+Revision 1.12 2006/09/05 14:29:29 Wibbleboy
+o Fixed a few formatting errors
+o Made a few changes in response to wiki entries.
+o Removed obsolete errata comment text in header
Revision 1.11 2006/08/08 15:31:14 Wibbleboy
o Fixed a few Errata entries
o Updated errata and footnote lists.
-196: "gasolene" should be "gasoline"
-209: The two instances of "red indian" should be capitalised, "Red Indian".
-122: "gutteral" should be "guttural"
-ERRATA 211 -245
-219: "gasolene" should be "gasoline".
-229: "...across the bridge. at a run." The first full-stop should be a comma.
-ERRATA 281-315
-305: "'You gone an' broked down, ain't you' boy?'" The apostrophe after "you" is superfluous.
-305: "fininshed" should be "finished"
<title>Highway Holocaust</title>
<creator class="short">Joe Dever</creator>
<li>Pistol (with two rounds of 9mm ammunition)</li>
<li>Rifle (with two rounds of 7.62mm ammunition)</li>
- <li>Water Canteen, containing enough water for three Drinks</li>
+ <li>Water Canteen containing enough water for three Drinks</li>
<li>Serum, sulphonamides, and dressings, sufficient for three Medi-kit units.</li>
<li>Flick knife (2)</li>
<li>Club (2)</li>
<p>You fire and immediately the sniper clutches his chest.<a id="sect229-1" idref="sect229-1-foot" class="footnote" /> He gives a loud scream and then tumbles over the parapet, landing with a thud on the sidewalk below. With grim satisfaction you stare at his body, but your gaze is distracted when a column of motor cycles - the main body of the clan - rides into view. They are now less than a mile from the bridge. 'C'mon you two!' shouts Cutter. 'It's time to go.'</p>
<p>The tanker has made it across the platform and is no parked with the other vehicles on the far side of the river. You leave the factory and run back towards the bridge. When you reach the position that Kate is defending, you say breathlessly: 'Set the bomb <ch.ellips/> I'll stay here and cover you!'</p>
- <p>Tensely you watch the clansmen as they gun their bikes along the freeway, and you glance repeatedly over your shoulder, praying for Kate to signal that the bomb is ready. Then the front line of bikers open fire with their machine pistols, and suddenly the air is filled with the whine and whistle of bullets. 'It's ready!' shouts Kate, and takes off across the bridge. at a run.</p>
+ <p>Tensely you watch the clansmen as they gun their bikes along the freeway, and you glance repeatedly over your shoulder, praying for Kate to signal that the bomb is ready. Then the front line of bikers open fire with their machine pistols, and suddenly the air is filled with the whine and whistle of bullets. 'It's ready!' shouts Kate, and takes off across the bridge at a run.</p>
<p>Add together your current <typ class="attribute">ENDURANCE</typ> POINTS score and your Stealth skill total. (Note: If your <typ class="attribute">ENDURANCE</typ> score is low and you are heavily encumbered, it may be advisable to discard some of your Backpack items in order to increase your Stealth skill level).</p>
<choice idref="sect324">If your total is 11 or less, <link-text>turn to 324</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect200">If your total is 12 or more, <link-text>turn to 200</link-text>.</choice>
<instance class="pdf" src="ill16.pdf" width="386" height="580" />
<p>'Saw your lights on the road,' he croaks, a toothy smile cracking several layers of dirt that have built up around his nose and mouth. 'Said to m'self, those folks will come a' callin'. Best whup up a real larrupin' meal to make 'em feel right welcome.' He jabs his metal rod into the fire and spears the blackened remains of a large rat. Proudly he holds it up and nods enthusiastically, as if he were about to serve you a prime T-bone steak. Your stomach turns when he offers you the charred carcass. You refuse politely.</p>
- <p>'You gone an' broked down, ain't you' boy?' he says, pointing at the convoy on the highway below. 'What exactly's the problem? You never know, maybe I kin help you out. You'd not be the first folks that ol' Mountain Goat'd set right.'</p>
+ <p>'You gone an' broked down, ain't you boy?' he says, pointing at the convoy on the highway below. 'What exactly's the problem? You never know, maybe I kin help you out. You'd not be the first folks that ol' Mountain Goat'd set right.'</p>
