X-Git-Url: http://git.projectaon.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=04wotw.xml;h=45e162ee11807ebaba78657a9b6ab934891d960a;hb=e12672f3da126d54ede2b7af4a5f95b9fc53fae3;hp=5eca5995dceb2e9810dd15a93f0c631da583a917;hpb=6ebfd8b0e2318e6d4a3b206f4a4c467b8259c545;p=project-aon.git diff --git a/04wotw.xml b/04wotw.xml index 5eca599..45e162e 100755 --- a/04wotw.xml +++ b/04wotw.xml @@ -1,9 +1,5 @@ - - %xhtml.characters; - %general.links; @@ -13,67 +9,42 @@ %general.inclusions; ]> - - - - - - + War of the Wizards Joe Dever and Ian Page - Text by Ian Page
Illustrated by Paul Bonner
Edited by Joe Dever
+ + Text by Ian Page + Illustrated by Paul Bonner + Edited by Joe Dever + &inclusion.ian.page.bio.gs; &inclusion.joe.dever.bio.gs; &inclusion.paul.bonner.bio.gs; Project Aon - 20050206 + 200791 -

You are the Wizard Grey Star. You now face the tumultuous climax to your epic struggle to overthrow the evil Wytch-king Shasarak. His cruel empire is torn by war as the Freedom Fighters rebel against his corrupt dominion. Can you reach them in time to free mankind? Can you overcome the Wytch-king's ferocious soldiers and the supernatural hordes that are his to command? Your only hope lies in your Wizard's Staff. Guard it well&emdash;for it contains the might of the mystic Moonstone, the very essence of your Magical Powers.


You are the Wizard Grey Star. You now face the tumultuous climax of your epic struggle to overthrow the evil Wytch-king Shasarak. His cruel empire is torn by war as the Freedom Fighters rebel against his corrupt dominion. Can you reach them in time to free mankind? Can you overcome the Wytch-kings ferocious soldiers and the supernatural hordes that are his to command? Your only hope lies in your Wizards Staff. Guard it wellfor it contains the might of the mystic Moonstone, the very essence of your Magical Powers.

The World of Lone Wolf is an exciting adventure series in which you are the hero, you make the decisions, and you fight the combats using the unique systems included in the book.

Internet Edition published by Project Aon. This edition is intended to reflect the complete text of the original version. Where we have made minor corrections, they will be noted in the Errata.

- Concept copyright © 1986 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
Text copyright © 1986 Ian Page.
Illustrations copyright © 1986 Paul Bonner.
+ + Concept copyright 1986 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk. + Text copyright 1986 Ian Page. + Illustrations copyright 1986 Paul Bonner. + -

Concept copyright © 1986 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
Text copyright © 1986 Ian Page.
Illustrations copyright © 1986 Paul Bonner.
Distribution of this Internet Edition is restricted under the terms of the Project Aon License.


+ Concept copyright 1986 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk. + Text copyright 1986 Ian Page. + Illustrations copyright 1986 Paul Bonner. + Distribution of this Internet Edition is restricted under the terms of the Project Aon License. +

@@ -110,7 +81,8 @@ Initial revision - &inclusion.joe.dever.endowment; + + &inclusion.joe.dever.endowment;
Credits @@ -119,20 +91,44 @@ Initial revision
Mike David
Illustration Transcription
+ Jonathan Blake + Simon Osborne +
Jonathan Blake
Thomas Wolmer
Action Charts
JC Alvarez
Jonathan Blake
+ Jonathan Blake + Thomas Wolmer +
Replacement Illustrations
+ JC Alvarez (action charts) + Jonathan Blake (extramatter charts and tables) + Christopher Lundgren (map and small illustrations) +
Jeff Dougan (front matter)
David Harvey (Sections 1&endash;360)
+ Jeff Dougan (front matter) + David Harvey (Sections 1360) +
Ingo Klöcker
Simon Osborne
+ Ingo Klcker + Simon Osborne +
+ Jonathan Blake + Ingo Klcker +
Jonathan Blake
Thomas Wolmer
Special Thanks
[The guys who pointed us at Paul Bonner's address/website]
+ Jonathan Blake + Thomas Wolmer +
Special Thanks
David Davis, Wolf Ewing, Kayvohn Kazemi, Xavier Mataillet, Justin Parks, Jennifer Sigman, and Iain Smith
@@ -147,34 +143,34 @@ Initial revision -

Ancient days they were when first the Shianti set foot upon the land that men call Magnamund. Long had they journeyed through the void, homeless wanderers in search of a pace to call their own. And so it was that when the Shianti first looked upon the face of the land, their hearts were raised in wonder. They saw a world of nameless mountains, untamed forests and lands both wild and free. Here they chose to cease their wanderings and to devote themselves to the study and appreciation of this new-found land.


Ancient days they were when first the Shianti set foot upon the land that men call Magnamund. Long had they journeyed through the void, homeless wanderers in search of a place to call their own. And so it was that when the Shianti first looked upon the face of the land, their hearts were raised in wonder. They saw a world of nameless mountains, untamed forests, and lands both wild and free. Here they chose to cease their wanderings and to devote themselves to the study and appreciation of this newfound land.

