X-Git-Url: http://git.projectaon.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=en%2Fxml%2F04wotw.xml;h=da955fb4aecb72e9727451e7df781b7e57996def;hb=08928f366c585ba128db5170cf7cdd6b029a28e3;hp=d085d580b5399813542fe17b53f3293d7a388b7f;hpb=f4bdee5083ca9a72713637e1e979aa183e06faea;p=project-aon.git diff --git a/en/xml/04wotw.xml b/en/xml/04wotw.xml index d085d58..da955fb 100644 --- a/en/xml/04wotw.xml +++ b/en/xml/04wotw.xml @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ &inclusion.paul.bonner.bio.gs; Project Aon - 20121028 + 2018215

You are the Wizard Grey Star. You now face the tumultuous climax of your epic struggle to overthrow the evil Wytch-king Shasarak. His cruel empire is torn by war as the Freedom Fighters rebel against his corrupt dominion. Can you reach them in time to free mankind? Can you overcome the Wytch-kings ferocious soldiers and the supernatural hordes that are his to command? Your only hope lies in your Wizards Staff. Guard it wellfor it contains the might of the mystic Moonstone, the very essence of your Magical Powers.

The World of Lone Wolf is an exciting adventure series in which you are the hero, you make the decisions, and you fight the combats using the unique systems included in the book.

@@ -122,11 +122,6 @@ Simon Osborne Timothy Pederick -
Jonathan Blake @@ -536,7 +531,7 @@

If you have completed a previous adventure, you keep all equipment you had at the end of that adventure. You do not receive any new equipment, unless you have just selected Alchemy as your sixth Lesser Magick, or if you have not mastered the Lesser Magick of Alchemy but you have selected the Higher Magick of Theurgy, in which case you receive a Herb Pouch with contents as indicated in this section.

If you have mastered the Lesser Magick of Alchemy or the Higher Magick of Theurgy and therefore have a Herb Pouch, you may choose to keep potions, vials, or ingredients in either the Herb Pouch or your Backpack. All other Backpack Items must be kept in your Backpack.


The new Mongoose Publishing editions of the gamebooks clarify that You may only use one Weapon at a time in combat.


The Collectors Editions of the Lone Wolf books clarify that You may only use one Weapon at a time in combat.

@@ -726,7 +721,7 @@

Alas, you have been too much weakened by earlier struggles. His strength has mastered yours as the last of your own life-force is drained from your body. You have lost the duel and doomed all humanity to endure the reign of Shasaraks evil cruelty.


You have failed; your adventure is over.

+ You have failed; your adventure is over.
@@ -841,7 +836,7 @@ If you are versed in the Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy, you may deduct 2 WILLPOWER points from your total to cast a teleportation spell and turn to 39. If you have a Temeris Potion, you may use it to teleport without using any WILLPOWER points; turn to 39. If you are using the power of the Dimension Door locked in the Moonstone, you may deduct 4 WILLPOWER points from your total to teleport and turn to 39. - If you are unable to teleport by any of these means, you have failed in your quest and your adventure is over. + If you are unable to teleport by any of these means, you have failed in your quest and your adventure is over. @@ -1030,7 +1025,7 @@

Instantly you make a dash in the opposite direction. With a murderous howl, the pack chases after you. They are hot on your heels, and within moments you are caught and dragged to the ground.


You have failed in your quest and your adventure ends here.

+ You have failed in your quest and your adventure ends here.
@@ -1189,7 +1184,7 @@

The room fills with the sound of savage laughter, but it is not Shasarak who laughs. A familiar, slithering, deathly voice emanates from the wall of fire, and within the fire you see two slanted eyes: pools of absolute darkness. It is the Demonlord Agarash!

See, Shasarak. He has come, as I told you he would. He has come to slay you. Wont you accept my bargain?


NEVER! Shasarak hisses, his voice like the rush of broken stone scattering on the floor. He does not have the power to master meas you have not, Demon.


Never! Shasarak hisses, his voice like the rush of broken stone scattering on the floor. He does not have the power to master meas you have not, Demon.

Shasarak glares at you malevolently and raises a damaged hand. He is about to strike.

