From 5d4f978d788ae5a7f0b7d96ed4bb8a854bc91646 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Osborne Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 20:38:14 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] All outstanding changes made to Book 27. git-svn-id: f6f3e2d7-ff33-0410-aaf5-b4bee2cdac11 --- en/xml/27v.xml | 113 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 82 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) diff --git a/en/xml/27v.xml b/en/xml/27v.xml index 921b5bb..95ee497 100644 --- a/en/xml/27v.xml +++ b/en/xml/27v.xml @@ -1286,16 +1286,6 @@

The first is an elaborate shrine. It is fashioned from gold and jewels and has been crafted into the likeness of a tigers head. Two huge ivory fangs protrude from its jaw and its jewelled eyes glow with a flickering scarlet fire.

The second is a golden chariot. This vehicle has no team of horses to pull it, for it needs no animals to cause it to move. It is a sky chariot, powered by the same magical forces that enable Cloud-dancer to soar through the air.

- - - - Brian Williams - - - - - -

You are observing the shrine from the cover of a doorway when suddenly the head slowly rotates in your direction, and two pencil-thin beams of red light shoot from its eyes. You duck back, but it is too latethe shrine has detected your presence. The guards at the tent raise the alarm and a troop of Bhanarians come running from the doorway of a nearby hall.

Run! cries Gildas, as the soldiers come rushing towards you.

To continue, turn to 86. @@ -1665,6 +1655,16 @@

Your spell fails to split the iron skin of the cannons pressure cylinder. Alerted now to your presence, a handful of Bhanarians leave the fight at the archway and come running towards the antechamber with their swords and axes raised to strike. You offer up a short prayer to Ishir to protect you as you draw your Kai Weapon ready to meet their determined attack. With your battle-cry upon your lips, you pull open the door and flail at the first Bhanarian who comes within striking distance of your deadly blade.

+ + + + Brian Williams + + + + + + Bhanarian Guards3740 If you win this combat, turn to 144.
@@ -1921,7 +1921,7 @@ 56 -

You call upon your Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control to command the deadly Conda not to attack Gildas, and instantly it obeys your silent order.


You call upon your Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control to command the deadly conda not to attack Gildas, and instantly it obeys your silent order.

Unfortunately, you neglect to instruct the snake not to attack you instead. As it pulls away from the captains face, it turns its head and fixes you with its red eyes. Moments later, it launches itself at your throat like a speeding arrow!

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 1 to the number you have picked. For every level of Kai rank that you have attained above Kai Grand Sentinel, add 1. If your current ENDURANCE score is lower than 16, deduct 2.

If your total score is now 5 or less, turn to 161. @@ -2098,7 +2098,7 @@ 70 -

You draw upon your Kai Mastery to command the snake to hold its attack. The Conda hesitates, and Gildas reaches for his sword. With one swift and deadly swipe, his blade decapitates the serpent and sends its fanged head spinning through the air, trailing a stream of greenish-yellow venom.


You command the snake to hold its attack. The conda hesitates, and Gildas reaches for his sword. With one swift and deadly swipe, his blade decapitates the serpent and sends its fanged head spinning through the air, trailing a stream of greenish-yellow venom.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Gildas wipes his blade on the grubby sleeve of his tunic before slipping it silently into his scabbard.

Turn to 335.
@@ -2445,6 +2445,16 @@

You use your Grand Mastery to camouflage yourself before you enter the mess hall, and once inside you take cover behind the nearest stand of armour. Moving from one suit to the next, you make your way quickly towards the far door.

+ + + + Brian Williams + + + + + +

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 1 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is 1 or lower, turn to 8. If it is 2 or higher, turn to 211. @@ -2813,17 +2823,17 @@

For most of the day you ride across a seemingly endless expanse of grassland without once catching sight of the enemy you are pursuing. It is nearly dusk before your keen eyes detect a column of wood smoke on the horizon, rising vertically in the still evening air. You call the rangers to a halt and then magnify your vision to take a closer look at the source of the smoke. It rises from a small copse of trees and you suspect that the enemy have set up a camp there for the night. The smoke tells you that they are cooking food, confident in the false belief that they have safely outdistanced you and your companions.

You inform the others of what you have seen before continuing your ride along the plains road. When you are within a mile of the copse, you leave the trail and dismount. Sergeant Paviz and Ranger Yalin are told to stay and hold the horses while you and the captain go forward to scout the enemy encampment.


Together you crawl towards the copse, side by side, concealed by the approaching darkness and the waist-high grass. You are within 100 yards of the enemy campfire when Gildas makes a sharp intake of breath. You glance at him and your blood freezes when you see that his face is inches from a Grey Condaa deadly Bhanarian plains snake. The serpents neck is raised and its wedge-shaped head is drawn to strike at your companions eyes.


Together you crawl towards the copse, side by side, concealed by the approaching darkness and the waist-high grass. You are within 100 yards of the enemy campfire when Gildas makes a sharp intake of breath. You glance at him and your blood freezes when you see that his face is inches from a grey condaa deadly Bhanarian plains snake. The serpents neck is raised and its wedge-shaped head is drawn to strike at your companions eyes.

