X-Git-Url: http://git.projectaon.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=en%2Fxml%2F08tjoh.xml;h=19f8378da82bc2956bd5290f069a5c933e30b511;hb=da2682b53aafa7d0b93c886e9e66c21d4662f9b4;hp=a681a6257531eeed22e63a65d4a0c448463885a7;hpb=f4bdee5083ca9a72713637e1e979aa183e06faea;p=project-aon.git diff --git a/en/xml/08tjoh.xml b/en/xml/08tjoh.xml index a681a62..19f8378 100644 --- a/en/xml/08tjoh.xml +++ b/en/xml/08tjoh.xml @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@

The fact that you are skilled with three weapons does not mean that you begin the adventure carrying any of them. However, you will have opportunities to acquire weapons during your adventure. For every Lone Wolf book that you complete in the Magnakai series, you may add an additional weapon to your Weaponmastery Checklist.


If you choose this skill, write Weaponmastery: +3 COMBAT SKILL points on your Action Chart, and tick your chosen weapons on the Weapons List. You cannot carry more than two Weapons.


If you choose this skill, write Weaponmastery: 3 COMBAT SKILL points on your Action Chart, and tick your chosen weapons on the Weapons List. You cannot carry more than two Weapons.

@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ Curing

The possessor of this skill can restore 1 lost ENDURANCE point to his total for every numbered section of the book through which he passes, provided he is not involved in combat. (This can only be done after his ENDURANCE has fallen below its original level.) This Magnakai Discipline also enables a Kai Master to cure disease, blindness, and any combat wounds sustained by others, as well as himself. Using the knowledge that mastery of this skill provides will also allow a Kai Master to identify the properties of any herbs, roots, and potions that may be encountered during the adventure.


If you choose this skill, write Curing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat on your Action Chart.


If you choose this skill, write Curing: 1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat on your Action Chart.

@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@

This psychic skill enables a Kai Master to attack an enemy using the force of his mind. It can be used as well as normal combat weapons and adds 4 extra points to your COMBAT SKILL.

It is a powerful Discipline, but it is also a costly one. For every round of combat in which you use Psi-surge, you must deduct 2 ENDURANCE points. A weaker form of Psi-surge called Mindblast can be used against an enemy without losing any ENDURANCE points, but it will add only 2 extra points to your COMBAT SKILL. (Psi-surge and Mindblast cannot be used simultaneously.) Psi-surge cannot be used if your ENDURANCE falls to 6 points or below, and not all of the creatures encountered on your adventure will be affected by it; you will be told if a creature is immune.


If you choose this skill, write Psi-surge: +4 COMBAT SKILL points but 2 ENDURANCE points per round and Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points on your Action Chart.


If you choose this skill, write Psi-surge: 4 COMBAT SKILL points but 2 ENDURANCE points per round and Mindblast: 2 COMBAT SKILL points on your Action Chart.

@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@

You will need to eat regularly during your adventure. If you do not have any food when you are instructed to eat a Meal, you will lose 3 ENDURANCE points. If you have chosen the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery as one of your skills, you will not need to tick off a Meal when instructed to eat.

Potion of Laumspur

This is a healing potion that can restore 4 ENDURANCE points to your total when swallowed after combat. There is enough for one dose only. If you discover any other potion during the adventure, you will be informed of its effect. All potions are Backpack Items.


This is a healing potion that can restore 4 ENDURANCE points to your total when swallowed after combat. It cannot be used to increase ENDURANCE points immediately prior to a combat. There is enough for one dose only. If you discover any other potion during the adventure, you will be informed of its effect. All potions are Backpack Items.

@@ -579,13 +579,13 @@
Circle of Fire
+1 CS +2 EP
1 CS 2 EP
Circle of Light
0 CS +3 EP
0 CS 3 EP
Circle of Solaris
+1 CS +3 EP
1 CS 3 EP
Circle of the Spirit
+3 CS +3 EP
3 CS 3 EP

All bonus points that you acquire by completing a Lore-circle are additions to your basic COMBAT SKILL and ENDURANCE scores.

@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@

Painfully slowly you inch your way across the bog, covering less than a mile in three hours. As the sun sets, you find yourselves in the middle of a thickening fog and decide to halt for the night and continue at dawn. Unfortunately, the Danarg quicksands shift and settle like the ebb and flow of the tide, and during the night, you are drawn into its depths to remain forever a prisoner of the bog.

- Your life and your quest end here. + Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -1310,7 +1310,7 @@

You plummet through the mist and crash head-first into the rocks and boulders that lie just beneath the surface of the pool, 100 feet below. Death is instantaneous.

