X-Git-Url: http://git.projectaon.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=en%2Fxml%2F14tcok.xml;h=2ac5cccac60f26e984b6667dc3edb7d1061da88d;hb=84b56f9a56b6736a9ca2a45d2bd11162779a6d5f;hp=72d87e1ffa481d6fbd090c8c669893c6218f338c;hpb=62c975128a6678f63955314e974e1e6b83767ba3;p=project-aon.git diff --git a/en/xml/14tcok.xml b/en/xml/14tcok.xml index 72d87e1..2ac5ccc 100644 --- a/en/xml/14tcok.xml +++ b/en/xml/14tcok.xml @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@

You are Grand Master Lone Wolf, last of the Kai Lords of Sommerlund and sole survivor of a massacre that wiped out the First Order of your lite warrior caste.


It is the year MS 5075 and twenty-five years have passed since your brave kinsmen perished at the hands of the Darklords of Helgedad. These champions of evil, who were sent forth by Naar, the King of the Darkness, to destroy the fertile world of Magnamund, have themselves since been destroyed. You vowed to avenge the murder of the Kai and you kept your pledge, for it was you who brought about their downfall when alone you infiltrated their foul domainthe Darklandsand caused the destruction of their leader, Archlord Gnaag, and the seat of his power that was the infernal city of Helgedad.


It is the year MS5075 and twenty-five years have passed since your brave kinsmen perished at the hands of the Darklords of Helgedad. These champions of evil, who were sent forth by Naar, the King of the Darkness, to destroy the fertile world of Magnamund, have themselves since been destroyed. You vowed to avenge the murder of the Kai and you kept your pledge, for it was you who brought about their downfall when alone you infiltrated their foul domainthe Darklandsand caused the destruction of their leader, Archlord Gnaag, and the seat of his power that was the infernal city of Helgedad.

In the wake of their destruction, chaos befell the Darkland armies who, until then, had been poised to conquer all of Northern Magnamund. Some factions which were part of this huge army, most notably the barbaric Drakkarim, began to fight with the others for control. This disorder quickly escalated into an all-out civil war, which allowed the Freeland armies of Magnamund time in which to recover and launch a counter-offensive. Skilfully their commanders exploited the chaos and secured a swift and total victory over an enemy far superior in numbers.

For five years now peace has reigned in Sommerlund. Under your direction, the once-ruined Monastery of the Kai has been thoroughly rebuilt and restored to its former glory, and the task of teaching a Second Order of Kai warriors the skills and proud traditions of your ancestors is also well underway. The new generation of Kai recruits, all of whom were born during the era of war against the Darklords, possesses latent Kai skills and all show exceptional promise. These skills will be nurtured and honed to perfection during their time at the monastery so that they may teach and inspire future generations, thereby ensuring the continued security of your homeland in future years.

Your attainment of the rank of Kai Grand Master brought with it great rewards. Some, such as the restoration of the Kai and the undying gratitude of your fellow Sommlending, could have been anticipated. Yet there have also been rewards which you could not possibly have foreseen. The discovery that within you lay the potential to develop Kai Disciplines beyond those of the Magnakai, which, until now, were thought to be the ultimate that a Kai Master could aspire to, was truly a revelation. Your discovery has inspired you to set out upon a new and previously unknown path in search of the wisdom and power that no Kai Lord before you has ever possessed. In the name of your creator, the God Kai, and for the greater glory of Sommerlund and the Goddess Ishir, you have vowed to reach the very pinnacle of Kai perfectionto attain all of the Grand Master Disciplines and become the first Kai Supreme Master.

@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@

During this period you also received expert tutelage in the ways of magic from two of your most trusted friends and advisors: Guildmaster Banedon, leader of the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star, and Lord Rimoah, speaker for the High Council of the Elder Magi.

In the deepest subterranean level of the monastery, one hundred feet below the Tower of the Sun, you ordered the excavation and construction of a special vault. In this magnificent chamber wrought of granite and gold, you placed the seven Lorestones of Nyxator, the gems of Kai power that you had recovered during your quest for the Magnakai. It was here, bathed in the golden light of those radiant gems, that you spent countless hours in pursuit of perfection. Sometimes alone, sometimes in the company of your two able advisorsBanedon and Rimoahyou worked hard to develop your innate Grand Master Disciplines, and grasp the fundamental secrets of Left-handed and Old Kingdom magic. During this time you noticed many remarkable changes taking place within your body: you became physically and mentally stronger, your five primary senses sharpened beyond all that you had experienced before, and, perhaps most remarkably, your body began to age at a much slower rate. Now, for every five years that elapse you age but one year.

