X-Git-Url: http://git.projectaon.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=en%2Fxml%2F23mh.xml;h=0ea804d4c28df9ab6f3ca3d06e4cecf8cde44db1;hb=74f9451b475b5c1d5f0b8e125795202c8298328d;hp=f3ec7b70d9a96f0a133f39ed125914448dc9ad1d;hpb=8f57f8f2d9264831512df170b4337667ed2cdf13;p=project-aon.git diff --git a/en/xml/23mh.xml b/en/xml/23mh.xml index f3ec7b7..0ea804d 100644 --- a/en/xml/23mh.xml +++ b/en/xml/23mh.xml @@ -25,24 +25,21 @@ &inclusion.brian.williams.bio.lw; Project Aon - 20121028 + 2018215

The King of Siyen has been assassinated. Prince Karvas is the sole heir of this rich and powerful realm but he lives in exile in distant Sheasuthe Isle of Lost Heroes. In his absence, evil Baron Sadanzo and his army of robber knights have staked their claim to the vacant throne.

In Mydnights Hero, your quest is to voyage to Sheasu and track down Prince Karvas in the fabled city of Mydnight. Once found you must persuade him to return with you to Siyen without delay. You have only 50 days in which to complete this challenging quest or Siyen will be enslaved by the tyrannical Sadanzo and his brutal followers.


Internet Edition published by Project Aon. This edition is intended to reflect the complete text of the original version. Where we have made minor corrections, they will be noted in the Errata.


Internet Edition published by Project Aon. This edition is intended to reflect the complete text of the original version. Where we have made minor corrections, they will be noted in the Errata.

- Text copyright 1995 Joe Dever. - Illustrations copyright 1995 Brian Williams. + Text 1995 Joe Dever. + Illustrations 1995 Brian Williams. -

- Text copyright 1995 Joe Dever. - Illustrations copyright 1995 Brian Williams. - Distribution of this Internet Edition is restricted under the terms of the Project Aon License. -


Text 1995 Joe Dever. Illustrations 1995 Brian Williams.


Distribution of this Internet Edition is restricted under the terms of the Project Aon License.

@@ -1848,7 +1845,7 @@

It has been dark for more than two hours and your horses are close to exhaustion when finally you glimpse the city of Varedo, standing like a beacon of hope upon the northern edge of the Lucien Plain. Its towers and turrets and strong perimeter wall are constructed of a bleached white stone that glimmers eerily in the moonlight. Prince Karvas is glad to have left the province of Cavalia behind and he is hopeful that your reception in Varedo will be a more cordial one. The city, and its surrounding region, have always been loyal to the House of Oridon. Its ruler, Baron Lodamos, was a friend and martial advisor to his father, King Oridon. Karvas cannot imagine that Lodamos would ever join forces with Sadanzo whom he has always openly despised.


As you approach the city gate, you see that the blue flags of Varedo are flying at half-mast. This sight reassures Karvas, for it tells him that the city is still mourning the passing of his father. If Lodamos had joined with Sadanzo there would be no such display of respect for the memory of the king. At first the guards refuse you entry for the gates of Varedo are kept secure during the hours of nightfall. But when Karvas demands to see Guard Captain Dunwayne, the matter is quickly resolved. Karvas and Dunwayne both attended the military academy of Seroa, where they spent seven years together learning the art of soldiering. During this time they became the best of friends. Only when Karvas was forced into exile in distant Sheasu did their friendship lapse. The Prince is delighted to hear that Dunwayne still commands the city guard of Varedo and he awaits his arrival with keen anticipation. When eventually Dunwayne arrives at the gatehouse, theirs is a heart-warming reunion. Karvas quickly tells the guard captain of your need to reach Seroa as swiftly as you are able, and Dunwayne pledges to do all he can to help you. He provides you with fresh horses and escorts you personally through the lamplit streets of the city of the citadel where Baron Lodamos resides. Using his rank and influence, Dunwayne is able to rouse Chamberlain Gant, the Barons aide. Gant can scarcely believe his eyes when he comes to meet Karvas. He has his guards escort you to the main hall of the citadel while he goes to wake the Baron and tell him the news. Karvas bids Dunwayne goodnight, for the guard captain must now return to his duties at the perimeter wall, but they agree to meet again soon, once Karvas has been crowned King.