- Your life and your quest end here. + Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -1385,7 +1385,7 @@

A breathtaking agony engulfs you as three sharpened spearheads penetrate your rib cage. You turn to Paido, your hands outstretched, your eyes wide with pain. He lunges forward in a desperate bid to catch you as you fall but he too is struck down by thrusting spears. Amid the sounds of chaos and confusion, you slip unwillingly into the waiting arms of death.

- Your life and your quest end here. + Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -1420,7 +1420,7 @@ -

You should also turn to this number if you possess the Dagger of Vashna, the Jewelled Mace, or the Magic Spear. (See The Captives of Kaag Section 12.)


You cannot use the Dagger of Vashna, the Jewelled Mace, or the Magic Spear in lieu of the Sommerswerd to fight this Helghast because those weapons are not capable of protecting you from its impending attacks (cf. Sections 47 and 308).

@@ -1530,7 +1530,7 @@

Suddenly you are hit in the back and propelled into the yawning chasm. Paido, who was following closely on your heels, has rammed into you and sent you tumbling over the edge. As you plummet to your doom, you hear his scream of anguish, echoing in the void.

- Your life and your quest end here. + Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -1606,7 +1606,7 @@

The chilling sound of the Helghasts laughter rings in your ears as you launch yourself against this fell creature. It offers no resistance to your attack and you smite a crushing blow, tearing it from shoulder to stomach. But the Helghast does not cease laughing and no blood pours from its wound, for it cannot be harmed by sharpened steel or hardened woodits bane is magic.

The last sound you hear is the roar of fire as a searing burst of flame penetrates your chest.

- Your life and your quest end here. + Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -2050,7 +2050,7 @@

Good, good! he exclaims gleefully, twisting his droopy moustache as he paces the muddy road. Answer me this riddle. If a brick counterbalances three quarters of a pound plus three quarters of a brick, how many pounds does the whole brick weigh?

- If you can answer the old mans riddle, write down the solution and then turn to the entryturn to the entry with the same number as your answer. + If you can answer the old mans riddle, write down the solution and then turn to the entryturn to the entry with the same number as your answer. If you cannot answer the riddle, turn to 269.
@@ -2149,7 +2149,7 @@

Paidos coma deepens. Shortly after midnight, his heart and brain cease to function and he slips painlessly into death. Grief fills your senses and you mourn the loss of your brave companion, but your grief soon turns to anger as you remember the foul trickery that ended his life and so nearly put an end to yours.

A rage grows within you. You take Paidos sword and vow to avenge his death by washing it in the blood of his murderers. Heedless of caution and the warning cry of your senses, you throw open the cellar door and go in search of vengeance.

You have taken only a few paces along the corridor when a terrific explosion lifts you off your feet. The monks followed your trail to the cellar and prepared a surprise for you. You have tripped a wire and activated an explosive charge set into the floor. When the monks come to inspect their handiwork, they will discover your remains lying in the rubble.

- Your life and your quest end here. + Your life and your quest end here. @@ -2219,7 +2219,7 @@

The bargee brings a round of Chai-cheer to your table and you drink to the health of Queen Evaine of Talestria. The mood soon becomes much friendlier and you learn that the soldier, whose name is Trost, is on his way back to his post at the Tharro garrison after enjoying a weeks leave with his family in Phoena.

As you drink your ale, the sound of applause rises above the hubbub of conversation. An elderly man, tall and distinguished-looking, walks slowly to the centre of the floor and bows to his audience. His pale face and silver-grey hair are a stark contrast to his richly embroidered robes of crimson and gold. He smiles warmly and introduces himself as Count Conundrum, the prince of puzzles. For your amusement, he will pose some brain-twisting conundrums. So confident is he that none will be able to answer his riddles correctly that he is offering 20 Lune to anyone who can prove him wrong. A hush descends as the passengers await his first puzzle.

If one-and-a-half geese lay one-and-a-half eggs in one-and-a-half days, how many eggs will three geese lay in eight days?

- If you can answer the Counts riddle, turn to the entryturn to the entry with the same number as your answer. + If you can answer the Counts riddle, turn to the entryturn to the entry with the same number as your answer. If you cannot answer the riddle, turn to 141. @@ -2309,7 +2309,7 @@

The sword strikes you squarely between the shoulder blades, sending you tumbling from the saddle. You fall awkwardly, driving the blade deeper into your back. For countless seconds you lie staring at the sky, unable to move, feeling nothing. Before the anaesthesia of shock wears off you are surrounded by enemies who show no mercy.

