X-Git-Url: http://git.projectaon.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=en%2Fxml%2F18dotd.xml;h=cce1f04833d6471b0fe08d565e5c7a05d3469c4e;hb=1dbe0bb2497d5b665b18f1a054c7582fadb07598;hp=ebb413dbc2769f1358e13cdcbb66cc919e8dfa06;hpb=8edade7ece377cc3ab97d5432d770217445e2bf6;p=project-aon.git diff --git a/en/xml/18dotd.xml b/en/xml/18dotd.xml index ebb413d..cce1f04 100644 --- a/en/xml/18dotd.xml +++ b/en/xml/18dotd.xml @@ -25,23 +25,20 @@ &inclusion.brian.williams.bio.lw; Project Aon - 20121028 + 2018215

You are Lone WolfKai Grand Master of Sommerlund. During your long voyage home from a successful quest you discover the Dark God Naar is poised to unleash a horde of fire-breathing dragons upon the Kai Monastery. Will his agents assassinate you en route? Or will you manage to arrive at your monastery in time to take command of the New Order of young Kai warriors in what could be their first and final battle against Naars champions of evil?


Internet Edition published by Project Aon. This edition is intended to reflect the complete text of the original version. Where we have made minor corrections, they will be noted in the Errata.


Internet Edition published by Project Aon. This edition is intended to reflect the complete text of the original version. Where we have made minor corrections, they will be noted in the Errata.

- Text copyright 1992 Joe Dever. - Illustrations copyright 1992 Brian Williams. + Text 1992 Joe Dever. + Illustrations 1992 Brian Williams. -

- Text copyright 1992 Joe Dever. - Illustrations copyright 1992 Brian Williams. - Distribution of this Internet Edition is restricted under the terms of the Project Aon License. -


Text 1992 Joe Dever. Illustrations 1992 Brian Williams.


Distribution of this Internet Edition is restricted under the terms of the Project Aon License.

@@ -204,8 +201,8 @@ -

Weaponmastery bonuses are replaced by Grand Weaponmastery bonuses, not added cumulatively (cf. Lone Wolf Club Newsletter 28).


If you have completed previous adventures, already possess the Magnakai Discipline of Weaponmastery with Bow, and have reached the rank of Mentora, it seems that you should already be able to add 5 to numbers picked from the Random Number Table (i.e. the basic Weaponmastery with Bow bonus of 3 added to the Mentora bonus of 2 for all missile weapons). Likely, the author intended the Weaponmastery bonus at the Mentora rank to be a hidden loyalty bonus (cf. Lone Wolf Club Newsletter 28). In view of this, the 2 Mentora bonus is therefore not cumulative with Grand Weaponmastery with Bow.


Weaponmastery bonuses are replaced by Grand Weaponmastery bonuses, not added cumulatively (cf. Lone Wolf Club Newsletter 28).


If you have completed previous adventures, already possess the Magnakai Discipline of Weaponmastery with Bow, and have reached the rank of Mentora, it seems that you should already be able to add 5 to numbers picked from the Random Number Table (i.e. the basic Weaponmastery with Bow bonus of 3 added to the Mentora bonus of 2 for all missile weapons). Likely, the author intended the Weaponmastery bonus at the Mentora rank to be a hidden loyalty bonus (cf. Lone Wolf Club Newsletter 28). In view of this, the 2 Mentora bonus is therefore not cumulative with Grand Weaponmastery with Bow.

@@ -975,7 +972,7 @@

Quickly you intone the words of the Old Kingdom Spell Hold Enemy and direct its power at Prince Lutha. Instantly he is frozen into immobility. Your swift action has prevented him from activating the evil power of the ring he wears, a power which could spell your doom. But you sense that it is only a matter of time before your spell wears off and he is free to direct the power of the ring against you.

Seizing the advantage, you call on your Magnakai skills of Pathsmanship to aid you as you begin the difficult climb out of the pit. The ascent becomes a race against time; you must reach the open trapdoor before the Prince recovers from the effects of your spell.