As you approach the city gate, you see that the blue flags of Varedo are flying at half-mast. This sight reassures Karvas, for it tells him that the city is still mourning the passing of his father. If Lodamos had joined with Sadanzo there would be no such display of respect for the memory of the king. At first the guards refuse you entry for the gates of Varedo are kept secure during the hours of nightfall. But when Karvas demands to see Guard Captain Dunwayne, the matter is quickly resolved. Karvas and Dunwayne both attended the military academy of Seroa, where they spent seven years together learning the art of soldiering. During this time they became the best of friends. Only when Karvas was forced into exile in distant Sheasu did their friendship lapse. The Prince is delighted to hear that Dunwayne still commands the city guard of Varedo and he awaits his arrival with keen anticipation. When eventually Dunwayne arrives at the gatehouse, theirs is a heart-warming reunion. Karvas quickly tells the guard captain of your need to reach Seroa as swiftly as you are able, and Dunwayne pledges to do all he can to help you. He provides you with fresh horses and escorts you personally through the lamplit streets of the city to the citadel where Baron Lodamos resides. Using his rank and influence, Dunwayne is able to rouse Chamberlain Gant, the Barons aide. Gant can scarcely believe his eyes when he comes to meet Karvas. He has his guards escort you to the main hall of the citadel while he goes to wake the Baron and tell him the news. Karvas bids Dunwayne goodnight, for the guard captain must now return to his duties at the perimeter wall, but they agree to meet again soon, once Karvas has been crowned King.

The Chamberlains guards leave you to wait for Baron Lodamos in the main hall. You spend the passing minutes admiring the many regal portraits which hang around its marble walls. They depict the kings of Siyen, and Karvas muses aloud that one day his own portrait will hang there. Then you hear the tramp of marching feet approaching the closed doors of the hall, and you and Karvas stand to attention in readiness to meet Baron Lodamos. But when the great doors swing open, it is not Lodamos who stands before you. It is a unit of armoured soldiers led by a grim-faced Marshal of the Guard.

Drop your weapons! he commands, as he and his men rush into the hall and quickly surround you. Shocked by this unexpectedly hostile reception, you comply with the Marshals order and lay your Weapons on the floor.

If you possess a Stone Dagger, turn to 36. @@ -1894,7 +1891,7 @@

Early next morning, shortly before dawn, you meet with Karvas and Sainus and go to collect your horses from the stable. As you mount them, the old man bids you good luck and he gives the Prince a pouch containing 50 Orla, a sum that could prove useful during the journey to Seroa.

Dawn breaks as you leave Sainus house, and you hear a bell which signifies that the night curfew has now come to an end. You ride along the waking streets of the north quarter and enter a broad avenue that leads directly to the east gatehouse. The guards posted here are opening the great east gate as you approach, and you gallop through the widening gap and out onto the plain beyond.

The sun shines brightly all day and you make good progress along the trail that heads due east towards the River Sero. By nightfall you have covered more than 75 miles and have reached the tiny village of Xaia. Moored at its wooden jetty is a large riverboat. This grand vessel is brightly illuminated by hundreds of coloured lanterns that are fixed to its masts and deck rails. You tether your horses to a post and then hurry along the jetty to where a thin man in a long black coat is seated at a table. He is counting out Orla and stacking them neatly in piles of twenty. Karvas asks if he may purchase two tickets to Seroa, but the man shakes his head and tells you that all the tickets have been sold. The riverboat sails within the hour and every place aboard has been purchased.


If youre lucky, you may be able persuade a couple o passengers to sell you their tickets, he says, cheerlessly. Them thats not already aboard are over there, drinking their fill at the Crown Bugle Inn. He scratches his stubby chin and then points a bony finger towards a ramshackle tavern perched on the riverfront.


If youre lucky, you may be able to persuade a couple o passengers to sell you their tickets, he says, cheerlessly. Them thats not already aboard are over there, drinking their fill at the Crown Bugle Inn. He scratches his stubby chin and then points a bony finger towards a ramshackle tavern perched on the riverfront.

If you wish to go to the Crown Bugle Inn, turn to 256. If you wish to try to bribe the ticket seller to let you go aboard the riverboat, turn to 202.
@@ -1914,7 +1911,7 @@ - Zhakka (warrior-mage)4236 + Zhakka (warrior-mage)4236

You will only be able to fight one round of combat before the momentum of your charge carries you past your enemy. If the Kai Weapon you wield is Valiance, you may apply the bonus gained due to its unique properties.