If you have 1 WILLPOWER point and wish to raise the Moonstone against Shasarak, turn to 21. If you wish to defend yourself with the Moonstone, turn to 92. @@ -1231,7 +1226,7 @@

You come to the top of a small rise. Peering over the edge, you see that the ground slopes away in a long, shallow curve, which rises on every side to form a broad basin. At the centre lies a large lake many miles wide. Feverishly you lick your lips in anticipation of a long, languorous drink of cool water. You start to move down the slope when Tanith catches your arm.

Wait! she says. I can see something down there.


You follow the line of her finger. Among the verdant grassland of the depression that surrounds what must be Lake Dolani you can just make out a human form. You edge a few more feet down the slope. With horror you see a large man lying with his arms and legs tied to four wooden stakes driven into the ground. A faint moan drifts on the breeze: he is calling for water. You edge a little closer. The man is almost a giant, measuring at least seven feet tall. His skin is black as ebony and his hair is long and flowing. Suddenly you realize that this is one of the Masbat, the original inhabitants of the Lissan Plain and a mighty warrior peopletill Shasarak defeated them in the Plains War of MS 5008.


You follow the line of her finger. Among the verdant grassland of the depression that surrounds what must be Lake Dolani you can just make out a human form. You edge a few more feet down the slope. With horror you see a large man lying with his arms and legs tied to four wooden stakes driven into the ground. A faint moan drifts on the breeze: he is calling for water. You edge a little closer. The man is almost a giant, measuring at least seven feet tall. His skin is black as ebony and his hair is long and flowing. Suddenly you realize that this is one of the Masbat, the original inhabitants of the Lissan Plain and a mighty warrior peopletill Shasarak defeated them in the Plains War of MS5008.

You have only known one Masbat: Samu, a noble and fearless warrior, who accompanied you in your search for the Moonstone. Once, he was king of the Masbat nomads. He thought himself the only survivor of his peopleit was common belief that the Wytch-king had hounded the tribe into extinction, sealing their doom by unleashing a plague of demons. Some say that these demons roam the plains still.

You wonder who has left the poor, tortured man to die in the sun. You step further down the slope intending to free him, but Tanith holds you back, fearing a trap. You cannot see how anyone, even Shasarak himself, could know that you have returned to the lands of the Shadakine Empire after an absence of seven years.

If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 58. @@ -1245,7 +1240,7 @@

The hatred and the fear are too much for your soul to bear. Your mind lacks the strength to withstand the horror of the demon horde. The light of the Moonstone dwindles and, with the fading of its light, the demon horde swarms out of the valley of fear. You are dragged from your steed and delivered as an offering to the unknown power that dwells on the other side of the portal. It drinks your soul with a hideous cackle of triumph.


You have failed. Your quest ends here.

+ You have failed. Your quest ends here.
@@ -1347,7 +1342,7 @@

It is a brave but foolish decision. How could you hope to stand against so many? After a valiant defence, in which many demons are slain, you are killed by the evil horde.


Your life and your quest end here.

+ Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -1619,7 +1614,7 @@

Frantically you grab at the armour, trying to drag it off, but the rigours of your flight from the demon host have left you too fatigued to resist the current of the water. In a few, awful moments you drown in the waters of the River Dosar.


You have failed in your quest.

+ You have failed in your quest.
@@ -1766,7 +1761,7 @@

You are completely surrounded. There is no escape. Despite your high degree of skill in combat you cannot hope to win against such overwhelming odds. The demons swarm over you like ants, killing you mercilessly.


You have failed in your quest.

+ You have failed in your quest.
@@ -1785,7 +1780,7 @@

Your body is numb with exhaustion. You stumble once againand fall. With wild gleeful cries, the pack reaches you before you are able to rise. Your last moments are spent regarding the multitude of crazed, hideous faces that crave only your death.


Your life and your quest end here.

+ Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -2145,7 +2140,7 @@

You teleport but as your body begins to rematerialize you are filled with terror. You have reappeared inside a wall beside the doorway. Your body is racked with a brief but severe pain before you die, half-embedded in a solid wall of granite.


Your life and your quest end here.

+ Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -2408,7 +2403,7 @@

Drawing out the Moonstone, you focus all the power of your will onto it and concentrate on the demon portal. A moan ripples through the ranks in the valley below, turning into a chorus of fierce, inhuman cries. Suddenly the portal erupts into an intense blaze of swirling, writhing flame. A large pair of eyes appear in the flames of the portal and a deathly voice speaks. Your Simar steed whinnies in fear, rears up, its hooves flashing in the sun and then bolts, hurtling at high speed away from you. The demon horde sweep up the side of the shallow valley in their hundreds and attack. Without your horse, you have no hope of evading them and, after a long, valiant fight in which many demons fall, you are dragged to the ground and slain.


