From c89a964f4ba22f0debfa98f4bfa2ec7df2c34051 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jonathan Blake Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 16:48:34 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] jffdougan said: "Implemented reported (ne) fixes, except as noted. Included pending fixes as comments prior to frontmatter. Encoded proper spell names where they occur." git-svn-id: f6f3e2d7-ff33-0410-aaf5-b4bee2cdac11 --- xml/17tdoi.xml | 532 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 494 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-) diff --git a/xml/17tdoi.xml b/xml/17tdoi.xml index 0714569..6c38eb5 100644 --- a/xml/17tdoi.xml +++ b/xml/17tdoi.xml @@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ $Id$ $Log$ +Revision 1.5 2005/03/30 16:48:34 jonathan.blake +jffdougan said: "Implemented reported (ne) fixes, except as noted. Included pending fixes as comments prior to frontmatter. Encoded proper spell names where they occur." + Revision 1.4 2005/03/29 18:58:44 jonathan.blake jffdougan said: "Finished formatting frontmatter; inserted blank endmatter template from 16tlov. Copied relevant errata & footnotes. Need blurb, dedication & original copyright date. Added primary illustration placements & captions, with placeholder size of 60x60. Updated table of primary illustrations." @@ -35,6 +38,459 @@ Revision 1.1 2005/03/26 23:45:50 jonathan.blake Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text --> + + + The Deathlord of Ixia Joe Dever and Brian Williams @@ -146,14 +602,14 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text

Partly so, my lord, he said, holding you with his steel-grey eyes, but I fear that already it has fallen into the hands of an enemy&emdash;and one who is deadlier than even the demoness Shamath. What do you know of the Deathlord of Ixia?

You faintly remembered having heard this name before but were unable to recall any detail. Lord Rimoah, seeing that you were unable to give an answer, obliged with an impromptu history lesson:

The Deathlord of Ixia was once lieutenant to Agarash the Damned&emdash;the most powerful of all Naar's champions of evil, said Rimoah, his head bowed as he paced the granite floor of your vault. During the Age of Eternal Night he conquered much of Northern Magnamund, including the realm of Ixia which was once a rich and very fertile land. He destroyed the native Ixians, transforming them into a legion of undead servants under his command. Many centuries later, when my ancestors defeated Agarash during the Age of the Old Kingdoms, they magically imprisoned the weakened Deathlord in a secret tomb within the dread city of Xaagon, near to the southern coast of Ixia. For thousands of years his tomb lay undisturbed until the first of the Drakkarim appeared on Magnamund. They entered Xaagon and found the Deathlord's tomb&emdash;yet legend has it that none of them escaped Ixia alive. Perhaps they, too, serve him now. During the Age of the Black Moon, the Darklords conquered all of the territories surrounding Ixia yet they chose to avoid setting foot in the Deathlord's realm. Mindful of his origins, they feared that if he were released from his sorcerous prison he would seek to dominate and destroy them.


My lord, are you telling me that the Deathlord of Ixia is now free of this prison and in possession of the Deathstaff? you asked, fearing Lord Rimoah's reply.


My lord, are you telling me that the Deathlord of Ixia is now free of this prison and in possession of the Deathstaff? you asked, fearing Lord Rimoah's reply.

Yes, Grand Master. I'm afraid that is exactly the situation which confronts us. Since the passing of the last moon, I and others of the High Council of the Elder Magi have detected a great imbalance between the forces of Good and Evil in our world. By ill chance or by Naar's design, the Deathstaff has fallen into the hands of Ixiataaga. Once again the Deathlord is free to indulge his unholy and insatiable appetite for living beings. Already we have heard reports from Lencian fishermen which tell of the destruction of remote Drakkarim settlements around the Gulf of Konkor, and there are even claims of a 'death fleet' having been sighted in the waters of the Shakoz Bight. Yes, Grand Master, the Deathlord is free to roam the face of Magnamund once more, and I fear he will not stop until every living creature is enslaved to him in undeath.

For hours, you and your trusted advisor deliberated over what could be done to prevent this unspeakable disaster from befalling Magnamund. You considered a muster of the freestate armies and an immediate attack upon Ixia, but such a plan simply could not be executed. The peninsula of Ixia is far too remote and desolate a territory to be reached by any freestate army on foot, and, with winter already so far advanced, any ship-borne invasion would be doomed to fail. Time was also against you. The Deathlord had to be stopped as quickly as possible before he could unleash an army of undead upon Magnamund, an unkillable army that would grow larger with every battle it fought against the living.

Only I can stop this, you said, voicing your thoughts.

Yes, Grand Master. Only you, replied Rimoah quietly.

After a few moments' silence, Rimoah continued, In expectation of your decision, preparations have already been made for your journey, Grand Master. I trust this doesn't offend you?

You smiled your consent.


Good. Then I shall call upon Guildmaster Banedon&emdash;he knows of the Deathlord's rise and he has offered his ship Skyrider to hasten your journey westwards. He will tell you more about Ixia and how you will be conveyed there. Godspeed, Grand Master. I shall pray to Kai and Ishir to watch over you on this fateful mission.


