X-Git-Url: http://git.projectaon.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=en%2Fxml%2F04cc.xml;h=33977502bcf294a7bdca440a37129b4e22d662f9;hb=02e498855c498ee51d0a3c082eba704016097fd8;hp=ca71202378ba2c7bcabedd2540857f3c8e8e5d52;hpb=415e7796742893d117a6a9da81a626aa22f02140;p=project-aon.git diff --git a/en/xml/04cc.xml b/en/xml/04cc.xml index ca71202..3397750 100644 --- a/en/xml/04cc.xml +++ b/en/xml/04cc.xml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ &inclusion.brian.williams.bio.fw; Project Aon - 20101112 + 20151013

You are Cal Phoenix, the Freeway Warrior, champion and protector of Dallas Colony One. The final stage of your life-or-death exodus to the California coast is fraught with extraordinary dangersbreakdowns, rockfalls, and unexplained deaths. Can you unravel the mystery that surrounds your journey, or will you perish without trace in the wastelands of Arizona?

@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@

A meeting was held to decide how best to deal with the crisis facing DC1. Everyone agreed that staying at McKinney could lead only to eventual death, either slowly from starvation or suddenly at the hands of the murderous city gangs. The only choice open to DC1 was to try to reach California: only there lay any real hope for the future of the colony. The decision was relayed to the survivors at Big Spring, and a deal was struck to rendezvous with them as soon as possible. DC1 would give them fuel in exchange for food and water, and together they would join up with the Tucson colony for the final stage of the journey to California.


Careful preparations were made for the long trek, and three vehicles were chosen to make up the convoy: the school bus, your customized roadster and a gasolene tanker laden with 5,000 gallons of petroleum siphoned from underground storage tanks at the Ewell ranch. Supplies of food and water were adequate but the colony lacked sufficient firearms and ammunition with which to defend itself. On the day before the convoy was due to leave, one of the colonists was sent north to search the town of Sherman for weapons. He radioed back to say that he had found a cache of hunting rifles and ammunition, but that his truck had broken down and he was stranded in the town. He had also found a survivora beautiful teenage girland he requested that you go to Sherman to pick them both up. As soon as you arrived you were ambushed by the scouts of a brutal gang of bikers known as the Detroit Lions and, in the ensuing gun battle, you killed Stingerthe scouts leader.


Careful preparations were made for the long trek, and three vehicles were chosen to make up the convoy: the school bus, your customized roadster, and a gasolene tanker laden with 5,000 gallons of petroleum siphoned from underground storage tanks at the Ewell ranch. Supplies of food and water were adequate but the colony lacked sufficient firearms and ammunition with which to defend itself. On the day before the convoy was due to leave, one of the colonists was sent north to search the town of Sherman for weapons. He radioed back to say that he had found a cache of hunting rifles and ammunition, but that his truck had broken down and he was stranded in the town. He had also found a survivora beautiful teenage girland he requested that you go to Sherman to pick them both up. As soon as you arrived you were ambushed by the scouts of a brutal gang of bikers known as the Detroit Lions and, in the ensuing gun battle, you killed Stingerthe scouts leader.

Later you learned that the girl, Kate Norton, was the sole survivor of a Kansas City colony that had been attacked and wiped out by the Detroit Lions. The Lions leader, who calls himself Mad Dog Michigan, had taken a liking to her and spared her life. Mad Dog was once a high-ranking HAVOC agent who had escaped from Pontiac Deep Pen near Detroit, and he and his gang, most of whom were also HAVOC escapees, were heading for the Fort Hood Military Reserve near Killeen, Texas, the largest armoury in the whole of the United States. There he hoped to find enough weapons to equip the other HAVOC clans, who were now in control of cities all along the eastern seaboard. Kate had managed to steal a motorcycle and escape from their camp, but Mad Dog was determined to get her back. He sent his brotherStingerand a handful of his best scouts to track her down, and they had finally caught up with her at Sherman.

When Mad Dog learned that you had killed his brother, he vowed to get even with you. He abandoned his plans to loot Fort Hood and embarked instead on a relentless pursuit of your colony as it crossed the sun-scorched wastelands of Texas. The journey to Big Spring was fraught with great danger and yet, in spite of the many perils you faced, or perhaps because of them, you felt yourself falling in love with Kate and you sensed that she was becoming increasingly fond of you. Sadly, the convoy was only a few miles from Big Spring when disaster struck. The land surrounding the settlement was controlled by a gang of bikers, a renegade clan called the Mavericks, who had been the bane of the Big Spring colony for many months. As the convoy drew nearer to its destination, the Mavericks launched an attack, and, in the running battle that ensued, they captured and abducted Kate. The convoy entered the fortified gates of Big Spring to a rapturous welcome from the colonists of that settlement, but for you the celebration was soured by the vivid memory of Kates abduction. You vowed to rescue her, and from that moment on, every waking minute of every day at Big Spring was spent thinking about little else.

@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ -

By chance it transpired that the leader of the Mavericks, a blond-haired murderer called Amex Gold, was a former HAVOC agent, who had served under Mad Dog Michigan before The Day. He offered to join forces with the Lions and, as a gesture of his loyalty to his former commander, he returned Kate to him. Together the Lions and the Mavericks launched a hasty attack on Big Spring, yet, although they outnumbered the colony by more than three to one, they were unable to breach the settlements fortified perimeter wall and were repelled with heavy losses. On the day after the attack, Pop Ewell discovered the radio frequency that the clansmen were using and was able to eavesdrop on their communications. He learned that Mad Dog had ordered another HAVOC clan, the Saints, who were based in New Orleans, to come to reinforce his command; they were expected to arrive within the week. He also overheard Mad Dog arrange a meeting with Mekong Mike, the leader of the Angelinos, a gang who controlled the city of San Angelo. He wanted him as an ally and was prepared to offer guns and ammunition in return for his help in destroying the Big Spring colony. Two days later, Mad Dog Michigan set off for San Angelo at the head of a motorcycle pack 200 riders strong. Those few clansmen who remained with Amex Gold tried all manner of tricks to convince the colony that the Mavericks and the Lions still surrounded Big Spring in strength, but to no avail. The senior members of the newly-enlarged colony convened a meeting, at which it was decided that, with the clansmen now at their weakest, and with the appearance of the New Orleans gang expected at any time, a breakout had to be attempted without delay. There was only one way for the colony to reach Tucson overland and that was to follow the remains of Interstate Freeway 10 through the arid, mountainous territory of western Texas. Precisely halfway between Big Spring and Tucson lies the city of El Paso. To reach this city in one piece became the convoys goal. It lay at the end of a long and tortuous stretch of mountain highway, undoubtedly one of the toughest you would have to face on your journey to California.