At this time many changes were occurring beyond the borders of Sommerlund. In the regions to the northeast of Magador and the Maakengorge, the Elder Magi of Dessi and the Herbwardens of Bautar were working together in an effort to restore the dusty volcanic wasteland to its former fertile state. It was the first tentative step towards the reclamation of all the Darklands. However, their progress was painfully slow and both parties were resigned to the fact that their efforts to undo the damage caused by the Darklords would take not years but centuries to complete.


In the far west, the Drakkarim had retreated to the homelands and were engaged in a bloody war again the Lencians. Much of Nyras had been reclaimed by the armies of King Sarnac, the Lencian commander, and his flag now flew over territory which, two thousand years ago, had once been part of Lencia.


In the far west, the Drakkarim had retreated to their homelands and were engaged in a bloody war against the Lencians. Much of Nyras had been reclaimed by the armies of King Sarnac, the Lencian commander, and his flag now flew over territory which, two thousand years ago, had once been part of Lencia.

Following the destruction of the Darklords of Helgedad, the Giaks, the most prolific in number of all of Gnaags troops, fled into the Darklands and sought refuge in the gigantic city-fortresses of Nadgazad, Aarnak, Gournen, and Kaag. Within each of these hellish strongholds fierce fighting broke out as remnants of the Xaghash (lesser Darklords) and the Nadziranim (evil practitioners of Right-handed magic who once aided individual Darklord masters) fought for control. It is widely believed that by the time the Elder Magi and the Herbwardens reach the walls of these strongholds the occupants will have long since brought about their own extinction.

Elsewhere, throughout northern Magnamund, peace reigns victorious and the peoples of the Free Kingdoms rejoice in the knowledge that the age of the Darklords has finally come to an end. Readily men have exchanged their swords for hoes and their shields for ploughs, and now the only marching they do is along the ruts of their freshly furrowed fields. Few are the watchful eyes that scan the distant horizon in fear of what may appear, although there are still those who maintain their vigilance, for the agents of Naar come in many guises and there are those who wait quietly in the shadows for the chance to do his evil bidding.

Only six months ago the evil Cener Druids of Ruel attempted to enact Naars revenge. Secretly, in the laboratories of their foul stronghold of Mogaruith, they had laboured to create a virulent plague virus capable of killing every living creature upon Magnamund, save their own kind. Word of their terrible plan reached Lord Rimoah who immediately urged the rulers of the Freelands to raise armies and invade Ruel. Hurriedly they complied, but the invasion ended in disaster. Seven thousand fighting men entered Ruel intent on storming the fortress of Mogaruith and razing it to the ground. Seven thousand marched into the dark realm; only seventy emerged alive. The Ceners were within days of perfecting their ultimate weapon when you took up the challenge and ventured alone into Mogaruith. Despite overwhelming odds you thwarted their evil plan by destroying the virus and the means by which it was created.

@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@

Food is carried in your Backpack. Each Meal counts as one item. You will need to eat regularly during your adventure. If you do not have any food when you are instructed to eat a Meal, you will lose 3 ENDURANCE points. If you have chosen the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery as one of your skills, you will not need to tick off a Meal when instructed to eat.

Potion of Laumspur

This is a healing potion that can restore 4 ENDURANCE points to your total when swallowed after combat. There is enough for one dose only. If you discover any other potion during the adventure, you will be informed of its effect. All potions are Backpack Items.


This is a healing potion that can restore 4 ENDURANCE points to your total when swallowed after combat. It cannot be used to increase ENDURANCE points immediately prior to a combat. There is enough for one dose only. If you discover any other potion during the adventure, you will be informed of its effect. All potions are Backpack Items.

