedon steps forward and sweeps his hands across the pile of scrolls. Immediately, they are consumed by a cold magical fire that destroys them utterly leaving no trace. Lone Wolf calls an end to the conference and dismisses you and the other Grand Masters. Before you leave the Grand Hall, he instructs you all to gather at dawn on the parade ground in readiness for your departure from the monastery. With a formal salute, you acknowledge his order and leave the hall in single file. In silent contemplation, you each return to your quarters to make preparations for your individual missions. The afternoon is spent selecting your clothing and equipment for the mission and, after supper, you retire early in order to get plenty of rest before you set off tomorrow morning. With some difficulty, you eventually fall asleep after several hours spent in listless contemplation of your quest and the unknown dangers that lie ahead.

@@ -416,8 +471,8 @@ -

This Discipline enables a New Order Grand Master to become supremely efficient in the use of all weapons. When you enter combat armed with one of your Grand Master weapons, you may add 5 points to your COMBAT SKILL. The rank of Kai Grand Master Senior, with which you begin the New Order series, means that you are skilled in the use of one of the weapons listed below.

- +

This Discipline enables a New Order Grand Master to become supremely efficient in the use of all weapons. When you enter combat armed with one of your Grand Master weapons, you may add 5 points to your COMBAT SKILL. The rank of Kai Grand Master Senior, with which you begin the New Order series, means that you are skilled in the use of one of the weapons listed below.

+ Brian Williams @@ -689,7 +744,7 @@

If you successfully complete the mission as set in Book 28 of the Lone Wolf New Order series, you may add a further Grand Master Discipline of your choice to your Action Chart in the next. For every Grand Master Discipline you possess, in excess of the original five Disciplines you begin with, you may add 1 point to your basic COMBAT SKILL score and 2 points to your basic ENDURANCE points score. These bonus points, together with your extra Grand Master Discipline(s), your original five Grand Master Disciplines, your Kai Weapon, and any other Special Items and Backpack Items that you have found and been able to keep during your adventures, may then be carried over and used in the next New Order adventure, which is called:


The Storms of Chai


Dead in the Deep

@@ -1254,10 +1309,48 @@ - -

The nature of additional improvements and how they affect your existing Grand Disciplines will be noted in the Improved Grand Master Disciplines section of future Lone Wolf New Order books.

+ Grand Thane - + +

If you are a New Order Kai who has attained the rank of Grand Thane, you will now benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master Disciplines:

Grand Weaponmastery

Grand Thanes are able to draw a weapon very swiftly, or switch between a hand weapon and a bow in the blink of eye.

Animal Mastery

A Grand Thane can command an animal to halt and remain motionless. Few animals can resist this command. The effects of a Grand Thanes command last approximately one minute and affect one animal.


Upon reaching the rank of Grand Thane, a Kai Grand Master who possesses Assimilance can cause himself, and/or a group of willing creatures in the nearby proximity, to take on the appearance of inanimate objects. Anyone affected in such a way must remain stationary for the illusion to work. Unwilling creatures are not affected by the use of this skill. A Grand Thane, or any group affected, can take on the convincing appearance of trees, rocks, bushes, boulders etc. The effect will be negated immediately if the Grand Thane, or any of the affected creatures, should move or be attacked. The effect lasts for approximately 10 minutes and has a range radius of 30 feet.


Grand Thanes can use Kai-surge to attack up to 10 enemies in psychic combat simultaneously.


Grand Thanes are able to absorb and transform hostile psychic energy into a positive physical effect. Using this powerful ability, a Grand Thane can restore lost ENDURANCE points while being subjected to psychic attack. The number and rate of ENDURANCE points regained in this way varies greatly, and is dependent upon the nature of the attack and the physical condition of the Grand Thane when the attack occurs.

Grand Nexus

By uttering the Kai Word of Power (Kai!), a Grand Thane can repel and cause damage to creatures who devoutly follow any of the lesser gods and champions of Naar - the King of the Darkness. The Kai Word of Power has no effect when used against non-sentient creatures or persons who have neither sworn fealty to Naar, nor acknowledged Naar as their master.


Grand Thanes are able to excavate earth by force of their will alone. The amount of earth, the depth of the excavation, and the speed at which the excavation occurs all increase as a Grand Thane advances in rank.


A Grand Thane is able to use the following Old Kingdom spells:

  1. SpeedBy casting this spell upon themselves, or on another creature within 10 feet, a Grand Thane can triple the speed of all normal physical movement. It lasts for approximately 5 minutes. The duration of the spell increases as a Grand Thane advances in rank.
  2. +
  3. Power StrikeCan be cast immediately before combat. It adds +1 COMBAT SKILL to the Grand Thane, and +1 to every ENDURANCE point lost by the enemy due to wounds caused by the Grand Thane. The spell ends immediately when combat is concluded. It costs a Grand Thane -3 ENDURANCE points to use this spell.
  4. +

Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Grand Thane are able to use the following Brotherhood spells:

  1. IlluminationCreates a sphere of brilliant white light that will hover in mid air within 10 feet of the Grand Thane. It can be directed at will and lasts for up to 1 hour. It can only be cast once per day.
  2. + +
  3. BridgeCreates a solid bridge over an obstacle, or from ground level to a higher or lower location. The bridge appears as an opaque, milky-white stone. The range of this spell is approximately 20 feet, and its duration is precisely 1 minute. The range and the duration of effect increase as a Grand Thane advances in Kai rank.
  4. +

The nature of additional improvements and how they affect your existing Grand Disciplines will be noted in the Improved Grand Master Disciplines section of future Lone Wolf New Order books.

+ @@ -1285,21 +1378,21 @@

You rise an hour before dawn. You have chosen to wear the simple clothing of a Chai countrymana padded jacket of cinnamon-coloured cotton, apple green breeches, tan leather boots and a hooded grey woollen cloak. You don your equipment and make a final check before you leave your chambers and hurry to the parade ground.


In the early predawn light, the area is alive with activity. The hum of the skyship engines makes the gravel surface of the parade ground vibrate beneath your feet as you approach the magnificent vessels. Lord Rimoah beckons you over to the boarding stairs of the Comet. He and Grand Master Blazer are awaiting you on main deck, and they both salute when you step aboard. They invite you to join them at the rail and watch the preparations that are underway on the deck of Skyfort, moored alongside. You watch Lone Wolf leading Black Hawk, Star Lynx, Steel Hand and Swift Sword in single file up the boarding steps. When they are all on deck, they turn to wave you farewell. You and Blazer return their waves and bid them good luck and good hunting.


Comet is the first to leave the parade ground. The powerful hum of its engine rises steadily in pitch as the skycraft makes its ascent. As it gains altitude, so you are afforded a spectacular view of the morning sunrise. It bathes the Kai Monastery with a vividly golden light. Once the skyship is safely clear of the monasterys towers, Lord Rimoah sets a northwesterly course before handing over the helm to Bosun Durin. With a smile, Lord Rimoah invites you and Blazer to join him in the skycrafts comfortable cabin where breakfast awaits.


In the early predawn light, the area is alive with activity. The hum of the skyship engines makes the gravel surface of the parade ground vibrate beneath your feet as you approach the magnificent vessels. Lord Rimoah beckons you over to the boarding stairs of the Comet. He and Grand Master Blazer are awaiting you on main deck, and they both salute when you step aboard. They invite you to join them at the rail and watch the preparations that are underway on the deck of Skyfort, moored alongside. You watch Lone Wolf leading Black Hawk, Star Lynx, Steel Hand and Swift Sword in single file up the boarding steps. When they are all on deck, they turn to wave you farewell. You and Blazer return their waves and bid them good luck and good hunting.


Comet is the first to leave the parade ground. The powerful hum of its engine rises steadily in pitch as the skycraft makes its ascent. As it gains altitude, so you are afforded a spectacular view of the morning sunrise. It bathes the Kai Monastery with a vividly golden light. Once the skyship is safely clear of the monasterys towers, Lord Rimoah sets a northwesterly course before handing over the helm to Bosun Durin. With a smile, Lord Rimoah invites you and Blazer to join him in the skycrafts comfortable cabin where breakfast awaits.

You enjoy a hearty meal together and discuss the details of your missions. The first part of your aerial voyage will take you to the small Chai coastal town of Hlau. This is where you will disembark and begin your overland journey incognito to the Chai capital, Pensei.


Enemy agents are known to be operating in Pensei and so it has been decided not to land you at the capital directly, for to do so would alert Zashnor to your presence and reveal your intentions. After dropping you off in Hlau, located on the Chai Sea, Lord Rimoah and Blazer will proceed to the Kraknalorg chasm where his mission awaits. You will each be picked up by Comet after you have completed your quests. Lord Rimoah gives each of you a large amber gem, the size of an orange. These are tracker-gems, kindly provided by Sage Chastan. He also gives you each a small leather satchel in which to keep it. (Record this Tracker-Gem as a Special Item on your Action Chart. You keep it in its leather satchel which you wear slung over your right shoulder and around your body, so that the satchel rests on your left hip.) Rimoah tells you that the stones are beacons. They emit a power that he can detect at a great distance. By way of these beacons, he will be able to steer the Comet to your precise locations and retrieve you. Then he adds a few cautionary words:


Enemy agents are known to be operating in Pensei and so it has been decided not to land you at the capital directly, for to do so would alert Zashnor to your presence and reveal your intentions. After dropping you off in Hlau, located on the Chai Sea, Lord Rimoah and Blazer will proceed to the Kraknalorg chasm where his mission awaits. You will each be picked up by Comet after you have completed your quests. Lord Rimoah gives each of you a large amber gem, the size of an orange. These are tracker-gems, kindly provided by Sage Chastan. He also gives you each a small leather satchel in which to keep it. (Record this Tracker-Gem as a Special Item on your Action Chart. You keep it in its leather satchel which you wear slung over your right shoulder and around your body, so that the satchel rests on your left hip.) Rimoah tells you that the stones are beacons. They emit a power that he can detect at a great distance. By way of these beacons, he will be able to steer the Comet to your precise locations and retrieve you. Then he adds a few cautionary words:

Be sure you do not part company with your tracker-gem. Look after it and it will look after you.

