From 2255475e77b14cec3b7fb0d4beb7da594d6dd103 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Osborne Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2013 22:33:15 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 1/1] First round of Errata for Book 26. git-svn-id: f6f3e2d7-ff33-0410-aaf5-b4bee2cdac11 --- en/xml/26tfobm.xml | 54 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-) diff --git a/en/xml/26tfobm.xml b/en/xml/26tfobm.xml index 2ddb02b..7821cf4 100644 --- a/en/xml/26tfobm.xml +++ b/en/xml/26tfobm.xml @@ -178,13 +178,13 @@

You escorted Lord Rimoah personally to Lone Wolfs chambers, located beneath the Tower of the Sun, the monasterys commanding citadel. Before you could excuse yourself and leave the vault, Lone Wolf asked you to stay to listen to what the venerable magician had come to say. Lord Rimoah nodded his benign approval.


Dwarf King Ryvin of Bor is in desperate need of our aid, my Lords, began Rimoah, earnestly. An ancient horror has been awoken in the depths of his subterranean kingdom, and now it threatens to destroy his realm. The Drodarin race may be doomed unless we are able to overcome this creatureand swiftly.


Dwarf King Ryvin of Bor is in desperate need of our aid, my lords, began Rimoah, earnestly. An ancient horror has been awoken in the depths of his subterranean kingdom, and now it threatens to destroy his realm. The Drodarin race may be doomed unless we are able to overcome this creatureand swiftly.

Lord Rimoah informed you that recent excavations in the lowest levels of the vast underground kingdom of Bor had disturbed the Shomzaa. This powerful entity was entombed by the Elder Magi during their 1,000-year war against Agarash the DamnedNaars first champion of evil. Lone Wolf lowered his eyes and shook his head in disbelief upon hearing Rimoahs words.

I understood that dwarf lore expressly forbade such deep mining, for fear that the Shomzaa and its minions might be released. How could such a thing have been allowed to occur? he said.


Greed is to blame, my lord, replied Rimoah, sadly, the greed of King Ryvins elder son, the Crown Prince Leomin. He alone was responsible for the excavations that opened the way to this ancient horror.


Greed is to blame, my lord, replied Rimoah, sadly, the greed of King Ryvins elder son, the Crown Prince Leomin. He alone was responsible for the excavations that opened the way to this ancient horror.

Lord Rimoah informed you that only five days have elapsed since the Shomzaa was released, yet already the creature and its Agarashi minions have taken control of the lower levels of the kingdom. Bitter fighting rages in the tunnels and chambers of Bor as King Ryvins army struggles to contain the Shomzaa and its horde, he said. They are being sorely pressed, for the enemy have captured their armouries and equipped themselves for the fight. Ryvin has lost control of the tunnels leading to his throne chamber, where Leomin and his younger brother, Prince Torfan, are now trapped and besieged, along with the remnants of their personal guard.

@@ -200,13 +200,13 @@

A Sun-crystal, said Lone Wolf.


Yes, my Lord, replied Rimoah, reverently. By the skilful use of the power contained within this sphere it is possible that we may defeat the Shomzaa and its minions, and thereby spare the kingdom of Bor from the tyrannical rule of Naar. We of the Elder Magi have crafted the means to defeat the Shomzaa, but in all Magnamund only the Kai have the ability and courage that is needed to take this goodly weapon and use it to its full effect.


Yes, my lord, replied Rimoah, reverently. By the skilful use of the power contained within this sphere it is possible that we may defeat the Shomzaa and its minions, and thereby spare the kingdom of Bor from the tyrannical rule of Naar. We of the Elder Magi have crafted the means to defeat the Shomzaa, but in all Magnamund only the Kai have the ability and courage that is needed to take this goodly weapon and use it to its full effect.

Lone Wolf approached Rimoah and took the Sun-crystal from his outstretched palm. Then he turned to face you.

We have been called upon to undertake a difficult and dangerous mission, Grand Master, he said. You have proven your bravery and skill beyond all doubt, and truly you have earned the right to refuse this quest with honour. Yet I sense that you hunger for the heat of battle and the challenge of the quest, and so I offer this mission to you. Will you venture to Bor and confront the bane that now threatens to destroy our dwarven allies?