<p>Half-heartedly you tell the old hermit about the breakdown, suspecting that he is just wasting your time. When you have finished, he smiles once more, and taps the side of his nose with a greasy forefinger. 'I know just where you can lay y'hands on the part you need to fix that ol' bus o' yours,' he says, smugly.</p>
<p>'Where?' you reply.</p>
<p>'If you agree to take me with you, I'll tell you where. Is it a deal?'</p>
<p>As you watch the town shrinking in your rear view mirror, the shock of your encounter, especially the death of Long Jake, makes you shiver despite the burning midday heat. 'D'you know those guys?' you ask, anxious to make some sense of the situation.</p>
<p>'Yeah,' replies the girl, her voice shaky, 'though not by choice.'</p>
- <p>As you race back along the highway to McKinney. The girl, whose name is Kate Norton, tells you about the events leading up to your meeting. She comes from Kansas City and is one of the lucky few who have managed to survive there since the holocaust. A month ago her colony was attacked and wiped out by a gang of motorcycle renegades called 'the Lions'. Their leader, who calls himself Mad Dog Michigan, took a liking to her and spared her life. He was once a high-ranking HAVOC agent who had escaped from Pontiac Deep Pen near Detroit, and he and his gang, most of whom were also HAVOC escapees, were heading for the Fort Hood Military Reserve near Killeen, the largest armoury in the whole of the United States.</p>
+ <p>As you race back along the highway to McKinney, the girl, whose name is Kate Norton, tells you about the events leading up to your meeting. She comes from Kansas City and is one of the lucky few who have managed to survive there since the holocaust. A month ago her colony was attacked and wiped out by a gang of motorcycle renegades called 'the Lions'. Their leader, who calls himself Mad Dog Michigan, took a liking to her and spared her life. He was once a high-ranking HAVOC agent who had escaped from Pontiac Deep Pen near Detroit, and he and his gang, most of whom were also HAVOC escapees, were heading for the Fort Hood Military Reserve near Killeen, the largest armoury in the whole of the United States.</p>
<p>'He hopes to find enough weapons and ammunition there to equip the other HAVOC clans who are in control of cities all along the eastern seaboard. Once he's armed his army he'll take over the rest of the country,' she says, her blue eyes brimming with tears. 'Three days ago the Lions reached Oklahoma City. They were desperate for food, so Mad Dog decided to camp there and forage the surrounding area. Until then they'd always been kept closely guarded, but while most of them were away I managed to steal a bike and escape. I was beginning to think I'd made it. I was wrong. I ran out of fuel just north of Sherman and had to ditch the bike. I met up with your friend this morning when he walked into town. Soon after he'd told me all about you and your colony and your plans to head west, those guys back there arrived. Mad Dog sent them to find me.' She pauses to wipe her tears and brush the tangle of windswept blonde hair away from her beautiful face.</p>
<p>'I'm really sorry about what happened to Long Jake. It's all my fault.'</p>
<p>'Don't blame yourself,' you say, trying to console her. 'It's over now. Once we get back to DC1 and take off for Big Spring, Mad Dog and his gang will be just a bad memory.'</p>
<p>The instant you set foot in the store, two hands reach out of the darkness, grab you by the jacket lapels and pull you away from the doorway. Immediately, there is a long burst of fire and a hail of bullets scythes the air where you were standing only moments before.</p>
<p>'These ain't no ordinary punks,' growls Long Jake, peering cautiously over the edge of the bullet-shattered window frame. 'They're scouts for a Yankee gang that's headin' this way, looking to take over. They're a mite anxious to get their hands on her, too,' he says, nodding towards the girl who is crouching behind the store counter, her eyes wide with fright.</p>
