X-Git-Url: http://git.projectaon.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=01hh.xml;h=3b74d04bac47df31e5a0450f06e6b6c6b8a11a58;hb=e12672f3da126d54ede2b7af4a5f95b9fc53fae3;hp=8abe1fc5610f0475a7e5378fe1e12529bf746626;hpb=77b8a4c8bb537d22bd71b514669813018f841378;p=project-aon.git diff --git a/01hh.xml b/01hh.xml index 8abe1fc..3b74d04 100644 --- a/01hh.xml +++ b/01hh.xml @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ &inclusion.melvyn.grant.bio.fw; Project Aon - 2007831 + 2008513

You are Cal Phoenix, the Freeway Warrior, champion and protector of Dallas Colony One. A murderous gang of HAVOC clansmen, led by the psychotic Mad Dog Michigan, are bent on destroying your fragile colony as it crosses the wastelands of Texas on the first stage of a life-or-death exodus to the California coast. These bike-riding clansmen are a formidable enemy: armed, cunning, and extremely dangerous, capable of launching a lightning raid at any time, day or night. You will need all your wits about you if you are to defend your people and reach your destination intact!

@@ -86,29 +86,32 @@
Matthew Reynolds
Illustration Transcription
+ + Iain Smith +
- Iain Smith - Jonathan Blake - Thomas Wolmer -
+ Iain Smith + Jonathan Blake + Thomas Wolmer +
- Iain Smith (frontmatter) - Matthew Reynolds (sections 1105, 246280) - Simon Osborne (sections 106245, 281350) -
+ Iain Smith (frontmatter) + Matthew Reynolds (sections 1105, 246280) + Simon Osborne (sections 106245, 281350) +
- Iain Smith - Jonathan Blake - LeRoy McSwain - Simon Osborne - Ingo Klcker - Neil McGrory - Mark Baumann -
+ Iain Smith + Jonathan Blake + LeRoy McSwain + Simon Osborne + Ingo Klcker + Neil McGrory + Mark Baumann +
@@ -129,30 +132,32 @@ -

19901998 - Rise of global terrorism on an unprecedented scale. Political violence funded by organized crime syndicate called HAVOCThe Hijack, Assassination, and Violent Opposition Consortium.


19982003 - The governments of many small and impoverished nations fall into the hands of HAVOC. International terrorists receive arms, training, and shelter in these Badlands.


20032008 - Raids on oil and gas installations, assassinations, and the kidnapping of prominent world statesmen become commonplace as HAVOC attempt to terrorize the civilized world into submission. Despite public outrage and growing international tension, the major powers steadfastly refuse to give in to HAVOCs demands.


2008 - President of the United States and General Secretary of Supreme Soviet both assassinated at emergency summit meeting. US, USSR, and major European nations create the World Defence League and declare war on HAVOC. The Badlands are invaded, key HAVOC bases destroyed, and thousands of HAVOC agents are captured.


2009 - HAVOC leaders imprisoned for life in Deep Pensmaximum security gaols located deep undergroundto prevent their escape or release by HAVOC agents still at large.


2010 - New leadership emerges to unify the scattered remnants of HAVOC and plan revenge.


2011 - A WDL train transporting seventeen 100-kiloton nuclear warheads, destined to be neutralized and dismantled, is attacked by HAVOC agents. The train is destroyed and its deadly cargo stolen.


2012 New Years Day - HAVOC hijack a WDL news satellite and broadcast a chilling ultimatum. They have planted the seventeen stolen warheads in major cities throughout the US, USSR, and Europe. They call for the immediate release of all HAVOC agents held in Deep Pens, plus the payment of $2 trillion in gold bullion, or they will trigger the warheads one by one until their demands are met in full. A twenty-four hour deadline is set. WDL leaders declare emergency and request that the deadline be extended. HAVOC refuse.


2nd January - First warhead detonated at Brie Nuclear Energy Plant, ten miles south of Paris, France. Blast and radioactive fallout claim millions of lives. HAVOC repeat their demand and extend deadline by twenty-four hours.


3rd January The Day - World Defence League agents discover location of HAVOC command headquarters on an island in the South Pacific Ocean. Immediately orders are given to infiltrate and destroy the HQ and its occupants. The assault is swift and decisive; the complex is quickly overrun and its inhabitants are killed. Yet, ironically, as the news of this victory is being relayed around the world, HAVOC enact their ultimate revenge. A transmitter hidden on the island, fitted with a time-delay mechanism, clicks on, sending its high-frequency radio signal to a communications satellite orbiting the earth. This signal is amplified and returned to earth where, simultaneously, it triggers the remaining nuclear warheads. The initial explosions set off a disastrous chain reaction that feeds on civil and military nuclear installations all across the northern hemisphere. Hundreds of millions of people are killed within days, and many more perish during the years that follow, falling victim to the lingering radioactivity and the severe climatic changes that affect the earth.


20122019 - Gale force winds sweep across the world, carrying enormous amounts of dust into the upper atmosphere and preventing much sunlight from reaching the earths surface. Temperatures plummet, deterring survivors from remaining above ground. Communications are disrupted by gamma radiation, making all radio, cable, and satellite contact impossible. Small colonies of survivors develop in total isolation from one another during these years of darkness.


20192020 - Gradually, the dust storms die down and the sun penetrates the atmosphere, thawing the earths frozen surface. Radiation has decayed to tolerable levels, and survivors emerge to reclaim what little remains of the world they once knew.

Rise of global terrorism on an unprecedented scale. Political violence funded by organized crime syndicate called HAVOCThe Hijack, Assassination, and Violent Opposition Consortium.
The governments of many small and impoverished nations fall into the hands of HAVOC. International terrorists receive arms, training, and shelter in these Badlands.
Raids on oil and gas installations, assassinations, and the kidnapping of prominent world statesmen become commonplace as HAVOC attempt to terrorize the civilized world into submission. Despite public outrage and growing international tension, the major powers steadfastly refuse to give in to HAVOCs demands.
President of the United States and General Secretary of Supreme Soviet both assassinated at emergency summit meeting. US, USSR, and major European nations create the World Defence League and declare war on HAVOC. The Badlands are invaded, key HAVOC bases destroyed, and thousands of HAVOC agents are captured.
HAVOC leaders imprisoned for life in Deep Pensmaximum security gaols located deep undergroundto prevent their escape or release by HAVOC agents still at large.
New leadership emerges to unify the scattered remnants of HAVOC and plan revenge.
A WDL train transporting seventeen 100-kiloton nuclear warheads, slated to be neutralized and dismantled, is attacked by HAVOC agents. The train is destroyed and its deadly cargo stolen.
2012 New Years Day
HAVOC hijack a WDL news satellite and broadcast a chilling ultimatum. They have planted the seventeen stolen warheads in major cities throughout the US, USSR, and Europe. They call for the immediate release of all HAVOC agents held in Deep Pens, plus the payment of $2 trillion in gold bullion, or they will trigger the warheads one by one until their demands are met in full. A twenty-four hour deadline is set. WDL leaders declare an emergency and request that the deadline be extended. HAVOC refuse.
2nd January
First warhead detonated at Brie Nuclear Energy Plant, ten miles south of Paris, France. Blast and radioactive fallout claim millions of lives. HAVOC repeat their demand and extend deadline by twenty-four hours.
3rd January The Day
World Defence League agents discover location of HAVOC command headquarters on an island in the South Pacific Ocean. Immediately orders are given to infiltrate and destroy the HQ and its occupants. The assault is swift and decisive; the complex is quickly overrun and its inhabitants are killed. Yet, ironically, as the news of this victory is being relayed around the world, HAVOC enact their ultimate revenge. A transmitter hidden on the island, fitted with a time-delay mechanism, clicks on, sending its high-frequency radio signal to a communications satellite orbiting the earth. This signal is amplified and returned to earth where, simultaneously, it triggers the remaining nuclear warheads. The initial explosions set off a disastrous chain reaction that feeds on civil and military nuclear installations all across the northern hemisphere. Hundreds of millions of people are killed within days, and many more perish during the years that follow, falling victim to the lingering radioactivity and the severe climatic changes that affect the earth.
Gale force winds sweep across the world, carrying enormous amounts of dust into the upper atmosphere and preventing much sunlight from reaching the earths surface. Temperatures plummet, deterring survivors from remaining above ground. Communications are disrupted by gamma radiation, making all radio, cable, and satellite contact impossible. Small colonies of survivors develop in total isolation from one another during these years of darkness.
Gradually, the dust storms die down and the sun penetrates the atmosphere, thawing the earths frozen surface. Radiation has decayed to tolerable levels, and survivors emerge to reclaim what little remains of the world they once knew.
@@ -166,19 +171,20 @@

You are Cal Phoenix, a survivor, born on Thanksgiving in the year 2000 AD. When you cast your mind back to the time before The Day, you recall your two brothers and your sister, your parents house in California, and summer vacations spent cruising the blue Pacific off Catalina Island aboard your fathers boat. They are your fondest memories, yet your most vivid recollections are of winter vacations, when the family would drive to Dallas to spend Christmas with Uncle Jonas and Aunt Betty-Ann. Of all your Texan Christmases, the 2011 visit was the most memorable. It was also the last time you saw your family alive.

Your parents had decided to cancel the trip to Dallas that year. The oil shortage had pushed up the price of gasolene to $30 a gallon, and only the rich could afford to drive long distances, even in cars equipped with solar-pacs. You were so disappointed when you heard the news that you decided to walk the 1300 miles to Dallas, and would have done so had your father not caught up with you three miles from home. Then, when Uncle Jonas and Aunt Betty-Ann got to hear of it, they fixed it with your parents so that you at least could spend Christmas with them at their ranch near Denton.


From the moment they met your charter flight at Addison Airport you knew it was going to be a vacation to remember. Uncle Jonas was an oilman. He had been one ever since he graduated from the University of Texas in 95 with a degree in geology. Earlier that summer he had been put in charge of construction at a shale-oil mine near Austin, the very first of its kind in Texas, and as a special Christmas treat he promised to take you on a guided tour of the whole underground complex.


From the moment they met your charter flight at Addison Airport you knew it was going to be a vacation to remember. Uncle Jonas was an oilman. He had been one ever since he graduated from the University of Texas in 95 with a degree in geology. Earlier that summer he had been put in charge of construction at a shale-oil mine near Austin, the very first of its kind in Texas, and as a special Christmas treat he promised to take you on a guided tour of the whole underground complex.

Melvyn Grant - + +

On New Years Day 2012, the three of you started out early on the road to your uncles mine, located on the Austin Chalk, over 200 miles south of Dallas. The trip would take at least two days, with an overnight stop in Waco, for, in an effort to conserve energy, the Federal government had imposed a speed restriction of fifteen miles per hour on all state highways. It was a slow journey, and despite the sombre radio bulletins that gave news of HAVOCs latest threats, you can still remember your excitement at the thought of exploring those tunnels deep below the earth.

Your arrival at the mine was met by a military patrol, posted there by the World Defence League. The job of the patrol was to prevent sabotage; oil installations all over the world had become one of HAVOCs primary targets in their campaign of terror. The mine was officially closed for the New Years recess but Uncle Jonas had right of access at all times and, after checking his papers, the patrol allowed you in. It was a massive complex and, for security reasons, it was totally self-supporting. A central shaft serviced the many working levels to which there were attached laboratories, workshops, and even refineries for processing the precious crude oil after it had been extracted from the rock. Uncle Jonas was explaining the function of these refineries, 300 feet below the surface, when it happened.


The ground shuddered when the shock waves from the first distant explosions reached the mine, and you remember thinking that it must be the start of an earthquake, the like of which you had experienced many times at home in California. But as the levels nearest the surface began to collapse and the central shaft filled with falling rubble, you realized the awful truth. The unthinkable had happened.


The ground shuddered when the shock waves from the first distant explosions reached the mine, and you remember thinking that it must be the start of an earthquake, the like of which you had experienced many times at home in California. But as the levels nearest the surface began to collapse and the central shaft filled with falling rubble, you realized the awful truth. The unthinkable had happened.

At first there was no way of telling the extent of the surface devastation. Below ground, the safety generators had automatically switched into operation when the main power supply failed, and the tremors faded quickly, encouraging your aunt and uncle to believe that the damage above was superficial. Uncle Jonas was confident that the military would mount a rescue operation and that you would be brought out within a few daysa week at the most. Aunt Betty-Ann was also optimistic. After all, there were emergency supplies, enough to feed 200 men for a whole month. Little did she know that the three of you would end up consuming all of those supplies, or that the mine would become your home, your shelter, and your prison for the next eight years of your lives.

It was a month after The Day when the three of you accepted that there would never be a rescue operation. Many days had been spent in silence, hoping and praying for the sounds of excavation or a voice on the radio link to the surface. But all that could be heard was the static crackle of the gamma radiation which was blanketing the earth. Uncle Jonas proposed that an attempt be made to reach the surface by tunnelling through the blocked central shaft. It was an awesomely dangerous feat, to dig vertically through 300 feet of compressed concrete rubble and twisted steel girders, but there was no other way you could ever hope to escape from the mine. Progress was painfully slow but the work gave you all a sense of purpose, a reason to go on, even though you feared what could be awaiting you on the surface.

Those years spent in the mine taught you invaluable lessons in survival. Uncle Jonas showed you how to refine gasolene from crude oil to keep the generators alive; to coax fresh water from porous rock; to manufacture spare parts in order to maintain vital machinery. Aunt Betty-Ann, who had at one time been a nurse and a high school teacher in Denton County, attended to your education and made sure that you stayed fit and healthy. Their love and support enabled you to grow during those dark days underground despite the enormous sense of loss you felt for your parents, brothers, and sister. You vowed then that one day you would repay their kindness by protecting and caring for them.

@@ -188,7 +194,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -203,7 +210,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -214,12 +222,13 @@ Melvyn Grant - + +

Six months after you arrived at DC1, the colony was faced with a major crisis. A heat wave was causing a drought that threatened to destroy the food supply. Crops were failing and the colonys artesian wellits only source of uncontaminated waterwas beginning to dry up. The drought was also provoking more attacks from the city punks who were desperate for food and water. Their common need united them and they posed a very real threat to the security of DC1.


It was the last day of May 2020 when Pop Ewell made radio contact with another colony who were based in the city of Big Spring, 300 miles west of McKinney. It appeared that their situation was completely the reverse of DC1s: they had plenty of food and water but they were desperately short of fuel. They told of their contact with survivors in Tucson, Arizona, who were also without fuel. The Tucson colony reported that the territories west of the Sierra Nevada mountains had been spared the worst effects of the radioactive blizzards that had devastated the rest of the country and, miraculously, much of southern California was still widely populated. It had survived the last eight years virtually intact. When you heard the news you could hardly believe your ears. Perhaps your family were alive. You might be reunited after all!


It was the last day of May 2020 when Pop Ewell made radio contact with another colony who were based in the city of Big Spring, 300 miles west of McKinney. It appeared that their situation was completely the reverse of DC1s: they had plenty of food and water but they were desperately short of fuel. They told of their contact with survivors in Tucson, Arizona, who were also without fuel. The Tucson colony reported that the territories west of the mountains of the Sierra Nevada had been spared the worst effects of the radioactive blizzards that had devastated the rest of the country and, miraculously, much of southern California was still widely populated. It had survived the last eight years virtually intact. When you heard the news you could hardly believe your ears. Perhaps your family were alive. You might be reunited after all!

Pop Ewell called for a meeting to decide how best to deal with the crisis now facing DC1. Everyone agreed that to stay at McKinney would lead to eventual death, either slowly from starvation or suddenly at the hands of the murderous city gangs. The only option open to DC1 was to try to reach California; only there lay any real hope for the future of the colony. Your decision was relayed to the survivors at Big Spring and a deal was struck to rendezvous with them as soon as possible. DC1 would exchange fuel for food and water, and together they would join up with the Tucson colony for the final journey to California.

Preparations began almost immediately. Morale was so high that a heady sense of adventure and optimism enveloped everyone. Few guessed just how fraught with danger the journey would be.

@@ -235,7 +244,7 @@

Before embarking on your adventure, you must first determine your personal characteristics and the weapons and provisions with which you are equipped. An Action Chart has been supplied on which to record and amend these details as the adventure unfolds.


Your personal characteristics comprise two basic attributes: CLOSE COMBAT SKILL and ENDURANCE. To discover your initial CLOSE COMBAT SKILL, take a pencil and, with your eyes closed, point the blunt end of it on to the Random Number Table. If you pick a 0 it counts as zero. Add 10 to the number you have picked and write the total in the CLOSE COMBAT SKILL section of your Action Chart (for example, if your pencil falls on the number 5 in the Random Number Table, you have a CLOSE COMBAT SKILL total of 15). When you fight an enemy in hand-to-hand combat, your CLOSE COMBAT SKILL will be measured against that of your enemy, so a high score in this section is desirable.


Your personal characteristics comprise two basic attributes: CLOSE COMBAT SKILL and ENDURANCE. To discover your initial CLOSE COMBAT SKILL, take a pencil and, with your eyes closed, point the blunt end of it onto the Random Number Table. If you pick a 0 it counts as zero. Add 10 to the number you have picked and write the total in the CLOSE COMBAT SKILL section of your Action Chart (for example, if your pencil falls on the number 5 in the Random Number Table, you have a CLOSE COMBAT SKILL total of 15). When you fight an enemy in hand-to-hand combat, your CLOSE COMBAT SKILL will be measured against that of your enemy, so a high score in this section is desirable.

To discover your ENDURANCE level, repeat the process, but this time add 20 to the number you have picked from the Random Number Table. Write the total in the ENDURANCE section of your Action Chart (for example, if your pencil falls on the number 8 on the Random Number Table, you have a total ENDURANCE score of 28). If you are wounded in combat, or injured at any other time during your adventure, you will lose ENDURANCE points. If, at any time, your ENDURANCE points total falls to zero or below, you are dead and the adventure is over. You can regain lost ENDURANCE points during the course of the adventure, but your ENDURANCE level can never rise above your initial score.

@@ -290,7 +299,7 @@

Your ability in each of these five individual skills is measured in skill points. You begin with 3 points per skill. Before starting the adventure, you may allocate an additional 4 skill points to your list of five Survival Skills. These 4 extra points can be used to improve one or more of your five skills. During your adventure, all five skills will be severely tested, therefore the higher the individual skill level, the better your chances of survival. You may allocate your 4 additional points entirely how you like.


Your ability in each of these five individual skills is measured in skill points. You begin with 3 points per skill. Before starting the adventure, you may allocate an additional 4 skill points to your list of five Survival Skills. These 4 extra points can be used to improve one or more of your five skills. During your adventure, all five skills will be severely tested; therefore the higher the individual skill level, the better your chances of survival. You may allocate your 4 additional points entirely how you like.

When you have decided where to allocate your 4 additional skill points, make a note of the totals in the Survival Skills section of your Action Chart. (In your first adventure, your total number of skill points should be 19: five skills x 3 points each = 15, plus 4 additional skill points = 19 points.)

If you complete successfully the mission set in Book 1 of the Freeway Warrior series, you may add an additional 4 points to your Survival Skills in Book 2. These additional points, together with any equipment and provisions that you possess at the end of Book 1, may then be used in the next Freeway Warrior adventure, which is called Slaughter Mountain Run.

@@ -312,22 +321,23 @@

Up to ten separate items may be stored and carried in your Backpack at any time. However, if more than three items are carried, your Stealth level will be reduced by 1 point. If more than six items are carried, your Stealth level will be reduced by 2 points; and if you carry a full Backpack (containing ten items) your Stealth level will be reduced by 3 points.

In order to equip yourself for the task ahead, you may choose up to four items from the following list:

  • -
  • HE (High Explosive) GRENADE
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • THREE MEALS (each Meal takes up one space in your Backpack)
  • -
  • -
  • +
  • Solar Torch
  • +
  • HE (High Explosive) Grenade
  • +
  • Binoculars
  • +
  • Compass
  • +
  • CB Radio
  • +
  • Signal Flare
  • +
  • Three Meals (each Meal takes up one space in your Backpack)
  • +
  • Flexible Saw
  • +
  • Geiger Counter
Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -349,7 +359,7 @@ 10 rounds of 12-gauge calibre Shotgun ammunition

When carrying mixed calibres of ammunition, use this equation to check how much space you have left in your Ammo Pouch:


4 x 9mm rounds = 2 x 7.62 rounds = 1 x 12 gauge round


4 x 9mm rounds = 2 x 7.62 rounds = 1 x 12 gauge round

Additional ammunition can be carried in your Backpack. Ammunition occupies one space for each quantity that is equal to (or less than) the maximum that can be carried in one Ammo Pouch.

