From 2d7fef28f3230bbfc59c3bf07126308860901a78 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Osborne Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2007 18:04:00 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Grey Star Book 4: Lots of (er) issues fixed git-svn-id: f6f3e2d7-ff33-0410-aaf5-b4bee2cdac11 --- 04wotw.xml | 158 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 1 file changed, 88 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-) diff --git a/04wotw.xml b/04wotw.xml index 7c40a56..2b7aa23 100755 --- a/04wotw.xml +++ b/04wotw.xml @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ &; Project Aon - 2007725 + 200791

You are the Wizard Grey Star. You now face the tumultuous climax of your epic struggle to overthrow the evil Wytch-king Shasarak. His cruel empire is torn by war as the Freedom Fighters rebel against his corrupt dominion. Can you reach them in time to free mankind? Can you overcome the Wytch-kings ferocious soldiers and the supernatural hordes that are his to command? Your only hope lies in your Wizards Staff. Guard it wellfor it contains the might of the mystic Moonstone, the very essence of your Magical Powers.

The World of Lone Wolf is an exciting adventure series in which you are the hero, you make the decisions, and you fight the combats using the unique systems included in the book.

@@ -143,14 +143,14 @@ -

Ancient days they were when first the Shianti set foot upon the land that men call Magnamund. Long had they journeyed through the void, homeless wanderers in search of a place to call their own. And so it was that when the Shianti first looked upon the face of the land, their hearts were raised in wonder. They saw a world of nameless mountains, untamed forests and lands both wild and free. Here they chose to cease their wanderings and to devote themselves to the study and appreciation of this newfound land.


Ancient days they were when first the Shianti set foot upon the land that men call Magnamund. Long had they journeyed through the void, homeless wanderers in search of a place to call their own. And so it was that when the Shianti first looked upon the face of the land, their hearts were raised in wonder. They saw a world of nameless mountains, untamed forests, and lands both wild and free. Here they chose to cease their wanderings and to devote themselves to the study and appreciation of this newfound land.

To the delight of the Shianti, the race of man first emerged at this time and they watched his early struggle towards civilization with eager concern. Like gods, the Shianti seemed to the minds of primitive men. Tall and proud, shining with a radiance that spoke of magic and arcane mystery, the Shianti moved among them and with their powers of wizardry, aided man in his development.


As the centuries passed, man fell to worship of the magical Shianti and the power of these wizards grew even stronger. With hungry hearts they sought to unlock the mysteries of knowledge, sending their minds into other planes of existence and strange worlds beyond the sphere of the material plane. Their foresight was now unmatched and the power of their thought was mighty indeed. It was at this time that they created the Moonstone. Woven of the very fabric of the astral plane of Daziarn, this translucent gem was the greatest achievement of Shianti wisdom. It was the binding force of all Shianti magic, containing the combined might of all their wizardry, the sum of all their knowledge. The Golden Age of the Shianti had come and the Moonstone was the instrument of their dominion throughout all Magnamund. Man stood as little more than a shadow, blinded by the shining white light of Shianti glory. But, in creating the Moonstone, the unwritten laws of nature had been transgressed. For the Moonstone, like the Shianti themselves, was something outside of mans own world; it defied the natural order laid down by the creators of the Earth and disrupted the balance that the gods had designed.


As the centuries passed, man fell to worship of the magical Shianti and the power of these wizards grew even stronger. With hungry hearts they sought to unlock the mysteries of knowledge, sending their minds into other planes of existence and strange worlds beyond the sphere of the material plane. Their foresight was now unmatched and the power of their thought was mighty indeed. It was at this time that they created the Moonstone. Woven of the very fabric of the astral plane of Daziarn, this translucent gem was the greatest achievement of Shianti wisdom. It was the binding force of all Shianti magic, containing the combined might of all their wizardry, the sum of all their knowledge. The Golden Age of the Shianti had come and the Moonstone was the instrument of their dominion throughout all Magnamund. Man stood as little more than a shadow, blinded by the shining white light of Shianti glory. But, in creating the Moonstone, the unwritten laws of nature had been transgressed. For the Moonstone, like the Shianti themselves, was something outside of mans own world; it defied the natural order laid down by the creators of Magnamund and disrupted the balance that the gods had designed.

The Goddess Ishir, High Priestess of the Moon and mother of all men, showed herself to the Shianti and spoke to them of the destiny of man: The children of this world must claim their inheritance. Their time has come and they must learn to stand alone. They are lost in their worship of you and the day draws ever nearer when they will covet the power of the Moonstone.

And the Shianti said: Forgive us, Great Goddess, for we intended no harm. We love mankind even as you do. We have sought to do good and protect your children from harm.

But Ishir replied, Of this there can be no doubt, but this world is not your realm. Man must be free to pursue his destiny alone, and you must leave, for you trespass on his domain.

The Shianti were filled with sorrow. They feared a return to the void and to their lonely wandering, and pleaded with Ishir that she might allow them to remain. Ishir was filled with pity for them. She spoke again, saying, If you are to remain, you must obey my command. You must take a vow never to interfere with mankinds fate. As a token of good faith you must lay aside the Moonstone, and return it to the plane where it belongs.


Solemnly, the Shianti agreed. The vow was sworn before Ishir, and the Moonstone was returned to the Daziarn. The Shianti then moved south to the Isle of Lorn. They encircled their new home with a web of enchantments, magical mists and mage winds to prevent man from ever finding their place of refuge in the Sea of Dreams.


Solemnly, the Shianti agreed. The vow was sworn before Ishir, and the Moonstone was returned to the Daziarn. The Shianti then moved south to the Isle of Lorn. They encircled their new home with a web of enchantments, magical mists, and mage winds to prevent man from ever finding their place of refuge in the Sea of Dreams.

Knowledge of the Shianti faded with time, save in southern Magnamund where it became enshrined in legend, and the worship of them endured. Priests of the Shianti religion preserved their teachings and patiently awaited the day when the ancient ones would return, bringing with them lasting peace and the blessing of a new golden age.

Two thousand years strode by and man advanced as Ishir had foretold. He built great cities and cultivated the land; his kingdoms rose and fell; he made war and loved and laughed and became master of his fate. But a new power was emerging in the province of Shadaki. There Shasarak the evil Wytch-king ruled. The black necromancer commanded an army of brutal soldiers and had a devoted following of men who upheld his religion of demonic worship and sacrificial rites. Devotees of the Shianti and other religious cults were persecuted in a merciless purge. Ruthlessly, the Wytch-king destroyed all his opponents and began a terrible war with the peoples of the neighbouring provinces. From the ruins of war Shasarak shaped the Shadakine Empire, subjugating whole nations to his evil rule. As the provinces fell to his might, the Shianti looked on helplessly, bound by their vow to the Goddess Ishir never to interfere in the affairs of man.

On the night of the crowning of Shasarak as Overlord of the Shadakine Empire, a great storm broke upon the Sea of Dreams, a storm that raged with unnatural intensity. Lashed by wind and rain, illuminated by wild lightning, the waters heaved and danced in fury to the thundering music of the storm, unchecked by even the enchantments of the Shianti. When finally the tempest died, the Shianti looked out in amazement on the shattered hull of a ship drifting towards their shore. Never before had this occurred, for the enchantments and mage winds had kept them secure from the curiosity of man by forcing him to sail close to his own land.

@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ -

The Power of elemental magic allows a wizard some control over the natural elements of Air, Fire, Earth and Water. By entering a trance and chanting incantations, you may summon aid from the spirits of the Elemental Plane. Elementals have very little understanding of man, and for this reason a wizard can never be sure of the nature of the aid the Elementals may send.


The Power of elemental magic allows a wizard some control over the natural elements of Air, Fire, Earth, and Water. By entering a trance and chanting incantations, you may summon aid from the spirits of the Elemental Plane. Elementals have very little understanding of man, and for this reason a wizard can never be sure of the nature of the aid the Elementals may send.

If you choose this Power, write Elementalism on your Action Chart.

@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ - +

This Higher Magick is an advanced form of Sorcery, the craft of magical energy. Where Sorcery allows a wizard to affect external things, Thaumaturgy affects the wizard himself. The Power of Thaumaturgy can bestow upon a wizard the power of levitation, a limited form of flying; invulnerability and increased strength; the ability to bend metal or warp wood by disturbing their molecules; and, perhaps the most useful of all, teleportation, that is, the ability to travel great distances in seconds by simply visualizing the destination.

If you choose this Power, write Thaumaturgy on your Action Chart.