Your quest ends here.

+ Your quest ends here.
@@ -2479,7 +2474,7 @@

With Tanith at your side, you stand and wait for the demon charge. It is a brave but foolish decision. The demons number almost a hundred and you cannot hope to stand against them. After a valiant defence, in which many demons are slain, you fall.


Your life and your quest end here.

+ Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -2642,7 +2637,7 @@

You are weak and tired and lack the mental strength to resist the incalculable might of a Demonlord. Effortlessly Agarash takes hold of your mind, possessing you utterly. He summons you towards the portal and, like a puppet, you obey. While Agarash looks on, laughing maniacally, you pass through the gate of doom, the doorway to damnation, to a realm of nameless and eternal horror.


Your quest has failed; your adventure is over.

+ Your quest has failed; your adventure is over.
@@ -2743,7 +2738,7 @@ Paul Bonner - Unsuspecting the Shadakine warrior rides towards you. + Unsuspecting, the Shadakine warrior rides towards you. @@ -2810,7 +2805,7 @@

You struggle desperately, but you fight a creature with the power of a god: you cannot hope to master it. Your will snaps and Agarash draws you towards the portal. You move like an automaton, a mindless zombie. To the sound of Agarashs cackling laughter, you step through the portal into eternal doom and damnation, a realm of nameless horrors.


You have failed; your quest is over.

+ You have failed; your quest is over.
@@ -3599,7 +3594,7 @@

The chariot is veering crazily. It is impossible to judge which way it will swerve next. It turns abruptly and heads towards you. Your senses are slow to react and you are unable to move quickly enough to avoid the oncoming rush of the chariot. You are trampled to death by the horses.


Your adventure ends here.

+ Your adventure ends here.
@@ -4004,7 +3999,7 @@

Only one hundred feet lie between you and the Masbat, who are spreading out into battle formation, preparing to charge the demon horde. You will never know the outcome of the battle. Only one hundred feet from salvation the pack of evil beasts falls upon you, dragging you to the ground.


Your life and your quest end here.

+ Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -4101,7 +4096,7 @@

You raise your Staff but Samu, a veteran warrior, swerves the falling arc of his blow into a side swipe that slices around the line of your defence. Only when you are slain does Samu realize the tragedy of what he has done, destroying the last hope of the Freedom Guild with one fatal blow.


Your life and your quest end here.

+ Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -4174,7 +4169,7 @@

You try to increase your speed but you are almost breathless with exhaustion already. The three howling reptile creatures reach out and drag you to the ground. You manage to beat them off but it is to no avail, for the demonic pack has now reached you. They tear you to pieces.


Your adventure ends here.

+ Your adventure ends here.
@@ -4225,7 +4220,7 @@

Eventually you defeat your grotesque adversaries but it is too late! While you fought, the demon horde has reached you: you suffer a terrible death at their hands.


Your adventure ends here.

+ Your adventure ends here.
@@ -4256,7 +4251,7 @@

You hurl every last drop of your power at the demon but it is not enough. He is a Demonlord, possessing power beyond your wildest imaginings. At first he hesitates, but, seeing that you have used the last of your power, he reaches out and takes you by the neck and hurls you into the wall of fire, through the fiery portal and into the realm of damnation to join Shasarak in an eternity of flame and torment.


Your quest ends here.

+ Your quest ends here.
@@ -4328,7 +4323,7 @@

The battle that follows is long and terrible. The Freedom Guild almost fail, but with Sados iron leadership and your brave resolve they endure, although the number of casualties is high. The Kazim reclaims its heart of stone, slaying Mother Chowloon, the Shadakine Wytch who bore it. As she dies, much of the fighting fury and ferocity that filled the Shadakine, fades. The Army of the Freedom Guild senses the Shadakines loss of morale and press home their advantage. Soon, they have beaten the much larger force into a full-scale retreat. The entire Shadakine Army heads north. Sado leads his army in pursuit, turning the retreat into a rout. It is vital that the Shadakine Army does not reach Shadaki, for there they would find new leadership under Shasaraks hand. They are still a large army and with Shasarak to lead them they could turn the tables once again.