To the delight of the Shianti, the race of man first emerged at this time and they watched his early struggle towards civilization with eager concern. Like gods, the Shianti seemed to the minds of primitive men. Tall and proud, shining with a radiance that spoke of magic and arcane mystery, the Shianti moved among them and with their powers of wizardry, aided man in his development.


As the centuries passed, man fell to worship of the magical Shianti and the power of these wizards grew even stronger. With hungry hearts they sought to unlock the mysteries of knowledge, sending their minds into other planes of existence and strange worlds beyond the sphere of the material plane. Their foresight was now unmatched and the power of their thought was mighty indeed. It was at this time that they created the Moonstone. Woven of the very fabric of the astral plane of Daziarn, this translucent gem was the greatest achievement of Shianti wisdom. It was the binding force of all Shianti magic, containing the combined might of all their wizardry, the sum of all their knowledge. The Golden Age of the Shianti had come and the Moonstone was the instrument of their dominion throughout all Magnamund. Man stood as little more than a shadow, blinded by the shining white light of Shianti glory. But, in creating the Moonstone, the unwritten laws of nature had been transgressed. For the Moonstone, like the Shianti themselves, was something outside of man's own world; it defied the natural order laid down by the creators of the Earth and disrupted the balance that the gods had designed.


As the centuries passed, man fell to worship of the magical Shianti and the power of these wizards grew even stronger. With hungry hearts they sought to unlock the mysteries of knowledge, sending their minds into other planes of existence and strange worlds beyond the sphere of the material plane. Their foresight was now unmatched and the power of their thought was mighty indeed. It was at this time that they created the Moonstone. Woven of the very fabric of the astral plane of Daziarn, this translucent gem was the greatest achievement of Shianti wisdom. It was the binding force of all Shianti magic, containing the combined might of all their wizardry, the sum of all their knowledge. The Golden Age of the Shianti had come and the Moonstone was the instrument of their dominion throughout all Magnamund. Man stood as little more than a shadow, blinded by the shining white light of Shianti glory. But, in creating the Moonstone, the unwritten laws of nature had been transgressed. For the Moonstone, like the Shianti themselves, was something outside of mans own world; it defied the natural order laid down by the creators of Magnamund and disrupted the balance that the gods had designed.

The Goddess Ishir, High Priestess of the Moon and mother of all men, showed herself to the Shianti and spoke to them of the destiny of man: The children of this world must claim their inheritance. Their time has come and they must learn to stand alone. They are lost in their worship of you and the day draws ever nearer when they will covet the power of the Moonstone.

And the Shianti said: Forgive us, Great Goddess, for we intended no harm. We love mankind even as you do. We have sought to do good and protect your children from harm.

But Ishir replied, Of this there can be no doubt, but this world is not your realm. Man must be free to pursue his destiny alone, and you must leave, for you trespass on his domain.


The Shianti were filled with sorrow. They feared a return to the void and to their lonely wandering, and pleaded with Ishir that she might allow them to remain. Ishir was filled with pity for them. She spoke again, saying, If you are to remain, you must obey my command. You must take a vow never to interfere with mankind's fate. As a token of good faith you must lay aside the Moonstone, and return it to the plane where it belongs.


Solemnly, the Shianti agreed. The vow was sworn before Ishir, and the Moonstone was returned to the Daziarn. The Shianti then moved south to the Isle of Lorn. They encircled their new home with a web of enchantments, magical mists and mage winds to prevent man from ever finding their place of refuge in the Sea of Dreams.


The Shianti were filled with sorrow. They feared a return to the void and to their lonely wandering, and pleaded with Ishir that she might allow them to remain. Ishir was filled with pity for them. She spoke again, saying, If you are to remain, you must obey my command. You must take a vow never to interfere with mankinds fate. As a token of good faith you must lay aside the Moonstone, and return it to the plane where it belongs.


Solemnly, the Shianti agreed. The vow was sworn before Ishir, and the Moonstone was returned to the Daziarn. The Shianti then moved south to the Isle of Lorn. They encircled their new home with a web of enchantments, magical mists, and mage winds to prevent man from ever finding their place of refuge in the Sea of Dreams.

Knowledge of the Shianti faded with time, save in southern Magnamund where it became enshrined in legend, and the worship of them endured. Priests of the Shianti religion preserved their teachings and patiently awaited the day when the ancient ones would return, bringing with them lasting peace and the blessing of a new golden age.

Two thousand years strode by and man advanced as Ishir had foretold. He built great cities and cultivated the land; his kingdoms rose and fell; he made war and loved and laughed and became master of his fate. But a new power was emerging in the province of Shadaki. There Shasarak the evil Wytch-king ruled. The black necromancer commanded an army of brutal soldiers and had a devoted following of men who upheld his religion of demonic worship and sacrificial rites. Devotees of the Shianti and other religious cults were persecuted in a merciless purge. Ruthlessly, the Wytch-king destroyed all his opponents and began a terrible war with the peoples of the neighbouring provinces. From the ruins of war Shasarak shaped the Shadakine Empire, subjugating whole nations to his evil rule. As the provinces fell to his might, the Shianti looked on helplessly, bound by their vow to the Goddess Ishir never to interfere in the affairs of man.