You are pulling yourself through the opening when Lutha begins to move. He attempts to kick you with his right foot but you twist away in time to avoid the vicious attack. You tug his left leg and put him off balance; this move buys you the few seconds you need to get to your feet. As you rise he comes at you with a dagger in his hand, forcing you back towards the open hole.

- Prince Lutha (with Ring of Power)5439 + Prince Lutha (with Ring of Power)5439

While wearing the Ring of Power, Lutha is immune to all forms of psychic attack, except Kai-surge and Kai-blast.

If you win the combat, turn to 89. @@ -1191,7 +1188,7 @@ - Bargee (master thief)3625 + Bargee (master thief)3625 If you win this combat, turn to 199. @@ -1532,7 +1529,7 @@

Using the Brotherhood Spell Levitation you are able to counter the speed of your descent. Unfortunately, Lord Constable Nathor does not possess the same ability and, as you are beginning to slow down, he comes screaming past you, his eyes and mouth wide with terror.

You stretch out and make a grab for his cloak as he hurtles past. You manage to get a grip and hold on fast, but as you are nearing the ground, his cloak comes undone and he falls the last twenty feet to the flagstoned keep. Upon landing, you discover that Nathor is still alive, but his left ankle is badly broken and his face is cut and bruised. Despite his obvious pain he manages a smile, revealing gaps where he is now missing two of his teeth.

Bravely Nathor stifles his urge to scream as you take hold of his shattered ankle. You summon your healing powers and transmit them through your hands to the injured foot (reduce your ENDURANCE points score by 4). You feel the warmth of your power start to reduce the swollen tissues and mend the broken bone, but before you can complete the cure, a yelling horde of bogus castle guardsmen come rushing from out of the gatehouse with their swords drawn. You unsheathe your weapon and crouch in readiness to meet their manic attack.

- Castle Guardsmen (impostors)4848 + Castle Guardsmen (impostors)4848 If you win this fight, turn to 93. @@ -1688,7 +1685,7 @@ 64 -

With dread, you cast your eyes across a nightmare landscape that stretches in every direction to a horizon dancing with fire. Streams of blazing lava cut fissures through the coal-black soil, and pools of molten mud, glowing cherry-red, spout geysers of yellow flame that seem to claw vengefully at the orange sky. The heat, and the stench of sulphur, is overwhelming.


With dread, you cast your eyes across a nightmare landscape that stretches in every direction to a horizon dancing with fire. Streams of blazing lava cut fissures through the coal-black soil, and pools of molten mud, glowing cherry-red, spout geysers of yellow flame that seem to claw vengefully at the orange sky. The heat, and the stench of sulphur, is overwhelming. (Erase the Sun-crystal from your Action Chart.)

The Lavas drops you onto the shifting black soil and soars upwards until it disappears into the roiling clouds. In the middle distance you see a herd of dragon-like creatures, snorting fire as they lumber slowly across this hellish plain. You sense great danger, and when you focus your Kai skills at the approaching leviathans, you are shocked by what you learn.

You have been transported to the Plane of Darkness, the domain occupied and ruled over by Naar, the Dark God. The approaching dragon-creatures are massing to enter the Shadow Gate that lies several hundred yards at your back. They are Naars newest creations, and you sense that if they are allowed entry to your world, Sommerlund and the Kai are doomed.

If you possess Grand Nexus, turn to 321. @@ -1804,7 +1801,7 @@

Within a matter of seconds, the remaining pack members catch the scent of their leaders blood and it drives them into a frenzy. They increase their speed and, knowing that you cannot outrun them, you are forced to turn and face them as they launch a simultaneous attack.

- Eldenoran War-dogs (in blood-frenzy)4247 + Eldenoran War-dogs (in blood-frenzy)4247

Due to their frenzied state, these War-dogs are immune to all forms of psychic attack, except Kai-surge and Kai-blast.