Rimoah tells you that the first part of the voyage, to your drop-off point at Hlau, will take six hours. You are expecting to arrive there at noon. A guide will be waiting for you at a clearing located a mile to the east of the coastal town. His name is Anseng. Lord Rimoah says that you could not wish for a better guide.

He was once an Imperial Chai Guard Captain, and now, in early retirement, he is one of a network of brave agents who provide us with reliable information about our enemies, most especially their troop strengths and dispositions. He will take you directly to Pensei for an audience with Khea-khan Lao Tin. You are to collect the Eye of Agarash and leave the city. Head south towards the coastal city of Dwala. I will return to Chai at dusk of the sixth day hence. So long as you still possess your tracker-gem, I will find you and bring you back to the monastery, safe and sure.

You are reassured by Rimoahs plan. Yet you know that so much depends upon you retrieving the Eye of Agarash before Zashnor and his ravenous army reaches Pensei.


Three hours after leaving the Isle of Lorn, the Comet runs into heavy weather over the Mythenian Sea. Bosun Durin commands the crew to secure the decks for a rough passage. Once their duties are completed, they hurry below deck to the safety of their quarters. The bosun is expecting to be clear of the storm and back on course within the hour. Yet the weather does not improve; it steadily worsens. The Comet is swallowed up in a seemingly endless expanse of roiling black thunder clouds. Tremendous winds buffet the hull and the skyship is shaken vigorously from bow to stern. Lord Rimoah draws upon his great powers to create a magical sphere of calmness that encapsulates the Comet. It keeps you safe from the lightning and the tremendous winds, but it cannot increase the speed of your passage and you are blown wildly off course.


It is close to midnight, twelve hours past your expected time of arrival, when finally the tiny lights of the coastal town of Hlau are first sighted in the sheeting rain. As Comet passes over the town, you see that it has been badly damaged by the storm. Many of the dwellings have lost their roofs and its colourful fleet of fishing boats lies smashed and scattered along the shoreline. On the outskirts of the battered town, Lord Rimoah orders Bosun Durin to slow the skyship to a halt. Below its keel, you look down upon a clearing in the toa and Chai pine trees which is bisected by a muddy road. This area is illuminated sporadically by flashes of lightning. A solitary male figure stands in the middle of this grassy, storm-swept clearing. He is clad in a wide-brimmed peasants hat, a hooded rain cape, and he is holding aloft a Chai lantern which gives off a pale yellowy light.


Three hours after leaving the Isle of Lorn, the Comet runs into heavy weather over the Mythenian Sea. Bosun Durin commands the crew to secure the decks for a rough passage. Once their duties are completed, they hurry below deck to the safety of their quarters. The bosun is expecting to be clear of the storm and back on course within the hour. Yet the weather does not improve; it steadily worsens. The Comet is swallowed up in a seemingly endless expanse of roiling black thunder clouds. Tremendous winds buffet the hull and the skyship is shaken vigorously from bow to stern. Lord Rimoah draws upon his great powers to create a magical sphere of calmness that encapsulates the Comet. It keeps you safe from the lightning and the tremendous winds, but it cannot increase the speed of your passage and you are blown wildly off course.


It is close to midnight, twelve hours past your expected time of arrival, when finally the tiny lights of the coastal town of Hlau are first sighted in the sheeting rain. As Comet passes over the town, you see that it has been badly damaged by the storm. Many of the dwellings have lost their roofs and its colourful fleet of fishing boats lies smashed and scattered along the shoreline. On the outskirts of the battered town, Lord Rimoah orders Bosun Durin to slow the skyship to a halt. Below its keel, you look down upon a clearing in the toa and Chai pine trees which is bisected by a muddy road. This area is illuminated sporadically by flashes of lightning. A solitary male figure stands in the middle of this grassy, storm-swept clearing. He is clad in a wide-brimmed peasants hat, a hooded rain cape, and he is holding aloft a Chai lantern which gives off a pale yellowy light.

There is Anseng, says Lord Rimoah, shouting to be heard above the noise of the fierce storm. Reliable as always!

A rope ladder is dropped over the side and you watch with trepidation as Anseng struggles to grab the end and hold it secure. When he has a firm grip on the foot of the rope ladder, Lord Rimoah motions you to begin your descent. As you clamber over the rail, he places his hand on your shoulder and says:

Good hunting, my lord. May Kai and Ishir be with you, always.

You acknowledge Rimoahs gracious words with a nod of your head and commence your difficult climb down to the clearing, one hundred feet below.


You are barely twenty feet from the ground when the Comet is hit simultaneously by two powerful bolts of lightning. The sphere of calmness that encapsulates the skyship is ripped open by the tremendous force of these dual lightning strikes, and the vessel is suddenly exposed to the full ferocity of the storm. As Lord Rimoah and Bosun Durin attempt desperately to regain control of the skyship, you fight to hang on to the rope ladder as it bucks and twists wildly.


You are barely twenty feet from the ground when the Comet is hit simultaneously by two powerful bolts of lightning. The sphere of calmness that encapsulates the skyship is ripped open by the tremendous force of these dual lightning strikes, and the vessel is suddenly exposed to the full ferocity of the storm. As Lord Rimoah and Bosun Durin attempt desperately to regain control of the skyship, you fight to hang on to the rope ladder as it bucks and twists wildly.

If you possess the Grand Master Discipline of Elementalism, and if you have also attained the rank of Kai Grand Guardian (or higher), turn to 166. If you do not possess this skill, or if you have not yet attained this rank, turn instead to 272.
@@ -1423,8 +1516,14 @@
12 + + +

This is the correct answer to the innkeepers riddle about the Khea-khans bag of apples.

+ -

Congratulations, your answer is correct. There were 12 apples in the bag on the morning of the Khea-khans birthday. You can now double the Gold Crowns you wagered and add them to your Belt Pouch.


Congratulations, your answer is correct. There were 12 apples in the bag on the morning of the Khea-khans birthday. You can now double the Gold Crowns you wagered and add them to your Belt Pouch.

Mindful of the time you have spent here and your need to find the Tower of Ishir, you leave the inn and make your way across the storm-swept quayside. You arrive at Chunang Street which heads off in a northerly direction, away from the quay.

Turn to 59.
@@ -1477,7 +1576,7 @@ 16 -

You settle yourself down at the entrance to the shelter and draw your oilskin cape close around you. The warmth of the small campfire helps to dull the persistent chill of the satchel containing the Eye of Agarash. As you stare out into the darkness of the forest and listen to the sounds of its nocturnal animals, you reflect on the events of the day. Your unexpected encounter with the Doomwolves plays on your mind. You have no doubts that Nadziran Zashnor is responsible for their presence here in Chai and it reveals to you that this evil sorcerer is a formidable adversary. If it can deploy Doomwolves this far south in Chai, you wonder how many other Darklands beasts it has at its command to let loose on Pensei and secure its capture. You feel a pressing need to inform Lord Rimoah of this, but it is now impossible for you to return to the tracker-gem and be there in time for his return aboard the Comet.


You settle yourself down at the entrance to the shelter and draw your oilskin cape close around you. The warmth of the small campfire helps to dull the persistent chill of the satchel containing the Eye of Agarash. As you stare out into the darkness of the forest and listen to the sounds of its nocturnal animals, you reflect on the events of the day. Your unexpected encounter with the Doomwolves plays on your mind. You have no doubts that Nadziran Zashnor is responsible for their presence here in Chai and it reveals to you that this evil sorcerer is a formidable adversary. If it can deploy Doomwolves this far south in Chai, you wonder how many other Darklands beasts it has at its command to let loose on Pensei and secure its capture. You feel a pressing need to inform Lord Rimoah of this, but it is now impossible for you to return to the tracker-gem and be there in time for his return aboard the Comet.

If you possess the Grand Master Discipline of Telegnosis, and have attained the rank of Sun Knight or higher, turn to 282. If you do not have mastery of this Discipline, or if you have yet to achieve this rank, turn to 279.
@@ -1559,7 +1658,7 @@

Quang and the Watchers leave their locations and race to their horses. Rapidly, you mount your horse and spur him towards the open doors. You are halfway across the barn when a Chagarashi appears in the open doorway and throws its arms wide. It spreads its sinewy fingers and its razor-sharp talons glint in the dull light. It is attempting to block your escape.

You are almost upon it when your horse rears up in alarm. The Chagarashi seizes this opportunity and leaps forward to attack.

Chagarashi Scout4040 -

You struggle to control your frightened horse throughout this combat. Its wild and erratic movement makes it hard for you to strike this enemy with precision. Deduct 4 points from your Combat Skill for the duration of this fight.