By chance it transpired that the leader of the Mavericks, a blond-haired murderer called Amex Gold, was a former HAVOC agent, who had served under Mad Dog Michigan before The Day. He offered to join forces with the Lions and, as a gesture of his loyalty to his former commander, he returned Kate to him. Together the Lions and the Mavericks launched a hasty attack on Big Spring, yet, although they outnumbered the colony by more than three to one, they were unable to breach the settlements fortified perimeter wall and were repelled with heavy losses. On the day after the attack, Pop Ewell discovered the radio frequency that the clansmen were using and was able to eavesdrop on their communications. He learned that Mad Dog had ordered another HAVOC clan, the Saints, who were based in New Orleans, to come to reinforce his command; they were expected to arrive within the week. He also overheard Mad Dog arrange a meeting with Mekong Mike, the leader of the Angelinos, a gang who controlled the city of San Angelo. He wanted him as an ally and was prepared to offer guns and ammunition in return for his help in destroying the Big Spring colony. Two days later, Mad Dog Michigan set off for San Angelo at the head of a motorcycle pack 200 riders strong. Those few clansmen who remained with Amex Gold tried all manner of tricks to convince the colony that the Mavericks and the Lions still surrounded Big Spring in strength, but to no avail. The senior members of the newly-enlarged colony convened a meeting, at which it was decided that, with the clansmen now at their weakest, and with the appearance of the New Orleans gang expected at any time, a breakout had to be attempted without delay. There was only one way for the colony to reach Tucson overland and that was to follow the remains of Interstate Freeway 10 through the arid, mountainous territory of western Texas. Precisely halfway between Big Spring and Tucson lies the city of El Paso. To reach this city in one piece became the convoys goal. It lay at the end of a long and tortuous stretch of mountain highway, undoubtedly one of the toughest you would have to face on your journey to California.

Under cover of darkness, the convoy escaped from Big Spring and sped westwards. Now your vow to rescue Kate could at last be realized and, at the first opportunity, you told the colony of your plans. Reluctantly they let you leave the convoy and go to San Angelo, where you intended to infiltrate the meeting between the Lions and the Angelinos in the hope of finding Kate there. Your skill and daring were rewarded, for you were able to locate and rescue Kate from under the very noses of the clan leaders. During your escape from their city, you killed Mekong Mike, the Angelinos leader, and stole a map from Mad Dog Michigan. Later you discovered that this map contained vital details of a HAVOC operation to take over the whole of the United States.

As you escaped westwards from San Angelo, you encountered three soldiers, survivors from a world Defence League outpost in southern Texas, who were also heading for El Paso, where the remnants of their command group were stationed. You joined them and together you rendezvoused with the convoy at the entrance to the only passable road through the Apache Mountains. A fierce battle was raging along this pass between the Mavericks and a clan of Mexicans who had crossed the border in search of food and supplies. The convoy was forced to run the gauntlet of their gunfire before finally reaching its goal. Upon entering the city, you received a warm welcome from the WDL command group who were defending the military reserve of Fort Bliss. They celebrated your arrival for several days until the appearance of Mad Dog Michigan and an army of clansmen numbering over 1000 strong brought an abrupt end to the festivities. He had persuaded the Mexicans to join with the Lions, the Mavericks, and the Saints, all of whom were now united to his cause. The situation was desperate. Faced with overwhelming odds, the WDL command tried to negotiate with Mad Dog but he rejected their overtures with disdain. He sent a reply to the command leader, Captain Frankland, in which he reaffirmed his vow to avenge his brothers death. His aims were brutally simple: he promised that neither you nor any of the colony would ever leave El Paso alive. He set up headquarters in Ciudad Juarez, on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande, where he directed his clan army to encircle and lay siege to the colony.

For two weeks, he launched repeated attacks, calculated to weaken your defences. The colony withstood the assaults, but the constant attrition began to erode your hopes of ever being able to break out of El Paso and reach Tucson in one piece. Then a radio message was intercepted that was to turn this desperate situation into a crisis. A clan convoy of trucks was bound for Mad Dogs headquarters in Ciudad Juarez. On board were enough high explosives to blow Fort Bliss, and everyone in it, to sightless atoms. Something had to be done to prevent Mad Dog from using these explosives. Out of desperation was born a daring plan. The explosives had to be destroyed as soon as they reached Ciudad Juarez. It was a dangerous and potentially suicidal mission, too difficult for one man alone; therefore Captain Frankland chose to lead the mission himself and he called for three volunteers to accompany him. Two WDL soldiers, Haskell and Knott, readily accepted the challenge and, mindful that the future of the colony was dependent on the success of this mission, you summoned up enough courage to volunteer as the fourth member of his team.

@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@

The day after your arrival sees the withdrawal of Mad Dog Michigans clan army from the vicinity of the Davis-Monthan air force base, stronghold of the Tucson colony. Scouts are sent to shadow the enemy and, later in the day, they return to report that the clansmen have pulled back to Nogales, a frontier town on the Mexican border. This hurried retreat reinforces the belief that Mad Dog perished when his speedster crashed into the Pantano Wash.

Boosted by the arrival of your convoy, the Tucson colony now numbers over 130 men, women, and children. Supplies of food and water are adequate and, with the arrival of DC1s gasolene tanker, there is more than enough fuel to get you to California. Mike Gorgas, a former district attorney who is now the appointed leader of the Tucson colony, urges the other colony leaders to make preparations to leave the stronghold and head west without delay. The clan army may have suffered a setback but, sooner or later, prompted by a lack of supplies or a desire for revenge, they are sure to leave Nogales and attack the stronghold in force.

There is also the threat of an attack by the Outlaws, an exceptionally vicious clan that controls the city of Phoenix. Among their number are many criminals who have been expelled from California since The Day. Their leader, Shiloh, is one such outcast. He has been exiled into the Omega Zone (the name Californians have given to the ravaged territories east of their state line), for murder, looting, and other, lesser, crimes he and his gang perpetrated in Los Angeles. During the past few months he has often crossed swords with the Tucson colony, resulting in deaths on both sides.


When the time comes to plan the route to California, the colony agrees that they should try at all costs to avoid contact with Shilohs clan. Interstate 10 is the only highway out of Tucson capable of carrying the convoy at reasonable speed, yet it passes straight through the centre of Phoenix. The only alternative is to follow this highway as far as Arizona City and then switch to Interstate 8. The colony could then follow the freeway across southern Arizona to Yuma, traverse the Colorado River at this point, and continue, through the desert and mountains of southwest California, until finally reaching its goalthe city of San Diego.


When the time comes to plan the route to California, the colony agrees that they should try at all costs to avoid contact with Shilohs clan. Interstate 10 is the only highway out of Tucson capable of carrying the convoy at reasonable speed, yet it passes straight through the centre of Phoenix. The only alternative is to follow this highway as far as Arizona City and then switch to Interstate 8. The colony could then follow the freeway across southern Arizona to Yuma, traverse the Colorado River at this point, and continue, through the desert and mountains of southern California, until finally reaching its goalthe city of San Diego.