@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
Telergy - + @@ -369,14 +369,14 @@ -

An advanced form of Enchantment, Telergy is the Power of mind control, telepathy and autosuggestion. It enhances the tangibility of the illusions of Enchantment and allows you to control the minds of others. However, like Enchantment, some magical beings will be able to resist this Power.


An advanced form of Enchantment, Telergy is the Power of mind control, telepathy, and autosuggestion. It enhances the tangibility of the illusions of Enchantment and allows you to control the minds of others. However, like Enchantment, some magical beings will be able to resist this Power.

If you choose this Power, write Telergy on your Action Chart.

Physiurgy - + @@ -384,15 +384,15 @@ - -

Where Elementalism allows a wizard to summon the aid of the elemental spirits, the Higher Magick of Physiurgy grants the wizard mastery over the elements. It allows him to command winds, open cracks in the earth, cause earthquakes, raise storms and create other weather effects.

+ +

Where Elementalism allows a wizard to summon the aid of the elemental spirits, the Higher Magick of Physiurgy grants the wizard mastery over the elements. It allows him to command winds, open cracks in the earth, cause earthquakes, raise storms, and create other weather effects.

If you choose this Power, write Physiurgy on your Action Chart.

Theurgy - + @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ - +

Theurgy is an advanced form of Alchemy. Possession of the Moonstone of the Shianti makes the casting of a larger number of spells possible. It unlocks the knowledge of more ingredients for mixing potions and reveals some of the special times, or ways, that they must be mixed. The power of the Moonstone acts as a charm for these potions. No WILLPOWER points are required to make use of the Power of Theurgy but you are dependent on discovering the necessary ingredients for your potions during the course of your adventure.

If you choose this Power, write Theurgy on your Action Chart.

@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
Visionary - + @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ - +

With the aid of the Moonstone, you may use the skill of a Visionary to look upon events that are taking place elsewhere. The Power of a Visionary is generally concerned with visual images of the present.

If you choose this Power, write Visionary on your Action Chart.

@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
Necromancy - + @@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ - +

Necromancy is a higher form of Evocation. Where Evocation allows contact with the spirit world, Necromancy allows a wizard to command the dead, though this is forbidden by Shianti law. It also allows him to make an incantation that will imbue the Moonstone with a protective aura of light to keep away all creatures of evil, dead or alive.

If you choose this Power, write Necromancy on your Action Chart.

@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@
  • Repeat the sequence from Stage 3.

  • -

    This process of combat continues until the ENDURANCE points of either the enemy or Grey Star are reduced to zero, at which point the one with the zero score is declared dead. If Grey Star is dead, the adventure is over. If the enemy is dead, Grey Star proceeds but with his ENDURANCE and WILLPOWER points reduced.


    This process of combat continues until the ENDURANCE points of either the enemy or Grey Star are reduced to zero or below, at which point that combatant is declared dead. If Grey Star is dead, the adventure is over. If the enemy is dead, Grey Star proceeds but with his ENDURANCE and WILLPOWER points possibly reduced.

    A summary of Combat Rules appears in the back of this book.

    @@ -657,7 +657,7 @@

    Hail Wizard, son of man. You have succeeded. We, the Shianti, rejoice and praise you. That which you hold in your hand contains the power that will enable you to defeat the evil Wytch-king, Shasarak.

    A crowd of excited voices fills your mind as each of the Shianti sends words of congratulations and admiration. The last of these voices is Maiteya, your old friend, the Shianti master who taught you all you know. And so, little one, he says, affectionately now you possess the Moonstone, Shasaraks bane. While you hold it, we, the Shianti, are able to speak with you but this communication cannot be maintained much longer. Because you have the Moonstone, we have sufficient power to return you to the world, but there is much you should know before we do so. Listen well, Grey Star, for I know not when we will speak again.


    Though it seems to you but a short time since you arrived at the Daziarn, seven years have passed here in the material world. During your search for the Shadow Gate, you visited the city of Karnali. Your arrival there inspired a revolution, led by Sado of the Long Knife and his Army of the Freedom Guild. After your departure, the Freedom Guild withstood a great siege by Shadakine warriors, who eventually withdrew defeated, much to Shasaraks displeasure. Word spread of this victory and the strength of the Army of the Freedom Guild grew. Strategically, Karnali was too isolated to make a great impact against the Shadakine Empire, but, due to the surrounding Gurlu Marshes, it remained self sufficient. Soon, many were travelling to Karnali to escape the tyranny of Shasaraks rule. Pockets of resistance broke out in the townships of Wenat, Zhanis, Sena and the city of Forlu, and the Freedom Guild soon dominated the hills and the plains of the south. They raided Shadakine supply trains and succeeded in depriving the empire of much of its wealth, cutting off all land routes to the Port of Suhn, the wealthiest and most important trade centre of the empire. An army is now formed in Karnali and, in three days, it will march against the Shadakine Empire, hoping to take Port Suhn in the first of many conquests. But, unknown to Sado and the Army of the Freedom Guild, a vast Shadakine force has been mustered in the Sadi desert. Soon, it will march against them. The Army of the Freedom Guild number ten thousand to the Shadakines thirty thousand. The Freedom Guild cannot hope to succeed against such overwhelming odds. You must save them. Take them to the Forest of Fernmost. It is most important that you go there. There is little time and much to do Grey Star


    Though it seems to you but a short time since you arrived at the Daziarn, seven years have passed here in the material world. During your search for the Shadow Gate, you visited the city of Karnali. Your arrival there inspired a revolution, led by Sado of the Long Knife and his Army of the Freedom Guild. After your departure, the Freedom Guild withstood a great siege by Shadakine warriors, who eventually withdrew defeated, much to Shasaraks displeasure. Word spread of this victory and the strength of the Army of the Freedom Guild grew. Strategically, Karnali was too isolated to make a great impact against the Shadakine Empire, but, due to the surrounding Gurlu Marshes, it remained self sufficient. Soon, many were travelling to Karnali to escape the tyranny of Shasaraks rule. Pockets of resistance broke out in the townships of Wenat, Zhanis, Sena, and the city of Forlu, and the Freedom Guild soon dominated the hills and the plains of the south. They raided Shadakine supply trains and succeeded in depriving the empire of much of its wealth, cutting off all land routes to the Port of Suhn, the wealthiest and most important trade centre of the empire. An army is now formed in Karnali and, in three days, it will march against the Shadakine Empire, hoping to take Port Suhn in the first of many conquests. But, unknown to Sado and the Army of the Freedom Guild, a vast Shadakine force has been mustered in the Sadi desert. Soon, it will march against them. The Army of the Freedom Guild number ten thousand to the Shadakines thirty thousand. The Freedom Guild cannot hope to succeed against such overwhelming odds. You must save them. Take them to the Forest of Fernmost. It is most important that you go there. There is little time and much to do Grey Star

    The voice grows faint and you realize that the Shianti will be unable to maintain contact for much longer. And now, Grey Star, the contact breaks and we must return you to the world to begin the last of your great labours. Are there any last words of advice we can offer you?

    Your mind races as you think of all that you might need to know.

    If you wish to know where the Shianti intend sending you, and where in the Shadakine Empire your quest will begin, turn to 348. @@ -671,7 +671,7 @@

    Alas, you have been too much weakened by earlier struggles. His strength has mastered yours as the last of your own life-force is drained from your body. You have lost the duel and doomed all humanity to endure the reign of Shasaraks evil cruelty.


    You have failed, your adventure is over.


    You have failed; your adventure is over.

    @@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ 3 -

    You and Tanith each grab a handle and begin to turn them. The wheels creak as the rope coils slowly around one end of the mounting. Pick a number from the Random Number Table.


    You and Tanith each grab a handle and begin to turn it. The wheels creak as the rope coils slowly around one end of the mounting. Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

    If the number you have picked is 59, turn to 63. If the number you have picked is 04, turn to 79.
    @@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ 23 -

    Bathed in the radiant aura of the Moonstones protection, you continue the journey east. You top a rise and look down its gentle slope. Ahead, you can see a sparkling river. With a cry of joy, you and Tanith run towards it. At the waters edge you both drop to your knees to drink. Scooping up great mouthfuls of the cool water, you quench your raging thirst. You are on the banks of the Dolani river. Tanith tells you that its source is to the north east, in the Kashima Mountains. Its southerly course leads to lake Dolani, which she guesses to be at least thirty miles away. The river is too wide and deep to be crossed here, although it is likely to be narrower and shallower further upstream. At this point the light of the Moonstone, which you laid on the ground beside you before beginning to drink, starts to flicker as the power of your incantation fades. Suddenly Tanith cries out.