@@ -397,20 +407,20 @@

There are four types of missile weapon:

You begin your adventure armed with only one of these weapons. Make your choice and then record the weapon you have chosen, together with its calibre and rate of fire details, in the Missile Weapons section of your Action Chart.

In order to be able to use a missile weapon, you must have sufficient ammunition of the correct calibre. The following list shows the calibre of each weapon, the amount that is used every time the weapon is fired, and the number of rounds that you possess at the start of your adventure:

- - - - + + + +
CalibreRate of FireInitial No. of Rounds
Machine Pistol9mm630

The initial number of rounds should be noted in the Ammo Pouch section of your Action Chart. Missile weapons cannot be used if you run out of ammunition or possess rounds of the wrong calibre. However, the opportunity may arise for you to replenish your supply of ammunition and/or discover a weapon of the correct calibre.

@@ -422,12 +432,11 @@
Rules for Close Combat - + @@ -438,16 +447,16 @@
  • Subtract the CLOSE COMBAT SKILL of your enemy from this total. The result is your Combat Ratio. Enter it on the Action Chart.

    - Example - Cal Phoenix (CLOSE COMBAT SKILL 17) is attacked by a Renegade Clansman (CLOSE COMBAT SKILL 18). He is not given the opportunity to evade close combat, but must stand and fight his adversary. Cal Phoenix is armed with a Hunting Knife, so he adds 2 points to his CLOSE COMBAT SKILL, giving a total CLOSE COMBAT SKILL of 19.

    + Example + Cal Phoenix (CLOSE COMBAT SKILL 17) is attacked by a Renegade Clansman (CLOSE COMBAT SKILL 18). He is not given the opportunity to evade close combat, but must stand and fight his adversary. Cal Phoenix is armed with a Hunting Knife, so he adds 2 points to his CLOSE COMBAT SKILL, giving a total CLOSE COMBAT SKILL of 19.

    He subtracts the Renegade Clansmans CLOSE COMBAT SKILL from his own, giving a Combat Ratio of 1 (19 18 = 1). He notes this 1 on his Action Chart as the Combat Ratio.

  • After working out your Combat Ratio, pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  • Turn to the Close Combat Results Table. Along the top of the chart are the Combat Ratio numbers. Find the number that is the same as your Combat Ratio and cross-reference it with the number that you have picked (the random numbers appear down the side of the chart). You now have the ENDURANCE points lost by both Cal Phoenix and his enemy in this round of close combat. (E represents points lost by the enemy; CP represents points lost by Cal Phoenix.)

    - Example - The Combat Ratio between Cal Phoenix and the Renegade Clansman has been established as 1. If the number picked from the Random Number Table is a 4, then the result of the first round of close combat is:

    + Example + The Combat Ratio between Cal Phoenix and the Renegade Clansman has been established as 1. If the number picked from the Random Number Table is a 4, then the result of the first round of close combat is:

    • Cal Phoenix loses 3 ENDURANCE points.
    • Renegade Clansman loses 4 ENDURANCE points.
    • @@ -470,9 +479,8 @@
  • - + -
    Numbered Sections @@ -486,7 +494,7 @@

    Most of the colony will be travelling aboard the bus, which will be driven by your uncle. Cutter will drive the tanker and you, acting as scout, will drive your roadster at the head of the convoy. With the bus full of passengers, luggage is limited to essential supplies only; everything else will be destroyed before leaving McKinney. At dawn, on the day before the convoy is to set off, a thorough check is made of the vehicles and provisions. There is enough food and water to reach your destination but, apart from your personal weapons, the colony has very few firearms with which to defend itself.

    Long Jake Bannerman, a former roustabout from Gainsville, has volunteered to drive north and search for weapons and ammunition. His brother once owned a hardware store in Sherman and kept his stock of sporting guns locked in the basement. Although they may have to be dug out there is a good chance that they have survived intact. Everyone agrees that it is worth a try, and so Jake, equipped with a CB radio, a shovel, and a rusty revolver, sets out for Sherman in his beat-up old truck.

    Two hours later he radios a message from Sherman. He has found rifles and ammunition, but his truck has broken down and he is now stranded in the town. He has also found a survivora teenage girland he requests that you come to pick them up as soon as possible. Uncle Jonas agrees. He tells him to sit tight and wait for you to arrive.


    Trust Jake to go an maroon hiself with a gal! grumbles Uncle Jonas, wryly. Cal, you better git your body up to Sherman and haul em back here. An no messin with street punks on the way, yhear!


    Trust Jake to go an maroon hiself with a gal! grumbles Uncle Jonas, wryly. Cal, you better git your body up to Sherman and haul em back here. An no messin with street punks on the way, yhear!

    Well be back in time for breakfast! you reply, cheerily, as you slide behind the wheel of your roadster and fire up its throaty V-8 engine. Then, with a farewell wave, you power the car out of McKinney and speed northwards to Sherman along what remains of Highway 75.

    Turn to 204. @@ -502,7 +510,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -542,7 +551,7 @@ -

    You pull and release the bolt of your G-12, then level the barrel at the leading dog as it gets ready to make its leap. Hurriedly you squeeze off a burst of fire that rips through its chest and sends its lifeless body spinning backwards among the rest of the pack. The death of their brother, and the noise and fury of your weapon, brings the pack to a sudden halt.


    You pull and release the bolt of your G-12, then level the barrel at the leading dog as it gets ready to make its leap. Hurriedly you squeeze off a burst of fire that rips through its chest and sends its lifeless body spinning backwards among the rest of the pack. The death of their brotherand the noise and fury of your weaponbrings the pack to a sudden halt.

    Turn to 90.
    @@ -561,7 +570,7 @@ 7 -

    Moonlight pours in through a large hole in the roof, illuminating the interior of the store. Judging by the nature of the debris littering the floor, this place was once a liquor store. Most of its stock was consumed by the Skulls when they first took over the town, but after a careful search, you discover a Bottle of Bourbon still intact.


    Moonlight pours in through a large hole in the roof, illuminating the interior of the store. Judging by the nature of the debris littering the floor, this place was once a liquor store. Most of its stock was consumed by the Skulls when they first took over the town, but after a careful search, you discover a Bottle of Bourbon still intact.

    If you decide to keep this item, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

    To leave the store and continue, turn to 273. @@ -663,7 +672,8 @@ Melvyn Grant You know too well that one scratch from an infected dog will seal your doom. - + +

    You have encountered rabid dogs before and know only too well that just one scratch from an infected beast will seal your doom. You must fight with speed and skill if you are to survive this deadly attack.

    @@ -684,7 +694,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -721,12 +732,12 @@ -

    The instant you tap the number 20 on the keypad, there is a sharp click and the steel door swings inwards to reveal the shelved walls of a strongroom beyond. You smile with satisfaction at having cracked the universitys door code: the number in the last column of each row is the sum of the numbers in the first two columns, minus the number in the third column.


    The instant you tap the number 20 on the keypad, there is a sharp click and the steel door swings inwards to reveal the shelved walls of a strongroom beyond. You smile with satisfaction at having cracked the universitys door code: the number in the last column of each row is the sum of the numbers in the first two columns, minus the number in the third column.

    Curious as to what lies within, you enter the strongroom and inspect its dusty shelves. This concrete vault contains the documentation of experiments and small quantities of what were once considered precious metalsgold, platinum, silver, and titanium. After a thorough search you find three items that you may be able to put to practical use:

    • Geiger Counter
    • -
    • Altimeter
    • -
    • Radiation Suit (occupies two item spaces in the Backpack)
    • +
    • Geiger Counter
    • +
    • Altimeter
    • +
    • Radiation Suit (occupies two item spaces in the Backpack)

    If you wish to keep any of these items, amend your Action Chart accordingly.

    To leave the strongroom and return to the convoy, turn to 29. @@ -753,12 +764,13 @@ Melvyn Grant - + +

    At a junction on the outskirts of Fort Worth, you decide to leave Freeway 35 and follow a safer route that will take you around the city. The remains of Highway 820 serve your purpose well, until you reach another junction where the Jacksboro Highway crosses your path. In order for the convoy to connect with Freeway 20, the interstate highway that leads all the way to Big Spring, you must traverse one major obstaclethe Trinity River.


    You consult your map. There are two places where the convoy can cross the Trinity, both of them close by. Two miles further along Highway 820 there is a bridge over Lake Worth. Two miles north, along the Jacksboro Highway, another bridge crosses the river at a place called Lakeside Village.


    You consult your map. There are two places where the convoy can cross the Trinity, both of them close by. Two miles further along Highway 820 there is a bridge over Lake Worth. Two miles northwest, along the Jacksboro Highway, another bridge crosses the river at a place called Lakeside Village.

    If you wish to check out the bridge at Lakeside Village, turn to 312. If you decide to continue along Highway 820, and attempt to cross the Trinity River at Lake Worth, turn to 149.
    @@ -774,9 +786,9 @@ -

    You squeeze the trigger and immediately the rider throws his hands to his face. He swoons, falls backwards, and then tumbles from the saddle. Before the sidecar rider can jump free, the speeding machine careers off the road into the wall of an office building, and explodes in a searing ball of flame.


    You squeeze the trigger and immediately the rider throws his hands to his face. He swoons, falls backwards, and then tumbles from the saddle. Before the sidecar rider can jump free, the speeding machine careers off the road into the wall of an office building, and explodes in a searing ball of flame.

    With grim satisfaction you stare at the burning wreckage, but your gaze is soon distracted by a column of motorcyclesthe main body of the clanas it rides into view. They are now less than a mile from the bridge. Cmon you two! shouts Cutter. Its time to go. The tanker has made it across the platform and is now parked with the other vehicles on the far side of the river. Kate is running towards you from the factory, and as she reaches the bridge, you call out to her: Set the bomb! Ill cover you!


    Tensely you watch the clansmen as they gun their bikes along the freeway, and you glance repeatedly over your shoulder, praying for Kate to signal that the bomb is ready. Then the front line of bikers open fire with their machine pistols, and suddenly the air is filled with the whine and whistle of bullets. Its ready! shouts Kate, and takes off across the bridge at a run.


    Tensely you watch the clansmen as they gun their bikes along the freeway, and you glance repeatedly over your shoulder, praying for Kate to signal that the bomb is ready. Then the front line of bikers opens fire with their machine pistols, and suddenly the air is filled with the whine and whistle of bullets. Its ready! shouts Kate, and takes off across the bridge at a run.

    Add together your current ENDURANCE points score and your Stealth skill total. (Note: If your ENDURANCE is low and you are heavily encumbered, it may be advisable to discard some of your Backpack Items in order to increase your Stealth skill level.)

    If your total is 11 or less, turn to 324. If your total is 12 or more, turn to 200. @@ -815,7 +827,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -845,13 +858,14 @@ -

    As you unsling your rifle you glance at the breach, taking note of the red tag which indicates that a round is chambered ready to fire. Then swiftly you raise the gun to your shoulder, flick the safety and take aim at the leading dog. You fire as it leaps and your bullet passes clean through its body, killing it instantly and wounding another in the pack behind.


    As you unsling your rifle you glance at the breach, taking note of the red tag which indicates that a round is chambered ready to fire. Then swiftly you raise the gun to your shoulder, flick the safety and take aim at the leading dog. You fire as it leaps and your bullet passes clean through its body, killing it instantly and wounding another in the pack behind.

    Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -865,7 +879,7 @@

    With your back bent beneath the combined weight of your equipment, fifty pounds of salt, and the thick roll of polythene sheeting that is slung around your shoulders, you slowly make your way back to the convoy. The sight of you staggering out of the campus, half-hidden beneath the mountain of items you have salvaged, provokes a loud roar of laughter from the bus. Cutter Jacks and Uncle Jonas come to your aid, both resisting the urge to poke fun at you. When they discover what you are carrying, their mouths drop open in amazement.


    Word spreads and everyone is suddenly eager to congratulate you. You decide to keep one of the tubs (mark the Salt on your Action Chart as a Backpack Itemif you already carry the maximum number, you must discard another item in favour of this one). As soon as all your precious discoveries are loaded safely on the bus, you climb back into your roadster and lead the convoy along the southbound carriageway of Freeway 35.


    Word spreads and everyone is suddenly eager to congratulate you. You decide to keep one of the tubs (mark the Salt on your Action Chart as a Backpack Itemif you already carry the maximum number, you must discard another item in favour of this one). As soon as all your precious discoveries are loaded safely on the bus, you climb back into your roadster and lead the convoy along the southbound carriageway of Freeway 35.

    Turn to 22.
    @@ -881,7 +895,8 @@ Melvyn Grant An Indian clansman is running at you, holding a wide-bladed machete above his head. - + + Choctaw1728 @@ -895,7 +910,7 @@

    You stoop to pick up one of the spent cartridges, an empty 7.62mm casing. As you are inspecting it, a heavy weight lands on your back, forcing you to your knees: you have been smothered by a large rope net thrown from the roof of the sheriffs office.

    The silence is shattered by a riot of noise as a dozen screaming clansmen surround your struggling form. Grasping hands snatch your weapons (erase all your missile and close combat weapons from your Action Chart) before they drag youstill ensnared in the netthrough the entrance doors and along a narrow corridor. At the far end of the corridor, a pair of evil-smelling clansmen pull you out of the net and throw you head first into an empty cell. As the heavy iron door clangs shut, you stagger wearily to your feet and survey your spartan surroundings.

    - If you possess either a File or a Flexible Saw, turn to 346. + If you possess either a File or a Flexible Saw, turn to 346. If you possess neither of these items, turn to 294.
    @@ -908,7 +923,7 @@ Bronx1526

    Owing to your need to remain in control of the roadster throughout the combat, reduce your CLOSE COMBAT SKILL by 3 points.

    If you win and the fight lasts four rounds or less, turn to 187. - If the fight lasts five rounds or more, turn to 230. + If you win the fight in five rounds or more, turn to 230. @@ -954,7 +969,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -969,7 +985,7 @@ 37 -

    You may not need these, but have em anyway, says Kate, holding out two 12-gauge cartridges.


    You may not need these, but have em anyway, says Kate, holding out two 12-gauge cartridges.

    Every little helps, you reply, gratefully, as you take them from her hand (remember to note these on your Ammo Pouch). You press the shells into your guns magazine and chance another look over the edge of the slope to fix the enemys position in your mind.

    Ill go left, whispers Cutter.

    Whenever youre ready, you reply, and tense your body in preparation for the run.

    @@ -1007,7 +1023,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -1027,7 +1044,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -1055,7 +1073,7 @@

    You take hold of the crate, ready to wrench it open but, to your surprise, the wood is infested with dry rot and crumbles to dust under the slightest pressure. You strip away the flaky timbers to discover hundreds of square plastic tubs, held together by a sheet of clear polythenejust what your uncle wanted! Using your hunting knife, carefully you lay open the sheet, peeling it away from the tubs, and rolling it up for future use.


    On the tubs themselves are blue and white labels that display the letters: NaCl.


    On the tubs themselves are blue and white labels that display the letters: NaCl.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Perception skill total.

    If the total is now 7 or less, turn to 240. If it is 8 or more, turn to 4. @@ -1087,7 +1105,7 @@

    You arrive at a ridge of high ground that overlooks the ruins of Denton. The place is familiaryou have stopped here many times over the past few months during your routine patrols of the area, to check that the town was not being used as a base by the gangs who were raiding McKinney. Although you cannot see anything out of the ordinary, you sense that something is wrong, that there is a hidden danger lurking in Denton. Your skin prickles at the thought of investigating the ruins lest your suspicions prove correct, but, on the other hand, the convoy must reach the freeway. You consider your options carefully.

    - If you possess some Binoculars, turn to 339. + If you possess some Binoculars, turn to 339. If you wish to return to the convoy and tell them to avoid Denton, turn to 198. If you decide to ignore your fears and investigate the ruins, turn to 298.
    @@ -1108,13 +1126,14 @@

    Consciousness returns slowly and painfully. With your head pounding fit to burst, you ease yourself into a sitting position and gaze upon your new surroundings. You are in a prison cell, empty save for a wooden bunk. A solitary open window, criss-crossed with pitted steel bars, provides the only source of light and ventilation, and a heavy steel door the only means of access. You no longer possess any weapons or backpack equipment (be sure to erase all your missile and close combat weapons, together with any items you were carrying in your Backpack) but you still possess your Medi-kit, Ammo Pouch, and Water Canteen.

    Standing on the edge of the bunk, you are able to peer through the bars at an alleyway that runs along the rear of the building, which you recognize to be the sheriffs office. However, without weapons, or any other means of dislodging the bars, you have no hope of escaping through the window.


    An hour later you hear your captors laughing in the corridor outside. A key rattles in the lock and the cell door swings back to reveal a barrel-chested clansman, clad in a suit of black leather which is adorned with sharpened metal studs. He fixes you with his small bloodshot eyes, and sneers contemptuously.


    An hour later you hear your captors laughing in the corridor outside. A key rattles in the lock and the cell door swings back to reveal a barrel-chested clansman, clad in a suit of black leather which is adorned with sharpened metal studs. He fixes you with his small bloodshot eyes and sneers contemptuously.

    Melvyn Grant The cell door swings back to reveal a barrel-chested clansman. - + +

    You scoutin for the Skulls, aint you, boy? he says, his hand caressing the butt of a pistol that is holstered on his hip. That roach Alcatraz sent you here tcheck us out, didnt he? Resentful mutterings fill the corridor outside, urging the beady-eyed clansman to settle the matter by shooting you.

    @@ -1242,7 +1261,7 @@ -

    As the rumbling sound of your gunfire rolls out across the lake bed, the figure throws his hands to his face, staggers drunkenly, and then falls heavily to the ground. His body remains still, convincing you that your shooting has proved deadly accurate.


    As the rumbling sound of your gunfire rolls out across the lake bed, the figure throws his hands to his face, staggers drunkenly, and then falls heavily to the ground. His body remains still, convincing you that your shooting has proved deadly accurate.

    If you wish to search the body, turn to 303. If you decide to press on with the crossing, turn to 160.
    @@ -1289,7 +1308,7 @@ -

    Over an ounce of lead shot hits the clansman in the chest, bringing him crashing to the ground. As he disappears from sight, his partner unleashes a long burst of automatic fire that powders the scree above and behind you. When the firing stops, you raise your head and peer through the bushes, expecting to see your enemy reloading. Instead he discards his empty magazine and turns to run away. He has exhausted his ammunition and has decided to make his escape before you have a chance to return fire.


    Over an ounce of lead shot hits the clansman in the chest, bringing him crashing to the ground. As he disappears from sight, his partner unleashes a long burst of automatic fire that powders the scree above and behind you. When the firing stops, you raise your head and peer through the bushes, expecting to see your enemy reloading. Instead he discards his empty magazine and turns to run away. He has exhausted his ammunition and has decided to make his escape before you have a chance to return fire.

    As soon as you are sure that the coast is clear, you rise cautiously and then help Kate to her feet. The sound of a motorcycle riding away into the distance reassures you that your ambusher has fled, and confidently you scramble up the slope and go to examine the body of the one who did not get away.

    Turn to 175.
    @@ -1317,7 +1336,7 @@ -

    The dogs rush towards you, undaunted by your valiant attempts to stop them. As one pounces at your chest, you grab a close combat weapon and prepare to defend yourself as best you can.


    The dogs rush towards you, undaunted by your valiant attempts to stop them. As one pounces at your chest, you grab a close combat weapon and prepare to defend yourself as best you can.

    Rabid Dog1232 If you win, and the fight lasts three rounds or less, turn to 113. If the fight lasts four rounds or more, turn to 291. @@ -1329,7 +1348,7 @@

    A bullet clips the flesh above your left elbow and spins you to the ground: lose 3 ENDURANCE points. You clutch your injured arm to feel warm blood oozing through your fingers as you crawl along the ground towards your car. A second shot passes over your head and you notice the muzzle flash of the snipers gun; he is hiding in the doorway of a diner on the other side of the highway. Two motorcycles are parked at the side of the building indicating that he is not alone.

    - If you possess a CB Radio, turn to 116. + If you possess a CB Radio, turn to 116. If you do not possess this item, turn to 99.
    @@ -1338,7 +1357,7 @@ 66 -

    The only items you find of practical value are a Fire Extinguisher and a first aid box. The box contains dressings and antiseptics sufficient for two Medi-kit units.


    The only items you find of practical value are a Fire Extinguisher and a first aid box. The box contains dressings and antiseptics sufficient for two Medi-kit units.

    If you choose to keep either of these items, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

    Turn to 284.
    @@ -1348,7 +1367,7 @@ 67 -

    The voice seems to be drifting from the east, so you change direction and head towards it. After a few minutes there is a lull in the storm and, as the dust settles, you are able to see the ruins of a candy store standing close to the schools perimeter fence. Once more you call out her name and a voice replies, faintly, Help me Im in here.