Much of the territory south of Phoenix is patrolled and controlled by the Outlaws. To avoid the risk of running headlong into a clan patrol, the colony appoints you and three others as scouts. Whilst the colonists complete their final preparations to leave the stronghold, you and the other scouts set off along Interstate 10 to check that the road ahead is clear.

Turn to 235. @@ -496,7 +496,7 @@

Ahead you see a tall observation tower that rises high above the surrounding hills. It once provided sightseers with a magnificent view of the Anza-Borrego Desert Park; now it offers the perfect location for a radio transmission, clear of the surrounding peaks.


You leave the freeway and lead the convoy along an access road that is marked with signs pointing to the Desert View Tower. The electric elevator that once serviced the observation platform is beyond repair, so the powerful DC1 radio transmitter has to be carried all the way to the top up a flight of stairs. Once in position, Pop at last makes contact with Pine Valley.


You leave the freeway and lead the convoy along an access road that is marked with signs pointing to the Desert View Tower. The electric elevator that once serviced the observation platform is beyond repair, so the powerful DC1 radio transmitter has to be carried all the way to the top, up several flights of stairs. Once in position, Pop at last makes contact with Pine Valley.

At first they believe that the call is an elaborate clan trick, but confidential WDL call codes are given by a handful of Tucson colonists who were league operatives before The Day. When these call codes are checked and discovered to be genuine, the Pine Valley outpost receives special authorization from army control in LA to allow the convoy into Fortress California. But this permission is coupled with certain conditions. A zero hour is given. The colony must reach Pine Valley at 11.00am, exactly one hour from now, if it is to be allowed to pass through the checkpoint. The army also insists that radio silence be maintained until your arrival, for the frequency you have been using is known to the Chargers and is often monitored. Pop agrees to the terms on behalf of the colony and signs off.

Excited and eager to leave, the colonists return to their vehicles for the final journey to Pine Valley. You are one of the last to leave the tower and, when you are halfway down the ladder, you suddenly hear Rickenbacker shout a warning from the platform above: My God! Theres a clan convoy on the freeway!

Turn to 320. @@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ Brian Williams - + @@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ Brian Williams - + @@ -1208,7 +1208,7 @@
  • Dagger (2)
  • Two Machine Pistols
  • Twenty-eight rounds of 9mm ammunition
  • -
  • One Pistol
  • +
  • Pistol
  • HE Grenade
  • Tool Kit
  • Enough food for one Meal
  • @@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@

    Breathless from the exertion of combat, you step over the clansmans body and move to the rear of the bus to check that Kate and your aunt are all right. Both look badly shaken but appear to be otherwise unharmed.


    You have only just helped them to their feet when Rickenbacker appears at the doorway. Cmon Cal, weve gotta get back to the roadster. Macy reports more Outlaws at the edge of town. Weve got to lead the convoy outta here.


    You have only just helped them to their feet when Rickenbacker appears at the doorway. Cmon, Cal. Weve gotta get back to the roadster. Macy reports more Outlaws at the edge of town. Weve got to lead the convoy outta here.

    Kate and Aunt Betty-Ann insist that they are all right, and urge you to do as your partner says. The colonists are beginning to return to their vehicles and, as you follow Rickenbacker across the plaza towards your roadster, it worries you to note that several of them are nursing wounds.

    When you are back behind the wheel once more, you signal to Cutter and the others follow your lead. Then you power your car out of Sentinel and head west along Interstate 8.

    Turn to 9. @@ -1277,7 +1277,7 @@ 56 -

    You pull off the freeway and follow the service road towards a diner, the largest building in the rest-stop complex, and park your roadster as near to the entrance as possible. The diner has been vandalized by clansmen, and broken furniture and shattered glass litter its tiled floor. The strong smell of liquor wafts from the kitchen area and Rickenbacker says it warrants a closer look. He leads the way, his footfalls crunching loudly on the glass-strewn floor as he heads optimistically towards the kitchens double doors.


    You pull off the freeway, follow the service road towards a dinerthe largest building in the rest-stop complexand park your roadster as near to the entrance as possible. The diner has been vandalized by clansmen, and broken furniture and shattered glass litter its tiled floor. The strong smell of liquor wafts from the kitchen area and Rickenbacker says it warrants a closer look. He leads the way, his footfalls crunching loudly on the glass-strewn floor as he heads optimistically towards the kitchens double doors.

    I feel kinda thirsty all of a sudden, he says, as he pushes open the doors and strides into the darkened kitchen area. You are about to reply when a bottle comes flying through the air and smashes against the wall, missing your head by inches.

    What the! shouts your partner. He reaches for his machine pistol, but before he can unsling it from his shoulder, a dark shape leaps out from the shadows and pulls him roughly to the floor. Instinctively, you rush forward to help him, only to find yourself confronted by a drunken clansman wielding a broken bottle. He lets out a scream and a fetid gust of liquor-soaked breath assails your nostrils. You recoil in disgust and avoid being hit as viciously he stabs the bottle at your face.

    Daytona1322 @@ -1635,7 +1635,7 @@ Brian Williams - + @@ -1952,7 +1952,7 @@ Brian Williams - + @@ -1999,7 +1999,8 @@ 109 -

    I count six of themand a truck, says Rickenbacker, as he peers through the dirty windshield at the distant bridge: Theyre from Yuma, offers Cookie. Puma scouts. Probably part of the group that came lookin for me.


    I count six of themand a truck, says Rickenbacker, as he peers through the dirty windshield at the distant bridge.


    Theyre from Yuma, offers Cookie. Puma scouts. Probably part of the group that came lookin for me.

    Carefully you assess the situation. A frontal attack on the bridge could prove costly, and the long whiplash aerial that you see fixed to the clansmens pick-up can only mean that they are in contact with their base at Yuma. It would not take very long for their leader, Pentagon, to send reinforcements if the scouts radioed that they were under attack. The foul, black waters of the Gila River may look uninviting, but at least they are shallow and fordable, and it would be easy for you to circle around this bridge in the pick-up and cross further upstream, where you could not be seen. However, no matter how shallow the water, the convoys buses would never make it. No, the only way the convoy is going to reach the Imperial Reservoir is by crossing here at this bridge.

    Rickenbacker, who has been given a transceiver by Pop Ewell, radios the convoy to inform them of the situation. At once they suspect that Cookie is trying to lead you into a trap. He denies the charge, and in order to prove his good intent, he offers to try to lure the clansmen away from the bridge.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

    @@ -2273,8 +2274,8 @@

    As you bring the truck to a halt, Rickenbacker takes up his machine pistol in expectation of trouble. The clansman seems to be alone, and you notice that there is only one motorcycle parked beside the cabin from which he emerged. This cabin stands at the entrance to what was once a state-run campsite.

    After a few seconds, the clansmans smile wears thin. He takes up a pair of binoculars, which are hanging around his neck, and focuses them on your truck. With a start, he drops them, turns, and runs through the campsite entrance.