    Bathed in the radiant aura of the Moonstones protection, you continue the journey east. You top a rise and look down its gentle slope. Ahead, you can see a sparkling river. With a cry of joy, you and Tanith run towards it. At the waters edge you both drop to your knees to drink. Scooping up great mouthfuls of the cool water, you quench your raging thirst. You are on the banks of the Dolani River. Tanith tells you that its source is to the northeast, in the Kashima Mountains. Its southerly course leads to lake Dolani, which she guesses to be at least thirty miles away. The river is too wide and deep to be crossed here, although it is likely to be narrower and shallower further upstream. At this point the light of the Moonstone, which you laid on the ground beside you before beginning to drink, starts to flicker as the power of your incantation fades. Suddenly Tanith cries out.

    Grey Star! she screams. We are attacked!

    @@ -917,7 +917,7 @@

    You snatch up the Moonstone and spin round. Four fearsome creatures have mounted the rise behind you. As you watch, they rush towards you, coming to a cowering halt within twenty paces of you both. Afraid of the fading aura of the Moonstone as the light decreases, each takes another shambling step towards you. They are ghastly, malformed creatures, each with a different misshapen form. These are demons summoned long ago by the Wytch-king Shasarak to conquer the people who once inhabited the Lissan Plain. Having fulfilled their purpose, they were left to roam the plain by Shasarak. The leading demonthe largesttakes another step forward, its glistening green skin and toad-like features reflected in the dull light of the setting sun.

    If you wish to continue the necromantic incantation of protection that has almost faded from the Moonstone, turn to 35. - If you prefer to launch long-range attack at the leading demon with your Wizards Staff, turn to 65. + If you prefer to launch a long-range attack at the leading demon with your Wizards Staff, turn to 65. If you wish to wait to see what the demons will do, turn to 93.
    @@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@

    Wait! she says. I can see something down there.

    You follow the line of her finger. Among the verdant grassland of the depression that surrounds what must be Lake Dolani you can just make out a human form. You edge a few more feet down the slope. With horror you see a large man lying with his arms and legs tied to four wooden stakes driven into the ground. A faint moan drifts on the breeze: he is calling for water. You edge a little closer. The man is almost a giant, measuring at least seven feet tall. His skin is black as ebony and his hair is long and flowing. Suddenly you realize that this is one of the Masbat, the original inhabitants of the Lissan Plain and a mighty warrior peopletill Shasarak defeated them in the Plains War of MS 5008.

    You have only known one Masbat: Samu, a noble and fearless warrior, who accompanied you in your search for the Moonstone. Once, he was king of the Masbat nomads. He thought himself the only survivor of his peopleit was common belief that the Wytch-king had hounded the tribe into extinction, sealing their doom by unleashing a plague of demons. Some say that these demons roam the plains still.


    You wonder who has left the poor, tortured man to die in the sun. You step further down the slope intending to free him, but Tanith holds you back, fearing a trap. You cannot see how anyone, even Shasarak himself, could know that you have returned to the lands of the Shadakine empire after an absence of seven years.


    You wonder who has left the poor, tortured man to die in the sun. You step further down the slope intending to free him, but Tanith holds you back, fearing a trap. You cannot see how anyone, even Shasarak himself, could know that you have returned to the lands of the Shadakine Empire after an absence of seven years.

    If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy, and wish to use it, turn to 58. If you are versed in the Higher Magick of a Visionary, and wish to use this Power, turn to 67. If you do not possess either of these Powers, or do not wish to use them, turn to 85. @@ -1461,7 +1461,7 @@ 70 -

    The pure white light of the Moonstone shines forth with a lambent glow. Bathed in the protective aura of the Moonstone, you ride on with speed. The miles are covered swiftly and the snow-white stallion maintains a tireless, unfaltering pace; you bless Samu for such an invaluable gift. At last you reach the River Dolani. The river is close to its source in the mountains and is consequently quite shallow; you are able to ford it easily. After crossing the river, you veer slightly to the north west, towards the hills that lie south east of Lake Tilos, where the portal of the demons of the Lissan Plain is situated. In the distance, you see a small group of figures heading towards you.


    The pure white light of the Moonstone shines forth with a lambent glow. Bathed in the protective aura of the Moonstone, you ride on with speed. The miles are covered swiftly and the snow-white stallion maintains a tireless, unfaltering pace; you bless Samu for such an invaluable gift. At last you reach the River Dolani. The river is close to its source in the mountains and is consequently quite shallow; you are able to ford it easily. After crossing the river, you veer slightly to the northwest, towards the hills that lie southeast of Lake Tilos, where the portal of the demons of the Lissan Plain is situated. In the distance, you see a small group of figures heading towards you.

    If you wish to avoid this gathering, turn to 224. If not, turn to 231.
    @@ -1518,7 +1518,7 @@ 76 -

    The horse maintains a steady, tireless pace and the miles pass by swiftly. Soon you reach the River Dolani. The river is very shallow at this point and you are able to ford it easily. Heading north west you sight a line of demons coming towards you.


    The horse maintains a steady, tireless pace and the miles pass by swiftly. Soon you reach the River Dolani. The river is very shallow at this point and you are able to ford it easily. Heading northwest you sight a line of demons coming towards you.

    If you possess a potion of Invulnerability, and wish to drink it, turn to 84. If you do not, turn to 90.
    @@ -1715,7 +1715,7 @@ 95 -

    With this change of direction, you increase your pace, but the burning heat drags at your every step and soon you are soaked with perspiration. You stop to draw breath; you look over your shoulder to discover that the lone figure is nowhere in sight. Yet there is no tree, rock or bush anywhere to hide behind. You are suffering from heat exhaustion and must lose 2 ENDURANCE points. Your current course is taking you away from anywhere you want to be.


    With this change of direction, you increase your pace, but the burning heat drags at your every step and soon you are soaked with perspiration. You stop to draw breath; you look over your shoulder to discover that the lone figure is nowhere in sight. Yet there is no tree, rock, or bush anywhere to hide behind. You are suffering from heat exhaustion and must lose 2 ENDURANCE points. Your current course is taking you away from anywhere you want to be.

    If you wish to head east, in the direction of the city of Shadaki, turn to 14. If you wish to go south, towards the Army of the Freedom Guild, turn to 36.
    @@ -1738,7 +1738,7 @@

    The Masbats name is Kuna. He tells you that he was captured while fishing alone on the banks of the Dolani River, by a number of the demons that still roam the Lissan Plain. He has lain bound since that time.

    The hellspawn knew that my Masbat brothers would come for me and hoped to trap them in the narrow confines of this enclosed region. But tell me, who are you? Why are you here? he asks.

    Before you can reply, Tanith shouts a warning. Her face is horror-stricken. You turn around, barely able to suppress a shocked gasp at what you see. A ring of grisly beasts lines the curving slope before you in a wide semicircle. This is the demon plague, you whisper.


    The steady croon of hellish voices grows as the evil horde gloats at the utter hopelessness of your position. You are enclosed by a force that numbers almost a hundred. With a terrible cry, a pack of demons rushes towards you. Each of the creatures has a different but equally misshapen form. Some are like strange toad beasts, others are malformed apes with stunted limbs and a shambling gait. The leader of the pack is a large, slimy reptile with a tortured human face. Only moments remain before the pack of demons is upon you.


    The steady croon of hellish voices grows as the evil horde gloats at the utter hopelessness of your position. You are enclosed by a force that numbers almost a hundred. With a terrible cry, a pack of demons rushes towards you. Each of the creatures has a different but equally misshapen form. Some are like strange toad beasts; others are malformed apes with stunted limbs and a shambling gait. The leader of the pack is a large, slimy reptile with a tortured human face. Only moments remain before the pack of demons is upon you.

    If you wish to fire, with your Wizards Staff at the leader of the pack in a long-range attack, turn to 288. If you wish to stand and receive the charge, turn to 82. @@ -1759,7 +1759,7 @@

    With a relieved sigh, both you and Tanith turn to resume your journey east. Night has almost fallen. In the faint light, you see a glimmer in the distance. It is a river. You break into a run and do not stop until you have reached the banks of its fast-flowing waters. Hurriedly, you scoop handfuls of water into your mouth, and do not stop until your parched throat is soothed and your thirst quenched. With a satisfied expression, Tanith sits up on her haunches, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.