The battle that follows is long and terrible. The Freedom Guild almost fail, but with Sados iron leadership and your brave resolve they endure, although the number of casualties is high. The Kazim reclaims its heart of stone, slaying Mother Chowloon, the Shadakine Wytch who bore it. As she dies, much of the fighting fury and ferocity that filled the Shadakine fades. The Army of the Freedom Guild senses the Shadakines loss of morale and press home their advantage. Soon, they have beaten the much larger force into a full-scale retreat. The entire Shadakine Army heads north. Sado leads his army in pursuit, turning the retreat into a rout. It is vital that the Shadakine Army does not reach Shadaki, for there they would find new leadership under Shasaraks hand. They are still a large army and with Shasarak to lead them they could turn the tables once again.

The Army of the Freedom Guild pursues the fleeing Shadakine Army across much of the Shadakine Empire. The Shadakine find no place to hide, for all the cities of the Empire are in open revolt. Each Kazim has reclaimed its heart and slain the Shadakine Wytch that ruled each city. During the four days of the pursuit you are not required to exert any energy or use any of your Magical Powers and you regain 8 ENDURANCE points and 9 WILLPOWER points. Constantly harrying the ever-dwindling Shadakine force, the Army of the Freedom Guild crosses the great Kalamar River and approaches the Mountains of Lara.

The Mountains of Lara contain the infamous Morn Pass. It was through this pass that the Shadakine first invaded the provinces of the south. It is the last barrier between you and the fortress city of Shadaki. With growing dread you realize that the time of your final battle with Shasarak is fast approaching. With his armies scattered or destroyed, it only remains for you to challenge him yourself and ensure that the land remains free. Your trepidation is coupled with suspicion. Shasarak has many powers at his disposal. Why then has he not used them to challenge Sados tiny army, much reduced in numbers? Perhaps there is some other reason why he does not bring his full might to bear?

If you are versed in the Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy, possess a Temeris Potion, or wish to use the Dimension Door of the Moonstone to teleport into the city of Shadaki and challenge Shasarak now, turn to 191. @@ -4412,7 +4407,7 @@

You turn and run from the warrior, who stops and throws his spear. It thuds into your back and you drop to your knees, crying out in pain before falling face-down in the dirt.


Your life and your adventure end here.

+ Your life and your adventure end here.
@@ -4471,7 +4466,7 @@

Overcoming your fear you charge, your Staff exploding into flame. The tall shapes are towering rocks with stony faces resembling humans. You cast magical flames at all seven of the stone creatures in a frenzy of energy, but the attack has no effect. With a great roar, you are assaulted on all sides by a terrible force that seizes your brain. You are flung into a deep, dark void from which you never return.


Your life and your quest end here.

+ Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -4551,7 +4546,7 @@

It is a foolish decision, for the army is forced to advance out of the forest later anyway, with a raging fire at their backs and a ravening horde before them. They are panicky and disordered, and in no state to fight the Shadakine warriors. Though the Kazim retrieves the stone that is its heart and kills the Shadakine Wytch that once owned it, the loss of their leader is not a sufficient blow to their morale to stop the Shadakine from continuing their battle with the Freedom League. The ranks of Sados men are completely decimated and, though you are the last to fall, you are slain by the triumphant Shadakine horde, and your head is taken to the fortress city of Shadaki as a gift to the Wytch-king, Shasarak.


You have failed in your quest; your adventure ends here.

+ You have failed in your quest; your adventure ends here.
@@ -4583,7 +4578,7 @@

Your call for aid is answered by the element of fire in the only way it is able. Sheets of flame spring up all around you, catching the dry brush and foliage of the forest in seconds. The bright light of the fires provides an excellent target for the Shadakine crossbowmen. A hail of arrows arcs towards you.


Your life and your quest end here.

+ Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -4685,7 +4680,7 @@

You are seen by a group of Shadakine crossbowmen and, as the only bearer of light for miles around, present an easy target. Before you can move again, another hail of arrows flies towards you. This time their aim is better. You fall to the ground, a mass of feathered shafts protruding from your body.


Your life and your quest end here.

+ Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -4724,8 +4719,6 @@
- -
The Passing of the Shianti @@ -4745,6 +4738,7 @@ The Shadakine Empire + Paul Bonner @@ -4811,7 +4805,7 @@ - JC Alvarez /Jonathan Blake + JC Alvarez / Jonathan Blake @@ -5281,7 +5275,7 @@

(34) Replaced you. they with you. They. Replaced a pestle and mortar with a Pestle and Mortar. Replaced empty vial with empty Vial. Replaced each occurrence of saltpetre with Saltpetre. Replaced each occurrence of sulphur with Sulphur. Replaced The empty vials with The empty Vials. Replaced Zakutsk flower with Zakutsk Flower. Replaced Demeril root with Demeril Root. Replaced Pestle and Mortar are Backpack Items with Pestle and Mortar and the Tinderbox are Backpack Items,. Replaced the vials with the Vials. Replaced wil with will. Replaced 1 Pestle and Mortar with Pestle and Mortar. Replaced 1 Tinderbox with Tinderbox. Replaced together, then with together, and then.

(36) Replaced neither you nor Tanith have with neither you nor Tanith has.

(38) Replaced feet away. The home with feet away. The home. Replaced persectuion with persecution. Replaced dematerilize with dematerialize. Replaced warior with warrior. Replaced mightly with mighty. Replaced Ho there Dioka! with Ho there, Dioka!.


(39) Replaced Demon Lord, Agarash with Demonlord Agarash. Replaced If you wish with If you have 1 WILLPOWER point and wish. Replaced sightless and with sightless, and.


(39) Replaced Demon Lord, Agarash with Demonlord Agarash. Replaced If you wish with If you have 1 WILLPOWER point and wish. Replaced sightless and with sightless, and. Replaced NEVER! with Never!.

(40) Replaced Phinomel pods with Phinomel Pods.

(41) Replaced the speed of your reactions and the fierceness of your gaze paralyses with the speed of your reactions and the fierceness of your gaze paralyse.

(42) Replaced ceatures with creatures. Replaced despatching with dispatching.

@@ -5349,6 +5343,7 @@

(181) Replaced power of Physiurgy with Power of Physiurgy. Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick.

(182) Replaced hills of Tilos with Hills of Tilos.

(184) Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick.


(186) Replaced Unsuspecting the with Unsuspecting, the in the illustrations caption.

(187) Replaced blows and with blows, and.

(190) Replaced pain, then with pain, and then.

(191) Replaced for, indeed, I hate you with for indeed I hate you. Replaced breathes, I with breathes. I. Replaced represent; the with represent: the. Replaced eyes; colourless with eyes, colourless. Replaced feeling; like with feeling, like. Replaced powerful, I am with powerful; I am.

@@ -5426,7 +5421,7 @@

(324) Replaced war horn with war-horn.

(325) Replaced If you wish to fire a long-range attack at the chariot, and have 2 WILLPOWER points with If you have 2 WILLPOWER points and wish to fire a long-range attack at the chariot.

(327) Replaced forest of Fernmost with Forest of Fernmost.


(328) Replaced Shadkine Army with Shadakine Army. Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick. Replaced almost fail but with almost fail, but.


(328) Replaced Shadkine Army with Shadakine Army. Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick. Replaced almost fail but with almost fail, but. Replaced Shadakine, fades with Shadakine fades.

(331) Replaced six items with eight items. Replaced Tamara Seeds with Tarama Seeds, as in Grey Star the Wizard. Replaced Phinomel pods with Phinomel Pods.

(332) Replaced tree-tops with treetops.

(336) Replaced will hold up to six items may be stored with can hold up to eight items, and any other potions may be stored. Replaced Tamara Seeds with Tarama Seeds, as in Grey Star the Wizard. Replaced Phinomel pods with Phinomel Pods.

@@ -5444,6 +5439,7 @@

(360) Added a link to the Passing of the Shianti epilogue. Replaced The demon lord, Agarash with The Demonlord Agarash. Replaced comers with corners.

(The Passing of the Shianti) Replaced artifacts with artefacts. Replaced as many foretold they would with as many foretold they would be. Replaced a magiocracy with a Magiocracy.

(Combat Rules Summary) Added a fourth step Pick a number from the Random Number Table. in the first step list. Replaced Turn to Combat Results Table with Turn to the Combat Results Table. Replaced cross reference with cross-reference.


(Map) Added label Dagorlan to the nameless village in harmony with recent maps of Magnamund.