If you sustain a higher ENDURANCE loss than your enemy in this single round of combat, turn to 40. If your enemy sustains a higher ENDURANCE points loss than you, turn to 297. @@ -2496,7 +2493,7 @@

The last Cavalian shudders as you land your killing blow. He shrieks his death-cry and twists away from your blade to fall limply across the heaped bodies of his confederates. As the echo of his plaintive cry fades, you hear another sound that makes you spin on your heel and face the stables door; it is the sound of running footsteps, and they are getting louder by the second. The sound of combat has alerted another group of Cavalians who were waiting inside the tavern. Now they are rushing across the courtyard towards the stables.

Karvas hides himself beside the door and he fells the first Cavalian to enter with a scything swipe to the midriff. As he doubles over and falls, another four come bursting through the doorway and throw themselves upon you, hacking and slicing with swords and axes. You make short work of these clumsy warriors. You dispatch three of their number while Karvas skilfully defeats the fourth. You are about to mount your horses and leave when another Cavalian suddenly appears, silhouetted in the doorway. He is attired from head to toe in crafted leather armour, and in his right hand he clasps a sword that radiates a sickly evil. Its razor-sharp blade is wreathed with green flame and a fiery red jewel pulsates at its hilt. With a cry of vengeance upon his lips, this fearsome warrior-mage launches a ferocious attack.

- Peutrimax (with magical sword)5338 + Peutrimax (with magical sword)5338

This enemy is immune to Mindblast (but not Kai-surge). You may add 5 points to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight for Prince Karvas is helping you to defend yourself against this foe. (If the Kai Weapon you possess is either Kaistar or Valiance, you will benefit from its additional COMBAT SKILL bonus.)

If you win this combat, turn to 176.
@@ -2917,7 +2914,7 @@
  • Dagger
  • 1 Meal
  • -

    You also discover an iron key that bears an inscription on its shank. Your Magnakai Pathsmanship skills enable you to decipher its meaning: THIS KEY IS THE PROPERTY OF THE TEHDA STABLES.


    You also discover an iron key that bears an inscription on its shank. Your Magnakai Pathsmanship skills enable you to decipher its meaning: This key is the property of the Tehda Stables.

    If you wish to keep this Tehda Key, record it on your Action Chart as a Special Item which you carry in the pocket of your tunic. You need not discard another item in its favour if you are already carrying the maximum number of Special Items permissible.)

    Stealthily you climb the steps to a flagstoned loading area that is crowded with soldiers and wagons. By keeping low and moving from one wagon to the next, you and Karvas are able to cross this concourse undetected. On the far side you discover a stone bridge that traverses the River Tehda. You hurry across it and enter a wide avenue which leads to the citys east quarter. Grimy two-storey houses of carved hardwood pass by on either side, silent behind their bolts and shutters. At the end of the avenue you almost collide with a patrol of armed guards which is marching towards the river, and hurriedly you are forced to take cover in a timber yard to avoid being seen. You watch the ten-strong patrol as it marches past, and note that these men are clad in black quilted tunics with wide silk leggings, and they are armed with curved swords and hand-axes. They are almond-eyed and they all have shiny black hair tied in a knot at the nape of their necks. Their leader, a stocky bull-necked sergeant, wears the emblem of Sejanoz emblazoned upon a scarlet armband. Patiently you wait for them to reach the river but, when they do, you see another patrol come marching along the avenue from the opposite direction. The east quarter of Bakhasa is a busy place, even at this late hour. Rather than risk being seen and captured, you decide to remain hidden here in the timber yard and attempt to get a few hours sleep before dawn.

    @@ -2968,7 +2965,7 @@ 136 -

    You take the key from your tunic pocket and read the inscription on its shank: THIS KEY IS THE PROPERTY OF THE TEHDA STABLES.


    You take the key from your tunic pocket and read the inscription on its shank: This key is the property of the Tehda Stables.

