From: Simon Osborne Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2007 10:58:47 +0000 (+0000) Subject: 01hh: The remaining clear-cut issues fixed as reported by LeRoy McSwain. Errata page... X-Git-Url:;h=7c74e9e6b00cbacafcda73474840c13ef8f06a43;p=project-aon.git 01hh: The remaining clear-cut issues fixed as reported by LeRoy McSwain. Errata page updated. git-svn-id: f6f3e2d7-ff33-0410-aaf5-b4bee2cdac11 --- diff --git a/01hh.xml b/01hh.xml index 8abe1fc..463b38f 100644 --- a/01hh.xml +++ b/01hh.xml @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ &; Project Aon - 2007831 + 2007105

You are Cal Phoenix, the Freeway Warrior, champion and protector of Dallas Colony One. A murderous gang of HAVOC clansmen, led by the psychotic Mad Dog Michigan, are bent on destroying your fragile colony as it crosses the wastelands of Texas on the first stage of a life-or-death exodus to the California coast. These bike-riding clansmen are a formidable enemy: armed, cunning, and extremely dangerous, capable of launching a lightning raid at any time, day or night. You will need all your wits about you if you are to defend your people and reach your destination intact!

@@ -1108,7 +1108,7 @@

Consciousness returns slowly and painfully. With your head pounding fit to burst, you ease yourself into a sitting position and gaze upon your new surroundings. You are in a prison cell, empty save for a wooden bunk. A solitary open window, criss-crossed with pitted steel bars, provides the only source of light and ventilation, and a heavy steel door the only means of access. You no longer possess any weapons or backpack equipment (be sure to erase all your missile and close combat weapons, together with any items you were carrying in your Backpack) but you still possess your Medi-kit, Ammo Pouch, and Water Canteen.

Standing on the edge of the bunk, you are able to peer through the bars at an alleyway that runs along the rear of the building, which you recognize to be the sheriffs office. However, without weapons, or any other means of dislodging the bars, you have no hope of escaping through the window.


An hour later you hear your captors laughing in the corridor outside. A key rattles in the lock and the cell door swings back to reveal a barrel-chested clansman, clad in a suit of black leather which is adorned with sharpened metal studs. He fixes you with his small bloodshot eyes, and sneers contemptuously.


An hour later you hear your captors laughing in the corridor outside. A key rattles in the lock and the cell door swings back to reveal a barrel-chested clansman, clad in a suit of black leather which is adorned with sharpened metal studs. He fixes you with his small bloodshot eyes and sneers contemptuously.

Melvyn Grant @@ -3267,7 +3267,7 @@ 209 -

A sudden sound to your left betrays the hiding place of a would-be ambusher. You spin on your heel, drawing your hunting knife and tensing yourself in expectation of an attack. Lurking in the doorway is a scrawny youth dressed in tattered buckskin. His clothes, and the coloured stripes that mark his face, remind you of books you read when you were young; books with pictures of Red Indian braves, who fought the cowboys of the old West. The youth screams a curse and casts a rope lasso around your shoulders, but before he can draw it tight, you sever it with one sweep of your razor-sharp blade. His scream echoes across the street and draws forth others of his kind all of them dressed in similar Red Indian costumes. They advance towards you, brandishing knives and axes, and you turn and run in fear for your life.


A sudden sound to your left betrays the hiding place of a would-be ambusher. You spin on your heel, drawing your hunting knife and tensing yourself in expectation of an attack. Lurking in the doorway is a scrawny youth dressed in tattered buckskin. His clothes, and the coloured stripes that mark his face, remind you of books you read when you were young; books with pictures of Red Indian braves, who fought the cowboys of the old West. The youth screams a curse and casts a rope lasso around your shoulders, but before he can draw it tight, you sever it with one sweep of your razor-sharp blade. His scream echoes across the street and draws forth others of his kind, all of them dressed in similar Red Indian costumes. They advance towards you, brandishing knives and axes, and you turn and run in fear for your life.

As you run past the entrance to a small bar, another group appears on the sidewalk less than twenty yards ahead. Shots ring out, forcing you to dive for cover inside the bar. Fortunately the place is deserted, but the angry screams of the mob grow louder by the second. Quickly you scan the gloomy interior, searching for a way out or a place to hide. Two possibilities present themselves: the staircase to the first floor, and the counter at the rear of the bar.

If you wish to ascend the stairs to the first floor, turn to 286. If you wish to hide behind the counter, turn to 118. @@ -3547,9 +3547,9 @@

You fire and immediately the sniper clutches his chest. He gives a loud scream and then tumbles over the parapet, landing with a thud on the sidewalk below. With grim satisfaction you stare at his body, but your gaze is distracted when a column of motorcyclesthe main body of the clanrides into view. They are now less than a mile from the bridge. Cmon you two! shouts Cutter. Its time to go.


The tanker has made it across the platform and is no parked with the other vehicles on the far side of the river. You leave the factory and run back towards the bridge. When you reach the position that Kate is defending, you say breathlessly: Set the bomb Ill stay here and cover you!


The tanker has made it across the platform and is now parked with the other vehicles on the far side of the river. You leave the factory and run back towards the bridge. When you reach the position that Kate is defending, you say breathlessly: Set the bomb Ill stay here and cover you!

Tensely you watch the clansmen as they gun their bikes along the freeway, and you glance repeatedly over your shoulder, praying for Kate to signal that the bomb is ready. Then the front line of bikers open fire with their machine pistols, and suddenly the air is filled with the whine and whistle of bullets. Its ready! shouts Kate, and takes off across the bridge at a run.


Add together your current ENDURANCE POINTS score and your Stealth skill total. (Note: If your ENDURANCE score is low and you are heavily encumbered, it may be advisable to discard some of your Backpack Items in order to increase your Stealth skill level).


Add together your current ENDURANCE points score and your Stealth skill total. (Note: If your ENDURANCE score is low and you are heavily encumbered, it may be advisable to discard some of your Backpack Items in order to increase your Stealth skill level).

If your total is 11 or less, turn to 324. If your total is 12 or more, turn to 200.
@@ -3774,7 +3774,7 @@

The hell you will! shouts Cutter in reply, and looses off a round from his old Colt .45 to reinforce his answer. You glance over the top of the slope and try to estimate the enemys strength. The punks are well hidden but three motorcycles are visible in the distance. Its a bluff, you whisper. I reckon there can only be six of them at most.


The muffled sounds of crying can be heard aboard the bus as the children take fright at the unexpected sound of gunfire. Uncle Jonas and Harvey Harlan, known affectionately as Hammer Harlan by the rest of DC1, jump out of the boarding door and run towards you, both of them cradling loaded shotguns. Hurriedly you make a plan: Uncle Jonas, Kate and Hammer will stay here and give covering fire while you and Cutter circle around behind the punks positions and attempt to flush them out into the open. It is a bold move but one that must be attempted. If the punks manage to pin you down until more of their gang arrive, then the fate of the convoy will be sealed.


The muffled sounds of crying can be heard aboard the bus as the children take fright at the unexpected sound of gunfire. Uncle Jonas and Harvey Harlan, known affectionately as Hammer Harlan by the rest of DC1, jump out of the boarding door and run towards you, both of them cradling loaded shotguns. Hurriedly you make a plan: Uncle Jonas, Kate, and Hammer will stay here and give covering fire while you and Cutter circle around behind the punks positions and attempt to flush them out into the open. It is a bold move but one that must be attempted. If the punks manage to pin you down until more of their gang arrive, then the fate of the convoy will be sealed.

If you possess a Shotgun, turn to 37. If you do not possess this missile weapon, turn to 208.
@@ -3814,7 +3814,7 @@ 251 -

An eerie silence is broken by Long Jake, who shouts out: Taint over yet, Cal. Theres more of them damn peckerwoods hidin out there somewhere! As if to prove his point, two single shots ring out, almost simultaneously, and ricochet off the storehouse wall. Watch your sides, Jake yells. Dont let em circle you.


An eerie silence is broken by Long Jake, who shouts out: Taint over yet, Cal. Theres more of them damn peckerwoods hidin out there somewhere! As if to prove his point, two single shots ring out, almost simultaneously, and ricochet off the storehouse wall. Watch your sides, Jake yells. Dont let em circle you.

You sense someone, or something, moving among the ruined shops away to your right. They are trying to get into a position where they will have a clear shot at you. If you are to survive this ambush you had better find somewhere less exposed.