If you win the combat, turn to 295.
@@ -2227,7 +2224,7 @@ 104 -

The sun is now above the horizon and this hamlet is slowly stirring to life. You decide to wile away the next hour or so by looking around its simple shops and riverside stores. One building in particular catches your eye: it is a hall perched precariously on the end of a wide wooden jetty. You can hear an old mans voice trailing from its open doors, answered by the occasional murmur of a crowd. Inside you discover a wizened old cleric administering to a sick woman whose head is swathed with bandages. The cleric is attempting to cure the woman of her ills by laying-on his hands, but the pressure is simply making the pain in her head feel worse.


The sun is now above the horizon and this hamlet is slowly stirring to life. You decide to wile away the next hour or so by looking around its simple shops and riverside stores. One building in particular catches your eye: it is a hall perched precariously on the end of a wide wooden jetty. You can hear an old mans voice trailing from its open doors, answered by the occasional murmur of a crowd. Inside you discover a wizened old cleric administering to a sick woman whose head is swathed with bandages. The cleric is attempting to cure the woman of her ills by laying on his hands, but the pressure is simply making the pain in her head feel worse.

Charlatan, mumbles one onlooker. Old fake, whispers another. The aged cleric hears these dissenting voices and he becomes flustered. Although he may be incompetent as a healer, you sense that he is a good man at heart and so you decide to save him from the disgruntled crowd, who look as if they are on the brink of throwing him in the river at any moment.

Hold, good brother! you say, moving swiftly through the crowd to the small stage on which he and the bandaged woman are standing. You should not be placing your hands upon this good womans head. Surely the source of her pain stems from her aching heart!

And with this you take hold of the mans hands and place them on the womans chest. Her first reaction is one of shock and she starts to pull away, but when you transmit your own healing powers through the clerics hands and into her body, the pain in her head suddenly vanishes. A smile of pure joy lights up her face and hurriedly she strips off her bandages.

@@ -2659,7 +2656,7 @@

You steel yourself for the impact, but you hit the flagstones with such numbing force that your preparation does little to lessen the injuries you receive to your legs and body (lose 12 ENDURANCE points). Moments later, you are hit by Nathor who comes crashing down upon your prone form. Your body softens his fall, but even so, the impact leaves him with a broken left ankle and severe cuts to his face and hands. Despite his obvious pain he manages to smile when he realizes that you are both still alive, revealing gaps where he is now missing two of his front teeth.

Using your natural Kai curing skills, you repair your internal injuries sufficiently for you to be able to stand and assist your companion. Bravely Nathor stifles his urge to scream as you take hold of his shattered ankle. You summon your healing powers and transmit them through your hands to his injured foot (reduce your ENDURANCE score by a further 4 points). You feel the warmth of your power start to reduce the swollen tissues and mend the broken bone, but before you can complete the cure, a yelling horde of bogus castle guardsmen comes rushing from out of the gatehouse with their swords drawn. Cursing your luck, you unsheathe your weapon and crouch in readiness to meet their manic attack.

- Castle Guardsmen (impostors)4848 + Castle Guardsmen (impostors)4848 If you win this fight, turn to 93.
@@ -3038,7 +3035,7 @@

Moments before you reach him, he throws the young woman and her child to the ground and spins around to face you, his dagger held poised to slash at your throat. He strikes and you dodge his first clumsy blow with ease. As he is about to strike out for a second time, you raise your weapon and aim a scything blow at his head.

- Eldenoran Thug (drunk)3030 + Eldenoran Thug (drunk)3030 If you win this combat, turn to 333.
@@ -3102,7 +3099,7 @@ - Prince Lutha (with Ring of Power)5439 + Prince Lutha (with Ring of Power)5439

While wearing the Ring of Power, Lutha is immune to all forms of psychic attack, except Kai-surge and Kai-blast.

If you win the combat, turn to 89.
@@ -3657,7 +3654,7 @@

With a terrifying howl, the war-dog pack launches a simultaneous attack and come leaping at you from all sides.

- Eldenoran war-dogs (in blood-frenzy)4247 + Eldenoran war-dogs (in blood-frenzy)4247

Due to their frenzied state, these war-dogs are immune to all forms of psychic attack, except Kai-surge and Kai-blast.