    With luck this scrap of iron will net us two horses, you say, clasping it tightly. Karvas smiles and gets ready to move from behind the cart, but you tell him to stay here and wait for your signal. Better I should go alone, my lord, you say. It will halve the risk of being seen by the guards at the main gate. Wait here for my signal and be ready to act quickly when you see it. The Prince nods his agreement and he wishes you good luck before you go.

    Aided by your Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility, you leave the cart and scurry across the square to the unguarded stables door. When you are sure that you have not been seen, you pull back the bolts and insert the key into the lock. With a prayer to Ishir on your lips that this is the correct key, you turn it in the keyhole. Your prayer is answered: the key unlocks the door. You push open the heavy portal and hurry through it into a courtyard beyond.

    Turn to 190. @@ -3083,7 +3080,7 @@

    You call upon your Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control to calm the horse as you creep towards her. Taking care to keep the mare between yourself and her rider, in case he should happen to glance in your direction, you quickly unbuckle the saddlebag and peer inside. It contains mostly personal itemsa Blanket, enough food for 2 Meals, a Dagger, and a Tinderbox.


    You are about to return to your hiding place when you chance upon a concealed pocket at the base of the bag. It contains an iron key that bears an inscription on its shank, and your Magnakai Pathsmanship skills enable you to decipher its meaning: THIS KEY IS THE PROPERTY OF THE TEHDA STABLES. You slip the key into your pocket and rebuckle the saddlebag before you take cover.


    You are about to return to your hiding place when you chance upon a concealed pocket at the base of the bag. It contains an iron key that bears an inscription on its shank, and your Magnakai Pathsmanship skills enable you to decipher its meaning: This key is the property of the Tehda Stables. You slip the key into your pocket and rebuckle the saddlebag before you take cover.

    (Remember to record this Tehda Key on your Action Chart. It is a Special Item which you carry in the pocket of your tunic. You need not discard another item in its favour if you are already carrying the maximum number of Special Items permissible.)

    Once you are hidden from view, you watch as the horseman stops to stare out across endless rows of tree stumps. Slowly he shakes his head, and then he looks up at the darkening sky and you hear him curse the failing light. In the distance, one of his comrades shouts his name and beckons him to rejoin the wagons. Begrudgingly he acknowledges the call. He slams his sabre back into its steel scabbard and returns to his horse. Patiently you watch him climb into the saddle and ride away before you rise from your hiding place and call for Prince Karvas to show himself.

    Turn to 54. @@ -3439,7 +3436,7 @@ 171 -

    You take it in turns to keep watch throughout the night in case a pursuit party is sent from Cavalia to track you down. Fortunately, the night passes peacefully and you leave the wood shortly before dawn. As the sun crests the eastern horizon, you see a signpost at the roadside which says: VAREDO150 miles.


    You take it in turns to keep watch throughout the night in case a pursuit party is sent from Cavalia to track you down. Fortunately, the night passes peacefully and you leave the wood shortly before dawn. As the sun crests the eastern horizon, you see a signpost at the roadside which says: Varedo150 miles.

    Normally one could expect to reach Varedo in three days by horse, says Karvas, but if we use every hour of daylight and rest our mounts briefly, every hour, we may be able to cover the distance in half the time. Mindful that you now have only nine days in which to reach Seroa to be in time for the crowning, and wary that a pursuit party could still be sent from Cavalia to hunt you down, you spend this day in the saddle riding as far and as fast as your horses are able. By nightfall, you have made excellent progress and you are confident that the threat from Cavalia is no more. You camp for the night beside a stream and, before you sleep, you use your Magnakai skills to assist the horses to recover fully from their hard days ride.

    The following day is spent crossing the seemingly endless Lucien Plain, the monotony of the grasslands broken only occasionally by an isolated hamlet or farmstead. You have no need to approach these settlements for the rich prairie yields enough game to keep you well fed while you are on the move. It also provides surplus food equivalent to 2 Meals (adjust your Action Chart accordingly if you wish to keep one or both of these Meals).

    During the afternoon, you see a group of riders approaching from the north, from out of the wooded foothills of the Ioma Range. You magnify your vision and your stomach churns when you see that they are carrying spears which display the black eagles-head pennant of Baron Sadanzo. You focus your Kai senses upon this distant group of riders and detect that they are not soldiers. They are a hunting party seeking wild deer. The open plain offers no place to hide from these approaching horsemen and the lack of cover makes you feel especially vulnerable. You remain stationary for a few minutes while you watch them draw closer. You are hoping that they are too preoccupied with their hunt to pay you any attention. However, you soon realize that they have lost the trail of their wild deer and have decided to track new quarryyou and Karvas.