    Hes seen us! hisses Rickenbacker. Quick Cal, lets get him before he gets away.


    Hurriedly you put your foot down and drive through the entrance gate. Beyond lies a cluster of log cabins, grouped in a horseshoe formation around a central parking area. As you squeal to a halt, the clansman is nowhere to be seen. Weve gotta find him, and quick! says Rickenbacker, leaping from the passenger door. You search one side of the camp and Ill search the other.


    Hes seen us! hisses Rickenbacker. Quick, Cal. Lets get him before he gets away.


    Hurriedly you put your foot down and drive through the entrance gate. Beyond lies a cluster of log cabins, grouped in a horseshoe formation around a central parking area. As you squeal to a halt, the clansman is nowhere to be seen. Weve gotta find himand quick! says Rickenbacker, leaping from the passenger door. You search one side of the camp and Ill search the other.

    If you wish to search the cabins on the south side of the campsite, turn to 120. If you wish to search the cabins on the north side of the campsite, turn to 323.
    @@ -2508,7 +2509,7 @@ 149 -

    As you enter the pass and approach a section where a rocky outcrop overhangs the westbound Lanes of the freeway, you notice a glint of sunlight reflecting off something perched on the peak of the outcrop. It occurs to you that it could just be a trick of the light, but it could just as easily be a clan sniper lying in ambush!


    As you enter the pass and approach a section where a rocky outcrop overhangs the westbound lanes of the freeway, you notice a glint of sunlight reflecting off something perched on the peak of the outcrop. It occurs to you that it could just be a trick of the light, but it could just as easily be a clan sniper lying in ambush!

    If you wish to bring your roadster to a halt, turn to 96. If you decide to continue through the pass without slowing, turn to 348.
    @@ -2598,7 +2599,7 @@

    Shortly after noon, the colony arrives in Eloy. With a mixture of pride and apprehension, you watch as Pecos Petes tow truck leads the convoy of fifteen vehicles along the main street, and brings them to a halt in a line outside the entrance to the towns municipal park. Kate waves at you from a window of the DC1 school bus and quickly you leave your roadster to meet her and the other colonists.

    Aunt Betty-Ann offers you some excellent food, which she has prepared especially for the journey, and while you and Kate are enjoying an unexpected meal together, Mike Gorgas, leader of the Tucson contingent, climbs aboard the bus to speak with you. The colony has decided that the idea of creating a diversion to draw the Outlaws away from the freeway intersection is the best chance they have of reaching Interstate 8 intact. He wants you and Rickenbacker to set fires in the suburbs of Arizona City that are big enough to draw the clansmen away. Macy and Langdon will watch the clan encampment, and as soon as they are sure that the plan is working, they will fire a distress flare. That will be the convoys signal to move. It will also be your signal to get out of Arizona City as fast as you can. As soon as you are away, you are to head for the town of Gila Bend and rejoin the convoy there around sunset.

    After your meal, you say goodbye to Kate and try to assuage her fears by promising that you will take good care of yourself. The other members of the DC1 contingent wish you good luck, including your old friend Cutter Jacks, who wishes he could come with you. He assures you that, were it not for the bullet he caught in his arm when the convoy made the Slaughter Mountain run, you would have a hard job stopping him.


    Having said your farewells, you return to your roadster to find Rickenbacker loading two large jerry cans into the truck. They are filled with the gasolene you will need to set the fires. You help him strap them down, and then both of you climb into the roadster and set off for Arizona City.


    Having said your farewells, you return to your roadster to find Rickenbacker loading two large jerry cans into the trunk. They are filled with the gasolene you will need to set the fires. You help him strap them down, and then both of you climb into the roadster and set off for Arizona City.

    Turn to 84.
    @@ -2675,7 +2676,7 @@

    Frazer lowers his gun and moves aside but Avenal remains where he is, his gun still levelled at your car.

    Aint she that clan-girlKate Norton? I heard she an Mad Dog Michigan were an item before you wasted his brother? he says.

    Youd better watch that mouth o yours, Avenal, you retort, angered by his sneering comments. Now get outta my way. Im in a hurry.


    They say them clan-girls are really hot n wild. Now I bet youd know all bout that wouldnt you Phoenix? he leers.


    They say them clan-girls are really hot n wild. Now I bet youd know all bout that wouldnt you, Phoenix? he leers.

    You try to restrain yourself but Avenals ugly remarks are making your blood boil.

    If you wish to get out of your roadster and teach him some manners, turn to 237. If you wish to put your foot down and drive straight at him, turn to 35. @@ -3077,7 +3078,7 @@

    The clansman groans as your snap shot hits him between the shoulder blades. For a moment he shudders, and then he arches his back and falls from the doorway to land in a heap at the bottom of the steps. (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.)

    At once you leap out from behind the garbage cart and run to the bus to check that Kate is all right. Inside you discover both her and your Aunt Betty-Ann sheltering behind the rear seats. They are shaken but appear otherwise unharmed.


    You have only just helped them to their feet when Rickenbacker appears at the doorway. Cmon Cal, weve gotta get back to the roadster. Macy reports more Outlaws at the edge of town. Weve got to lead the convoy outta here.


    You have only just helped them to their feet when Rickenbacker appears at the doorway. Cmon, Cal. Weve gotta get back to the roadster. Macy reports more Outlaws at the edge of town. Weve got to lead the convoy outta here.

    Kate and Aunt Betty-Ann say they are all right, and urge you to do as your partner says. The colonists are beginning to return to their vehicles and, as you follow Rickenbacker across the plaza towards your roadster, it worries you to note that several of them are nursing wounds.

    Once you are back behind the wheel, you signal to Cutter and the others to follow your lead and then power your car out of Sentinel, along Interstate 8.

    Turn to 9. @@ -3633,7 +3634,7 @@

    Let me use Icarus, says Rickenbacker. Conditions are ideal, and if theres a way to be found through those mountains Ill find it in a fraction of the time itll take us to scout by foot or car.


    The colony agrees to his suggestion and Icarus, his motorized hang glider, which until now has remained under wraps aboard the Tylers tow truck, is unloaded, assembled, and refuelled. While Cutter checks the engine, Rickenbacker dons his flying suit, complete with goggles, leather flying helmet, and white silk scarf. Then, with a confident wave to the assembled colonists, he climbs into the fragile machine and takes to the air.


    The colony agrees to his suggestion and Icarus, his motorized hang glider, which until now has remained under wraps aboard the Tyler tow truck, is unloaded, assembled, and refuelled. While Cutter checks the engine, Rickenbacker dons his flying suit, complete with goggles, leather flying helmet, and white silk scarf. Then, with a confident wave to the assembled colonists, he climbs into the fragile machine and takes to the air.