If you wish to make a dash for the store, turn to 126. If you decide to jump into your roadster and take off along the main street, turn to 142. @@ -3828,7 +3828,7 @@

A violent gust blows you off your feet and rolls you along the ground. Wearily you rise to your knees and radio Cutter for assistance, telling him what you have heard. He replies that it was probably a trick of the storm, and that you must continue the search or, if the wind is too strong in your area, abandon it and return to the school. Less than a minute later you hear the voice again, and desperately you try to pinpoint its source.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Perception skill total.

If your total score is now 10 or less, turn to 67. - If your total score Is now 11 or more, turn to 199. + If your total score is now 11 or more, turn to 199.
@@ -3849,7 +3849,7 @@ 254 -

You draw back the bolt of your C-12 and shout at your people to get away from the window as you hurriedly take aim at the riders chest.


You draw back the bolt of your G-12 and shout at your people to get away from the window as you hurriedly take aim at the riders chest.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your Shooting skill total.

If your total score is 8 or less, turn to 340. If your total score is 9 or more, turn to 302. @@ -3973,7 +3973,7 @@

You snatch your Beretta 92 from its holster and flick back the safety as you level it at the leading dog. You take aim between its wild, feral eyes, but as you squeeze the trigger it leaps up and your bullet strikes low, catching it in the throat. The dog crashes to the ground, mortally wounded, yet the others continue to advance, undeterred. They leap across the body of their injured brother and hurl themselves at your chest.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Shooting skill total. Now decide how many rounds you wish to fire at the remaining dogs (minimum: one round; maximum: five rounds). For every round you fire, add 1 point to your score.

If your total score is now 10 or less, turn to 64. - If your total score is now 1l or more, turn to 190. + If your total score is now 11 or more, turn to 190.
@@ -4115,7 +4115,7 @@

Intrigued by Cutters reply, you follow him out of the stores building, across a parking lot and into another section of the depot that is marked:


After searching four of the dozen service bays, finally he discovers what he is looking for: a school bus. Cal, you keep yeyes open while I strip the linkage out o this baby. Give me an hour an well be on our way.


Nervously you stand guard at the door to the service bay while Cutter works. All is quiet until, forty minutes later, you see something moving among the vehicles on the far side of the parking, lot: it is a drunken clansman. Slowly he staggers nearer, taking alternating gulps from the bottles clutched in either hand. He is about to pass on his way when Cutter drops a spanner. The ringing noise pierces his drunken stupor and prompts him to investigate.


Nervously you stand guard at the door to the service bay while Cutter works. All is quiet until, forty minutes later, you see something moving among the vehicles on the far side of the parking lot: it is a drunken clansman. Slowly he staggers nearer, taking alternating gulps from the bottles clutched in either hand. He is about to pass on his way when Cutter drops a spanner. The ringing noise pierces his drunken stupor and prompts him to investigate.

Trouble on its way! you whisper to Cutter, but your warning is too late. A moment later, the clansman comes lurching through the open door, brandishing his bottles like clubs. He sees you and screams an oath as he gets ready to launch his attack.

Chickamauga1428 If you win the combat, turn to 249. @@ -4186,7 +4186,7 @@

Two shots are fired almost simultaneously, filling the bar with a deafening explosion of noise. They rip open the front of the counter less than five feet from where you are crouching, bringing down most of the rickety shelves that line the back wall. Amid a cascade of bottles and glasses, you scurry towards the end of the counter, your eyes fixed on a door situated beneath the staircase. Above it, an unlit sign reads:


I reckon this constitutes an emergency, you mutter, as you get ready to break cover and run towards the door. Just as you are about to leave your hand brushes against the stock of a sawn-off shotgun that is lying on a shelf beneath the counter. Both hammers are cocked and the chamber tags show that both barrels are loaded.

If you wish to take this weapon, turn to 176. If you decide to ignore it, turn to 84. @@ -4254,7 +4254,7 @@ 285 -

Once more you glance in your mirror and see the biker coax his machine into your slipstream. Behind him the convoy is barely visible, the bus and tanker cannot match the speed that you have maintained in your race against the clansmen. Then you see your enemy reaching inside his leather jacket. He withdraws a grenade, pulls out the safety pin with his teeth, and gets ready to lob it into your car. Immediately you stamp on the brake pedal and fight with the steering wheel to keep the roadster in a straight line as it screeches to a halt. A moment later there is at tremendous jolt as the clansman crashes into the rear of your car. An instant later he somersaults over your head, wide-eyed with terror, before disappearing behind the central crash barrier that divides the freeway. A muffled boom and a plume of dust marks the violent demise of yet another Detroit Lion.