    This is the River Dolani, she says. It leads south, to fill the great Lake Dolani thirty miles downstream. Upstream, to the north east, is its source in the Kashima Mountains.


    This is the River Dolani, she says. It leads south, to fill the great Lake Dolani thirty miles downstream. Upstream, to the northeast, is its source in the Kashima Mountains.

    To continue your journey east you will have to cross this river. It is too wide and deep to be waded, and the current is too fast for you to be able to swim across. You ponder your next course of action, lost in thought.

    Turn to 201.
    @@ -1985,7 +1985,7 @@ 121 -

    They are moving faster now. Some gurgle obscenely, others growl and roar with crazed expressions. It is a grisly host of horrors: twisted faces with bulging eyes; beasts with long, fleshy tentacles or waving insect feelers. A parasitic insect with a hard, chitinous shell hangs on to the back of a tusked reptilian with tiny suckers, draining the reptile of nourishment but providing it with the armoured protection of its own body. All these and hundreds more seek you out, their courage growing by the moment.


    They are moving faster now. Some gurgle obscenely; others growl and roar with crazed expressions. It is a grisly host of horrors: twisted faces with bulging eyes; beasts with long, fleshy tentacles or waving insect feelers. A parasitic insect with a hard, chitinous shell hangs on to the back of a tusked reptilian with tiny suckers, draining the reptile of nourishment but providing it with the armoured protection of its own body. All these and hundreds more seek you out, their courage growing by the moment.

    Paul Bonner @@ -2016,7 +2016,7 @@

    No sooner have you slain the demon than three others of its kind launch themselves at you. As you fight, another of the creatures attempts to slay your horse, while in the distance you glimpse the entire demon horde. Even at this distance you can hear their blood-curdling howls. The stallion neighs and rears to attack his assailants with his hooves. You must fight the three ape demons that beset you.

    Three Ape Demons2425 If you wish to evade combat after the first round, turn to 155. - If you do not evade in the first round of combat, you must fight to the death. If you win, turn to 168. + If you do not evade in the second round of combat, you must fight to the death. If you win, turn to 168.
    @@ -2074,7 +2074,7 @@

    With a mighty effort you drag the Staff from his hand before the life-force is drained from you. Shasarak drags himself to his feet and begins to run towards the wall of fire.

    Come, come to me, Agarash whispers. I will be free.


    Shasarak stops. No, you will not have me, he rasps savagely. Ill take him yet He reaches up and pulls a long, black Staff from thin air and brandishes it at you. Come we will fight! He lashes at you with his Staff. You must duel with your arch-enemy.


    Shasarak stops. No, you will not have me, he rasps savagely. Ill take him yet He reaches up and pulls a long, black Staff from thin air and brandishes it at you. Come We will fight! He lashes at you with his Staff. You must duel with your arch-enemy.

    Wytch-king Shasarak1020 If you win the combat, turn to 180.
    @@ -2112,7 +2112,7 @@ 132 -

    With a mental effort that requires 2 WILLPOWER points you float into the air, hovering above the head of the shrieking demons as they reach out at you with flailing limbs. Although you are now safe from their evil clutches, Tanith remains on the ground. A demon reaches for her, a grotesque creature with a hunched back and the body of a huge, purple beetle. She backs away, nimbly avoiding the clutch of its razor-sharp pincers. While there is still a short distance between them you must strike.


    With a mental effort that requires 2 WILLPOWER points you float into the air, hovering above the heads of the shrieking demons as they reach out at you with flailing limbs. Although you are now safe from their evil clutches, Tanith remains on the ground. A demon reaches for her, a grotesque creature with a hunched back and the body of a huge, purple beetle. She backs away, nimbly avoiding the clutch of its razor-sharp pincers. While there is still a short distance between them you must strike.

    If you wish to fire a long-range attack at the beetle demon with your Wizards Staff, turn to 143. If you wish to release your power of levitation and drop down on the creature from above, turn to 248.
    @@ -2541,7 +2541,7 @@

    The miles pass by slowly. Though the Lissan Plain is monotonously flat and should be relatively easy to cross, the fierce heat of the afternoon sun drains your strength. Tanith looks very tired. You decide to rest and you both stop beneath the shade of a large, solitary tree. As Tanith wipes sweat from her brow she turns and gives you a searching look. Have you noticed? she says.

    You have no idea what she means and tell her so. There are no birds, no beasts, no wild creatures of any kind, she replies.

    Her observation explains the strange stillness of the plain and adds to the sense of evil that pervades it. Suddenly Tanith jumps to her feet. Look! she cries. Something is moving out there.


    You look in the same direction. In the distance you can see a small figure moving at speed, though it is too far away for you to be able to distinguish any details. The figure is moving south.


    You look in the same direction. In the distance you can see a small figure moving at great speed, though it is too far away for you to be able to distinguish any details. The figure is moving south.

    If you wish to investigate, turn to 222. If you wish to continue on your way, turn to 257. @@ -2587,7 +2587,7 @@ 177 -

    You take up the Moonstone and, focusing your power, gaze into it. The impenetrable blackness that formerly filled the stone disperses and a light kindles there. Soon the stone is filled with spinning colour. The spinning stops and you are looking at the Lissan Plain. Four creatures come swiftly into view. Each creature is horribly misshapen: the leading creature is a large, toad-like being with glistening green skin and a long tail. All four lope, hop and shamble along as their ghastly forms allow. There is a menacing purpose to their walk and you are sure that you are their prey. The use of this vision has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.


    You take up the Moonstone and, focusing your power, gaze into it. The impenetrable blackness that formerly filled the stone disperses and a light kindles there. Soon the stone is filled with spinning colour. The spinning stops and you are looking at the Lissan Plain. Four creatures come swiftly into view. Each creature is horribly misshapen: the leading creature is a large, toad-like being with glistening green skin and a long tail. All four lope, hop, and shamble along as their ghastly forms allow. There is a menacing purpose to their walk and you are sure that you are their prey. The use of this vision has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

    If you have the Magical Power of Necromancy, and wish to use it to chant an incantation against evil, turn to 146. If you wish to continue moving and perhaps escape your pursuers, turn to 213. If you wish to head towards your pursuers, turn to 9. @@ -2694,7 +2694,7 @@ 187 -

    Your heart pounding, you wait as the gibbering, snarling creatures approach. As they draw closer, they move more slowly until finally they lapse into a cowering, nervous creep. Your stand obviously intimidates them, for although you are gripped with fear, you display a confident menace. Suddenly they fall upon you in a wild, slavering flurry of kicks, blows and bites.


    Your heart pounding, you wait as the gibbering, snarling creatures approach. As they draw closer, they move more slowly until finally they lapse into a cowering, nervous creep. Your stand obviously intimidates them, for although you are gripped with fear, you display a confident menace. Suddenly they fall upon you in a wild, slavering flurry of kicks, blows, and bites.

    Turn to 264.
    @@ -2733,9 +2733,9 @@

    With a whirl of colour, you find yourself in a long, grey hall. You guess that you are close to Shasarak for at the far end of the hall you see a door engraved with a large Shianti rune representing Shasaraks name. Guarding that door is a grotesque creature, a servant of Shasarak. It is a demon, summoned from some ghastly netherworld that only the dark sorceries of Shasarak could reach. The demon has a high, humped back and a square, flat face that bears two blank, emotionless eyes; colourless and entirely lacking in any warmth or feeling; like pebbles by an unknown sea.


    Hail, enemy of my master, it breathes, I have waited for you. My master told me you would come.


    Hail, enemy of my master, it breathes. I have waited for you. My master told me you would come.

    You step closer. With some concern you see that the demon has affected the shape of a man, with blonde, gilded hair. You tell yourself that this is no man, but a demon in human guise. The demon stands tall; it mocks. Why have you delayed? What are your reasons? I have waited so long so long to meet your challenge. I am powerful, I am mighty! Know you, that I am the Ipag, greatest of all demons under my masters command. My power is that of hate, for indeed I hate you, free and unstained as you are, unheeding of the powers that I and my master hold most dear.


    The creatures tirade of scorn is unrelenting and, to you, quite meaningless. It does not hate you, but what you represent; the wild, free, unrestrained wisdom of the Shianti. Shasarak has taught it that this wisdom is meaningless. You know that this is a wisdom, not born of knowledge, but of the freedom of the spirit, of the soul to follow its own way, sure that a mind without hate or resentment can do no harm. The Ipag hisses like a serpent as you approach. You notice that its body is transparent and shimmers with an eerie light. The door to Shasaraks chamber lies directly behind this evil guardian. So far it has made no attack.