    @@ -3571,7 +3568,7 @@

    Word of the shrines destruction spreads quickly. Within minutes of your escape, the sleeping city is rudely awakened by a cacophony of alarm bells and discordant horns. Search parties are mustered and soon the major avenues of the city echo to a new soundthe tramp of vengeful patrols dispatched to track you down. By using your advanced Kai tracking skills and taking care to avoid the main thoroughfares, at length you are able to reach the stables that you saw from the top of the temple bell-tower. From the cover of a cart parked across a square from its double-gated entrance, you observe the building and the passing patrols and wait patiently for the commotion to die down.


    The stables are surrounded by a high brick wall topped by a row of foot-long spikes embedded in mortar. A sign hangs above the main entrance that reads TEHDA STABLES. The tolling bells have roused the stable guards and this entrance is now heavily guarded, as are three smaller entrances set at intervals along its perimeter wall. Only one door has no armed guard posted before it, but when you magnify your vision you quickly see why this is so. It is secured by three steel bolts and a heavy iron lock.


    The stables are surrounded by a high brick wall topped by a row of foot-long spikes embedded in mortar. A sign hangs above the main entrance that reads Tehda Stables. The tolling bells have roused the stable guards and this entrance is now heavily guarded, as are three smaller entrances set at intervals along its perimeter wall. Only one door has no armed guard posted before it, but when you magnify your vision you quickly see why this is so. It is secured by three steel bolts and a heavy iron lock.

    If you possess a Tehda Key, turn to 136. If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 274.
    @@ -3836,7 +3833,7 @@

    Welcome to your royal apartment, he says, in a sneering tone. Ive had the cook prepare you some food after your long journey home, Prince Karvas. I do hope it meets with your approval. Its a meal fit for a king who will never be.

    Karvas is angered by the knights insolence and he slaps the bowl of gruel out of his hand. The arrogant knight laughs, but before he can step away and leave the cell, you spring forward like a pouncing tiger and attempt to grab the sword from his hand.

    Slay him! screeches the knight, as he struggles to free himself from your grasp. Instantly the guards rush at you with their weapons raised in eager readiness to carry out his order.

    - Knight Bachelor Citadel Gaolers (6)4338 + Knight Bachelor 6 Citadel Gaolers4338

    Prince Karvas is unarmed and unable to assist you during this combat.

    If you win this fight, turn to 324.
    @@ -4715,7 +4712,7 @@

    Welcome to your royal apartment, he says, in a sneering tone. Ive had the cook prepare you some food after your long journey home, Prince Karvas. I do hope you enjoy it. Its a meal fit for a king who will never be.

    Karvas is angered by the knights insolence and he slaps the bowl of gruel out of his hand. The arrogant knight laughs, but before he can step away and leave the cell, you spring forward like a pouncing tiger and attempt to grab the sword from his hand.

    Slay him! screeches the knight, as he struggles to free himself. Instantly the guards rush at you with their weapons raised in eager readiness to carry out his order.

    - Knight Bachelor Citadel Gaolers (6)4338 + Knight Bachelor 6 Citadel Gaolers4338 Prince Karvas is unarmed and unable to assist you during this combat. If you win this fight, turn to 39.
    @@ -5426,7 +5423,7 @@ 330 -

    Karvas suggests that you use the rope he found in the dungeon cell below. Taking one end, you tie a slip knot and make it into a lasso. Then you cast the loop of rope at the lever it the hope of catching it and pulling it down. Your aim is true. Yet, upon the instant that the rope touches the lever there is a tremendous flash of yellow light, and a searing wave of energy hits you in the chest and knocks you backwards down the stairs.


    Karvas suggests that you use the rope he found in the dungeon cell below. Taking one end, you tie a slip knot and make it into a lasso. Then you cast the loop of rope at the lever in the hope of catching it and pulling it down. Your aim is true. Yet, upon the instant that the rope touches the lever there is a tremendous flash of yellow light, and a searing wave of energy hits you in the chest and knocks you backwards down the stairs.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If the number you have picked is even (i.e. 0, 2, 4, 6, 8), deduct 1 ENDURANCE point from your current total. If the number is odd (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9), deduct 3 ENDURANCE points.