If you win the combat, turn to 295.
@@ -4322,7 +4319,7 @@

Bravely Nathor stifles his urge to scream as you take hold of his shattered ankle. You summon your healing powers and transmit them through your fingers to his injured foot (reduce your ENDURANCE points score by 3). You feel the warmth of your power begin to reduce the swollen tissues and mend the broken bones, but before you can complete the cure, a yelling horde of bogus castle guardsmen comes rushing into the stables with their swords drawn. They see you, and you have barely enough time to draw your weapon before they launch a manic attack.

- Castle Guardsmen (impostors)4848 + Castle Guardsmen (impostors)4848 If you win this fight, turn to 159.
@@ -4394,7 +4391,7 @@

Using the Brotherhood Spell Slow Fall you are able to control the rate of your descent. Unfortunately, Lord Constable Nathor does not possess this ability and, as you are beginning to slow down, he comes tumbling past you, his eyes and mouth wide with terror.

You stretch out and make a grab for his cloak as he hurtles past. You manage to get a grip and hold on fast, but as you are nearing the ground, the cloak comes unfastened and he falls the last twenty feet to the flagstoned keep. Upon landing, you discover that Nathor is still alive, but his left ankle is badly broken and his face is cut and bruised. Despite his obvious pain he manages a smile, revealing gaps where he is missing two of his teeth.

Bravely Nathor stifles his urge to scream as you take hold of his shattered ankle. You summon your healing powers and transmit them through your fingers to his injured foot (reduce your ENDURANCE points score by 3). You feel the warmth of your power start to reduce the swollen tissues and mend the broken bone, but before you can complete the cure, a yelling horde of bogus castle guardsmen come rushing from the gatehouse with their swords drawn. You draw your weapon and crouch in readiness to meet their manic attack.

- Castle Guardsmen (impostors)4848 + Castle Guardsmen (impostors)4848 If you win this fight, turn to 93.
@@ -4721,7 +4718,7 @@

Using your Magnakai skill of Nexus, you are able to free your hands from the cords that bind them. Escape from this pit is now foremost in your mind. Beyond the wall you can hear the sound of rushing water and, when you move to where the sound is loudest, you discover a panel partially concealed by slime. A closer inspection reveals it to be an opening to a circular chute. You are working on a way to prise open this panel, hoping it will lead to a way out of the pit, when suddenly there is a grating rumble high above. A column of bright light invades the gloom and, squealing with fright, the rats burrow frantically into the slime to avoid it.

Well well, if it isnt Grand Master Lone Wolf himself! booms a mans voice from the top of the shaft. How good of you to come to Duadon in person. You have saved me the further expense of having you hunted down and brought here in chains.

Quickly your eyes grow accustomed to the light and you see, peering over the lip of an open trapdoor at the top of the shaft, the sneering face of a young man. His pointed beard and moustache are trimmed to perfection, and his dark eyes twinkle with a cold malevolence that places a chill in your very soul. His skin is unusually pale and, judging from the wealth of gold embellishment that bedecks the neck of his velvet tunic, you feel sure that he is Prince Lutha, the self-appointed ruler of this city.


What do you intend for me? you ask aloud, but silently you are dreading his answer. The Prince does not reply directly, he simply utters a soft, chilling laugh as he extends his right hand. On his index finger you see a glowing ring of green crystal and, in a moment of terror, you realize that it is an artefact of pure evil, fashioned by, and imbued with, the power of the Dark God Naar himself.


What do you intend for me? you ask aloud, but silently you are dreading his answer. The Prince does not reply directly; he simply utters a soft, chilling laugh as he extends his right hand. On his index finger you see a glowing ring of green crystal and, in a moment of terror, you realize that it is an artefact of pure evil, fashioned by, and imbued with, the power of the Dark God Naar himself.