    The creatures tirade of scorn is unrelenting and, to you, quite meaningless. It does not hate you, but what you represent: the wild, free, unrestrained wisdom of the Shianti. Shasarak has taught it that this wisdom is meaningless. You know that this is a wisdom, not born of knowledge, but of the freedom of the spirit, of the soul to follow its own way, sure that a mind without hate or resentment can do no harm. The Ipag hisses like a serpent as you approach. You notice that its body is transparent and shimmers with an eerie light. The door to Shasaraks chamber lies directly behind this evil guardian. So far it has made no attack.

    If you wish to attack this creature of hell, turn to 296. If you wish to ignore it and head straight for Shasaraks door turn to 39.
    @@ -2746,7 +2746,7 @@

    You struggle desperately, but you fight a creature with the power of a god: you cannot hope to master it. Your will snaps and Agarash draws you towards the portal. You move like an automaton, a mindless zombie. To the sound of Agarashs cackling laughter, you step through the portal into eternal doom and damnation, a realm of nameless horrors.


    You have failed, your quest is over.


    You have failed; your quest is over.

    @@ -2920,7 +2920,7 @@ 207 -

    Without slowing your steeds thundering gallop for an instant, you ride down a wailing, two-headed beast with mottled skin and rubbery feelers. Other beasts scatter in a cloud of dust, blood and flashing hooves. You sweep past the demons in a matter of moments. They attempt to pursue you but your fleet-footed Simar steed is too fast for them. Eventually the demons slip out of sight.


    Without slowing your steeds thundering gallop for an instant, you ride down a wailing, two-headed beast with mottled skin and rubbery feelers. Other beasts scatter in a cloud of dust, blood, and flashing hooves. You sweep past the demons in a matter of moments. They attempt to pursue you but your fleet-footed Simar steed is too fast for them. Eventually the demons slip out of sight.

    Turn to 142.
    @@ -2982,7 +2982,7 @@

    You continue on your easterly course, constantly on the lookout for danger. More than an hour of tense silence passes as you and Tanith hurry along. The tension is broken by Taniths sudden cry. Look! she says, pointing. Theres a river up ahead.

    Less than a mile away, a river gleams and sparkles. You and Tanith break into a trot. When you reach the river bank you both drop to your knees, bending to scoop up great handfuls of cool water. You drink long and deeply before your raging thirst is quenched.


    You have reached the banks of the Dolani River. It leads south and fills Lake Dolani, which lies at least thirty miles away, according to Tanith. To the north east lie the Kashima Mountains, where the river begins; the mountains look to be at least fifty miles away. The river is too wide and too deep to cross at this point; you will have to travel further upstream where it is likely to be narrower and shallower.


    You have reached the banks of the Dolani River. It leads south and fills Lake Dolani, which lies at least thirty miles away, according to Tanith. To the northeast lie the Kashima Mountains, where the river begins; the mountains look to be at least fifty miles away. The river is too wide and too deep to cross at this point; you will have to travel further upstream where it is likely to be narrower and shallower.

    You are just bending to take another drink of the refreshing water when Tanith touches you lightly on the shoulder. Grey Star, she murmurs. Ready yourself. We are about to be attacked.

    Turn to 227.
    @@ -3280,7 +3280,7 @@ 241 -

    A flash of colour catches your eye: it is a collection of purple Phinomel. This flowering shrub, also known to some as Dragonkiss, grows round the base of rocks and stones, taking root in the damp soil beneath. The name Dragonkiss comes from the plants curious, perilous flowers. Each flower is a semi-transparent pod and its colour comes from the potent, purple acid within each one. If the main plant is disturbed the pods may squirt a stinging jet of acid, capable of inflicting a painful burn. If the pods can be plucked carefully from the main plant, without disturbing the main plant, the acid can be preserved and used at a later date. The acid is of great use to Alchemists and Theurgists as a constituent part of a formulae to transform base metals to metals of greater worth.


    A flash of colour catches your eye: it is a collection of purple Phinomel. This flowering shrub, also known to some as Dragonkiss, grows round the base of rocks and stones, taking root in the damp soil beneath. The name Dragonkiss comes from the plants curious, perilous flowers. Each flower is a semi-transparent pod and its colour comes from the potent, purple acid within each one. If the main plant is disturbed the pods may squirt a stinging jet of acid, capable of inflicting a painful burn. If the pods can be plucked carefully from the main plant, without disturbing the main plant, the acid can be preserved and used at a later date. The acid is of great use to Alchemists and Theurgists as a constituent part of a formula to transform base metals to metals of greater worth.

    If you wish to pluck some Phinomel pods, turn to 4. If you wish to continue on your way, turn to 43.
    @@ -3500,7 +3500,7 @@

    My lord, Dioka begins. The king lifts his great head. May I present!

    But the sentence is never finished, for the king is none other than Samu himself. Grey Star! he cries, rising to his feet. You live!

    Before you can speak a word, King Samu leaps from the stone dais and bounds towards you, sweeping you up in a bone-crunching embrace. Seven years, Grey Star, he booms. Seven years since last we stood together. We thought that you perished long ago, deep in the caverns of Desolation Valley. What became of your search for the Shadow Gate of the Daziarndid you succeed after all? Did you find the Moonstone of the Shianti? What has happened since you stepped upon the wasted lands beyond the Lissan Mountains?


    He hugs you once again, squeezing the air from your lungs. When you have regained sufficient breath to speak, you explain what has happened to you since you were separated, and of how the passage of time runs differently on the Daziarn plain. I have but recently returned, you say. And behold! You draw out the Moonstone. I succeeded. Look you upon Shasaraks banethe Moonstone of the Shianti.


    He hugs you once again, squeezing the air from your lungs. When you have regained sufficient breath to speak, you explain what has happened to you since you were separated, and of how the passage of time runs differently on the Daziarn Plane. I have but recently returned, you say. And behold! You draw out the Moonstone. I succeeded. Look you upon Shasaraks banethe Moonstone of the Shianti.

    A great noise fills the hall as the Masbat warriors clash their weapons and call out their battle cries. The Moonstone blazes with a vivid white light that illuminates the whole hall and the faces of the fierce Masbat. Samu draws his own sword with a great cry. The final battle begins, he bellows. Revenge will be ours. Death to the Shadakine! Death to the Shadakine Wytches and death to the Wytch-king, Shasarak, foe of the Masbat and the Shianti, enemy of all life itself!

    The great chamber echoes with the ferocious cries of the Masbat warriors. When the clamour has died down, you and Tanith are led to chambers within the mountainside, there to eat and rest. The following morning you will meet King Samu to discuss ways in which the Masbat can aid you in your struggle against Shasarak. You drift off to sleep that night with your spirits lifted. Tomorrow you must ensure the safety of the Army of the Freedom Guild before the Shadakine force, due to move in two days, is able to march against it. You know now that you will not have to face that peril alone.

    Turn to 298. @@ -3744,7 +3744,7 @@

    Who calls himself friend, yet marches from the north before an army? questions one of the riders.

    I would speak with your leader, Sado of the Long Knife, you reply. Tell him an old friend has returned to aid him. Tell him it is I, Grey Star, of the Shianti.

    At these words, the horsemen lower their bows and look at you in amazement as you ride towards them. You now wear your grey Shianti robe once more. Their expressions become joyous. You have come. You have returned, they cry. Sado said it would be so but none believed.


    With glad hearts, the horsemen lead you and the Masbat to the Freedom Guilds camp, which lies a few miles south of the hills. You come upon a sprawling mass of tents and fluttering banners. The camp is alive with activity. As you and the Masbat pick your way among the tents and the campfires you attract a great deal of attention. Some soldiers offer a rousing cheer at the sight of the size of the Masbat host: useful reinforcements in a time of desperate need. You and Samu leave the Masbat to pitch their own camp in an unploughed field nearby and go to Sados tent together. The tent flap is pulled aside and Sado of the Long Knife steps out. You recognize his lean, haggard and dangerous blue eyes. These eyes soften and a smile breaks across his face when he sees you.


    With glad hearts, the horsemen lead you and the Masbat to the Freedom Guilds camp, which lies a few miles south of the hills. You come upon a sprawling mass of tents and fluttering banners. The camp is alive with activity. As you and the Masbat pick your way among the tents and the campfires you attract a great deal of attention. Some soldiers offer a rousing cheer at the sight of the size of the Masbat host: useful reinforcements in a time of desperate need. You and Samu leave the Masbat to pitch their own camp in an unploughed field nearby and go to Sados tent together. The tent flap is pulled aside and Sado of the Long Knife steps out. You recognize his lean, haggard, and dangerous blue eyes. These eyes soften and a smile breaks across his face when he sees you.