@@ -937,7 +937,7 @@ 9 -

Aided by your youthful strength and Kai skills, you catch hold of the archway and pull yourself to safety. After pausing just long enough to catch your breath, you look into the dust-filled room and reflect upon how you were nearly buried alive. With a shake of your head you dismiss these morbid thoughts and set off along the tunnel.


Aided by your youthful strength and Kai skills, you catch hold of the archway and pull yourself to safety, yet your submersion has cost you your money pouch and one item from your Backpack, lost when you first fell into the dusty pool. Erase all your Gold Crowns, and the first item recorded on your Backpack Items list. After pausing just long enough to catch your breath, you look into the dust-filled room and reflect upon how you were nearly buried alive. With a shake of your head you dismiss these morbid thoughts and set off along the tunnel.

Turn to 82.
@@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@

The Liganim watch you return to Banedon; then they turn and flee through the archway. Less than a minute later they return with a troop of armoured Drakkarim and Giak soldiers. Like a horde of screaming fanatics, they come rushing down the staircase and spread out to surround you and your companion. You draw your weapon and fight bravely, dispatching more than fifty of the enemy, but they receive a constant stream of reinforcements and, when finally your strength fails you, you are overwhelmed by these merciless denizens of Kaag.


Tragically, your life and your quest end here.

+ Tragically, your life and your quest end here.
@@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@

Your desperate attempts to reach the saddle are dashed when the Kraan rears up in the air and rakes you with its claws. You lose your grip and fall screaming to the concourse below.

You hit the ground and instantly lose consciousness. Tragically, although you survive the fall, you never reawaken. Your body is discovered by a Giak patrol who kill you out of hand, thinking you to be an enemy spy in disguise.


Your life and your quest end here before the citadel of Kaag.

+ Your life and your quest end here before the citadel of Kaag.
@@ -1678,7 +1678,7 @@

An arrow gouges your heel and a sharp pain runs up the back of your leg, making you stumble. You struggle to stay on your feet but the weight of your unconscious friend throws you off-balance and together you crash down on the steps in a heap. The Drakkarim howl with delight and, as you pull yourself free, they fire a final volley of arrows.

There is a flash of light and a blinding pain fills your head, but this is soon replaced by a total blackness. You feel yourself falling forwards into an infinite void, as if you had just stepped over the edge of a towering cliff. Reluctantly you surrender to the sensation for it is the last you will ever feel.


Sadly, your life and your quest end here.

+ Sadly, your life and your quest end here.
@@ -2362,7 +2362,7 @@

You step warily into the glimmering column of light and immediately feel yourself begin to rise. Bands of darkness flick past with growing rapidity, each one marking a passing level of this mountainous citadel. Then you feel yourself slowing to a halt. The column fades and you find yourself standing on a metal dais in the centre of a domed chamber. Ahead you see a great door, forged of Kagonite, and beside it there is a narrow staircase leading downwards.

As you approach the door, you notice the lock which secures it. It is inlaid with a series of numbers and, at once, you recognize that they are component parts of a combination lock. One number in the sequence is missing. By tapping the correct number upon the blank square, you will cause the lock to disengage.


Study the following sequence of numbers carefully. When you think you know what the missing number is, turn to the entryturn to the entry that is identical to your answer.

+ Study the following sequence of numbers carefully. When you think you know what the missing number is, turn to the entryturn to the entry that is identical to your answer. @@ -2500,7 +2500,7 @@

The guard finally loses his patience. He draws his dagger and, with a lunge, he tries to slash open your satchel, causing you to pull away and draw your own weapon. The guard recognizes that it is not one that a Drakkar would wield, and instantly he shouts out in alarm: Intruder!

The two silver-plated warriors raise their spears and a blaze of sorcerous energy erupts simultaneously from their tips. Crimson fire lances towards your body to pierce your chest and abdomen, the impact knocking you headlong to the floor in agony. Biting back the pain, you stagger to your feet and retrieve your weapon in time to fight off the merciless guards. But the alarm has been raised and, within minutes, the thoroughfare is flooded with Drakkarim and Giak soldiers. You fight bravely and dispatch more than fifty of the enemy, but eventually your strength fails and you are overwhelmed and beaten by the denizens of Kaag.


Tragically, your life and your quest end here.