On the night of the crowning of Shasarak as Overlord of the Shadakine Empire, a great storm broke upon the Sea of Dreams, a storm that raged with unnatural intensity. Lashed by wind and rain, illuminated by wild lightning, the waters heaved and danced in fury to the thundering music of the storm, unchecked by even the enchantments of the Shianti. When finally the tempest died, the Shianti looked out in amazement on the shattered hull of a ship drifting towards their shore. Never before had this occurred, for the enchantments and mage winds had kept them secure from the curiosity of man by forcing him to sail close to his own land.


The Shianti went quickly to the ruined ship where they found only one survivor&emdash;a baby. They perceived the sudden arrival of this human child as a sign of great portent, and they conceived a plan by which they might lawfully aid mankind. They named the orphan child Grey Star, because a star is the symbol of hope in the Shianti faith, and because of the silver streak in the child's jet-black hair. In the shadow of the wrath of the Goddess Ishir, they raised the child as one of their own and taught him their secrets. Diligently they set about their instruction, for their aim was to provide a saviour for mankind. Armed with the might of Shianti wizardry and wisdom, their hope was to create an adversary equal in power to the evil Wytch-king of Shadaki, for they realized that only with the death of Shasarak would man once more be free to determine his destiny.


The Shianti went quickly to the ruined ship where they found only one survivora baby. They perceived the sudden arrival of this human child as a sign of great portent, and they conceived a plan by which they might lawfully aid mankind. They named the orphan child Grey Star, because a star is the symbol of hope in the Shianti faith, and because of the silver streak in the childs jet-black hair. In the shadow of the wrath of the Goddess Ishir, they raised the child as one of their own and taught him their secrets. Diligently they set about their instruction, for their aim was to provide a saviour for mankind. Armed with the might of Shianti wizardry and wisdom, their hope was to create an adversary equal in power to the evil Wytch-king of Shadaki, for they realized that only with the death of Shasarak would man once more be free to determine his destiny.

- The Story So Far&ellips; + The Story So Far<ch.ellips/>

You are Grey Star, trained in the ancient lore of a Shianti wizard. For sixteen years you have dwelt in safety on the Isle of Lorn, the hidden realm of the magical Shianti race, until Acarya, High Wizard of the Shianti, sent you upon a dangerous quest to save your people, the race of man, from the evil rule of Shasarak, the tyrannical Wytch-king of the Shadakine Empire. Held by their ancient vow to the Goddess Ishir, the Shianti are unable to leave their island and come to the aid of man themselves but no such promise prohibited you from leaving the island and you were sent to recover the Moonstone and use its power to defeat the Wytch-king.


The Moonstone, an artefact that possesses the combined force of all Shianti wisdom and power, was hidden on the Daziarn plane and you first had to find the invisible gateway to the Daziarn, the Shadow Gate. To help you find the Gate, you sought the Lost Tribe of Lara, a race of magical but primitive creatures called the Kundi, who possess the gift of astral vision, enabling them to see magic portals and gateways to other planes and dimensions. When Shasarak's Shadakine army first invaded the free provinces of the south, they came through the forests of the Mountains of Lara where the Kundi lived, and were constantly ambushed and delayed by the Kundi. The Kundi always eluded them, disappearing into the dense forest before the Shadakine could retaliate and, finally, in wrath, the Wytch-king burnt down the forests and forced the Kundi to flee south. No one knew where they came to rest.


The Moonstone, an artefact that possesses the combined force of all Shianti wisdom and power, was hidden on the Daziarn plane and you first had to find the invisible gateway to the Daziarn, the Shadow Gate. To help you find the Shadow Gate, you sought the Lost Tribe of Lara, a race of magical but primitive creatures called the Kundi, who possess the gift of astral vision, enabling them to see magic portals and gateways to other planes and dimensions. When Shasaraks Shadakine army first invaded the free provinces of the south, they came through the forests of the Mountains of Lara where the Kundi lived, and were constantly ambushed and delayed by the Kundi. The Kundi always eluded them, disappearing into the dense forest before the Shadakine could retaliate and, finally, in wrath, the Wytch-king burnt down the forests and forced the Kundi to flee south. No one knew where they came to rest.

Voyaging across the Sea of Dreams, you came first to the city of Suhn, the largest port in the Shadakine Empire. There you were befriended by a cheerful merchant named Shan Li, a widely travelled man. Your questions about the Lost Tribe aroused suspicion in Suhn and you were captured and taken to the House of Correction, the prison of Suhn, and subjected to the truthsay of Mother Magri, Shadakine Wytch and Law-giver. With the aid of the power of the Kazim Stone, she attempted to read your mind, but you were able to preserve the secret of your quest.


With the help of Tanith, a young and beautiful girl learning the ways of wytchcraft in the service of Mother Magri, you were able to escape from the House of Correction. With Shan as your guide, you eventually turned south and headed towards the region known as the Azanam, for it seemed likely that the Lost Tribe had settled there. However, again using the power of the Kazim Stone, Mother Magri summoned a Kleasá against you&emdash;a demon shadow that feeds upon the soul. Neither your Magical Powers, nor the might of your Wizard's Staff were able to defeat the Kleasá, and it had almost destroyed you when Tanith cast a spell and called the demon against herself. She was totally consumed by the Kleasá and both disappeared in flames. Her brave sacrifice saved your life.


