X-Git-Url: http://git.projectaon.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=en%2Fxml%2F01fftd.xml;h=cd6219fc268be78f2138ad2e003b03d7c56a0b99;hb=29d2a49c351398b94b7eae9acad3397772deda9f;hp=2ab2127ce2b0cf98a38fc3aae61813cba2620e3e;hpb=311c9064a3d236782d2ee7b46a7a5fccf3d01272;p=project-aon.git diff --git a/en/xml/01fftd.xml b/en/xml/01fftd.xml index 2ab2127..cd6219f 100644 --- a/en/xml/01fftd.xml +++ b/en/xml/01fftd.xml @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@

In the northern land of Sommerlund, it has been the custom for many centuries to send the children of the Warrior Lords to the monastery of Kai. There they are taught the skills and disciplines of their noble fathers.

The Kai monks are masters of their art, and the children in their charge love and respect them in spite of the hardships of their training. For one day when they have finally learnt the secret skills of the Kai, they will return to their homes equipped in mind and body to defend themselves against the constant threat of war from the Darklords of the west.


In olden times, during the Age of the Black Moon, the Darklords waged war on Sommerlund. The conflict was a long and bitter trial of strength that ended in victory for the Sommlending at the great battle of Maakengorge. King Ulnar and the allies of Durenor broke the Darklord armies at the pass of Moytura and forced them back into the bottomless abyss of Maakengorge. Vashna, mightiest of the Darklords, was slain upon the sword of King Ulnar, called Sommerswerd, the sword of the sun. Since that age, the Darklords have vowed vengeance upon Sommerlund and the House of Ulnar.


In olden times, during the Age of the Black Moon, the Darklords waged war on Sommerlund. The conflict was a long and bitter trial of strength that ended in victory for the Sommlending at the great battle of Maakengorge. King Ulnar and the allies of Durenor broke the Darkland armies at the pass of Moytura and forced them back into the bottomless abyss of Maakengorge. Vashna, mightiest of the Darklords, was slain upon the sword of King Ulnar, called Sommerswerd, the sword of the sun. Since that age, the Darklords have vowed vengeance upon Sommerlund and the House of Ulnar.

Now it is in the morning of the feast of Fehmarn, when all of the Kai Lords are present at the monastery for the celebrations. Suddenly a great black cloud comes from out of the western skies. So many are the numbers of the black-winged beasts that fill the sky, that the sun is completely hidden. The Darklords, ancient enemy of the Sommlending are attacking. War has begun.

On this fateful morning, you, Silent Wolf (the name given to you by the Kai) have been sent to collect firewood in the forest as a punishment for your inattention in class. As you are preparing to return, you see to your horror a vast cloud of black leathery creatures swoop down and engulf the monastery.

Dropping the wood, you race to the battle that has already begun. But in the unnatural dark, you stumble and strike your head on a low tree branch. As you lose consciousness, the last thing that you see in the poor light are the walls of the monastery crashing to the ground.

@@ -1710,7 +1710,7 @@ 88 -

You cautiously peer around the rock to see a soldier lying on his back. By his side is a Spear and shield. On the shield is the painting of a white pegasusthe Prince of Sommerlunds emblem. He is one of the Princes soldiers, and he is only just conscious. His uniform is badly torn, and you can see that he has a deep wound in his left arm. As you move nearer, his eyes flicker open. Heal me, my Lord, he begs. I can barely feel my arm.


You cautiously peer around the rock to see a soldier lying on his back. By his side is a Spear and shield. On the shield is the painting of a white pegasusthe Prince of Sommerlunds emblem. He is one of the Princes soldiers, and he is only just conscious. His uniform is badly torn, and you can see that he has a deep wound in his left arm. As you move nearer, his eyes flicker open. Heal me, my lord, he begs. I can barely feel my arm.

If you possess and wish to use the Kai Discipline of Healing on this man, turn to 216. If you do not possess the skill, or if you do not want to use it, then turn to 31.
@@ -5634,6 +5634,8 @@

(Blurb) Replaced FLIGHT FROM THE DARK with Flight from the Dark,.


The Story so Far) Replaced Darklord armies with Darkland armies.


(The Game Rules) Replaced all occurrences of ie with i.e. Removed that you will find in the front of this book. For further adventuring you can copy out the chart yourself or get it photocopied. Replaced on 4 with on the number 4. Removed on the last page of this book. Replaced fall to zero with fall to zero or below. Replaced on to with onto. Replaced each occurrence of Chart. (ie with Chart (i.e.. Replaced 14.) with 14).. Replaced points.) with points)..

(Kai Disciplines) Replaced Kai Discipline section with Kai Disciplines section. Removed on the last page of the book. Capitalized all occurrences of discipline. Replaced fully in Equipment section with fully in the Equipment section. Replaced Lone Wolf with Lone Wolf when referring to the series. Replaced Kai monastery with Kai Monastery. Replaced will be of use with may be of use. Replaced Explained fully with This will be explained fully.

@@ -5682,7 +5684,7 @@

(82) Replaced steed and with steed, and.

(83) Added another s after posses in the last choice and moved that choice into the first position.

(87) Replaced Graveweed with graveweed. Replaced click with click.


(88) Replaced or do with or if you do.


(88) Replaced or do with or if you do. Replaced my Lord with my lord.

(91) Moved the last choice (about Sixth Sense) into the first position.

(97) Added a period to the end of the illustrations caption.

(105) Replaced jet black with jet-black. Replaced skill, with skill, or if you do not wish to use it,.