    Grey Star, I knew you would come back, he says. Hail Samu, and welcome. You both exchange greetings with the brave leader of the Freedom Guild. Inside his tent you tell him of the success of your quest for the Moonstone and the warning words of the Shianti, when they spoke to you in the chamber of the Moonstone.

    And so, you say to close your story, it is their wish that we fall back into the Forest of Fernmost to escape the larger Shadakine Army that is sure to come against us once they have crossed the Dosar and Anduis rivers.

    Sados brow furrows. But the forest is a place of evil, he says. Perhaps foul creatures of Shasaraks lurk therecreatures that would be his slaves if he desired it. Surely it would be better to march on Suhn and take it by siege. Once we occupied it, we would have a stranglehold on the bulk of Shadakine trade. It is the only port foreigners will visit in the Shadakine Empire, and its city walls would offer a better defence.

    @@ -3881,7 +3881,7 @@

    Tentatively at first you probe the strength of the doors with a field of mental energy, seeking out the weakest spot. Then, with a tremendous effort of will, you hurl a charge of mental energy into the stone itself. There is a rumbling as the doors vibrate with magical energy, then a resounding crack as one of the doors fractures and falls to the ground in a cloud of dust and rubble.


    Pick a number from the Random Number Table. Subtract 1 from the number you have picked. If the result is zero, pick again, otherwise, this number is the total number of WILLPOWER points you have used in your assault upon the door.


    Pick a number from the Random Number Table. Subtract 1 from the number you have picked. If the result is zero, pick again; otherwise, this number is the total number of WILLPOWER points you have used in your assault upon the door.

    Turn to 156.
    @@ -4048,7 +4048,7 @@ 310 -

    A keening howl echoes round the hall, filling your ears, skull, chest and limbs and grinding the essence of your being to dust. Shasaraks might floods along the Staff, battling against your power, but you do not let go, will not let go, as your body trembles and shudders as though it will burst.


    A keening howl echoes round the hall, filling your ears, skull, chest, and limbs and grinding the essence of your being to dust. Shasaraks might floods along the Staff, battling against your power, but you do not let go, will not let go, as your body trembles and shudders as though it will burst.

    Add together your current WILLPOWER and ENDURANCE totals. Subtract Shasaraks score of 10 from this. (Do not adjust your Action Chart.)

    If your score totals more than 0, turn to 5. If it totals 0 or less, turn to 2. @@ -4073,7 +4073,7 @@

    Will none listen to the wisdom of the Shianti? you shout into the silence. There is the sound of movement to your left. With relief you see King Samu striding towards you, leading a long line of his own warriors.

    We of the Masbat will heed the words of the Shianti, he booms. We at least do not fear to tread beneath the trees of Fernmost, not while a wizard of the Shianti leads us.

    You hope that Samus words will shame the Guildsmen into entering the forest. You are well aware of the legends that scare them. The Forest of Fernmost was once part of the ancient nation of Taklakot. Beyond the western edge of Fernmost lie the Mountains of Morn, which overlook the infamous deadlands. There stands the forbidden city of Gyanima and the blasted wasteland of Desolation Valley, which was the heart of the kingdom. Centuries ago, Shasarak came to the people of Taklakot as a wise Shianti, though he had turned from the path of goodness long before, refusing the exile that the goddess Ishir had demanded of his people. Because of the forbidden secrets that he unlocked for the race of Taklakot, a great calamity befell them. Great fires rushed through the kingdom and destroyed an entire civilization in a day. Only Shasarak survived, though he was horribly crippled and burnt. Many say that the dead spirits of Taklakot roam the forest of Fernmost to this day, seeking vengeance and taking it upon any who enter the forest.


    Samus words and example seem to work. Gradually the Guildsmen move forward towards the forest. At last all are following the broad trail east, deep into the gloom of the forest. You lead the army into the deepening shadow. The forest shelters an eerie feeling of malice. A grey mist lingers upon the ground and the branches and leaves above form a sombre, green canopy that blots out the sky. There is a strange musty smell in the air. The army are ordered into various positions along the forests edge to watch for the advance of the Shadakine host you left at the River Dosar. They are completely hidden by the tangled woods and thick undergrowth. Sado tells you he is grateful that you did not ask the army to journey any further into Fernmost, for, as you draw closer to its heart, a strange, watchful presence can be felt.


    Samus words and example seem to work. Gradually the Guildsmen move forward towards the forest. At last all are following the broad trail west, deep into the gloom of the forest. You lead the army into the deepening shadow. The forest shelters an eerie feeling of malice. A grey mist lingers upon the ground and the branches and leaves above form a sombre, green canopy that blots out the sky. There is a strange musty smell in the air. The army are ordered into various positions along the forests edge to watch for the advance of the Shadakine host you left at the River Dosar. They are completely hidden by the tangled woods and thick undergrowth. Sado tells you he is grateful that you did not ask the army to journey any further into Fernmost, for, as you draw closer to its heart, a strange, watchful presence can be felt.

    With a delighted cry you notice clumps of Laumspur, a healing herb, growing in abundance. You chew on the herb and its goodness restores 4 ENDURANCE points. You may store another clump of Laumspur in your Backpack: it will restore 4 ENDURANCE points when chewed.

    If you have the Magical Power of Alchemy, turn to 336. If you have the Magical Power of Theurgy, turn to 331. @@ -4173,7 +4173,7 @@

    The night passes without incident and the following morning you and the Masbat break camp and continue south. You cross a flat land of farms and small villages, the inhabitants of which come out of their homes and look upon you with wonder.


    You warn the people of the vast Shadakine Army that follows and that may have already crossed the River Dosar. Though you are glad to see that your presence has heartened so many, you realize with regret that word of your passing is sure to reach the city of Andui to the north east, where there is sure to be a Shadakine garrison. Perhaps it will be sent against you, ahead of the large army trapped north of the River Dosar or perhaps the Shadakine Wytch of that city, Mother Chowloon, sister of Mother Magri of Suhn, will come against you.


    You warn the people of the vast Shadakine Army that follows and that may have already crossed the River Dosar. Though you are glad to see that your presence has heartened so many, you realize with regret that word of your passing is sure to reach the city of Andui to the northeast, where there is sure to be a Shadakine garrison. Perhaps it will be sent against you, ahead of the large army trapped north of the River Dosar or perhaps the Shadakine Wytch of that city, Mother Chowloon, sister of Mother Magri of Suhn, will come against you.

    Thoughts of Shadakine Wytches remind you of Taniths plight. You wonder how she fares and whether Mother Magri has successfully drawn Tanith back to the Port of Suhn in the east.

    If you are versed in the Higher Magick of a Visionary, and wish to exert 2 WILLPOWER points to discover how Tanith is, turn to 305. If not, turn to 282. @@ -4371,7 +4371,7 @@

    You mount and ride with all speed to the site of the battle at the northern edge of the camp. You arrive to see Sado with a hundred cavalry upon a low rise overlooking the battle. As many as a thousand Shadakine foot soldiers are charging towards you.


    Good morning to you Grey Star, Sado calls. The morning begins with battle. Have a care to stay by me, for you know not the strategy I have in mind and you must be sure to move when I do.


    Good morning to you, Grey Star, Sado calls. The morning begins with battle. Have a care to stay by me, for you know not the strategy I have in mind and you must be sure to move when I do.

    You glance behind the line of Sados cavalrymen and see a line of soldiers armed with crossbows, busily loading their weapons. The warriors are kneeling to conceal their presence. When the Shadakine have drawn but two hundred paces away, Sado barks a command. At his word, the line of horsemen parts to allow those bearing crossbows to step forward. Sado shouts again and the crossbowmen release a deadly hail of arrows that flies towards the Shadakine host. Many fall dead in the face of this lethal volley. But incredibly the survivors continue.

    These Shadakine are strong of heart. Brave but foolish, Sado murmurs.

    The crossbowmen reload and release another shower of arrows. As the bolts find their targets, many more Shadakine fall dead. More than half their number have now fallen. You look back to the camp: it is still a chaotic mass of rushing men, trying to order themselves and leave. Samu and his Masbat have already left in good order but they have the advantage of smaller numbers and a strong leader to command them.