At the Azanam you found the Kundi and they gave you their Shaman, Urik the Wise, to guide you to the Shadow Gate. You travelled across the hostile lands of the Shadakine Empire and, close to the gates of the city of Karnali, you freed a man named Samu, a former king of the extinct tribe of the Masbate, from a Shadakine slave train. Then the leader of the rebel Freedom Guild, Sado of the Long Knife, enlisted your aid in freeing the city of Karnali from the rule of its Shadakine Wytch and her warriors, but you did not, for still you had to find the Shadow Gate. You journeyed on, accompanied by Samu, Urik, and a thief by the name of Hugi. On this later stage of your journey, you discovered that Shasarak was once a Shianti Master. So now you know your eventual confrontation will be with one versed in the same magical arts as yourself. You finally found the Shadow Gate beneath the wasteland of Desolation Valley, only to discover that the magic portal was guarded by a demon Kleasá, holding in its grasp Tanith, who had not after all been slain in her attempt to save you. Instead, the Kleasá had offered her to its master, Shasarak, as a prisoner. Using Tanith as a shield, the Kleasá withstood your attempts to gain entry to the Daziarn portal but at last you managed to force the Kleasá away from the Shadow Gate and stepped through to be reunited with Tanith.


With the help of Tanith, a young and beautiful girl learning the ways of wytchcraft in the service of Mother Magri, you were able to escape from the House of Correction. With Shan as your guide, you eventually turned south and headed towards the region known as the Azanam, for it seemed likely that the Lost Tribe had settled there. However, again using the power of the Kazim Stone, Mother Magri summoned a Kleas against youa demon shadow that feeds upon the soul. Neither your Magical Powers, nor the might of your Wizards Staff were able to defeat the Kleas, and it had almost destroyed you when Tanith cast a spell and called the demon against herself. She was totally consumed by the Kleas and both disappeared in flames. Her brave sacrifice saved your life.


At the Azanam you found the Kundi and they gave you their Shaman, Urik the Wise, to guide you to the Shadow Gate. You travelled across the hostile lands of the Shadakine Empire and, close to the gates of the city of Karnali, you freed a man named Samu, a former king of the extinct tribe of the Masbat, from a Shadakine slave train. Then the leader of the rebel Freedom Guild, Sado of the Long Knife, enlisted your aid in freeing the city of Karnali from the rule of its Shadakine Wytch and her warriors, but you did not stay, for still you had to find the Shadow Gate. You journeyed on, accompanied by Samu, Urik, and a thief by the name of Hugi. On this later stage of your journey, you discovered that Shasarak was once a Shianti Master. So now you know your eventual confrontation will be with one versed in the same magical arts as yourself. You finally found the Shadow Gate beneath the wasteland of Desolation Valley, only to discover that the magic portal was guarded by a demon Kleas, holding in its grasp Tanith, who had not after all been slain in her attempt to save you. Instead, the Kleas had offered her to its master, Shasarak, as a prisoner. Using Tanith as a shield, the Kleas withstood your attempts to gain entry to the Daziarn portal but at last you managed to force the Kleas away from the Shadow Gate and stepped through to be reunited with Tanith.

Together you entered the Daziarn plane which held many mysteries and perils, the worst of which was the Jahksa, a creature created in your likeness by Shasarak. You travelled through this strange, abstract world until, at last, you came to the Trianon, a chamber floating in the void. Within the Trianon was the Moonstone and, after a last paradoxical confrontation with the Jahksa in which the lawful and magical effects of the Moonstone were used, the Jahksa was defeated and the Moonstone made yours.

With the Moonstone now resting in your hand, you begin the final part of your quest to defeat the Wytch-king. Armed with the might of the Moonstone, you now possess the only known power that can destroy Shasarak the renegade Shianti Wizard.

@@ -188,15 +184,21 @@ Initial revision -

This section of the rules implies that you must re-pick your COMBAT SKILL even though you may have already completed a previous adventure. This is without precedent in other books and therefore appears to be a mistake. In order to preserve rule consistency among the books, you may choose to retain your COMBAT SKILL score.


It is implied that you must pick a new COMBAT SKILL from the Random Number Table even if have already completed previous one or more Grey Star adventures. This conflicts with the rules for the Lone Wolf books where you carry over your score from a previous successfully completed adventure. For the sake of consistency, players may wish to carry over their existing score from the last Grey Star book they completed.


The original intent of the author was most likely that the player should add 50 to their final WILLPOWER score from the end of their last successfully completed Grey Star adventure.


There are sections of this book that describe how you use a Magical Power and how many WILLPOWER points you spend, without giving you a choice and without taking into account that you may not have the required number of WILLPOWER points left. You may choose to simply subtract the specified number of WILLPOWER points. This may leave you with a negative WILLPOWER score, or if it was already negative, it will make your score become even more negative.


Alternatively, you may may wish to use a method given in Section 175, which contains one such case of mandated use of magic: If you do not have enough WILLPOWER points, then you use ENDURANCE points at a rate of 2 ENDURANCE points for every 1 WILLPOWER point you lack (i.e. 2 ENDURANCE points = 1 WILLPOWER point). If your ENDURANCE score falls to zero or below, you are dead and the adventure is over.


Note that you may never choose to use a Magical Power or your Wizards Staff if you do not have sufficient WILLPOWER points. This method also cannot be used in cases where you lose WILLPOWER points for a reason other than using magic, for instance as a result of mental or magical attacks. In these cases, you may end up with a negative WILLPOWER score.