If you possess the Sommerswerd and wish to unsheathe it, turn to 267. If you possess Magi-magic and have attained the Kai rank of Grand Thane, turn to 9. If you possess Assimilance and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, turn to 172. @@ -4791,7 +4788,7 @@

Hurriedly you recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Levitation and, as you feel gravity losing its grip, you leap from the floor of the pit in order to boost the effects of the spell.

Prince Lutha sees you come soaring up the shaft towards him and he is frozen with shock. Your swift action prevents him from activating the evil power of the ring he wears, a power which could spell your doom, but you sense that it is only a matter of seconds before he comes to his senses.

You rise up through the opening and strike a blow with your fist which glances off the side of Luthas face. He reels backwards, but the sudden pain serves to awaken him from his shock, and when he comes back at you he has a needle-sharp dagger clasped in his hand.

- Prince Lutha (with Ring of Power)5439 + Prince Lutha (with Ring of Power)5439

While wearing the Ring of Power, Lutha is immune to all forms of psychic attack, except Kai-surge and Kai-blast.

If you win the combat, turn to 89. @@ -4854,7 +4851,7 @@

Moments before you reach him, he throws the young woman and her child to the ground and spins around to face you, his dagger held poised to slash at your throat. He strikes and you dodge his first clumsy blow with ease. As he is about to strike out for a second time, you raise your weapon and aim a scything blow at his head.

- Eldenoran Thug (drunk)3434 + Eldenoran Thug (drunk)3434 If you win this combat, turn to 333.
@@ -5290,8 +5287,8 @@

You draw and fire an Arrow in the blink of an eye. The shaft whistles through the trees and hits the war-dog squarely between its hideously yellow eyes. For a few seconds it continues to bound forward; then its front legs collapse beneath its weight and it crashes, nose-first, into the soft forest earth.

Swiftly you shoulder your Bow and run headlong into the trees, desperate to make use of what little time you have gained by slaying the pack leader.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 1.

- If your total score is now 04, turn to 73. - If it is 59, turn to 12. + If your total score is now 4 or less, turn to 73. + If it is 5 or higher, turn to 12. @@ -5323,9 +5320,15 @@
344 + + +

If you possess the Sommerswerd, Section 98 suggests that you may be able to add 4 to your COMBAT SKILL when using it in the Plane of Darkness (in addition to all other combat bonuses for this Special Item).


Gradually the wounded dragon yields his ground. He twists his head violently back and forth, as if he is trying to cast away the pain; then slowly he turns his back on you and lumbers towards his herd.


You seize this opportunity to make a dash for the Shadow Gate. However, the wraith-like manifestation of Naar senses your intention and sends his Lavas swooping down to block your path. Hurriedly they form up in a line at the entrance to the Shadow Gate, forcing you to fight or retreat. Knowing that they block your only means of escaping from this nightmare realm, you draw your weapon and hurl yourself against them in a frenzied attempt to break through their line.


You seize this opportunity to make a dash for the Shadow Gate. However, the wraith-like manifestation of Naar senses your intention and sends his Lavas swooping down to block your path. Hurriedly they form up in a line at the entrance to the Shadow Gate, forcing you to fight or retreat. Knowing that they block your only means of escaping from this nightmare realm, you draw your weapon and hurl yourself against them in a frenzied attempt to break through their line.

Lavas5045 If you win the combat, turn to 145.
@@ -6041,7 +6044,7 @@

(60) Replaced land. with land..

(61) Replaced tunic, what with tunic. What. Replaced gulleys with gullies. Replaced Kai-screen with Psi-screen. Replaced lest it detects with lest it detect. Replaced In the name of the Gods with In the name of the gods. Replaced my Lord with my lord.

(63) Replaced counter-charge with countercharge. Replaced brigands with Brigands. Replaced wave of brigands come with wave of brigands comes. Replaced rounds, by with rounds by.


(64) Replaced lavas with Lavas. Replaced world, then Sommerlund with world, Sommerlund.


(64) Added (Erase the Sun-crystal from your Action Chart.). Replaced lavas with Lavas. Replaced world, then Sommerlund with world, Sommerlund.