You struggle to control your frightened horse throughout this combat. Its wild and erratic movement makes it hard for you to strike this enemy with precision. Deduct 4 points from your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight.

If you win the combat, turn to 224.
@@ -1763,8 +1862,14 @@
41 + + +

This is the correct answer to Shou Lens riddle about Xian Tzee and her mother, Yisu, in Section 291.

+ -

Anseng passes you a scrap of paper on which to write down your answer and tells you to write your name on the reverse side. When the hourglass runs out, Tzu shouts: Times up! The patrons hold up the scraps of paper on which they have written their answer and their name, and these are quickly gathered up by Yeng Zhi. She gives them to Shou Len and he removes the ones that have the correct answer. You are pleased to see that your scrap of paper is among them!


Anseng passes you a scrap of paper on which to write down your answer and tells you to write your name on the reverse side. When the hourglass runs out, Tzu shouts: Times up! The patrons hold up the scraps of paper on which they have written their answer and their name, and these are quickly gathered up by Yeng Zhi. She gives them to Shou Len and he removes the ones that have the correct answer. You are pleased to see that your scrap of paper is among them!

Well done, you have answered the riddle correctly. It was 41 years ago that the mother (who is now 80 years old) was exactly three times the age of her daughter. The daughter was 13 years old and the mother was 39 years old.

You and only two other patrons solved the puzzle. You are happy to see that one of the other winners is Anseng. Yeng Zhi collects your winnings and places them on your table, together with your original bet in its paper wrap. You have won an amount equal to double your wager. You may now restore the number of Gold Crowns you deducted from your Action Chart, and add twice that number to your total.

If you wish to wager on Shou Lens second riddle, turn to 110. @@ -1899,7 +2004,7 @@

Suddenly you realise that you are not being subjected to an audio attack. The noise that fills your head is the effect of a powerful psychic assault on your senses. You call upon your advanced Discipline to erect a Mindfort to shut out the unbearable noise, and your swift response saves you from sustaining any permanent impairment to your mental faculties.

Howling with frustration that its psychic attack has helped and not harmed you, the ghoulish figure leaps towards you brandishing his black staff. In the blink of an eye, the staff transforms into a hissing serpent. It is disturbingly similar to the snake that emerged from the mouth of undead Anseng. You reach to your weapon and pull back as the serpents venomous fangs strike out for your throat.

Xaol the Necromancer (reconstructed undead, with Serpent Rod)5050 -

Xaol is a powerful undead adversary. If your chosen weapon provides you with a bonus when used in a fight against an undead foe, be sure to calculate and add the bonus to your Combat Skill before this battle begins.


Xaol is a powerful undead adversary. If your chosen weapon provides you with a bonus when used in a fight against an undead foe, be sure to calculate and add the bonus to your COMBAT SKILL before this battle begins.

If you possess the Kai Weapon Spawnsmite or Valiance you may add the bonus that you gain from its unique properties during this combat.

If you win the combat, turn to 160.
@@ -1944,7 +2049,7 @@

Despite the rumbling thunder, howling winds, and heavy rain beating on the shingle roof of the hut, you soon drift off into a deep and dreamless sleep. Four hours later you are awoken by Ansengs strong hand shaking your shoulder.

Wake up, my Lord. Its time to go.

The noise of the night storm has disappeared. The only sound you can hear outside is a dawn chorus of chittering bird song. You rise from your mattress and gather your weapons and equipment. When you are ready, Anseng takes you to a stable at the rear of the hut where two horses are saddled ready to ride. He prepared them while you were sleeping. Leaving the stable, you and set off along the muddy highway at a brisk pace. The rain and thunder have ceased but the slowly brightening sky is heavy with thick grey cloud.


As you ride along, you stare out across the lush green paddy fields bordering the road. On your way you pass by several isolated huts and houses. Their owners, all rice growers, are repairing roofs and walls that been damaged by the storm and they pay you scant regards as you ride past their humble abodes. Anseng says that you must reach the village of Zang before nightfall. You have a long days ride ahead and there will be no time to stop and rest along the way. Unless you have a Meal in your Backpack, you lose 3 Endurance points. The need to stay in the saddle all day prevents you from foraging for food in the adjacent rice fields.


As you ride along, you stare out across the lush green paddy fields bordering the road. On your way you pass by several isolated huts and houses. Their owners, all rice growers, are repairing roofs and walls that been damaged by the storm and they pay you scant regards as you ride past their humble abodes. Anseng says that you must reach the village of Zang before nightfall. You have a long days ride ahead and there will be no time to stop and rest along the way. Unless you have a Meal in your Backpack, you lose 3 ENDURANCE points. The need to stay in the saddle all day prevents you from foraging for food in the adjacent rice fields.

During your long journey, you converse with Anseng and find out more about your trusty guide. He hails from the city of Dwala, approximately 200 miles due east of your present location. He is one of a group of covert agents established by the Elder Magi for the purpose of gathering intelligence about vengeful Bhanarians, obsessed with avenging the Massacre of Yua Tzhan, who are operating in and around Pensei. They have also been tasked with finding out why Agarashi have recently been sighted far from their lairs in the Hyunsei Foothills, the Voxai Swamp and the Huzang Forest. The last time they found the courage to do so was seventeen years ago, when they joined the army of Autarch Sejanoz for the invasion of Chai. Anseng tells you that his group of agents are headquartered at the Tower of Ishir in Dwala. Here they meet regularly with Lord Rimoahs envoy and pass on all the information they have gathered about the enemy. Anseng is a proud member of this secret group of agents who call themselves The Watchers. While you are riding together, you notice an unusual polearm that is strapped to Ansengs saddle.

If you wish to ask Anseng about this weapon, turn to 248. If you choose not to say anything about it, turn to 148. @@ -2022,6 +2127,12 @@
62 + + +

The section corresponding to the correct answer will have a footnote confirming that it is indeed correct.


The innkeeper is about to pose a riddle to his customers. He will double any money that is wagered by those who solve it. The method of betting here is the same as you experienced at the Ferry House Inn on the quayside in Valus. Envelopes and paper slips are handed out to the patrons by the Innkeepers wife.

If you decide not to make a wager, you now leave the inn and continue on your way across the storm-swept quayside to Chunang Street which heads off in a northerly direction (turn to 59). @@ -2029,7 +2140,8 @@

The innkeeper places a tall hourglass on the taproom counter. A hush descends; he is about to begin.

When he was a young boy, our beloved Khea-khan was gifted a bag of apples on the morning of his seventh birthday. He ate a third of them. The next day he ate half of the remaining apples. On the following day he ate one more, and another on the day after that. Then he ate half of the remaining apples on the next day, which was the fifth day after his birthday. On the morning of the sixth day he looked in the bag and was very sad to see that there was only one apple left. So tell me please, how many apples did the bag contain when it was first given to the Khea-khan on the morning of his birthday?

The moment the innkeeper finishes his conundrum, he turns the hourglass over and the sand begins to trickle from the top half to the bottom. You have two minutes in which to solve this riddle.


When you are sure you know the answer, turn to the section that is the same number as your answer. You will be informed by the text if your answer is correct.


+ When you are sure you know the answer, turn to the sectionturn to the section that is the same number as your answer. You will be informed by the text if your answer is correct. If you cannot work out the answer, or if your answer proves to be incorrect, turn to 132.
@@ -2243,8 +2355,8 @@

Hurriedly, you recite the words of the Brotherhood SpellSlow Fallbut the shock of the initial impact with the trees prevents you from completing it. The spell is only partially effective; you sustain a few cuts and bruises before you land, dazed and breathless, amidst a clump of thick foliage (lose 1 ENDURANCE points). Fortunately, the lush vegetation and the slowed rate of descent have cushioned your impact, and you are able to rise to your feet with no bones broken. Your eyes are drawn to a glimmer of lantern light amidst the dense undergrowth and swaying trees. You shout out, hoping to draw Ansengs attention, but the sound of the teeming rain, the howling winds and the rolling thunder makes it impossible for you to be heard.


You force a way through the heavy foliage and emerge from the trees at the edge of the clearing, close by the muddy road. A flash of lightning illuminates the area for a few fleeting moments, yet in that brief instant you are seen by Anseng. You are also spotted by Lord Rimoah who is clinging with all his strength to the prow rail of the Comet, high above. He tosses a small object over the skyships gunwale and it ignites into an intense ball of green flame as it falls. It drops into the tangled grass of the clearing where it continues to burn fiercely. It is a signal flare, acknowledging that you have been seen. It also tells you that your mission must proceed as planned. As you hurry towards the sputtering flare, you see the keel of the skyship turn about and ascend rapidly into the roiling black clouds.


Anseng and his lantern emerge from the trees. Your worried guide pauses for a few moments to get his bearings, then he comes running towards you as fast as his waterlogged clothing will allow. You rush to meet him at the edge of the road. The noise of the storm has grown much louder since the Comet departed, and now the ground shudders alarmingly with every step you take. The sodden soil has become dangerously unstable. Lightning bolts strike the ground, causing fissures that tear open the soft friable earth. You watch with growing dread as parts of the clearing break away and tumble into these treacherous crevasses. A wide fissure opens beneath your feet and you lose your balance. Instantly, a strong hand grabs your forearm and pulls you away from the yawning rift.