Brian Williams - The deadly Grey Conda is only inches away from his face. + The deadly grey conda is only inches away from his face. - If you possess Animal Mastery, turn to 70. + If you possess Animal Mastery or the Eye of Lhaz, turn to 70. If you do not, turn to 56.
@@ -3182,7 +3192,7 @@ 161 -

You roll aside but fail to avoid the Condas fangs that graze your neck. Gildas reaches for his sword and, with one swift and deadly swipe, he decapitates the serpent and sends its fanged head spinning through the air, trailing a stream of greenish-yellow venom.


You roll aside but fail to avoid the condas fangs that graze your neck. Gildas reaches for his sword and, with one swift and deadly swipe, he decapitates the serpent and sends its fanged head spinning through the air, trailing a stream of greenish-yellow venom.

With a trembling hand, you touch your neck and then look to your fingertips. They are smeared with blood. Nausea wells up from the pit of your stomach and your vision blurs as the serpents deadly venom begins to take hold. You draw upon your Magnakai Discipline of Curing to counter the poison, but before your innate defences win the battle, you suffer agonizing muscle spasms throughout your body: lose 5 ENDURANCE points.

To continue, turn to 335.
@@ -3367,6 +3377,16 @@

You draw upon your mastery of Elementalism to cause the fire to flare wildly. The sudden flash of flames scatters red hot coals across the floor, and some ignite a leg of the dining table. Gripped by a sudden panic, the soldiers leap from their seats and attempt to put out the fire with cloaks and mugs of ale.

In the confusion, none of them see you enter the mess hall. You take cover behind a stand of armour, and then you draw upon your Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility to help keep you hidden before you attempt to reach the far door.

+ + + + Brian Williams + + + + + +

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Assimilance, add 3 to the number you have picked. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 1.

If your total score is 2 or lower, turn to 8. If it is 3 or higher, turn to 211. @@ -3756,7 +3776,7 @@ 210 -

You roll aside and your quick reflexes save you from the Condas deadly fangs. Gildas reaches for his sword and, with one swift and deadly swipe, he decapitates the hissing serpent and sends its fanged head spinning through the air, trailing a stream of greenish-yellow venom.


You roll aside and your quick reflexes save you from the condas deadly fangs. Gildas reaches for his sword and, with one swift and deadly swipe, he decapitates the hissing serpent and sends its fanged head spinning through the air, trailing a stream of greenish-yellow venom.

You whisper your thanks to Gildas as he wipes his blade on the grubby sleeve of his tunic and slips it silently back into its scabbard.

Turn to 335.
@@ -3895,6 +3915,16 @@

You use the power of your Grand Mastery to dislodge the spit that supports the roasting side of beef. It collapses into the fire, scattering red hot coals across the floor. Some of the coals ignite a leg of the table and, gripped by a sudden panic, the soldiers leap from their seats and attempt to put out the flames with their cloaks and their mugs of ale.

In the confusion, none of them see you enter the mess hall. You take cover behind a stand of armour, and then you draw upon your Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility to help keep you hidden before you attempt to reach the far door.

+ + + + Brian Williams + + + + + +

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Assimilance, add 3 to the number you have picked. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 1.

If your total score is 2 or lower, turn to 8. If it is 3 or higher, turn to 211. @@ -4135,16 +4165,6 @@

You mount your horse and lead the rangers away from the ruins, heading south. Soon you come upon a track and you steer your horse onto it so that he can travel at a faster pace. Your Kai Sixth Sense and your Pathsmanship skills warn you that the Autarchs squad have recovered their stallions and are now in hot pursuit.

You follow the track into a shallow valley where a corridor of weather-worn pillars lines the trail. These man-sized pinnacles of rock are engraved with the likenesses of ancient Bhanarian rulers dating back to a time long before Autarch Sejanoz seized control of this land. As you pass between them, you notice that each one has been defaced by axe and hammer blows.

- - - - Brian Williams - - - - - - If you possess Elementalism and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Sentinel or higher, turn to 183. If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 78.
@@ -4699,6 +4719,16 @@

You call upon your Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility to help keep you hidden as you enter the mess hall. You take cover behind the nearest stand of armour, and by moving quickly from one suit to the next, you make your way steadily towards the far door.

+ + + + Brian Williams + + + + + +

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 1 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is 4 or lower, turn to 8. If it is 5 or higher, turn to 211. @@ -5052,6 +5082,16 @@

You magnify your vision and see that the approaching figures are Bhanarians. Armed with swords and spears, they are all clad in black quilted tunics edged with gold braid and emblazoned with the tigers-head emblem of Autarch Sejanoz. They are clearly a unit of Imperial Guards from the Autarchs court in Otavai. As the squad of twelve guardsmen draws nearer, your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that something is wrong. These are lite soldiers of the Autarchs personal bodyguard, yet they seem to have forgotten basic military practice: they have placed no scouts at the head of their squad to check that the way ahead is clear.

