From 05e37aaabec031695a7a19192ebebd75552c7029 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Iain Smith Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 15:31:14 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] o Fixed a few Errata entries o Updated errata and footnote lists. o Initial provisional placement of small illustrations git-svn-id: f6f3e2d7-ff33-0410-aaf5-b4bee2cdac11 --- 01hh.xml | 513 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 429 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-) diff --git a/01hh.xml b/01hh.xml index 85b08f2..1d709f4 100644 --- a/01hh.xml +++ b/01hh.xml @@ -15,6 +15,11 @@ $Id$ $Log$ +Revision 1.11 2006/08/08 15:31:14 Wibbleboy +o Fixed a few Errata entries +o Updated errata and footnote lists. +o Initial provisional placement of small illustrations + Revision 1.10 2006/08/07 15:26:33 Wibbleboy o Fixed a few minor non-errata typos. o Added footnotes regarding ammo deductions @@ -232,6 +237,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

It was a month after 'The Day' when the three of you accepted that there would never be a rescue operation. Many days had been spent in silence, hoping and praying for the sounds of excavation or a voice on the radio link to the surface. But all that could be heard was the static crackle of the gamma radiation which was blanketing the earth. Uncle Jonas proposed that an attempt be made to reach the surface by tunnelling through the blocked central shaft. It was an awesomely dangerous feat, to dig vertically through 300 feet of compressed concrete rubble and twisted steel girders, but there was no other way you could ever hope to escape from the mine. Progress was painfully slow but the work gave you all a sense of purpose, a reason to go on, even though you feared what could be awaiting you on the surface.

Those years spent in the mine taught you invaluable lessons in survival. Uncle Jonas showed you how to refine gasolene from crude oil to keep the generators alive; to coax fresh water from porous rock; to manufacture spare parts in order to maintain vital machinery. Aunt Betty-Ann, who had at one time been a nurse and a high school teacher in Denton County, attended to your education and made sure that you stayed fit and healthy. Their love and support enabled you to grow during those dark days underground despite the enormous sense of loss you felt for your parents, brothers and sister. You vowed then that one day you would repay their kindness by protecting and caring for them.

It was early September in the year 2019 when finally you broke through to the surface. Aunt Betty-Ann was convinced that radiation levels would still be dangerously high, and at first she was against leaving the mine. But, during the last few months of your incarceration, the static that had always jammed the radio wavelengths had gradually cleared, and Uncle Jonas was able to persuade her that this meant it was now safe to live above ground.

+ + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

When you first emerged from the mine, you thought you were on the surface of another planet. Surely this could not be Earth? Few structures had survived the blizzards and intense cold that had swept around the world in the years following 'The Day', and now, after the dust had settled and the sun returned, the once-fertile plains of Austin resembled little more than a desert of parched and broken rock, littered with the artefacts of an absent civilization. During the first few days, when you set out to explore this wilderness, it was easy to believe that you were the only survivors. But on the morning of the fifth day, Uncle Jonas made a chance radio contact with a family called Ewell who were living near the ruins of McKinney, thirty miles north of Dallas. They told him that they had been in touch with a handful of other groups who had managed somehow to survive the holocaust. Most were isolated, unable to move due to lack of fuel, food or water. They had urged those who could travel to join them in McKinney, to start a new community, and some were already on their way. Your uncle and aunt also accepted their invitation. McKinney was not very far from Denton, and they were curious to see if anything remained of their ranch. They planned to return home, salvage whatever they could that might be of use, and then move on to McKinney. The Ewells were enthusiastic, but they warned that not everyone who had survived wanted to establish a new community. The ruins of Dallas and Fort Worth were controlled by gangs of criminals who fought with each other and terrorized anyone seeking to reestablish law and order. They advised you to avoid them at all costs when travelling north.

Interstate Freeway 35 was the only highway still intact amid the devastation that surrounded the mine. It offered a direct route home to Denton, if only transportation could be found, for Uncle Jonas considered conditions far too dangerous to attempt such a long journey on foot. It took more than a week to discover a vehicle that was still serviceable. It was an old school bus, one that had been parked in an underground lot and had survived the years of sub-zero blizzards. With a few new parts, a tankful of gas and a lot of hard work it was eventually brought back to life.

Provisions, including a small generator, were hoisted out of the mine and stowed aboard before you began the journey back to the ranch. The noisy old bus bumped along the rock-strewn freeway that stretched northward across an empty sea of dust. It was a harrowing sight. Hardly a trace remained of what were once thriving communities, and the once-populous cities of Temple and Waco had barely enough buildings still standing to qualify as small towns.

@@ -288,7 +302,7 @@ ERRATA 281-315

Ever since the day you returned to the surface, you have endeavoured to develop your skills and natural instincts fully in order to best defend yourself and your colony.