- <p>'What do they want with her?' you ask, but before Long Jake can reply there is a flash and a deafening explosion. The store's rear door is blown inwards and a searing wave of heat and flying debris knocks you off your feet. Stunned by the blast, you rise unsteadily and reach for a weapon. A grey shape fills the rear entrance, its outline fuzzy in the smoke and dust that hovers there. Then the shape draws into focus and you see the silhouette of a tall man, lean and sinewy, his thin mouth set in cruel sneer.</p>
+ <p>'What do they want with her?' you ask, but before Long Jake can reply there is a flash and a deafening explosion. The store's rear door is blown inwards and a searing wave of heat and flying debris knocks you off your feet. Stunned by the blast, you rise unsteadily and reach for a weapon. A grey shape fills the rear entrance, its outline fuzzy in the smoke and dust that hovers there. Then the shape draws into focus and you see the silhouette of a tall man, lean and sinewy, his thin mouth set in a cruel sneer.</p>
<p>'Look out!' screams Long Jake, as the figure leaps through the doorway, a shotgun held before him ready to fire.</p>
<p>Pick a number from the <a idref="random">Random Number Table</a>. If your current Shooting, Stealth and Perception points (when added together) total 8 or more, then add 2 to the number you have picked.</p>
<choice idref="sect191">If your total is now 0-3, <link-text>turn to 191</link-text>.</choice>
<p>(<a idref="sect101">101</a>) Replaced <quote>(minimum - one round; maximum - six rounds)</quote> with <quote>(minimum: one round; maximum: six rounds)</quote></p>
<p>(<a idref="sect116">116</a>) Replaced <quote>key-in</quote> with <quote>key in</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect117">117</a>) Added missing period after <quote>(0 equals 10)</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect119">119</a>) Replaced <quote>Water Canteen, containing</quote> with <quote>Water Canteen containing</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect122">122</a>) Replaced <quote>gutteral</quote> with <quote>guttural</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect131">131</a>) Replaced <quote>(minimum - one round; maximum - five rounds)</quote> with <quote>(minimum: one burst; maximum: five bursts)</quote></p>
<p>(<a idref="sect132">132</a>) Replaced <quote>machine-gunner</quote> with <quote>machine gunner</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect143">143</a>) Replaced <quote>( with</quote> with <quote>(with</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect143">143</a>) Replaced <quote>Water Canteen, containing</quote> with <quote>Water Canteen containing</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect149">149</a>) Replaced <quote>assess</quote> with <quote>assesses</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect156">156</a>) Replaced <quote>take its toll of those</quote> with <quote>take its toll on those</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect162">162</a>) Replaced <quote>Weapons list</quote> with <quote>Weapons List</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect189">189</a>) Replaced <quote>womped</quote> with <quote>whomped</quote> and <quote>come 'an pay</quote> with <quote>come an' pay</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect194">194</a>) Replaced <quote>de-activates</quote> with <quote>deactivates</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect195">195</a>) Replaced <quote>machine-gunner</quote> with <quote>machine gunner</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect204">194</a>) Replaced <quote>machine-gun fire</quote> with <quote>machine gun fire</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect204">204</a>) Replaced <quote>machine-gun fire</quote> with <quote>machine gun fire</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect210">210</a>) Replaced <quote>out-distance</quote> with <quote>outdistance</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect216">216</a>) Replaced <quote>Three rounds of 12-gauge shotgun ammunition</quote> with <quote>Three rounds of 12-gauge ammunition</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect220">220</a>) Replaced <quote>and 'll</quote> with <quote>and'll</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect229">229</a>) Replaced <quote>breathlessly:'Set </quote> with <quote>breathlessly: 'Set </quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect229">229</a>) Replaced <quote>across the bridge. at a run.</quote> with <quote>across the bridge at a run.</quote></p>