- Your life and your quest end here. + Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -2411,7 +2411,7 @@

Very well, says Count Conundrum. Just to make our journey to Tharro a little more interesting, if there is anyone here who can answer my next puzzle correctly they will receive from me forty Lune. A chorus of delighted whisperings emanates from the crowd.

In winter, he begins, the ice-lilies of Lake Adon double in area every twenty-four hours. It takes sixty days from the time the first ice-lily appears until the lake is completely covered with them. On what day is the lake half covered with lilies?

- If you can answer the ice-lily riddle, turn to the entryturn to the entry with the same number as your answer. + If you can answer the ice-lily riddle, turn to the entryturn to the entry with the same number as your answer. If you cannot answer the riddle, turn to 338.
@@ -2564,7 +2564,7 @@

A blinding pain rips through your chest, making you scream out. The room spins before your eyes as you gasp for air, and the pain drags you to the floor. Suddenly you feel no morethe pain has gone and with it the last beat of your punctured heart.

- Your life and your quest end here. + Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -2607,7 +2607,7 @@

As you fight, the Vordak succeeds in driving its black steel sword through the side of the ships pressure tank. A blast of liquid gas hisses from the hole, freezing the Vordak in its petrifying spray. From above comes a stream of blue fire that ignites the escaping gas. There is a flash, and in a fraction of a second, the Levitron is transformed into a colossal ball of flame.

- Your life and your quest end here. + Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -2683,7 +2683,7 @@

The dwarf stops hammering. Is that you, Filcher? he asks, squinting along the tunnel. When he realizes you are not Filcher, he curses and hurls his mattock at your head. You duck aside, but the pick-like weapon spins past and catches Paido full in the chest. He screams and falls, dying, at your feet. Desperately you try to save him, but the wound is fatal. Anger wells up inside, and you turn to confront his killer, only to find yourself staring into the muzzle of a Bor musket. The dwarf pulls the trigger, and you are decapitated by the blast.

It may be some consolation to learn that your killer did not escape unpunished. The shock wave of the blast brought down the tunnel ceiling and buried him alive.

- Your life and your quest end here. + Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -2703,7 +2703,7 @@

It is hereby proclaimed by lawful authority that in just retribution for vile acts of black sorcery perpetrated throughout the Freelands of Talestria, a bounty of TEN THOUSAND LUNE is offered for the head of Kezoor the Necromancer.

By order of Queen Evaine of Talestria - MS 5060 + MS5060

This could be our chance to make a fortune, whispers Trost. Help me take him and well split the reward. Agreed?

@@ -3092,7 +3092,7 @@

There is a terrific bang as another cube explodes. It is followed, almost instantaneously, by a massive explosion that transforms the Levitron into a colossal ball of flame, as the liquid gas stored inside the pressure tank ignites.

- Your life and your quest end here. + Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -3155,7 +3155,7 @@ 204 -

You arrive at a flagstoned quadrangle. It is well lit by street lanterns, which hang from the first-floor balcony of a large and unusual building constructed of blue stone, with silver and scarlet veins running through it. The bricks have been polished to give a mirror-like shine. A huge wooden door banded with copper dominates the entrance, above which a bronze cast depicts a flaming broadsword with the words TEMPLE OF THE SWORD engraved along the blade.


You arrive at a flagstoned quadrangle. It is well lit by street lanterns, which hang from the first-floor balcony of a large and unusual building constructed of blue stone, with silver and scarlet veins running through it. The bricks have been polished to give a mirror-like shine. A huge wooden door banded with copper dominates the entrance, above which a bronze cast depicts a flaming broadsword with the words TEMPLE OF THE SWORD engraved along the blade.

Beyond the temple, a street ascends to a stone watchtower. It is built on the peak of a hill and dominates the town.

If you have a Map of Tharro, you may consult it before choosing any of the following options: turn to 22. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship, turn to 327. @@ -3353,7 +3353,7 @@

The pain gradually subsides, but a fearful numbness spreads through your body, paralysing your limbs and leaving you totally at the mercy of your enemy. He utters a cruel laugh and turns to leave the chamber. Swiftly you sink into a coma induced by the poison in your blood: it is a sleep from which you will never awaken.

- Your life and your quest end here. + Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -3362,7 +3362,7 @@

A powerful nerve toxin is injected into your throat, paralysing you from the neck down. Your vocal chords are frozen and you are incapable of shouting for Paidos help. A blind horror fills your senses as, helplessly, you watch the creature gorge on your blood, its shell-like body pulsating and swelling.