    The voice seems to be drifting from the east, so you change direction and head towards it. After a few minutes there is a lull in the storm and, as the dust settles, you are able to see the ruins of a candy store standing close to the schools perimeter fence. Once more you call out her name and a voice replies, faintly, Help me Im in here.

    If your current Perception skill total is 4 or less turn to 341. If it is 5 or more, turn to 154.
    @@ -1363,9 +1382,10 @@ Melvyn Grant - The names Rickenbacker, he says, removing his goggles and shaking Uncle Jonas by the hand. + The names Rickenbacker, he says, removing his goggles and shaking Uncle Jonas by the hand. - + +

    The names Rickenbacker, he says, removing his goggles and shaking Uncle Jonas by the hand. Im from Big Spring. I saw yall while I was scoutin the freeway and thought Id drop by. Shame about the radio: fraid my sets seen better days.

    @@ -1418,7 +1438,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -1432,7 +1453,7 @@ 73 -

    Youll be needing one of these, says Pop Ewell, handing you a CB transceiver. Itll do no good if you find Maria but cant find your way back here. You take the handset (mark this on your Action Chart as a CB Radio; if you already possess the maximum number of Backpack Items, you must discard one in favour of this item), thank him, and then join the others to decide on a search plan.


    Youll be needing one of these, says Pop Ewell, handing you a CB transceiver. Itll do no good if you find Maria but cant find your way back here. You take the handset (mark this on your Action Chart as a CB Radio; if you already possess the maximum number of Backpack Items, you must discard one in favour of this item), thank him, and then join the others to decide on a search plan.

    Turn to 304.
    @@ -1442,7 +1463,7 @@

    Before you set off for Mineral Wells, you consult with Cutter and Uncle Jonas and devise a plan of action. It is decided that after you have investigated the source of the radio transmission, you will drive south on the remains of Highway 281 and rendezvous with the others at Santo, the next town west along the freeway, where the convoy intends to make camp for the night.

    - If you possess a CB Radio, turn to 253. + If you possess a CB Radio, turn to 253. If you do not, turn to 158.
    @@ -1477,7 +1498,7 @@ -

    At this range your bullet hits the clansman with devastating accuracy, passing through his heart and killing him instantly. He throws his hands in the air and falls forward. As he disappears from sight, his partner unleashes a long burst of fire that powders the scree behind you. When the firing stops, you raise your head and peer through the bushes, expecting to see your enemy reloading. Instead he discards his empty magazine and turns to run away. He has exhausted his ammunition and has decided to make his escape before you have a chance to return fire.


    At this range your bullet hits the clansman with devastating accuracy, passing through his heart and killing him instantly. He throws his hands in the air and falls forward. As he disappears from sight, his partner unleashes a long burst of fire that powders the scree behind you. When the firing stops, you raise your head and peer through the bushes, expecting to see your enemy reloading. Instead he discards his empty magazine and turns to run away. He has exhausted his ammunition and has decided to make his escape before you have a chance to return fire.

    As soon as you are sure that the coast is clear, you rise cautiously and help Kate to her feet. The sound of a motorcycle riding away into the distance reassures you that your ambusher has fled, and confidently you scramble up the slope and go to examine the body of the one who did not get away.

    Turn to 175.
    @@ -1528,7 +1549,7 @@

    OK, its worth a look, agrees Uncle Jonas, when you tell him you want to search the university campus before the convoy takes the freeway south. See if you can rustle up some polythene sheeting. Were mighty short an well be needin some real bad as soon as we hit the desert. Well wait right here for you an keep an eye on the road. Any trouble then jus give a holler.


    With your uncles request in mind, you drive towards the centre of the campus in search of what was once the chemistry faculty. Most of the buildings are just burnt-out, rubble-filled shells, their contents either buried beyond reach or looted months ago by roving city gangs. A shattered sign indicates the entrance to the building you seek, and your hopes rise when you notice that it is the least damaged structure on the campus.


    With your uncles request in mind, you walk towards the centre of the campus in search of what was once the chemistry faculty. Most of the buildings are just burnt-out, rubble-filled shells, their contents either buried beyond reach or looted months ago by roving city gangs. A shattered sign indicates the entrance to the building you seek, and your hopes rise when you notice that it is the least damaged structure on the campus.

    Inside, the sound of your footsteps echoes along the dusty corridors as you make your way down to the basement storage levels. To your disappointment you discover little remaining there of practical value.

    If you wish to continue your search, turn to 184. If you decide to call off your search and return to the convoy, turn to 315. @@ -1563,13 +1584,13 @@

    It takes you a few minutes to clear the rubble away from the engine compartment, but your efforts are not in vain. Some of the engine components are still serviceable and could prove useful as spares for the colonys bus.

    Below are listed the items worth salvaging from the wreck. You may take two from the list, all of which are Backpack Items:

    • Distributor Cap
    • -
    • Condenser
    • -
    • Gas Modifier
    • -
    • Oil Plug
    • -
    • Fan Belt
    • -
    • Spark Plugs
    • -
    • Solar Regulator
    • +
    • Distributor Cap
    • +
    • Condenser
    • +
    • Gas Modifier
    • +
    • Oil Plug
    • +
    • Fan Belt
    • +
    • Spark Plugs
    • +
    • Solar Regulator

    If you decide to keep any of these spares, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

    To return to the convoy, turn to 224. @@ -1597,7 +1618,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -1622,16 +1644,17 @@ 89 -

    The glare of a dozen motorcycle headlights follow in the wake of the convoy. The Mavericks who survived your brief but devastating visit to Coahoma are now in pursuit, and they are closing the gap swiftly. Shots are fired from the back of the bus, bringing down two of the leading bikes, but they do not prevent the others from moving alongside. Anxiously you watch in your rear-view mirror as the pillion riders risk their lives to jump aboard. The few who survive the leap without falling under the wheels gain entry by kicking their way through the windows.


    The glare of a dozen motorcycle headlights follows in the wake of the convoy. The Mavericks who survived your brief but devastating visit to Coahoma are now in pursuit, and they are closing the gap swiftly. Shots are fired from the back of the bus, bringing down two of the leading bikes, but they do not prevent the others from moving alongside. Anxiously you watch in your rear-view mirror as the pillion riders risk their lives to jump aboard. The few who survive the leap without falling under the wheels gain entry by kicking their way through the windows.

    Melvyn Grant The pillion riders risk their lives to jump aboard the bus. - + + -

    Suddenly the bus loses speed. You sense that something is seriously amiss and you go back to find out what is wrong. You wave the tanker on, then slow almost to a standstill in order to allow Cutter to catch up. As he draws nearer you see that a running battle is taking place on board. You accelerate, bringing your roadster alongside the boarding door, then you tell Kate to move over into the driving seat and take the wheel. As soon as she has control of the car, you coil yourself like a spring and leap towards the door of the bus.


    Suddenly the bus loses speed. You sense that something is seriously amiss and you fall back to find out what is wrong. You wave the tanker on, then slow almost to a standstill in order to allow Cutter to catch up. As he draws nearer you see that a running battle is taking place on board. You accelerate, bringing your roadster alongside the boarding door, then you tell Kate to move over into the driving seat and take the wheel. As soon as she has control of the car, you coil yourself like a spring and leap towards the door of the bus.

    Add your current ENDURANCE points score to your Stealth skill level, and make a note of the total in the margin of your Action Chart. Now, pick a number from the Random Number Table and add it to your total.

    If the total is 22 or less, turn to 10. If the total is 23 or more, turn to 313. @@ -1642,10 +1665,10 @@ 90 -

    Slowly the two figures shamble to the edge of the highway and stare at you with vacant eyes. Your spirited dispatch of their dogs has not worried them in the slightest, neither do they appear unduly concerned for their own safety. You stand your ground, challenging them to attack if they dare. They laugh. It is a pitiful, thin sound, which makes your flesh crawl. You return their empty stares, noting with disgust the ulcer-like sores that cover their pale, greyish skins, their almost complete lack of hair and their teeth, black with decay. Your disgust turns to pity, however, when suddenly you realize why they show no fear: they are both afflicted with terminal radiation sickness. Death is already their companion.


    Slowly the two figures shamble to the edge of the highway and stare at you with vacant eyes. Your spirited dispatch of their dogs has not worried them in the slightest; neither do they appear unduly concerned for their own safety. You stand your ground, challenging them to attack if they dare. They laugh. It is a pitiful, thin sound, which makes your flesh crawl. You return their empty stares, noting with disgust the ulcer-like sores that cover their pale, greyish skins, their almost complete lack of hair and their teeth, black with decay. Your disgust turns to pity, however, when suddenly you realize why they show no fear: they are both afflicted with terminal radiation sickness. Death is already their companion.

    Where are you from? you call, anxious to discover if there is a hot spota zone of radioactivitynearby.

    Cisco, comes the reply.


    You take some dressings from your Medi-kit and place them on the ground in front of you (erase one Medi- kit unit from your Action Chart), then you turn and walk back to your roadster. The dressings may be of little comfort to these two Rad-vics (the name your colony gives to victims of high-dosage radioactivity), but they may know others who will benefit from them.


    You take some dressings from your Medi-kit and place them on the ground in front of you (erase one Medi-kit unit from your Action Chart), then you turn and walk back to your roadster. The dressings may be of little comfort to these two Rad-vics (the name your colony gives to victims of high-dosage radioactivity), but they may know others who will benefit from them.

    Turn to 327.
    @@ -1682,7 +1705,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -1702,7 +1726,7 @@

    The lake occupies the centre of a saucer-like depression and, as you bring your roadster to a halt at the edge of this rocky rim and stare down at the shimmering water below, you are heartened to see that clumps of vegetation are growing close by: a sure sign that the water is not contaminated.

    The sides of the depression are steep and covered with loose shale. Rather than risk a fall, you suggest to Kate that perhaps you should go down to the lake alone. When you reach it, she could throw the containers to you, and then help you with them when you climb back out. The idea does not impress her. Its been so long, I cant remember the last time I took a dip in some real water. Im sick a washin in sand. If you think Im gonna hang around up here while you splash about down there, youve got another think comin, buster!

    With that she grabs two of the plastic containers and lowers herself over the edge. Seconds later you hear her scream and you rush forward to see her tumbling head-over-heels towards the lake. She hits the water with a loud splash and disappears from view. Briefly she surfaces, thrashing her arms and shouting: Help, Cal! I cant swim!

    - If you possess a Rope, turn to 181. + If you possess a Rope, turn to 181. If you do not possess this item, turn to 246.
    @@ -1727,7 +1751,7 @@ -

    Your gunfire fails to bring down the clansman, but it passes close enough to make him veer away from the edge of the slope. Cursing your luck, you shoulder your weapon and turn to Kate.


    Your gunfire fails to bring down the clansman, but it passes close enough to make him veer away from the edge of the slope. Cursing your luck, you shoulder your weapon and turn to Kate.

    Ive got to stop him before he reaches the roadster, you say. Kate protests, but you are determined to save your car, and reluctantly she agrees to cover you as best she can with a tiny Derringer pistol that she carries in her boot.

    I call it Chihuahua, she quips, as she cocks the double-hammers and gets ready to fire. It dont look much but it makes one helluva noise!

    You scan the slope. When you have picked out the best place to make your climb, you break cover and zigzag along the shore towards it. Immediately, the machine gunner opens up on you. Kate replies with a single shot, and he diverts his fire back to the rocks and bushes. Swiftly you claw your way to the top of the slope and run straight at the clansman, grimly determined to intercept him before he can do any damage. He sees you approaching, draws a pistol, and empties it at your chest.

    @@ -1758,12 +1782,12 @@ -

    The moment you tap the correct number on the keypad, there is a loud click and the steel door creaks inwards to reveal the shelved walls of a strongroom beyond. You smile with satisfaction at having cracked the universitys door code: the number of the last column of each row is the sum of the number of the first two columns, minus the number in the third column.


    The moment you tap the correct number on the keypad, there is a loud click and the steel door creaks inwards to reveal the shelved walls of a strongroom beyond. You smile with satisfaction at having cracked the universitys door code: the number of the last column of each row is the sum of the number of the first two columns, minus the number in the third column.

    Intrigued by what lies within, you enter the strongroom and peer along the dusty shelves. The vault contains the documentation of experiments and quantities of what were once considered precious metalsgold, platinum, silver, and titanium. After a thorough search, you find three items that may be put to practical use:

    • Geiger Counter
    • -
    • Altimeter
    • -
    • Radiation Suit (occupies two item spaces in the Backpack)
    • +
    • Geiger Counter
    • +
    • Altimeter
    • +
    • Radiation Suit (occupies two item spaces in the Backpack)

    If you wish to keep any of these items, amend your Action Chart accordingly.

    To leave the strongroom and return to the convoy, turn to 315. @@ -1776,7 +1800,7 @@

    The convoy is too far away to see that you need help, and you dare not stand up and signal to them for fear of being hit. Two more bullets smack the side of your car and then you hear the sound of a rifle bolt being worked frantically back and forth: the snipers gun has jammed. While he is trying to clear it, you dash across the highway and take cover behind the two motorcycles. You stop there just long enough to sabotage their engines, then you advance along the side of the diner towards an open window.

    - If you possess an HE Grenade, turn to 276. + If you possess an HE Grenade, turn to 276. If you do not possess this item, turn to 311.
    @@ -1785,11 +1809,11 @@ 100 -

    Much of Abilene lies in the shadow of a bank of cloud, which has darkened the land since mid-morning. At first the unexpected arrival of this cloud cover cheered the colony, for it brought with it a welcome respite from the burning heat and promised a possible end to the drought. Unfortunately, these initial hopes were soon shattered.


    Much of Abilene lies in the shadow of a bank of cloud, which has darkened the land since mid-morning. At first the unexpected arrival of this cloud cover cheers the colony, for it brings with it a welcome respite from the burning heat and promises a possible end to the drought. Unfortunately, these initial hopes are soon shattered.

    As you approach the city a fierce wind arises. It sweeps down from the north and lashes the convoy, not with rain, but with blinding clouds of grit and sand. Within the space of half an hour the colony is engulfed in a ferocious duststorm that threatens to bury you all without trace. At the first opportunity you signal to the others to pull off the elevated freeway and seek shelter from the storm. The danger of grit finding its way into the engines of the convoy vehicles, causing them irreparable damage, is uppermost in your mind, and anxiously you search for shelter.

    A signpost looms out of the swirling dust, pointing to what was once a high school. You signal to Cutter to follow you into the school yard, but the storm is reaching its peak and you are forced to halt before you can see the school itself. Quickly the colony disembarks and blindly you lead them in single file, heads bowed against the stinging wind, until you reach the school building. Fortunately, it still has a roof and four walls, and offers adequate protection from the storm. Once inside, Aunt Betty-Ann decides to take a roll call to make sure everyone is present. She is about to begin when Rosita Rodriguez cries out in anguish, Maria! Where is my Maria? She is not here!

    A check of the school reveals that Rositas little six-year-old girl is missing. She was with the family when they left the bus and must still be close by, but with the storm now at its peak, everyone knows that her chances of survival outside are slim. Uncle Jonas calls for three volunteers to search for Maria, and immediately you step forward, as do Cutter and Kate.

    - If you possess a CB Radio, turn to 304. + If you possess a CB Radio, turn to 304. If you do not possess this item, turn to 73.
    @@ -1827,10 +1851,11 @@ Melvyn Grant A patrol of four clansmen appears. - + + -

    Instantly you dive through the doorway of a store to your right and crouch in the shadows. The patrol swaggers past the store without noticing you, and soon their footfalls have passed out of earshot.


    Instantly you dive through the doorway of a store to your right and crouch in the shadows. The patrol swaggers past the store without noticing you, and soon its footfalls have passed out of earshot.

    If you wish to search the store, turn to 7. If you decide to leave the store and continue, turn to 273.
    @@ -1858,7 +1883,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -1903,7 +1929,7 @@ 109 -

    You vault over the trunk and land feet-first in the driving seat, your hand poised to switch on the ignition. The engine growls, but before you can shift gear and speed away, there is another burst of gunfire. It shatters the windshield and forces you to throw yourself across the passenger seat to avoid being caught in a deadly crossfire. Then a savage voice screams a command and the firing ceases. You chance a glance over the dashboard and see, to your astonishment, a leather-clad punk come running towards you from out of the ruins. Long Jake takes aim. He fires, missing by a hands breadth. Undeterred, the grim-faced renegade leaps into the car beside you, cackling like a maniac as he lunges for your throat with his flick knife.


    You vault over the trunk and land feet-first in the driving seat, your hand poised to switch on the ignition. The engine growls, but before you can shift gears and speed away, there is another burst of gunfire. It shatters the windshield and forces you to throw yourself across the passenger seat to avoid being caught in a deadly crossfire. Then a savage voice screams a command and the firing ceases. You chance a glance over the dashboard and see, to your astonishment, a leather-clad punk come running towards you from out of the ruins. Long Jake takes aim. He fires, missing by a hands breadth. Undeterred, the grim-faced renegade leaps into the car beside you, cackling like a maniac as he lunges for your throat with his flick knife.


    Owing to the surprise of the attack, you must fight the first round of combat unarmed.

    If you win, turn to 63. @@ -1931,7 +1957,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -1987,7 +2014,7 @@

    You pull the transceiver out of your Backpack, flick the power switch on, and key in the frequency that Pop Ewell monitors aboard the bus. Red Phoenix to DC1, you say, using your emergency call sign. Im pinned down by sniper fire. Its coming from the diner across the street. Suspect two clansmen. Request assistance.


    The tiny speaker crackles into life and you hear Cutters voice reply: Hang in there, Cal. Ill circle round the back and flush em out.


    The tiny speaker crackles into life and you hear Cutters voice reply: Hang in there, Cal. Ill circle round the back and flush em out.

    A minute later you see Cutter jump down from the bus and scurry across the rock-strewn ground behind the diner, cradling a shotgun, which he loads as he runs. He disappears behind the building, then a few moments later you hear a burst of gunfire and see a swarthy-faced man, dressed in western clothes, come running out of the front door with a pistol in his hand.

    If you possess a missile weapon, turn to 143. If you do not possess a missile weapon, or do not have sufficient ammunition to use it, turn to 183. @@ -2023,15 +2050,15 @@

    Suddenly Cutter appears, his face lined with worry. He soon relaxes when he sees that you are alive. I reckon these guys were members of the Maverick gang that Rickenbacker warned us about, he says. Seems that the Lions aint the only ones we gotta look out for.

    Cutter helps you search the bodies and the diner. You discover the following items:

    • Pistol (with four rounds of 9mm ammunition)
    • -
    • Rifle (with four rounds of 7.62mm ammunition)
    • -
    • Water Canteen containing enough water for three Drinks
    • -
    • Serum, sulfonamides, and dressings, sufficient for three Medi-kit units.
    • -
    • Flick Knife (2)
    • -
    • Club (2)
    • -
    • Binoculars
    • -
    • Rope
    • -
    • Fire Extinguisher
    • +
    • Pistol (with four rounds of 9mm ammunition)
    • +
    • Rifle (with four rounds of 7.62mm ammunition)
    • +
    • Water Canteen containing enough water for three Drinks
    • +
    • Serum, sulfonamides, and dressings, sufficient for three Medi-kit units.
    • +
    • Flick Knife (2)
    • +
    • Club (2)
    • +
    • Binoculars
    • +
    • Rope
    • +
    • Fire Extinguisher

    If you wish to keep any of these items, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

    As soon as your flat tyre has been repaired, and the highway swept clear of spikes, you climb back into your roadster and lead the convoy on towards Big Spring.

    @@ -2169,7 +2196,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -2189,7 +2217,7 @@ -

    You draw your gun, take aim, and kill the Maverick machine gunner with a shot to the head. As he falls, you turn your weapon on the remaining biker, but he is using Kate as a shield and you dare not fire for fear of hitting her. With anger and fear welling up inside you, you reluctantly lower your gun.


    You draw your gun, take aim, and kill the Maverick machine gunner with a shot to the head. As he falls, you turn your weapon on the remaining biker, but he is using Kate as a shield and you dare not fire for fear of hitting her. With anger and fear welling up inside you, you reluctantly lower your gun.

    Turn to 350.
    @@ -2204,8 +2232,9 @@ Melvyn Grant They are both afflicted with terminal radiation sickness. Death is already their companion. - - + + +

    Where are you from? you call, anxious to discover if there is a hot spota zone of radioactivitynearby.

    Cisco, comes the reply.

    @@ -2227,13 +2256,14 @@ 135 -

    You see a cloud of dust approaching, then the roar of 100 motorcycle engines fills the air as the Detroit Lions come racing along the freeway into Colorado City. You gotta hold em off until weve got this baby across, shouts Cutter, as he waves frantic signals to Uncle Jonas, who is having to fight to keep the tanker in a straight line. The sight of the makeshift platform sagging under the weight of the heavy vehicle makes your stomach churn.