    Brian Williams @@ -3681,7 +3682,7 @@ Brian Williams - + @@ -3700,8 +3701,7 @@

    It is an hour after dawn when the fortified gates of the Davis-Monthan base are unlocked and dragged open. With a reassuring smile, you bid farewell to Kate, and then accelerate the roadster out of the base along the pot-holed asphalt of a service road that leads to Interstate 10. Beside you sits Gary Rickenbacker, an ex-flying circus stunt pilot from Midland, Texas. He is one of the Big Spring colonists who joined up with DC1 when your convoy reached that town, the first of the few civilized strongholds you have visited on your journey west. In your driving mirror you see Macy and Langdon, both from Tucson. They are the other half of your scouting party. They drive a supercharged Trans-sol that is sheathed in grey armour-plate, a custom modification that has saved their skins on more than one occasion.

    You hit the freeway doing sixty-five and follow the blistered road signs pointing north to Casa Grande. Thirty minutes later you pass through the fire-blackened ruins of Rillito and Marana, two towns the Outlaws torched last month to show the Tucson colony what Shiloh had in store for them.

    Ten miles slip by before you reach the next townRed Rock. There you see something unusual, which makes you ease your foot off the gas and bring your roadster gliding gently to a halt. Macy and Langdon pull up behind you, leap out of their car, and run forward to find out what is wrong.


    Check out the wreck over there on the road, you say, pointing to a car parked outside a derelict drugstore.


    What dyou think?


    Check out the wreck over there on the road, you say, pointing to a car parked outside a derelict drugstore. What dyou think?

    That sure werent there the last time I drove through this place, answers Macy, squinting at the distant vehicle. An that was jus the day before yesterday.

    If theres Outlaws in that town, were gonna have to flush em out. If they get word back to Shiloh about the convoy, well have his entire gang come down on us like a ton o bricks, says Langdon, as he unbuckles the holster-flap covering his pistol.

    You agree with him and propose a plan. Two of you will enter the town and search the buildings in the area near where the car is parked. They will flush out any Outlaws that may be hiding there. Meanwhile, the other two will skirt around the town and wait on the far side at the freeway exit. If the Outlaws attempt a getaway, they will prevent their escape.

    @@ -4116,7 +4116,7 @@ 265 -

    You flip open your pouch, remove a handful of pain killers, and throw them out onto the ground beside the trucks cab. Immediately the three Crazies leap on the scattered pills and fight each other like hungry rats to get more than a fair share. The sight of their animalistic behaviour turns your stomach, and when Rickenbacker prods you in the ribs and says, Cmon Cal, lets go, you gladly reach for the ignition and slam the gas pedal flat to the floor.


    You flip open your pouch, remove a handful of pain killers, and throw them out onto the ground beside the trucks cab. Immediately the three Crazies leap on the scattered pills and fight each other like hungry rats to get more than a fair share. The sight of their animalistic behaviour turns your stomach, and when Rickenbacker prods you in the ribs and says, Cmon, Cal. Lets go, you gladly reach for the ignition and slam the gas pedal flat to the floor.

    Erase three units from your Medi-kit.

    To continue, turn to 29.
    @@ -4441,8 +4441,8 @@ 289 -

    You are lost in thought when, unexpectedly, a mileage sign and an exit ramp loom out of the dusty darkness. Unfortunately, you overshoot the ramp, but you know by the milometer on the dashboard, which you re-set to zero before leaving Gila Bend, that you are near the correct freeway exit for Casa Grande, so you stop your car and reverse it for several hundred yards.


    The sign points to Highway 84 and lists the towns of Stanfield (ten miles) and Casa Grande (twenty-three miles). Night has now fallen, although visibility has been so poor that you hardly notice the transition from day to night. With one eye on the milometer, you follow Highway 84 until, ten miles later, the buildings of Stanfield start to appear on either side of the road. They are little more than fuzzy grey silhouettes, featureless and indistinguishable from each other.


    You are lost in thought when, unexpectedly, a mileage sign and an exit ramp loom out of the dusty darkness. Unfortunately, you overshoot the ramp, but you know by the odometer on the dashboard, which you re-set to zero before leaving Gila Bend, that you are near the correct freeway exit for Casa Grande, so you stop your car and reverse it for several hundred yards.


    The sign points to Highway 84 and lists the towns of Stanfield (ten miles) and Casa Grande (twenty-three miles). Night has now fallen, although visibility has been so poor that you hardly notice the transition from day to night. With one eye on the odometer, you follow Highway 84 until, ten miles later, the buildings of Stanfield start to appear on either side of the road. They are little more than fuzzy grey silhouettes, featureless and indistinguishable from each other.

    Suddenly up ahead you see a light. You sense it could spell danger, so you bring your roadster quickly to a halt.

    If you possess a Combat Viewer, turn to 67. If you do not possess this item, turn to 332. @@ -4551,12 +4551,11 @@

    Whats wrong? you ask.

    Its Gorgas, he replies. Hes dead.

    The news sends a cold shiver down your spine. But h-how? you continue, your voice wavering.


    Murdered by the looks of it. Knife through the heart. Rex Tyler found him in his cab bout five minutes ago.


    Murdered, by the looks of it. Knife through the heart. Rex Tyler found him in his cab bout five minutes ago.

    You look over Cutters shoulder and see two Tucson men holding Rex Tyler firmly by the arms. Fear is stark in Rexs eyes as another Tucson colonist launches a stream of questions at him, and jabs him repeatedly in the chest with his index finger.

    Why are they holding Rex? you ask, growing concerned for your friends safety.

    They reckon hes the killer, replies Cutter.


    But Rex wouldnt hurt a fly, interjects Rickenbacker.


    I cant believe its him.


    But Rex wouldnt hurt a fly, interjects Rickenbacker. I cant believe its him.

    Neither can I, says Cutter, but it was his knife they found in Gorgas chest.

    Whats gonna happen to him now? you say.

    I guess well have to give him a fair trialits the least we can do. Only its gonna have t wait. Macy and Langdon have spotted some Outlaw scouts on their way here. Theyre heading a large pack, judging by their numbers, and theyre only bout three hours away, so they reckon. I hope you two didnt find no trouble in Sentinel cause wed better move out now if were gonna stay ahead of those clansmen.

    @@ -4684,7 +4683,8 @@

    You join with Rickenbacker in searching the clansmans body and deduce, from the tattoos of a big cat found on both his wrists, that he is a Puma clan member.


    I wonder what he was doing here on his own? muses Rickenbacker. Ive no idea, you reply, letting your eyes scan the surrounding campsite for a possible answer. You see nothing unusual, and it is not until you search inside the restaurant cabin that your question finds an answer. There you discover a store of foodstuffs, a secret hoard that the clansman had been keeping from his fellow clan members.


    I wonder what he was doing here on his own? muses Rickenbacker.


    Ive no idea, you reply, letting your eyes scan the surrounding campsite for a possible answer. You see nothing unusual, and it is not until you search inside the restaurant cabin that your question finds an answer. There you discover a store of foodstuffs, a secret hoard that the clansman had been keeping from his fellow clan members.