(67) Replaced well then with well, then. Replaced Captain with captain.

(69) Replaced Kai mastery with Kai Mastery. Replaced Nexus, and with Nexus and.

(71) Replaced Kai mastery with Kai Mastery. Replaced ultra-violet with ultraviolet. Replaced Captain with captain.

@@ -6073,7 +6076,7 @@

(100) Replaced all occurrences of Sun-Crystal with Sun-crystal. Replaced Gwynian, Just with Gwynian. Just. Replaced longer, I with longer; I. Replaced maximum permissible with maximum number permissible. Replaced myriad tiny with myriad of tiny.

(101) Replaced cry, we with cry. We. Replaced feet first with feet-first.

(102) Replaced agonising with agonizing. Replaced arrow with Arrow.


(104) Replaced cried, Im with cries. Im. Replaced while away with wile away.


(104) Replaced cried, Im with cries. Im. Replaced while away with wile away. Replaced laying-on his hands with laying on his hands.

(105) Replaced DVal with DVal. Changed incorrect link to Section 253 to lead to Section 235. Replaced Captain with captain.

(106) Replaced points), then with points); then.

(107) Replaced ambushers with Ambushers.

@@ -6234,7 +6237,7 @@

(297) Replaced Old Kingdom spell with Old Kingdom Spell. Replaced Grand Huntmastery with Grand Weaponmastery. Replaced all occurrences of arrow with Arrow.

(298) Replaced treeline with tree-line.

(299) Replaced my Lady with my lady.


(300) Switched the third and fourth choices. Replaced Grand Thane, or higher with Grand Thane, since that is the highest rank possible when attempting this adventure. Replaced Sommerswerd, and with Sommerswerd and. Replaced Magi-magic, and with Magi-magic and. Replaced Kai-alchemy, and with Kai-alchemy and. Replaced Assimilance, and with Assimilance and. Replaced Items, Grand with Items or Grand.


(300) Switched the third and fourth choices. Replaced Grand Thane, or higher with Grand Thane, since that is the highest rank possible when attempting this adventure. Replaced Sommerswerd, and with Sommerswerd and. Replaced Magi-magic, and with Magi-magic and. Replaced Kai-alchemy, and with Kai-alchemy and. Replaced Assimilance, and with Assimilance and. Replaced Items, Grand with Items or Grand. Replaced reply directly, he simply with reply directly; he simply.

(301) Replaced Kai-alchemy, and with Kai-alchemy and.

(302) Replaced rain which with rain, which.

(303) Replaced past, therefore with past; therefore. Replaced If, in with If in. Replaced combat, you with combat you.

@@ -6265,7 +6268,7 @@

(338) Replaced Kai alchemy with Kai-alchemy.

(339) Replaced Weapons with Weapons. Corrected the order of the Mace prices: bought for one Gold Crown and sold for two.

(340) Replaced pouring with poring. Replaced stare, then with stare; then.


(341) Replaced add 1 with add 1.. Replaced bow with Bow. Replaced arrow with Arrow. Replaced forward, then with forward; then.


(341) Replaced add 1 with add 1.. Replaced bow with Bow. Replaced arrow with Arrow. Replaced forward, then with forward; then. Replaced 04 with 4 or less. Replaced 59 with 5 or higher.

(342) Replaced her majesty, and with her Majesty and. Replaced reads: VANAMOR 280 miles with reads Vanamor 280 miles. Replaced court cavalrymen with Court Cavalrymen. Replaced by its East Gate and sets off towards the outlying village of Sharr. Here you cross the mighty River Phoen by way of a great stone bridge. On the far side of this bridge you notice a signpost which points to the east with by its East Gate. Here you cross a great stone bridge on the far side of which is a signpost pointing to the east because both Sharr and the River Phoen are many miles to the northeast of Garthen near the city of Phoena (cf. The Jungle of Horrors Section 271).

(343) Replaced add 1 with add 1..

(344) Replaced lavas with Lavas. Replaced the Gate with the Shadow Gate. Replaced pain, then with pain; then.