Yes, my Lord, I will, you replied, without a moments hesitation. For the greater glory of Sommerlund and the Kai, I am proud to accept the quest.


Yes, my lord, I will, you replied, without a moments hesitation. For the greater glory of Sommerlund and the Kai, I am proud to accept the quest.

@@ -1909,7 +1909,7 @@ 55 -

As the last of their riders falls from the saddle, the Brozal steeds turn and flee for their lives. You sheathe your weapon and call upon your Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control to command one of these fleeing mounts to calm itself. Responding to your mental suggestion, it slows rapidly to a halt.


As the last of their riders falls from the saddle, the Brozal steeds turn and flee for their lives. You sheathe your Weapon and call upon your Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control to command one of these fleeing mounts to calm itself. Responding to your mental suggestion, it slows rapidly to a halt.

You summon the Brozal to approach you and it responds again with calm obedience. Deftly you climb onto the creatures scaly back and settle yourself in the saddle; then you turn it towards the east and urge it to enter the tall wheat. Carefully you skirt around the area of blazing crops before turning again, this time to the north.

The Brozal lopes through the yellow stalks with a swift and easy gait, and you cover ground at a far swifter pace than would be possible on foot. But when you come unexpectedly to a muddy ditch, a boundary between the wheat and a neighbouring crop of barley, the Brozal misses its footing. It stumbles badly and you are thrown headlong from the saddle.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 1 to the number you have picked.

@@ -2548,7 +2548,7 @@

You learn that the princes and their bodyguard of War-thanes have held the throne chamber for six days. They have no food or water, and it is only the radiant power of the throne that has sustained them. Prince Leomin knows the precise location of Shomzaas lair and he will lead you to it. You agree to go with him while Prince Torfan remains here to command the defence of the throne chamber.


Leomin takes you to a stone door set flush into the curving marble wall. A grizzled old warrior sits guard at this portal, and clutched in his vein-covered hands is a glowing runestone. Your Kai senses detect that this door is sealed by an Old Kingdom Spell that has prevented Shomzaas horde from gaining entry to the chamber by this way. Prince Leomin unsheathes his battle-axe and motions you to draw your weapon before the door is opened.


Leomin takes you to a stone door set flush into the curving marble wall. A grizzled old warrior sits guard at this portal, and clutched in his vein-covered hands is a glowing runestone. Your Kai senses detect that this door is sealed by an Old Kingdom Spell that has prevented Shomzaas horde from gaining entry to the chamber by this way. Prince Leomin unsheathes his battle-axe and motions you to draw your Weapon before the door is opened.

Shomzaa abandoned his attempt to batter down this portal two days past, he says. But there may be some of his spawn-kind waiting in the corridor outside. Best be on our guard, Kai Lord.

Leomin nods to the old warrior and he responds by touching the runestone to the door. There is a faint tinkling sound, and then the portal slides open and you follow the prince as he steps through the opening into the darkened passageway beyond. The portal slides shut behind your back with hardly a sound. Instinctively you scan your new surroundings for signs of the enemy, and quickly discover that Leomin was right to be cautious. More than a dozen Shomzaa Agarashi have been left here to guard the portal. Only by chance have you chosen a time to leave the chamber when these creatures are asleep.

Leomin points to the end of the wide corridor, to a place where a circular shaft descends to a lower level. A large basket, suspended by a rope and pulley, hangs above this shaft. The prince beckons you to follow as he tiptoes around the sleeping creatures and approaches the basket. You are halfway along the corridor when suddenly one of the Shomzaa Agarashi awakens and shrieks in alarm. You respond by racing towards the distant shaft, but within a matter of seconds, all of the sleeping creatures are on their feet and rushing from all sides to block your escape. You must fight them.

@@ -2597,8 +2597,8 @@

As you strike your killing blow, the giant steamspider rears up on its hairy legs and topples backwards into the river. For a few moments its loathsome carcass is buoyed along on the current; then slowly it sinks beneath the foaming waters and disappears from view.


You keep your weapon to hand as cautiously you explore the cavern. You are wary that there may be other creatures lurking in the depths of its craggy hollows, waiting to attack. However, you soon discover that the cavern had only one occupant and it is now empty.