+ Tragically, your life and your quest end here.
@@ -2692,7 +2692,7 @@

Coolly you face the advancing line of Death Knights. There is nowhere to run, and there are too many of the enemy to hope to avoid all of their deadly bolts. Upon their leaders command, the Death Knights take aim and fire, sending a dozen iron-tipped shafts whistling towards your chest. You dive aside, but even though your reflexes are lightning-fast, two of the missiles penetrate your heart, killing you instantly.


Tragically, your life and your quest end here in the dread city-fortress of Kaag.

+ Tragically, your life and your quest end here in the dread city-fortress of Kaag.
@@ -2776,7 +2776,7 @@

You have been working on the lock for nearly twenty minutes when suddenly you hear the clang of an alarm bell. Seconds later a troop of armoured Drakkarim and Giak soldiers comes rushing into the chamber and spreads out in an attempt to surround you and Banedon. You draw your weapon and fight bravely, dispatching more than fifty of the enemy, but they receive a constant stream of reinforcements and, when finally your strength fails you, you are overwhelmed by the merciless denizens of Kaag.


Tragically, your life and your quest end here.

+ Tragically, your life and your quest end here.
@@ -3012,7 +3012,7 @@

Beyond the archway, a passage leads to a pair of stout steel-sheathed doors. The lock that secures them is inlaid with a series of numbers and you immediately recognize that they are part of a combination lock. One number in the sequence is missing. By tapping the correct number upon the blank square, you will cause the lock to disengage.


Study the following sequence of numbers carefully. When you think you know what the missing number is, turn to the entryturn to the entry that is identical to your answer.

+ Study the following sequence of numbers carefully. When you think you know what the missing number is, turn to the entryturn to the entry that is identical to your answer. @@ -3107,7 +3107,7 @@

Your attempt to free yourself from your dusty entrapment goes awry. Your foot slips and your effort merely accelerates your descent. Within two minutes the fine grit closes over your head. You survive beneath the dust for ten minutes more before surrendering to your doom.


Tragically, your life and your quest end here in the citadel of Kaag.

+ Tragically, your life and your quest end here in the citadel of Kaag.
@@ -3441,7 +3441,7 @@

Once more your weapon hits the crystal and glances off without effect. You are moving forwards to retrieve it when suddenly the hall echoes to the clang of an alarm bell. Seconds later a troop of armoured Drakkarim and Giak soldiers comes streaming through the entrance and moves to surround you and your captive friend. You fight bravely and dispatch more than fifty of the enemy, but eventually your strength fails and you are overwhelmed by the denizens of Kaag.


Tragically, your life and your quest end here in the courtroom of Zagarna.

+ Tragically, your life and your quest end here in the courtroom of Zagarna.
@@ -3505,7 +3505,7 @@

You sense that Banedon is disturbed by the sight of these tables and, when you ask him what is wrong, he tells you that this chamber is where the Nadziranim subjected him to hours of brutal interrogation in a futile attempt to extract the magical secrets of the Brotherhood.

Despite all their fiendish tortures, he says, his mind-voice weak yet full of pride, they learned nothing.

You search for a way out of this vault and soon discover a steel door which is secured by a curious combination lock. It comprises three raised blocks, each block divided into four equal squares. In each square, bar one, there is a number. You ask Banedon if he knows how the lock operates and he recalls once seeing a Nadziran tapping the empty square several times in order to make the door open.


Consider the following grids of numbers. When you think you know what the missing number is, turn to the entryturn to the entry that bears the same number as your answer.

+ Consider the following grids of numbers. When you think you know what the missing number is, turn to the entryturn to the entry that bears the same number as your answer. @@ -4020,7 +4020,7 @@

You are within a few feet of the roof when a part of the surface cement crumbles beneath your fingers. You try to reach up and find new purchase but it is too late; you are already falling backwards to the street below.

On landing you strike your head and lose consciousness. Tragically you never reawaken. Your body is discovered by a Giak patrol who kill you out of hand, thinking you to be an enemy Drakkarim spy in disguise.


Your life and your quest end here in Kaag.