    You see a cloud of dust approaching, then the roar of 100 motorcycle engines fills the air as the Detroit Lions come racing along the freeway into Colorado City. You gotta hold em off until weve got this baby across, shouts Cutter, as he waves frantic signals to Uncle Jonas, who is having to fight to keep the tanker in a straight line. The sight of the makeshift platform sagging under the weight of the heavy vehicle makes your stomach churn.

    Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -2248,7 +2278,7 @@ 136 -

    The dying screams of their chief dispels the trance into which the clansmen have fallen, but before they can act, you jump into the Thunderbird and twist the ignition key. The moment the antique engine growls into life, you stamp on the gas pedal and accelerate away from the crowd. In a cloud of dust and blue smoke you leave Cross Plains and return to the gas station where you parked your roadster. Before ditching the Thunderbird you search it thoroughly and discover that the trunk contains a Pistol and three rounds of 9mm ammunition. Then, with night drawing in, you climb into your own car and drive away at top speed.


    The dying screams of their chief dispel the trance into which the clansmen have fallen, but before they can act, you jump into the Thunderbird and twist the ignition key. The moment the antique engine growls into life, you stamp on the gas pedal and accelerate away from the crowd. In a cloud of dust and blue smoke you leave Cross Plains and return to the gas station where you parked your roadster. Before ditching the Thunderbird you search it thoroughly and discover that the trunk contains a Pistol and three rounds of 9mm ammunition. Then, with night drawing in, you climb into your own car and drive away at top speed.

    When you reach Rising Star you find that the convoy is awaiting your return with trepidation. Because you are so long overdue, they feared that you had fallen foul of Mad Dog Michigan and his bikers. You tell them what happened to you in Cross Plains and everyone agrees that, with darkness almost upon you, it is too dangerous to continue.

    The night at Rising Star passes uneventfully and at first light the convoy sets off cross-country towards Abilene. The arid, stony bed of Pecan Bayou provides excellent cover from the surrounding high ground and leads the convoy northwest, back towards Freeway 20. It is shortly after midday when you reach the freeway, from which you can see the outskirts of Abilene less than five miles distant.

    Turn to 100. @@ -2326,20 +2356,26 @@
    143 + + +

    Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.

    + -

    The fleeing man sees you and fires twice, but his aim is awry and the bullets pass high above your head. You raise your gun and order him to stop but he ignores your call. He shoots again and you return fire, killing him cleanly with a shot to the heart.


    The fleeing man sees you and fires twice, but his aim is awry and the bullets pass high above your head. You raise your gun and order him to stop but he ignores your call. He shoots again and you return fire, killing him cleanly with a shot to the heart.

    Cutter appears and beckons you over to the diner. Inside the doorway lies the body of another man, a rifle resting across his bloodstained chest. I reckon these two were from that Maverick gang that Rickenbacker warned us about, says Cutter, as he searches through the dead mans pockets. Seems like the Lions aint the only ones we gotta look out for.

    You help Cutter search the bodies and the diner. You discover the following items:

    • Pistol (with two rounds of 9mm ammunition)
    • -
    • Rifle (with two rounds of 7.62mm ammunition)
    • -
    • Water Canteen containing enough water for three Drinks
    • -
    • Serum, sulfonamides, and dressings, sufficient for three Medi-kit units.
    • -
    • Flick knife (2)
    • -
    • Club (2)
    • -
    • Binoculars
    • -
    • Rope
    • -
    • Fire Extinguisher
    • +
    • Pistol (with two rounds of 9mm ammunition)
    • +
    • Rifle (with two rounds of 7.62mm ammunition)
    • +
    • Water Canteen containing enough water for three Drinks
    • +
    • Serum, sulfonamides, and dressings, sufficient for three Medi-kit units.
    • +
    • Flick knife (2)
    • +
    • Club (2)
    • +
    • Binoculars
    • +
    • Rope
    • +
    • Fire Extinguisher

    If you wish to keep any of the items, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

    As soon as your flat tyre has been repaired and the highway swept clear of spikes, you climb back into your roadster and lead the convoy on towards Big Spring.

    @@ -2367,7 +2403,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -2410,7 +2447,7 @@

    For a mile beyond the junction, the highway passes through a corridor of petrified trees, the pitiful remains of a fertile city park that thrived before the holocaust. Then it crests a ridge of high ground that overlooks the sickly, tainted waters of Lake Worth. The bridge ahead is blocked by a manned barricade, and you slow to a halt, signalling to the others to pull off the road to avoid being seen.


    Cutter is the first to join you, his eagle eyes fixed on the barricade as silently he assesses its strength. Uncle Jonas and Hammer Harlan are the next to arrive and they are quick to ask Cutter for his opinion. Aint nothing fancy down there, he says, almost casually. They got a few cars strung out in a line, thats all. I figure if we was to hit em hard enough, you can bet yer boots wed bust through their centre like a bull through a wicker fence.


    Cutter is the first to join you, his eagle eyes fixed on the barricade as silently he assesses its strength. Uncle Jonas and Hammer Harlan are the next to arrive and they are quick to ask Cutter for his opinion. Aint nothing fancy down there, he says, almost casually. They got a few cars strung out in a line, thats all. I figure if we was to hit em hard enough, you can bet yer boots wed bust through their centre like a bull through a wicker fence.

    We cant risk damaging a vehicle, says Hammer, wiping the sweat from his brow. If we smash a rad or rip a tyre, we can kiss goodbye to our hopes o seein Big Spring.

    True enough, replies Cutter, stroking his stubbly chin. But Ive got an idea thatll give us a better-than-evens chance o cuttin through without a scratch.

    Turn to 227. @@ -2428,7 +2465,8 @@ Melvyn Grant You hear the sound of two motorcycles and glimpse the ugly faces of their riders. - + +

    The clansman to your right shouts something but the rush of wind steals his words. You sense something land in the car, and when you turn to look, you are horrified to see a live grenade lying on the passenger seat beside you.

    @@ -2464,19 +2502,20 @@ Iain Smith - + + + + + + + +
    - - +

    You study the rows of numbers carefully, looking for a pattern. By tapping on the keypad the number that is missing from the last row, you will release the lock and open the door.


    When you think you know the missing number, turn to the entry that bears that number.


    When you think you know the missing number, turn to the entry that bears that number.

    If you cannot work out the correct answer, turn to 171.
    @@ -2491,7 +2530,7 @@ -

    Your short burst of fire catches the clansman across the midriff and doubles him over as he runs. As he crashes to the ground, his partner panics and begins to fire wildly, powdering the scree behind you. When the firing stops, you raise your head and peer through the bushes, expecting to see your enemy reloading. Instead he discards his empty magazine and turns to run away. He has exhausted his ammunition and has decided to make his escape while he still can.


    Your short burst of fire catches the clansman across the midriff and doubles him over as he runs. As he crashes to the ground, his partner panics and begins to fire wildly, powdering the scree behind you. When the firing stops, you raise your head and peer through the bushes, expecting to see your enemy reloading. Instead he discards his empty magazine and turns to run away. He has exhausted his ammunition and has decided to make his escape while he still can.

    As soon as you are sure that the coast is clear, you rise and help Kate to her feet. The sound of a motorcycle riding away into the distance reassures you that your ambusher has fled, and confidently you scramble up the slope and walk over to examine the body of the one who did not get away.

    Turn to 175.
    @@ -2524,8 +2563,8 @@ 156 -

    Fifty miles of broken highway lie between you and the town of Albany. By mid-afternoon the temperature has climbed above 110 Fahrenheit, and the combined effects of the scorching heat and the poor road surface begins to take its toll on those travelling aboard the crowded bus. As you approach the outskirts of a small town called Moran, Cutter signals for you to stop. Weve got six people down with heat exhaustion and four more on the brink, he says, his face awash with sweat. Weve got to get em out of this travelling oven and let em rest awhile in the shade.


    You suggest that the convoy waits in Moran while you go on ahead to make sure that Albany is safe to enter. By the time you have checked it out and returned, the worst of the afternoon heat will have passed and the colony will be better able to continue. Before you leave for Albany you must take a Drink or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. Unless you possess a tub of Salt, you must reduce your current ENDURANCE score by 4 points, due to excessive salt loss.


    Fifty miles of broken highway lie between you and the town of Albany. By mid-afternoon the temperature has climbed above 110 Fahrenheit, and the combined effects of the scorching heat and the poor road surface begin to take its toll on those travelling aboard the crowded bus. As you approach the outskirts of a small town called Moran, Cutter signals for you to stop. Weve got six people down with heat exhaustion and four more on the brink, he says, his face awash with sweat. Weve got to get em out of this travelling oven and let em rest awhile in the shade.


    You suggest that the convoy waits in Moran while you go on ahead to make sure that Albany is safe to enter. By the time you have checked it out and returned, the worst of the afternoon heat will have passed and the colony will be better able to continue. Before you leave for Albany you must take a Drink or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. Unless you possess a tub of Salt, you must reduce your current ENDURANCE score by 4 points, due to excessive salt loss.

    Turn to 343.
    @@ -2546,7 +2585,7 @@

    You had better take this with you, says Pop Ewell, reaching into a satchel that he carries over his shoulder. He removes a hand-held transceiver and offers it to you. Its tuned to 153 megahertz. Ill be listenin out for you the whole time youre away.


    You take the CB Radio (mark this on your Action Chart as a Backpack Itemyou must discard another item in its favour if you already carry the maximum quota of items), check the setting, and make sure there is sufficient power left in its miniaturized solar-pac before you walk to your roadster.


    You take the CB Radio (mark this on your Action Chart as a Backpack Itemyou must discard another item in its favour if you already carry the maximum quota of items), check the setting, and make sure there is sufficient power left in its miniaturized solar-pac before you walk to your roadster.

    Good luck, Cal, says Uncle Jonas, as you switch on your ignition and check your instrumentation. Dont take no unnecessary risks, yhear!

    With a wave, you bid him farewell, before accelerating the roadster along the highway that leads to Mineral Wells.

    Turn to 325. @@ -2563,7 +2602,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -2583,7 +2623,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -2594,7 +2635,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -2613,7 +2655,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -2634,7 +2677,8 @@ Melvyn Grant You open a service hatch to find yourself staring at the skeletal remains of an air force sergeant. - + +

    You regain your composure quickly and move to close the hatch. Then you notice that a holster and ammunition pouch are still attached to the dead soldiers belt, and your scavengers instincts get the better of you.

    @@ -2650,17 +2694,17 @@

    You step away from Meltdowns body and turn to face the cheering crowd. Manhattan comes striding towards you, his face beaming, delighted that you have disposed of his would-be rival. Nice work, kid. I knew ywas a Kicker when I first set eyes on you, he says glibly. Then he calls to one of his sidekicks and says something to him that you cannot hear. Follow Tweet, he says, nodding to his grimy, one-eyed helper. Hell give you some chow and make sure you get some new equipment. Come see me in an hourIve got a special job for you.

    Tweet takes you to a motel near the centre of town, where he offers you enough food for one Meal, enough water for two Drinks, and a choice of the following weapons, ammunition, and equipment:

    • Machine Pistol plus twenty rounds of 9mm ammunition
    • -
    • Pistol plus six rounds of 9mm ammunition
    • -
    • Rifle plus six rounds of 7.62mm ammunition
    • +
    • Machine Pistol plus twenty rounds of 9mm ammunition
    • +
    • Pistol plus six rounds of 9mm ammunition
    • +
    • Rifle plus six rounds of 7.62mm ammunition

    (You may take only one of the three weapons listed above.)

    • Binoculars
    • -
    • File
    • -
    • Signal Flare
    • -
    • Compass
    • -
    • Geiger Counter
    • +
    • Binoculars
    • +
    • File
    • +
    • Signal Flare
    • +
    • Compass
    • +
    • Geiger Counter

    (You may take any number of the above Backpack Items.)

    After you have eaten and re-equipped yourself, you ask to be allowed to visit the latrine. Tweet points to a restroom in the Motels lobby and tells you to be quick: Manhattan does not like to be kept waiting. Once inside, you discover what you were hoping to find: a window. The small window overlooks an old parking lot, and seconds later, you jump down into it.

    @@ -2679,7 +2723,7 @@ -

    The hollow sound of your gunfire echoes across the dry lake bed and for a moment your target is obscured by smoke. As the cloud thins, you see that your efforts were in vain. The black figure is now running away from the tree towards a motorcycle that is lying on its side. Frantically he pulls the machine upright, kicks it into life, and makes a speedy escape.


    The hollow sound of your gunfire echoes across the dry lake bed and for a moment your target is obscured by smoke. As the cloud thins, you see that your efforts were in vain. The black figure is now running away from the tree towards a motorcycle that is lying on its side. Frantically he pulls the machine upright, kicks it into life, and makes a speedy escape.

    Helpless to prevent him from getting away, you signal once more to the others to restart their engines and continue with the difficult crossing.

    Turn to 271.
    @@ -2690,7 +2734,7 @@

    With terror gnawing at your insides you reach down and take hold of the grenade. In the next instant you hurl it out of the car and slam your foot down on the gas pedal. Seconds later there is a dull thud, and in your rear-view mirror you see the biker to your left disappear in a ball of orange flame as the grenade explodes underneath his motorcycle and ignites the fuel tank.


    Cutter sounds the buss horn to alert you to the position of the remaining clansman. He is coming up fast on your blind side and, as he draws level, he jerks a machine pistol from his saddle-bag, cocks the bolt with his teeth, and opens fire


    Cutter sounds the buss horn to alert you to the position of the remaining clansman. He is coming up fast on your blind side and, as he draws level, he jerks a machine pistol from his saddle-bag, cocks the bolt with his teeth, and opens fire.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

    If the number you have picked is 01, turn to 17. If it is 25, turn to 317. @@ -2735,7 +2779,7 @@ -

    You lift your gun and squeeze the trigger, trusting your aim to instinct alone. At the same time, the double muzzle flash of your enemys weapon lights up the gloomy interior, making you cry out in anticipation of being caught by its deadly blast. But luck is with you. The shotgun spits its cloud of lead away to your right and you survive unscathed. Your enemy is not so lucky. Your gunfire hits him squarely in the chest, killing him instantly.


    You lift your gun and squeeze the trigger, trusting your aim to instinct alone. At the same time, the double muzzle flash of your enemys weapon lights up the gloomy interior, making you cry out in anticipation of being caught by its deadly blast. But luck is with you. The shotgun spits its cloud of lead away to your right and you survive unscathed. Your enemy is not so lucky. Your gunfire hits him squarely in the chest, killing him instantly.

    Turn to 220.
    @@ -2746,7 +2790,7 @@

    Using what scraps of cloth are available, you cover your nose and mouth before setting off into the storm. You pass the colonys vehicles and walk out onto the main street. With visibility less than five yards, you must rely solely on your sense of hearing for some indication of the childs location. Repeatedly you call her name, hoping she will reply, yet all you hear is the incessant howling of the dust-storm.

    As you cross the street, you catch what sounds like a young girls voice drifting on the wind. You shout her name and a voice answers faintly: Help me Im here!

    - If you possess a pair of Goggles, turn to 223. + If you possess a pair of Goggles, turn to 223. If you do not possess this item, turn to 252.
    @@ -2755,7 +2799,7 @@ 170 -

    We wont be a skirtin round this place, says Cutter, casting a critical eye over the surrounding landscape. The land heres too craggy. The bus and the tankerd not get a hunnerd yards. Nope, our only chance is to hit em before they get muled up. If we go now we could cut straight through that lil ol town and be on our way to Big Spring before they know whats happened!


    We wont be a skirtin round this place, says Cutter, casting a critical eye over the surrounding landscape. The land heres too craggy. The bus and the tankerd not get a hunnerd yards. Nope, our only chance is to hit em before they get muled up. If we go now we could cut straight through that lil ol town and be on our way to Big Spring before they know whats happened!

    The plan is put to Uncle Jonas and he agrees that it is the colonys best chance of reaching Big Spring before nightfall. Kate volunteers to ride shotgun with you at the head of the convoy. Uncle Jonas will follow in the tanker and Cutter will close up behind with the bus, enabling those with guns to man the back window and keep any pursuers at bay.

    Within a few minutes the plan is relayed to the colony and the vehicles are drawn up in line, ready to run the Coahoma gauntlet.

    Turn to 210. @@ -2782,7 +2826,7 @@ -

    You have aimed too high: your gunfire passes over the drivers head, alerting his partner to your position. He returns fire, sending a hail of bullets into the wreckage that shields you. They strike with devastating effect, the deadly tracer shells blowing the rusty metal to pieces.


    You have aimed too high: your gunfire passes over the drivers head, alerting his partner to your position. He returns fire, sending a hail of bullets into the wreckage that shields you. They strike with devastating effect, the deadly tracer shells blowing the rusty metal to pieces.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Stealth skill total.

    If your total score is 7 or less, turn to 47. If your total score is 8 or more, turn to 138. @@ -2806,12 +2850,12 @@ -

    Remember to deduct a round of 9mm ammunition from your Ammo Pouch.


    Remember to deduct the relevant number of 9mm rounds from your Ammo Pouch.


    You hear your enemy scream and catch a brief glimpse of him in your rear-view mirror when his body hits the dusty ground behind your speeding car. The other bikers lose interest and soon give up the chase. They peel away, cursing and firing ill-aimed shots at your back as you make your escape from Denton.


    You hear your enemy scream and catch a brief glimpse of him in your rear-view mirror when his body hits the dusty ground behind your speeding car. The other bikers lose interest and soon give up the chase. They peel away, cursing and firing ill-aimed shots at your back as you make your escape from Denton.

    Turn to 198.
    @@ -2822,17 +2866,17 @@

    You turn out the pockets of the dead clansman and empty the leather satchel that he carried over his shoulder. Among his personal effects you discover the following items:

    • Pistol (no ammunition)
    • -
    • Machine Pistol (no ammunition)
    • -
    • Knife (2)
    • -
    • Enough food for two Meals
    • -
    • Water Canteen
    • -
    • Enough water for three Drinks
    • -
    • Enough pain killers, antibiotics, and dressings for five Medi-kit units
    • -
    • Cigarette Lighter
    • -
    • HE Grenade
    • -
    • Compass
    • -
    • Gold Nugget
    • +
    • Pistol (no ammunition)
    • +
    • Machine Pistol (no ammunition)
    • +
    • Knife (2)
    • +
    • Enough food for two Meals
    • +
    • Water Canteen
    • +
    • Enough water for three Drinks
    • +
    • Enough pain killers, antibiotics, and dressings for five Medi-kit units
    • +
    • Cigarette Lighter
    • +
    • HE Grenade
    • +
    • Compass
    • +
    • Gold Nugget

    You are sifting through his possessions, trying to decide which ones to keep (remember to adjust your Action Chart if you keep any of the items), when you hear Kate calling to you to come and look at the dead mans motorcycle. Its fuel tank bears the same lions head symbol as those of the two scouts you encountered on the freeway, but it is what Kate has found inside the saddle-bag that is of greater interest.

    Turn to 297. @@ -2872,11 +2916,12 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + -

    You have been driving for little over an hour when you see a bridge in the distance and notice a glint of sunlight bouncing off a point near the centre of the parapet. Not until you are within 100 yards of the bridge do you realize what is causing the refraction: it is the telescopic sight of a snipers rifle and it is aimed directly at you.


    You have been driving for little over an hour when you see a bridge in the distance and notice a glint of sunlight bouncing off a point near the centre of the parapet. Not until you are within 100 yards of the bridge do you realize what is causing the reflection: it is the telescopic sight of a snipers rifle and it is aimed directly at you.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table, and add it to your Driving and Stealth skill totals.

    If your total score is now 7 or less, turn to 326. If your total is now 813, turn to 104. @@ -2904,7 +2949,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -2932,7 +2978,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -2972,7 +3019,7 @@

    On your arrival at Colorado City you discover that the colony has been busy during your absence. Using materials salvaged from the ruins of nearby factories, they have managed to put down a platform that spans the gap in the middle of the bridge. Now Cutter is supervising the strengthening of this platform to ensure that it will withstand the weight of the loaded tanker, the heaviest of the convoy vehicles.


    You tell everyone that you were unable to find an alternative way across the river, expecting the news to be met with disappointment. But most of the colony greets your scouting report with a nod of approval, a reaction that baffles you until Kate offers an explanation. That explosive we found at Lake Sweetwater is now under the bridge, she says, pointing towards the newly laid platform. Once were all on the other side, Ill trigger the timer and two minutes later boom! No bridge! It might not stop the Lions chasing us but it should keep em off our backs until we reach Big Spring.