    The colony sure is gonna appreciate this, says Rickenbacker, as he reaches for his radio transceiver. The colony is delighted to hear about your discovery and, while you wait for them to arrive, you take the opportunity to search the rest of the cabin for useful items. Your search uncovers the following:

    • Machine Pistol (containing twelve rounds of 9mm ammunition)
    • @@ -4902,7 +4902,7 @@ 319 -

      We found this guy camped near the San Cristobal Bridge, says Langdon, as the Trans-sol glides to a halt beside your roadster.


      We found this guy camped near the San Cristobal bridge, says Langdon, as the Trans-sol glides to a halt beside your roadster.

      He says hes on his way to San Francisco, would you believe? comments Macy, as he gets out of the car with the man in tow.

      Whats your name? you ask.

      Brent Jaeger, he replies, and tentatively he offers his hand in friendship. At first you hesitate, and then you shake it, and at once the man seems to relax, as if a weight has been lifted from his shoulders.

      @@ -5178,7 +5178,7 @@ Brian Williams - + @@ -5289,7 +5289,8 @@

      You return to the school bus to find your aunt sitting by Kates side. She is holding her wrist, as if monitoring her pulse, and her face is tense and lined with worry. Kates face is deathly pale. She is no longer perspiring and her breathing is almost imperceptible.

      Where have you been, Cal? asks your aunt, in a tone of voice that reminds you immediately of your mothers. You reply simply by handing her the tub of Atropine tablets.

      How did you get? she gasps, and then at once her look of surprise changes to one of intense concentration.


      I went to you start, but your aunt cuts you off. No never mind now, she says, tersely. There isnt time for explanations. Kates slipping away. We must be quick if were to save her.


      I went to you start, but your aunt cuts you off.


      Nonever mind now, she says, tersely. There isnt time for explanations. Kates slipping away. We must be quick if were to save her.

      Swiftly your aunt prepares an Atropine solution, using the tablets and some boiled water, and carefully she pours it, drop by drop, into Kates mouth. You go and get yourself some rest, she says. Youve earned it. Theres nothing more you can do here. Well know in the morning if shes going to pull through.

      Aching with fatigue, you leave the bus and find shelter in a derelict boarding house nearby. There you find a bed with blankets and settle down to some much needed sleep.

      Turn to 253. @@ -5406,28 +5407,28 @@

      Outside you find a pick-up truck. It was the vehicle Mad Dog used to reach the lodge ahead of his clansmen. Now these Detroit Lions cannot be too far away, and they have been reinforced by an additional contingent of Chargers. Quickly the four of you jump into the truck and head west, driving cross-country until you rejoin the freeway near a small town called Boulevard.

      During your escape, Cutter makes radio contact with Pine Valley and tells them that you are on your way. He also warns them that you have a clan army hot on your heels. Dont worry bout them, comes the reply. Weve got a little surprise in store for those guys. You just keep your foot down and dont stop for nothing, yhear?

      All of you are puzzled by the message; then, as you reach a high peak called Crestwood Summit, you hear the roar of a jet engine, approaching from out of the western sky. It is a fighter aircraft, and Kate is the first to see it as it skims the top of Long Valley Peak and comes screaming towards you, tracking along the line of Interstate 8.


      Captain Ed Hughes makes a mental note of his air speed and altitude, and realigns his F-14 Tomcat ready for a strike. His is the last serviceable fighter of the VF213 Blacklions squadron left at the Miramar Naval Air Station, and he is proud to have been the one called upon to fly this ageing but deadly combat machine on what could be its last mission. The target appears in the distance and, automatically, Hughes arms his sidewinders and locks-on his targeting computer. He is seconds away from contact. A last radio check confirms that the target is valid and, with an almost casual ease, he depresses the twin red fire buttons and sends his missiles screaming towards the line of clan vehicles. By the time they have struck and destroyed the clan column, he has already banked out of his dive and is heading west, above the Sawtooth Mountains, on a bearing that will take him back to his base at NAS MiramarFightertown USA.

      Brian Williams - - - + + + - -

      The sound of the F14s attack hits you like a clap of thunder behind the ears. There is a massive explosion, followed by a long and heavy rumble that echoes for minutes among the surrounding peaks. The suddenness and awesome power of the strike leaves all four of you stunned into open-mouthed silence, and it is not until you reach Pine Valley, and see your fellow colonists waiting expectantly beyond the fenced checkpoint, that you recover your senses fully and comprehend what has happened. You have survived the journey of a lifetime and, at last, you have reached your goal.

      + +

      Captain Ed Hughes makes a mental note of his air speed and altitude, and realigns his F-14 Tomcat ready for a strike. His is the last serviceable fighter of the VF213 Blacklions squadron left at the Miramar Naval Air Station, and he is proud to have been the one called upon to fly this ageing but deadly combat machine on what could be its last mission. The target appears in the distance and, automatically, Hughes arms his sidewinders and locks-on his targeting computer. He is seconds away from contact. A last radio check confirms that the target is valid and, with an almost casual ease, he depresses the twin red fire buttons and sends his missiles screaming towards the line of clan vehicles. By the time they have struck and destroyed the clan column, he has already banked out of his dive and is heading west, above the Sawtooth Mountains, on a bearing that will take him back to his base at NAS MiramarFightertown USA.

      Brian Williams - - - + + + - + +

      The sound of the F14s attack hits you like a clap of thunder behind the ears. There is a massive explosion, followed by a long and heavy rumble that echoes for minutes among the surrounding peaks. The suddenness and awesome power of the strike leaves all four of you stunned into open-mouthed silence, and it is not until you reach Pine Valley, and see your fellow colonists waiting expectantly beyond the fenced checkpoint, that you recover your senses fully and comprehend what has happened. You have survived the journey of a lifetime and, at last, you have reached your goal.

      Following your reunion with your fellow colonists, you are escorted by the army to the US Naval Hospital in San Diego, where those who require it receive expert medical attention. News of your daring journey spreads quickly, and many hundreds of San Diegans besiege the hospital for a glimpse of those who have come out of the Omega Zone, a region where no civilized man was thought capable of surviving for more than a few weeks.

      It is not long before the full account of the hardships and perils you have faced are coaxed out of your fellow colonists by the news-hungry Californian populace. Within a few days you discover that your personal exploits have made you quite a hero in their eyes, especially when it is revealed that you were born and raised in California. Your reputation is further glorified when the full story of your love for Kate Norton is told, and of how you saved her from the clutches of a despised HAVOC leader against all odds.

      The army and the civil leaders stage a special ceremony in honour of the indefatigable spirit that you and your colony displayed during your exodus. News of the ceremony comes as an unexpected surprise, yet there is an even greater surprise awaiting you. At the end of the grand ceremony, you are reunited with your family, all of whom have survived the post-holocaust years. It is a joyous and emotional reunion, the memory of which you will cherish for the rest of your life.