The only exit is the natural tunnel in the west wall through which the underground river flows away. Carefully you test the water and discover that it is hot, although not unbearably so. You resolve to try to escape from the cavern by way of this river, and before you lower yourself into its steamy water, you make sure that all of your weapons and equipment are secure. Upon entering the river you are carried away by the swift current and swept beneath the tunnels low arch.


You keep your Weapon to hand as cautiously you explore the cavern. You are wary that there may be other creatures lurking in the depths of its craggy hollows, waiting to attack. However, you soon discover that the cavern had only one occupant and it is now empty.


The only exit is the natural tunnel in the west wall through which the underground river flows away. Carefully you test the water and discover that it is hot, although not unbearably so. You resolve to try to escape from the cavern by way of this river, and before you lower yourself into its steamy water, you make sure that all of your Weapons and equipment are secure. Upon entering the river you are carried away by the swift current and swept beneath the tunnels low arch.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 04, turn to 103. If it is 59, turn to 11. @@ -2762,7 +2762,7 @@ 127 -

As you run towards the archway, you unsheathe your weapon and give vent to your battle-cry: For Sommerlund and the Kai!


As you run towards the archway, you unsheathe your Weapon and give vent to your battle-cry: For Sommerlund and the Kai!

@@ -2964,7 +2964,7 @@ 144 -

Your search uncovers the following items and weapons:


Your search uncovers the following items and Weapons:

  • Sword
  • Axe
  • @@ -3211,7 +3211,7 @@ 163 -

    You draw upon your Magnakai Discipline of Psi-surge and launch a blast of psychic energy at the guards in an attempt to disrupt and confuse them. Then you leave the cover of the shadows and set off towards the archway at a run, building speed rapidly as you draw closer. You are within a dozen yards of your enemy when you unsheathe your weapon and give vent to your battle-cry: For Sommerlund and the Kai!


    You draw upon your Magnakai Discipline of Psi-surge and launch a blast of psychic energy at the guards in an attempt to disrupt and confuse them. Then you leave the cover of the shadows and set off towards the archway at a run, building speed rapidly as you draw closer. You are within a dozen yards of your enemy when you unsheathe your Weapon and give vent to your battle-cry: For Sommerlund and the Kai!

    Shomzaa Agarashi (with spears)4040 If you win this combat in four rounds or less, turn to 82. If you win and the fight lasts five rounds or longer, turn to 236. @@ -3256,7 +3256,7 @@ 167 -

    As the last of these Agarashi falls dead at your feet, you wipe your ichor-stained weapon and sheath it in your belt. Then you search the slain minions and discover the following weapons and items:


    As the last of these Agarashi falls dead at your feet, you wipe your ichor-stained Weapon and sheathe it in your belt. Then you search the slain minions and discover the following Weapons and items:

    • Sword
    • 2 Axes
    • @@ -3338,7 +3338,7 @@ 174 -

      The few wasps that survive your weapons bite quickly vanish into the cracks and crevices of the shaft wall. Prince Leomin is impressed by the skilful way in which you fought off the insect swarm and, for the first time in many days, a smile creases his sullen face. He commends you as he works the rope and lowers the basket gently to the base of the shaft.


      The few wasps that survive your Weapons bite quickly vanish into the cracks and crevices of the shaft wall. Prince Leomin is impressed by the skilful way in which you fought off the insect swarm and, for the first time in many days, a smile creases his sullen face. He commends you as he works the rope and lowers the basket gently to the base of the shaft.

      Turn to 63.
      @@ -4308,7 +4308,7 @@ 258 -

      As the last of the Shomzaa Agarashi falls to your deadly blows, you sheathe your weapon and hurry to join Prince Leomin at the far end of the corridor. Together you climb into the hanging basket and he takes hold of its supporting rope. By feeding the rope slowly through the pulley, he is able to lower the basket towards the base of the shaft.


      As the last of the Shomzaa Agarashi falls to your deadly blows, you sheathe your Weapon and hurry to join Prince Leomin at the far end of the corridor. Together you climb into the hanging basket and he takes hold of its supporting rope. By feeding the rope slowly through the pulley, he is able to lower the basket towards the base of the shaft.