<p>(<a idref="sect233">233</a>) Replaced <quote>(minimum - one round; maximum - four rounds)</quote> with <quote>(minimum: one round; maximum: four rounds)</quote></p>
<p>(<a idref="sect248">248</a>) Replaced <quote>C.B. radio</quote> with <quote>C.B. Radio</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect250">250</a>) Replaced <quote>machine-gunner</quote> with <quote>machine gunner</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect260">260</a>) Replaced <quote>Cmon</quote> with <quote>C'mon</quote> and <quote>Comanche county</quote> with <quote>Comanche County</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect288">288</a>) Replaced <quote>auto-wreck</quote> with <quote>auto wreck</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect305">305</a>) Replaced <quote>fininshed</quote> with <quote>finished</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect305">305</a>) Replaced <quote>ain't you' boy?'</quote> with <quote>ain't you boy?'</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect336">336</a>) Replaced <quote>letters,</quote> with <quote>letters:</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect336">329</a>) Replaced <quote>set in cruel sneer.</quote> with <quote>set in a cruel sneer.</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect338">338</a>) Replaced <quote>bushwacked</quote> with <quote>bushwhacked</quote>, <quote>Rickenbaker</quote> with <quote>Rickenbacker</quote> and <quote>fusilage</quote> with <quote>fuselage</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect343">343</a>) Replaced <quote>Shackelford county sheriff's office</quote> with <quote>Shackelford County Sheriff's office</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect12">12</a>,<a idref="sect24">24</a>,<a idref="sect80">80</a>,<a idref="sect105">105</a>,<a idref="sect117">117</a>,<a idref="sect177">177</a>,<a idref="sect222">222</a>,<a idref="sect242">242</a>,<a idref="sect296">296</a>,<a idref="sect348">348</a>) Replaced <quote>gulley</quote> with <quote>gully</quote>.</p>
<section class="backmatter" id="secill">
- <meta><title>Secondary Illustrations</title></meta>
- <data>
- <ul class="unbulleted">
- <li><a idref="calstory">Cal's Story</a>, <a idref="sect232">232</a>, <a idref="sect309">309</a></li>
- <li><a idref="sect22">22</a>, <a idref="sect36">36</a>, <a idref="sect160">160</a>, <a idref="sect211">211</a>, <a idref="sect295">295</a>, <a idref="sect315">315</a></li>
- <li><a idref="sect26">26</a>, <a idref="sect28">28</a>, <a idref="sect40">40</a>, <a idref="sect41">41</a>, <a idref="sect72">72</a>, <a idref="sect87">87</a>, <a idref="sect111">111</a>, <a idref="sect145">145</a>, <a idref="sect159">159</a>, <a idref="sect180">180</a>, <a idref="sect191">191</a>, <a idref="sect208">208</a>, <a idref="sect214">214</a>, <a idref="sect233">233</a>, <a idref="sect264">264</a>, <a idref="sect288">288</a>, <a idref="sect334">334</a>, <a idref="sect348">348</a></li>
- <li><a idref="calstory">Cal's Story</a>, <a idref="sect211">211</a></li>
- <li></li>
- <li></li>
- <li></li>
- <li><a idref="calstory">Cal's Story</a>, <a idref="sect105">105</a>, <a idref="sect160">160</a>, <a idref="sect161">161</a></li>
- <li><a idref="sect135">135</a>, <a idref="sect243">243</a>, <a idref="sect332">332</a></li>
- <li><a idref="sect343">343</a></li>
- <li><a idref="sect17">17</a>, <a idref="sect93">93</a>, <a idref="sect178">178</a>, <a idref="sect182">182</a>, <a idref="sect327">327</a></li>
- <li><a idref="sect2">2</a>, <a idref="sect131">131</a></li>
- </ul>
- </data>
- </section>
+ <meta><title>Secondary Illustrations</title></meta>
+ <data>
+ <p>Only the first occurrence of each secondary illustration is cited.</p>
+ <ul class="unbulleted">
+ <li><a idref="calstory">Cal's Story</a></li>
+ <li><a idref="sect22">Section 22</a></li>
+ <li><a idref="sect26">Section 26</a></li>
+ <li><a idref="calstory">Cal's Story</a></li>
+ <li><a idref="calstory">Cal's Story</a></li>
+ <li><a idref="equipmnt">Equipment</a></li>
+ <li></li>
+ <li><a idref="calstory">Cal's Story</a></li>
+ <li><a idref="sect135">Section 135</a></li>
+ <li><a idref="sect343">Section 343</a></li>
+ <li><a idref="sect17">Section 17</a></li>
+ <li><a idref="sect2">Section 2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </data>
+ </section>