      @@ -5989,7 +5990,7 @@

      (Dateline to Disaster) Replaced training and with training, and. Replaced both occurrences of USSR and with USSR, and. Replaced cable and with cable, and. Replaced destined with slated. Replaced declare emergency with declare an emergency. Replaced HAVOC attempt with HAVOC attempts. Replaced HAVOC hijack a WDL news satellite and broadcast a chilling ultimatum with HAVOC hijacks a WDL news satellite and broadcasts a chilling ultimatum. Replaced HAVOC refuse with HAVOC refuses. Replaced HAVOC repeat their demand and extend deadline with HAVOC repeats its demand and extends deadline. Replaced HAVOC enact their with HAVOC enacts its.


      (The Story So Far) Replaced re-establish with reestablish. Replaced syphon with siphon. Replaced fuel, food or water with fuel, food, or water. Replaced the Mavericks with the Mavericks. Replaced the Day with The Day. Replaced half-way with halfway. Replaced newly enlarged with newly-enlarged. Replaced Sierra Nevada Mountains with mountains of the Sierra Nevada. Replaced shelter and with shelter, and. Replaced posts and with posts, and. Replaced Mavericks and with Mavericks, and. Replaced EL Paso with El Paso. Replaced man alone, therefore with man alone; therefore. Replaced on 3 January 2012, that with on 3 January 2012 that. Replaced colony made their with colony made its. Replaced moment on every waking with moment on, every waking. Replaced Pantona Wash with Pantano Wash. Replaced May, 2020 with May 2020.


      (The Story So Far) Replaced re-establish with reestablish. Replaced syphon with siphon. Replaced fuel, food or water with fuel, food, or water. Replaced the Mavericks with the Mavericks. Replaced the Day with The Day. Replaced half-way with halfway. Replaced newly enlarged with newly-enlarged. Replaced Sierra Nevada Mountains with mountains of the Sierra Nevada. Replaced shelter and with shelter, and. Replaced posts and with posts, and. Replaced Mavericks and with Mavericks, and. Replaced EL Paso with El Paso. Replaced man alone, therefore with man alone; therefore. Replaced on 3 January 2012, that with on 3 January 2012 that. Replaced colony made their with colony made its. Replaced moment on every waking with moment on, every waking. Replaced Pantona Wash with Pantano Wash. Replaced May, 2020 with May 2020. Replaced called the Mavericks, who with called the Mavericks, who. Replaced the Saints with the Saints. Replaced customized roadster and with customized roadster, and.

      (The Game Rules) Replaced if you pick a O with if you pick a 0. Replaced On pages 6 and 7 you will find an Action Chart with An Action Chart has been supplied. Replaced the Random Number Table at the back of this book with the Random Number Table. Replaced zero with zero or below. Replaced survival skills with Survival Skills. Replaced adventure you with adventure, you. Removed For ease of use during play it is recommended that you photocopy these pages. Replaced on to with onto.

      @@ -6003,8 +6004,8 @@

      (Close Combat Rules) Removed on the inside back cover of the book.


      (1) Replaced south-west with southwest. Replaced the Day with The Day. Replaced Colorado river with Colorado River. Replaced women and with women, and. Replaced looting and with looting, and. Replaced appoints you, and three others, as with appoints you and three others as. Replaced Pantona Wash with Pantano Wash.


      (2) Replaced the Day with The Day.


      (1) Replaced south-west with southern. Replaced the Day with The Day. Replaced Colorado river with Colorado River. Replaced women and with women, and. Replaced looting and with looting, and. Replaced appoints you, and three others, as with appoints you and three others as. Replaced Pantona Wash with Pantano Wash.


      (2) Replaced the Day with The Day. Replaced the top up a flight of stairs with the top, up several flights of stairs.

      (3) Replaced sarcasm, But with sarcasm. But.

      (4) Replaced shockwave with shock wave. Added (Remember to deduct six rounds of 9mm ammunition from your Ammo Pouch.).

      (5) Replaced attack, and the with attack and the.

      @@ -6030,10 +6031,11 @@

      (48) Replaced Macy and with Macy, and.

      (49) Replaced You focus your lenses on with You focus on.

      (50) Replaced frisbee-like with Frisbee-like.


      (51) Replaced 1 Pistol with One Pistol. Replaced stiffen, then with stiffen, and then.


      (52) Replaced head east with head west.


      (51) Replaced 1 Pistol with Pistol. Replaced stiffen, then with stiffen, and then.


      (52) Replaced head east with head west. Replaced Cmon Cal, weve with Cmon, Cal. Weve.

      (54) Replaced Avenal and with Avenal, and.

      (55) Replaced moutains with Mountains. Replaced syphon with siphon. Replaced Mohawk mountains with Mohawk Mountains. Replaced gasolene thats all with gasolene, thats all. Replaced San Christobal Wash with San Cristobal Wash.


      (56) Replaced freeway and follow the service road towards a diner, the largest building in the rest-stop complex, and park your roadster with freeway, follow the service road towards a dinerthe largest building in the rest-stop complexand park your roadster.

      (57) Replaced Swifty with Swiftly.

      (59) Replaced holes, then with holes, and then. Replaced me Cal with me, Cal. Replaced or choose with or if you choose.

      (62) Replaced south-east with southeast. Replaced on to with onto.

      @@ -6061,6 +6063,7 @@

      (98) Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).

      (99) Replaced ammuntion with ammunition. Replaced The only thing displayed with The only things displayed.

      (100) Replaced hesitates, then with hesitates, and then. Replaced lucky, I with lucky; I. Replaced water that unless with water that, unless.


      (109) Added a paragraph break after distant bridge..

      (110) Replaced take two Drinks or lose 6 ENDURANCE points with take two Drinks or lose 3 ENDURANCE points per drink missed. Replaced the pain and the trembling subsides with the pain and the trembling subside.

      (111) Replaced your Strength skill with your Stealth skill.

      (112) Added missing period after turn to 295.

      @@ -6077,6 +6080,7 @@

      (127) Added a paragraph break after he gasps..

      (128) Replaced fighting, then with fighting; then.

      (130) Replaced HE Grenade, and with HE Grenade and.


      (131) Replaced Quick Cal, lets with Quick, Cal. Lets.

      (132) Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).

      (136) Replaced briefing, then with briefing, and then. Replaced flare, he says, and removes with flare. He removes. Replaced a promise, but with a promise; but.

      (139) Replaced your life, and the case of food, intact with your lifeand the case of foodintact.

      @@ -6089,9 +6093,9 @@

      (150) Replaced gullys with gullies. Replaced Cargo Muchaco Mountains with Cargo Muchacho Mountains (cf. Section 200).

      (152) Replaced San Christobal Wash with San Cristobal Wash.

      (153) Replaced doors, then with doors, and then.


      (155) Replaced down, then with down, and then. Replaced The colony have decided with The colony has decided.


      (155) Replaced down, then with down, and then. Replaced The colony have decided with The colony has decided. Replaced into the truck with into the trunk.