+ + + + Brian Williams + + + + + + If you possess Grand Huntmastery and have attained the Kai rank of Sun Lord, turn to 49. If you do not possess this Discipline, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai rank, turn instead to 74.
@@ -5134,6 +5174,16 @@

Your Arrow strikes the cannons pressure cylinder, but it fails to penetrate the thick iron skin and it ricochets away. Your failed attempt to destroy the cannon betrays your presence, and a handful of the Bhanarians leave the fight at the archway and come running towards the antechamber with their swords and axes raised to strike.

You shoulder your Bow and offer up a short prayer to Ishir to protect you as you get ready to meet their determined attack. With your battle-cry upon your lips, you pull open the door and flail your Kai Weapon at the first Bhanarian who comes within striking distance.

+ + + + Brian Williams + + + + + + Bhanarian Guards3740 If you win this combat, turn to 144.
@@ -6037,7 +6087,7 @@

(53) Replaced Old Kingdom spell with Old Kingdom Spell. Replaced Kai-alchemy, and with Kai-alchemy and. Replaced Kai-surge, and with Kai-surge and.

(54) Replaced arrow with Arrow. Replaced add 3 with remember to add 3.

(55) Replaced Kai-alchemy, and with Kai-alchemy and. Replaced Kai-surge, and with Kai-surge and.


(56) Replaced the Captains with the captains.


(56) Replaced the Captains with the captains. Replaced Conda with conda.

(57) Replaced on to with onto. Replaced loud peeling with loud pealing.

(60) Added a period after turn to 247. Added a period after turn to 28.

(62) Replaced Siyenese compass with Siyenese Compass. Replaced military quarter with Military Quarter. Replaced compass, and your Kai sixth sense, both with Siyenese Compass and your Kai Sixth Sense both.

@@ -6045,7 +6095,7 @@

(64) Replaced both occurrences of ie, with i.e.. Replaced 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 with 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0.

(65) Replaced Brotherhood spell with Brotherhood Spell.

(69) Replaced Brotherhood spell with Brotherhood Spell. Replaced is now is with is now.


(70) Replaced Kai mastery with Kai Mastery.


(70) Replaced Conda with conda. Replaced You draw upon your Kai mastery to command the snake to hold its attack with You command the snake to hold its attack as you may have used the Eye of Lhaz to control the conda (see errata entry for Section 130 for justification for this change).

(72) Replaced Backpack Items List with Action Chart since the Claw of Naar is a Special Item.

(75) Replaced Brotherhood spell with Brotherhood Spell.

(76) Replaced Poghram with Poghlam. Replaced sixth sense with Sixth Sense.

@@ -6081,7 +6131,7 @@

(122) Replaced Special Items list with list of Special Items.

(124) Replaced Kai-alchemy, and with Kai-alchemy and. Replaced Magi-magic, and with Magi-magic and. Replaced Kai-surge, and with Kai-surge and.

(128) Replaced claim back with reclaim. Added a paragraph break between asks, reproachfully. and No, Captain.


(130) Replaced woodsmoke with wood smoke. Replaced metres with yards. Replaced the Captain with the captain.


(130) Replaced woodsmoke with wood smoke. Replaced metres with yards. Replaced the Captain with the captain. Replaced Grey Conda with grey conda in both the text and the Illustrations caption. Replaced Animal Mastery with Animal Mastery or the Eye of Lhaz since The Buccaneers of Shadaki Section 167 states that the Eye of Lhaz enables user to exert control over poisonous snakes.

(131) Replaced quiver with Quiver. Replaced arrows with Arrows. Replaced the figure with the number of Arrows lost.

(133) Replaced Crowns, to with Crowns to.

(134) Replaced queuing with queueing. Replaced storerooms with store rooms. Replaced hidden, then with hidden, and then.

@@ -6098,7 +6148,7 @@

(154) Added a period after turn to 266, turn to 135, turn to 51, and turn to 230. Replaced Magi-magic, and with Magi-magic and. Replaced Kai-alchemy, and with Kai-alchemy and. Replaced Elementalism, and with Elementalism and.

(158) Replaced Brotherhood spell with Brotherhood Spell.

(159) Replaced Ren, but with Ren but. Replaced rider, thats with rider; thats.


(161) Replaced agonising with agonizing.


(161) Replaced agonising with agonizing. Replaced Condas with condas.

(165) Replaced foot, then with foot; then.

(166) Replaced drawbolt with bolt. Replaced the key with the Red Key. Replaced inside, then with inside, and then. Replaced your backpack with your Backpack.

(167) Replaced sixth sense with Sixth Sense.

@@ -6127,6 +6177,7 @@

(204) Replaced Siyenese compass with Siyenese Compass.

(206) Replaced each occurrence of Khea Khan with Khea-khan. Replaced tigers head flag with tigers-head flag.

(207) Replaced Ring, and with Ring and.


(210) Replaced Condas with condas.

(212) Replaced pathsmanship with Pathsmanship.

(214) Replaced Old Kingdom spell with Old Kingdom Spell.

(215) Replaced Brotherhood spell with Brotherhood Spell.

-- 2.34.1