It is possible for your WILLPOWER to fall below zero. For example, if you are the victim of an attack that drains your WILLPOWER, your score may be forced below zero. If your WILLPOWER falls to zero or below, you will not be able to cast spells or use the magical properties of your Wizards Staff until your score is again above zero. You can still use your Wizards Staff in combat as a normal weapon, but you must deduct 6 points from your COMBAT SKILL.


The original intent of the author was most likely that the player should add 30 to their final ENDURANCE score from the end of their last successfully completed Grey Star adventure. In the Lone Wolf series, it is standard practice to restore ones ENDURANCE points to their original total when carrying them over from one adventure to the next, but the power of the Moonstone seems to change those rules in this case.

To keep a record of your adventure, use the Action Chart.


Before you set off on your adventure, you must discover how well your Shianti masters have prepared you for your quest by determining your fighting prowess&emdash;COMBAT SKILL&emdash;your state of mind&emdash;WILLPOWER&emdash;and your physical stamina&emdash;ENDURANCE. To do this take a pencil and, with eyes closed, point with the blunt end of it on to the Random Number Table. If you pick 0 it counts as zero.


Before you set off on your adventure, you must discover how well your Shianti masters have prepared you for your quest by determining your fighting prowessCOMBAT SKILLyour state of mindWILLPOWERand your physical staminaENDURANCE. To do this take a pencil and, with eyes closed, point with the blunt end of it on to the Random Number Table. If you pick 0 it counts as zero.

The first number that you pick from the Random Number Table in this way represents your COMBAT SKILL. Add 10 to the number you picked and write the total in the COMBAT SKILL section of your Action Chart. (e.g., if your pencil fell on the number 4 in the Random Number Table you would write in a COMBAT SKILL of 14.) When you fight, your COMBAT SKILL will be pitted against that of your enemy. A high score in this section is therefore very desirable.


The second number that you need is one to represent your WILLPOWER. Do not use the Random Number Table. You begin this adventure with a WILLPOWER total of 50, as your first touch of the Moonstone of the Shianti regenerates your Magical Powers immediately. If you possess unused WILLPOWER points from earlier Grey Star adventures, add them to the 50 WILLPOWER points which possession of the Moonstone grants you. Write the total in the WILLPOWER section of your Action Chart. If you decide to use a spell or the power of your Wizard's Staff, then you will lose WILLPOWER points. If at any time your WILLPOWER falls to zero, or below, you may not use any spells or any additional WILLPOWER points in combat to increase the ENDURANCE loss of an opponent. Lost WILLPOWER points can be regained during the course of the adventure and it is possible for your WILLPOWER score to rise above the total with which you start your adventure.


The third attribute is your power of ENDURANCE. You start with a total of 30 ENDURANCE points when your first touch of the Moonstone fills your body with energy and power. Add any ENDURANCE points gained from playing previous Grey Star adventures to your initial score of 30 and write the total in the ENDURANCE section of your Action Chart. If you are wounded in combat, you will lose ENDURANCE points. If at any time your ENDURANCE score falls to zero, you are dead and the adventure is over. Lost ENDURANCE points can be regained during the course of the adventure but can never rise above the number with which you began the adventure.


The second number that you need is one to represent your WILLPOWER. Do not use the Random Number Table. You begin this adventure with a WILLPOWER total of 50, as your first touch of the Moonstone of the Shianti regenerates your Magical Powers immediately. If you possess unused WILLPOWER points from earlier Grey Star adventures, add them to the 50 WILLPOWER points which possession of the Moonstone grants you. Write the total in the WILLPOWER section of your Action Chart. If you decide to use a spell or the power of your Wizards Staff, then you will lose WILLPOWER points. If at any time your WILLPOWER falls to zero, or below, you may not use any spells or any additional WILLPOWER points in combat to increase the ENDURANCE loss of an opponent. Lost WILLPOWER points can be regained during the course of the adventure and it is possible for your WILLPOWER score to rise above the total with which you start your adventure.


The third attribute is your power of ENDURANCE. You start with a total of 30 ENDURANCE points when your first touch of the Moonstone fills your body with energy and power. Add any ENDURANCE points gained from playing previous Grey Star adventures to your initial score of 30 and write the total in the ENDURANCE section of your Action Chart. If you are wounded in combat, you will lose ENDURANCE points. If at any time your ENDURANCE score falls to zero or below, you are dead and the adventure is over. Lost ENDURANCE points can be regained during the course of the adventure but can never rise above the number with which you began the adventure.

@@ -205,13 +207,14 @@ Initial revision - -

The wording of this section of the rules seems to indicate&emdash;if read literally&emdash;that you may choose your set of Lesser Magicks again if you have completed a previous adventure. This is without precedent in other books. In order to preserve consistency with other books, you should not choose your Lesser Magicks again. If you have currently mastered five Lesser Magicks, you may choose one additional Lesser Magick from the list. If you have already mastered six Lesser Magicks, you keep these. If you choose Alchemy as a new Lesser Magick, or you have not mastered the Lesser Magick of Alchemy but you have selected the Higher Magick of Theurgy, you also receive a Herb Pouch with contents, as detailed in the Equipment section.