      If you possess Grand Pathsmanship and have reached the Kai rank of Sun Knight, turn to 201. If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 33.
      @@ -4623,8 +4623,8 @@ 285 -

      You unsheathe your weapon and hold it ready as cautiously you explore the cavern. You are wary that there may be other creatures lurking in the depths of its craggy hollows, waiting patiently to attack. However, you soon discover that the cavern had only one occupant and it is now empty.


      The only exit from this place is the natural tunnel in the west wall, through which the underground river flows away. Carefully you test the water and discover that it is hot, although not unbearably so. You resolve to try to escape from the cavern by way of this river, and before you lower yourself into its steamy water, you make sure that all of your weapons and equipment are secure. Upon entering the river you are carried away by the swift current and swept beneath the tunnels low arch.


      You unsheathe your Weapon and hold it ready as cautiously you explore the cavern. You are wary that there may be other creatures lurking in the depths of its craggy hollows, waiting patiently to attack. However, you soon discover that the cavern had only one occupant and it is now empty.


      The only exit from this place is the natural tunnel in the west wall, through which the underground river flows away. Carefully you test the water and discover that it is hot, although not unbearably so. You resolve to try to escape from the cavern by way of this river, and before you lower yourself into its steamy water, you make sure that all of your Weapons and equipment are secure. Upon entering the river you are carried away by the swift current and swept beneath the tunnels low arch.

      Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

      If the number you have picked is 04, turn to 103. If it is 59, turn to 11. @@ -4708,7 +4708,7 @@ 292 -

      You leave the cover of the shadows and set off towards the archway at a run, building speed rapidly as you draw closer. You are within a dozen yards of the enemy when you unsheathe your weapon and give vent to your battle-cry: For Sommerlund and the Kai!


      You leave the cover of the shadows and set off towards the archway at a run, building speed rapidly as you draw closer. You are within a dozen yards of the enemy when you unsheathe your Weapon and give vent to your battle-cry: For Sommerlund and the Kai!

      Shomzaa Agarashi (with spears)4240 If you win this combat in four rounds or less, turn to 82. If you win and the fight lasts five rounds or longer, turn to 236. @@ -6005,7 +6005,7 @@

      (Title Page) Replaced THE FALL OF BLOOD MOUNTAIN with The Fall of Blood Mountain.


      (The Story so Far) Replaced each occurrence of Sun-Crystal with Sun-crystal. Replaced each occurrence of elite with lite. Added a paragraph break before Following the demise. Replaced monastery of the Kai with Monastery of the Kai. Replaced each occurrence of Plain of Darkness with Plane of Darkness. Replaced supreme Disciplines with Supreme Master Disciplines. Replaced treeline with tree-line. Replaced the Monastery with the monastery. Replaced Kai lords with Kai Lords. Replaced milleniums with millennia. Split Rimoahs speech beginning with Yes, my Lord into a new paragraph. Replaced I will you with I will, you. Replaced agarashi with Agarashi. Replaced Dwarven allies with dwarven allies. Replaced Darklord armies with Darkland armies. Replaced Kings army with Kings Army. Replaced able muster with able to muster. Replaced First Order of the Kai were with First Order of the Kai was. Replaced after all; it had with after all: it had. Replaced 1,000-year-war with 1,000-year war. Replaced throne chamber of Bor with Throne Chamber of Bor. Replaced War Thanes with War-thanes.


      (The Story so Far) Replaced each occurrence of Sun-Crystal with Sun-crystal. Replaced each occurrence of elite with lite. Added a paragraph break before Following the demise. Replaced monastery of the Kai with Monastery of the Kai. Replaced each occurrence of Plain of Darkness with Plane of Darkness. Replaced supreme Disciplines with Supreme Master Disciplines. Replaced treeline with tree-line. Replaced the Monastery with the monastery. Replaced Kai lords with Kai Lords. Replaced milleniums with millennia. Split Rimoahs speech beginning with Yes, my Lord into a new paragraph. Replaced my Lords with my lords. Replaced each occurrence of my Lord with my lord. Replaced I will you with I will, you. Replaced agarashi with Agarashi. Replaced Dwarven allies with dwarven allies. Replaced Darklord armies with Darkland armies. Replaced Kings army with Kings Army. Replaced able muster with able to muster. Replaced First Order of the Kai were with First Order of the Kai was. Replaced after all; it had with after all: it had. Replaced 1,000-year-war with 1,000-year war. Replaced throne chamber of Bor with Throne Chamber of Bor. Replaced War Thanes with War-thanes.

      (The Game Rules) Removed that you will find in the front of this book. For ease of use, and for further adventuring, it is recommended that you photocopy these pages. Removed on the last page of this book. Replaced each occurrence of ie with i.e.. Replaced fall to zero with fall to zero or below. Replaced fall to zero with fall to zero or below. Replaced on to with onto. Replaced weapons and with weapons, and. Replaced normal weapons with normal Weapons. Replaced Lone Wolf New Order series with Lone Wolf New Order series. Replaced New Order adventure with New Order adventure.

      @@ -6055,7 +6055,7 @@

      (48) Replaced odd (1,3,5,7,9) with odd (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9). Replaced even (2,4,6,8,0) with even (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0).

      (50) Added If the Kai Weapon you wield is Magnara, you will benefit from the bonus gained due to its unique properties.

      (52) Replaced irridescent with iridescent. Replaced agarashi with Agarashi. Replaced claw, then with claw, and then. Replaced Kai-alchemy, and with Kai-alchemy and. Replaced Magi-magic, and with Magi-magic and. Replaced Elementalism, and with Elementalism and.


      (55) Replaced saddle, then with saddle; then.


      (55) Replaced saddle, then with saddle; then. Replaced weapon with Weapon.

      (57) Replaced The horde hits the barricade with The horde hit the barricade. Replaced War-Thanes with War-thanes.

      (59) Replaced agonising with agonizing. Replaced veined body, and waxy with veined body and waxy.

      (60) Replaced War-Thanes with War-thanes.

      @@ -6091,10 +6091,10 @@

      (105) Replaced agarashi with Agarashi.

      (106) Replaced halfway though with halfway through.

      (108) Replaced backs, then with backs, and then.


      (109) Replaced Kai lord with Kai Lord. Replaced Old Kingdom spell with Old Kingdom Spell. Replaced tip-toes with tiptoes. Replaced each occurrence of agarashi with Agarashi. Replaced sound, then with sound, and then. Replaced War-Thanes with War-thanes.


      (109) Replaced Kai lord with Kai Lord. Replaced Old Kingdom spell with Old Kingdom Spell. Replaced tip-toes with tiptoes. Replaced each occurrence of agarashi with Agarashi. Replaced sound, then with sound, and then. Replaced War-Thanes with War-thanes. Replaced weapon with Weapon.

      (110) Replaced broken, then with broken, and then.

      (111) Replaced agarashi with Agarashi. Replaced If the combat lasts with If you win the combat in.


      (112) Replaced current, then with current; then.


      (112) Replaced current, then with current; then. Replaced weapon with Weapon. Replaced weapons with Weapons.

      (113) Replaced battle frenzy with battle-frenzy.

      (114) Replaced Crack!, with Crack!.

      (116) Replaced cannon and with cannon, and. Replaced War-Thanes with War-thanes. Replaced Kai-alchemy, and with Kai-alchemy and. Replaced Magi-magic, and with Magi-magic and. Replaced Elementalism, and with Elementalism and.

      @@ -6104,14 +6104,14 @@

      (123) Replaced clang with clang.

      (125) Replaced grievious with grievous.

      (126) Replaced seige with siege. Replaced wheels, and observe with wheels and observe. Replaced snaps and you with snaps, and you.


      (127) Replaced battle cry with battle-cry in the illustration caption.


      (127) Replaced battle cry with battle-cry in the illustration caption. Replaced weapon with Weapon.

      (129) Replaced Kai lord with Kai Lord. Replaced agarashi with Agarashi. Replaced the Shomzaa horde attempt to with the Shomzaa horde attempts to.

      (131) Replaced sixth sense with Sixth Sense.

      (132) Replaced clang with clang.

      (134) Replaced Kai-alchemy, and with Kai-alchemy and.

      (135) Replaced sixth sense with Sixth Sense.

      (143) Replaced War-Thanes with War-thanes.


      (144) Replaced approriate with appropriate.


      (144) Replaced approriate with appropriate. Replaced weapon with Weapon.

      (145) Replaced your backpack with your Backpack.

      (146) Replaced bow with Bow. Replaced arrows with Arrows. Replaced arrow with Arrow.