You force a way through the heavy foliage and emerge from the trees at the edge of the clearing, close by the muddy road. A flash of lightning illuminates the area for a few fleeting moments, yet in that brief instant you are seen by Anseng. You are also spotted by Lord Rimoah who is clinging with all his strength to the prow rail of the Comet, high above. He tosses a small object over the skyships gunwale and it ignites into an intense ball of green flame as it falls. It drops into the tangled grass of the clearing where it continues to burn fiercely. It is a signal flare, acknowledging that you have been seen. It also tells you that your mission must proceed as planned. As you hurry towards the sputtering flare, you see the keel of the skyship turn about and ascend rapidly into the roiling black clouds.


Anseng and his lantern emerge from the trees. Your worried guide pauses for a few moments to get his bearings, then he comes running towards you as fast as his waterlogged clothing will allow. You rush to meet him at the edge of the road. The noise of the storm has grown much louder since the Comet departed, and now the ground shudders alarmingly with every step you take. The sodden soil has become dangerously unstable. Lightning bolts strike the ground, causing fissures that tear open the soft friable earth. You watch with growing dread as parts of the clearing break away and tumble into these treacherous crevasses. A wide fissure opens beneath your feet and you lose your balance. Instantly, a strong hand grabs your forearm and pulls you away from the yawning rift.

Steady, my Lord, says Anseng, his rain-lashed face lit by the eerie yellow light of his storm lantern. Ill not see you buried before your mission has begun. Follow close on my heel, sire. Tread only where I tread. You nod in agreement and stay close behind your guide as skillfully he makes his way across the treacherous ground towards the tree-line on the eastern side of the clearing. Here the earth is more stable; the tangled roots of the tall trees are preventing it from breaking apart and collapsing. Sheltered from the pouring rain by the thick canopy of toa fronds, you pause to rest and recover from your dramatic return to Chai.

Upon checking your equipment, you are dismayed to find that the leather satchel containing your tracker gem is missing. The strap is still slung around your shoulder, but the satchel bag has been torn away during your fall through the trees. Your backpack has also been damaged in the fall, and three items are now missing. (Erase the Tracker Gem from your Action Chart. You must also erase 2 Backpack Itemsthe third and the fifth items you have noted on your list.)

Turn to 326. @@ -2486,7 +2598,7 @@

Zashnor rises to its full height and roars at the sky. As if in answer to its rage, there is a sudden thunderclap and several bolts of lightning streak down from the roiling black clouds to strike all along the stone pier. The storm reaches its cacophonous peak when you launch your attack on the evil sorcerer.

Zashnor (in Ice Dragon form)



Zashnor is immune to Mindblast, and has partial resistance to Kai-surge and Kai-blast. If you possess Kai-surge and use it during this combat, you may add 4 points to your COMBAT SKILL at a cost of 1 ENDURANCE point per round. If you possess the advanced Grand Master Discipline of Kai-blast and use it during this combat, you may pick only 1 number from the Random Number Table to determine the damage inflicted upon the Nadziran, at the cost of 4 ENDURANCE points. If you use the Kai Weapon 'Valiance' or 'Spawnsmite' you may add the bonus that you gain from its unique properties during this combat.


Zashnor is immune to Mindblast, and has partial resistance to Kai-surge and Kai-blast. If you possess Kai-surge and use it during this combat, you may add 4 points to your COMBAT SKILL at a cost of 1 ENDURANCE point per round. If you possess the advanced Grand Master Discipline of Kai-blast and use it during this combat, you may pick only 1 number from the Random Number Table to determine the damage inflicted upon the Nadziran, at the cost of 4 ENDURANCE points. If you use the Kai Weapon Valiance or Spawnsmite you may add the bonus that you gain from its unique properties during this combat.

The Eye of Agarash becomes active throughout this combat. It drains you of 1 ENDURANCE point per round until the combat ends.

If you win this combat in 6 rounds or less, turn to 312. If combat is still in progress when you reach the beginning of the seventh round, do not continue. Turn instead to 50. @@ -2597,10 +2709,10 @@

My eternal thanks, Grand Master, he says. Once again you have saved Chai from a great and terrible evil. You will forever be revered as a hero in our land!

You are escorted by the Captain and his men along Xo Street to the Main Square where the headquarters of the City Guard is located. Awoken by the fighting and the ferocious lightning storm, many of the citizens are now gathered in groups in the square, chattering excitedly. They cheer and wave as you pass and the Captain and his men acknowledge their applause with proud smiles and salutes. When you reach the headquarters building you ask what has become of the Tower of Ishir.

It has gone, replies Jian Tzu, sadly. It fell in flames an hour ago. I regret to inform you that there are no survivors.


The Captain makes his personal quarters available to you. Before he leaves he tells you to get some rest and he confirms that Lord Rimoah will be arriving aboard Comet as planned, at noon.


The Captain makes his personal quarters available to you. Before he leaves he tells you to get some rest and he confirms that Lord Rimoah will be arriving aboard Comet as planned, at noon.

I will escort you to the North Gate shortly before midday and see you safely aboard, he says, and then he bids you good night and closes the door to his chambers. The physical and mental strain of your battle with Zashnor and its foul cohorts wells up and overwhelms you with fatigue. You climb onto the Captains bed and fall immediately into a deep and dreamless sleep.

You are awoken mid-morning by Journeymage Honos and Herbwarden Zautro. They bring you a hearty breakfast and together you eat and talk before Captain Jian Tzu enters to inform you that it is time to leave. You ride from the headquarters building to the North Gate in the company of the Captain, Lord Honos and Herbwarden Zautro. The young journeymage carries the Claw of Naar still wrapped securely in his cape. Upon arriving at the gate, you see that it is open. Nearby, the smouldering remains of the Tower of Ishir remind you of the selfless sacrifices that were made during your long and difficult mission. You offer up a silent prayer to Goddess Ishir to cherish and preserve the souls of those who willingly gave their lives so that you might succeed. They have gone but they will never be forgotten.


While you slept, the dawn of the day brought with it a dramatic change in the weather. The skies have cleared and warm sunshine is drying the saturated streets of Dwala. Lord Rimoah arrives precisely at noon. Comet appears in a cloudless sky and gradually it descends until it comes to hover just a few feet above an area of cleared ground outside the North Gate. You hear its engine powering down to a soft hum and see Lord Rimoah and Blazer awaiting you at the rail of the stern deck. They both salute you with pride. The boarding ladder is lowered and you say farewell to Captain Jian Tzu and Herbwarden Zautro before you climb aboard. Journeymage Honos has been instructed to return to Dessi by Lord Rimoah. He has been charged with the safekeeping of the Claw of Naar until Comet arrives at the High Council in Elzian, the Dessian capital. Rimoah and Blazer greet and commend you on completing your mission successfully. Bosun Durin takes Honos to his quarters in the bow while you retire to Lord Rimoahs comfortable cabin at the stern. On approaching the cabin door, you turn and take one last look at the city of Dwala and wave a final farewell to Jian Tzu and Zautro as Comet ascends smoothly into the clear blue sky.


While you slept, the dawn of the day brought with it a dramatic change in the weather. The skies have cleared and warm sunshine is drying the saturated streets of Dwala. Lord Rimoah arrives precisely at noon. Comet appears in a cloudless sky and gradually it descends until it comes to hover just a few feet above an area of cleared ground outside the North Gate. You hear its engine powering down to a soft hum and see Lord Rimoah and Blazer awaiting you at the rail of the stern deck. They both salute you with pride. The boarding ladder is lowered and you say farewell to Captain Jian Tzu and Herbwarden Zautro before you climb aboard. Journeymage Honos has been instructed to return to Dessi by Lord Rimoah. He has been charged with the safekeeping of the Claw of Naar until Comet arrives at the High Council in Elzian, the Dessian capital. Rimoah and Blazer greet and commend you on completing your mission successfully. Bosun Durin takes Honos to his quarters in the bow while you retire to Lord Rimoahs comfortable cabin at the stern. On approaching the cabin door, you turn and take one last look at the city of Dwala and wave a final farewell to Jian Tzu and Zautro as Comet ascends smoothly into the clear blue sky.

Turn to 350.
@@ -2668,7 +2780,7 @@

The Khea-khans bodyguard, Lieutenant Quang, enters the throne room accompanied by three men. Like you, they are dressed in normal Chai peasant attire. They address Lao Tin with the formal acknowledgement Your Highness and bow their heads in respect.

Please, gentlemen, introduce yourselves to our famous guest says Lao Tin, motioning them towards you with a sweep of his hand.

In turn, the men step forward and identify themselves. The first to speak is the eldest of the three. His name is Bai and he comes from the town of Klatii. The second man is Chao, from the village of Jueng. And the third is Deng, from the port of Valus. Like Anseng, they are all native Chai and have been Watchers for the Elder Magi for more than a decade. Bai is also an agent for Lao Tin and has provided him with reliable information about Bhanar that has earned him the Khea-khans trust. You hear that he was in Dwala three days ago when the Elder Magi instructed him to go to Pensei ahead of your arrival here. He brought Chao and Deng with him. It is he who persuaded the Khea-khan to remove the Eye of Agarash from his throne and prepare it for your collection.