+ +

The wording of this section of the rules seems to indicateif read literallythat you may choose your set of Lesser Magicks again if you have completed a previous adventure. This is without precedent in other books. In order to preserve consistency with other books, you should not choose your Lesser Magicks again. If you have currently mastered five Lesser Magicks, you may choose one additional Lesser Magick from the list. If you have already mastered six Lesser Magicks, you keep these. If you choose Alchemy as a new Lesser Magick, or you have not mastered the Lesser Magick of Alchemy but you have selected the Higher Magick of Theurgy, you also receive a Herb Pouch with contents, as detailed in the Equipment section.


If your WILLPOWER falls to zero or below, you will not be able to use the magical properties of your Wizards Staff until your score is again above zero. You can still use your Wizards Staff in combat as a normal weapon, but you must deduct 6 points from your COMBAT SKILL.


There are thirteen Magical Powers, the first seven of which are called the Lesser Magicks. Possession of the Moonstone reveals to you the secret of the Magical Powers known as the Higher Magicks, of which there are six. If this is your first Grey Star adventure, you may choose five Lesser Magicks and four Higher Magicks. If you have successfully completed any of the previous Grey Star adventures, you may choose six Lesser Magicks and five Higher Magicks.

- +

The Magical Powers available to you are listed below. When you have chosen your powers enter them in the Magical Powers section of your Action Chart.

@@ -223,14 +226,14 @@ Initial revision Sorcery - + - Christopher Lundgren + Paul Bonner - + -

This Power allows a wizard to transform his thoughts or desires into magical energy. By concentration of the will it is possible to create magical shields of force to bar doors or move objects. Sorcery drains more WILLPOWER points than any other Magical Power, and is most effective when your WILLPOWER points are high.


This Power allows a wizard to transform his thoughts or desires into magical energy. By concentration of the will it is possible to create magical shields of force to bar doors or move objects. Sorcery drains more WILLPOWER points than any other Magical Power, and is most effective when your WILLPOWER points are high.

If you choose this Power, write Sorcery on your Action Chart.

@@ -239,14 +242,14 @@ Initial revision Enchantment - + - Christopher Lundgren + Paul Bonner - + -

The Power of Enchantment enables a wizard to charm or beguile other creatures, and create illusions in the minds of others. He will be able to extract information from others, place thoughts and compulsions into another's mind or cause them to believe that imaginary events are actually taking place. Some magical or highly intelligent beings may be immune to the powers of Enchantment


The Power of Enchantment enables a wizard to charm or beguile other creatures, and create illusions in the minds of others. He will be able to extract information from others, place thoughts and compulsions into anothers mind or cause them to believe that imaginary events are actually taking place. Some magical or highly intelligent beings may be immune to the powers of Enchantment

If you choose this Power, write Enchantment on your Action Chart.

@@ -255,14 +258,14 @@ Initial revision Elementalism - + - Christopher Lundgren + Paul Bonner - - - -

The Power of elemental magic allows a wizard some control over the natural elements of Air, Fire, Earth and Water. By entering a trance and chanting incantations, you may summon aid from the spirits of the Elemental Plane. Elementals have very little understanding of man, and for this reason a wizard can never be sure of the nature of the aid the Elementals may send.

+ +
+ +

The Power of elemental magic allows a wizard some control over the natural elements of Air, Fire, Earth, and Water. By entering a trance and chanting incantations, you may summon aid from the spirits of the Elemental Plane. Elementals have very little understanding of man, and for this reason a wizard can never be sure of the nature of the aid the Elementals may send.

If you choose this Power, write Elementalism on your Action Chart.

@@ -271,14 +274,14 @@ Initial revision Alchemy - + - Christopher Lundgren + Paul Bonner - + -

A wizard who possesses the Power of Alchemy is able, through the mixing of various substances, to create magical potions. Given the correct ingredients, a potion may restore lost energy (i.e., ENDURANCE points, WILLPOWER), or temporarily improve various abilities (e.g., COMBAT SKILL). The use of Alchemy may also allow a wizard to alter the nature of substances (e.g., change lead into gold), but the necessary ingredients and the correct equipment (e.g., a pestle and mortar) must be at hand. The use of the Power of Alchemy drains no WILLPOWER.


A wizard who possesses the Power of Alchemy is able, through the mixing of various substances, to create magical potions. Given the correct ingredients, a potion may restore lost energy (i.e., ENDURANCE points, WILLPOWER), or temporarily improve various abilities (e.g., COMBAT SKILL). The use of Alchemy may also allow a wizard to alter the nature of substances (e.g., change lead into gold), but the necessary ingredients and the correct equipment (e.g., a pestle and mortar) must be at hand. The use of the Power of Alchemy drains no WILLPOWER.

If you choose this Power write Alchemy on your Action Chart.

@@ -287,14 +290,14 @@ Initial revision Prophecy - + - Christopher Lundgren + Paul Bonner - + -

The Power of Prophecy allows a wizard to foretell the future through meditation. A meditative state will allow a wizard to make the correct decision when facing conflicting choices or difficult actions; to discover the whereabouts of a person he has once met, or an object he has once seen. It may also allow him to determine the true nature of a stranger or a strange object. Magical beings or objects are sometimes hidden from the Power of Prophecy.


The Power of Prophecy allows a wizard to foretell the future through meditation. A meditative state will allow a wizard to make the correct decision when facing conflicting choices or difficult actions; to discover the whereabouts of a person he has once met, or an object he has once seen. It may also allow him to determine the true nature of a stranger or a strange object. Magical beings or objects are sometimes hidden from the Power of Prophecy.