+ Your life and your quest end here in Kaag.
@@ -4261,7 +4261,7 @@

An arrow strikes your friend in the side and silently he falls to his knees, his hands still clinging to you for support. You stoop to lift him, but suddenly there is a flash of light and a blinding pain fills your head. The pain soon passes, but it is replaced by a blackness which fills your vision. You feel yourself falling forwards into an infinite void, as if you had, in the middle of a moonless night, just stepped over the edge of a towering cliff. Reluctantly you surrender to the sensation for it is the last sensation you will ever feel.


Sadly, your life and your quest end here.

+ Sadly, your life and your quest end here.
@@ -4439,7 +4439,7 @@

In desperation you throw up your hands to shield your face as the spiked log comes hurtling down the stairs. It hits you, impaling your chest upon two of its deadly sharpened staves, and rolls you down the stairs to the street below. You suffer terrible wounds and, mercifully, death is instantaneous.


Tragically, your life and your quest end here in Kaag.

+ Tragically, your life and your quest end here in Kaag.
@@ -4722,7 +4722,8 @@ 311 -

The fell creature pins you to the ground and its steely hands tighten like two vices around your throat. Blackness invades the edges of your vision and, although you twist and buck to break free, you feel your strength ebbing away fast. Soon you are too weak to struggle any longer and, reluctantly, you slip away into a sleep from which you will never awaken. Sadly, your life and your quest end here.


The fell creature pins you to the ground and its steely hands tighten like two vices around your throat. Blackness invades the edges of your vision and, although you twist and buck to break free, you feel your strength ebbing away fast. Soon you are too weak to struggle any longer and, reluctantly, you slip away into a sleep from which you will never awaken.

+ Sadly, your life and your quest end here.
@@ -4822,7 +4823,7 @@

With trepidation you step into the glimmering column of light and immediately you feel yourself begin to rise. Bands of darkness flick past with growing rapidity, each one a passing floor level of this mountainous citadel. Then you feel yourself slowing to a halt. The column fades and you find yourself standing on a metal dais in the centre of a domed chamber. Ahead you see a great door, forged of Kagonite, and beside it there is a narrow staircase leading down.

As you approach the door, you notice the lock that secures it. It is inlaid with a series of numbers and, at once, you recognize that they are component parts of a combination lock. One number in the sequence is missing. By tapping the correct number upon the blank square, you will cause the lock to disengage.


Study the following sequence of numbers carefully. When you think you know what the missing number is, turn to the entryturn to the entry that is identical to your answer.

+ Study the following sequence of numbers carefully. When you think you know what the missing number is, turn to the entryturn to the entry that is identical to your answer. @@ -5104,7 +5105,7 @@

You pull on the reins, hoping to steer the Zlanbeast higher in time to clear the whistling cloud of bolts, but the beast lacks the speed and strength to perform such an exacting manoeuvre.

Suddenly a starburst of pain erupts in your head and the taste of blood fills your mouth. You have been hit in the skull by one of the iron-tipped missiles and death is instantaneous.


Tragically, your life and your quest end here on the very threshold of victory.

+ Tragically, your life and your quest end here on the very threshold of victory.
@@ -5256,7 +5257,7 @@ JC Alvarez / Jonathan Blake - +
@@ -5264,7 +5265,7 @@ JC Alvarez / Jonathan Blake - +
@@ -5272,7 +5273,7 @@ JC Alvarez / Jonathan Blake - +
@@ -5764,11 +5765,11 @@

(The Story So Far) Replaced elite with lite. Replaced Kai lord with Kai Lord. Replaced freestate with Freeland. Replaced re-birth with rebirth. Replaced monastery of the Kai with Monastery of the Kai. Replaced both occurrences of new-found with newfound. Replaced north-east with northeast. Replaced Gournen and with Gournen, and. Replaced each occurrence of Kai monastery with Kai Monastery. Replaced comprised with were part of.


(The Game Rules) Replaced 13-onwards with Book 13 onwards. Replaced fall to zero with fall to zero or below. Replaced both occurrences of ie with i.e.. Replaced each occurrence of Lone Wolf with Lone Wolf when referring to the series. Replaced Grand Master with Lone Wolf Grand Master when referring to the series. Replaced Lone Wolf Grand Master with Lone Wolf Grand Master. Replaced Chart (you with Chart. (You. Replaced Items). with Items.). Added Silver Bracers and Korlinium Scabbard to the list of items permitted to be brought over from the Lone Wolf Kai and Lone Wolf Magnakai books in harmony with the Mongoose Publishing edition.