Lao Tin informs Lieutenant Quang that he is to accompany you when you leave Pensei. He is to ensure you are not delayed on your ride to Dwala. You tell the Khea-khan that your plans have changed since you lost the tracking stone upon arriving in Chai. Now you need to return to the place where you landed so that Lord Rimoah can pick you up from there when he returns aboard Comet.


Lao Tin informs Lieutenant Quang that he is to accompany you when you leave Pensei. He is to ensure you are not delayed on your ride to Dwala. You tell the Khea-khan that your plans have changed since you lost the tracking stone upon arriving in Chai. Now you need to return to the place where you landed so that Lord Rimoah can pick you up from there when he returns aboard Comet.

So be it, replies Lao Tin. Lieutenant Quang, see to it that they have everything they need for the journey. You shall leave at first light.

You bid thanks and farewell to the Khea-khan and Captain Voushan, and then follow Lieutenant Quang out of the throne room to the concourse on the floor below. Quang informs you all that rooms have been put at your disposal where you can rest before you leave the Imperial Palace tomorrow morning. Before you retire, he invites you to accompany him to the Imperial Armoury where you will be free to choose any weapons and equipment you wish for the long ride ahead.

If you wish to accept Lieutenant Quangs offer to visit the Imperial Armoury, turn to 344. @@ -2801,8 +2913,8 @@

You strike a dozen stout branches and sustain several cuts and bruises before you land, dazed and breathless, amidst a clump of thick foliage (lose 3 ENDURANCE points). Fortunately, the lush vegetation and the soft muddy ground cushion your impact and you are able to stagger to your feet with no bones broken. You lift your weary head and see a glimmer of lantern light through the dense undergrowth and swaying trees. You shout out, hoping to draw Ansengs attention, but the sound of the teeming rain, the howling winds and the constant thunder makes it impossible for you to be heard.


You force a way through the heavy foliage and emerge from the trees at the edge of the clearing, close by the muddy road. A flash of lightning illuminates the area for a few fleeting moments, yet in that brief instant you are seen by Anseng. You are also spotted by Lord Rimoah who is clinging with all his strength to the prow rail of the Comet, high above. He tosses a small object over the skyships gunwale which ignites into an intense ball of green flame as it falls. It drops into the tangled grass of the clearing where it continues to burn fiercely. It is a signal flare, acknowledging that you have been seen. It also tells you that your mission must proceed as planned. As you hurry towards the sputtering flare, you see the keel of the skyship turn about and ascend rapidly into the roiling black clouds.


Anseng and his lantern emerge from the trees. Your worried guide pauses for a few moments to get his bearings, then he comes running towards you as fast as his saturated clothing will allow. You rush to meet him at the edge of the road. The noise of the storm has grown much louder since the Comet departed, and now the ground shudders alarmingly with every step you take. The sodden soil has become dangerously unstable. Lightning bolts strike the ground, causing fissures that tear open the soft friable earth. You watch with growing dread as parts of the clearing break away and tumble into these treacherous crevasses. A wide fissure opens beneath your feet and you lose your balance. Instantly, a strong hand grabs your forearm and pulls you away from the yawning rift.


You force a way through the heavy foliage and emerge from the trees at the edge of the clearing, close by the muddy road. A flash of lightning illuminates the area for a few fleeting moments, yet in that brief instant you are seen by Anseng. You are also spotted by Lord Rimoah who is clinging with all his strength to the prow rail of the Comet, high above. He tosses a small object over the skyships gunwale which ignites into an intense ball of green flame as it falls. It drops into the tangled grass of the clearing where it continues to burn fiercely. It is a signal flare, acknowledging that you have been seen. It also tells you that your mission must proceed as planned. As you hurry towards the sputtering flare, you see the keel of the skyship turn about and ascend rapidly into the roiling black clouds.


Anseng and his lantern emerge from the trees. Your worried guide pauses for a few moments to get his bearings, then he comes running towards you as fast as his saturated clothing will allow. You rush to meet him at the edge of the road. The noise of the storm has grown much louder since the Comet departed, and now the ground shudders alarmingly with every step you take. The sodden soil has become dangerously unstable. Lightning bolts strike the ground, causing fissures that tear open the soft friable earth. You watch with growing dread as parts of the clearing break away and tumble into these treacherous crevasses. A wide fissure opens beneath your feet and you lose your balance. Instantly, a strong hand grabs your forearm and pulls you away from the yawning rift.

Steady, my Lord, says Anseng, his rain-lashed face lit by the eerie yellow light of his storm lantern. Ill not see you buried before your mission has begun. Follow close on my heel, sire. Tread only where I tread. You nod in agreement and stay close behind your guide as skillfully he makes his way across the treacherous ground towards the tree line on the eastern side of the clearing. Here the earth is more stable; the tangled roots of the tall trees are preventing it from breaking apart and collapsing. Sheltered from the pouring rain by the thick canopy of toa fronds, you pause to rest and recover from your dramatic return to Chai.

Upon checking your equipment, you are dismayed to find that the leather satchel containing your tracker gem is missing. The strap is still slung around your shoulder, but the satchel bag has been torn away during your fall through the trees. Your backpack has also been damaged in the fall, and three items are now missing. (Erase the Tracker Gem from your Action Chart. You must also erase 3 Backpack Itemsthe first, third, and fifth items on your list.)

Turn to 326. @@ -2852,7 +2964,7 @@ 127 -

Two Imperial Guardsmen clad in angsei (the famous Chai waistcoats of golden mail) who are posted at the gates of the Imperial Palace Keep come smartly to attention and salute Captain Voushan as you approach. He acknowledges their salute and you accompany the Captain into the courtyard beyond. The largest building in this exclusive area is the Pensei Pagoda. It is also the oldest and most impressive construction in all of Chai, dating back to the time when the country was first established following the collapse of the Vaduzhan Empire during the Great Civil War of MS 1620.


Two Imperial Guardsmen clad in angsei (the famous Chai waistcoats of golden mail) who are posted at the gates of the Imperial Palace Keep come smartly to attention and salute Captain Voushan as you approach. He acknowledges their salute and you accompany the Captain into the courtyard beyond. The largest building in this exclusive area is the Pensei Pagoda. It is also the oldest and most impressive construction in all of Chai, dating back to the time when the country was first established following the collapse of the Vaduzhan Empire during the Great Civil War of MS1620.

Upon entering the main concourse of the Pensei Pagoda, you are struck by the lavishness of the interior which recently has been renovated at Khea-khan Lao Tins behest. Its panelled walls and ornamented arched doors are exquisitely carved with symbols of historic and religious significance, delicately inlaid with fine gold leaf and myriad pearls. There is an impressive circular skywell positioned above an elegant indoor garden that harbours several dozen miniature trees, all meticulously cultivated and beautifully arranged around a narrow winding stream of shimmering azure water. A grand mahogany staircase dominates the north side of the concourse and ascends to the first storey. It is here that the Grand Throne Room of the Khea-khan is located.

The arched door opens as you reach the top of the staircase and Captain Voushan escorts you into the luxuriously appointed chamber beyond. Every inch of the walls and ceiling are embellished with intricate carvings clad with gold leaf. The effect is dazzling at first sight. Portraits of past Khea-khans and depictions of significant events in Chais proud history are displayed around the walls, and in the centre of the chamber there is a grand ebony throne set atop a large rectangular slab of crimson-veined marble. You inspect the throne and you are disappointed to discover that the Eye of Agarash is missing. There is a deep indentation where the gem was mounted. Tell-tale gouges around this indentation reveal that the gem has recently been prised out of its setting.

A robed courtier approaches Captain Voushan and informs him that the Khea-khan is inspecting the west wall defences. He is expected to return within the hour and she invites you to await him here.

@@ -3116,7 +3228,7 @@

You walk along the paved street, passing closed cook shops and small emporiums that sell clothing, furniture and fruit, until you arrive at Dwalas main square. At its centre is a tiered pyramid of veined marble topped by a magnificent sculpture of a dragon roaring at the sky. This is the famous Dwala Dragon, erected at a time when the free citizens of Dwala willingly chose to join the Chai Empire many centuries ago. It is a homage to Nyxator, the wise and goodly dragon who, in 12209 MS, created the Lorestones to preserve the powers and knowledge bestowed upon him by God Kai. These ancient gems contained the secrets and the power of the Magnakai Disciplines that you have mastered. Encircling the base of the pyramid are dozens of market trader stalls wrapped in oilskin tarpaulins and wound round tightly with rope. In more clement times the square is a vibrant open market where thousands of goods are bought, bartered and sold every day. Now it is closed, and it looks like it will remain so for several days to come.

Through the teeming rain, you see two thoroughfares that lead away from the main square. One goes north and is called Izara Street. The other heads west and is named Xo Street. A signpost at the start of Xo Street points due west and reads: To the Quay.

If you wish to leave the main square and enter Izara Street, heading in a northerly direction, turn to 7. - If you decide to enter Xo Street and head towards the Quay, turn to 180. + If you decide to enter Xo Street and head towards the Quay, turn to 98.
@@ -3254,7 +3366,7 @@

The Chagarashi lead the attack on the North wall. They leap up and sink their talons deep into the logs and cling on tightly as the Skarada use them like scaling ladders. They clamber up their backs to reach the top of the parapet wall.

You unsheathe your Kai Weapon and join the militiamen crouching along the parapet walkway. The instant the clawed hands and head of the first Skarad appear above the parapet, you spring to your feet and strike.