If you choose this Power, write Prophecy on your Action Chart.

@@ -303,14 +306,14 @@ Initial revision Psychomancy - + - Christopher Lundgren + Paul Bonner - + -

This Power bestows upon a wizard the ability to deduce facts about events by touching objects connected to them. Through deep concentration, a wizard may lay his hands upon any inanimate object and visualize scenes that have affected it. Visions brought about through the use of Psychomancy are often cryptic, taking the form of a riddle or puzzle. Some magic items are resistant to the use of Psychomancy and may, sometimes, impart misleading information.


This Power bestows upon a wizard the ability to deduce facts about events by touching objects connected to them. Through deep concentration, a wizard may lay his hands upon any inanimate object and visualize scenes that have affected it. Visions brought about through the use of Psychomancy are often cryptic, taking the form of a riddle or puzzle. Some magic items are resistant to the use of Psychomancy and may, sometimes, impart misleading information.

If you choose this Power, write Psychomancy on your Action Chart.

@@ -319,14 +322,14 @@ Initial revision Evocation - + - Christopher Lundgren + Paul Bonner - + -

Mastery of this Power permits contact with the spirit realm. A wizard wishing to speak with the dead, or to call up a form from the spirit world, must draw a magic pentacle and enter a trance, when the use of the correct spell-chant will reach out to the Spiritual Plane. Standing within the protection of a magic pentacle, a wizard may consider himself to be relatively safe from harm. If he wishes to speak with a corpse, especially one whose former life was good and righteous, then a wizard can expect help and advice. However, contact with those whose former lives were evil or selfish can be a perilous, and often fatal, experience. Evil spirits are reluctant to return to the realm of the dead and may try to trick a wizard into freeing them into the world of the living. All spirits, good and evil, will require some service of the wizard in return for their aid. Any failure to perform this task, however difficult may result in the wizard losing his life.


Mastery of this Power permits contact with the spirit realm. A wizard wishing to speak with the dead, or to call up a form from the spirit world, must draw a magic pentacle and enter a trance, when the use of the correct spell-chant will reach out to the Spiritual Plane. Standing within the protection of a magic pentacle, a wizard may consider himself to be relatively safe from harm. If he wishes to speak with a corpse, especially one whose former life was good and righteous, then a wizard can expect help and advice. However, contact with those whose former lives were evil or selfish can be a perilous, and often fatal, experience. Evil spirits are reluctant to return to the realm of the dead and may try to trick a wizard into freeing them into the world of the living. All spirits, good and evil, will require some service of the wizard in return for their aid. Any failure to perform this task, however difficult, may result in the wizard losing his life.

If you choose this Power, write Evocation on your Action Chart.

@@ -343,94 +346,94 @@ Initial revision Thaumaturgy - + - Christopher Lundgren + Paul Bonner - + - -

This Higher Magick is an advanced form of Sorcery, the craft of magical energy. Where Sorcery allows a wizard to affect external things, Thaumaturgy affects the wizard himself. The Power of Thaumaturgy can bestow upon a wizard the power of levitation, a limited form of flying; invulnerability and increased strength; the ability to bend metal or warp wood by disturbing their molecules; and, perhaps the most useful of all, teleportation, that is, the ability to travel great distances in seconds by simply visualizing the destination.

+ +

This Higher Magick is an advanced form of Sorcery, the craft of magical energy. Where Sorcery allows a wizard to affect external things, Thaumaturgy affects the wizard himself. The Power of Thaumaturgy can bestow upon a wizard the power of levitation, a limited form of flying; invulnerability and increased strength; the ability to bend metal or warp wood by disturbing their molecules; and, perhaps the most useful of all, teleportation, that is, the ability to travel great distances in seconds by simply visualizing the destination.

If you choose this Power, write Thaumaturgy on your Action Chart.

Telergy - + - + - Christopher Lundgren + Paul Bonner - + -

An advanced form of Enchantment, Telergy is the Power of mind control, telepathy and autosuggestion. It enhances the tangibility of the illusions of Enchantment and allows you to control the minds of others. However, like Enchantment, some magical beings will be able to resist this Power.


An advanced form of Enchantment, Telergy is the Power of mind control, telepathy, and autosuggestion. It enhances the tangibility of the illusions of Enchantment and allows you to control the minds of others. However, like Enchantment, some magical beings will be able to resist this Power.

If you choose this Power, write Telergy on your Action Chart.

Physiurgy - + - + - Christopher Lundgren + Paul Bonner - + - -

Where Elementalism allows a wizard to summon the aid of the elemental spirits, the Higher Magick of Physiurgy grants the wizard mastery over the elements. It allows him to command winds, open cracks in the earth, cause earthquakes, raise storms and create other weather effects.

+ +

Where Elementalism allows a wizard to summon the aid of the elemental spirits, the Higher Magick of Physiurgy grants the wizard mastery over the elements. It allows him to command winds, open cracks in the earth, cause earthquakes, raise storms, and create other weather effects.

If you choose this Power, write Physiurgy on your Action Chart.