(The Game Rules) Replaced 13-onwards with Book 13 onwards. Replaced fall to zero with fall to zero or below. Replaced both occurrences of ie with i.e.. Replaced each occurrence of Lone Wolf with Lone Wolf when referring to the series. Replaced Grand Master with Lone Wolf Grand Master when referring to the series. Replaced Lone Wolf Grand Master with Lone Wolf Grand Master. Replaced Chart (you with Chart. (You. Replaced Items). with Items.). Added Silver Bracers and Korlinium Scabbard to the list of items permitted to be brought over from the Lone Wolf Kai and Lone Wolf Magnakai books in harmony with the Collectors Edition.


(Grand Master Disciplines) Replaced gods with Gods. Replaced gases, corrosive with gases, and corrosive. Replaced When you enter combat with one of your Grand Master weapons, you add 5 points to your COMBAT SKILL. The rank of Kai Grand Defender, with which you begin the Grand Master series, means you are skilled in two of the weapons listed below. with When you enter combat with one of your Grand Weaponmastery weapons, you add 5 points to your COMBAT SKILL. The rank of Kai Grand Defender, with which you begin the Lone Wolf Grand Master series, means you are supremely efficient in the use of two of the weapons listed below. For each book that you complete in the Lone Wolf Grand Master series (Books 1320), you will gain mastery of an additional weapon. For example, if you complete The Plague Lords of Ruel and have the Grand Master Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery at the beginning of the next Lone Wolf Grand Master book, you may choose an additional Weapon to gain mastery of. in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing editions. Replaced COMBAT SKILL is reduced to 8 points or less with ENDURANCE is reduced to 8 points or less as clarified in Lone Wolf Club Newsletter No.24. Replaced battle magic with battle-magic. Replaced venoms and with venoms, and. Replaced artifacts with artefacts. Replaced each occurrence of Lone Wolf with Lone Wolf when referring to the series. Replaced fortresses increases with fortresses increase. Replaced body, increases with body, increase. Added These skills include the basic use of Old Kingdom Spells such as Shield, Power Word, and Invisible Fist. as found in the Magi-magic section in Books 19 and 20. Added These spells include Lightning Hand, Levitation, and Mind Charm. as found in the Kai-alchemy section in Books 19 and 20. Replaced smell and with smell, and. Added If you have chosen the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery as one of your skills, you will not need to tick off a Meal when instructed to eat. to the section on Grand Huntmastery. Replaced each occurrence of battle wounds with battle-wounds. Added Brian Williams Grand Master Disciplines illustrations from later books. Replaced will be of use with may be of use. Added If you have the Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, you may add 5 to any number that you pick from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow. from the Equipment section. Replaced Kai and Magnakai Disciplines with Kai Magnakai Disciplines for consistency with later books. Replaced Lone Wolf Grand Master with Lone Wolf Grand Master. Replaced the next Grand Master adventure with the next Lone Wolf Grand Master adventure. Replaced darkness, and have with darkness and have. Replaced plants, and have with plants and have. Replaced Duration, and the protection of his inanimate body, increase with Duration and the protection of his inanimate body increase.