    You tell everyone that you were unable to find an alternative way across the river, expecting the news to be met with disappointment. But most of the colony greets your scouting report with a nod of approval, a reaction that baffles you until Kate offers an explanation. That explosive we found at Lake Sweetwater is now under the bridge, she says, pointing towards the newly laid platform. Once were all on the other side, Ill trigger the timer and two minutes later boom! No bridge! It might not stop the Lions chasing us but it should keep em off our backs until we reach Big Spring.

    You are about to take a closer look when Pop Ewell calls everyone to the bus. He has made radio contact with Big Spring. Here, Cal, he says, handing you the headphones, your ears are younger than mine. See if you can figure out what theyre saying.

    You slip on the headphones and listen to a voice that is almost completely obscured by the hiss and crackle of static. You close your eyes and concentrate as hard as you can in an effort to understand what is being said. The guy says hes going to pay us a visit, you say, hesitantly, suspecting that you have not heard the message correctly. Then the static fades and clearly you hear the words: Be with you soon. Watch the skies!

    Turn to 68. @@ -3014,7 +3061,8 @@ Melvyn Grant The Mavericks try to bundle Kate, kicking and punching, into a sidecar. - + +

    Add your current ENDURANCE points score to your Stealth skill total.

    @@ -3027,7 +3075,7 @@ 189 -

    Strawn is held by a gang o renegades, says Mountain Goat, looking west along the freeway in the direction of the town. Theres bout forty of them. They was kicked out o San Angelo six months ago after they tried to take over the Angelo clan from Mekong Mike. He sure whomped em real good. Those that got away came north an settled here. Theyre known as the Skulls on account o their shaved heads, an their leader is a real mean dude called Alcatraz. He an his gang have got Strawn sewn up like a genuine fortress, just in case Mekong Mike should ever get the idea to come an pay em a surprise visit.


    Strawn is held by a gang o renegades, says Mountain Goat, looking west along the freeway in the direction of the town. Theres bout forty of them. They was kicked out o San Angelo six months ago after they tried to take over the Angelo clan from Mekong Mike. He sure whomped em real good. Those that got away came north an settled here. Theyre known as the Skulls on account o their shaved heads, an their leader is a real mean dude called Alcatraz. He an his gang have got Strawn sewn up like a genuine fortress, just in case Mekong Mike should ever get the idea to come an pay em a surprise visit.

    Dangerous though it would be, a raid on Strawn must be attempted. Cutter proposes that you and he should be the ones to go: he can identify the part that is needed, and you are by far the fittest member of the colony. You swallow your fear and agree to go with him at first light.

    Turn to 222.
    @@ -3043,7 +3091,7 @@ -

    Your gunfire brings down another of the slavering dogs and the others halt in their tracks. Turning, they run away, scattering in all directions as they flee the highway.


    Your gunfire brings down another of the slavering dogs and the others halt in their tracks. Turning, they run away, scattering in all directions as they flee the highway.

    Turn to 90.
    @@ -3058,13 +3106,14 @@ -

    Raising your weapon, you trust to instinct alone as you point it at the intruder and squeeze the trigger. At the same time, the double muzzle flash of his shotgun lights up the gloomy interior, and you cry out in pain as birdshot peppers your right arm and shoulder: lose 8 ENDURANCE points.


    Raising your weapon, you trust to instinct alone as you point it at the intruder and squeeze the trigger. At the same time, the double muzzle flash of his shotgun lights up the gloomy interior, and you cry out in pain as birdshot peppers your right arm and shoulder: lose 8 ENDURANCE points.

    Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -3124,9 +3173,9 @@

    The success of your daring night raid is applauded by the colony. Mountain Goat is especially pleased that you found the part needed to fix the bus, and he is quick to remind everyone that without his help the mission would not have been possible.

    After a few hours rest, you help Cutter and Uncle Jonas install the new steering linkage. Then you fill your roadsters fuel tank with gasolene piped from the tanker and prepare to lead the convoy on the next stage of the long journey west.


    You leave Freeway 20 and travel cross-country in order to bypass Strawn. Later in the afternoon you rejoin the highway as it approaches Lake Leon and the town of Eastland. You are two miles from Eastland when you spot an obstruction in the far distance that appears to he blocking the entire road. However, you are aware that the constant heat haze can play strange tricks on your vision, so you signal to the convoy to halt while you scout ahead.


    You leave Freeway 20 and travel cross-country in order to give Strawn wide berth. Later in the afternoon you rejoin the highway as it approaches Lake Leon and the town of Eastland. You are two miles from Eastland when you spot an obstruction in the far distance that appears to he blocking the entire road. However, you are aware that the constant heat haze can play strange tricks on your vision, so you signal to the convoy to halt while you scout ahead.

    A mile along the highway you discover that the obstruction is in fact a trench that has been dug diagonally across the road. It is sufficiently deep along its whole length to wreck any vehicle attempting to cross it at speed. You bring your car to a halt and step out onto the sun-scorched asphalt in order to take a closer look at this curious excavation.

    - If you possess a Telescope or Binoculars, turn to 34. + If you possess a Telescope or Binoculars, turn to 34. If you possess neither of these items, turn to 147.
    @@ -3253,7 +3302,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -3266,9 +3316,15 @@
    209 + + +

    In British usage, the first floor is the one above the ground floor.

    + -

    A sudden sound to your left betrays the hiding place of a would-be ambusher. You spin on your heel, drawing your hunting knife and tensing yourself in expectation of an attack. Lurking in the doorway is a scrawny youth dressed in tattered buckskin. His clothes, and the coloured stripes that mark his face, remind you of books you read when you were young; books with pictures of Red Indian braves, who fought the cowboys of the old West. The youth screams a curse and casts a rope lasso around your shoulders, but before he can draw it tight, you sever it with one sweep of your razor-sharp blade. His scream echoes across the street and draws forth others of his kind all of them dressed in similar Red Indian costumes. They advance towards you, brandishing knives and axes, and you turn and run in fear for your life.


    As you run past the entrance to a small bar, another group appears on the sidewalk less than twenty yards ahead. Shots ring out, forcing you to dive for cover inside the bar. Fortunately the place is deserted, but the angry screams of the mob grow louder by the second. Quickly you scan the gloomy interior, searching for a way out or a place to hide. Two possibilities present themselves: the staircase to the first floor, and the counter at the rear of the bar.


    A sudden sound to your left betrays the hiding place of a would-be ambusher. You spin on your heel, drawing your hunting knife and tensing yourself in expectation of an attack. Lurking in the doorway is a scrawny youth dressed in tattered buckskin. His clothes, and the coloured stripes that mark his face, remind you of books you read when you were young; books with pictures of Red Indian braves, who fought the cowboys of the old West. The youth screams a curse and casts a rope lasso around your shoulders, but before he can draw it tight, you sever it with one sweep of your razor-sharp blade. His scream echoes across the street and draws forth others of his kind, all of them dressed in similar Red Indian costumes. They advance towards you, brandishing knives and axes, and you turn and run in fear for your life.


    As you run past the entrance to a small bar, another group appears on the sidewalk less than twenty yards ahead. Shots ring out, forcing you to dive for cover inside the bar. Fortunately the place is deserted, but the angry screams of the mob grow louder by the second. Quickly you scan the gloomy interior, searching for a way out or a place to hide. Two possibilities present themselves: the staircase to the first floor, and the counter at the rear of the bar.

    If you wish to ascend the stairs to the first floor, turn to 286. If you wish to hide behind the counter, turn to 118.
    @@ -3286,7 +3342,8 @@ Melvyn Grant Coolly the figure raises a rifle and takes aim at your windshield. - + +

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

    @@ -3306,7 +3363,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -3317,7 +3375,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -3358,7 +3417,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -3385,16 +3445,16 @@

    The dead bikers sport snake tattoos around their throats, marking them as members of the Arlington Vipers gang. Your colony has encountered many from this gang during the past few months; they often led night raids on the DC1 settlement at McKinney.

    In addition to three pistols and a shotgun, which are given to some of the colonists aboard the bus who have no weapons, a search of the bikes and bodies reveals the following items:

    • Two Knives (2)
    • -
    • Enough food for three Meals
    • -
    • Mirror
    • -
    • Enough antiseptic and pain killers for two Medi-kit units
    • -
    • Water Canteen
    • -
    • Enough water for two Drinks (1 pint)
    • -
    • Twelve rounds of 9mm ammunition
    • -
    • Three rounds of 12-gauge ammunition
    • -
    • Telescope
    • -
    • File
    • +
    • Two Knives (2)
    • +
    • Enough food for three Meals
    • +
    • Mirror
    • +
    • Enough antiseptic and pain killers for two Medi-kit units
    • +
    • Water Canteen
    • +
    • Enough water for two Drinks (1 pint)
    • +
    • Twelve rounds of 9mm ammunition
    • +
    • Three rounds of 12-gauge ammunition
    • +
    • Telescope
    • +
    • File

    If you decide to keep any of these items, remember to amend your Action Chart accordingly. After your exertion, you must now take a Drink or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

    To continue, turn to 105. @@ -3425,7 +3485,7 @@

    All those whose clothes have been set alight by splashes of the burning gasolene-and-oil mixture, are dragged away from the blaze and smothered with blankets. Miraculously, nobody is seriously burnt, but the bus itself is still ablaze and the flames and fumes are beginning to spread rapidly towards the front.

    - If you possess a Fire Extinguisher, turn to 59. + If you possess a Fire Extinguisher, turn to 59. If you do not possess this item, turn to 92.
    @@ -3457,7 +3517,7 @@

    Despite your anxiety you manage to get a few hours sleep before dawn. As the sky brightens, Uncle Jonas voices his fear that the vehicles are far too exposed out on the highway, where they can easily be spotted and will be sure to attract another raid like the one you endured last night at Santo. Cutter agrees, so before you set off for Strawn he fixes a line to the back of the tanker and tows the bus into a nearby gully.

    There, Uncle Jonas and the others set to work dismantling the broken steering linkage, while Mountain Goat draws a map of Strawn, showing the location of the truck depot. He hands the sketch to Cutter, and you and he check your equipment and bid farewell to the others before setting off.

    Two hours later you catch sight of the fortified town. It is perched on a ridge of high ground and enjoys an unobstructed view over the surrounding land. You note its perimeter wall, constructed of rubble and old cars, and the crudely built watchtowers that command its freeway approaches. It seems to you that it would be impossible for a large group, or even a single vehicle to approach this town undetected, yet the rocky terrain that surrounds it enables you and Cutter to crawl to within a few hundred yards of the perimeter wall without being seen.


    Patiently you observe the inhabitants of Strawn while waiting for night to fall. During your long vigil you must eat a Meal (or lose 3 ENDURANCE points) and take two Drinks (or lose 6 ENDURANCE points). You identify two weak links in the defensive wall: one is an alley that services an old shopping mall; the other is a chain-link fence that surrounds a derelict amusement park at the edge of town. Cutter suggests that you enter Strawn separately in order to minimize the risk of being seen, then meet at the depot itself. He offers you first choice of approach.


    Patiently you observe the inhabitants of Strawn while waiting for night to fall. During your long vigil you must eat a Meal (or lose 3 ENDURANCE points) and take two Drinks (or lose 3 ENDURANCE points per drink missed). You identify two weak links in the defensive wall: one is an alley that services an old shopping mall; the other is a chain-link fence that surrounds a derelict amusement park at the edge of town. Cutter suggests that you enter Strawn separately in order to minimize the risk of being seen, then meet at the depot itself. He offers you first choice of approach.

    If you wish to enter Strawn via the alley, turn to 103. If you decide to enter the town via the amusement park, turn to 60.
    @@ -3515,7 +3575,8 @@ Melvyn Grant The tanker catches and spins the torn wreckage directly into your path. - + +

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Driving and Perception skill totals.

    @@ -3546,10 +3607,10 @@ -

    You fire and immediately the sniper clutches his chest. He gives a loud scream and then tumbles over the parapet, landing with a thud on the sidewalk below. With grim satisfaction you stare at his body, but your gaze is distracted when a column of motorcyclesthe main body of the clanrides into view. They are now less than a mile from the bridge. Cmon you two! shouts Cutter. Its time to go.


    The tanker has made it across the platform and is no parked with the other vehicles on the far side of the river. You leave the factory and run back towards the bridge. When you reach the position that Kate is defending, you say breathlessly: Set the bomb Ill stay here and cover you!


    Tensely you watch the clansmen as they gun their bikes along the freeway, and you glance repeatedly over your shoulder, praying for Kate to signal that the bomb is ready. Then the front line of bikers open fire with their machine pistols, and suddenly the air is filled with the whine and whistle of bullets. Its ready! shouts Kate, and takes off across the bridge at a run.


    Add together your current ENDURANCE POINTS score and your Stealth skill total. (Note: If your ENDURANCE score is low and you are heavily encumbered, it may be advisable to discard some of your Backpack Items in order to increase your Stealth skill level).


    You fire and immediately the sniper clutches his chest. He gives a loud scream and then tumbles over the parapet, landing with a thud on the sidewalk below. With grim satisfaction you stare at his body, but your gaze is distracted when a column of motorcyclesthe main body of the clanrides into view. They are now less than a mile from the bridge. Cmon you two! shouts Cutter. Its time to go.


    The tanker has made it across the platform and is now parked with the other vehicles on the far side of the river. You leave the factory and run back towards the bridge. When you reach the position that Kate is defending, you say breathlessly: Set the bomb Ill stay here and cover you!


    Tensely you watch the clansmen as they gun their bikes along the freeway, and you glance repeatedly over your shoulder, praying for Kate to signal that the bomb is ready. Then the front line of bikers opens fire with their machine pistols, and suddenly the air is filled with the whine and whistle of bullets. Its ready! shouts Kate and takes off across the bridge at a run.


    Add together your current ENDURANCE points score and your Stealth skill total. (Note: If your ENDURANCE score is low and you are heavily encumbered, it may be advisable to discard some of your Backpack Items in order to increase your Stealth skill level).

    If your total is 11 or less, turn to 324. If your total is 12 or more, turn to 200.
    @@ -3588,7 +3649,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -3608,7 +3670,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -3633,7 +3696,7 @@

    The broken ground is illuminated by the full moon but, after a short while, the shadow of Washout Mountain intrudes across your path and soon you find yourself in pitch darkness.

    - If you possess a Solar Torch, turn to 24. + If you possess a Solar Torch, turn to 24. If you do not possess this item, turn to 117.
    @@ -3675,8 +3738,8 @@

    The chief smiles as the colour drains from your face, then he motions to his driver who slowly drives him away. The clan continues to dance around you for nearly an hour before dispersing to prepare for your sacrifice. During this time you manage to free one hand, and furtively you work at undoing the buckles of your Backpack.

    - If you possess a Flexible Saw, turn to 186. - If you possess a Signal Flare, turn to 13. + If you possess a Flexible Saw, turn to 186. + If you possess a Signal Flare, turn to 13. If you possess neither of these items, turn to 55.
    @@ -3703,7 +3766,7 @@ 242 -

    You are winded by your fall and lie for several minutes staring helplessly at the starry sky. Gradually you recover your senses and manage to pull yourself unsteadily to your feet. A cursory check of your equipment reveals that your CB Radio is smashed to pieces, together with the second Backpack item listed on your Action Chart (erase both of these items from your list).


    You are winded by your fall and lie for several minutes staring helplessly at the starry sky. Gradually you recover your senses and manage to pull yourself unsteadily to your feet. A cursory check of your equipment reveals that your CB Radio is smashed to pieces, together with the second Backpack item listed on your Action Chart (erase both of these items from your list).

    As your strength returns, you resolve to climb out of the gully as quickly as you can.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Stealth and Field Craft skill totals.

    If your total score is now 10 or less, turn to 80. @@ -3721,7 +3784,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -3732,7 +3796,8 @@ Melvyn Grant Your gaze is distracted by something moving across the roof of the building opposite. It is a clansman. - + + If the gun you are holding is a Pistol, turn to 124. @@ -3774,7 +3839,7 @@

    The hell you will! shouts Cutter in reply, and looses off a round from his old Colt .45 to reinforce his answer. You glance over the top of the slope and try to estimate the enemys strength. The punks are well hidden but three motorcycles are visible in the distance. Its a bluff, you whisper. I reckon there can only be six of them at most.


    The muffled sounds of crying can be heard aboard the bus as the children take fright at the unexpected sound of gunfire. Uncle Jonas and Harvey Harlan, known affectionately as Hammer Harlan by the rest of DC1, jump out of the boarding door and run towards you, both of them cradling loaded shotguns. Hurriedly you make a plan: Uncle Jonas, Kate and Hammer will stay here and give covering fire while you and Cutter circle around behind the punks positions and attempt to flush them out into the open. It is a bold move but one that must be attempted. If the punks manage to pin you down until more of their gang arrive, then the fate of the convoy will be sealed.


    The muffled sounds of crying can be heard aboard the bus as the children take fright at the unexpected sound of gunfire. Uncle Jonas and Harvey Harlan, known affectionately as Hammer Harlan by the rest of DC1, jump out of the boarding door and run towards you, both of them cradling loaded shotguns. Hurriedly you make a plan: Uncle Jonas, Kate, and Hammer will stay here and give covering fire while you and Cutter circle around behind the punks positions and attempt to flush them out into the open. It is a bold move but one that must be attempted. If the punks manage to pin you down until more of their gang arrive, then the fate of the convoy will be sealed.

    If you possess a Shotgun, turn to 37. If you do not possess this missile weapon, turn to 208.
    @@ -3785,7 +3850,7 @@

    Instantly you drop to the ground and take cover behind the engine compartment of your car. A glance over the hood invites another shot; it passes within inches of your scalp and makes you duck, but not before you notice the muzzle flash of the snipers gun. The ambusher is hiding in the doorway of a diner on the other side of the highway. Two motorcycles are parked at the side of the building, indicating that he is not alone.

    - If you possess a CB Radio, turn to 116. + If you possess a CB Radio, turn to 116. If you do not possess this item, turn to 99.
    @@ -3814,7 +3879,7 @@ 251 -

    An eerie silence is broken by Long Jake, who shouts out: Taint over yet, Cal. Theres more of them damn peckerwoods hidin out there somewhere! As if to prove his point, two single shots ring out, almost simultaneously, and ricochet off the storehouse wall. Watch your sides, Jake yells. Dont let em circle you.


    An eerie silence is broken by Long Jake, who shouts out, Taint over yet, Cal. Theres more of them damn peckerwoods hidin out there somewhere! As if to prove his point, two single shots ring out, almost simultaneously, and ricochet off the storehouse wall. Watch your sides, Jake yells. Dont let em circle you.

    You sense someone, or something, moving among the ruined shops away to your right. They are trying to get into a position where they will have a clear shot at you. If you are to survive this ambush you had better find somewhere less exposed.

    If you wish to make a dash for the store, turn to 126. If you decide to jump into your roadster and take off along the main street, turn to 142. @@ -3828,7 +3893,7 @@

    A violent gust blows you off your feet and rolls you along the ground. Wearily you rise to your knees and radio Cutter for assistance, telling him what you have heard. He replies that it was probably a trick of the storm, and that you must continue the search or, if the wind is too strong in your area, abandon it and return to the school. Less than a minute later you hear the voice again, and desperately you try to pinpoint its source.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Perception skill total.

    If your total score is now 10 or less, turn to 67. - If your total score Is now 11 or more, turn to 199. + If your total score is now 11 or more, turn to 199.
    @@ -3849,7 +3914,7 @@ 254 -

    You draw back the bolt of your C-12 and shout at your people to get away from the window as you hurriedly take aim at the riders chest.


    You draw back the bolt of your G-12 and shout at your people to get away from the window as you hurriedly take aim at the riders chest.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your Shooting skill total.

    If your total score is 8 or less, turn to 340. If your total score is 9 or more, turn to 302. @@ -3873,20 +3938,20 @@ Iain Smith - + + + + + + + +
    - -

    You study the rows of numbers carefully, looking for a pattern. By tapping on the keypad the number that is missing from the last row, you will release the lock and open the door.


    When you think you know the missing number turn to the entry that bears that number.


    When you think you know the missing number turn to the entry that bears that number.

    If you cannot work out the correct answer, turn to 194.
    @@ -3900,9 +3965,10 @@ Melvyn Grant - Heng will be appeased! screams the chief, and lunges once more at your heart. + Heng will be appeased! screams the chief, and lunges once more at your heart. - + + Chief Drawoher1728 @@ -3914,11 +3980,11 @@ 257 -

    Youll never regret this, he says, excitedly, and scurries away to the rear of the cave to collect his meagre belongings. He reappears a few minutes later with a tattered rucksack on his back, and offers to lead the way down the steep hill. During the descent he tells you that Strawn is the next town due west. Before The Day, a large service depot that repaired buses and trucks was located there. If the part you need still exists, the service depot at Strawn is the place where you are most likely to find it.