Skarad4240 -

You may add +3 to your Combat Skill in the first round of this combat. The Skarad is unable to retaliate in the first round as it has not cleared the wall, therefore you should ignore any ENDURANCE loss you sustain in the initial round.


You may add +3 to your COMBAT SKILL in the first round of this combat. The Skarad is unable to retaliate in the first round as it has not cleared the wall, therefore you should ignore any ENDURANCE loss you sustain in the initial round.

If you win this combat, turn to 68.
@@ -3335,7 +3447,7 @@

Honos is receiving a message from the High Council. He presses the Speaking Stone to his chest and closes his eyes. Another minute passes in silence as you wait for him to conclude his mental contact with his distant elders. He is smiling when he opens his eyes.


I am happy to report that my message has been relayed to Lord Rimoah and hes replied most promptly. He will fly directly to Dwala aboard the Comet and attempt a landing in front of the North Gate at noon tomorrow, so long as the weather is not too severe. He has also sent a warning to you, Grand Master, that the Eye of Agarash is now known to have revealed your location to the enemy from the moment you departed Pensei.


I am happy to report that my message has been relayed to Lord Rimoah and hes replied most promptly. He will fly directly to Dwala aboard the Comet and attempt a landing in front of the North Gate at noon tomorrow, so long as the weather is not too severe. He has also sent a warning to you, Grand Master, that the Eye of Agarash is now known to have revealed your location to the enemy from the moment you departed Pensei.

If this is so, then they will know that you are here in the Tower of Ishir, says Zautro, anxiously.

Song Tao uses her goodly powers to calm the Herbwardens fraying nerves and she recommends that you all should now retire and get some sleep.

I will pray to Ishir to grant us a break in the storm so that Lord Rimoah shall be able to land in safety tomorrow, she adds, and calls forward Jia Zhai to escort you to your room. You bid good night to the others and follow the Moon Maiden as she leads you out of the chamber and down the spiral staircase to the alcove behind the chapels altar. She beckons you to follow her to another alcove and she opens a secret door to a comfortably appointed room with a bed and a narrow stained glass window. She wishes you a peaceful nights sleep before leaving.

@@ -3912,7 +4024,7 @@

You walk along the paved avenue, passing by closed cook shops and small emporiums that sell clothing, furniture and fruit, until you arrive at Dwalas main square. At its centre is a tiered pyramid of veined marble topped by an impressive sculpture of a dragon roaring at the sky. This is the famous Dwala Dragon, erected at a time when the free citizens of Dwala willingly chose to join the Chai Empire many centuries ago. It is a homage to Nyxator, the wise and goodly dragon who, in 12209 MS, created the Lorestones to preserve the powers and knowledge bestowed upon him by God Kai. These ancient gems contained the secrets and the power of the Magnakai Disciplines that you have mastered. Encircling the base of the pyramid are dozens of traders stalls wrapped in oilskin tarpaulins and wound round tightly with rope. In more clement times the square is a vibrant open market where thousands of goods are bought, bartered and sold every day. Now it is closed, and it looks like it will remain so for several days to come.

Through the teeming rain, you see two streets that lead away from the main square. One goes north and is called Izara Avenue. The other heads west and is named Xo Street. A signpost at the start of Xo Street points due west and reads: To the Quay.

If you wish to leave the main square and enter Izara Avenue, heading in a northerly direction, turn to 7. - If you decide to enter Xo Street and head towards the Quay, turn to 180. + If you decide to enter Xo Street and head towards the Quay, turn to 98.
@@ -4103,7 +4215,7 @@

Suddenly you realise that you are not being subjected to an audio attack. The noise that fills your head is the effect of a powerful psychic assault upon your senses. Hurriedly, you call upon your Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen to protect your mind from this powerful psychic assault, and you are able to create a mental wall to repel it. However, it takes you crucial seconds to erect this defensive wall and you suffer a painful psychic shock before it is completed: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

Sensing your distress and eager to exploit it, the ghoulish figure leaps towards you brandishing his black staff. In the blink of an eye, the staff transforms into a hissing serpent. It is disturbingly similar to the snake which emerged from the mouth of undead Anseng! You reach to your weapon and pull back as the serpents venomous fangs strike out for your throat.

Xaol the Necromancer (reconstructed undead, with Serpent Rod)5050 -

This enemy is a powerful undead adversary. If your chosen weapon provides you with a bonus when used in a fight against an undead foe, be sure to calculate and add the bonus to your Combat Skill before this battle begins. If you possess the Kai Weapon Spawnsmite or Valiance you may add the bonus that you gain from its unique properties during this combat.


This enemy is a powerful undead adversary. If your chosen weapon provides you with a bonus when used in a fight against an undead foe, be sure to calculate and add the bonus to your COMBAT SKILL before this battle begins. If you possess the Kai Weapon Spawnsmite or Valiance you may add the bonus that you gain from its unique properties during this combat.

If you win the combat, turn to 160. @@ -4246,7 +4358,7 @@

Quang and the Watchers leave their locations and race to their horses. Rapidly, you mount your horse and spur him towards the open doors. You are halfway across the barn when two Chagarashi appear in the open doorway and throw their arms wide. They spread their sinewy fingers and their razor-sharp talons glint in the dull light. They are attempting to block your escape.

You are almost upon them when your horse rears up in alarm. The Chagarashi seize this opportunity and leap forward to attack.

2 Chagarashi Scouts4545 -

You struggle to control your frightened horse throughout this combat. Its wild and erratic movement makes it hard for you to strike these enemies with precision. Deduct 4 points from your Combat Skill for the duration of this fight.


You struggle to control your frightened horse throughout this combat. Its wild and erratic movement makes it hard for you to strike these enemies with precision. Deduct 4 points from your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight.

If you win the combat, turn to 224. @@ -4349,7 +4461,7 @@ 251 -

You enter and ride along Tzushen Avenue. This thoroughfare is well lit and lined with leafy jougong trees that exude a fragrant scent, but you are immediately struck by the large number of shops and eating houses that are closed, their doors and windows boarded and shuttered. Halfway along the avenue are several consulates and embassies of foreign nations. Judging by their darkened windows and chained doors, they appear to have been shut down and abandoned by their diplomatic staff. You pass the abandoned Dessian Embassy which was administered by Lord Ghadra when you visited this city many years ago. The embassy was shut down in MS 5085 in protest of the Massacre of Yua Tzhan. Now only one consulate shows any signs of life. A column of grey smoke is rising from its chimney, its front door is unchained and there is candlelight radiating from one of its ground floor windows. You recognise the dark blue flag that hangs above its door; it is the national flag of Durenor.


You enter and ride along Tzushen Avenue. This thoroughfare is well lit and lined with leafy jougong trees that exude a fragrant scent, but you are immediately struck by the large number of shops and eating houses that are closed, their doors and windows boarded and shuttered. Halfway along the avenue are several consulates and embassies of foreign nations. Judging by their darkened windows and chained doors, they appear to have been shut down and abandoned by their diplomatic staff. You pass the abandoned Dessian Embassy which was administered by Lord Ghadra when you visited this city many years ago. The embassy was shut down in MS5085 in protest of the Massacre of Yua Tzhan. Now only one consulate shows any signs of life. A column of grey smoke is rising from its chimney, its front door is unchained and there is candlelight radiating from one of its ground floor windows. You recognise the dark blue flag that hangs above its door; it is the national flag of Durenor.

If you wish to stop and enter the Durenese Consulate, turn to 36. If you wish to continue along Tzushen Avenue, turn to 289.
@@ -4490,7 +4602,7 @@

With trepidation, you continue along the trail. You reach a section of the muddy forest path that is wider and straighter, and here you see that the tracks have changed. They indicate that several new barefooted creatures have joined with the ones you have been following, and the hoof-prints of the horse are deeper and more numerous. From these tracks you deduce that a struggle occurred here. The hoof-prints continue along the trail, but they are wider spaced than before. This tells you that Anseng was able to break free from the creatures and escape at speed along the path beyond.

A gurgling growl makes you reach to your Kai Weapon and scan the surrounding trees. Several hulking grey shapes are closing in from both sides and your pulse quickens when you first catch sight of them. They resemble tall muscular humans, but these cadaverous creatures are neither human nor alive. Their scabrous hairless grey skins reek of a charnel smell that makes your stomach churn. Foul black fluid drips from their fanged mouths and a baleful green glow radiates from their ragged eye sockets. From the tip of index fingers of their right hands extend curved razor-sharp talons that glint in the subdued light of the forest. Your horse rear up in fright and you struggle to keep control of her as the creatures come leaping out from the trees with unnerving speed. These creatures are undead and you must fight them all as one enemy.

Nagah Ghouls4444 - If you win the combat, turn to 218. + If you win the combat, turn to 246. @@ -4562,7 +4674,7 @@

Quang and the Watchers rush to their horses. Rapidly, you mount your horse and spur him towards the open doors. You are halfway across the barn when two Chagarashi appear in the open doorway and throw their arms wide. They spread their sinewy fingers and their razor-sharp talons glint in the dull light. They are attempting to block your escape.

You are almost upon them when your horse rears up in fright. The Chagarashi seize this opportunity and leap forward to attack.

2 Chagarashi Scouts4545 -

You struggle to control your terrified horse throughout this combat. Its wild and erratic movement makes it hard for you to strike these enemies with precision. Deduct 4 points from your Combat Skill for the duration of this fight.