    @@ -4499,7 +4499,7 @@ 348 -

    We are only able to send you to the Lissan Plain, the northwestern province of the Shadakine Empire (see the map). This was once the domain of the Masbat tribe, warrior nomads of great prowess and strength. It was Shasarak who brought doom to these once-great people, when the Shadakine Empire was first won. In a terrible war, hordes of Shadakine warriors pursued the Masbat across the plains in their great war chariots, led by the Wytch-king himself. The Masbat were able to resist the Shadakine, despite overwhelming odds, until Shasarak summoned the demon plague. Faced with such an assault, the Masbat were unable to resist and an entire race was wiped from the face of the world. The demons still roam the plains, and no one dares go there. The vast expanse of the Lissan Plain was once rich and fertile. Now, none may benefit from it, save for the scavenging packs of hell beasts that roam there.


    We are only able to send you to the Lissan Plain, the northwestern province of the Shadakine Empire (see the map). This was once the domain of the Masbat tribe, warrior nomads of great prowess and strength. It was Shasarak who brought doom to this once-great people, when the Shadakine Empire was first won. In a terrible war, hordes of Shadakine warriors pursued the Masbat across the plains in their great war chariots, led by the Wytch-king himself. The Masbat were able to resist the Shadakine, despite overwhelming odds, until Shasarak summoned the demon plague. Faced with such an assault, the Masbat were unable to resist and an entire race was wiped from the face of the world. The demons still roam the plains, and no one dares go there. The vast expanse of the Lissan Plain was once rich and fertile. Now, none may benefit from it, save for the scavenging packs of hell beasts that roam there.

    His voice has begun to grow very faint.

    Turn to 326.
    @@ -4820,28 +4820,31 @@

    We have taken our unique opportunity to correct errors and to enforce a standard of English usage. We list our changes here. If you see anything that needs correction, please contact the Project Aon Staff.

    - +
    Errata List - +

    (Title Page) Replaced THE WORLD OF LONE WOLF with The World of Lone Wolf. Replaced climax to your epic struggle with climax of your epic struggle.


    (Of the Coming of Grey Star) Replaced new found with newfound.


    (Of the Coming of Grey Star) Replaced new found with newfound. Replaced the Earth with Magnamund. Replaced mists and with mists, and. Replaced forests and with forests, and.

    (The Story So Far) Replaced did not with did not stay. Replaced the Gate with the Shadow Gate.

    (The Game Rules) Replaced all occurrences of eg with e.g.. Deleted at the front of this book. Deleted If you run out of space, you can copy out the chart or have it photocopied.. Deleted on the last page of this book. Replaced to zero with to zero or below.


    (Magical Powers) Replaced ie with i.e., all occurrences of eg with e.g. and quarterstaff yet with quarterstaff, yet. Replaced all occurrences of lesser magicks with Lesser Magicks. Replaced magical powers with Magical Powers. Replaced all occurrences of higher magicks with Higher Magicks. Replaced all occurrences of higher magick with Higher Magick. Replaced physiurgy with Physiurgy. Replaced This power allows with This Power allows. Replaced all occurrences of choose this power with choose this Power. Replaced power of Enchantment with Power of Enchantment. Replaced power of elemental magic with Power of elemental magic. Replaced power of Alchemy with Power of Alchemy. Replaced use of alchemy with use of Alchemy. Replaced power of Alchemy with Power of Alchemy. Replaced power of prophecy with Power of Prophecy. Replaced all occurrences of power of divination with Power of Prophecy. Replaced This power bestows with This Power bestows. Replaced this power permits with this Power permits. Replaced power of Thaumaturgy with Power of Thaumaturgy. Replaced Telergy is the power with Telergy is the Power. Replaced resist this power with resist this Power. Replaced power of Theurgy with Power of Theurgy. Replaced power of a visionary with Power of a Visionary.


    (Magical Powers) Replaced ie with i.e., all occurrences of eg with e.g. and quarterstaff yet with quarterstaff, yet. Replaced all occurrences of lesser magicks with Lesser Magicks. Replaced magical powers with Magical Powers. Replaced all occurrences of higher magicks with Higher Magicks. Replaced all occurrences of higher magick with Higher Magick. Replaced physiurgy with Physiurgy. Replaced This power allows with This Power allows. Replaced all occurrences of choose this power with choose this Power. Replaced power of Enchantment with Power of Enchantment. Replaced power of elemental magic with Power of elemental magic. Replaced power of Alchemy with Power of Alchemy. Replaced use of alchemy with use of Alchemy. Replaced power of Alchemy with Power of Alchemy. Replaced power of prophecy with Power of Prophecy. Replaced all occurrences of power of divination with Power of Prophecy. Replaced This power bestows with This Power bestows. Replaced this power permits with this Power permits. Replaced power of Thaumaturgy with Power of Thaumaturgy. Replaced Telergy is the power with Telergy is the Power. Replaced resist this power with resist this Power. Replaced power of Theurgy with Power of Theurgy. Replaced power of a visionary with Power of a Visionary. Replaced Earth and with Earth, and. Replaced telepathy and with telepathy, and. Replaced storms and with storms, and.

    + +

    (Rules for Combat) Replaced the one with the zero score with that combatant. Replaced reduced to zero with reduced to zero or below. Replaced points reduced with points possibly reduced.

    (Equipment) Replaced sulphur with Sulphur, saltpetre with Saltpetre, vial with Vial within the Herb Pouch contents list, notes but with notes, but and Shianti and with Shianti, and. Added Mark these 4 items in your Action Chart. after the Alchemy equipment list, as in the other books. Deleted at the beginning of this book. Replaced Alchemy with Alchemy or Theurgy. Replaced It counts as 1 item with It counts as one item.

    (Rules for Combat) Deleted on the inside back cover of the book. Replaced on the page after the Random Number Table with in the back of this book.

    (Sage Advice) Replaced higher and lesser magicks with Higher and Lesser magicks. Replaced choose the powers with choose the Powers. Replaced confrton with confront.


    (1) Added closing quote characters after the second and third paragraphs. Replaced excitement. the with excitement. The.


    (2) Replaced life force with life-force.


    (1) Added closing quote characters after the second and third paragraphs. Replaced excitement. the with excitement. The. Replaced Sena and with Sena, and.


    (2) Replaced life force with life-force. Replaced failed, your with failed; your.


    (3) Replaced turn them with turn it.

    (6) Replaced satety with safety.

    (8) Replaced empty vial with empty Vial.

    (9) Replaced all occurrences of higher magick with Higher Magick. Replaced have versed with are versed. Moved the two first choices to the two last positions.

    @@ -4854,6 +4857,7 @@

    (19) Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick. Replaced these powers with these Powers. Replaced delete 4 WILLPOWER points with deduct 4 WILLPOWER points.

    (20) Replaced life-less with lifeless.

    (21) Replaced life force with life-force.


    (23) Replaced Dolani river with Dolani River. Replaced north east with northeast. Replaced launch long-range with launch a long-range.

    (24) Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick. Replaced this power with this Power. Replaced these powers with these Powers.

    (25) Replaced 1 coil of Rope with Coil of Rope. Replaced 1 Sword and Sheath with Sword and Sheath. Replaced 1 Spear with Spear. Replaced 1 Dagger and Sheath with Dagger and Sheath. Replaced 1 Water Bottle with Water Bottle. Replaced 1 Tinder box with Tinderbox. Replaced 1 Torch counts as 1 Backpack Item with each Torch counts as one Backpack Item.

    (28) Replaced evade combat turn with evade combat, turn.

    @@ -4866,7 +4870,7 @@

    (39) Replaced Demon Lord, Agarash with Demonlord Agarash. Replaced If you wish with If you have 1 WILLPOWER point and wish.

    (40) Replaced Phinomel pods with Phinomel Pods.

    (42) Replaced ceatures with creatures. Replaced despatching with dispatching.


    (43) Replaced surrrounds with surrounds. Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick. Replaced this power with this Power. Replaced these powers with these Powers.


    (43) Replaced surrrounds with surrounds. Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick. Replaced this power with this Power. Replaced these powers with these Powers. Replaced Shadakine empire with Shadakine Empire.

    (47) Replaced half-way with halfway. Replaced Agarashs with Agarashis.

    (49) Replaced a Special Item, which may with an item on your Action Chart. It may. Replaced or your Herb Pouch with or in your Herb Pouch. Replaced all occurrences of empty vials with empty Vials.

    (50) Replaced Intinctively with Instinctively. Replaced this power with this Power.