- Your life and your quest end here. + Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -3433,7 +3433,7 @@ 230 -

You fight to erect a mindshield to counter the searing pain of this psychic attack, but your defence is too weak to withstand the onslaught. You scream in agony as the assault cuts deep into the fabric of your mind: lose 8 ENDURANCE points.


You fight to erect a Mindshield to counter the searing pain of this psychic attack, but your defence is too weak to withstand the onslaught. You scream in agony as the assault cuts deep into the fabric of your mind: lose 8 ENDURANCE points.

If you are still alive, turn to 60.
@@ -3517,7 +3517,7 @@

The deadly korovax has multiplied in your bloodstream unchecked. Suddenly your thigh muscles contract, causing you to stagger and fall. Paido rushes to your side, lifting you out of the choking airless mist that covers the forest floor. You are shaking from head to toe as opposing muscles pull against each other uncontrollably. Cramp grips your chest like an iron vice, preventing you from breathing and, in the course of three short minutes, you slip into unconsciousness, and from there into a sleep from which there is no awakening.

- Your life and your quest end here. + Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -3797,7 +3797,7 @@

You have leapt out of the frying pan and into the fire! The pool of water is an illusion. Its surface is a gossamer-thin membrane, and it hides the egg-like Korkuna which has burrowed beneath it. As you touch the surface, the edges of the membrane roll inwards and smother your hand, holding you fast in a steel grip. A snaky tendril lashes out from a hole in the shell and wraps itself around your throat, its sharp tip piercing your neck. You are paralysed; you cannot move. Horror fills your senses as you watch helplessly as the creature gorges on your blood, its shell pulsating and swelling.

- Your life and your quest end here. + Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -4034,7 +4034,7 @@

Nausea and giddiness are beginning to impair your senses. Desperately you muster all your reserves of strength to combat the poison, but you are greatly fatigued after your fight with the Helghast. Gradually the pain subsides to be replaced by a fearful numbness that paralyses your limbs. Swiftly you sink into a coma induced by the poison in your blood. It is a sleep from which you will never awaken.

- Your life and your quest end here. + Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -4183,7 +4183,7 @@

Paidos condition deteriorates rapidly. His coma deepens until finally his heart and brain simply cease to function and he dies. Sadness fills your senses, and in the lonely confines of the passage, you mourn the loss of your brave companion. But grief soon turns to anger as you remember the base trickery which ended his life, and so nearly put an end to yours.

A rage grows within you, fuelled by a need for revenge. You take Paidos sword and vow to avenge his death by washing it in the blood of his murderers. Heedless of caution and the warning cry of your senses, you pull a lever which activates the secret pedestal lift and return to the hall above in search of vengeance.

As you reach the recess beneath the pulpit, you are transfixed by a blinding flash. A searing pain rips through your chest and a deafening bang rings in your ears. Three monks, armed with Bor muskets, have lain in wait in case you reappeared. It seems that their wait was not in vain.

- Your life and your quest end here. + Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -4341,16 +4341,10 @@
308 - - -

You should not double any ENDURANCE point losses inflicted upon the Helghast if you are wielding the Dagger of Vashna, the Jewelled Mace, or the Magic Spear.


A cold blue fire burns at the tip of the Helghasts staff, but the chill of its icy flame is thawed by the golden fire of the sun-sword. Sword and staff collide with a deafening boom and a crackling web of energy surrounds you both, scorching the refectory walls with its blistering intensity.

Gnaag Helghast3848 -

This creature is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge). Unless you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen you must reduce your ENDURANCE by 2 points at the beginning of every round you fight this creature. If you have completed the Lore-circle of the Spirit you may increase your COMBAT SKILL by 2 points for the duration of the fight. Remember to double all ENDURANCE point losses sustained by the enemy due to the power of the Sommerswerd.


This creature is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge). Unless you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen you must reduce your ENDURANCE by 2 points at the beginning of every round you fight this creature. If you have completed the Lore-circle of the Spirit you may increase your COMBAT SKILL by 2 points for the duration of the fight. Remember to double all ENDURANCE point losses sustained by the enemy due to the power of the Sommerswerd.

If you win the combat, turn to 195.
@@ -4527,7 +4521,7 @@

You sense that something is seriously wrong. The wound is deep but you have survived worse than this. Suddenly you realize the dreadful truth, as you recall an element of your early Kai training. Your arm has become infected with korovax, a virulent disease that thrives in the soil of northern Talestria. Its effect is swift and fatal.