(Grand Master Disciplines) Replaced gods with Gods. Replaced gases, corrosive with gases, and corrosive. Replaced When you enter combat with one of your Grand Master weapons, you add 5 points to your COMBAT SKILL. The rank of Kai Grand Defender, with which you begin the Grand Master series, means you are skilled in two of the weapons listed below. with When you enter combat with one of your Grand Weaponmastery weapons, you add 5 points to your COMBAT SKILL. The rank of Kai Grand Defender, with which you begin the Lone Wolf Grand Master series, means you are supremely efficient in the use of two of the weapons listed below. For each book that you complete in the Lone Wolf Grand Master series (Books 1320), you will gain mastery of an additional weapon. For example, if you complete The Plague Lords of Ruel and have the Grand Master Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery at the beginning of the next Lone Wolf Grand Master book, you may choose an additional Weapon to gain mastery of. in harmony with the Collectors Editions. Replaced COMBAT SKILL is reduced to 8 points or less with ENDURANCE is reduced to 8 points or less as clarified in Lone Wolf Club Newsletter No.24. Replaced battle magic with battle-magic. Replaced venoms and with venoms, and. Replaced artifacts with artefacts. Replaced each occurrence of Lone Wolf with Lone Wolf when referring to the series. Replaced fortresses increases with fortresses increase. Replaced body, increases with body, increase. Added These skills include the basic use of Old Kingdom Spells such as Shield, Power Word, and Invisible Fist. as found in the Magi-magic section in Books 19 and 20. Added These spells include Lightning Hand, Levitation, and Mind Charm. as found in the Kai-alchemy section in Books 19 and 20. Replaced smell and with smell, and. Added If you have chosen the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery as one of your skills, you will not need to tick off a Meal when instructed to eat. to the section on Grand Huntmastery. Replaced each occurrence of battle wounds with battle-wounds. Added Brian Williams Grand Master Disciplines illustrations from later books. Replaced will be of use with may be of use. Added If you have the Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, you may add 5 to any number that you pick from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow. from the Equipment section. Replaced Kai and Magnakai Disciplines with Kai Magnakai Disciplines for consistency with later books. Replaced Lone Wolf Grand Master with Lone Wolf Grand Master. Replaced the next Grand Master adventure with the next Lone Wolf Grand Master adventure. Replaced darkness, and have with darkness and have. Replaced plants, and have with plants and have. Replaced Duration, and the protection of his inanimate body, increase with Duration and the protection of his inanimate body increase.


(Equipment) Removed (see the inside front cover of this book). Replaced all occurrences of arrow or arrows with Arrow. Amended the text to correctly reflect the +5 COMBAT SKILL bonus for Grand Weaponmastery. Replaced both occurrences of safe-keeping with safekeeping. Replaced eg, with e.g.. Replaced all occurrences of bow with Bow. Replaced quiver with Quiver. Replaced combat, therefore with combat; therefore. Replaced each occurrence of Lone Wolf with Lone Wolf when referring to the series. Replaced Grand Weaponmastery with a Bow with Grand Weaponmastery with Bow. Replaced Kai monastery with Kai Monastery. Replaced a sword or an axe with a Sword or an Axe. Replaced weapons with Weapons. Replaced weapon with Weapon. Deleted If you have the Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, you may add 3 to any number that you pick from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow.. Replaced record these on your Weapons List with record these on your Action Chart for clarity. Added You may only use one Weapon at a time in combat. in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition.


(Equipment) Removed (see the inside front cover of this book). Replaced all occurrences of arrow or arrows with Arrow. Amended the text to correctly reflect the +5 COMBAT SKILL bonus for Grand Weaponmastery. Replaced both occurrences of safe-keeping with safekeeping. Replaced eg, with e.g.. Replaced all occurrences of bow with Bow. Replaced quiver with Quiver. Replaced combat, therefore with combat; therefore. Replaced each occurrence of Lone Wolf with Lone Wolf when referring to the series. Replaced Grand Weaponmastery with a Bow with Grand Weaponmastery with Bow. Replaced Kai monastery with Kai Monastery. Replaced a sword or an axe with a Sword or an Axe. Replaced weapons with Weapons. Replaced weapon with Weapon. Deleted If you have the Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, you may add 3 to any number that you pick from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow.. Replaced record these on your Weapons List with record these on your Action Chart for clarity. Added You may only use one Weapon at a time in combat. in harmony with the Collectors Edition. Added It cannot be used to increase ENDURANCE points immediately prior to a combat. in harmony with the Collectors Edition.

(Rules for Combat) Removed on the inside back cover of this book. Replaced reduced to zero with reduced to zero or below. Replaced on the page after the Random Number Table with in the back of this book. In the example combat, changed Lone Wolfs initial COMBAT SKILL to 27 and corrected the Kai-surge bonus to +8 COMBAT SKILL. Replaced points reduced with points possibly reduced. Replaced at which point the one with the zero score is declared dead. with at which point that combatant is declared dead..

@@ -5782,6 +5783,7 @@

(3) Replaced click with click.

(5) Replaced veterans with Veterans.

(6) Replaced sixth sense with Sixth Sense.