Once more you glance in your mirror and see the biker coax his machine into your slipstream. Behind him the convoy is barely visible; the bus and tanker cannot match the speed that you have maintained in your race against the clansmen. Then you see your enemy reaching inside his leather jacket. He withdraws a grenade, pulls out the safety pin with his teeth, and gets ready to lob it into your car. Immediately you stamp on the brake pedal and fight with the steering wheel to keep the roadster in a straight line as it screeches to a halt. A moment later there is at tremendous jolt as the clansman crashes into the rear of your car. An instant later he somersaults over your head, wide-eyed with terror, before disappearing behind the central crash barrier that divides the freeway. A muffled boom and a plume of dust marks the violent demise of yet another Detroit Lion.

Turn to 127.
@@ -4376,7 +4376,7 @@

A solitary open window, criss-crossed with pitted steel bars, provides the only source of light and ventilation in the cell. Standing on the edge of the wooden bunk you are able to peer through the bars at an alleyway that runs along the rear of the building. But without your weapons, or any other means of dislodging the bars, you cannot hope to escape this way.


An hour later you hear your captors laughing in the corridor outside. A key rattles in the lock and the cell door swings back to reveal a barrel-chested clansman, clad in a suit of black leather, which is adorned with sharpened metal studs. He fixes you with his small, bloodshot eyes, and sneers contemptuously.


An hour later you hear your captors laughing in the corridor outside. A key rattles in the lock and the cell door swings back to reveal a barrel-chested clansman, clad in a suit of black leather, which is adorned with sharpened metal studs. He fixes you with his small, bloodshot eyes and sneers contemptuously.

You scoutin for the Skulls, aint you, boy? he says, his hand caressing the butt of a pistol that is holstered on his hip. That roach Alcatraz sent you here tcheck us out, didnt he? Resentful mutterings fill the corridor outside, urging the beady-eyed clansman to settle the matter by shooting you.

Do I look like a Skull? you ask, defensively.

Maybe not, he growls, but if you aint a Skull, what you doing nosin around Albany?

@@ -4463,7 +4463,7 @@

There is a rush of wind, like a sound of a whip before it cracks, then something tightens around your body, pinning your arms to your sides. Fear wells up inside when you realize that you have been lassoed. Desperately you struggle to grab the rope that is biting into your flesh, but you are pulled roughly to the ground before you can break free.


Cursing wildly, you blink the dust from your eyes in time to see a scrawny youth advancing towards you, his hands tugging and shortening the rope to maintain his hold on you. He is dressed in tattered buckskin, and his cheeks and forehead are painted with coloured stripes. His strange appearance reminds you of books you read when you were young; books with pictures of Red Indian braves who fought cowboys of the old West. The youth gives a warbling scream and more of his kind appear, all of them dressed in similar Red Indian costumes. With howls of delight they jump on you, take your missile and close combat weapons (erase these from your Action Chart), and hold your arms securely behind your back while the youth retrieves his lasso. Then, without a word of explanation, they drag you to the centre of the street and tie you to the totem pole.


Cursing wildly, you blink the dust from your eyes in time to see a scrawny youth advancing towards you, his hands tugging and shortening the rope to maintain his hold on you. He is dressed in tattered buckskin, and his cheeks and forehead are painted with coloured stripes. His strange appearance reminds you of books you read when you were youngbooks with pictures of Red Indian braves who fought cowboys of the old West. The youth gives a warbling scream and more of his kind appear, all of them dressed in similar Red Indian costumes. With howls of delight they jump on you, take your missile and close combat weapons (erase these from your Action Chart), and hold your arms securely behind your back while the youth retrieves his lasso. Then, without a word of explanation, they drag you to the centre of the street and tie you to the totem pole.

The sound of a car horn echoes in the distance and your captors cease their whooping. The moment the vehicle glides into view, they throw themselves to their knees and bow their heads devoutly. Open-mouthed, you stare at the approaching car, scarcely able to believe your eyes.

Turn to 38.
@@ -4522,7 +4522,7 @@

Before venturing out into the storm, all three of you turn your transceivers to the same frequency so that you can remain in radio contact with each other throughout the search. Uncle Jonas also possesses a handset, and he selects his to transmit a signal on another frequency. By selecting that channel, and monitoring its signal strength, you should be able to find your way back to the school.


The three of you decide to split up and search different areas, thereby maximizing your chances of finding Maria quickly. The school building will have prevented her from wandering to the south, leaving three directions in which to search: north, west and east.


The three of you decide to split up and search different areas, thereby maximizing your chances of finding Maria quickly. The school building will have prevented her from wandering to the south, leaving three directions in which to search: north, west, and east.

If you wish to search to the north, turn to 169. If you wish to search to the west, turn to 299. If you decide to search to the east, turn to 125. @@ -4670,7 +4670,7 @@ 315 -

You make your way back to the convoy, aware that less than a few hours of daylight remain. Cutter and Uncle Jonas greet your return with a nod and a wave, both of them itching to get underway. Quickly you climb into your roadster, switch on the ignition and lead them single file onto the southbound carriageway of Freeway 35.


You make your way back to the convoy, aware that less than a few hours of daylight remain. Cutter and Uncle Jonas greet your return with a nod and a wave, both of them itching to get underway. Quickly you climb into your roadster, switch on the ignition, and lead them single file onto the southbound carriageway of Freeway 35.

@@ -4805,7 +4805,7 @@

Reluctantly the sun dips below the horizon, relinquishing its reign to a full moon and a clear night sky. The landscape is shrouded in a ghostly twilight and, as the miles slip past, the temperature steadily drops.


It takes a little over twenty minutes to reach Mineral Wells. It seems no different to a handful of other towns through which you have passed today: it is derelict, decayed and deserted. As you drive along the main street, you scan the rooftops in search of a radio mast, and, almost immediately, you discover what you seek. On the roof of a three-storey building at the end of the street is the tripod-like structure. The upper section of the mast has long since collapsed, but the remaining lower section is still intact, sufficient in length to carry a call-signal as far as Weatherford.


It takes a little over twenty minutes to reach Mineral Wells. It seems no different to a handful of other towns through which you have passed today: it is derelict, decayed, and deserted. As you drive along the main street, you scan the rooftops in search of a radio mast, and, almost immediately, you discover what you seek. On the roof of a three-storey building at the end of the street is the tripod-like structure. The upper section of the mast has long since collapsed, but the remaining lower section is still intact, sufficient in length to carry a call-signal as far as Weatherford.

Stopping outside the building, you fasten your jacket against the chill night air, then enter to find the dusty halls and offices of a commercial radio station awaiting you. In a studio at the top of the building you discover what you are looking for. Slumped over a control panel is the body of Doctor Drool, former ace DJ and anchor-man of Radio K.L.F.M. Beneath his skeletal hand is the button that controls the station call-sign, a transmission that has played continuously for the last eight years.

@@ -4870,7 +4870,7 @@

These aint no ordinary punks, growls Long Jake, peering cautiously over the edge of the bullet-shattered window frame. Theyre scouts for a Yankee gang thats headin this way, looking to take over. Theyre a mite anxious to get their hands on her, too, he says, nodding towards the girl who is crouching behind the store counter, her eyes wide with fright.

What do they want with her? you ask, but before Long Jake can reply there is a flash and a deafening explosion. The stores rear door is blown inwards and a searing wave of heat and flying debris knocks you off your feet. Stunned by the blast, you rise unsteadily and reach for a weapon. A grey shape fills the rear entrance, its outline fuzzy in the smoke and dust that hovers there. Then the shape draws into focus and you see the silhouette of a tall man, lean and sinewy, his thin mouth set in a cruel sneer.

Look out! screams Long Jake, as the figure leaps through the doorway, a shotgun held before him ready to fire.


Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If your current Shooting, Stealth and Perception points (when added together) total 8 or more, then add 2 to the number you have picked.


Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If your current Shooting, Stealth, and Perception points (when added together) total 8 or more, then add 2 to the number you have picked.

If your total is now 03, turn to 191. If it is 46, turn to 293. If it is 7 or more, turn to 168. @@ -5372,7 +5372,7 @@

(38) Replaced indian with Indian.

(42) Replaced zig-zag with zigzag.

(43) Replaced N a C l with NaCl.


(48) Replaced dislodgng with dislodging, Skull, with Skull?, and the Kickers with the Kickers. Replaced you boy with you, boy. Replaced Pouch and with Pouch, and.


(48) Replaced dislodgng with dislodging, Skull, with Skull?, and the Kickers with the Kickers. Replaced you boy with you, boy. Replaced Pouch and with Pouch, and. Replaced eyes, and with eyes and.

(55) Replaced thunderbird with Thunderbird.

(58) Replaced drunkenly and with drunkenly, and.

(60) Replaced Current Stealth with current Stealth.

@@ -5406,7 +5406,7 @@

(117) Added missing period after (0 equals 10). Replaced gulley with gully.

(119) Replaced Water Canteen, containing with Water Canteen containing and sulphonamides with sulfonamides.

(122) Replaced gutteral with guttural.


(127) Replaced on to with onto. Replaced axle and with axle, and.


(127) Replaced on to with onto. Replaced axle and with axle, and.

(131) Replaced (minimum - one round; maximum - five rounds) with (minimum: one burst; maximum: five bursts)

(132) Replaced machine-gunner with machine gunner. Replaced aim and with aim, and.

(133) Replaced feet first with feet-first.

@@ -5440,7 +5440,7 @@

(198) Replaced south-west with southwest (x2).

(204) Replaced machine-gun fire with machine gun fire.

(205) Replaced Weapons list with Weapons List.


(209) Replaced red indian with Red Indian.


(209) Replaced red indian with Red Indian. Replaced kind all with kind, all.

(210) Replaced out-distance with outdistance.

(213) Replaced on to with onto.

(216) Replaced Three rounds of 12-gauge shotgun ammunition with Three rounds of 12-gauge ammunition.

@@ -5452,6 +5452,7 @@

(233) Replaced (minimum - one round; maximum - four rounds) with (minimum: one round; maximum: four rounds)

(242) Replaced C.B. Radio with CB Radio. Replaced gulley with gully.

(246) Replaced feet first with feet-first.


(247) Replaced Kate and with Kate, and.

(248) Replaced C.B. radio with CB Radio.

(250) Replaced machine-gunner with machine gunner.

(253) Started a new paragraph for Cutters speech.

@@ -5462,27 +5463,29 @@

(265) Replaced camp fire with campfire.

(269) Replaced Weapons list with Weapons List.

(270) Replaced water canteen with Water Canteen.


(279) Added ONLY to the end of the sign to properly parallel Section 334.

(280) Replaced bread, itll with bread. Itll.


(285) Replaced visible, the with visible; the.

(288) Replaced auto-wreck with auto wreck.

(289) Replaced camp fire with campfire.


(294) Replaced the Kickers with the Kickers. Replaced you boy with you, boy.


(294) Replaced the Kickers with the Kickers. Replaced you boy with you, boy. Replaced eyes, and with eyes and.

(295) Replaced C.B. radio with CB radio and north-west with northwest. Replaced on to with onto.

(296) Replaced gulley with gully.

(297) Replaced on to with onto.

(298) Replaced red indian with Red Indian.

(299) Replaced on to with onto.


(300) Replaced red indian with Red Indian.


(300) Replaced red indian with Red Indian. Replaced young; books with youngbooks.

(303) Replaced on to with onto.


(305) Replaced fininshed with finished.


(305) Replaced aint you boy? with aint you, boy?.


(304) Replaced west and with west, and.


(305) Replaced aint you boy? with aint you, boy?. Replaced fininshed with finished.

(313) Replaced handrails with hand-rails.

(314) Replaced Weapons list with Weapons List.


(315) Replaced on to with onto.


(315) Replaced on to with onto. Replaced ignition and with ignition, and.

(318) Replaced rear view mirror with rear-view mirror.

(321) Replaced indian with Indian and north-west with northwest. Replaced on to with onto.


(325) Replaced C.B. with CB radio.


(325) Replaced C.B. with CB radio. Replaced decayed and with decayed, and.

(327) Replaced north-east with northeast, north-west with northwest (x2), and south-west with southwest.


(329) Replaced set in cruel sneer. with set in a cruel sneer..


(329) Replaced set in cruel sneer. with set in a cruel sneer.. Replaced Stealth and with Stealth, and.

(336) Replaced letters, with letters:.

(338) Replaced bushwacked with bushwhacked, Rickenbaker with Rickenbacker and fusilage with fuselage.

(343) Replaced Shackelford county sheriffs office with Shackelford County Sheriffs office.