You struggle to control your terrified horse throughout this combat. Its wild and erratic movement makes it hard for you to strike these enemies with precision. Deduct 4 points from your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight.

If you win the combat, turn to 224. @@ -4803,12 +4915,18 @@

Instinctively, you throw yourself forwards and dive onto the wet cobblestones of the alley to avoid being hit by the speeding black arrow.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess the Grand Master Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, add 3 to the number you have picked. If your current ENDURANCE score is 20 or less, deduct 1 from the number you have picked.

If your total is now 4 or lower, turn to 206. - If your total is now 5 or higher, 129. + If your total is now 5 or higher, turn to 129.
- 291 + 291 + + + +

The section corresponding to the correct answer will have a footnote confirming that it is indeed correct.


You and Anseng sit at a table near to the taverns crackling log fire. Yeng Zhi brings you each a bowl of steamed rice, mixed with chopped vegetables and diced lamb. While you are eating this delicious food, the main door opens and in comes an old man clad in a flamboyantly embroidered blue overcoat. The patrons greet him with applause and he acknowledges them with a jovial smile and a bow of respect.

@@ -4821,7 +4939,7 @@

Once all the bets are in, Shou Len clears his throat and calls out his first riddle.

Xian Tzee is 54 years old. Yisu, her mother, is 80 years old. How many years ago was Yisu exactly three times the age of her daughter?

Tzu has a large hourglass on the taproom counter. The moment Shou Len has finished posing the riddle, he turns the hourglass over and its sand begins to trickle from the upper part into the lower part of the glass. You have one minute precisely in which to answer Shou Lens riddle (you should allow yourself only one minute to calculate your answer).


If you think you know the answer to this riddle, turn to the section that is the same as your answer.

+ If you think you know the answer to this riddle, turn to the sectionturn to the section that is the same as your answer. If you are unable to determine the answer within one minute, turn to 187.
@@ -4882,7 +5000,7 @@

The Chagarashi lead the attack on the West wall. They leap up and sink their talons deep into the logs and cling on tightly as the Skarada use them like scaling ladders. They clamber up their backs to reach the top of the parapet wall.

You unsheathe your Kai Weapon and join the militiamen crouching along the parapet walkway. The instant the clawed hands and head of the first Skarad appear above the parapet, you spring to your feet and strike.

Skarad4142 -

You may add +3 to your Combat Skill in the first round of this combat. The Skarad is unable to retaliate in the first round as it has not cleared the wall, therefore you should ignore any ENDURANCE loss you sustain in the initial round.


You may add +3 to your COMBAT SKILL in the first round of this combat. The Skarad is unable to retaliate in the first round as it has not cleared the wall, therefore you should ignore any ENDURANCE loss you sustain in the initial round.

If you win this combat, turn to 68. @@ -5100,6 +5218,12 @@
314 + + +

The section corresponding to the correct answer will have a footnote confirming that it is indeed correct.


The innkeeper is about to pose a riddle to his customers. He will double any money that is wagered by those who solve it. Your answer must be written on one of two paper slips and placed in the parchment envelope along with your wager. On the face of the envelope you must inscribe a symbol. On the second slip of paper you must inscribe the same symbol that you made on the face of the envelope. This second slip must be kept safely. If your answer is correct you will have to show this slip. If the symbol does not match any of the winning envelopes then you cannot lay claim to your winnings.

If you decide not to make a wager, you now leave the inn and continue on your way across the storm-swept quayside to Chunang Street which heads off in a northerly direction (turn to 59). @@ -5107,7 +5231,7 @@

The innkeeper places a tall hourglass on the taproom counter. A hush descends; he is about to begin.

When he was a young boy, our beloved Khea-khan was gifted a bag of apples on the morning of his seventh birthday. He ate a third of them. The next day he ate half of the remaining apples. On the following day he ate one more, and another on the day after that. Then he ate half of the remaining apples on the next day, which was the fifth day after his birthday. On the morning of the sixth day he looked in the bag and was very sad to see that there was only one apple left. So tell me please, how many apples did the bag contain when it was first given to the Khea-khan on the morning of his birthday?

The moment the innkeeper finishes his conundrum, he turns the hourglass over and the sand begins to trickle from the top half to the bottom. You have two minutes in which to solve this riddle.


When you are sure you know the answer, turn to the section that is the same number as your answer. You will be informed by the text if your answer is correct.

+ When you are sure you know the answer, turn to the sectionturn to the section that is the same number as your answer. You will be informed by the text if your answer is correct. If you cannot work out the answer, or if your answer proves to be incorrect, turn to 132.
@@ -5166,7 +5290,7 @@

Suddenly you realise that you are not being subjected to an audio attack. The noise that fills your head is the effect of a powerful psychic assault on your senses. You call upon your advanced Discipline to absorb and transform the hostile psychic energy into a positive physical effect: restore 3 ENDURANCE.

Howling with frustration that its psychic attack has not harmed you, the ghoulish figure leaps forwards brandishing his black staff. In the blink of an eye, the staff transforms into a hissing serpent. It is disturbingly similar to the snake that emerged from the mouth of undead Anseng. You reach to your weapon and pull back as the serpents venomous fangs strike out for your throat.

Xaol the Necromancer (reconstructed undead, with Serpent Rod)5050 -

Xaol is a powerful undead adversary. If your chosen weapon provides you with a bonus when used in a fight against an undead foe, be sure to calculate and add the bonus to your Combat Skill before this battle begins. If you possess the Kai Weapon Spawnsmite or Valiance you may add the bonus that you gain from its unique properties during this combat.


Xaol is a powerful undead adversary. If your chosen weapon provides you with a bonus when used in a fight against an undead foe, be sure to calculate and add the bonus to your COMBAT SKILL before this battle begins. If you possess the Kai Weapon Spawnsmite or Valiance you may add the bonus that you gain from its unique properties during this combat.

If you win the combat, turn to 160. @@ -5200,7 +5324,7 @@

A few miles on, you see a large group of refugees assembled around a stone shrine dedicated to Goddess Ishir. They are kneeling in communal prayer, oblivious to the mud and the teeming rain. Your Sixth Sense detects an invisible aura of goodness surrounding the shrine. You bring your horse to a halt at the edge of the circle of devout worshippers and you feel a sensation of warmth and calmness following through you: restore 1 ENDURANCE. Your horse also benefits from the reviving power of the shrine, and when you push on along the margin of grassland bordering the highway, she is able to maintain a steady canter without tiring.

Pensei appears in view shortly before dusk. A night curfew has been imposed and you arrive at the south gate of the city just in time to enter before the heavy portal is chained shut until dawn tomorrow. You meet with no challenge from the guards at the gate; they are too busy dealing with a last rush of refugees who are desperate to leave Pensei before the gate is locked and the curfew begins.

Inside the south gate there is a large square ringed by shops and dwellings. You must make your way to the Imperial Palace, but it has been a long time since you last set foot in this ancient capital and you are not sure which avenue will lead you there. All you can remember is that the palace occupies the north-eastern precinct of the city.

- If you wish to enter and follow Maoshen Avenue towards the north, turn to 126. + If you wish to enter and follow Maoshen Avenue towards the north, turn to 185. If you decide to follow Tzushen Avenue towards the east, turn to 251. @@ -5281,7 +5405,7 @@

The remaining Chagarashi lead the attack on the North wall. They leap up and sink their talons deep into the logs and cling on tightly as the Skarada use them like scaling ladders, clambering up their backs to reach the top of the wall.

You unsheathe your Kai Weapon and join the militiamen crouching along the parapet walkway. The instant the clawed hands and head of the first Skarad appear above the parapet, you spring to your feet and strike.

Skarad4240 -

You may add +3 to your Combat Skill in the first round of this combat. The Skarad is unable to retaliate in the first round as it has not cleared the wall, therefore you should ignore any ENDURANCE loss you sustain in the initial round.


You may add +3 to your COMBAT SKILL in the first round of this combat. The Skarad is unable to retaliate in the first round as it has not cleared the wall, therefore you should ignore any ENDURANCE loss you sustain in the initial round.

If you win this combat, turn to 68. @@ -5382,7 +5506,7 @@

You ride ten miles through the gentle hills before turning east and heading back across the open grassland to the highway. You rejoin it near a place where a large group of refugees are assembled around a stone shrine dedicated to Goddess Ishir. They are kneeling in communal prayer, oblivious to the mud and the teeming rain. Your Sixth Sense detects an invisible aura of goodness surrounding the shrine. You bring your horse to a halt at the edge of the circle of devout worshippers and you feel a sensation of warmth and calmness following through you: restore 1 ENDURANCE. Your horse also benefits from the reviving power of the shrine, and when you push on along the margin of grassland bordering the highway, she is able to maintain a steady canter without tiring.

Pensei appears in view shortly before dusk. A night curfew has been imposed and you arrive at the south gate of the city just in time to enter before the heavy portal is chained shut until dawn tomorrow. You meet with no challenge from the guards at the gate; they are too busy dealing with a last rush of refugees who are desperate to leave Pensei before the gate is locked and the curfew begins.

Inside the south gate there is a large square ringed by shops and dwellings. You must make your way to the Imperial Palace, but it has been a long time since you last set foot in this ancient capital and you are not sure which avenue will lead you there. All you can remember is that the palace occupies the north-eastern precinct of the city.