    Youll never regret this, he says, excitedly, and scurries away to the rear of the cave to collect his meagre belongings. He reappears a few minutes later with a tattered rucksack on his back, and offers to lead the way down the steep hill. During the descent he tells you that Strawn is the next town due northwest. Before The Day, a large service depot that repaired buses and trucks was located there. If the part you need still exists, the service depot at Strawn is the place where you are most likely to find it.

    Upon reaching the bus, you find that the reaction of the colony to Mountain Goat is less than enthusiastic. Most, especially the women, are horrified at the thought of having to share the bus with a smelly, flea-ridden hermit, and angrily they voice their protest.

    Not until they have heard how he can help to get the bus moving again do they change their minds.

    Where is this depot? asks Cutter.


    Its six miles west o here, pipes Mountain Goat, eager to appear helpful.


    Its six miles northwest o here, pipes Mountain Goat, eager to appear helpful.

    Good. At first light, Cal can drive us there and you can help locate the part we need.

    Mmmm OK, replies Mountain Goat, hesitantly, but first I think theres something yall should know.

    Turn to 189. @@ -3953,7 +4019,7 @@

    Instinctively you dive away from the window, your speedy reactions saving you from being cut down by the swathe of bullets. Then you hear a man scream and abruptly the firing ceases. You chance a glance out of the window to see the sniper falling from the parapet, clutching at his chest as he crashes to the sidewalk below. With a smile you signal a thumbs-up to Kate and she returns your thanks with a wave of her rifle.

    A few minutes later a column of motorcyclesthe main body of the clanrides into view. They are now less than a mile from the bridge, Cmon you two! shouts Cutter. Its time to go.

    The tanker has made it across the platform and is now parked with the other vehicles on the far side of the river. You leave the factory and run back towards the bridge. When you reach the position that Kate is defending, you say breathlessly: Set the bomb Ill stay here and cover you!


    Tensely you watch the clansmen as they gun their bikes along the freeway, and you glance repeatedly over your shoulder, praying for Kate to signal that the bomb is ready. Then the front line of bikers open fire with their machine pistols, and suddenly the air is filled with the whine and whistle of bullets. Its ready! shouts Kate, and takes off across the bridge at a run.


    Tensely you watch the clansmen as they gun their bikes along the freeway, and you glance repeatedly over your shoulder, praying for Kate to signal that the bomb is ready. Then the front line of bikers opens fire with their machine pistols, and suddenly the air is filled with the whine and whistle of bullets. Its ready! shouts Kate and takes off across the bridge at a run.

    Add together your current ENDURANCE points score and your stealth skill total. (NOTE: if your ENDURANCE score is low and you are heavily encumbered, it may be advisable to discard some of your Backpack Items in order to increase your Stealth skill level.)

    If your total is 11 or less, turn to 324. If your total is 12 or more, turn to 200. @@ -3970,10 +4036,10 @@ -

    You snatch your Beretta 92 from its holster and flick back the safety as you level it at the leading dog. You take aim between its wild, feral eyes, but as you squeeze the trigger it leaps up and your bullet strikes low, catching it in the throat. The dog crashes to the ground, mortally wounded, yet the others continue to advance, undeterred. They leap across the body of their injured brother and hurl themselves at your chest.


    You snatch your Beretta 92 from its holster and flick back the safety as you level it at the leading dog. You take aim between its wild, feral eyes, but as you squeeze the trigger it leaps up and your bullet strikes low, catching it in the throat. The dog crashes to the ground, mortally wounded, yet the others continue to advance, undeterred. They leap across the body of their injured brother and hurl themselves at your chest.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Shooting skill total. Now decide how many rounds you wish to fire at the remaining dogs (minimum: one round; maximum: five rounds). For every round you fire, add 1 point to your score.

    If your total score is now 10 or less, turn to 64. - If your total score is now 1l or more, turn to 190. + If your total score is now 11 or more, turn to 190.
    @@ -4009,7 +4075,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -4023,7 +4090,7 @@ 265 -

    You try to dodge aside but the front wheel of the motorcycle runs over your right calf, forcing you to the ground with a painful jolt: lose 4 ENDURANCE points


    You try to dodge aside but the front wheel of the motorcycle runs over your right calf, forcing you to the ground with a painful jolt: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

    Gritting your teeth against the pain, you manage to roll under the tanker and crouch beside the rear axle.

    In the flickering light of the campfire you see two bikers skid to a halt, then hurriedly step away from their machines. Both draw knives as they run towards the open door of the bus.

    If you wish to unshoulder a weapon and open fire on the bikers, turn to 206. @@ -4048,7 +4115,7 @@

    What is it? you ask, curiously.

    The guy you killed back there in the store, the one who wasted Long Jake, well, his name was Stinger, she replies, as if the name should mean something to you.

    So, what of it? you say, quizzically.


    Well he was Mad Dog Michigans brother. When the others report what has happened to him, Mad Dogs gonna be after us for sure. The guys a psycho. Believe me, I know. Hell stop at nothing to get even.


    Well he was Mad Dog Michigans brother. When the others report what has happened to him, Mad Dogs gonna be after us for sure. The guys a psycho. Believe me; I know. Hell stop at nothing to get even.

    Turn to 211.
    @@ -4078,9 +4145,9 @@ 270 -

    You lead the convoy along the split and cratered surface of State Highway 571, across a wasteland of bleached hills and scorched scrub. In the distance you see mountainsthe twin summits of Caddo Peaks and the craggy outline of Spring Mesastanding sharp and clear against the backdrop of a cloudless sky. By mid-afternoon the temperature has climbed to 110 Fahrenheit, and the combined effects of the heat and poor road surface begin to take their toll. Two miles inside Comanche County, the tanker is forced to halt with an overheated engine. Luckily, the breakdown occurs within sight of the Sabanna River, now little more than a torpid stream, and enough water is soon collected to enable the tanker to continue. (If you wish, you can refill your Water Canteen at the river at the cost of one Medi-kit unit).


    Gradually the road turns westwards and climbs towards high plains country. Then, as you approach the outskirts of a town called Rising Star, Cutter signals to you to stop. Weve got six people down with heat exhaustion, and four more on the brink, he says, his face awash with sweat. Weve got to get em out of this travelling oven and let em rest awhile in the shade.


    You suggest that the convoy waits in Rising Star while you go on ahead to make sure that Cross Plains is safe to enter. By the time you have checked it out and returned, the worst of the afternoon heat will have passed and the colony will be in better shape to continue. Before you leave for Cross Plains you must take a drink or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. Unless you possess a tub of Salt, you must reduce your current ENDURANCE total by 4 points, due to excessive salt loss.


    You lead the convoy along the split and cratered surface of State Highway 571, across a wasteland of bleached hills and scorched scrub. In the distance you see mountainsthe twin summits of Caddo Peaks and the craggy outline of Spring Mesastanding sharp and clear against the backdrop of a cloudless sky. By mid-afternoon the temperature has climbed to 110 Fahrenheit, and the combined effects of the heat and poor road surface begin to take their toll. Two miles inside Comanche County, the tanker is forced to halt with an overheated engine. Luckily, the breakdown occurs within sight of the Sabana River, now little more than a torpid stream, and enough water is soon collected to enable the tanker to continue. (If you wish, you can refill your Water Canteen at the river at the cost of one Medi-kit unit).


    Gradually the road turns westwards and climbs towards high plains country. Then, as you approach the outskirts of a town called Rising Star, Cutter signals to you to stop. Weve got six people down with heat exhaustion, and four more on the brink, he says, his face awash with sweat. Weve got to get em out of this travelling oven and let em rest awhile in the shade.


    You suggest that the convoy waits in Rising Star while you go on ahead to make sure that Cross Plains is safe to enter. By the time you have checked it out and returned, the worst of the afternoon heat will have passed and the colony will be in better shape to continue. Before you leave for Cross Plains you must take a drink or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. Unless you possess a tub of Salt, you must reduce your current ENDURANCE total by 4 points, due to excessive salt loss.

    Turn to 42.
    @@ -4090,7 +4157,7 @@

    After two hours of painfully slow driving, the convoy reaches the far side of the lake, only to discover a hostile reception awaiting it. Just as you had suspected, the spy you saw earlier was a city gang member, one of a group of bikers out foraging for food. He has alerted the others in his group and now they lie in ambush, like a pack of hungry jackals, waiting for the convoy to come within range of their guns.


    You have just cleared the top of the slope that marks the old shoreline of Lake Lewisville when the bikers make their presence felt. A volley of shots ricochet off the hood and side of your roadster, forcing you to swerve to a halt. Grabbing your gun, you leap out of the car and scream a warning to the others as you take cover at the edge of the lake. Cutter and Kate come running up the slope to join you but, just as they reach your side, a harsh voice yells out: There are more than thirty of us here and were armed to the teeth. You dont stand a chance. Throw down your weapons and surrender and well spare your lives!


    You have just cleared the top of the slope that marks the old shoreline of Lake Lewisville when the bikers make their presence felt. A volley of shots ricochets off the hood and side of your roadster, forcing you to swerve to a halt. Grabbing your gun, you leap out of the car and scream a warning to the others as you take cover at the edge of the lake. Cutter and Kate come running up the slope to join you but, just as they reach your side, a harsh voice yells out: There are more than thirty of us here and were armed to the teeth. You dont stand a chance. Throw down your weapons and surrender and well spare your lives!

    Turn to 247.
    @@ -4115,7 +4182,7 @@

    Intrigued by Cutters reply, you follow him out of the stores building, across a parking lot and into another section of the depot that is marked:


    After searching four of the dozen service bays, finally he discovers what he is looking for: a school bus. Cal, you keep yeyes open while I strip the linkage out o this baby. Give me an hour an well be on our way.


    Nervously you stand guard at the door to the service bay while Cutter works. All is quiet until, forty minutes later, you see something moving among the vehicles on the far side of the parking, lot: it is a drunken clansman. Slowly he staggers nearer, taking alternating gulps from the bottles clutched in either hand. He is about to pass on his way when Cutter drops a spanner. The ringing noise pierces his drunken stupor and prompts him to investigate.


    Nervously you stand guard at the door to the service bay while Cutter works. All is quiet until, forty minutes later, you see something moving among the vehicles on the far side of the parking lot: it is a drunken clansman. Slowly he staggers nearer, taking alternating gulps from the bottles clutched in either hand. He is about to pass on his way when Cutter drops a spanner. The ringing noise pierces his drunken stupor and prompts him to investigate.

    Trouble on its way! you whisper to Cutter, but your warning is too late. A moment later, the clansman comes lurching through the open door, brandishing his bottles like clubs. He sees you and screams an oath as he gets ready to launch his attack.

    Chickamauga1428 If you win the combat, turn to 249. @@ -4143,7 +4210,7 @@ -

    Your enemys reactions are lightning fast. He throws himself down behind the window and your gunfire passes harmlessly through the now empty frame. An instant later, the unexpected sound of running feet makes you spin on your heel. A leather-clad punk, his skull shaved and sprayed with rings of metallic brown paint, is charging at you from the ruins with a knife held high in his hand. You raise your weapon, but before you can squeeze the trigger, he dives full length and catches you in the chest with the crown of his head. His attack slams you backwards to the ground and, gasping for breath, you struggle to grab hold of his wrist before he can make use of his deadly blade.


    Your enemys reactions are lightning fast. He throws himself down behind the window and your gunfire passes harmlessly through the now empty frame. An instant later, the unexpected sound of running feet makes you spin on your heel. A leather-clad punk, his skull shaved and sprayed with rings of metallic brown paint, is charging at you from the ruins with a knife held high in his hand. You raise your weapon, but before you can squeeze the trigger, he dives full length and catches you in the chest with the crown of his head. His attack slams you backwards to the ground and, gasping for breath, you struggle to grab hold of his wrist before he can make use of his deadly blade.


    Owing to the suddenness of his attack, you must fight the first two rounds of combat unarmed and with your CLOSE COMBAT SKILL reduced by 2 points. If you are still alive at the start of the third combat round, you will then be able to draw your Hunting Knife.

    If you win the fight, turn to 63. @@ -4185,8 +4252,10 @@

    Two shots are fired almost simultaneously, filling the bar with a deafening explosion of noise. They rip open the front of the counter less than five feet from where you are crouching, bringing down most of the rickety shelves that line the back wall. Amid a cascade of bottles and glasses, you scurry towards the end of the counter, your eyes fixed on a door situated beneath the staircase. Above it, an unlit sign reads:


    I reckon this constitutes an emergency, you mutter, as you get ready to break cover and run towards the door. Just as you are about to leave your hand brushes against the stock of a sawn-off shotgun that is lying on a shelf beneath the counter. Both hammers are cocked and the chamber tags show that both barrels are loaded.

    If you wish to take this weapon, turn to 176. If you decide to ignore it, turn to 84. @@ -4254,7 +4323,7 @@ 285 -

    Once more you glance in your mirror and see the biker coax his machine into your slipstream. Behind him the convoy is barely visible, the bus and tanker cannot match the speed that you have maintained in your race against the clansmen. Then you see your enemy reaching inside his leather jacket. He withdraws a grenade, pulls out the safety pin with his teeth, and gets ready to lob it into your car. Immediately you stamp on the brake pedal and fight with the steering wheel to keep the roadster in a straight line as it screeches to a halt. A moment later there is at tremendous jolt as the clansman crashes into the rear of your car. An instant later he somersaults over your head, wide-eyed with terror, before disappearing behind the central crash barrier that divides the freeway. A muffled boom and a plume of dust marks the violent demise of yet another Detroit Lion.


    Once more you glance in your mirror and see the biker coax his machine into your slipstream. Behind him the convoy is barely visible; the bus and tanker cannot match the speed that you have maintained in your race against the clansmen. Then you see your enemy reaching inside his leather jacket. He withdraws a grenade, pulls out the safety pin with his teeth, and gets ready to lob it into your car. Immediately you stamp on the brake pedal and fight with the steering wheel to keep the roadster in a straight line as it screeches to a halt. A moment later there is at tremendous jolt as the clansman crashes into the rear of your car. An instant later he somersaults over your head, wide-eyed with terror, before disappearing behind the central crash barrier that divides the freeway. A muffled boom and a plume of dust mark the violent demise of yet another Detroit Lion.

    Turn to 127.
    @@ -4269,7 +4338,8 @@ Melvyn Grant Two savage-looking women, both armed with knives. - + + Lipsync1218 @@ -4284,7 +4354,7 @@ 287 -

    Steering with only your left hand, you snatch your Beretta auto from your shoulder holster with your right hand and thumb back its safety catch. The ruins are beginning to thin out and, as you hit the stony, pot-holed wasteland that surrounds the town, you dare not take your eyes off the ground ahead for fear of crashing. Without turning your head, you point your pistol over your left shoulder and squeeze the trigger in the hope of hitting your attacker.


    Steering with only your left hand, you snatch your Beretta auto from your shoulder holster with your right hand and thumb back its safety catch. The ruins are beginning to thin out and, as you hit the stony, pot-holed wasteland that surrounds the town, you dare not take your eyes off the ground ahead for fear of crashing. Without turning your head, you point your pistol over your shoulder and squeeze the trigger in the hope of hitting your attacker.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Shooting and Perception skill totals. For every bullet you decide to fire, add an additional point to your total (but be sure to erase them from your Ammo Pouch).

    If your total score is now 13 or less, turn to 259. If it is 14 or more, turn to 174. @@ -4301,11 +4371,12 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + -

    You gotta hold em off until weve got this baby across, shouts Cutter, as he waves frantic signals to Uncle Jonas, who is having to fight to keep the tanker in a straight line. The sight of the makeshift platform sagging under the weight of the heavy vehicle makes your stomach churn.


    You gotta hold em off until weve got this baby across, shouts Cutter, as he waves frantic signals to Uncle Jonas, who is having to fight to keep the tanker in a straight line. The sight of the makeshift platform sagging under the weight of the heavy vehicle makes your stomach churn.

    You can count on it! you shout in reply, then turn and follow Kate as she runs back towards the town.

    As you reach the end of the bridge you notice two ideal defensive positions. One is a three-storey factory that overlooks the freeway; the other is an auto wreck overturned on the approach ramp to the bridge.

    If you wish to hide behind the auto wreck, turn to 332. @@ -4365,7 +4436,7 @@ -

    Guided by instinct alone, you swing your gun around and squeeze the trigger. At the same time, the double muzzle flash of your enemys weapon lights up the store, and you cry out in pain as a fistful of birdshot clips your right shoulder: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.


    Guided by instinct alone, you swing your gun around and squeeze the trigger. At the same time, the double muzzle flash of your enemys weapon lights up the store, and you cry out in pain as a fistful of birdshot clips your right shoulder: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

    Your wound is superficial. However, your enemy is not so lucky. Your gunfire hits him squarely in the chest, killing him instantly.

    Turn to 220.
    @@ -4376,7 +4447,7 @@

    A solitary open window, criss-crossed with pitted steel bars, provides the only source of light and ventilation in the cell. Standing on the edge of the wooden bunk you are able to peer through the bars at an alleyway that runs along the rear of the building. But without your weapons, or any other means of dislodging the bars, you cannot hope to escape this way.


    An hour later you hear your captors laughing in the corridor outside. A key rattles in the lock and the cell door swings back to reveal a barrel-chested clansman, clad in a suit of black leather, which is adorned with sharpened metal studs. He fixes you with his small, bloodshot eyes, and sneers contemptuously.


    An hour later you hear your captors laughing in the corridor outside. A key rattles in the lock and the cell door swings back to reveal a barrel-chested clansman, clad in a suit of black leather, which is adorned with sharpened metal studs. He fixes you with his small, bloodshot eyes and sneers contemptuously.

    You scoutin for the Skulls, aint you, boy? he says, his hand caressing the butt of a pistol that is holstered on his hip. That roach Alcatraz sent you here tcheck us out, didnt he? Resentful mutterings fill the corridor outside, urging the beady-eyed clansman to settle the matter by shooting you.

    Do I look like a Skull? you ask, defensively.

    Maybe not, he growls, but if you aint a Skull, what you doing nosin around Albany?

    @@ -4397,7 +4468,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -4452,7 +4524,7 @@

    You pull your T-shirt up to cover your nose and mouth before venturing out into the storm. Visibility is less than five yards and, with the dust constantly gusting into your eyes, you must rely heavily on your sense of hearing for some indication of the childs location. Repeatedly you call out her name, hoping she will reply, yet all you hear is the incessant howling of the wind.

    A wide avenue leads you to a baseball park on the edge of the school grounds. For a few seconds the wind drops and you are able to see a small grocery store on the other side of the avenue, its front door hanging off its hinges. You can make out a thin, faint sound coming from inside the store.

    You run towards the entrance, eager to get inside before the wind picks up and you lose sight of the building altogether. The stench of rotting food assails your nostrils the moment you enter the store, making your stomach churn, but you force yourself to ignore it and continue your search. You call Marias name and hear the sound again: it is coming from behind the cellar door. In the eerie half-light you find the latch and lift it. Dont be afraid, Maria. Its Cal, you say, hoping to reassure and comfort the girl, but when you push open the door it is not little Maria who greets you.


    A seething flood of squealing rats swarm out of the doorway and break like a wave against your feet. You scream in shocked surprise and drag yourself onto a nearby counter as the ravenous rodents run amok. Most of the pack ignore you, but there are a few that have developed a taste for human flesh, and determinedly they claw their way up the counter in an effort to get at your legs.


    A seething flood of squealing rats swarms out of the doorway and breaks like a wave against your feet. You scream in shocked surprise and drag yourself onto a nearby counter as the ravenous rodents run amok. Most of the pack ignore you, but there are a few that have developed a taste for human flesh, and determinedly they claw their way up the counter in an effort to get at your legs.

    Rat Pack1325 If you win the combat, turn to 146.
    @@ -4463,7 +4535,7 @@

    There is a rush of wind, like a sound of a whip before it cracks, then something tightens around your body, pinning your arms to your sides. Fear wells up inside when you realize that you have been lassoed. Desperately you struggle to grab the rope that is biting into your flesh, but you are pulled roughly to the ground before you can break free.


    Cursing wildly, you blink the dust from your eyes in time to see a scrawny youth advancing towards you, his hands tugging and shortening the rope to maintain his hold on you. He is dressed in tattered buckskin, and his cheeks and forehead are painted with coloured stripes. His strange appearance reminds you of books you read when you were young; books with pictures of Red Indian braves who fought cowboys of the old West. The youth gives a warbling scream and more of his kind appear, all of them dressed in similar Red Indian costumes. With howls of delight they jump on you, take your missile and close combat weapons (erase these from your Action Chart), and hold your arms securely behind your back while the youth retrieves his lasso. Then, without a word of explanation, they drag you to the centre of the street and tie you to the totem pole.