    To continue, turn to 69.
    @@ -5687,7 +5684,6 @@
    Central Southern Magnamund @@ -5786,10 +5782,10 @@

    Kai Weapon:

    • Name:
    • -
    • Type:
    • -
    • CS Bonus:
    • -
    • Unique Property:
    • -
    • Unique Property CS Bonus:
    • +
    • Type:
    • +
    • CS Bonus:
    • +
    • Unique Property:
    • +
    • Unique Property CS Bonus:

    Belt Pouch:


    @@ -6371,11 +6367,11 @@

    (128) Replaced add 5 to with add 5 points to. Replaced combat skill with COMBAT SKILL. Replaced Cavalian bandits with Cavalian Bandits. Replaced six (or more) rounds with six rounds or more.

    (130) Replaced exclaims, he with exclaims. He. Added a paragraph break between Crown Prince Karvas! and Instantly the. Replaced weapons with Weapons. Replaced each occurrence of prince with Prince. Replaced princes with Princes.

    (131) Replaced confiscated weapons with confiscated Weapons. Replaced each occurrence of prince with Prince. Replaced each occurrence of Lodamoss with Lodamos.


    (132) Replaced Kai weapon with Kai Weapon. Replaced two-storeyed with two-storey. Replaced pathsmanship with Pathsmanship. Replaced sixth sense with Sixth Sense. Replaced 44 Ren with 30 Ren. Replaced arm band with armband. Replaced prince with Prince. Replaced a patrol of armed guards who are marching with a patrol of armed guards which is marching. Replaced darkness, and your innate Kai camouflage skills have with darkness and your innate Kai camouflage skills have.


    (132) Replaced Kai weapon with Kai Weapon. Replaced two-storeyed with two-storey. Replaced pathsmanship with Pathsmanship. Replaced sixth sense with Sixth Sense. Replaced 44 Ren with 30 Ren. Replaced arm band with armband. Replaced prince with Prince. Replaced a patrol of armed guards who are marching with a patrol of armed guards which is marching. Replaced darkness, and your innate Kai camouflage skills have with darkness and your innate Kai camouflage skills have. Replaced THIS KEY IS THE PROPERTY OF THE TEHDA STABLES with This key is the property of the Tehda Stables.

    (133) Replaced two kilometres with 2 miles.

    (134) Replaced Kai weapon with Kai Weapon.

    (135) Replaced bow shot with bowshot. Replaced each occurrence of arrow with Arrow.


    (136) Replaced TEHDA STABLES with THIS KEY IS THE PROPERTY OF THE TEHDA STABLES in line with Section 132. Replaced drawbolts with bolts. Replaced prince with Prince. Replaced stables door with stables door.


    (136) Replaced TEHDA STABLES with This key is the property of the Tehda Stables in line with Section 132. Replaced drawbolts with bolts. Replaced prince with Prince. Replaced stables door with stables door.

    (137) Replaced lancers horses with lancers horses. Replaced nerves break with nerve breaks.

    (139) Added the illustration caption You see a herd of migrating fanji. that was missing from the first printing of the book. Replaced horizon, then with horizon; then.

    (140) Replaced sixth sense with Sixth Sense. Replaced prince with Prince.

    @@ -6383,7 +6379,7 @@

    (142) Replaced sixth sense with Sixth Sense. Replaced Karvass with Karvas. Replaced Cavalians, here with Cavalians here.

    (143) Replaced Kai weapon with Kai Weapon. Replaced prince with Prince.

    (144) Replaced Kai curing with Magnakai Curing.


    (145) Replaced pathsmanship with Pathsmanship. Replaced head, then with head, and then.


    (145) Replaced pathsmanship with Pathsmanship. Replaced head, then with head, and then. Replaced THIS KEY IS THE PROPERTY OF THE TEHDA STABLES with This key is the property of the Tehda Stables.

    (147) Replaced Dammerdon mountains with Dammerdon Mountains.

    (148) Replaced despatched with dispatched. Replaced king of Siyen with King of Siyen. Replaced city and with city, and. Added the illustration caption Arise, Sir Kai, for I proclaim that you are now a Knight of Siyen. that was missing from the first printing of the book. Replaced prince with Prince. Replaced princes with Princes. Replaced their cheer are with their cheers are. Replaced Karvass with Karvas.