- If you wish to enter and follow Maoshen Avenue towards the north, turn to 126. + If you wish to enter and follow Maoshen Avenue towards the north, turn to 185. If you decide to follow Tzushen Avenue towards the east, turn to 251. @@ -5478,7 +5602,7 @@

When you and the Watchers have each made your choice of weapons, Lieutenant Quang takes you back to the concourse of the Pensei Pagoda where a small group of courtiers await you.

Grand Master, respected gentlemen, we shall meet here one hour before dawn. Your rooms are ready so Ill bid you all a good nights rest.

Quang salutes you and retires to his quarters, leaving you in the capable hands of the courtiers.

- Turn to 135. + Turn to 297. @@ -5515,7 +5639,7 @@

It is mid-afternoon when you come to a small spire of stone at side of the highway, close to a wooded copse. Its metallic tip gleams dully in the poor light. Anseng says you should stop here for a short while to allow the horses to rest. You may now eat a Meal from your Backpack, or you can use your basic Kai Hunting Discipline to forage enough food for one Meal in the rice fields hereabouts. You are getting ready to remount and continue when a lightning storm breaks directly overhead. A crackling bolt of lightning strikes the tip of the stone spire, followed almost immediately by a deafening crash of thunder. The muddy ground shudders, but it is not the storm that is causing the sodden earth to tremble. From out of the copse comes a stampeding herd of Wild Guanza! These large bipedal lizards are wide-eyed with terror as they come racing towards you. Anseng screams a warning but the crazed Guanza pack are upon you before you can turn your horses about and evade them.

Wild Guanza Herd4238

These creatures are pack hunters. They are in a frenzy of fear induced by the deafening thunder and close lightning strikes. They are also very hungry and the scent of your horses is enough to override their primeval panic.


If you possess the Kai Grand Master Discipline of Animal Mastery, add 2 to your Combat Skill for the duration of this fight.


If you possess the Kai Grand Master Discipline of Animal Mastery, add 2 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight.

If you win the combat, turn to 201. @@ -5557,7 +5681,7 @@

Your return sky voyage to the Kai Monastery of Lorn takes a little over six hours. During your aerial flight, Lord Rimoah asks many questions about your mission and he prepares a detailed account which he will give to Kai Supreme Master Lone Wolf. Blazer has already given a similar report about his mission to the Kraknalorg chasm. He is proud to tell you that he, too, was successful.


You arrive at the Monastery in the early evening and watch the descent to the parade ground from the stern deck of the Comet. The blessed tranquillity of the Monastery is a welcome relief after the days and nights you have spent in the heavy rains and thunderous storms of Chai. You see Skyfort moored on the parade ground below and you hope that Black Hawk, Star Lynx, Steel Hand and Swift Sword have enjoyed the same success that you and Blazer have achieved.


You arrive at the Monastery in the early evening and watch the descent to the parade ground from the stern deck of the Comet. The blessed tranquillity of the Monastery is a welcome relief after the days and nights you have spent in the heavy rains and thunderous storms of Chai. You see Skyfort moored on the parade ground below and you hope that Black Hawk, Star Lynx, Steel Hand and Swift Sword have enjoyed the same success that you and Blazer have achieved.

A Kai honour guard awaits you when you descend the boarding ladder to the gravelled parade ground. With pride, you acknowledge their salutes and accompany Lord Rimoah and Blazer to the Grand Hall at the top of the Tower of the Moon. Upon entering the hall, you see Lone Wolf seated upon his alabaster throne with Star Lynx and Sage Chastan standing quietly on either side.

Welcome Grand Masters, says Lone Wolf, proudly, I commend you both on achieving your missions with honour. You have each defeated a powerful champion of evil and removed the threat they posed to the peace and stability of the lands around their mustering points. You have done well and you should feel rightly proud to have upheld the highest traditions of the Order.

Sage Chastan approaches you and requests that you give him the Eye of Agarash. Lone Wolf nods his approval and willingly you hand over the satchel containing the bane that has burdened you all the way from Pensei. Chastan thanks you and bows respectfully to Lone Wolf and the others before leaving the Grand Hall. Lone Wolf gets up and steps away from his throne. He beckons you all to join him at his map table where he picks up the steel pointer and taps it on the Kraknalorg Chasm and the Doomlands of Naaros. He looks at you and Blazer and says:

@@ -5719,7 +5843,7 @@
Combat Rules Summary - +
  1. Add your COMBAT SKILL to any bonus points given to you by your Kai Weapon, Special Items, or Grand Master Disciplines.
  2. @@ -5729,21 +5853,21 @@
  3. Find your Combat Ratio along the top of the chart and cross-reference to the random number you have picked. (E indicates loss of ENDURANCE points to Enemy. GM indicates loss of ENDURANCE points to yourself.)
  4. Continue the combat from Stage 3 until one character is dead. This is when the ENDURANCE points of either character falls to 0 or below.
- +
To Evade Combat - + - +
  1. You may only do this when the text of the adventure offers you the opportunity.
  2. You undertake one round of combat in the usual way. All points lost by the enemy are ignored; only you lose the ENDURANCE points.
  3. If the book offers the chance of taking evasive action in place of combat, it can be taken in the first or any subsequent round (unless specifically stated otherwise).
- +
- +
@@ -6132,6 +6256,7 @@

(Timeline of Notable Events in Magnamund) Changed Zha-zing to Zha-zhing. Changed Shararak to Shasarak. Changed MS 5101 Kalte, Sommerlund and Durenor to MS 5101 Kalte, Sommerlund, and Durenor. Changed leveled to levelled.


(Improved Grand Master Disciplines) Replaced Speedby casting with SpeedBy casting. Replaced Power Strikecan be cast with Power StrikeCan be cast. Replaced Illuminationcreates with IlluminationCreates. Replaced Bridgecreates with BridgeCreates.

(All numbered sections, except 253 and 350) Added . to the end of reader choice paragraphs. Sections 50, 62, 98, 105, 113, 266, and 314 already had one choice with the appropriate punctuation.

(1) Replaced woolen with woollen. Changed 6th to sixth. Changed pre-dawn to predawn.

(2) Replaced Grand Master discipline with Grand Master Discipline.

@@ -6212,7 +6337,7 @@

(145) Replaced discipline with Discipline.

(146) Replaced distain with disdain.

(148) Replaced pole arm with polearm.


(149) Replaced Magnakai disciplines with Magnakai Disciplines.


(149) Replaced Magnakai disciplines with Magnakai Disciplines. Replaced turn to 180 with turn to 98.

(151) Replaced actives with activates.

(153) Replaced discipline with Discipline.

(154) Replaced HiJoi with Hijoi.

@@ -6241,6 +6366,7 @@

(207) Replaced discipline with Discipline.

(208) Changed Weaponshop to Weapon Shop (cf. Section 221).

(210) Replaced discipline with Discipline.


(213) Replaced turn to 180 with turn to 98.

(215) Replaced turn 94 with turn to 94.

(220) Replaced treeline with tree-line.

(222) Replaced both instances of Grand Master discipline with Grand Master Discipline.

@@ -6263,6 +6389,7 @@

(255) Replaced Grand Master discipline with Grand Master Discipline.

(256) Replaced Grand Master discipline with Grand Master Discipline.

(261) Replaced both instances of discipline with Discipline.


(262) Replaced turn to 218 with turn to 246.

(263) Replaced Magnakai discipline with Magnakai Discipline. Replaced Grand Master disciplines with Grand Master Disciplines.

(264) Replaced treeline with tree-line. Replaced gulley with gully. Replaced all instances of Grand Master discipline(s) with Grand Master Discipline(s).

(265) Replaced 4th round with fourth round.

@@ -6276,7 +6403,7 @@

(278) Replaced discipline with Discipline.

(282) Replaced both instances of discipline with Discipline.

(285) Replaced discipline of Mind over Matter with Discipline of Mind Over Matter.


(290) Replaced Grand Master discipline with Grand Master Discipline.


(290) Replaced Grand Master discipline with Grand Master Discipline. Replaced 129 with turn to 129.

(293) Replaced all instances of discipline(s) with Discipline(s).

(294) Replaced discipline with Discipline.

(295) Replaced discipline with Discipline.

@@ -6294,20 +6421,21 @@

(317) Replaced Zhou-Yin with Zhou-yin.

(318) Replaced Lone Wolf with Lone Wolf.

(319) Replaced discipline with Discipline.


(322) Replaced worshipers with worshippers. Replaced discipline with Discipline.


(322) Replaced worshipers with worshippers. Replaced discipline with Discipline. Replaced turn to 126 with turn to 185.

(324) Replaced ENDRANCE with ENDURANCE. Replaced discipline with Discipline.

(329) Replaced discipline of Mind over Matter with Discipline of Mind Over Matter.

(330) Replaced Tranquility with Tranquillity.

(333) Replaced Grand Master discipline with Grand Master Discipline.

(334) Replaced Grand Master discipline with Grand Master Discipline.


(337) Replaced worshipers with worshippers.


(337) Replaced worshipers with worshippers. Replaced turn to 126 with turn to 185.


(344) Replaced Turn to 135 with Turn to 297.

(345) Replaced turn 94 with turn to 94.

(347) Replaced Kai hunting discipline with Kai Hunting Discipline. Replaced Grand Master discipline with Grand Master Discipline.

(348) Replaced Magnakai discipline with Magnakai Discipline.

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