Listed on your Action Chart are your five basic survival skills:


Listed on your Action Chart are your five basic Survival Skills:

Driving @@ -330,7 +344,7 @@ ERRATA 281-315

Your ability in each of these five individual skills is measured in skill points. You begin with 3 points per skill. Before starting the adventure, you may allocate an additional 4 skill points to your list of five survival skills. These 4 extra points can be used to improve one or more of your five skills. During your adventure, all five skills will be severely tested, therefore the higher the individual skill level, the better your chances of survival. You may allocate your 4 additional points entirely how you like.


Your ability in each of these five individual skills is measured in skill points. You begin with 3 points per skill. Before starting the adventure, you may allocate an additional 4 skill points to your list of five Survival Skills. These 4 extra points can be used to improve one or more of your five skills. During your adventure, all five skills will be severely tested, therefore the higher the individual skill level, the better your chances of survival. You may allocate your 4 additional points entirely how you like.

When you have decided where to allocate your 4 additional skill points, make a note of the totals in the Survival Skills section of your Action Chart. (In your first adventure, your total number of skill points should be 19: five skills x 3 points each = 15, plus 4 additional skill points = 19 points.)

If you complete successfully the mission set in Book 1 of the Freeway Warrior series, you may add an additional 4 points to your Survival Skills in Book 2. These additional points, together with any equipment and provisions that you possess at the end of Book 1, may then be used in the next Freeway Warrior adventure, which is called Slaughter Mountain Run.

@@ -362,6 +376,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315
  • + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    List the items you have chosen on your Action Chart. If you have picked four items, adjust your current Stealth level accordingly.

    Opportunities may arise during your adventure for you to pick up useful items. These items will appear in the text in bold print and, unless you are instructed otherwise, they can be stored and carried in your Backpack.

    You will need to eat regularly. If you do not possess any food when you are instructed to eat a Meal, you will lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

    @@ -437,36 +460,11 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    In order to be able to use a missile weapon, you must have sufficient ammunition of the correct calibre. The following list shows the calibre of each weapon, the amount that is used every time the weapon is fired, and the number of rounds that you possess at the start of your adventure:

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + +
    CalibreRate of FireInitial No. of Rounds
    CalibreRate of FireInitial No. of Rounds

    The initial number of rounds should be noted in the Ammo Pouch section of your Action Chart. Missile weapons cannot be used if you run out of ammunition or possess rounds of the wrong calibre. However, the opportunity may arise for you to replenish your supply of ammunition and/or discover a weapon of the correct calibre.

    @@ -549,6 +547,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    You press your face against the metal stock of your machine pistol, take careful aim at the enemy sniper perched on the building opposite, and squeeze the trigger.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Shooting skill total.

    If your total score is now 10 or less, turn to 349. If your total score is now 11 or more, turn to 229. @@ -722,6 +729,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    It takes just four seconds for the clansman to pump thirty bullets into the side of your roadster. Several of the special armour-piercing loads pass straight through the thin metal sheeting that encases the driving compartment, and wound you in a line from your shoulder to your thigh. The force of their impact knocks you across the passenger seat and, as you fall, you pull the steering wheel and send the car veering wildly out of control. It careers off the road and rolls over and over until finally it explodes with a tremendous roar.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    Tragically, your journey and your life end here on Freeway 20.

    @@ -782,6 +798,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    Obstructions are few on this stretch of Freeway 35. Most of the wrecks that once choked this route into Fort Worth now lie in dusty heaps at the side of the road, their bodies having been stripped of serviceable parts long ago by city gang scavengers. The piles of auto-shells steadily increase as you near the outskirts of Fort Worth, warning you of the increasing likelihood of ambush and prompting you to keep your eyes peeled for anything that could pose a threat to the convoy.

    To your left, you can see the buildings of downtown Dallas perched precariously around the edge of a huge crater. These once-gleaming towers of mirrored glass and steel now lie black and broken, like a circle of charred bones. It is a murderously chilling sight.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    At a junction on the outskirts of Fort Worth, you decide to leave Freeway 35 and follow a safer route that will take you around the city. The remains of Highway 820 serve your purpose well, until you reach another junction where the Jacksboro Highway crosses your path. In order for the convoy to connect with Freeway 20, the interstate highway that leads all the way to Big Spring, you must traverse one major obstacle - the Trinity River.

    You consult your map. There are two places where the convoy can cross the Trinity, both of them close by. Two miles further along Highway 820 there is a bridge over Lake Worth. Two miles north, along the Jacksboro Highway, another bridge crosses the river at a place called Lakeside Village.

    If you wish to check out the bridge at Lakeside Village, turn to 312. @@ -802,7 +827,7 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    You squeeze the trigger and immediately the rider throws his hands to his face. He swoons, falls backwards, and then tumbles from the saddle. Before the sidecar rider can jump free, the speeding machine careers off the road into the wall of an office building, and explodes in a searing ball of flame.

    With grim satisfaction you stare at the burning wreckage, but your gaze is soon distracted by a column of motorcycles - the main body of the clan - as it rides into view. They are now less than a mile from the bridge. 'C'mon you two!' shouts Cutter. 'It's time to go.' The tanker has made it across the platform and is now parked with the other vehicles on the far side of the river. Kate is running towards you from the factory, and as she reaches the bridge, you call out to her: 'Set the bomb! I'll cover you!'

    Tensely you watch the clansmen as they gun their bikes along the freeway, and you glance repeatedly over your shoulder, praying for Kate to signal that the bomb is ready. Then the front line of bikers open fire with their machine pistols, and suddenly the air is filled with the whine and whistle of bullets. 'It's ready!' shouts Kate, and takes off across the bridge at a run.


    Add together your current ENDURANCE points score and your Stealth skill total. (Note: If your ENDURANCE is low and you are heavily encumbered, it may be advisable to discard some of your Backpack items in order to increase your Stealth skill level.)


    Add together your current ENDURANCE points score and your Stealth skill total. (Note: If your ENDURANCE is low and you are heavily encumbered, it may be advisable to discard some of your Backpack Items in order to increase your Stealth skill level.)

    If your total is 11 or less, turn to 324. If your total is 12 or more, turn to 200.
    @@ -835,6 +860,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    Silently you unsling your shotgun and trombone a 12-gauge shell into the breach. The machine gunner disappears from view, reappearing a moment later with his reloaded gun held at waist level, ready to fire.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    In one swift, smooth movement you bring your gun to your shoulder and fire.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Shooting skill total.

    If the total is now 0-5, turn to 275. @@ -862,6 +896,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    As you unsling your rifle you glance at the breach, taking note of the red tag which indicates that a round is chambered ready to fire. Then swiftly you raise the gun to your shoulder, flick the safety and take aim at the leading dog. You fire as it leaps and your bullet passes clean through its body, killing it instantly and wounding another in the pack behind.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + + If you wish to fire a second round at these rabid dogs and are able to do so, turn to 190. If you have run out of ammunition, or choose not to fire a second round, turn to 64.
    @@ -956,6 +999,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    As you cruise along the deserted freeway you glance frequently to the north, on the lookout for a dust cloud that would herald the arrival of the Detroit Lions. But no matter how hard you try to concentrate on your role as convoy scout, you cannot seem to think of anything but your growing affection for Kate. An hour later, as you reach Colorado City, your romantic daydreaming is brought to an abrupt end as a serious problem looms into view.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    The apex of the bridge that carries Freeway 20 across the Colorado River has collapsed, leaving a gap nearly eight feet wide. You stop the convoy and Cutter examines the damage. He returns to report that the bridge is not beyond repair. 'It's gonna take at least three hours, maybe four, to rig a ramp across that gap strong enough to support the tanker,' he says, squinting at the bridge.

    At length it is decided that you should scout along the river for another place to cross, while the colony sets to work building a ramp. Then, if your search proves fruitless, at least the repair of the bridge will be well under way.

    If you wish to scout along the river to the north, turn to 161. @@ -1000,6 +1052,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    You cradle your rifle in your left hand and, with your right, you work a round into the chamber. The moving shadow of your enemy half fills the window as you raise your weapon, flick back the safety catch and take aim at his chest.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Shooting skill total.

    If the total is now 0-5, turn to 275. If it is 6 or more, turn to 180. @@ -1011,6 +1072,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    You scream at your people to get away from the window as hurriedly you load, raise, and then aim your rifle at the rider's chest.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your Shooting skill total.

    If your total score is 13 or less, turn to 340. If your total score is 14 or more, turn to 302. @@ -1279,7 +1349,7 @@ ERRATA 281-315 63 -

    As you pull yourself free from beneath Copperhead's body, the Flick Knife (2) drops from his lifeless hand. (If you decide to keep this weapon, remember to mark it on your Weapons list.)


    As you pull yourself free from beneath Copperhead's body, the Flick Knife (2) drops from his lifeless hand. (If you decide to keep this weapon, remember to mark it on your Weapons List.)

    Another burst of fire echoes from across the street, and once more Long Jake urges you to take cover in the store. With your pulse racing, you jump to your feet and sprint, head down, towards the darkened doorway.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Stealth skill total.

    If the total is now 5 or less, turn to 18. @@ -1318,7 +1388,7 @@ ERRATA 281-315 66 -

    The only items you find of practical value are a Fire Extinguisher and a First Aid Box. The box contains dressings and antiseptics sufficient for two Medi-kit units.


    The only items you find of practical value are a Fire Extinguisher and a first aid box. The box contains dressings and antiseptics sufficient for two Medi-kit units.

    If you choose to keep either of these items, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

    Turn to 284.
    @@ -1393,6 +1463,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    You flick the safety catch off and rest your shotgun across the rollbar of your roadster in order to steady your aim. At 200 yards, the figure appears little more than 1/16 inch high and, as you squeeze the trigger, you pray that your buckshot load will have enough power to reach that far.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Shooting skill total. Now decide how many rounds you wish to fire (minimum: one round; maximum: four rounds). For every round you fire, add one point to your current score.

    If your total score is now 15 or less, turn to 164. If it is 16 or more, turn to 58. @@ -1563,6 +1642,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    Holding your breath to steady your nerves, you stare along the barrel of your shotgun and focus your aim on the driver's crash helmet.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Shooting skill total.

    If your total score is now 11 or less, turn to 172. If your total score is now 12 or more, turn to 23. @@ -1639,6 +1727,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    The colony is divided in opinion. Roughly half urges an investigation of the signal; the other half believes, like you, that it would be foolish to risk walking into an ambush on the dubious merits of such a patchy broadcast.

    A vote decides the course of action in your favour, and the convoy prepares for the next stage of its journey to Santo. You lead the way along Freeway 20 and, as you pass by the outskirts of a town called Brock, the sun dips reluctantly below the horizon. A full moon brightens the twilight and the temperature drops rapidly until you find yourself shivering in the cold night wind.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    It takes forty minutes to reach Santo, and another twenty to find a site on which to set up camp overnight. Uncle Jonas orders that the vehicles be drawn into a circle, like a ring of wagons in the wild west, to offer the best protection against the threat of a night raid. Lots are drawn to see who will stand the first watch; unfortunately, you pick the shortest straw.

    It is an hour after midnight when you see a cluster of lights in the middle distance. They are less than a mile away to the east, and approaching at speed. With only a few minutes at most before the bikers reach the camp, you sound the alarm.

    Like a pack of screaming demons the marauding bikers descend on the convoy, shooting wildly as they weave in and out of the circle. One of the bikers guns his machine towards you, forcing you to dive aside to avoid being ridden down. You are staggering to your feet when another attacks you from behind.

    @@ -1806,6 +1903,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    'This'll get us back on course,' he says, confidently. 'Follow this baby and we'll make Freeway 35 in under an hour.'

    Twenty minutes later, you can make out Freeway 35 in the distance, its long, concrete body bleached and quaking beneath the fiery sun. The road you are following passes beneath it but, as you draw closer, you notice a ramp coiling away to your right giving access to the freeway.

    A few hundred yards beyond the ramp you see another. It leads to the ruins of a once prestigious group of buildings - the North Texas State University.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + + If you wish to search the university, turn to 82. If you decide to lead the convoy on to Freeway 35, turn to 22.
    @@ -1870,6 +1976,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    Your shotgun roars and spits out a deadly cloud of buckshot, catching the ambusher full in the chest. Briefly you see him thrown backwards through the air before his lifeless body crashes down upon the rubbish-strewn floor of the derelict drugstore. You eject the spent shell but keep your gun trained on the window in case he was not alone. After a minute of silence you lower your weapon and begin to breathe a little easier.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    Remember to erase one 12-gauge round from your Ammo Pouch.

    To continue, turn to 251.
    @@ -2099,6 +2214,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    You pull the bolt of your G-12, priming it to fire, then rest its stubby barrel on the rollbar of your roadster to steady your aim. At 200 yards your target appears little more than 1/16 inch high. It will demand great skill and considerable luck to hit such a small target with a machine pistol.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Shooting skill level. Now decide how many bursts of fire you intend to launch at the target (minimum: one burst; maximum: five bursts ). For every burst, add one point to your current score.

    If your total score is now 11 or less, turn to 164. If it is 12, turn to 58. @@ -2154,6 +2278,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    You see a cloud of dust approaching, then the roar of 100 motorcycle engines fills the air as the Detroit Lions come racing along the freeway into Colorado City. 'You gotta hold 'em off until we've got this baby across,' shouts Cutter, as he waves frantic signals to Uncle Jonas, who is having to fight to keep the tanker in a straight line. The sight of the makeshift platform sagging under the weight of the heavy vehicle makes your stomach churn.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    'Count on us!' you shout in reply, then turn and follow Kate as she runs back towards the town.

    As you reach the end of the bridge you notice two ideal defensive positions. One is a three-storey factory that overlooks the freeway; the other is an auto wreck overturned on the approach ramp to the bridge.

    If you wish to hide behind the auto wreck, turn to 332. @@ -2279,6 +2412,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    Swiftly you bring your rifle to your shoulder, draw a breath through clenched teeth, then take careful aim at the enemy sniper perched on the building opposite.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Shooting skill total.

    If your total score is now 9 or less, turn to 349. If your total score is now 10 or more, turn to 229. @@ -2369,24 +2511,9 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    Eleven numbers appear, arranged in three rows. There are four numbers on the top row, four on the second, and three on the third:

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + +

    You study the rows of numbers carefully, looking for a pattern. By tapping on the keypad the number that is missing from the last row, you will release the lock and open the door.

    When you think you know the missing number, turn to the entry that bears that number.

    @@ -2471,6 +2598,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    As you raise your shotgun, you shout at your people to get away from the window. Their screams of terror fill your ears as you take aim at the rider's chest and squeeze the trigger.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your Shooting skill total.

    If your total score is 7 or less, turn to 340. If your total score is 8 or more, turn to 302. @@ -2482,8 +2618,26 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    Two miles and two hours later you reach the opposite side of the lake. Half an hour further on, the convoy makes a rest stop and takes stock of its surroundings. Traces of a paved road that disappears towards the west are found, and Cutter Jacks, who lived only a few miles from Lake Lewisville before 'The Day', identifies it as the remains of State Highway 407. 'This'll get us back on course,' he says confidently. 'Follow this baby and we'll make Freeway 35 in under an hour.'

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    Twenty minutes later, Freeway 35 appears in the distance, its long, concrete body lying bleached and quaking beneath the fiery sun. The road you are following passes beneath it but, as you draw closer, you notice a ramp coiling away to your right, giving access to the freeway.

    A few hundred yards beyond the ramp you see another. It leads to the ruins of a once prestigious building - the North Texas State University.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + + If you wish to search the university, turn to 82. If you decide to lead the convoy on to Freeway 35, turn to 22.
    @@ -2494,6 +2648,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    Using your map of central Texas as your guide, you leave Colorado City and follow the remains of State Highway 208 north towards Lake Thomas. You are hoping that the dam marked there on your map is still intact, for most dams have a service road running across the top.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    An hour later you arrive at Lake Thomas to find that the dam is still standing. Excitedly you stop the car and start walking towards it. As you get nearer you see that the service road is no wider than a garden path: the bus and the tanker will never be able to cross the river here. Sadly you return to your car.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table, and add to it your Field Craft and Perception skill totals.

    If your total score is now 10 or less, turn to 274. @@ -2515,7 +2678,7 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    You regain your composure quickly and move to close the hatch. Then you notice that a holster and ammunition pouch are still attached to the dead soldier's belt, and your scavenger's instincts get the better of you.


    The holster contains a Pistol and the pouch holds twelve rounds of 9mm ammunition. If you decide to keep either of these items, amend your Weapons list and Ammo pouch accordingly.


    The holster contains a Pistol and the pouch holds twelve rounds of 9mm ammunition. If you decide to keep either of these items, amend your Weapons List and Ammo pouch accordingly.

    To leave the control tower, turn to 123.
    @@ -2744,6 +2907,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    You awake ten hours later in a schoolroom bathed in bright sunlight. The storm has passed during the night and the sun has returned, bringing with it the oppressive heat. 'Ninety-two degrees already,' says Cutter, tapping at an old mercuric thermometer that hangs on the wall. 'And it's not yet eight o'clock. Today's a day for fryin' eggs on the sidewalk if we had any eggs, that is.'

    Soon the colony is busy making preparations to leave. After clearing away the dust you check your roadster thoroughly, making sure that the fuel is clean and that the engine runs as smoothly as ever. Meanwhile, Cutter oversees a group who are working on the bus and Uncle Jonas heads another team who are servicing the tanker. The others, led by Kate, search the school for anything that could be useful on the road ahead. By mid-morning the convoy is back on the road, following Freeway 20 away from the dust-blown ruins of Abilene on the next stage of the journey west.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    You have been driving for little over an hour when you see a bridge in the distance and notice a glint of sunlight bouncing off a point near the centre of the parapet. Not until you are within 100 yards of the bridge do you realize what is causing the refraction: it is the telescopic sight of a sniper's rifle and it is aimed directly at you.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table, and add it to your Driving and Stealth skill totals.

    If your total score is now 7 or less, turn to 326. @@ -2767,6 +2939,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    You squeeze the trigger and feel the butt of your rifle kick your shoulder. Your enemy has no time to cry out as the bullet finds its mark with deadly accuracy. It passes straight through his heart, killing him instantly.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    Remember to erase one 7.62mm round from your Ammo Pouch.

    To continue, turn to 251.
    @@ -2786,6 +2967,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    The twin beams of your headlights cast a white corridor of light along Freeway 20 as you overtake and pull in to take your place at the head of the convoy. With the memory of the biker's raid still fresh in your mind, you cast frequent glances in your rear-view mirror to make sure that the clansmen are not on your tail.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    The road climbs steadily for several miles as it approaches the mountains of Erath County. A signpost reflects the glare of your lights, announcing your entry to the town of Thurber, which once had a population of 5,006. You contemplate that figure, wondering how many, if any, inhabitants are still alive, when you are distracted by a light flashing in your mirror. It is the bus: Uncle Jonas is signalling for you to stop.

    You reach the bus soon after Cutter and hear him asking what is wrong. Uncle Jonas says nothing. He simply tugs at the steering wheel and watches in dismay as it spins freely on the hub. 'Looks like we've got ourselves a big problem,' says Cutter, peering under the front wheel arch. 'The steering linkage has sheared clean in two. I'd guess that rough ride out o' Santo did for it good and proper.'

    'Can you fix it?' asks Uncle Jonas.

    @@ -2909,6 +3099,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    Raising your weapon, you trust to instinct alone as you point it at the intruder and squeeze the trigger. At the same time, the double muzzle flash of his shotgun lights up the gloomy interior, and you cry out in pain as birdshot peppers your right arm and shoulder: lose 8 ENDURANCE points.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    You stagger backwards and lean against the wall in order to stay on your feet. Your enemy is not so fortunate. Your gunfire has hit him full in the chest, killing him instantly.

    Remember to make the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart.

    To continue, turn to 220. @@ -3089,6 +3288,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    'Here Cal, take this,' says Uncle Jonas, offering you his sawn-off shotgun. 'When you git in close you won't need to be too fussy where you point this beauty.'

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    You take the gun and check that both barrels are loaded. 'I'll go left,' whispers Cutter.

    'Whenever you're ready,' you reply, tensing your body in preparation for the run.

    Turn to 177. @@ -3133,8 +3341,26 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    The familiar outline of McKinney appears on the horizon and you increase speed. You are keen to return as quickly as you can and warn the colony of the danger now approaching from the north. Your return is met with mixed feelings: all are upset to hear that Long Jake is dead, and many are disappointed that you could not save the cache of rifles and ammunition that he found. However, all, without exception, are thankful that you are still alive and, despite the threat of a revenge attack by Mad Dog Michigan, they welcome Kate to the colony with open arms.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    In the light of this new threat to your safety it is decided that the colony should not wait until tomorrow to begin its long journey west. With all the major preparations already completed, the convoy is loaded and ready to move off within the hour. All that remains to do, once the convoy is at a safe distance, is to set fire to the ranch. This will destroy the supplies you are forced to leave behind, preventing them from falling into the hands of either Mad Dog Michigan, or the murderous city gangs of Dallas and Fort Worth.

    Once the Ewell ranch is ablaze, you lead the convoy cross-country towards Denton. There you hope to pick up Freeway 35 and follow it south on the first stage of your journey to Big Spring. Two miles outside Denton, you signal to the others to halt while you go ahead and make sure that the town is empty and the freeway is clear of obstructions.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    Add together your current levels of Field Craft and Perception. Now, pick a number from the Random Number Table (0 = zero) and add this to your score.

    If your total is now 6-12, turn to 155. If it is 13 or more, turn to 46. @@ -3167,6 +3393,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    Hurriedly you bring your shotgun to your shoulder, draw a breath through clenched teeth, and take aim at the enemy sniper perched on the building opposite.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Shooting skill total.

    If your total score is now 11 or less, turn to 349. If your total score is now 12 or more, turn to 229. @@ -3388,6 +3623,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    You watch carefully as the group draws closer, noticing several things that make you feel uneasy. The dogs look much larger than ordinary alsatians, and flecks of white foam drip from their mouths as they tug and snap repeatedly at their heavy chain leashes. By contrast, the two handlers appear painfully thin and gaunt, the skin on their faces unnaturally pale despite the burning desert sun.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    Rather than await their arrival, you decide to return to your roadster and leave, but you have taken barely a dozen steps towards your car when the dogs emit blood-curdling howls and come racing across the rocky ground towards you.

    If you possess enough food for three Meals, turn to 133. If you do not possess this much food, turn to 322. @@ -3399,6 +3643,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    You grab your rifle, pull back its bolt, and let it spring forward to chamber a round. With the safety off and the tangent sight set at 200 yards, you rest the barrel across the rollbar of your roadster and take aim at your distant target. At this range the figure in black appears little more than 1/16 inch high, but this does not cause you any worries. You are used to hitting targets up to half a mile away, using this rifle.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Shooting skill total. Now decide how many rounds you wish to fire (minimum: one round; maximum: four rounds). For every round you fire, add one point to your current score.

    If your total score is now 7 or less, turn to 164. If it is 8 or more, turn to 58. @@ -3503,6 +3756,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    You enter the derelict factory and take up your position at a top floor window that overlooks both the freeway and the bridge. Below you can see Kate. She is crouching behind the auto wreck with a rifle in her hands. Nervously you count the passing seconds, your eyes fixed on the road.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    The first of the Lions appears: it is a motorcycle and sidecar. A lion's head flag flutters from an aerial fixed to the rider's saddle, and a heavy-calibre machine gun is mounted in front of his partner's chair. As soon as they see the tanker they open fire, sending a stream of tracer bullets arcing towards the bridge. The fiery shells tear great holes in the asphalt and riddle Kate's position, but bravely she holds her ground. You rest your weapon on the window ledge and watch the enemy vehicle through your gunsight as it speeds towards the bridge. You are about to fire when a single shot echoes along the street, and you see the rider throw his hands up to his face. Seconds later the speeding machine careers off the road, slams into the wall of an office building, and explodes in a searing ball of flame.

    With grim satisfaction you stare at the burning wreckage, but your gaze is soon distracted by something moving across the roof of the building opposite. It is a clansman, dressed wholly in black leather and wearing a visored crash helmet. He stops at the corner, unslings a rifle, and takes careful aim at the bridge. Your pulse quickens when you see that the barrel of his gun is pointing directly at Kate.

    @@ -3648,24 +3910,9 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    Eleven numbers appear, arranged in three horizontal rows. There are four numbers on the top row, four on the second, and three on the third:

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + +

    You study the rows of numbers carefully, looking for a pattern. By tapping on the keypad the number that is missing from the last row, you will release the lock and open the door.

    @@ -3787,6 +4034,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    Carefully, you push the barrel of your rifle through the bush and flick the adjustable rear sight to a range setting of sixty yards. The wooden stock feels uncomfortably warm against your cheek as you take aim at the running clansman. Holding your breath, slowly you squeeze the trigger.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    Add your Shooting skill total to your current ENDURANCE points score.

    If your total score is now 7 or less, turn to 96. If your total score is now 8 or more, turn to 77. @@ -4069,6 +4325,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    The roar of 100 motorcycle engines fills the air as the Detroit Lions come racing along the freeway into Colorado City. 'Y'better take this, Cal,' says Kate, handing you a Rifle that she found while you were away. 'I think you'll be needin' it real soon.' You draw back the bolt and work a cartridge into the breech, noting that there are only two 7.62mm rounds remaining in the magazine (remember to record all three of these 7.62mm rounds - one in the breech and two in the magazine - in the Ammo Pouch section of your Action Chart).

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    'You gotta hold 'em off until we've got this baby across,' shouts Cutter, as he waves frantic signals to Uncle Jonas, who is having to fight to keep the tanker in a straight line. The sight of the makeshift platform sagging under the weight of the heavy vehicle makes your stomach churn.

    'You can count on it!' you shout in reply, then turn and follow Kate as she runs back towards the town.

    As you reach the end of the bridge you notice two ideal defensive positions. One is a three-storey factory that overlooks the freeway; the other is an auto wreck overturned on the approach ramp to the bridge.

    @@ -4156,6 +4421,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    As soon as Cutter has the engine running smoothly and everyone is back on board the bus, you return to your roadster and lead them west to Weatherford.

    As the afternoon wears on, the rays of the sun cast a blood-red hue on the surrounding landscape. Ahead, the freeway cuts a straight line due west, towards the high peaks of the Edwards Plateau that pierce the horizon like a row of sharpened flints, jagged and blue. You stare into the distance, trying to relax and not think about the dangers you have faced today, or the unknown perils that lie ahead.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    An hour later you catch sight of Weatherford and signal the convoy to stop. You are hungry and must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. Despite the delays, the convoy is making better time than expected, and with at least an hour of light still remaining, it is decided that it would be best to press on to the next town and make camp there overnight.

    You are finishing your food when suddenly Pop Ewell calls to everyone to hurry to the bus. He has located a broadcast on his C.B. radio set, and he is as excited as a youngster on Christmas morning. 'Listen to this,' he says, holding up the earphones. A faint call sign can be heard above the crackle of static, broadcasting the same message repeatedly: 'Radio K.L.F.M. Mineral Wells Radio K.L.F.M. Mineral Wells '

    'That's a town about twenty-five miles north-west o' here,' says Cutter, scratching his scalp. 'It's not where we're planned on headin' but it would be worth checking out.'

    @@ -4345,6 +4619,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    As the group draws closer you notice several things about them that stir your curiosity. The dogs look much larger than ordinary alsatians, and great flecks of white foam drip from their jaws as they tug and snap repeatedly at their heavy chain leashes. By contrast, the two handlers appear painfully thin and gaunt, the skin of their hands and faces unnaturally grey despite the burning desert sun.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    Suddenly the handlers see you and release the chain leashes. With a rasping scream, they command the dogs to attack and immediately the pack obeys.

    If you possess a missile weapon, and wish to use it, turn to 107. If you do not possess a missile weapon, or do not wish to use it, turn to 16. @@ -4417,6 +4700,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    You make your way back to the convoy, aware that less than a few hours of daylight remain. Cutter and Uncle Jonas greet your return with a nod and a wave, both of them itching to get underway. Quickly you climb into your roadster, switch on the ignition and lead them single file on to the southbound carriageway of Freeway 35.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + + Turn to 22.
    @@ -4572,6 +4864,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    With a squeal of tyres, you accelerate away, retracing your route along Freeway 20 towards the convoy. As you drive, you are haunted by images of the two Rad-vics that you encountered at the trench: the chilling memory of their gaunt, grey faces has awakened your deepest fears. The road crests a rise and you see the convoy parked less than a quarter of a mile away. The welcoming sight distracts you from your morbid thoughts, but the relief is to be short-lived.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    As you bring your roadster to a halt alongside the bus, you see Cutter standing on the roof, a pair of battered binoculars pressed to his eyes. 'Looks like we're goin' to have company real soon,' he says, staring at a large cloud of dust that is advancing towards Eastland from the north-east. 'I reckon there's over 100 bikes out there on the prairie, and they're all headin' this way. Looks like that Mad Dog Michigan decided not to go to Killeen after all!'

    'I think we should head for Cisco and lay low until they pass,' says Uncle Jonas, but he soon changes his mind when you tell him about your encounter at the trench.

    'Abilene would be safer,' says Kate, leaning out of a window of the bus. 'But we'll have to pass wide of Cisco to get there.'

    @@ -4629,6 +4930,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    You crouch behind the wrecked car and watch as Kate disappears into the factory. Minutes later you see her face at a window on the top floor and notice the barrel of her gun resting on its ledge. Nervously you count the passing seconds, your eyes fixed on the road ahead.

    The first of the Lions appears: it is a motorcycle and sidecar. A lion's head flag flutters from an aerial fixed behind the rider's saddle, and a heavy-calibre machine gun is mounted in front of the chair. As soon as they see the tanker they open fire, sending a stream of tracer bullets arcing towards your position. As the fiery shells rip through your cover, you fight the urge to throw yourself down on the ground, and take aim at the approaching vehicle. You know that you must make your shot count, for if just one of the tracer shells were to pierce the tanker, it would ignite the fuel and blow it sky high.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + + If the gun you are holding is a Pistol, turn to 308. If it is a Machine Pistol, turn to 102. If it is a Rifle, turn to 268. @@ -4656,6 +4966,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315 EXIT - FIRE ESCAPE USE IN CASE OF EMERGENCY ONLY

    'I reckon this constitutes an emergency,' you mutter, as you get ready to break cover and run towards the door. Just as you are about to leave your hand brushes against the stock of a sawn-off shotgun that is lying on a shelf beneath the counter. Both hammers are cocked and the chamber tags show that both barrels are loaded.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + + If you wish to take the weapon, turn to 176. If you decide to ignore it, turn to 84.
    @@ -4777,6 +5096,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    The drive to Albany takes you across a rolling plain that once fed a million head of longhorn cattle. Now the once-lush grassland is a vast desert of parched and blistered earth, completely devoid of life. The town stands at the centre of this bald prairie, its battered wooden houses and stores clustered haphazardly in groups on either side of a single main street. You stop your car half a mile from the town and park it in the shade of an old farm building, before venturing into Albany on foot.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    The first building that you see is the ruins of the Shackelford County Sheriff's office. Spent cartridge cases litter the ground around its entrance, marking the site of a recent gunfight.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table, and add to it your current Stealth and Perception skill totals.

    If your total score is now 12 or less, turn to 31. @@ -4842,6 +5170,15 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    You raise your arm and fire your shotgun without aiming. The speed of your reflexes and the spread of the Double-A target load guarantee that your enemy will never point his pistol at anyone again.

    + + + + Melvyn Grant + + + + +

    As the smoke clears, you see Cutter approach the gully and reload his gun as he stares over the edge at the lifeless bodies of your ambushers. You are soon joined by the others and together you search their bodies for useful items.

    Turn to 216.
    @@ -5039,6 +5376,7 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    (The Game Rules) Replaced On pages 6 and 7 you will find an Action Chart with An Action Chart has been supplied.

    (The Game Rules) Removed For ease of use during play it is recommended that you photocopy these pages.

    (The Game Rules) Replaced the Random Number Table at the back of this book with the Random Number Table.


    (The Game Rules) Replaced survival skills with Survival Skills.

    (Equipment) Replaced map of Central Texas with Map of Central Texas.

    (Equipment) Replaced potassium iodine with potassium iodide.

    (Backpack) Replaced H.E. (High Explosive) GRENADE with HE (High Explosive) GRENADE.

    @@ -5049,10 +5387,13 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    (Cal's Story) Replaced re-establish with reestablish and Denton county with Denton County.

    (1) Replaced syphoned with siphoned.

    (13) Added missing period after Random Number Table.


    (23) Replaced Backpack items with Backpack Items.

    (26) Replaced machine-gunner with machine gunner.

    (20) Replaced GEIGER COUNTER, ALTIMETER and RADIATION SUIT with initial capitals.

    (48) Replaced dislodgng with dislodging and Skull,' with Skull?'.

    (55) Replaced thunderbird with Thunderbird.


    (63) Replaced Weapons list with Weapons List.


    (66) Replaced First Aid Box with first aid box.

    (72) Replaced shooting skill with Shooting skill and (minimum - one round; maximum - four rounds) with (minimum: one round; maximum: four rounds).

    (82) Replaced needin with needin'.

    (85) Replaced DISTRIBUTOR CAP, CONDENSER, GAS MODIFIER, OIL PLUG, FAN BELT with initial capitals.

    @@ -5069,6 +5410,7 @@ ERRATA 281-315

    (143) Replaced ( with with (with.

    (149) Replaced assess with assesses.

    (156) Replaced take its toll of those with take its toll on those.


    (162) Replaced Weapons list with Weapons List.

    (171) Replaced de-activates with deactivates.

    (175) Replaced anti-biotics with antibiotics and H.E. Grenade with HE Grenade.

    (181) Replaced rope with Rope.

    @@ -5177,25 +5519,28 @@ ERRATA 281-315 Secondary Illustrations - - +
    + + +
    + &inclusion.project.aon.license;
    - + \ No newline at end of file -- 2.34.1