    @@ -4876,20 +4880,26 @@

    (67) Replaced stone. and with stone, and. Replaced wierd with weird. Replaced toadbeasts with toad beasts. Replaced this power with this Power.

    (68) Replaced jubliant with jubilant.

    (69) Replaced incandesence with incandescence.


    (70) Replaced south east with southeast. Replaced north west with northwest.


    (76) Replaced north west with northwest.

    (79) Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick.

    (82) Replaced reptillian with reptilian.

    (84) Replaced empty vial with empty Vial.

    (86) Replaced all occurrences of higher magick with Higher Magick. Added a fourth choice If you do not possess any of the above Powers, you must attack the bridge with your Staff; turn to 175. (cf. Section 280).

    (91) Replaced strenghtening with strenghening. Replaced waves of sorcery with waves of Sorcery. Replaced its clawed hand with its clawed hand.

    (93) Replaced materialzed with materialized.


    (97) Replaced semi-circle with semicircle.


    (99) Replaced fast flowing with fast-flowing.


    (95) Replaced rock or with rock, or.


    (97) Replaced semi-circle with semicircle. Replaced beasts, others with beasts; others.


    (99) Replaced fast flowing with fast-flowing. Replaced Replaced north east with northeast.

    (104) Replaced crowd of demons are with crowd of demons is.

    (108) Replaced enchantment with Enchantment.

    (113) Replaced magical Power with Magical Power.

    (115) Replaced all occurrences of powers with Powers. Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick.


    (121) Replaced obscenely, others with obscenely; others.


    (123) Replaced first round with second round.

    (125) Replaced life forces with life-forces.


    (129) Replaced life force with life-force. Replaced arch enemy with arch-enemy.


    (129) Replaced life force with life-force. Replaced arch enemy with arch-enemy. Replaced Comewe with ComeWe.


    (132) Replaced the head of with the heads of.

    (135) Replaced balustraded gallerys with balustraded galleries.

    (137) Replaced group of demons are with group of demons is. Moved the illustration that was located in this Section to Section 139, as the event it depicts is described there.

    (139) Replaced The horde stop with The horde stops. Moved the illustration that was located in Section 137 here, as the event it depicts is described here. Replaced the illustration caption You hurl a cascading rain of magical fire on to the head of the demonic horde below. with Your heart misses a beat as a huge pair of monstrous eyes appears within the flames of the portal.

    @@ -4903,13 +4913,16 @@

    (165) Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick.

    (167) Replaced all occurrences of Demon lord with Demonlord.

    (170) Replaced the demon horde are with the demon horde is. Replaced half-way with halfway. Replaced out-rider with outrider. Replaced power of Sorcery with Power of Sorcery. Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick.


    (172) Replaced retatively with relatively. Replaced she cries Something with she cries. Something.


    (172) Replaced retatively with relatively. Replaced she cries Something with she cries. Something. Replaced moving at speed with moving at great speed.

    (175) Replaced lack. (ie 2 with lack (i.e. 2.

    (176) Replaced Demon lord with Demonlord.


    (177) Replaced hop and with hop, and.

    (180) Replaced death blow with death-blow.

    (181) Replaced power of Physiurgy with Power of Physiurgy. Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick.

    (184) Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick.


    (191) Replaced for, indeed, I hate you with for indeed I hate you.


    (187) Replaced blows and with blows, and.


    (191) Replaced for, indeed, I hate you with for indeed I hate you. Replaced breathes, I with breathes. I. Replaced represent; the with represent: the.


    (192) Replaced failed, your with failed; your.

    (194) Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick. Replaced these powers with these Powers.

    (196) Replaced power of Sorcery with Power of Sorcery. Replaced forcefield with force field.

    (200) Replaced column reach with column reaches. Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick.

    @@ -4917,8 +4930,9 @@

    (202) Replaced half-way with halfway.

    (203) Replaced this power with this Power.

    (204) Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick.


    (207) Replaced blood and with blood, and.

    (208) Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick. Replaced these powers with these Powers. Replaced Magical Power of Thaumaturgy with Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy.


    (213) Replaced look-out with lookout.


    (213) Replaced look-out with lookout. Replaced Replaced north east with northeast.

    (216) Replaced pupiless with pupilless.

    (217) Replaced power of Telergy with Power of Telergy. Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick.

    (218) Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick.

    @@ -4931,38 +4945,42 @@

    (234) Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick. Replaced these powers with these Powers.

    (236) Replaced bloodcurdling with blood-curdling.

    (237) Replaced all occurrences of higher magick with Higher Magick. Replaced power of Necromancy with Power of Necromancy. Replaced power as a Visionary with Power as a Visionary. Replaced these powers with these Powers.


    (241) Replaced a formulae with a formula.

    (242) Replaced gasp, Beyond with gasp. Beyond.

    (255) Replaced sorcery with Sorcery.


    (260) Replaced Daziarn plain with Daziarn Plane.

    (268) Replaced miles lies with miles lie.

    (280) Replaced all occurrences of higher magick with Higher Magick. Replaced the above powers with the above Powers. Changed the last choice to lead to Section 175 instead of Section 59, as Section 59 does not fit into the context of the story here, and there are no other ways to reach Section 175.


    (282) Replaced crosed with crossed. Replaced reinforcments with reinforcements.


    (282) Replaced crosed with crossed. Replaced reinforcments with reinforcements. Replaed haggard and with haggard, and.

    (287) Replaced realise with realize.

    (289) Replaced this power with this Power.

    (291) Replaced shield of sorcery with Shield of Sorcery.

    (293) Replaced battle cry with battle-cry. Replaced the horde begin with the horde begins.

    (294) Replaced backpack with Backpack. Replaced empty vial with empty Vial.


    (295) Replaced again, otherwise with again; otherwise.

    (298) Replaced magical powers with Magical Powers. Replaced new-found with newfound.

    (299) Replaced feet lies with feet lie.

    (302) Replaced ememy with enemy.

    (304) Replaced Turn 235 with Turn to 235.

    (309) Replaced zig-zag with zigzag.


    (312) Replaced guildsmen with Guildsmen.


    (310) Replaced chest and with chest, and.


    (312) Replaced guildsmen with Guildsmen. Replaced trail east with trail west.

    (316) Replaced cannot . . with cannot. Replaced demon lord with Demonlord.

    (317) Replaced fomation with formation. Replaced Combat last with Combat lasts.

    (320) Replaced kock with knock.


    (321) Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick.


    (321) Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick. Replaced Replaced north east with northeast.

    (322) Replaced demon lord with Demonlord.

    (324) Replaced war horn with war-horn.

    (328) Replaced Shadkine Army with Shadakine Army. Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick.

    (331) Replaced six items with eight items. Replaced Tamara Seeds with Tarama Seeds, as in Grey Star the Wizard. Replaced Phinomel pods with Phinomel Pods.

    (332) Replaced tree-tops with treetops.

    (336) Replaced will hold up to six items may be stored with can hold up to eight items, and any other potions may be stored. Replaced Tamara Seeds with Tarama Seeds, as in Grey Star the Wizard. Replaced Phinomel pods with Phinomel Pods.


    (337) Replaced hail of arrows that fly with hail of arrows that flies. Replaced mele with mle. Replaced all occurrences of higher magick with Higher Magick. Moved the first choice into the last position.


    (337) Replaced hail of arrows that fly with hail of arrows that flies. Replaced mele with mle. Replaced all occurrences of higher magick with Higher Magick. Moved the first choice into the last position. Replaced you Grey Star with you, Grey Star.

    (340) Replaced forboding with foreboding.

    (343) Replaced superstitous with superstitious.

    (345) Replaced arch enemy with arch-enemy.

    (347) Replaced beleagured with beleaguered. Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick.


    (348) Deleted at the beginning of the book. Replaced north-western with northwestern.


    (348) Deleted at the beginning of the book. Replaced north-western with northwestern. Replaced these once-great people with this once-great people.

    (350) Replaced demon lord with Demonlord.

    (352) Replaced higher magick with Higher Magick.

    (353) Replaced all occurrences of higher magick with Higher Magick. Added a fourth choice If you do not possess any of the above Powers, you must attack the bridge with your Staff; turn to 175. (cf. Section 280).

    @@ -4972,10 +4990,10 @@

    (Combat Rules Summary) Added a fourth step Pick a number from the Random Number Table. in the first step list. Replaced Turn to Combat Results Table with Turn to the Combat Results Table. Replaced cross reference with cross-reference.

    - +
    - +
    Footnotes -- 2.34.1