Theurgy - + - + - Christopher Lundgren + Paul Bonner - + - -

Theurgy is an advanced form of Alchemy. Possession of the Moonstone of the Shianti makes the casting of a larger number of spells possible. It unlocks the knowledge of more ingredients for mixing potions and reveals some of the special times, or ways, that they must be mixed. The power of the Moonstone acts as a charm for these potions. No WILLPOWER points are required to make use of the Power of Theurgy but you are dependent on discovering the necessary ingredients for your potions during the course of your adventure.

+ +

Theurgy is an advanced form of Alchemy. Possession of the Moonstone of the Shianti makes the casting of a larger number of spells possible. It unlocks the knowledge of more ingredients for mixing potions and reveals some of the special times, or ways, that they must be mixed. The power of the Moonstone acts as a charm for these potions. No WILLPOWER points are required to make use of the Power of Theurgy but you are dependent on discovering the necessary ingredients for your potions during the course of your adventure.

If you choose this Power, write Theurgy on your Action Chart.

Visionary - + - + - Christopher Lundgren + Paul Bonner - + - -

With the aid of the Moonstone, you may use the skill of a Visionary to look upon events that are taking place elsewhere. The Power of a Visionary is generally concerned with visual images of the present.

+ +

With the aid of the Moonstone, you may use the skill of a Visionary to look upon events that are taking place elsewhere. The Power of a Visionary is generally concerned with visual images of the present.

If you choose this Power, write Visionary on your Action Chart.

Necromancy - + - + - Christopher Lundgren + Paul Bonner - + - -

Necromancy is a higher form of Evocation. Where Evocation allows contact with the spirit world, Necromancy allows a wizard to command the dead, though this is forbidden by Shianti law. It also allows him to make an incantation that will imbue the Moonstone with a protective aura of light to keep away all creatures of evil, dead or alive.

+ +

Necromancy is a higher form of Evocation. Where Evocation allows contact with the spirit world, Necromancy allows a wizard to command the dead, though this is forbidden by Shianti law. It also allows him to make an incantation that will imbue the Moonstone with a protective aura of light to keep away all creatures of evil, dead or alive.

If you choose this Power, write Necromancy on your Action Chart.

@@ -438,19 +441,19 @@ Initial revision
- Wizard's Staff + Wizard<ch.apos/>s Staff - - - Christopher Lundgren - - - - -

Your Staff is your most valuable possession. It looks and feels like an ordinary quarterstaff, yet it is stronger than any known metal. This is your main combat weapon, for you are untrained in the use of any other form of armed combat. It contains a potent force that is unleashed at will by the power of your mind, and causes a beam of destructive power to hurtle from its tip. Every time you unleash this power you must deduct 1 WILLPOWER point.

+ + + Paul Bonner + + + + +

Your Staff is your most valuable possession. It looks and feels like an ordinary quarterstaff, yet it is stronger than any known metal. This is your main combat weapon, for you are untrained in the use of any other form of armed combat. It contains a potent force that is unleashed at will by the power of your mind, and causes a beam of destructive power to hurtle from its tip. Every time you unleash this power you must deduct 1 WILLPOWER point.

In the event that your enemy survives such an attack or should you fall victim to a surprise attack, you will be forced to engage in close combat and must attempt to strike your enemy with the Staff. If your attack is successful, a bolt of energy will be released from the Staff that is capable of inflicting great physical harm. If you wish to increase the amount of damage that you inflict in this way, you must use more WILLPOWER points and multiply the number of ENDURANCE points lost by the enemy, accordingly. For example, if you chose to expend 3 WILLPOWER points on your attack, all enemy ENDURANCE point losses would be multiplied by three.


If you enter combat without your Staff, deduct 6 points from your COMBAT SKILL If you have no weapon at all, you must deduct 8 points from your COMBAT SKILL.


If you enter combat without your Staff, deduct 6 points from your COMBAT SKILL. If you have no weapon at all, you must deduct 8 points from your COMBAT SKILL.

@@ -458,14 +461,14 @@ Initial revision The Moonstone - - - Christopher Lundgren - - - - -

The Moonstone has many attributes, some of which are described in the Higher Magicks section and some of which you will discover during the course of your adventure. The Shianti have also given it the power to teleport you to Shasarak once during the course of your adventure. You will be told of that opportunity when the time is right.

+ + + Paul Bonner + + + + +

The Moonstone has many attributes, some of which are described in the Higher Magicks section and some of which you will discover during the course of your adventure. The Shianti have also given it the power to teleport you to Shasarak once during the course of your adventure. You will be told of that opportunity when the time is right.

@@ -485,7 +488,7 @@ Initial revision -

You wear the grey robe and hooded cloak of a Shianti Wizard. Your only weapon is your Wizard's Staff (note this on your Action Chart under Weapons). You wear a Backpack containing 4 Meals (note under Meals on your Action Chart), and you have been given a map of the Shadakine Empire (note under Special Items on your Action Chart), which you place inside your robe.


You wear the grey robe and hooded cloak of a Shianti Wizard. Your only weapon is your Wizards Staff (note this on your Action Chart under Weapons). You wear a Backpack containing 4 Meals (note under Meals on your Action Chart), and you have been given a map of the Shadakine Empire (note under Special Items on your Action Chart), which you place inside your robe.

If you have chosen Alchemy or Theurgy as one of your Magical Powers, then you will have a leather pouch for herbs and potions hanging from your belt. The Herb Pouch contains the following: