X-Git-Url: http://git.projectaon.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=xml%2F01hh.xml;h=1d8e0e4983fc46391f9f056dc5fabf5a5668d2b7;hb=203aa132d4f4b30a9dc6ebbbe157db7146f9a44c;hp=1a558bd283300dd59a94058905e378f7f3f10bc0;hpb=b8ce95f2359b2ce658dab588fd2411bb05a80c46;p=project-aon.git diff --git a/xml/01hh.xml b/xml/01hh.xml index 1a558bd..1d8e0e4 100644 --- a/xml/01hh.xml +++ b/xml/01hh.xml @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ $Id$ $Log$ +Revision 1.17 2007/04/30 17:54:31 Wibbleboy +o Made several changes in response to suggestions in Wiki. + Revision 1.16 2006/10/27 14:22:32 Wibbleboy o Added small illustrations for puzzles o Corrected image heights to match updated images. @@ -266,7 +269,7 @@ Initial revision

Six months after you arrived at DC1, the colony was faced with a major crisis. A heat wave was causing a drought that threatened to destroy the food supply. Crops were failing and the colony's artesian wellits only source of uncontaminated waterwas beginning to dry up. The drought was also provoking more attacks from the city punks who were desperate for food and water. Their common need united them and they posed a very real threat to the security of DC1.

It was the last day of May 2020 when Pop Ewell made radio contact with another colony who were based in the city of Big Spring, 300 miles west of McKinney. It appeared that their situation was completely the reverse of DC1's: they had plenty of food and water but they were desperately short of fuel. They told of their contact with survivors in Tucson, Arizona, who were also without fuel. The Tucson colony reported that the territories west of the Sierra Nevada mountains had been spared the worst effects of the radioactive blizzards that had devastated the rest of the country and, miraculously, much of southern California was still widely populated. It had survived the last eight years virtually intact. When you heard the news you could hardly believe your ears. Perhaps your family were alive. You might be reunited after all!


Pop Ewell called for a meeting to decide how best to deal with the crisis now facing DC1. Everyone agreed that to stay at McKinney would lead to eventual death, either slowly from starvation or suddenly at the hands of the murderous city gangs. The only option open to DC1 was to try to reach California; only there lay any real hope for the future of the colony. Your decision was relayed to the survivors at Big Spring and a deal was struck to rendezvous with them as soon as possible. DC1 would exchange fuel for food and water, and together they would join up with the Tuscon colony for the final journey to California.


Pop Ewell called for a meeting to decide how best to deal with the crisis now facing DC1. Everyone agreed that to stay at McKinney would lead to eventual death, either slowly from starvation or suddenly at the hands of the murderous city gangs. The only option open to DC1 was to try to reach California; only there lay any real hope for the future of the colony. Your decision was relayed to the survivors at Big Spring and a deal was struck to rendezvous with them as soon as possible. DC1 would exchange fuel for food and water, and together they would join up with the Tucson colony for the final journey to California.

Preparations began almost immediately. Morale was so high that a heady sense of adventure and optimism enveloped everyone. Few guessed just how fraught with danger the journey would be.

@@ -558,7 +561,7 @@ Initial revision 3 -

You are about to search the bodies for items that may help you survive when you hear the mob ascending the stairs. Immediately you abandon the idea and concentrate on making an escape. At the end of the corridor is an open window. Below is an alleyway that passes to the rear of the bar. Without a moments hesitation, you climb out on to the ledge and leap to the ground, landing with a jolt that leaves you breathless. Gasping for air, you stagger along the alley and out into a deserted street. The jump has robbed you of stamina but at least you didn't break any bones.


You are about to search the bodies for items that may help you survive when you hear the mob ascending the stairs. Immediately you abandon the idea and concentrate on making an escape. At the end of the corridor is an open window. Below is an alleyway that passes to the rear of the bar. Without a moments hesitation, you climb out onto the ledge and leap to the ground, landing with a jolt that leaves you breathless. Gasping for air, you stagger along the alley and out into a deserted street. The jump has robbed you of stamina but at least you didn't break any bones.

Desperately you look for somewhere to hide while you recover. An old boarding house opposite seems to be the answer to your prayers, and you cross the street and enter before the mob reappears.

Turn to 86.
@@ -738,7 +741,7 @@ Initial revision 18 -

The moment you break cover, gunfire erupts from all sides. In the hope of making yourself a difficult target you zig-zag towards the door, but your manoeuvre is anticipated and a stream of bullets tears up the ground ahead, dangerously close. Long Jake shouts encouragement, and you are within a few feet of the doorway when a sharp burning sensation lances your right forearm: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.


The moment you break cover, gunfire erupts from all sides. In the hope of making yourself a difficult target you zigzag towards the door, but your manoeuvre is anticipated and a stream of bullets tears up the ground ahead, dangerously close. Long Jake shouts encouragement, and you are within a few feet of the doorway when a sharp burning sensation lances your right forearm: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

Gritting your teeth against the sudden pain of your wound, you force yourself forwards and fall headlong through the doorway.

Turn to 329.
@@ -1085,7 +1088,7 @@ Initial revision

The road to Cross Plains is virtually free of the craters and other hazards that have plagued your journey so far, enabling you to drive at speed at last. You are glad of the cooling breeze but you cannot shake off your presentiment that danger awaits you in Cross Plains. Tyre tracks in the dust, some no more than a few days old, indicate that this highway is used by other four-wheeled vehicles.

When the town appears in the distance, caution prompts you to stop your car at a derelict gas station. You park it under cover, inside an empty repair shop at the rear of the building, then venture into Cross Plains on foot.


Tyre tracks zig-zag the main street, but you can see no sign of the vehicles that made them. The place itself appears deserted and unremarkable, yet your mind warns you to stay alert. At a junction near the centre of the town you notice something unusual: a tall wooden pole, carved and painted in the fashion of an old Comanche totem, has been erected in the middle of the street.


Tyre tracks zigzag the main street, but you can see no sign of the vehicles that made them. The place itself appears deserted and unremarkable, yet your mind warns you to stay alert. At a junction near the centre of the town you notice something unusual: a tall wooden pole, carved and painted in the fashion of an old Comanche totem, has been erected in the middle of the street.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table, and add to it your current Stealth and Perception skill totals.

If your total score is now 12 or less, turn to 300. If your total score is now 13 or more, turn to 209. @@ -1530,7 +1533,7 @@ Initial revision

With a superhuman effort, you leap and dive across the hood of your roadster in an attempt to avoid being caught by the burst of automatic fire. Bullets follow you across the car, piercing the side and glancing noisily off the case-hardened rollbar. One of the hollow-tipped slugs creases your thigh, making you cry out loudly with the sudden pain: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.


Your scream convinces the biker that he has killed you, and he turns his attention elsewhere. You drag yourself into your car and start the engine without being seen, and swiftly you accelerate away, steering your roadster towards the tail-lights of the bus as it crashes through a group of bikers and escapes on to the freeway. A few random shots ricochet off the trunk as you follow the bus out of Santo, but within minutes you pass out of range and the gunfire ceases.


Your scream convinces the biker that he has killed you, and he turns his attention elsewhere. You drag yourself into your car and start the engine without being seen, and swiftly you accelerate away, steering your roadster towards the tail-lights of the bus as it crashes through a group of bikers and escapes onto the freeway. A few random shots ricochet off the trunk as you follow the bus out of Santo, but within minutes you pass out of range and the gunfire ceases.

Turn to 182.
@@ -1772,7 +1775,7 @@ Initial revision

Your gunfire fails to bring down the clansman, but it passes close enough to make him veer away from the edge of the slope. Cursing your luck, you shoulder your weapon and turn to Kate.

'I've got to stop him before he reaches the roadster,' you say. Kate protests, but you are determined to save your car, and reluctantly she agrees to cover you as best she can with a tiny Derringer pistol that she carries in her boot.

'I call it 'Chihuahua',' she quips, as she cocks the double-hammers and gets ready to fire. 'It don't look much but it makes one helluva noise!'


You scan the slope. When you have picked out the best place to make your climb, you break cover and zig-zag along the shore towards it. Immediately, the machine gunner opens up on you. Kate replies with a single shot, and he diverts his fire back to the rocks and bushes. Swiftly you claw your way to the top of the slope and run straight at the clansman, grimly determined to intercept him before he can do any damage. He sees you approaching, draws a pistol, and empties it at your chest.


You scan the slope. When you have picked out the best place to make your climb, you break cover and zigzag along the shore towards it. Immediately, the machine gunner opens up on you. Kate replies with a single shot, and he diverts his fire back to the rocks and bushes. Swiftly you claw your way to the top of the slope and run straight at the clansman, grimly determined to intercept him before he can do any damage. He sees you approaching, draws a pistol, and empties it at your chest.

Add your Stealth skill total to your current ENDURANCE points score.

If your total is 9 or less, turn to 258. If it is 10 or more, turn to 83. @@ -1862,7 +1865,7 @@ Initial revision 103 -

Cutter pats you on the shoulder: it is the signal to move. Silently, like a snake, you crawl across the open ground on your stomach, inching your way nearer to the entrance of the alley, which is sandwiched between two mounds of stinking garbage. A clansman appears from the shadows and you freeze in your tracks. With bated breath you watch as he dumps a sack of rubbish on to one of the mounds before turning around and disappearing into the dark.


Cutter pats you on the shoulder: it is the signal to move. Silently, like a snake, you crawl across the open ground on your stomach, inching your way nearer to the entrance of the alley, which is sandwiched between two mounds of stinking garbage. A clansman appears from the shadows and you freeze in your tracks. With bated breath you watch as he dumps a sack of rubbish onto one of the mounds before turning around and disappearing into the dark.

By the time you reach the alley it is deserted. Cautiously you advance along it, your knife held ready just in case you are forced to silence one of the town's inhabitants. The alley ends near the centre of the mall, where the remains of a huge marble fountain lie scattered across the tiled floor. The shop-lined avenues appear empty, so you enter the mall and make your way towards the truck depot. You have just turned a corner when you see a patrol of four Skull clansmen.

@@ -1905,7 +1908,7 @@ Initial revision If you wish to search the university, turn to 82. - If you decide to lead the convoy on to Freeway 35, turn to 22. + If you decide to lead the convoy onto Freeway 35, turn to 22.
@@ -2138,7 +2141,7 @@ Initial revision

With a cotton bandana tied around your nose and mouth, and the collar of your leather jacket pulled close to your face, you set off into the storm. With visibility less than five yards, you must rely on your sense of hearing for some indication of the child's position. Repeatedly you call her name, hoping she will reply, yet all you hear is the incessant howling of the wind.


You reach the edge of the school grounds and find a hole in the perimeter fence. A few feet beyond it stands the side wall of a derelict candy store. Once more you call out her name and a faint voice replies: 'Help me I'm in here.'


You reach the edge of the school grounds and find a hole in the perimeter fence. A few feet beyond it stands the side wall of a derelict candy store. Once more you call out her name and a faint voice replies: 'Help me I'm in here.'

If your current Perception skill total is 3 or less, turn to 341. If it is 4 or more, turn to 154.
@@ -2164,7 +2167,7 @@ Initial revision

'Even so,' says Uncle Jonas, 'we daren't afford t' stop too long in any one place. We gotta keep ahead o' that pack all the way to Big Spring.'

The next town on the freeway is Sweetwater. Most of the buildings are still standing, although few have roofs as a result of yesterday's storm. Except for a few hungry coyote that have come down from the hills looking for jack rabbits, the place is deserted.

Cutter signals for you to stop. The engine of the bus is overheating and, despite the risk of a clan attack, it must be allowed to cool down. The others take the opportunity to search the town for food, and you busy yourself by refuelling your roadster. 'What do you make of that, Cal?' says Uncle Jonas, as you finish rewinding the tanker's fuel pipe. He is standing on the cab of the tanker, pointing at a shimmering ribbon of light to the south of the town. You climb up beside him and immediately you see that it is the sun reflecting off the surface of a small lake. 'Water!' you both exclaim, excitedly.


The chance of replenishing the colony's depleted water supply is too good an opportunity to miss. Uncle Jonas helps you load some empty plastic containers on to your roadster, and Kate volunteers to come with you to help fill and carry them. As soon as she is aboard, you start the engine and drive off towards the distant lake.


The chance of replenishing the colony's depleted water supply is too good an opportunity to miss. Uncle Jonas helps you load some empty plastic containers onto your roadster, and Kate volunteers to come with you to help fill and carry them. As soon as she is aboard, you start the engine and drive off towards the distant lake.

Turn to 94.
@@ -2370,7 +2373,7 @@ Initial revision

The fleeing man sees you and fires twice, but his aim is awry and the bullets pass high above your head. You raise your gun and order him to stop but he ignores your call. He shoots again and you return fire, killing him cleanly with a shot to the heart.


Cutter appears and beckons you over to the diner. Inside the doorway lies the body of another man, a rifle resting across his blood-stained chest. 'I reckon these two were from that Maverick gang that Rickenbacker warned us about,' says Cutter, as he searches through the dead man's pockets. 'Seems like the Lions ain't the only ones we gotta look out for.'


Cutter appears and beckons you over to the diner. Inside the doorway lies the body of another man, a rifle resting across his bloodstained chest. 'I reckon these two were from that Maverick gang that Rickenbacker warned us about,' says Cutter, as he searches through the dead man's pockets. 'Seems like the Lions ain't the only ones we gotta look out for.'

You help Cutter search the bodies and the diner. You discover the following items: