From: Jonathan Blake Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 22:31:03 +0000 (+0000) Subject: Illustration code added by jffdougan - still needs dimensions X-Git-Tag: 20121028~189 X-Git-Url:;h=d0f4cf629754629a3f22a4bf4e06fce4969d210b;p=project-aon.git Illustration code added by jffdougan - still needs dimensions git-svn-id: f6f3e2d7-ff33-0410-aaf5-b4bee2cdac11 --- diff --git a/xml/01gstw.xml b/xml/01gstw.xml index 16ce10b..adf2f7d 100755 --- a/xml/01gstw.xml +++ b/xml/01gstw.xml @@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ $Id$ $Log$ +Revision 1.3 2005/04/01 22:31:02 jonathan.blake +Illustration code added by jffdougan - still needs dimensions + Revision 1.2 2005/03/10 18:21:51 jonathan.blake Removed link to old staff email address. @@ -620,16 +623,14 @@ Change Log:

It is a grim, chill morning, your last on the Isle of Lorn. With quaking heart, you enter the sacred temple of Amida to receive the silent blessing of your Shianti masters. They stand around you, heads bowed in meditation. At length, the ceremony ends and Maiteya, your old friend and teacher, steps forward, and grasps you firmly by the shoulders. You look into his glittering eyes and see yourself reflected there, for the eyes of the Shianti race are not coloured like man's but have pupils that cast reflections like mirrored glass.


Grey Star, he says, a warm smile lighting his serene face, the time has come for you to leave. Far will you travel and perilous is your course. Be not afraid, yet do not fear caution. Though you go with the teaching and blessing of the Shianti and carry the might of the Wizard's Staff, stealth and secrecy will be your allies. Let not courage defeat wisdom. Go now and seek the Kundi race that are called the Lost Tribe of Lara. You are the instrument of our will, bearer of our hope. Ever will your quest be in our minds and hearts.

Without a word, you turn and leave the temple, not looking back until you reach the shore, where a sail boat awaits you. With a gentle sigh, you bid farewell to the island of your youth and push the little craft into the cold waters of the Sea of Dreams. You jump into the boat and set sail, making a westward course for the distant mainland of the Shadakine Empire.

If you have the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to use it to aid your voyage, turn to 202. @@ -819,16 +820,14 @@ Change Log:

It appears your new companions put great faith in your leadership; a faith that is only slightly shaken when you admit that you have very little idea of where to go. You explain that your quest is to find the Lost Tribe of Lara (though you do not tell them its origin or true purpose), and suggest that Shan guides you. There is no obligation upon you to remain with me, though, you tell Tanith and Shan. You are free to do as you please.

I, for one, have no other place to go, says Tanith. Mother Magri was a cruel mistress and I would gladly aid any opponent of the rule of the Wytch-king and his servants.

And I, too, says Shan. But which way shall we go? We must keep moving, for it is certain that the Shadakine are searching for us.


There is a pause while you all consider the problem. Finally you ask if they have any suggestions. Shan's advice is to journey south to the Azanam, which he believes to be the most likely haunt of the lost tribe, and he offers to guide you there.

But if you are wrong, says Tanith, we will have journeyed far and into great danger unnecessarily. We need guidance. Three days' travel to the north of here lives Jnana the Wise, a hermit sage, He Who Serves No Master. I can take you to him.

If you have the Medallion of the Redeemer and the Vial of Pink Liquid, turn to 264. @@ -950,16 +949,14 @@ Change Log:

As the river begins to narrow, the once clear waters of the Azan River become a murky brown. Close to the banks, there are many shallow inlets where stagnant pools and swamps are overgrown with clumps of rope-like tendrils. These tendrils form the branches of a large plant called the Yaku. The tendrils are sensitized vines that snake across the ground towards a pool or into the main river, for the rest of the limestone canyon is arid. At the heart of the Yaku plant is a cluster of sharp points, and Shan warns you to keep well clear of these poisoned barbs.


It becomes increasingly hard to remain close to the river's edge without clusters of Yaku tendrils blocking your path.

If you wish to move further away from the Azan River and the difficult ground that borders it, turn to 54. If you would prefer to keep to the river, thus following a direct path to the Wall of Azakawa and the cloud forests of the Azanam that lie beyond, turn to 104. @@ -1076,16 +1073,14 @@ Change Log:

Moving under cover of the forest's edge, Shan leads the way along a worn path. Unexpectedly, he stops, head tilted to one side, listening intently. What is it? you whisper.

I heard a shout, ahead of us. Listen! In the distance, you can hear angry voices and the ring of steel against steel. Cautiously, you creep forward and peer through the dense undergrowth.


Six armoured knights, clad in blue and red robes, are battling with twenty Shadakine warriors. The knights are defending a heavily laden wagon that stands in the middle of a wide stone bridge. Perched on the wagon sits an unarmed man, richly clothed, looking fearfully upon the battle. He and his knights are outnumbered. Though skilled swordsmen, as the many Shadakine dead attest, they are hard-pressed, and have little chance of holding the bridge.

They don't stand a chance, you murmur.

But these are no ordinary soldiers, replies Shan. Look at the design on their shields&emdash;a mountain crowned with two stars. They bear the Royal Arms of Durenor. These are Knights of the White Mountain, warrior lords of Durenor, a free kingdom in the far north.

@@ -1624,16 +1619,14 @@ Change Log:

With a shudder, you step outside the pentacle and speak the sibilant words of the forbidden tome known as the Song of the Dead. The ghost of the priest sighs and says, It is done. Take the Amulet from the body of my former life. It will serve as a charm against the evil dead. You take the Amulet, which hangs by a silver chain around the dead priest's neck, and place it around your own. (Mark this Amulet as a Special Item on your Action Chart.)

All is silent. Slowly, the cell grows colder. The sound of distant moaning fills your ears, followed by a mournful wailing that chills the soul, which gradually rises in pitch and volume. The dead have come to claim their vengeance. The use of the Power of Evocation has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points. A howling wind sweeps through the cell and the door bursts open. You turn and grab Shan's arm. He has stood, pale and rigid with fear, throughout your exchange with the dead.


Quickly, you hiss. Come with me. You run through the door and into the corridor outside. Shadow forms are flowing out of the walls and floor, and everywhere spirit shapes fly in all directions. You turn to your right and see the horribly mutilated corpse of the jailer. Still clenched in his mortifying fist is a small Dagger. You may take this item if you wish. (Remember to mark it on your Action Chart under the Weapons section.)

If you wish to take the Jailer's Keys and free the other prisoners on this level, turn to 125 If you wish to take the left stairway without delay, turn to 137. @@ -1787,16 +1780,14 @@ Change Log:

The first of the Najin is almost upon you when you unleash the power of the Wizard's Staff, killing one of the shrieking creatures in mid-air and scattering the others in all directions; you have used up 2 WILLPOWER points.


No! screams Tanith, running off into the barren hills. The Najin rally and gather around you, hovering. Yammering wildly, the first of the little creatures attacks you.

There are nine Najin and they attack one at a time, attempting to claw and bite you. If you have another weapon, you pass it to Shan who then adds 2 to your COMBAT SKILL. (Remember to delete this weapon from your Action Chart.)

Najin 11010 @@ -1847,16 +1838,14 @@ Change Log:

You notice a spare seat and sit down. Also seated at the table are three others, one of whom may be able to help you locate the Lost Tribe of Lara. You try to decide with whom to attempt a conversation.

- If you have the Power of Prophecy, and wish to use it, turn to 313. If you wish to speak to the tattooed sailor who sits snoring beside you, turn to 79. If you would rather talk to the merchant, clad in a gaudy robe and furs, and laughing drunkenly to himself in the seat opposite, turn to 131. @@ -2253,16 +2242,14 @@ Change Log:

The sun has begun to set. Far ahead of you, heading west, you sight a small group of fishing boats. You see growing numbers of these craft as you continue on your way, occasionally spotting larger seagoing vessels. Then your heart gives a leap of joy. You can make out the distant shape of a coastline and a harbour full of hundreds of fishing boats and sail ships. In the orange glow of the setting sun, the domes and spires of a city point challengingly towards the sky. This is the Port of Suhn, the first city you have ever seen.

- If you wish to enter the port before nightfall, turn to 112. If you wish to wait for darkness to descend, turn to 280.
@@ -2361,16 +2348,14 @@ Change Log:

A Kleasá! Tanith screams. A Soul-eater!


You must fight the Kleasá to the death. For every round of combat, subtract 1 WILLPOWER point and 2 ENDURANCE points from your total. If you have erected a magical shield of Sorcery, subtract 1 WILLPOWER point and 1 ENDURANCE point for every round of combat as the Kleasá tries to claw at your soul.

Kleasá2530 If you are still alive after four rounds of combat or have defeated the Kleasá within three rounds, turn to 165. @@ -2670,16 +2655,14 @@ Change Log:

You have power, young stranger, murmurs Mother Magri. I sense some wizardry in you. How came this to be I wonder? Whom do you serve?


If you do not resist the power of the Kazim Stone, your quest and its origin will be revealed to this servant of the Wytch-king.

If you have the Power of Sorcery and wish to use it to destroy the Kazim Stone, turn to 191. If you have the Power of Sorcery and wish to use it to try to shield your mind from the probing power of the Stone, turn to 116. @@ -2945,16 +2928,14 @@ Change Log:

The speed and ferocity of the soldier Mantiz is astonishing. The creature attacks. You cannot evade combat and must fight this deadly opponent to the death.

- Soldier Mantiz1510 If you win the combat, turn to 213.
@@ -3269,16 +3250,14 @@ Change Log:

Death to the Shadakine! you scream, caught up in the berserk fury of the mob. With a triumphant cry, the crowd deposits you on the ground and then withdraws to form a circle around you and the warrior. The Shadakine stands sweating and panting before you; his eyes dart wildly in every direction but he sees no escape. As the jeering crowd hurls insults and taunts at the trapped soldier, you notice that the shaven-headed warrior's eyes are totally white, completely lacking pupils. Resolutely, he steps forward, sword and teeth bared, snarling his defiance. To the death then, boy, he spits.


You cannot avoid the combat owing to the circle of people around you and must fight the Shadakine to the death.

Shadakine Warrior1320 If you win, turn to 127. @@ -3374,16 +3353,14 @@ Change Log:

Standing your ground, you wait as the Quoku draws near, bracing yourself against attack. It stops a few yards away, regarding you with a baleful expression.

Suddenly, and without warning, the Quoku opens its mouth and grabs at Shan with a long proboscis-like tongue that wraps tightly around his arms and chest. Shan screams with fear and revulsion as he is dragged towards the venomous mouth of the Quoku. You have seconds in which to act.

- Turn to 337.
@@ -3464,16 +3441,14 @@ Change Log:

You turn into a street leading from the square and break into a run. Behind, you hear the cry of a Shadakine, ordering you to halt.

You have turned into a busy high street, crowded with people, and try as you may you cannot clear a way through them. Suddenly the crowd scatters, diving for cover. Twenty yards ahead stand three Shadakine warriors: an officer and two crossbowmen with weapons loaded and aimed at your heart.


Halt, or you're dead! shouts the Shadakine officer, savagely.

If you wish to obey his order, turn to 300. If you want to attack them, turn to 66. @@ -3780,16 +3755,14 @@ Change Log:

The evening is full of the sound of the throaty Quoku call. You both put on a burst of speed, glancing over your shoulders at your pursuers. To your horror, you see that they are no longer on the ground! Instead, they are gliding up into the air, limbs thrust out to reveal large flaps of membrane that stretch from their forelegs to their back legs to form gigantic wings. You didn't tell me they could fly! you shout to Shan.

I didn't know they even existed until an hour ago, he apologizes, wheezing, already short of breath. We'll never outrun them now.


More Quoku are leaping from their towers of stone, pushing high into the air with their powerful back legs and then gliding in circles around their columns, drifting with the warm air currents. The first of the creatures climbs gently, rolls to one side and then pulls into a steep dive. The Quoku hurtles towards you with astonishing speed: a hawk in pursuit of its prey.

If you wish to try to evade the diving Quoku, turn to 330. If you wish to stand and fight, turn to 231. @@ -4071,16 +4044,14 @@ Change Log:

The dark passage seems interminably long, and the three of you are panting for breath before you reach its end. The winding tunnel opens into a large, natural cavern. You rush through the cave mouth and down the steep slope of a hill, stopping only when you reach the bottom. You gasp for breath, your chest heaving and your limbs aching.

- If you have the Amulet of the Shianti priest, turn to 346. If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 199.
@@ -4644,16 +4615,14 @@ Change Log:

Soon, you come to a wide basin below the Shenwu Falls and the Great Wall of Azakawa. You are standing by the banks of Lake Shenwu, and in the eerie darkness it is a strange and disturbing sight.

- Turn to 43.
@@ -4715,16 +4684,14 @@ Change Log:

A great hooting yell signifies the presence of others in the leaf-green light of the tree tops. Some forty ape­like men with long tails swing bundles of smoking leaves at the end of lengths of vine. The smoke gives off a choking stench that throws the huge insects into confusion. Within a few moments, they have dropped from the branches of the tree or are scurrying back along the trunk, fleeing from the swirling fumes.


Through watering eyes, you watch the strange, stunted men using their tails to swing from tree limb to branch with astonishing agility, flushing out the insect invaders with practised ease. These are the Kundi. You have found the Lost Tribe of Lara.

As you watch the one-sided battle draw to a close, two sets of hairy arms grab you and lift you bodily into the air. Your ape-like abductors carry you through the giddy heights, leaping and swinging from tree to tree, tossing you like a bale of hay. You are being carried through a fine mist of cloud, from which the Azawood tree draws much of its moisture. Up here, in the highest levels of the forest, is a complex of wooden houses and platforms. You are dumped unceremoniously outside the largest of these tree houses: the house of the Kundi king.

The old king regards you with undisguised displeasure. I am Okosa, Kundi king&emdash;why you come and who are you?

@@ -4735,16 +4702,14 @@ Change Log:

How then, can I prove the truth of my words to you? you ask, helplessly.

The Kundi King gives you a sly look over his shoulder, eyebrows raised. Prove? he says. Yes, you prove many things, I think, when Urik, wise elder of the Kundi Tribe, has words with you. Then you see some Kundi magic! Not Shadakine spells and whispers.

Patiently, you wait. Faintly, you can hear the jingling of tiny bells and a hoarse voice chanting a monotonous rhythm, tunelessly. At length, a wizened old Kundi is led into the room. He is covered in bird feathers and numerous small bells, and his mad, bulging eyes roll around their sockets. The Kundi king and the old Kundi's escorts look to him with reverence, for he is their Shaman and a respected figure in their society. To your eyes, however, he looks faintly ridiculous, shambling around you in a comic, bow­legged dance, waving and rattling a strange, fur-covered talisman in your face and repeating his dissonant litany in an endless monotone. Your own instinctive powers tell you that no magic is being performed here, and you look with interest, curious to see what happens next. Suddenly the mad old Kundi falls silent. He is short of breath, his bony chest wheezing. He bares the blackened stumps of his rotten teeth, and pressing his face close to yours, so close that you can smell the stink of his fetid breath, he speaks to you.


You no look like Shianti, he says, looking you up and down with a theatrical gesture.

Shianti wizard, you correct, drawing no response.

You no feel like Shianti, Urik continues, running his leathery fingertips along the filthy, tattered remains of your robe. He wrinkles his nose. You no smell like Shianti&ellips; smell more like swamp! he says, exploding into a great fit of hoarse laughter, clapping his hands with glee.

@@ -5187,6 +5152,25 @@ Change Log:
diff --git a/xml/02tfc.xml b/xml/02tfc.xml index 54f5ee9..5f6a2aa 100755 --- a/xml/02tfc.xml +++ b/xml/02tfc.xml @@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ $Id$ $Log$ +Revision 1.3 2005/04/01 22:31:03 jonathan.blake +Illustration code added by jffdougan - still needs dimensions + Revision 1.2 2005/03/10 18:21:51 jonathan.blake Removed link to old staff email address. @@ -160,7 +163,7 @@ Initial revision
Ryan Cross
Jonathan Blake
Thomas Wolmer
Jonathan Blake
Jeff Dougan
Thomas Wolmer
Alternate Illustrations
JC Alvarez (action charts)
Jonathan Blake (extramatter charts and tables)
Christopher Lundgren (map and small illustrations)
@@ -577,6 +580,14 @@ Initial revision

Through the haze of a dream, your senses pass from sleep to waking. Opening your eyes, you see the wrinkled face of Urik, gazing intently into your own. How&ellips; how long? you falter.

Three days. Three nights. Deep sleep have healing ways&emdash;is true? Urik replies. You sit up in the hammock that has been your resting place these past three days and look around. Bright sunlight streams in through the window of the wooden chamber. The events of the past weeks rush through your mind. With some surprise, you note that your body is unmarked after the horrors of your ordeal. Even the Mantiz bite on your leg has disappeared.

Kundi magic, Urik explains, mysteriously. Your tattered, grey robes, washed and repaired, are laid out for you, and when you have breakfasted on fresh rainwater and honey cakes, you are led out to meet King Okosa once more. You marvel at the breathtaking beauty of the cloud forest that is the home of the Kundi people. Urik leads, shambling along with his comical, bow-legged walk and toothless smile and you cross the wooden walkways that connect the tree houses of the Kundi. They nestle amongst the highest branches of giant Azawood trees, whose towering heights and leafy peaks draw moisture from the clouds themselves: the wooden turrets of a forest castle surrounded by an ocean of cloud.

+ + + Paul Bonner + The wooden turrets of a forest castle, surrounded by an ocean of cloud + + + +

You are brought before the Kundi king once more. He and his advisers are gathered in the largest of the tree houses and old Urik ushers you in. You are well? the king asks. You nod your head and thank him and his people for treating you with such kindness.

Long ago, the king continues, before Wytch-king, Shasarak, rose in the north, the Shianti and Kundi tribes&emdash;great friends. Shianti need magical sight of Kundi to look into other worlds, see other planes. Only Shianti can go there. Only Kundi can see there&ellips; We help each other. Learn many things. But when Shianti leave, Wytch-king lead Shadakine peoples against us, burning the forests of our home in Mountains of Lara. Now, Shianti send great wizard to destroy evil Wytch-king, throw down Shadakine. Kundi men give all their help, in honour of our friendship. How we aid you?

I must travel to the Daziarn plane and reclaim the Moonstone of old, you reply. My masters tell me that I must seek out the Shadow Gate, the doorway that is invisible to all but the eyes of the noble Kundi. I ask you for a guide to take me there.

@@ -624,6 +635,14 @@ Initial revision

A vast, amorphous mass of slime and mud, wreathed with vines and dead vegetation, rises up out of the quagmire you have just passed. It reaches out and grabs you while you remain entranced, and presses you against its filth-encrusted body in a crushing bear hug. (Lose 2 ENDURANCE points.) You are being held by a Swamp Giant and it intends to squeeze the life out of you.

+ + + Paul Bonner + A mass of slime and mud rises up out of the quagmire, it is a Swamp Giant + + + + Swamp Giant1630 If you win the combat, turn to 65.
@@ -832,6 +851,14 @@ Initial revision

The passage eventually opens on to the Mountains of Morn. It is night and a full moon shines brightly in the sky. Below is the barren expanse of Desolation Valley: a vast wasteland of melted rock and craters. The plain is covered with pot-holes, and, as the wind blows across them, they sigh like a tortured soul moaning at the mountains. How long has the full moon shone? you ask Urik.

+ + + Paul Bonner + The barren expanse of Desolation Valley. A vast wasteland of melted rock and craters + + + +

I know not, he says, but Shadow Gate very near. Down below ground. Without hesitation, you begin to sprint across the plain and Urik follows. Gone is all your weariness and fatigue now that you are near your goal. The pot-holes lead downwards but there are hundreds of them; which way should you go?

Suddenly, a gruesome sight slithers from one of these holes. Its long, snaking body is bone white and skeletal; but its pale eyes, without pupils, reveal a deadly malice, a blind evil. It is a Scree Wyrm and it is slithering towards you.

If you wish to fight the Scree Wyrm, turn to 273. @@ -914,6 +941,14 @@ Initial revision

The Warward's mind is already weak with fear and it is a simple matter to exert your power over his brain and grip it with a murderous compulsion. Suddenly, the Warward walks towards the Shadakine Wytch, unable to resist the desire to slay that you have placed in his mind.

+ + + Paul Bonner + The Warward walks towards the Shadakine Wytch, unable to resist the desire to slay + + + +

Before the Wytch can resist, the Warward strangles her to death. Immediately the light of the Kazim Stone is extinguished and the Shadakine warriors before the fortress falter. With a jubilant cry, the soldiers of the Freedom Guild charge forwards.

Turn to 48.
@@ -1223,6 +1258,14 @@ Initial revision

Samu enters the grove of trees. Held in a headlock, and gurgling pleas for release, is a scrawny-looking man, dressed in a leather jerkin and bright scarlet breeches immediately you recognize him as the thief who tried to steal your money in the cavern of the Freedom Guild. What are you doing here? State your purpose! you say, leaping to your feet. The thief lets out a long gurgle by way of reply.

+ + + Paul Bonner + Held in a headlock is a scrawny man, the thief from the cavern of the Freedom Guild + + + +

What are you doing here? you repeat, angrily. Samu tightens his grip on the thief's neck.

Being&ellips; strangled! he squawks, clawing desperately at the thick arm around his neck.

You give Samu a nod and the brawny giant releases his grip. The thief collapses to the floor in an untidy heap, choking for breath and rubbing his bruised throat. Urik chortles with laughter. Get up! you command.

@@ -1307,6 +1350,14 @@ Initial revision

NO! you shout into the emptiness.

Turn aside, Grey Star. Turn aside. You dare not stand against me. The grim figure casts aside his hood and the shadow passes to a blood-red light, revealing a hideous face. Half of the face is missing and, in its place, a metal plate gives shape to the ruined visage of wasted flesh and scarred tissue. One eye is shrunken and sightless, while the other burns with the intensity of the sun. A gaze of unbearable malice focuses on your heart. Desist, Wizard&emdash;or I will rend the very soul from your body.

I will not! you scream into the darkness. A look of rage contorts his twisted features and the single eye burns into you. You are looking upon the face of Shasarak, Wytch-king of Shadaki, who has come to taunt and torment you as you sleep.

+ + + Paul Bonner + A gaze of unbreakable malice focuses on your heart: you look upon Shasarak, Wytch-king of Shadaki + + + +

You fear me now, foolish child, and you think that you have mastered fear. I will teach you the true meaning of terror. I will make you yearn for death as if it were your true love! Shasarak raises his clawed, decaying hand and clutches his fingers in the air: 1 WILLPOWER point is drawn effortlessly from your body.

You wake up screaming.

Turn to 291. @@ -1414,6 +1465,14 @@ Initial revision

Urik gives you a look of bewilderment. You nod confidently, as if you know exactly what you are doing. The bizarre procession of madmen and mad women moves at a stately pace through the wide archway that leads from the throne room. Samu looks as solemn as ever but Hugi's face wears an expression of astonishment. You enter a dim, candlelit hall dominated by a long table. Rats scuttle across the table, running for their bolt holes as the assemblage enters the room. You sit down and wait to see what happens next. Dinner is served, announces a gaunt, grey-faced servant. A limping, squeaking, three-wheeled trolley is pushed into the room. At the far end of the table, the deranged king moistens his lips with his coated tongue and tucks the table cloth into the top of his torn silk shirt. The tarnished silver dish is uncovered and a wave of revulsion churns your stomach: on the silver platter is a hideous array of human limbs.

+ + + Paul Bonner + The deranged king prepares to dine + + + +

The king stands up, brandishing a rusty carving knife. Would you like an arm or a leg? he enquires innocently.

If you wish to accept, turn to 108. If you wish to refuse, turn to 220. @@ -1436,6 +1495,14 @@ Initial revision

Hurriedly, you unfasten the knotted vine. Urik let out a yell as you both plummet towards the ground at frightening speed. Your fall is broken by the sucking ooze of the marshy ground below, but you are still bruised and must lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

Nearby, you can hear the shouts of the Shadakine Warriors as they search for you. You are surrounded by tall reeds and rushes and, for the moment, you are out of sight. You keep very still. The Shadakine are beating at the marsh reeds with large sticks, trying to flush you out. Just as a booted foot passes inches from your face, you suddenly realize that you are sinking.

+ + + Paul Bonner + You hide in the tall reeds as the Shadakine seek you out + + + + If you wish to struggle out of the quicksand into which you are being drawn, turn to 115. If you would prefer to keep still, at least until the Shadakine have passed, turn to 235.
@@ -1919,6 +1986,14 @@ Initial revision

You come to the remains of an elaborate archway carved into the city wall. The gate collapsed long ago and the street beyond is bleak and deserted. You take a deep breath and start forward. You have taken one step when a voice cries out: Who goes there?

The head and shoulders of a bony old man pop through a window high above the shattered gate. He regards you suspiciously with wild, bloodshot eyes. His filthy, matted hair hangs down over his shoulders and he waves a broken, rusty sword. Speak now! he continues. I can't open the gate until you tell me.

+ + + Paul Bonner + A bony man regards you with wild eyes + + + +

Puzzled, you look at the archway and then up at the grime-encrusted man. You can see no gate.

If you wish to humour the Gatekeeper, turn to 212. If you wish to ignore the ravings of the old man, turn to 254. @@ -1934,6 +2009,14 @@ Initial revision

The islet is located near the centre of the lake. Dense clumps of reeds surround its dull, green waters and beyond them, you can hear the shouts of the Shadakine as they seek you out. We must hide&emdash;get away from here. We're too exposed, you say urgently to Urik, making to step into the water. You feel Urik's restraining hand on your shoulder.

Wait! he says, pointing ahead. You follow the direction of his arm. A host of multi-coloured birds has taken off in alarm from the surface of the lake. The blur of colour draws your eye to something immediately below them that is moving straight towards you.

Two pale eyes on slender stalks protrude above the water, cold and emotionless, their irises no more than red slashes. Eijalfish, says Urik. Very big. Very poisonous. Very dangerous! And now, Shadakine come&ellips; is not good. Sure enough, you hear the sound of the Shadakine hunting party, beating at the dense foliage as they draw closer. In a few minutes, they are sure to discover you, stranded here in the middle of the lake.

+ + + Paul Bonner + Two pale eyes protrude above the water, cold and emotionless + + + + If you have the Magical Power of Sorcery and wish to create a magical shield capable of deflecting missiles, turn to 181. If you have the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to use it, turn to 230. If you wish to attack the Eijalfish with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 274. @@ -2170,6 +2253,14 @@ Initial revision

You mark your pentacle in the dust and begin to chant. The Deathgaunts come no further but remain outside the reach of the spell, whispering. The four of you stand huddled within the pentacle, each regarding the Deathgaunts with frightened eyes.

+ + + Paul Bonner + The Deathgaunts come no further but remain outside the reach of the spell whispering + + + +

Grey Star, says Samu in a hushed tone. They have not departed. We cannot remain here forever.

They can, comments Urik.

If you possess some Azawood leaves, turn to 120. @@ -2557,6 +2648,14 @@ Initial revision

Samu appears at your side and attacks the writhing creature with his broadsword. Hugi and Urik grab you by your cloak and pull you away from the fight as Samu's sword cuts back and forth in wide sweeping arcs. He more danger to you than Scree Wyrm, shouts Urik, pointing at Samu, who is lost in a berserk fury.

+ + + Paul Bonner + Samu, lost in a berserk fury, battles wit the Scree Wyrm + + + +

Suddenly, a loud cry makes you start. It is Hugi&emdash;he is struggling in the bony coils of another Scree Wyrm. You dare not attack the creature with a blast from your Staff for fear of hitting the struggling thief.

If you decide to engage the creature in close combat, turn to 206. If you do not wish to attack the Scree Wyrm, turn to 255. @@ -2947,6 +3046,14 @@ Initial revision

A flash of gleaming white light leaps from your Staff, tearing open the darkness of the night. The pallid glow of the Kazim light shrinks, curls, and is utterly consumed by the force of your challenge. The Shadakine panic and run, casting their weapons and armour aside as they scatter in all directions. The soldiers of the Freedom Guild give vent to a victorious cry as Sado of the Long Knife leads them into the fortress of stone.

+ + + Paul Bonner + A flash of gleaming white light leaps from your staff, tearing open the darkness of the night + + + + If your current WILLPOWER total is 15 or higher, turn to 48. If your current WILLPOWER total is 12&endash;14, turn to 189. If your current WILLPOWER total is 11 or lower, turn to 114. @@ -3009,6 +3116,14 @@ Initial revision

You enter a small clearing that is sheltered by a toa tree. Curled in its shade, you see a strange, reptilian creature, four feet long, with large, soft eyes that look at you pleadingly with more than a hint of human intelligence. A large wound oozes blood from its side. Urik explains that it is a young Chaksu, a much sought after beast. The adult grows to as much as ten feet in height and Chaksu hide is an expensive commodity, much in demand due to its toughness and elasticity. It is said that the wealth of the city of Karnali that stands on the edge of the Gurlu Marshes was built upon its trade in Chaksu hides and hunters frequently come to the marshes in search of their fortune.

+ + + Paul Bonner + A young Chaksu, a much sought after beast + + + +

Chaksu are capable of a primitive form of mind speech and you can clearly sense its distress. As Urik moves to tend its wound, the Shadakine break from cover and come running straight at you. It was these same Shadakine that injured the young Chaksu, leaving it for dead when they sighted you and Urik.

If you wish to make a stand in this clearing and protect the Chaksu from further harm, turn to 11. If you wish to flee, turn to 20. @@ -3238,6 +3353,14 @@ Initial revision

The Magdi crumples and falls lifelessly to the ground but still the Shadakine remain. They each wear a menacing grin, sensing victory. The tall Shadakine captain steps forward. Surrender yourself, Wizard. You cannot hope to win. As he speaks, the Chaksu utters a long trilling cry like a forlorn plea for help. The captain laughs scornfully, but his smug, self-satisfied expression changes to one of terrified disbelief as two large Chaksu burst out of the undergrowth, roaring with fury and searching for their lost offspring. The largest of the Chaksu, and mother of the young Chaksu you have protected, reaches out and grabs the Shadakine officer by the neck. With a deathly grip, she lifts him off the ground. His eyes bulge and his face turns purple; he is asphyxiated before she hurls him to the ground breaking his body in several places. With a triumphant howl, the Chaksu rush towards the Shadakine, who are running in all directions. Those Shadakine who are too slow of foot are mercilessly broken underfoot; the carnage is terrible to behold.

+ + + Paul Bonner + Two large Chaksu burst out of the undergrowth, roaring with fury in search of their lost offspring + + + +

When no Shadakine remain, the Chaksu turn and bow low before the mother sweeps her baby into her arms. Although they do not speak, their thanks echo in your mind. They give you a small set of wooden pipes. Should you need help, you have only to blow the pipes and they will come to your aid. Gratefully, you accept the Chaksu Pipes and place this Special Item in a pocket in your robe. (Remember to mark it on your Action Chart.) Then, the Chaksu are gone, trampling the thick foliage as if it were matchwood.

&thinspace;Great in might is the power of kindness, says Urik, quoting from The Way of the Shianti.

&thinspace;Oft comes help when help is unlooked for, you reply, anxious not to be outdone. Urik chuckles.

@@ -3358,6 +3481,14 @@ Initial revision

By mid-morning, you have reached the edge of the rain forest of the Azanam and are overlooking the Azagad Gorge. Far below, you can make out the sharp pinnacles of rock known as the Dragon's Teeth which cover the canyon floor. It was through this gorge that you came in search of the Azanam, and the lost Kundi tribe. There it was that your friend and guide, Shan Li the merchant, died so terribly, devoured by a poisonous Quoku, the flying amphibians that inhabit the desolate land. Your silent reverie is interrupted by the sound of Urik calling to you from above. Azagad hold sad memories for Grey Star? he enquires sympathetically. You nod your head, not thinking to ask how he knew what was on your mind. No time for sorrow now&ellips; time fly! Catch. He throws you a length of vine cut from the tree on which he stands. You take up the creeper and look at it in puzzlement. Make yourself a harness and tie it on&emdash;good and tight, he orders. You do as he suggests and before you can question his purpose, he produces a carved flute. He places it to his lips and begins to play a strange melody quite unlike any music you have ever heard before.

The music lasts for some time. Eventually, Urik puts down his pipe and looks expectantly at the sky. What now? you ask, a hint of cynicism in your voice.

Look&ellips; see! he replies. Far away you can see a tiny speck on the skyline. Ooslo bird&ellips; love Kundi music. The dark speck grows larger and soon you are able to make out the awkward, disproportionate shape of an Ooslo bird. Long-necked and small bodied, the bird's great wings flap without rhythm or grace. It is a strange creature.

+ + + Paul Bonner + You make out the awkward shape of an Ooslo bird, a strange creature + + + +

As the bird draws nearer, Urik takes up his pipe once more and plays. Eventually, the bird settles on a nearby branch, craning its neck and twisting its head, an expression of rapt fascination in its big, saucer-like eyes. Urik ties the other end of vine into a lasso. He stops playing and, with amazing accuracy, throws the lasso over the Ooslo's head. As the loop of the vine falls and tightens around the bird's neck, it gives a squawk of alarm. Only now does the nature of Urik's plan to cover many miles in just one day dawn on you.

Suddenly, you are dragged up into the air by the Ooslo bird. Urik gives an excited whoop of delight, leaping into the air and grabbing at your legs, dangling there as the bird flies higher. What do we do now? you shout, swinging wildly in the air, the old Kundi man clinging to your legs and grinning maniacally.

Ooslo bird fly home now&ellips; back to Gurlu Marshes. Ooslo&emdash;strong flier. Take us far&ellips; and good fun, eh? The Ooslo bird squawks loudly and Urik hoots back with a howl of wild laughter.

@@ -3552,6 +3683,14 @@ Initial revision

The following day, you, Urik and the fighters of the Freedom Guild are ensconced in the tall grass at the edge of the marsh. In the distance gleams the city of Karnali overlooking the Suhni and Belzar Rivers. Along the Great Suhn Road that leads east away from Karnali, you see a long line of men, women and children: slaves of the Shadakine. Warriors walk up and down the line, brandishing flails with needless ferocity. Suddenly, the charge is sounded and a wave of men pours out of the brush and runs towards the column of slaves.

+ + + Paul Bonner + Suddenly, the charge is sounded and the fighters of the Freedom Guild fall upon the slave train + + + +

The Shadakine guards fall into defensive positions along the road, but the stealth of the ambush outmanoeuvres them and they have no time to deploy effectively. Shall we? you ask Urik. He grins broadly and gives vent to a bellowing yell before shambling out of the brush towards the fray as fast as his old bones will allow. You follow behind.

Turn to 144.
@@ -3797,6 +3936,14 @@ Initial revision

It is a sleep that gives you no rest. Through a dark haze, the ghastly figure of Shasarak appears. And still you persist&emdash;fool! he spits. I see that my friends were unable to make you see the error of your ways, he says, scornfully. Perhaps this will better persuade you.

+ + + Paul Bonner + Through a dark haze the ghastly figure of Shasarak appears + + + +

With a gesture of his ruined hand, he shows you the vision of a young girl, sobbing, surrounded by a pool of darkness. With a dull ache in your heart you recognize the girl. It is Tanith, the Wytch girl who helped you escape from a Shadakine prison in the Port of Suhn and finally leapt to her death to save you. Now, trapped upon another plane, she weeps alone, her eyes wild with fear. Tanith! you call into the void of your dream.

Shasarak laughs, savagely. She cannot hear you, Wizard. No one can hear her now. She is mine to torment as and when I wish. And my imagination knows no limit in the matter of torment&emdash;in that field I rule supreme. The Wytch-king begins to laugh with malicious glee, relishing Tanith's plight and your misery at witnessing it. Turn aside, Grey Star, or she is lost. With the howl of Shasarak's mocking laughter ringing in your ears, you wake with a start. You have lost 1 ENDURANCE point and 1 WILLPOWER point during the night.

In the grey light of dawn you trudge towards the Forbidden City, your companions walking silently by your side. Soon, you are able to see the outline of the city in the distance. A few more hours and you will be standing before its gates. There is only one solution to the sinking of your heart and the mounting ache that racks your mind: you must complete your quest.

@@ -3902,6 +4049,14 @@ Initial revision

You cause the tip of your Staff to emit a dim glow that illuminates the interior of your prison. You are in a large, low-ceilinged chamber, littered with shards of fallen masonry. Urik and Hugi lie in a far corner. They both remain silent. What use are words now? (The cost of creating a light from your Staff has been 1 WILLPOWER point.)

You curse your bad luck. You are sure that some wizardry is required to free you from this prison, but you are weak and still have to reach Desolation Valley. It is sure to hold other dangers for you. You are suddenly distracted from this moody introspection by the sound of shouting voices, and the noise of a struggle coming from above. Suddenly, the door of the chamber is thrown open. Looking down on you is the figure of Samu, smiling broadly, sword in hand. How? you cry in disbelief.

The river carried me downstream before I was able to resist its current, says Samu. I've been looking for you everywhere. Luckily for you, I was nearby when the wretches of this city caught you. I saw them bring you to this crypt. Wait a moment. Swiftly, he turns and slashes at a wretch who is trying to drag him away from the door. He swats his assailant like a fly then turns to face you once more. Come, we must hurry.

+ + + Paul Bonner + Samu turns and slashes at the wretches who try to drag him from the door + + + +

He pulls each of you out in turn, and stops to deliver a kick at two wretches blocking a doorway that leads from the crypt. This way, he says, indicating a narrow passage that leads upwards. These creatures seem reluctant to travel this passage. They will not follow, I think.

You run down the passage as fast as you can with Samu protecting the rear. At the end of the passage is a heavy door. Urik swings it open and you all dash through.

Turn to 26. @@ -3934,6 +4089,14 @@ Initial revision

Despite the soullessness of the being, the Kleasá emits a great howling yell of triumph and expands like a great black cloud of terror. With the Black Rod in its possession it is freed from the mastery of Shasarak&emdash;free to roam the universe at will.

+ + + Paul Bonner + The Kleasá emits a great howling yell of triumph + + + +

As the Kleasá soars up into the air, its shape extended like a great bat's wing, the Shadow Gate truly appears before you: a great, grey arch, a window to other worlds filled with formless mists and nightmare glimpses. Tanith stands before you on the other side of the threshold and, without hesitation, you step through.

Your further journeys in the Daziarn plane will be chronicled in book three of the Grey Star series, entitled

Beyond the Nightmare Gate

@@ -4253,6 +4416,26 @@ Initial revision
diff --git a/xml/03btng.xml b/xml/03btng.xml index 8a46e04..f5c40f1 100755 --- a/xml/03btng.xml +++ b/xml/03btng.xml @@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ $Id$ $Log$ +Revision 1.3 2005/04/01 22:31:03 jonathan.blake +Illustration code added by jffdougan - still needs dimensions + Revision 1.2 2005/03/10 18:21:51 jonathan.blake Removed link to old staff email address. @@ -684,6 +687,14 @@ Initial revision

You find Oz-na-Mun sitting before his shack, staring at a tall mass of moist, red clay before him. His gaunt face is full of sorrow and he does not even look up when you approach. So you have come, he says, flatly.

+ + + Paul Bonner + Oz-na-Mun is sitting before his shack, staring at a mass of red clay + + + +

You knew I was coming? you reply, surprised.

He has been here; your shadow brother, your dark self. There was a girl with him also.

I seek the Moonstone of the Shianti, you state. Do you know where it is and how it may be found?

@@ -1046,6 +1057,14 @@ Initial revision

With smiling faces and much laughter, the Elessin lead you to their home. As you draw closer to the Singing City, you gaze in wonder upon the dazzling display of glass and fragmented light that gleams beneath the bright sun. Rainbows of colour splash from the delicate spires and splendid ivory towers that point towards the sky. Like the distant ringing of a million tiny bells, the music of the city reaches your ears. You hear the warm resonance of a shifting bass accompanied by pure, whispering harmonies as delicate as a breeze, and you are awestruck by the magnificence of the city. The Academicians told you that the Elessin are cruel creatures, but their city suggests a purity of spirit beyond any mortal imagining.

+ + + Paul Bonner + The Singing City with its delicate spires and splendid ivory towers + + + +

You pass through the arched gateway of the city and walk along a long avenue of crystal paving stones.

Turn to 238.
@@ -1065,6 +1084,14 @@ Initial revision

You enter a door. To your surprise, you and Tanith find yourselves standing in a circular chamber filled with a milky-white light. Your heart lifts when you recognize that the source of the light is the Moonstone itself. So you found it at last, says a voice behind you. It is the Jahksa.

+ + + Paul Bonner + You and Tanith find yourselves in a circular chamber filled with milky-white light + + + + Turn to 275.
@@ -1094,6 +1121,14 @@ Initial revision

Hastily, you walk across the plane of clouds, crossing the Neverness and gaining on the Crystal Tower, which gleams faintly with a strange light. The tower is built from great shards of black crystal, and its design is entirely alien to your eyes.

+ + + Paul Bonner + The Crystal Tower gleams faintly with a strange light + + + + Turn to 167.
@@ -1154,6 +1189,14 @@ Initial revision

Soon you are back where you started, having completed a circuit of the Crystal Tower. To your immense surprise, however, there is now a door beneath the metal plate. Tanith has an incredulous look upon her face. There is strange sorcery at work here, she comments.

The iron-shod door is tall and uninviting. You try the handle but the door is locked. You notice a keyhole and five Keys hanging on five hooks by the door. Each Key has been shaped into the likeness of a beast.

+ + + Paul Bonner + The iron-shod door is locked and five keys are hanging by it + + + + If you wish to use the Serpent Key, turn to 240. If you wish to use the Eagle Key, turn to 227. If you wish to use the Wolf Key, turn to 235. @@ -1202,6 +1245,14 @@ Initial revision

You take out the Gyronome. To your surprise it is still emitting its familiar, high-pitched note. You are further confused when you discover that the device continues to sound at the same volume wherever you point it. You depress the foot bar. The mist within the glass dome begins to swirl and its ghostly light grows brighter, but there is no sensation of movement, even with the bar pressed all the way down to the floor. You fear that you are stranded&emdash;becalmed upon an alien sea.

A thread-like line of white light in the distance gives you fresh hope. Your flesh begins to tingle&emdash;an unpleasant sensation that seems to be drawing the strength from your body (lose 2 ENDURANCE points). The horizon of white light thickens until it splits the darkness in two, and yawns like an infernal chasm. Terrified, you hurtle towards the momentous shaft at an incredible speed.

+ + + Paul Bonner + The horizon of white light splits the darkness in two + + + + If you wish to try to slow your pace, turn to 74. If you wish to continue at the same speed, turn to 310.
@@ -1368,6 +1419,14 @@ Initial revision

At first they are distant specks but they are moving towards you at high speed and soon you are able to distinguish details. You give an involuntary gasp: the creatures have oily, purple-black skins with slickly matted feathers; their eyes protrude like two swollen bruises from the sides of their heads and their cry is hoarse like the ringing of a cracked bell. The Ethetron moves sluggishly as the very last of the grey mist seeps from its dome. You turn the ship towards the Trianon but the malformed birds (if birds they are) are gaining on you.

+ + + Paul Bonner + The creatures have oily, purple-black skins with slickly matted feathers + + + + If you wish to attack one of the Chaos-birds at long range with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 64. If you wish to wait for the Chaos-birds to draw nearer, turn to 108. If you have the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to use it, turn to 78. @@ -1557,6 +1616,14 @@ Initial revision

Immediately, you are standing in the court of the Chaos-master. The high walls ripple with light as the strange architecture of the Master's hall changes constantly. In the centre of the hall, upon an obsidian throne, is seated the Chaos-master himself, ruler of the Realm of the Paradox. He makes a disturbing sight: a giant over thirty feet in height, his facial features and characteristics are in a state of constant flux, continually melting into new and hideous guises. You glimpse dark and loathsome creatures, beasts and beings of indescribable horror, writhing within this awesome god.

+ + + Paul Bonner + The Chaos-master continually melts into new and hideous guises + + + +

Welcome to the Master's court! he bellows. Allow me to introduce my guests.

Slowly a dark-robed figure walks into the hall. He wears a hood and carries a black staff. Following immediately behind is Tanith. She gives you a brave smile.

May I present the Wizard, Grey Star.

@@ -1686,6 +1753,14 @@ Initial revision

You are led to a high-ceilinged chamber lit by a curious, pulsing light. The room is filled with strange, ornate machines of gleaming metal. Lights flicker and you hear a throbbing hum and a continual, metallic, mechanical ring. Several Academicians tend the machines, pushing buttons and pulling levers, though to what purpose you cannot guess.

Grey Star, Tanith&emdash;allow me to introduce you to Crabkey, one of our greatest and most ingenious inventors.

+ + + Paul Bonner + Allow me to introduce Crabkey, one of our most ingenious inventors + + + +

You recognize the shabby man who turns to greet you; he was the man who sat in the armchair when you first entered the chamber of the Academicians. In the strange lurid glow of the laboratory his shadowed, bulging eyes make him appear even more sinister than before. We meet again, you say uncomfortably.

Crabkey stares at you without speaking. Spittlethrift breaks the silence: Mr Crabkey is the inventor of the machine that will enable you to journey to the Realm of the Singing City, aren't you, Crabkey, old chap? Crabkey continues to stare at you insolently. With a slow blink of his huge eyes, he makes an unintelligible sound in the back of his throat and nods.

Yes, yes, says Spittlethrift half to himself. Come now, young Wizard and pretty mistress Tanith, come see his wonderful creation. Mounted on a small dais in the centre of the laboratory is a most unusual machine. This, says Spittlethrift proudly, is the Ethetron, the flying machine that will carry young Grey Star through the realms of the Daziarn, and to the Singing City to fetch our prize.

@@ -1824,6 +1899,14 @@ Initial revision

The Ethetron is quite unlike anything you have seen before. It has a railed platform, and is shaped like a saucer, except that its stern is pointed like a lizard's tail. It bears a large glass dome in its centre. Passing through the top of the dome is a single black shaft like the mast of a sailing ship. The single sail resembles a giant bat's wing and is made of a strange material that shimmers like water and looks like metal but is like fabric to the touch. A closer inspection of the glass dome reveals that it contains a swirling, grey-white mist.

+ + + Paul Bonner + The Ethetron's tail is like a lizard's, its sails like bats' wings + + + +

It is the raw stuff of the Daziarn, unformed power for the craft, explains Crabkey. Without it, the craft would fall from the sky. To steer, he continues, you must operate this lever&emdash;pull to climb, push to dive, left and right as normal. To draw more power from the glass dome you must press this metal bar at your feet; to slow down, release it. If you apply no pressure, the craft will remain where it is; if you push the lever to the left or right without power, the craft will spin on its axis. Beware, these controls are very sensitive. You need apply very little pressure to make the craft change its course.

When Crabkey is satisfied that you understand the controls, he introduces you to another Academician, Slypate, who hands you a shining sphere of red and yellow metal. This is a Gyronome. There is no north, east, west or south in the plane of the Daziarn, nor is there time as you perceive it, says Slypate. The only way of finding the Singing City is with the aid of this device. When you draw it out, it will emit a sound if you are heading for the Singing City. The louder the note, the surer your course. To return to the Crystal Tower, the Gyronome must be absolutely silent. It is very accurate: I invented it myself, he says with pride. You take the Special Item and place it in your pocket. (Remember to mark the Gyronome on your Action Chart.)

Soon you are ready to leave. The Academicians offer you the choice of the following items to aid you in your quest. (Remember that you may carry only two Weapons and a maximum of eight items in your Backpack.)

@@ -1904,6 +1987,14 @@ Initial revision

You head across the cloud plane towards the hunched figure. The man turns and looks at you, apparently unsurprised by your sudden appearance. He is dressed in grey, tattered rags and, with a start, you see that the flesh of his hands and face is almost transparent, revealing the veins, bones, and tissue that lie beneath his skin.

+ + + Paul Bonner + The hunched figure is dressed in grey rags and the flesh of his hands and face is almost transparent + + + +

No peace. No peace, he mutters to himself. So many interruptions&ellips; the passage of strangers, asking directions and breaking the silence. He gazes at you with a sad but steady stare. I am Drear, wanderer between worlds, he says, as if reciting a litany. Sailor upon pointless seas, traveller of timeless lands, born of a world grown old and tired. You are in the Neverness, my children, the unformed and unclaimed void of the Daziarn, where no one yet resides.

What of yonder building? you ask.

The Crystal Tower, home of the Academicians, scientists and scholars from another plane. They are mad, my friend. Do not waste your time with them. Instead, follow me and find peace in the calm of wandering; shed all purpose and responsibility. Come, follow! I seek the salvation of silence, the tranquillity of endlessness.

@@ -2098,6 +2189,14 @@ Initial revision

You use another WILLPOWER point but this time you feel the balance of power shift in your favour. Before your enemy is able to pour extra force into his counterspell you order the wind spirits away. At the abrupt change in the force of the wind the Ethetron lurches violently and, as you struggle with the controls, the Jahksa staggers backwards. Tanith seizes her chance and, rushing furiously, she runs headlong into the Jahksa and heaves him over the rails. You both give a triumphant shout of joy and you quickly bring the Ethetron under control.

As you draw closer to the Moaning Mountain you soon locate the cavern in its side and, with some skilful manoeuvring, you line up the ship with the yawning cavern mouth.

+ + + Paul Bonner + You soon locate the cavern in the side of the Moaning Mountain + + + + Turn to 300.
@@ -2334,6 +2433,14 @@ Initial revision

You pick up the road out of sight of the poor survivors and follow it to the next village. This village is also ablaze. No one attempts to put out the fire; instead, everyone stares at a figure dancing maniacally on the roof of a house. It is a familiar and disturbing sight: Jahksa. Even now he is hurling bolts of magical flame into the thatched and wooden roofs of the village houses.

+ + + Paul Bonner + Everyone stares at a figure dancing maniacally on the roof of the house + + + + If you wish to attack the Jahksa at long range, turn to 154. If you have the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to use it, turn to 169.
@@ -2488,6 +2595,14 @@ Initial revision

A sky-blue sea with foam-crested waves rolls where the sky should be. Green hills and fields ripple and undulate like an ebb tide and the Ethetron begins to rock violently. Mountains stand on their peaks and towns and cities float haphazardly in the air. Night becomes day and day becomes night in the blink of an eye. A huge fist rears up, poised to strike, then passes through you like a phantom. All around you is the sound of crazed and forlorn laughter.

+ + + Paul Bonner + Mountains stand on their peaks and cities float haphazardly in the air + + + + If you have the Magical Power of Enchantment, turn to 156.

If you do not have this Magical Power, pick a number from the Random Number Table and add it to your WILLPOWER score.

If the total is 20 or more, turn to 86. @@ -2947,6 +3062,14 @@ Initial revision

Tense with anticipation, you wait as the figures draw near. Each wears a short white toga; they have blonde hair and strange, circular ears.

As soon as they arrive they begin speaking to you in a language you cannot understand. Their voices are soft and flute-like and there is a lilting quality to their speech. These are Elessin, inhabitants of the Singing City. Excitedly, they chatter on, pointing at both the Ethetron and the sky. You soon realize that they wish you to go to the Singing City with them.

+ + + Paul Bonner + The Elessin have soft, flute-like voices and wear short togas + + + + If you wish to go with the Elessin, turn to 45. If you wish to attack them with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 6.
@@ -2958,6 +3081,14 @@ Initial revision

The webbed claw rakes the side of the Ethetron, but your swift reflexes save you from certain death. As the monstrous limb sinks back into the mist, Tanith points to a crack that has appeared in the glass dome that contains the power which drives the craft. The Ethetron starts to lose height, sinking slowly into the swirling mystery below.

Suddenly, there is a hideous roar and seven eyeless heads on long, slender necks wave before you like monstrous flowers in a breeze. Twenty feet tall, with teeth like razors, they sway this way and that, blindly seeking you out. A giant head sways barely a few feet away and a yawning mouth bears down on you.

+ + + Paul Bonner + Seven eyeless heads on long, slender necks wave before you + + + + If you wish to attack the creature with your Staff, turn to 194. If you wish to manoeuvre between the long-necked monsters, turn to 171.
@@ -2969,6 +3100,14 @@ Initial revision

You pass through the Gate, past a shimmering waterfall, and into the foothills of a mountain range towards a lush, green valley. You land the Ethetron and you and Tanith disembark.

Everywhere is a growing, verdant splendour. The air is fresh and invigorating and you suddenly realize that you have not eaten since you crossed the Shadow Gate. You mention this to Tanith and she nods in agreement, pointing to the berries of a nearby bush. Perhaps more familiar natural laws apply in this realm. You eat your fill of the delicious berries; restore 2 ENDURANCE points due to their great nutritional value.

+ + + Paul Bonner + Everywhere is a growing, verdant splendour + + + + If you have the Magical Power of Alchemy, turn to 177. If you do not have this Magical Power, turn to 293.
@@ -3240,6 +3379,14 @@ Initial revision

The man leads you into a vast hall. Its incredibly high ceiling is supported by hundreds of transparent columns that contain a many-coloured liquid. At the far end of the hall is a pillar of swirling light that illuminates a grotesque but life-like statue of a child. Welcome, says a voice in your head, to the Palace of the Screaming God. Instinctively you spin round to look at the man with the golden hair. He is a telepath, and since the language of the mind is universal, you are able to understand everything he says. I am the Guardian of the Threnogem, he informs you. And you are Grey Star. Pray tell me, why have you come to the Realm of the Elessin?

+ + + Paul Bonner + In the palace of the Screaming God there is a grotesque but life-like statue of a child + + + + If you wish to attack the Guardian of the Threnogem, turn to 322. If you wish to snatch the Threnogem from the statue's mouth and try to break out of the Palace of the Screaming God, turn to 71. If you wish to tell the Guardian your true purpose, turn to 259. @@ -3366,6 +3513,14 @@ Initial revision

Splendid! Splendid! says a cheerful voice. You spin round to see a little fat man, dressed head-to-toe in a black gown. He claps his pudgy hands together and smiles happily.

+ + + Paul Bonner + Spittlethrift claps his pudgy hands together and smiles happily + + + +

Who are you? you ask, still breathless.

I am Spittlethrift, scholar, professor and master of the Crystal Tower. Yes, yes&ellips; a tower of learning, a veritable pillar of wisdom and knowledge, ha, ha, indeed! He takes a pair of wire-framed spectacles and places them on the end of his smudge of a nose. You are not alone, I see. He squints at Tanith. Most pleasing, enchanting&ellips; yes, yes, well done! You have passed the test; you will suffice. He turns towards the door and flutters his hands in an agitated manner. Come now, you must meet the rest of us. Oh yes, delightful, engaging, so wonderfully entertaining!

The excitable little man leaves the room, still chuckling to himself, and you follow close behind. Soon, he ushers you into a dim room, which is dusty and full of cobwebs. The air is stale and thick with tobacco smoke and seated opposite in a large armchair is a thin, straggling man, roughly Spittlethrift's height, with bulging, shadowy eyes. Reclining in various positions around the room are several others, all approximately Spittlethrift's height, and all similarly dressed.

@@ -4007,6 +4162,14 @@ Initial revision

You thank the Vale people for their kindness but insist that your quest is urgent and will brook no delay. You ask if they will show you to the Gateway to the Realm of the Moonstone, and they agree. That night they take you to the Silver Lake, which lies high in the mountains. They instruct you and Tanith to climb aboard the Ethetron and fly above the lake. As the night grows older, and the moon climbs higher in the sky, the waters are bathed in a beautiful shimmering light, like that of polished silver. Then, they say, must you fly into the lake itself, for it is the Gate and the moon its key.

+ + + Paul Bonner + The Vale people take you to the Silver Lake which lies high in the mountains + + + +

You do exactly as they say and when you reach the surface you discover no water at all; merely the passing touch of something as light as gossamer.

Turn to 247.
@@ -4830,6 +4993,26 @@ Initial revision