      (157) Replaced says Cutter, Barlow with says Cutter. Barlow. Replaced bus, and with bus and. Replaced or are with or if you are.


      (160) Replaced doin boy with doin, boy.


      (160) Replaced doin boy with doin, boy. Replaced you Phoenix with you, Phoenix.

      (161) Replaced fighting, then with fighting; then.

      (164) Replaced colours, then with colours, and then.

      (171) Replaced gunsmoke with gun smoke.

      @@ -6109,7 +6113,7 @@

      (186) Replaced boom, then with boom, and then. Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).

      (187) Replaced your adventure and your life ends with your adventure and your life end.

      (191) Replaced fighting, then with fighting; then. Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).


      (192) Replaced shudders, then with shudders, and then. Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).


      (192) Replaced shudders, then with shudders, and then. Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.). Replaced Cmon Cal, weve with Cmon, Cal. Weve.

      (193) Replaced suddeness with suddenness. Replaced hands, then with hands, and then. Replaced breach with breech. Added (Remember to deduct a round of 7.62mm ammunition from your Ammo Pouch.).

      (194) Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).

      (196) Replaced HE Grenade, and with HE Grenade and. Replaced Tear Gas Grenade, and with Tear Gas Grenade and. Replaced weapon, and with weapon and. Replaced or do with or if you do.

      @@ -6135,7 +6139,7 @@

      (227) Replaced ducks and with ducks, and.

      (229) Replaced shockwave with shock wave.

      (230) Replaced you Shooting skill with your Shooting skill.


      (231) Replaced gullys with gullies. Replaced assembled and with assembled, and. Replaced helmet and with helmet, and in both the text and the illustrations caption.


      (231) Replaced gullys with gullies. Replaced assembled and with assembled, and. Replaced helmet and with helmet, and in both the text and the illustrations caption. Replaced the Tylers tow truck with the Tyler tow truck (cf. Section 29).

      (233) Replaced boom, then with boom, and then. Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).

      (235) Replaced Kate, then with Kate, and then. Replaced their car and run with their car, and run.

      (237) Replaced hesitates, then with hesitates, and then.

      @@ -6153,7 +6157,7 @@

      (257) Replaced overturns, then with overturns, and then. Replaced on to with onto. Replaced lose 1 ENDURANCE points with lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

      (262) Replaced colonists faces with colonists faces.

      (264) Replaced on to with onto. Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).


      (265) Replaced painkillers with pain killers. Replaced on to with onto.


      (265) Replaced painkillers with pain killers. Replaced on to with onto. Replaced Cmon Cal, lets go with Cmon, Cal. Lets go.

      (268) Replaced hands, then with hands, and then. Replaced breach with breech. Added (Remember to deduct a round of 12-gauge ammunition from your Ammo Pouch.).

      (271) Replaced shockwave with shock wave. Added (Remember to deduct a round of 9mm ammunition from your Ammo Pouch.).

      (274) Replaced bale out with bail out.

      @@ -6165,17 +6169,17 @@

      (282) Removed duplicate seat.. Replaced holes, then with holes, and then. Replaced or choose with or if you choose.

      (283) Replaced air, then with air, and then. Replaced Michigan, in with Michigan in. Replaced Pantona Wash with Pantano Wash.

      (285) Replaced on to with onto. Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).


      (289) Replaced two occurrences of tachometer with milometer.


      (289) Replaced two occurrences of tachometer with odometer.

      (290) Replaced distant poppings with distant popping. Replaced on to with onto. Replaced reassuringly, were with reassuringly. Were.

      (291) Replaced on to with onto. Replaced scuttling scratching with scuttling, scratching.

      (294) Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).


      (295) Replaced Gorgass with Gorgas.


      (295) Replaced Gorgass with Gorgas. Replaced Murdered by the with Murdered, by the.

      (297) Replaced bang with bang.

      (298) Replaced breach with breech.

      (300) Replaced Telescope or with Telescope, or.

      (301) Replaced pause, then with pause, and then.

      (304) Replaced HE Granade, and with HE Grenade and. Replaced or choose with or if you choose.


      (305) Added bold formatting Solar Torch. Replaced Binoculars. Replaced Rope. Removed bold formatting Water Canteen. Replaced colony sure are with colony sure is.


      (305) Added bold formatting Solar Torch. Replaced Binoculars. Replaced Rope. Removed bold formatting Water Canteen. Replaced colony sure are with colony sure is. Added a paragraph break after muses Rickenbacker..

      (306) Replaced on to with onto.

      (308) Replaced machine gunfire with machine gun fire.

      (309) Replaced halt, then with halt, and then. Replaced buildings, then with buildings, and then. Added a paragraph break after screams Rickenbacker.. Replaced Having chosen to block the exit, Macy and Langdon wait patiently while you and Rickenbacker drive off the freeway and make a wide detour around the town. with Having chosen to block the exit, you and Rickenbacker drive off the freeway and make a wide detour around the town while Macy and Langdon wait patiently..

      @@ -6186,12 +6190,13 @@

      (315) Replaced Cuckelbur with Cucklebur. Replaced reply; Ill with reply. Ill.

      (316) Replaced If your total score 1014 with If your total score is 1014.

      (317) Replaced effect, then with effect, and then.


      (319) Replaced hesitate, then with hesitate, and then. Replaced lucky, I with lucky; I. Replaced water that unless with water that, unless. Replaced San Christobal Bridge with San Cristobal Bridge.


      (319) Replaced hesitate, then with hesitate, and then. Replaced lucky, I with lucky; I. Replaced water that unless with water that, unless. Replaced San Christobal Bridge with San Cristobal bridge.

      (320) Replaced Cmon Rick with Cmon, Rick.

      (321) Replaced Avenal and with Avenal, and.

      (322) Replaced accorindly with accordingly.

      (323) Replaced turn 281 with turn to 281.

      (325) Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).


      (326) Replaced Cmon Cal, lets with Cmon, Cal. Lets.

      (327) Replaced on to with onto.

      (328) Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.). Replaced again, and with again and.

      (329) Replaced on to with onto.

      @@ -6201,7 +6206,7 @@

      (336) Replaced half-way with halfway.

      (338) Replaced the army have with the army has. Replaced wierdos with weirdos.

      (339) Replaced north-westerly with northwesterly. Replaced the Day with The Day. Replaced rock and with rock, and. Replaced the beginnings of a hot, northwesterly wind sweeps across with the beginnings of a hot, northwesterly wind sweep across. Replaced brewin, dare say its with brewin. Daresay its.


      (342) Replaced much-needed with much needed. Replaced schoolbus with school bus. Replaced gasps, then with gasps, and then.


      (342) Replaced much-needed with much needed. Replaced schoolbus with school bus. Replaced gasps, then with gasps, and then. Added a paragraph break after cuts you off..

      (345) Replaced jerkily, then with jerkily; then. Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).

      (348) Replaced on to with onto.

      (349) Replaced on to with onto.