    (149) Replaced shockwave with shock wave. Replaced mainmastlose with mainmast: lose as elsewhere in this adventure.

    @@ -6402,13 +6398,13 @@

    (167) Replaced sixth sense with Sixth Sense. Replaced belt pouch with Belt Pouch. Replaced princes with Princes.

    (169) Replaced Kai-alchemy, and with Kai-alchemy and.

    (170) Replaced each occurrence of prince with Prince. Replaced princes with Princes.


    (171) Replaced you ee a with you see a. Replaced white eagles-head pennant with black eagles-head pennant.


    (171) Replaced you ee a with you see a. Replaced white eagles-head pennant with black eagles-head pennant. Replaced VAREDO150 miles with Varedo150 miles.

    (172) Replaced prince with Prince.

    (173) Replaced sixth sense with Sixth Sense. Replaced prince with Prince. Replaced princes with Princes.

    (174) Replaced double-backed with doubled-back. Replaced Lucien hills with Lucien Hills. Replaced Huntmstery you with Huntmastery, you.

    (177) Replaced 30 metres with 100 feet. Replaced 5 metres with 15 feet. Added the illustration caption Prince Karvas is hanging by one hand to an outcrop of jagged rock. that was missing from the first printing of the book. Replaced princes with Princes. Replaced Kai-alchemy, and with Kai-alchemy and. Replaced Rope, and with Rope and.

    (178) Replaced combat skill with COMBAT SKILL. Replaced compliment with complement. Replaced scrolls and with scrolls, and. Replaced sixth sense with Sixth Sense.


    (180) Replaced drawbolts with bolts. Replaced 30cm-long with foot-long.


    (180) Replaced drawbolts with bolts. Replaced 30cm-long with foot-long. Replaced TEHDA STABLES with Tehda Stables.

    (181) Replaced prince with Prince.

    (184) Replaced tunnel that give with tunnel that gives. Replaced Weaponmastery, and with Weaponmastery and.

    (185) Replaced Kai weapon with Kai Weapon. Removed which you carry in your backpack. Replaced sixth sense with Sixth Sense.

    @@ -6426,7 +6422,7 @@

    (199) Replaced crack with crack.

    (200) Replaced market place with marketplace. Replaced Herbmastery, and with Herbmastery and.

    (202) Replaced princes with Princes. Replaced money, in with money in.


    (203) Replaced Citadel gaolers with Citadel Gaolers. Added the illustration caption The Knight holds a short-bladed sword in one hand and a wooden bowl in the other. that was missing from the first printing of the book. Replaced The Knight with The knight in the illustrations caption.


    (203) Replaced Citadel gaolers with Citadel Gaolers. Added the illustration caption The Knight holds a short-bladed sword in one hand and a wooden bowl in the other. that was missing from the first printing of the book. Replaced The Knight with The knight in the illustrations caption. Replaced Knight Bachelor Citadel Gaolers (6) with Knight Bachelor 6 Citadel Gaolers.

    (205) Replaced Old Kingdom spell with Old Kingdom Spell. Removed the dashes around Invisible Fist.

    (208) Replaced at all; they are with at all: they are.

    (210) Replaced Brotherhood spell with Brotherhood Spell. Replaced ribcage with rib cage. Removed the dashes around Lightning Hand. Replaced sharp, popping with sharp popping.

    @@ -6479,7 +6475,7 @@

    (270) Replaced prince with Prince. Replaced Karvass with Karvas.

    (271) Replaced sixth sense with Sixth Sense. Replaced line of black-clad figures, mostly soldiers, come with line of black-clad figures, mostly soldiers, comes.

    (274) Replaced prince with Prince. Replaced the number of passing soldiers are with the number of passing soldiers is.


    (275) Replaced Citadel goalers with Citadel Gaolers.


    (275) Replaced Citadel goalers (6) with 6 Citadel Gaolers.

    (276) Replaced prince with Prince.

    (277) Replaced 100 metres with 100 yards. Replaced this Special Item with this item for consistency with changes made to Section 288.

    (278) Replaced quiver with Quiver. Replaced horsess reins with horses reins. Replaced arrow with Arrow.