Your muscles start to contract uncontrollably and coordinated movement becomes increasingly difficult. Fear holds you in its icy grip as your chest muscles tighten, squeezing the air from your lungs. You fight for breath but within minutes you have slipped beyond unconsciousness into the timeless embrace of death.

- Your life and your quest end here. + Your life and your quest end here.
@@ -4716,7 +4710,7 @@

And finally, for my last puzzle, I offer this beautiful treasure, he says, as he draws a small silver box inlaid with pearls from the pocket of his robes. This priceless artefact was stolen from the treasure hoard of Valborg the Enchanter, he exclaims.

On hearing this wondrous revelation the tap-room comes alive with excited chatter. You are inclined to disbelieve the tale of the boxs origin but, nevertheless, it is a beautiful object and is undoubtedly worth at least 100 Lune, perhaps more.

Silence descends on the hold as all await the Counts final puzzle. When I was last in the market of Garthen, the Count begins, I asked an egg trader how many eggs he had sold that day. He replied: My first customer said that he would buy half my eggs and half an egg more. My second and third customers said exactly the same thing. When I had filled all three orders I was completely sold out of eggs and yet I hadnt broken a single egg all day. How many eggs had the egg trader sold in all?

- If you can answer the egg riddle, turn to the entry numberturn to the entry number that is the same number as the answer. + If you can answer the egg riddle, turn to the entry numberturn to the entry number that is the same number as the answer. If you cannot answer the riddle, turn to 133. @@ -4871,6 +4865,7 @@ The Danarg Swamp + Gary Chalk @@ -4907,7 +4902,7 @@ JC Alvarez / Jonathan Blake - + @@ -5437,13 +5432,13 @@

(Title Page) Replaced jungle swamps with jungle-swamps. Replaced chaos-creatures with Chaos-creatures.

(The Story So Far) Replaced swamp-jungle with jungle-swamp. Removed the quotation marks from the words from the language of Dessi (i.e. koura-tas-kai, Ikar, Skarn). Replaced gods with Gods. Replaced purpose and with purpose, and.


(The Game Rules) Deleted that you will find in the front of this book. For further adventuring you can copy out the chart yourself or get it photocopied. Deleted on the last page of this book. Replaced all occurrences of Ie, with i.e. and corrected the surrounding punctuation. Replaced (eg with (e.g.. Replaced each occurrence of Lone Wolf with Lone Wolf when referring to the series. Replaced all occurrences of Kai monastery with Kai Monastery. Replaced Chart (you with Chart. (You. Replaced Items). with Items.). Replaced on to with onto. Replaced Lone Wolf Magnakai with Lone Wolf Magnakai.


(The Game Rules) Removed that you will find in the front of this book. For further adventuring you can copy out the chart yourself or get it photocopied. Removed on the last page of this book. Replaced all occurrences of Ie, with i.e. and corrected the surrounding punctuation. Replaced (eg with (e.g.. Replaced each occurrence of Lone Wolf with Lone Wolf when referring to the series. Replaced all occurrences of Kai monastery with Kai Monastery. Replaced Chart (you with Chart. (You. Replaced Items). with Items.). Replaced on to with onto. Replaced Lone Wolf Magnakai with Lone Wolf Magnakai.

(Magnakai Disciplines) Replaced with combat with without combat. Replaced as listed overleaf with in the list below. Replaced page 9 with your Action Chart. Replaced weapons list with Weapons List. Removed that appears on your Action Chart. Replaced two weapons with two Weapons. Replaced blindness and with blindness, and. Replaced roots and with roots, and. Replaced will be of use with may be of use. Added If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Weaponmastery with Bow, you may add 3 to any number that you choose from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow. from the Equipment section. Replaced Lone Wolf Magnakai with Lone Wolf Magnakai.


(Equipment) Removed (see the inside front cover of this book). Replaced swamp-jungle with jungle-swamp. Replaced both occurrences of safe-keeping with safekeeping. Replaced two weapons with two Weapons. Replaced all occurrences of bow with Bow. Replaced all occurrences of arrow with Arrow. Replaced all occurrences of arrows with Arrows. Replaced quiver with Quiver. Replaced Weaponmastery with a bow with Weaponmastery with Bow. Replaced combat, therefore with combat; therefore. Replaced additional Items with additional items. Replaced your list with your Weaponmastery Checklist. Deleted If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Weaponmastery with Bow, you may add 3 to any number that you choose from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow.. Added You may only use one Weapon at a time in combat. in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition.