    Cursing wildly, you blink the dust from your eyes in time to see a scrawny youth advancing towards you, his hands tugging and shortening the rope to maintain his hold on you. He is dressed in tattered buckskin, and his cheeks and forehead are painted with coloured stripes. His strange appearance reminds you of books you read when you were youngbooks with pictures of Red Indian braves who fought cowboys of the old West. The youth gives a warbling scream and more of his kind appear, all of them dressed in similar Red Indian costumes. With howls of delight they jump on you, take your missile and close combat weapons (erase these from your Action Chart), and hold your arms securely behind your back while the youth retrieves his lasso. Then, without a word of explanation, they drag you to the centre of the street and tie you to the totem pole.

    The sound of a car horn echoes in the distance and your captors cease their whooping. The moment the vehicle glides into view, they throw themselves to their knees and bow their heads devoutly. Open-mouthed, you stare at the approaching car, scarcely able to believe your eyes.

    Turn to 38.
    @@ -4488,7 +4560,7 @@ -

    Your gunfire smashes the window and hits the Maverick rider in the upper chest, killing him instantly. With the Molotov cocktail still gripped in his hand, his lifeless body tumbles from the motorcycle and hits the road with terrific force. There is a flash as the bottle disintegrates, then his body and the bike are consumed by a ball of roaring flame.


    Your gunfire smashes the window and hits the Maverick rider in the upper chest, killing him instantly. With the Molotov cocktail still gripped in his hand, his lifeless body tumbles from the motorcycle and hits the road with terrific force. There is a flash as the bottle disintegrates, then his body and the bike are consumed by a ball of roaring flame.

    Turn to 188.
    @@ -4500,17 +4572,17 @@

    As you had suspected, the spy was a city gang member, a scout for the Arlington Vipers judging by the snake tattoo that encircles his throat. You have encountered many from this gang during the past few months; they often led night raids on the DC1 settlement at McKinney.

    You roll the dead scout over onto his chest and quickly search through his rucksack and pockets. You discover the following items:

    • Two Knives (2)
    • -
    • Pistol (containing three rounds of 9mm ammunition)
    • -
    • Dagger (2)
    • -
    • Mirror
    • -
    • Enough food for two Meals
    • -
    • Enough pain killers for one Medi-kit unit
    • -
    • Water Canteen
    • -
    • Enough water for one Drink (1/2 pint)
    • -
    • Five rounds of 9mm ammunition
    • -
    • Two rounds of 12-gauge ammunition
    • -
    • Telescope
    • +
    • Two Knives (2)
    • +
    • Pistol (containing three rounds of 9mm ammunition)
    • +
    • Dagger (2)
    • +
    • Mirror
    • +
    • Enough food for two Meals
    • +
    • Enough pain killers for one Medi-kit unit
    • +
    • Water Canteen
    • +
    • Enough water for one Drink (1/2 pint)
    • +
    • Five rounds of 9mm ammunition
    • +
    • Two rounds of 12-gauge ammunition
    • +
    • Telescope

    If you decide to keep any of these items, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

    To return to the convoy and continue with the crossing, turn to 160. @@ -4522,7 +4594,7 @@

    Before venturing out into the storm, all three of you turn your transceivers to the same frequency so that you can remain in radio contact with each other throughout the search. Uncle Jonas also possesses a handset, and he selects his to transmit a signal on another frequency. By selecting that channel, and monitoring its signal strength, you should be able to find your way back to the school.


    The three of you decide to split up and search different areas, thereby maximizing your chances of finding Maria quickly. The school building will have prevented her from wandering to the south, leaving three directions in which to search: north, west and east.


    The three of you decide to split up and search different areas, thereby maximizing your chances of finding Maria quickly. The school building will have prevented her from wandering to the south, leaving three directions in which to search: north, west, and east.

    If you wish to search to the north, turn to 169. If you wish to search to the west, turn to 299. If you decide to search to the east, turn to 125. @@ -4539,10 +4611,11 @@ Melvyn Grant A scrawny old man, dressed in an assortment of evil-smelling rags. - + + -

    Saw your lights on the road, he croaks, a toothy smile cracking several layers of dirt that have built up around his nose and mouth. Said to mself, those folks will come a callin. Best whup up a real larrupin meal to make em feel right welcome. He jabs his metal rod into the fire and spears the blackened remains of a large rat. Proudly he holds it up and nods enthusiastically, as if he were about to serve you a prime T-bone steak. Your stomach turns when he offers you the charred carcass. You refuse politely.


    Saw your lights on the road, he croaks, a toothy smile cracking several layers of dirt that have built up around his nose and mouth. Said to mself, those folks will come a callin. Best whup up a real larrupin meal to make em feel right welcome. He jabs his metal rod into the fire and spears the blackened remains of a large rat. Proudly he holds it up and nods enthusiastically, as if he were about to serve you a prime T-bone steak. Your stomach turns when he offers you the charred carcass. You refuse politely.

    You gone an broked down, aint you, boy? he says, pointing at the convoy on the highway below. What exactlys the problem? You never know, maybe I kin help you out. Youd not be the first folks that ol Mountain Goatd set right.

    Half-heartedly you tell the old hermit about the breakdown, suspecting that he is just wasting your time. When you have finished, he smiles once more, and taps the side of his nose with a greasy forefinger. I know just where you can lay yhands on the part you need to fix that ol bus o yours, he says, smugly.

    Where? you reply.

    @@ -4595,7 +4668,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -4649,10 +4723,11 @@ Melvyn Grant The Maverick spins around and tries to grab you by the throat. - + + - Emteevee:1725 + Emteevee1725 If you win the combat, turn to 70.
    @@ -4670,13 +4745,14 @@ 315 -

    You make your way back to the convoy, aware that less than a few hours of daylight remain. Cutter and Uncle Jonas greet your return with a nod and a wave, both of them itching to get underway. Quickly you climb into your roadster, switch on the ignition and lead them single file onto the southbound carriageway of Freeway 35.


    You make your way back to the convoy, aware that less than a few hours of daylight remain. Cutter and Uncle Jonas greet your return with a nod and a wave, both of them itching to get underway. Quickly you climb into your roadster, switch on the ignition, and lead them single file onto the southbound carriageway of Freeway 35.

    Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -4709,8 +4785,8 @@

    As you watch the town shrinking in your rear-view mirror, the shock of your encounter, especially the death of Long Jake, makes you shiver despite the burning midday heat. Dyou know those guys? you ask, anxious to make some sense of the situation.

    Yeah, replies the girl, her voice shaky, though not by choice.


    As you race back along the highway to McKinney, the girl, whose name is Kate Norton, tells you about the events leading up to your meeting. She comes from Kansas City and is one of the lucky few who have managed to survive there since the holocaust. A month ago her colony was attacked and wiped out by a gang of motorcycle renegades called the Lions. Their leader, who calls himself Mad Dog Michigan, took a liking to her and spared her life. He was once a high-ranking HAVOC agent who had escaped from Pontiac Deep Pen near Detroit, and he and his gang, most of whom were also HAVOC escapees, were heading for the Fort Hood Military Reserve near Killeen, the largest armoury in the whole of the United States.


    He hopes to find enough weapons and ammunition there to equip the other HAVOC clans who are in control of cities all along the eastern seaboard. Once hes armed his army hell take over the rest of the country, she says, her blue eyes brimming with tears. Three days ago the Lions reached Oklahoma City. They were desperate for food, so Mad Dog decided to camp there and forage the surrounding area. Until then theyd always been kept closely guarded, but while most of them were away I managed to steal a bike and escape. I was beginning to think Id made it. I was wrong. I ran out of fuel just north of Sherman and had to ditch the bike. I met up with your friend this morning when he walked into town. Soon after hed told me all about you and your colony and your plans to head west, those guys back there arrived. Mad Dog sent them to find me. She pauses to wipe her tears and brush the tangle of windswept blonde hair away from her beautiful face.


    As you race back along the highway to McKinney, the girl, whose name is Kate Norton, tells you about the events leading up to your meeting. She comes from Kansas City and was one of the lucky few who managed to survive there since the holocaust. A month ago her colony was attacked and wiped out by a gang of motorcycle renegades called the Lions. Their leader, who calls himself Mad Dog Michigan, took a liking to her and spared her life. He was once a high-ranking HAVOC agent who had escaped from Pontiac Deep Pen near Detroit, and he and his gang, most of whom were also HAVOC escapees, were heading for the Fort Hood Military Reserve near Killeen, the largest armoury in the whole of the United States.


    He hopes to find enough weapons and ammunition there to equip the other HAVOC clans who are in control of cities all along the eastern seaboard. Once hes armed his army hell take over the rest of the country, she says, her blue eyes brimming with tears. Three days ago the Lions reached Oklahoma City. They were desperate for food, so Mad Dog decided to camp there and forage the surrounding area. Until then I'd always been kept closely guarded, but while most of them were away I managed to steal a bike and escape. I was beginning to think Id made it. I was wrong. I ran out of fuel just north of Sherman and had to ditch the bike. I met up with your friend this morning when he walked into town. Soon after hed told me all about you and your colony and your plans to head west, those guys back there arrived. Mad Dog sent them to find me. She pauses to wipe her tears and brush the tangle of windswept blonde hair away from her beautiful face.

    Im really sorry about what happened to Long Jake. Its all my fault.

    Dont blame yourself, you say, trying to console her. Its over now. Once we get back to DC1 and take off for Big Spring, Mad Dog and his gang will be just a bad memory.

    I hope youre right, Cal, she says, unconvinced.

    @@ -4742,7 +4818,7 @@ -

    You pump a cartridge into the breach and take aim at the leading dog. You fire as it leaps, the full force of your shot catching it squarely in the chest. Its lifeless body somersaults backwards into the rest of the pack.


    You pump a cartridge into the breach and take aim at the leading dog. You fire as it leaps, the full force of your shot catching it squarely in the chest. Its lifeless body somersaults backwards into the rest of the pack.

    If you wish to fire a second round at the rabid dogs, and are able to do so, turn to 190. If you have run out of ammunition, or choose not to fire a second round, turn to 64.
    @@ -4754,14 +4830,14 @@

    You are soon swallowed up in the network of narrow alleyways, and are able to shake off the few clansmen who attempted to pursue you. Eventually you emerge onto a wider street that is lined with dilapidated stores. Rather than take the risk of staying on the street, you decide to hide in one of these buildings and wait until the heat dies down. Fortunately you choose a hardware store that still has a cache of stock hidden on the first floor, and you discover the following items that could prove useful:

    • Two Knives (2)
    • -
    • 1 Rifle
    • -
    • Six rounds of 7.62mm ammunition
    • -
    • Enough food for two Meals
    • -
    • Enough medical supplies for three Medi-kit units
    • -
    • Rope
    • -
    • Goggles
    • -
    • Solar Torch
    • +
    • Two Knives (2)
    • +
    • 1 Rifle
    • +
    • Six rounds of 7.62mm ammunition
    • +
    • Enough food for two Meals
    • +
    • Enough medical supplies for three Medi-kit units
    • +
    • Rope
    • +
    • Goggles
    • +
    • Solar Torch

    If you decide to keep any of these items be sure to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

    From a window on the first floor, you watch as a large group of Indian clansmen pour out of an alley opposite. They divide into two groups and begin searching the adjoining street, seemingly convinced that you are still out in the open. Silently you crouch by the window, awaiting the chance to slip out of Cross Plains unseen. While you are lying low, you must take a Drink or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

    @@ -4805,14 +4881,15 @@

    Reluctantly the sun dips below the horizon, relinquishing its reign to a full moon and a clear night sky. The landscape is shrouded in a ghostly twilight and, as the miles slip past, the temperature steadily drops.


    It takes a little over twenty minutes to reach Mineral Wells. It seems no different to a handful of other towns through which you have passed today: it is derelict, decayed and deserted. As you drive along the main street, you scan the rooftops in search of a radio mast, and, almost immediately, you discover what you seek. On the roof of a three-storey building at the end of the street is the tripod-like structure. The upper section of the mast has long since collapsed, but the remaining lower section is still intact, sufficient in length to carry a call-signal as far as Weatherford.


    It takes a little over twenty minutes to reach Mineral Wells. It seems no different to a handful of other towns through which you have passed today: it is derelict, decayed, and deserted. As you drive along the main street, you scan the rooftops in search of a radio mast, and, almost immediately, you discover what you seek. On the roof of a three-storey building at the end of the street is the tripod-like structure. The upper section of the mast has long since collapsed, but the remaining lower section is still intact, sufficient in length to carry a call-signal as far as Weatherford.

    Stopping outside the building, you fasten your jacket against the chill night air, then enter to find the dusty halls and offices of a commercial radio station awaiting you. In a studio at the top of the building you discover what you are looking for. Slumped over a control panel is the body of Doctor Drool, former ace DJ and anchor-man of Radio K.L.F.M. Beneath his skeletal hand is the button that controls the station call-sign, a transmission that has played continuously for the last eight years.

    Melvyn Grant Slumped over a control panel is the body of Doctor Drool, former ace DJ. - + +

    You use your CB radio to call the convoy and tell them what you have found. Then you cut the power to the control panel, pausing briefly to sign-off for the last time on behalf of the Doctor.

    @@ -4840,7 +4917,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -4868,9 +4946,9 @@

    The instant you set foot in the store, two hands reach out of the darkness, grab you by the jacket lapels and pull you away from the doorway. Immediately, there is a long burst of fire and a hail of bullets scythes the air where you were standing only moments before.

    These aint no ordinary punks, growls Long Jake, peering cautiously over the edge of the bullet-shattered window frame. Theyre scouts for a Yankee gang thats headin this way, looking to take over. Theyre a mite anxious to get their hands on her, too, he says, nodding towards the girl who is crouching behind the store counter, her eyes wide with fright.


    What do they want with her? you ask, but before Long Jake can reply there is a flash and a deafening explosion. The stores rear door is blown inwards and a searing wave of heat and flying debris knocks you off your feet. Stunned by the blast, you rise unsteadily and reach for a weapon. A grey shape fills the rear entrance, its outline fuzzy in the smoke and dust that hovers there. Then the shape draws into focus and you see the silhouette of a tall man, lean and sinewy, his thin mouth set in a cruel sneer.


    What do they want with her? you ask, but before Long Jake can reply there is a flash and a deafening explosion. The stores rear door is blown inwards and a searing wave of heat and flying debris knocks you off your feet. Stunned by the blast, you rise unsteadily and reach for a weapon. A grey shape fills the rear entrance, its outline fuzzy in the smoke and dust that hover there. Then the shape draws into focus and you see the silhouette of a tall man, lean and sinewy, his thin mouth set in a cruel sneer.

    Look out! screams Long Jake, as the figure leaps through the doorway, a shotgun held before him ready to fire.


    Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If your current Shooting, Stealth and Perception points (when added together) total 8 or more, then add 2 to the number you have picked.


    Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If your current Shooting, Stealth, and Perception points (when added together) total 8 or more, then add 2 to the number you have picked.

    If your total is now 03, turn to 191. If it is 46, turn to 293. If it is 7 or more, turn to 168. @@ -4906,7 +4984,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -4934,15 +5013,18 @@

    The evil-sounding laughter is cut short by a deafening roar as both barrels of a Browning Citori are discharged at the counter. The heavy loads rip through the front, bringing down most of the rickety shelves that line the back wall. A cascade of bottles and glasses rains down on your head, causing you further injury as you scurry towards the end of the counter: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

    Ahead, beneath the staircase, you see a door with an unlit sign above it that reads:


    I reckon this constitutes an emergency, you mutter, as you get ready to break cover and run towards the door. Just as you are about to leave your hand brushes against the stock of a sawn-off shotgun that is lying on a shelf beneath the counter. Both hammers are cocked and the chamber tags show that both barrels are loaded.

    Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -4970,7 +5052,7 @@

    The rotten wood splits and crumbles under the slightest pressure, enabling you to open the crate with your bare hands. Inside, you discover hundreds of square plastic tubs, bound together with tape into units of twelve. Sealing the whole consignment is a vast sheet of clear polythenejust what your uncle wanted! Using your hunting knife, you slit open the sheeting at the corners, remove it from the tubs and fold it away carefully for future use.


    The tubs themselves are each adorned with blue and white labels that display the letters: N a C l.


    The tubs themselves are each adorned with blue and white labels that display the letters: NaCl.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Perception skill total.

    If the total is now 6 or less, turn to 134. If it is 7 or more, turn to 201. @@ -4984,13 +5066,14 @@

    At gunpoint you are led from the cell and taken across town to a broken-fenced corral around which the clansmen have gathered. This site is all that remains of the Albany Stockyards and Rodeo that once thrived here during the late 1990s. Its No. 1 enclosure is to be the place of your initiation into the Kicker clan.

    Lying on the ground at the centre of the corral is your Hunting Knife, and beyond it, leaning against the wooden rails of the corral, is your adversary. As punishment for a breach of clan discipline, Manhattan has chosen him to fight against you in the Rite. It is a dubious honour, for he knows that his life will be forfeit if he fails.

    The rules of the initiation ceremony are simple. When Manhattan fires his pistol, you must both dash towards the knife. The one who reaches it first will then hold the advantage in the hand-to-hand combat that follows. The combat is to the death; only he who survives the fight will be declared a worthy clan member.


    The crowd grow silent and nervously you wait for Manhattan to fire. His shot rings out, and you launch yourself towards the centre of the corral.


    The crowd grows silent and nervously you wait for Manhattan to fire. His shot rings out, and you launch yourself towards the centre of the corral.

    Melvyn Grant The combat is to the death; you both launch yourself towards the centre of the corral. - + +

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Stealth skill total.

    @@ -5033,7 +5116,7 @@ -

    You have aimed too high and, as the window disintegrates, your gunfire passes harmlessly over the head of the Maverick rider. He hurls his fire-bomb, and screams of terror fill your ears as your people scramble across the seats in a desperate attempt to escape the blast. You hear a sharp crack as the bottle strikes the edge of a seat, then there is a brilliant flash of orange and yellow light as it smashes and bursts into flames.


    You have aimed too high and, as the window disintegrates, your gunfire passes harmlessly over the head of the Maverick rider. He hurls his fire-bomb, and screams of terror fill your ears as your people scramble across the seats in a desperate attempt to escape the blast. You hear a sharp crack as the bottle strikes the edge of a seat, then there is a brilliant flash of orange and yellow light as it smashes and bursts into flames.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

    If the number you have picked is 02, turn to 79. If the number is 39, turn to 197. @@ -5072,7 +5155,8 @@ Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -5093,7 +5177,7 @@ -

    Your bullet hits the clansman in the chest and knocks him clean off his feet. As he disappears from sight, his partner unleashes a long burst of fire that powders the scree behind you. When the firing stops, you raise your head and peer through the bushes, expecting to see your enemy reloading. Instead he discards his empty magazine and turns to run away. He has exhausted his ammunition and has decided to make his escape before you have a chance to return fire.


    Your bullet hits the clansman in the chest and knocks him clean off his feet. As he disappears from sight, his partner unleashes a long burst of fire that powders the scree behind you. When the firing stops, you raise your head and peer through the bushes, expecting to see your enemy reloading. Instead he discards his empty magazine and turns to run away. He has exhausted his ammunition and has decided to make his escape before you have a chance to return fire.

    As soon as you are sure that the coast is clear, you rise cautiously and help Kate to her feet. The sound of a motorcycle riding away into the distance reassures you that your ambusher has fled, and confidently you scramble up the slope and go to examine the body of the one who did not get away.

    Turn to 175.
    @@ -5125,7 +5209,7 @@

    In the distance you see the sun resting on the peak of Signal Mountain, and you estimate that no more than an hour of daylight remains. Then a freeway mileage sign looms into view, its paint blistered and barely legible. You slow down and read:


    The sign coaxes a cheer from those aboard the bus and renews your hopes of completing the first stage of your long journey west. A few miles further on you see another sign. This announces that you are approaching the town of Coahoma. With the memory of what happened at Westbrook still fresh in your mind, you decide to bring the convoy to a halt.

    - If you possess Binoculars or a Telescope, turn to 11. + If you possess Binoculars or a Telescope, turn to 11. If you possess neither of these items, turn to 33.
    @@ -5140,13 +5224,14 @@ -

    You raise your arm and fire your shotgun without aiming. The speed of your reflexes and the spread of the Double-A target load guarantee that your enemy will never point his pistol at anyone again.


    You raise your arm and fire your shotgun without aiming. The speed of your reflexes and the spread of the Double-A target load guarantee that your enemy will never point his pistol at anyone again.