      (152) Replaced jug with Jug of Vinegar. Replaced and and with and. Replaced current, then with current; then.

      @@ -6121,13 +6121,15 @@

      (159) Replaced halfway though with halfway through.

      (161) Replaced Bow, and with Bow and. Replaced Kai-alchemy, and with Kai-alchemy and. Replaced Magi-magic, and with Magi-magic and.

      (162) Replaced clearing, then with clearing, and then. Replaced wheatfields with wheat fields.


      (163) Replaced weapon with Weapon.

      (164) Replaced Old Kingdom battle-spell with Old Kingdom Battle-spell. Removed the dash preceding Flameshaft. Replaced bow with Bow. Replaced each occurrence of arrow with Arrow. Replaced quiver with Quiver. Replaced add 3 with remember to add 3.

      (165) Replaced arrows with Arrows. Replaced quiver with Quiver.

      (166) Replaced gas, then with gas; then. Replaced whoosh with whoosh.


      (167) Replaced agarashi with Agarashi.


      (167) Replaced agarashi with Agarashi. Replaced weapon with Weapon. Replaced sheath with sheathe.

      (168) Replaced agarashi with Agarashi. Replaced Kai-alchemy, and with Kai-alchemy and. Replaced Magi-magic, and with Magi-magic and.

      (170) Replaced agarashi with Agarashi. Replaced Telegnosis, and with Telegnosis and.

      (173) Replaced veined body, and waxy with veined body and waxy. Replaced your backpack with your Backpack.


      (174) Replaced weapons with Weapons.

      (175) Replaced agarashi with Agarashi. Replaced wooshes with whooshes.

      (178) Replaced battle standard with battle-standard. Replaced the Shomzaa horde are returning with the Shomzaa horde is returning. Replaced War-Thanes with War-thanes. Replaced War-Thane with War-thane.

      (179) Replaced battle-cry: For Sommerlund and the Kai! and with battle-cryFor Sommerlund and the Kai!and.

      @@ -6190,7 +6192,7 @@

      (253) Replaced irridescent with iridescent. Replaced agarashi with Agarashi.

      (256) Replaced each occurrence of arrow with Arrow.

      (257) Replaced veined body, and waxy with veined body and waxy.


      (258) Replaced agarashi with Agarashi. Replaced Pathsmanship, and with Pathsmanship and.


      (258) Replaced agarashi with Agarashi. Replaced Pathsmanship, and with Pathsmanship and. Replaced weapon with Weapon.

      (259) Replaced Old Kingdom battle-spell with Old Kingdom Battle-spell. Removed the dash preceding Flameshaft. Replaced bow with Bow. Replaced arrow with Arrow. Replaced quiver with Quiver. Replaced add 3 with remember to add 3.

      (261) Replaced membraneous with membranous.

      (262) Replaced odd (1,3,5,7,9) with odd (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9). Replaced even (0,2,4,6,8) with even (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0). Replaced shoulder-blade with shoulder blade.

      @@ -6208,9 +6210,11 @@

      (282) Added If the Kai Weapon you wield is Magnara, you will benefit from the bonus gained due to its unique properties.

      (283) Replaced surface and the portal with surface, and the portal.

      (284) Replaced Brotherhood spell with Brotherhood Spell. Removed the dash preceding Counterspell. Replaced seige with siege. Replaced wheels, and observe with wheels and observe. Replaced snaps and you with snaps, and you.


      (285) Replaced weapon with Weapon. Replaced weapon with Weapon.

      (288) Replaced veined body, and waxy with veined body and waxy.

      (289) Replaced each occurrence of agarashi with Agarashi. Replaced wooshes with whooshes. Replaced Kai Grand Guardian with Kai Grand Guardian or higher. Replaced Kai-surge, and with Kai-surge and.

      (291) Replaced fire, then with fire, and then.


      (292) Replaced weapon with Weapon.

      (293) Replaced agarashi with Agarashi. Replaced senses you and it with senses you, and it. Replaced If the combat lasts with If you win the combat in.

      (294) Replaced Throne Chamber with Throne Chamber of Andarin to standardise the capitalisation.

      (295) Replaced sixth sense with Sixth Sense.

      -- 2.34.1