--- /dev/null
+# Makefile for The Storms of Chai
+# Book name
+BASENAME=$(shell basename $(CURDIR))
+# Language of the file
+BLANG := en
+# The rest is common for all books
+include ../Makefile.common
ENGLISH_DIRS := 01fftd 02fotw 03tcok 04tcod 05sots 06tkot 07cd 08tjoh \
09tcof 10tdot 11tpot 12tmod 13tplor 14tcok 15tdc 16tlov 17tdoi \
18dotd 19wb 20tcon 21votm 22tbos 23mh 24rw 25totw 26tfobm \
- 27v 28thos 01gstw 02tfc 03btng 04wotw 01hh
+ 27v 28thos 29tsoc 01gstw 02tfc 03btng 04wotw 01hh
# LS #1 to #12 (Spanish)
SPANISH_DIRS := 01hdlo 02fsea 03lcdk 04eam 05eddls 06lpdlc 07meec \
images: en/png/lw/28thos/skins/standard:en/png/lw/28thos/ill/williams:en/png/lw/28thos/ill/alvarez-blake:en/png/lw/28thos/ill/blake;
csst: en/.publisher/style/epub/main.csst;
+29tsoc {
+ book-series: lw;
+ language: en;
+ use-illustrators: :Brian Williams:;
+ images: en/png/lw/29tsoc/ill/williams;
+ csst: en/.publisher/style/epub/main.csst;
01gstw {
book-series: gs;
language: en;