    Melvyn Grant - + + @@ -5165,7 +5250,7 @@ -

    You have aimed too low: your gunfire hits the stone parapet of the roof, alerting the sniper to your position. Quickly he lifts his assault rifle, swings the barrel around towards the factory, and focuses on your window. You glimpse a muzzle flash a split-second before the ledge and frame are blown to pieces by a dozen high-velocity bullets.


    You have aimed too low: your gunfire hits the stone parapet of the roof, alerting the sniper to your position. Quickly he lifts his assault rifle, swings the barrel around towards the factory, and focuses on your window. You glimpse a muzzle flash a split-second before the ledge and frame are blown to pieces by a dozen high-velocity bullets.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Stealth skill total.

    If your total score is now 7 or less, turn to 151. If your total score is now 8 or more, turn to 260. @@ -5193,8 +5278,9 @@ Melvyn Grant - - + + +
    @@ -5208,36 +5294,105 @@ Iain Smith - + + Iain Smith - + + Iain Smith - + + Iain Smith - + + Iain Smith - + + + + + + + Jonathan Blake + + +



    Grand Master Disciplines:

    1. +
    2. +
    3. +
    4. +
    5. +

    Bonus Disciplines:

    1. : 5th Discipline if youve completed one Lone Wolf Grand Master Adventure successfully
    2. +
    3. : 6th Discipline if youve completed two Lone Wolf Grand Master Adventures successfully
    4. +
    5. : 7th Discipline if youve completed three Lone Wolf Grand Master Adventures successfully
    6. +
    7. : 8th Discipline if youve completed four Lone Wolf Grand Master Adventures successfully
    8. +
    9. : 9th Discipline if youve completed five Lone Wolf Grand Master Adventures successfully
    10. +


    1. +
    2. +

    Belt Pouch:




    Backpack Items:

    1. +
    2. +
    3. +
    4. +
    5. +
    6. +
    7. +
    8. +
    9. +
    10. +

    Special Items:

    1. +
    2. +
    3. +
    4. +
    5. +
    6. +
    7. +
    8. +
    9. +
    10. +
    11. +
    12. +
    + Replaced destined with slated. Replaced declare emergency with declare an emergency.


    (Cals Story) Replaced workshop and with workshop, and. Replaced re-establish with reestablish, Denton county with Denton County, fuel, food or water with fuel, food, or water, and Tuscon colony with Tucson colony. Replaced the Day with The Day. Replaced shelter and with shelter, and. Replaced brothers and with brothers, and. Replaced gas and with gas, and. Replaced posts and with posts, and. Replaced Waco. For with Waco, for. Replaced Sierra Nevada mountains with mountains of the Sierra Nevada.

    (Survival Skills) Replaced motorcycles and with motorcycles, and. Replaced shotguns and with shotguns, and. Replaced reflexes and with reflexes, and. Replaced education and with education, and.

    - -

    (The Game Rules) Replaced if you pick a O with if you pick a 0, On pages 6 and 7 you will find an Action Chart with An Action Chart has been supplied, the Random Number Table at the back of this book with the Random Number Table, zero with zero or below, and survival skills with Survival Skills. Replaced adventure you with adventure, you. Removed For ease of use during play it is recommended that you photocopy these pages.

    - -

    (Equipment) Replaced map of Central Texas with Map of Central Texas, potassium iodine with potassium iodide, H.E. (High Explosive) GRENADE with HE (High Explosive) GRENADE, C.B. RADIO with CB RADIO, and sulphonamides with sulfonamides. Replaced Canteen and with Canteen, and. Replaced radioactivity) and with radioactivity), and.

    - -

    (Close Combat Rules) Replaced cross-refer with cross-reference, zero with zero or below, and as 1 If with as 1. If .

    - -

    (Close Combat Rules) Replaced are reduced to zero, at which point the one whose score is zero is declared dead. with are reduced to zero or below, at which point that combatant is declared dead. and with a reduced ENDURANCE point score with with his ENDURANCE points possibly reduced.

    - -

    (Close Combat Rules) Removed on the inside back cover of the book.

    - +

    (The Game Rules) Replaced if you pick a O with if you pick a 0, On pages 6 and 7 you will find an Action Chart with An Action Chart has been supplied, the Random Number Table at the back of this book with the Random Number Table, zero with zero or below, and survival skills with Survival Skills. Replaced adventure you with adventure, you. Removed For ease of use during play it is recommended that you photocopy these pages. Replaced point the blunt end of it on to with point the blunt end of it onto.


    (Perception) Replaced tested, therefore with tested; therefore.


    (Equipment) Replaced map of Central Texas with Map of Central Texas, potassium iodine with potassium iodide, H.E. (High Explosive) Grenade with HE (High Explosive) Grenade, C.B. Radio with CB RADIO, and sulphonamides with sulfonamides. Replaced Canteen and with Canteen, and. Replaced radioactivity) and with radioactivity), and. Set in initial capital letters the items in the equipment list, in the missle weapons list, and the table of showing initial ammunition.


    (Close Combat Rules) Replaced cross-refer with cross-reference, as 1 If with as 1. If , are reduced to zero, at which point the one whose score is zero is declared dead. with are reduced to zero or below, at which point that combatant is declared dead. and with a reduced ENDURANCE point score with with his ENDURANCE points possibly reduced. Removed on the inside back cover of the book.

    (1) Replaced syphoned with siphoned, and C.B. radio with CB radio.

    (3) Replaced on to with onto.


    (5) Replaced brother, and the noise and fury of your weapon, brings with brotherand the noise and fury of your weaponbrings.

    (12) Replaced gulley with gully.

    (13) Added missing period after Random Number Table.

    (18) Replaced zig-zag with zigzag.

    (20) Replaced GEIGER COUNTER, ALTIMETER, and RADIATION SUIT with initial capitals. Replaced silver and with silver, and.


    (23) Replaced Backpack items with Backpack Items.


    (22) Replaced Two miles north with Two miles northwest.


    (23) Replaced Backpack items with Backpack Items. Replaced the front line of bikers open with the front line of bikers opens.

    (24) Replaced gulley with gully.

    (26) Replaced machine-gunner with machine gunner.

    (28) Replaced safety and with safety, and.

    (29) Replaced salt and with salt, and.

    (30) Replaced indian with Indian.


    (32) Replaced the fight lasts with you win the fight in.

    (36) Replaced under way with underway.

    (38) Replaced indian with Indian.

    (42) Replaced zig-zag with zigzag.

    (43) Replaced N a C l with NaCl.


    (48) Replaced dislodgng with dislodging, Skull, with Skull?, and the Kickers with the Kickers. Replaced you boy with you, boy. Replaced Pouch and with Pouch, and.


    (48) Replaced dislodgng with dislodging, Skull, with Skull?, and the Kickers with the Kickers. Replaced you boy with you, boy. Replaced Pouch and with Pouch, and. Replaced eyes, and with eyes and.

    (55) Replaced thunderbird with Thunderbird.

    (58) Replaced drunkenly and with drunkenly, and.

    (60) Replaced Current Stealth with current Stealth.

    @@ -5381,36 +5533,38 @@

    (65) Replaced C.B. Radio with CB Radio.

    (66) Replaced First Aid Box with first aid box.

    (68) Replaced the Mavericks with the Mavericks.


    (72) Replaced shooting skill with Shooting skill and (minimum - one round; maximum - four rounds) with (minimum: one round; maximum: four rounds).


    (72) Replaced shooting skill with Shooting skill and (minimumone round; maximumfour rounds) with (minimum: one round; maximum: four rounds).

    (73) Replaced C.B. transceiver with CB transceiver, and C.B. Radio with CB Radio. Replaced Backpack items with Backpack Items.

    (74) Replaced C.B. Radio with CB Radio.

    (77) Replaced motor cycle with motorcycle.

    (78) Replaced on to with onto.

    (80) Replaced gulley with gully.


    (82) Replaced needin with needin.


    (82) Replaced needin with needin. Replaced drive towards with walk towards because all other sections in this sequence assume that Cal walks back from the campus.

    (83) Replaced over and with over, and.

    (85) Replaced DISTRIBUTOR CAP, CONDENSER, GAS MODIFIER, OIL PLUG, FAN BELT with initial capitals. Replaced Backpack items with Backpack Items.

    (86) Replaced north-west with northwest.


    (89) Replaced follow with follows. Replaced go back with fall back.


    (90) Replaced slightest, neither with slightest; neither.

    (92) Replaced It it is 79 with If it is 79.

    (94) Replaced shouting : with shouting: .

    (96) Replaced machine-gunner with machine gunner. Replaced zig-zag with zigzag.

    (98) Replaced is loud with is a loud. Replaced GEIGER COUNTER, ALTIMETER and RADIATION SUIT with initial capitals. Replaced silver and with silver, and.

    (99) Replaced H.E. Grenade with HE Grenade.


    (100) Replaced C.B. Radio with CB Radio.


    (101) Replaced (minimum - one round; maximum - six rounds) with (minimum: one round; maximum: six rounds)


    (103) Replaced on to with onto.


    (100) Replaced C.B. Radio with CB Radio. Replaced cheered with cheers. Replaced brought with brings. Replaced promised with promises. Replaced hopes were with hopes are.


    (101) Replaced (minimumone round; maximumsix rounds) with (minimum: one round; maximum: six rounds)


    (103) Replaced on to with onto. Replaced their footfalls with its footfalls.

    (105) Replaced the Day with The Day. Replaced gulley with gully. Replaced on to with onto.

    (108) Replaced chest and with chest, and.


    (109) Replaced feet first with feet-first.


    (109) Replaced feet first with feet-first. Replaced shift gear with shift gears.

    (116) Replaced key-in with key in. Replaced on and with on, and.

    (117) Added missing period after (0 equals 10). Replaced gulley with gully.

    (119) Replaced Water Canteen, containing with Water Canteen containing and sulphonamides with sulfonamides.

    (122) Replaced gutteral with guttural.


    (127) Replaced on to with onto. Replaced axle and with axle, and.


    (131) Replaced (minimum - one round; maximum - five rounds) with (minimum: one burst; maximum: five bursts)


    (127) Replaced on to with onto. Replaced axle and with axle, and.


    (131) Replaced (minimumone round; maximumfive rounds) with (minimum: one burst; maximum: five bursts)

    (132) Replaced machine-gunner with machine gunner. Replaced aim and with aim, and.

    (133) Replaced feet first with feet-first.


    (136) Replaced north-west with northwest.


    (136) Replaced north-west with northwest. Replaced screams of their chief dispels with screams of their chief dispel.

    (137) Replaced south-west with southwest.

    (138) Replaced Backpack items with Backpack Items.

    (142) Replaced feet first with feet-first.

    @@ -5419,9 +5573,9 @@

    (149) Replaced assess with assesses.

    (152) Replaced text based number puzzle with illustration.

    (155) Replaced red indian with Red Indian.


    (156) Replaced take its toll of those with take its toll on those.


    (156) Replaced take its toll of those with take its toll on those. Replaced combined effects of the scorching heat and the poor road surface begins with combined effects of the scorching heat and the poor road surface begin.

    (158) Replaced C.B. Radio with CB Radio. Replaced setting and with setting, and.


    (160) Replaced the Day with The Day.Replaced on to with onto.


    (160) Replaced the Day with The Day. Replaced on to with onto.

    (162) Replaced Ammo pouch with Ammo Pouch and once sophisticated with once-sophisticated. Replaced Weapons list with Weapons List.

    (163) Replaced Backpack items with Backpack Items. Replaced ammunition and with ammunition, and.

    (165) Replaced rear view mirror with rear-view mirror.

    @@ -5430,65 +5584,74 @@

    (173) Replaced on to with onto. Replaced exertion and with exertion, and.

    (175) Replaced anti-biotics with antibiotics and H.E. Grenade with HE Grenade.

    (177) Replaced gulley with gully.


    (178) Replaced refraction with reflection.

    (181) Replaced rope with Rope and feet first with feet-first. Replaced on to with onto.

    (182) Replaced Erath country with Erath County. Replaced bikers raid with bikers raid.

    (188) Replaced on to with onto.

    (189) Replaced womped with whomped and come an pay with come an pay.

    (194) Replaced de-activates with deactivates.

    (195) Replaced machine-gunner with machine gunner and hellava with helluva. Replaced zig-zag with zigzag.


    (196) Replaced on to with onto.


    (198) Replaced south-west with southwest (x2).


    (196) Replaced on to with onto. Replaced to bypass Strawn with to give Strawn wide berth because Strawn is miles north of Freeway 20 and therefore staying on the freeway would be sufficient to bypass Strawn whereas leaving the freeway and going cross-country to the south is an act of giving Strawn an even wider berth.


    (198) Replaced each occurrence of south-west with southwest.

    (204) Replaced machine-gun fire with machine gun fire.

    (205) Replaced Weapons list with Weapons List.


    (209) Replaced red indian with Red Indian.


    (209) Replaced red indian with Red Indian. Replaced kind all with kind, all.

    (210) Replaced out-distance with outdistance.

    (213) Replaced on to with onto.

    (216) Replaced Three rounds of 12-gauge shotgun ammunition with Three rounds of 12-gauge ammunition.

    (218) Replaced Weapons list with Weapons List.

    (220) Replaced and ll with andll.


    (222) Replaced gulley with gully.


    (222) Replaced gulley with gully. Replaced take two Drinks (or lose 6 ENDURANCE points) with take two Drinks (or lose 3 ENDURANCE points per drink missed).

    (228) Replaced death cry with death-cry.


    (229) Replaced breathlessly:Set with breathlessly: Set . Replaced across the bridge. at a run. with across the bridge at a run.. Replaced Backpack items with Backpack Items. Replaced motor cycles with motorcycles.


    (233) Replaced (minimum - one round; maximum - four rounds) with (minimum: one round; maximum: four rounds)


    (229) Replaced breathlessly:Set with breathlessly: Set. Replaced across the bridge. at a run. with across the bridge at a run.. Replaced Backpack items with Backpack Items. Replaced motor cycles with motorcycles. Replaced open fire with opens fire. Replaced shouts Kate, and takes off with shouts Kate and takes off.


    (233) Replaced (minimumone round; maximumfour rounds) with (minimum: one round; maximum: four rounds)

    (242) Replaced C.B. Radio with CB Radio. Replaced gulley with gully.

    (246) Replaced feet first with feet-first.


    (247) Replaced Kate and with Kate, and.

    (248) Replaced C.B. radio with CB Radio.

    (250) Replaced machine-gunner with machine gunner.


    (251) Replaced shouts out: with shouts out,.

    (253) Started a new paragraph for Cutters speech.

    (255) Replaced text based number puzzle with illustration.


    (257) Replaced the Day with The Day.


    (257) Replaced the Day with The Day. Replaced west with northwest because Freeway 20 passes to the south of Strawn. Replaced west with northwest because Freeway 20 passes to the south of Strawn.

    (259) Replaced pistol with Pistol.


    (260) Replaced Cmon with Cmon and Comanche county with Comanche County. Replaced Backpack items with Backpack Items.


    (260) Replaced Cmon with Cmon and Comanche county with Comanche County. Replaced Backpack items with Backpack Items. Replaced open fire with opens fire. Replaced shouts Kate, and takes off with shouts Kate and takes off.

    (265) Replaced camp fire with campfire.


    (267) Replaced Believe me, I know with Believe me; I know.

    (269) Replaced Weapons list with Weapons List.


    (270) Replaced water canteen with Water Canteen.


    (270) Replaced water canteen with Water Canteen. Replaced Sabanna River with Sabana River.


    (271) Replaced A volley of shots ricochet with A volley of shots ricochets.


    (279) Added ONLY to the end of the sign to properly parallel Section 334.

    (280) Replaced bread, itll with bread. Itll.


    (285) Replaced visible, the with visible; the. Replaced A muffled boom and a plume of dust marks with A muffled boom and a plume of dust mark.


    (287) Replaced over your left shoulder with over your shoulder.

    (288) Replaced auto-wreck with auto wreck.

    (289) Replaced camp fire with campfire.


    (294) Replaced the Kickers with the Kickers. Replaced you boy with you, boy.


    (294) Replaced the Kickers with the Kickers. Replaced you boy with you, boy. Replaced eyes, and with eyes and.

    (295) Replaced C.B. radio with CB radio and north-west with northwest. Replaced on to with onto.

    (296) Replaced gulley with gully.

    (297) Replaced on to with onto.

    (298) Replaced red indian with Red Indian.


    (299) Replaced on to with onto.


    (300) Replaced red indian with Red Indian.


    (299) Replaced on to with onto. Replaced flood of squealing rats swarm with flood of squealing rats swarms. Replaced and break with and breaks.


    (300) Replaced red indian with Red Indian. Replaced young; books with youngbooks.

    (303) Replaced on to with onto.


    (305) Replaced fininshed with finished.


    (305) Replaced aint you boy? with aint you, boy?.


    (304) Replaced west and with west, and.


    (305) Replaced aint you boy? with aint you, boy?. Replaced fininshed with finished.

    (313) Replaced handrails with hand-rails.

    (314) Replaced Weapons list with Weapons List.


    (315) Replaced on to with onto.


    (318) Replaced rear view mirror with rear-view mirror.


    (315) Replaced on to with onto. Replaced ignition and with ignition, and.


    (318) Replaced rear view mirror with rear-view mirror. Replaced is one of the lucky few who have managed with was one of the lucky few who managed. Replaced Mad Dog Michigan with Mad Dog Michigan.

    (321) Replaced indian with Indian and north-west with northwest. Replaced on to with onto.


    (325) Replaced C.B. with CB radio.


    (327) Replaced north-east with northeast, north-west with northwest (x2), and south-west with southwest.


    (329) Replaced set in cruel sneer. with set in a cruel sneer..


    (325) Replaced C.B. with CB radio. Replaced decayed and with decayed, and.


    (327) Replaced north-east with northeast, each occurrence of north-west with northwest, and south-west with southwest.


    (329) Replaced set in cruel sneer. with set in a cruel sneer.. Replaced Stealth and with Stealth, and. Replaced smoke and dust that hovers with smoke and dust that hover.

    (336) Replaced letters, with letters:.


    (337) Replaced crowd grow with crowd grows.

    (338) Replaced bushwacked with bushwhacked, Rickenbaker with Rickenbacker and fusilage with fuselage.

    (343) Replaced Shackelford county sheriffs office with Shackelford County Sheriffs office.

    (348) Replaced gulley with gully.


    (Combat Rules Summary) Added missing period after from your total. Replaced cross-refer with cross-reference, Combat Results Table with Close Combat Results Table, and zero ENDURANCE points with zero ENDURANCE points or below.


    (Combat Rules Summary) Added missing period after from your total. Replaced cross-refer with cross-reference, Combat Results Table with Close Combat Results Table, and zero ENDURANCE points with zero ENDURANCE points or below.

    @@ -5497,37 +5660,7 @@
    Footnotes - -

    (5) Remember to deduct six rounds of 9mm ammunition from your Ammo Pouch.


    (20) This is the correct answer to the keypad puzzle in Section 152.


    (23) Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.


    (28) Remember to deduct a round of 7.62mm ammunition from your Ammo Pouch.


    (58) Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.


    (62) Remember to deduct a round of 12-gauge ammunition from your Ammo Pouch.


    (64) Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch (if any).


    (77) Remember to deduct a round of 7.62mm ammunition from your Ammo Pouch.


    (96) Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.


    (98) This is the correct answer to the keypad puzzle in Section 255.


    (132) Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.


    (152) The section corresponding to the correct answer will have a footnote confirming that it is indeed correct.


    (153) Remember to deduct six rounds of 9mm ammunition from your Ammo Pouch.


    (164) Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.


    (168) Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.


    (172) Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.


    (174) Remember to deduct a round of 9mm ammunition from your Ammo Pouch.


    (190) Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.


    (191) Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.


    (229) Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.


    (255) The section corresponding to the correct answer will have a footnote confirming that it is indeed correct.


    (261) Remember to deduct a round of 9mm ammunition from your Ammo Pouch.


    (275) Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.


    (293) Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.


    (302) Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.


    (320) Remember to deduct a round of 12-gauge ammunition from your Ammo Pouch.


    (340) Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.


    (344) Remember to deduct a round of 9mm ammunition from your Ammo Pouch.


    (349) Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.

    @@ -5588,6 +5721,7 @@
  • Section 131
  • Section 135
  • Section 145
  • +
  • Section 152
  • Section 159
  • Section 160
  • Section 161
  • @@ -5601,16 +5735,17 @@
  • Section 232
  • Section 233
  • Section 243
  • +
  • Section 255
  • Section 264
  • Section 288
  • Section 295
  • Section 309
  • Section 315
  • +
  • Section 327
  • Section 332
  • Section 334
  • Section 343
  • Section 348
  • -
  • Section 327
  • @@ -5623,4 +5758,4 @@
    - \ No newline at end of file +