(9) Replaced safety. After with safety, yet your submersion has cost you your money pouch and one item from your Backpack, lost when you first fell into the dusty pool. Erase all your Gold Crowns, and the first item recorded on your Backpack Items list. After (cf. Sections 165 and 342).

(10) Replaced head first with head-first. Replaced commotion, and your presence, has with commotionand your presencehas. Replaced Drakkar guard with Drakkarim guard to reflect standard usage.

(11) Replaced arrow with Arrow. Replaced Kai-alchemy, and with Magi-magic and. Replaced skill, or with skill or.

(12) Replaced the Sword of Helshezag with Helshezag.

@@ -5813,7 +5815,7 @@

(57) Replaced torch-lit with torchlit.

(58) Replaced this barrier, then with this barrier; then.

(60) Replaced hesitates, then with hesitates, and then. Replaced An okak oknar? with An okak oknar?.


(62) Replaced bow with Bow. Replaced arrow with Arrow. Replaced double all bonuses it bestows upon you (for the duration of this combat only) with its power doubles in strength for the duration of this combat (16 COMBAT SKILL) in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition. Replaced possess with wield.


(62) Replaced bow with Bow. Replaced arrow with Arrow. Replaced double all bonuses it bestows upon you (for the duration of this combat only) with its power doubles in strength for the duration of this combat (16 COMBAT SKILL) in harmony with the Collectors Edition. Replaced possess with wield.

(64) Replaced presses with press.

(67) Replaced potholes with pot-holes.

(68) Replaced on to with onto.

@@ -5922,7 +5924,7 @@

(224) Replaced spyhole with spy-hole. Replaced storeroom with store room. Replaced nearby), then with nearby) and then. Replaced Drakkar uniform with Drakkarim uniform to reflect standard usage.

(227) Replaced Brotherhood spell with Old Kingdom Spell. Replaced arrow with Arrow. Replaced Weaponmastery with Grand Weaponmastery.

(228) Emphasized the word both in the last choice.


(230) Replaced (10 Kika = 1 Gold Crown) with (Kika are one-tenth of the value of one Gold Crown and they also take up one-tenth of the space of one Gold Crown in your Belt Pouch) in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition.


(230) Replaced (10 Kika = 1 Gold Crown) with (Kika are one-tenth of the value of one Gold Crown and they also take up one-tenth of the space of one Gold Crown in your Belt Pouch) in harmony with the Collectors Edition.

(231) Replaced both occurrences of arrow with Arrow. Replaced bow with Bow.

(234) Replaced power word with power-word.

(235) Replaced moments, then with moments, and then. Replaced weapons and with weapons, and. Replaced that once comprised with that were once part of.

@@ -5944,7 +5946,7 @@

(258) Replaced arching with arcing.

(259) Replaced of sparks, then with of sparks; then.

(261) Replaced egorgh with Egorgh. Replaced presses with press.


(263) Replaced double all bonuses it bestows upon you (for the duration of this combat only) with its power doubles in strength for the duration of this combat (16 COMBAT SKILL) in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition. Replaced possess with wield.


(263) Replaced double all bonuses it bestows upon you (for the duration of this combat only) with its power doubles in strength for the duration of this combat (16 COMBAT SKILL) in harmony with the Collectors Edition. Replaced possess with wield.

(264) Replaced torch-lit with torchlit. Replaced drawbolt with bolt. Replaced The sound of footfalls outside the door warn with The sound of footfalls outside the door warns.

(266) Replaced out-run with outrun. Replaced Huntmastery, and with Huntmastery and. Replaced skill, or with skill or.

(273) Replaced Drakkar warrior with Drakkarim warrior to reflect standard usage.

@@ -5967,6 +5969,7 @@

(308) Deleted which you keep in your Backpack to avoid confusion.

(309) Replaced impregnable, then with impregnable; then.

(310) Replaced avoid him with avoid it.


(311) Split the final sentence into its own paragraph for consistency.

(314) Replaced Brotherhood spell with Brotherhood Spell.

(315) Replaced turn to 215 with turn to 215.. Replaced stool and with stool, and.

(318) Replaced discipline with Discipline. Replaced egorgh with Egorgh. Replaced their haunches, then with their haunches; then.