(Equipment) Removed (see the inside front cover of this book). Replaced swamp-jungle with jungle-swamp. Replaced both occurrences of safe-keeping with safekeeping. Replaced two weapons with two Weapons. Replaced all occurrences of bow with Bow. Replaced all occurrences of arrow with Arrow. Replaced all occurrences of arrows with Arrows. Replaced quiver with Quiver. Replaced Weaponmastery with a bow with Weaponmastery with Bow. Replaced combat, therefore with combat; therefore. Replaced additional Items with additional items. Replaced your list with your Weaponmastery Checklist. Removed If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Weaponmastery with Bow, you may add 3 to any number that you choose from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow.. Added You may only use one Weapon at a time in combat. in harmony with the Collectors Edition. Added It cannot be used to increase ENDURANCE points immediately prior to a combat. in harmony with the Collectors Edition.


(Rules for Combat) Removed on the inside back cover of the book. Replaced on the page after the Random Number Table with in the back of this book. Replaced reduced to zero with reduced to zero or below. Replaced points reduced with points possibly reduced. Deleted on the inside back cover of this book. Replaced at which point the one with the zero score is declared dead. with at which point that combatant is declared dead..


(Rules for Combat) Removed on the inside back cover of the book. Replaced on the page after the Random Number Table with in the back of this book. Replaced reduced to zero with reduced to zero or below. Replaced points reduced with points possibly reduced. Removed on the inside back cover of this book. Replaced at which point the one with the zero score is declared dead. with at which point that combatant is declared dead..

(Levels of Magnakai Training) Replaced rank and titles with ranks and titles. Replaced Lone Wolf Magnakai with Lone Wolf Magnakai.

@@ -5462,7 +5457,7 @@

(8) Added a period to the end of the illustrations caption.

(10) Replaced ordeal and with ordeal, and. Replaced hidden but with hidden, but. Replaced identities and with identities, and. Replaced thought but with thought, but.

(11) Replaced skill you with skill, you.


(13) Replaced Psi-shield with Psi-screen. Replaced 258 with 158. Replaced on to with onto. Replaced If you win the combat in four rounds with If you win the combat in six rounds. Replaced If combat lasts longer than five rounds, turn to 158. with If the combat lasts seven rounds or longer, do not continue with the combat but turn immediately to 158. in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition.


(13) Replaced Psi-shield with Psi-screen. Replaced 258 with 158. Replaced on to with onto. Replaced If you win the combat in four rounds with If you win the combat in six rounds. Replaced If combat lasts longer than five rounds, turn to 158. with If the combat lasts seven rounds or longer, do not continue with the combat but turn immediately to 158. in harmony with the Collectors Edition.

(14) Replaced watch-tower, and with watchtower and.

(15) Replaced hand and with hand, and. Replaced Unfortunately with with Unfortunately, with.

(16) Replaced answer and, at with answer, and at.

@@ -5473,22 +5468,22 @@

(21) Replaced sets you with sets, you. Replaced tide and, during with tide, and during.

(22) Moved the Pathsmanship choice into the first position. Replaced both occurrences of watch-tower with watchtower.

(23) Replaced return but with return, but. Replaced discipline with Discipline.


(24) Replaced eastwards with northwards since Syada is roughly northwest of Tharro. Replaced Syada and with Syada, and. Replaced men, women and children with men, women, and children. Deleted at the front of the book. Replaced shouting with shouting: in the illustrations caption.


(24) Replaced eastwards with northwards since Syada is roughly northwest of Tharro. Replaced Syada and with Syada, and. Replaced men, women and children with men, women, and children. Removed at the front of the book. Replaced shouting with shouting: in the illustrations caption.

(25) Replaced vibrating and, what with vibrating, and what. Replaced are vibrating with is vibrating.

(26) Replaced inn and slowly with inn, and slowly.

(27) Replaced legs and with legs, and. Moved the Divination choice into the first position.


(28) Replaced arrow with Arrow. Switched the sections to which the choices lead to make them work correctly with Special Item and Discipline bonuses. Replaced 04 with 4 or lower. Replaced 59 with 5 or higher in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition.


(30) Replaced Psi-shield with Psi-screen. Replaced Sommerswerd. with Sommerswerd.). Replaced COMBAT SKILL with ENDURANCE in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition.


(28) Replaced arrow with Arrow. Switched the sections to which the choices lead to make them work correctly with Special Item and Discipline bonuses. Replaced 04 with 4 or lower. Replaced 59 with 5 or higher in harmony with the Collectors Edition.


(30) Replaced Psi-shield with Psi-screen. Replaced Sommerswerd. with Sommerswerd.). Replaced COMBAT SKILL with ENDURANCE in harmony with the Collectors Edition.

(31) Replaced Oxydine, or Oede with Oxydine or of Oede.

(32) Replaced gallop and with gallop, and. Replaced and, not with and not. Replaced gate, do with gate do.

(33) Replaced feet first with feet-first.

(35) Replaced glueing with gluing.

(36) Replaced head and with head, and. Replaced hides and with hides, and. Replaced bow, and with Bow and.

(39) Switched the order of the choices for clarity. Replaced each occurrence of arrow with Arrow.


(42) Replaced me and with me, and. Set the items in initial capital letters. Replaced lord of the sun-realm with Lord of the Sun-realm. Replaced skarn with Skarn,. Added If you are infected with the korovax bacillus, you may use the Tincture of Oxydine to cure yourself. in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition.


(42) Replaced me and with me, and. Set the items in initial capital letters. Replaced lord of the sun-realm with Lord of the Sun-realm. Replaced skarn with Skarn,. Added If you are infected with the korovax bacillus, you may use the Tincture of Oxydine to cure yourself. in harmony with the Collectors Edition.

(44) Replaced Unfortunately she with Unfortunately, she.

(46) Replaced dead but with dead, but.


(47) Replaced Psi-shield you with Psi-screen, you. Replaced Spirit you with Spirit, you. Replaced COMBAT SKILL with ENDURANCE in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition.


(47) Replaced Psi-shield you with Psi-screen, you. Replaced Spirit you with Spirit, you. Replaced COMBAT SKILL with ENDURANCE in harmony with the Collectors Edition.

(48) Replaced air, and with air and.

(49) Replaced or you with or if you.

(50) Replaced others many with others, many. Replaced apart and, as with apart, and as.

@@ -5512,7 +5507,7 @@

(72) Replaced Divination, or with Divination or. Moved the Divination/Tutelary choice into the first position.

(73) Replaced market place with marketplace. Replaced Lodge but with Lodge, but. Replaced watch-tower with watchtower. Replaced sword and with sword, and. Replaced barn and with barn, and. Replaced Magnakai rank with Kai rank for consistency with the rest of the series. Replaced skill, or with skill or.

(74) Replaced weapons or with Weapons, or.


(76) Added The monks of Talestria are infamous for their gluttony. Tales of their thirty-course meals and week-long banquets are well known throughout Magnamund. However, despite their voluminous robes, you cannot help but notice how emaciated these monks appear to be. in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition.


(76) Added The monks of Talestria are infamous for their gluttony. Tales of their thirty-course meals and week-long banquets are well known throughout Magnamund. However, despite their voluminous robes, you cannot help but notice how emaciated these monks appear to be. in harmony with the Collectors Edition.

(77) Replaced arrow with Arrow.

(78) Replaced gaj with Gaj.

(79) Replaced out-numbered with outnumbered.

@@ -5521,7 +5516,7 @@

(83) Replaced hand but with hand, but. Replaced returns and with returns, and. Replaced pain, as with pain as.

(84) Replaced Psi-power with psi-power.

(85) Replaced face but with face, but.


(86) Added (in this instance, 0 = 10) in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition.


(86) Added (in this instance, 0 = 10) in harmony with the Collectors Edition.

(87) Replaced bow but with Bow, but. Replaced silver bow with Silver Bow. Replaced bow with Silver Bow.

(88) Replaced crash and with crash, and. Replaced battle cry with battle-cry. Replaced battle cry with battle-cry:. Replaced bronze-helmeted with bronze-helmed in the illustrations caption. Replaced Drakkar Horselord with Drakkarim Horselord to reflect standard usage.

(89) Replaced Ghorkas with ghorkas. Replaced a-piece with apiece.

@@ -5566,7 +5561,7 @@

(151) Replaced choose. with choose?.

(153) Replaced around your with around, your. Replaced tap but, instead with tap, but instead. Replaced click and with click, and.

(154) Replaced air and with air, and.


(156) Replaced herb the with herb, the. Replaced Oxydene with Oxydine. Added (If you possess either the Tincture or the herb, you may use it immediately to cure the korovax infection.) in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition.


(156) Replaced herb the with herb, the. Replaced Oxydene with Oxydine. Added (If you possess either the Tincture or the herb, you may use it immediately to cure the korovax infection.) in harmony with the Collectors Edition.

(157) Replaced deadly and with deadly, and.

We made extensive changes to the choices presented at the end of the section. The original reads as follows.

@@ -5582,7 +5577,7 @@

Or you can hide among the pews by turning to 198.

Or you can stand in the central aisle and await your pursuers by turning to 305.


(160) Replaced dead writhing with dead, writhing. Replaced pulpitturn with pulpit, turn. Replaced pewsturn with pews, turn. Replaced pursuersturn with pursuers, turn. Added to the beginning of the last three choices.


(160) Replaced dead writhing with dead, writhing.

(161) Replaced each occurrence of bow with Bow. Replaced arrow with Arrow.

(162) Replaced arrow with Arrow. Replaced Drakkar Horselord with Drakkarim Horselord to reflect standard usage.

(163) Replaced explodes and with explodes, and.

@@ -5599,7 +5594,7 @@

(178) Replaced chest you with chest, you.

(179) Replaced book but with book, but.

(182) Replaced pain it with pain, it. Replaced you and with you, and. Replaced aim and with aim, and. Replaced arrow with Arrow.


(183) Replaced Psi-screen you with Psi-screen, you. Replaced Lore-Circle of the Spirit you with Lore-circle of the Spirit, you. Replaced COMBAT SKILL with ENDURANCE in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition.


(183) Replaced Psi-screen you with Psi-screen, you. Replaced Lore-Circle of the Spirit you with Lore-circle of the Spirit, you. Replaced COMBAT SKILL with ENDURANCE in harmony with the Collectors Edition.

(184) Replaced true but with true, but. Replaced wound but with wound, but. Replaced clothing and with clothing, and. Replaced bow with Bow. Replaced each occurrence of arrow with Arrow.

(185) Replaced chase but with chase, but. Replaced harrass with harass. Replaced chase, they with chase; they.

(186) Replaced discipline with Discipline. Replaced eyes you with eyes, you.

@@ -5632,6 +5627,7 @@

(220) Replaced symmetry confront with symmetry, confront. Replaced stratas with strata. Replaced sapphire and with sapphire, and.

(222) Replaced subsides but with subsides, but.

(229) Replaced north-western with northwestern.


(230) Replaced mindshield with Mindshield.

(232) Replaced dwarf. Theyre with dwarf. Theyre.

(233) Added a period to the end of the illustrations caption.

(234) Replaced dexterity and with dexterity, and.

@@ -5684,7 +5680,7 @@

(305) Changed the first choice to read in part If you have a bow and two Arrows, and wish to use them,. Replaced each occurrence of bow with Bow.

(306) Replaced chair and with chair, and.

(307) Added a period to the end of the illustrations caption. Replaced skill, or with skill or. Replaced Kai training with Magnakai training.


(308) Replaced staff but with staff, but. Replaced Psi-shield with Psi-screen. Replaced COMBAT SKILL with ENDURANCE in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition.


(308) Replaced staff but with staff, but. Replaced Psi-shield with Psi-screen. Replaced COMBAT SKILL with ENDURANCE in harmony with the Collectors Edition.

(310) Replaced side steps with sidesteps. Replaced bow with Bow.

(314) Added a period to the end of the illustrations caption.

(315) Replaced revolting jelly-like with revolting, jelly-like.

@@ -5709,6 +5705,7 @@

(349) Replaced the Laumspur with the potion. Replaced wall and tip with wall, and tip.

(350) Replaced spoke and with spoke, and. Replaced Magnamund and with Magnamund, and. Replaced book 9 with Book 9.


(Map) Replaced Dwyins Track with Dwyvins Track.

(Combat Rules Summary) Replaced cross reference with cross-reference. Replaced top of chart with top of the chart. Replaced fall to 0 with falls to 0 or below. Replaced Kai Disciplines with Magnakai Disciplines. Replaced Pick number from with Pick a number from the. Replaced Turn to Combat with Turn to the Combat. Replaced to random number with to the random number. Replaced when ENDURANCE with when the ENDURANCE. Replaced ignored, only with ignored; only.

@@ -5740,7 +5737,7 @@
Note on Adjusted Combat Statistics -

Some enemies in this book have had their statistics altered in accordance with the Mongoose Publishing edition to balance the game. Here is a table to show which enemies have been altered.


Some enemies in this book have had their statistics altered in accordance with the Collectors Edition to balance the game. Here is a table to show which enemies have been altered.

@@ -5749,7 +5746,7 @@ - +
Revised combat statisticsSection Enemy OriginalMongooseCollectors Edition