Good. Then I shall call upon Guildmaster Banedon&emdash;he knows of the Deathlord's rise and he has offered his ship Skyrider to hasten your journey westwards. He will tell you more about Ixia and how you will be conveyed there. Godspeed, Grand Master. I shall pray to Kai and Ishir to watch over you on this fateful mission.

@@ -564,8 +1020,8 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text

Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian are able to use the following battle-spells of the Elder Magi:

@@ -592,8 +1048,8 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text

Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Sun Knight are able to use the following Brotherhood spells:

@@ -620,8 +1076,8 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text

Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Sun Lord are able to use the following battle-spells of the Elder Magi:

  • Penetrate&emdash;This increases the penetrative energy of any arrow, or arrow-like missile, launched by a Sun Lord.
  • -
  • Energy Grasp&emdash;This spell enables a Sun Lord to discharge a powerful electrical force into anything he or she touches. It is similar in effect to the Brotherhood spell Lightning Hand, but differs in that it is easier to control and channel the resulting energy. It also requires the actual touching of an object or an enemy to effect the spell.
  • +
  • Penetrate&emdash;This increases the penetrative energy of any arrow, or arrow-like missile, launched by a Sun Lord.
  • +
  • Energy Grasp&emdash;This spell enables a Sun Lord to discharge a powerful electrical force into anything he or she touches. It is similar in effect to the Brotherhood spell Lightning Hand, but differs in that it is easier to control and channel the resulting energy. It also requires the actual touching of an object or an enemy to effect the spell.
@@ -648,8 +1104,8 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text

Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Sun Thane we able to use the following Brotherhood spells:

  • Slow Fall&emdash;By casting this spell, Kai Sun Thanes are able to slow their rate of free-falling to three feet per second, thereby avoiding damage upon landing while the spell is in effect. The duration of the spell is limited at first, but it steadily increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.
  • -
  • Breathe Water&emdash;Using this spell, a Kai Sun Thane is able to breathe underwater for ten minutes. The duration of effect increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.
  • +
  • Slow Fall&emdash;By casting this spell, Kai Sun Thanes are able to slow their rate of free-falling to three feet per second, thereby avoiding damage upon landing while the spell is in effect. The duration of the spell is limited at first, but it steadily increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.
  • +
  • Breathe Water&emdash;Using this spell, a Kai Sun Thane is able to breathe underwater for ten minutes. The duration of effect increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.
@@ -688,9 +1144,9 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text

Lord Rimoah removes a sphere of crystal from a pocket of his robe and holds it up to the lantern light. It is filled with a swirling grey mist. Softly he murmurs the words of an ancient spell and the mist clears to reveal the anxious face of your friend&emdash;Guildmaster Banedon. Rimoah speaks briefly to Banedon's image, requesting that he come to the Monastery at once.

I will be with you within the hour, says the voice of Banedon, a whisper in your mind.


Your friend is in Toran, sixty miles to the north, yet he holds true to his word. In less than an hour he arrives at the Monastery aboard Skyrider&emdash;his sleek flying ship. Two excited young Kai aspirants bring word of his arrival to the vault and you respond by making your way swiftly to the surface. Banedon's Skyrider is hovering above the training park, the hum of its magical engine amplified by the surrounding walls and battlements. It is dusk on this wintry evening and a shower of feathery snow is illuminated by the craft's lanterns. A rope ladder hangs from the bow rail to the frost-hardened earth.


Your friend is in Toran, sixty miles to the north, yet he holds true to his word. In less than an hour he arrives at the Monastery aboard Skyrider&emdash;his sleek flying ship. Two excited young Kai aspirants bring word of his arrival to the vault and you respond by making your way swiftly to the surface. Banedon's Skyrider is hovering above the training park, the hum of its magical engine amplified by the surrounding walls and battlements. It is dusk on this wintry evening and a shower of feathery snow is illuminated by the craft's lanterns. A rope ladder hangs from the bow rail to the frost-hardened earth.

Go aboard, Grand Master, urges Rimoah, Banedon will advise you and provide you with what you'll be needing. I shall stay here and pray for your safe return.


You bid a hasty farewell to your mentor before climbing the dangling rope ladder with the legendary speed and grace that sets you apart from lesser warriors. Banedon is waiting as you haul yourself aboard. He greets you with a glad smile, yet his face cannot hide his deep concern for what may await you in Ixia. You wave a final farewell to Lord Rimoah, then you retreat to the warmth of Banedon's cabin as the Skyrider glides over the Monastery's southern wall and ascends into the leaden sky.


You bid a hasty farewell to your mentor before climbing the dangling rope ladder with the legendary speed and grace that sets you apart from lesser warriors. Banedon is waiting as you haul yourself aboard. He greets you with a glad smile, yet his face cannot hide his deep concern for what may await you in Ixia. You wave a final farewell to Lord Rimoah, then you retreat to the warmth of Banedon's cabin as the Skyrider glides over the Monastery's southern wall and ascends into the leaden sky.

Your friend Banedon has already set a course for Vadera, the principal city of Lencia, a destination which is more than a full day's flight west of Sommerlund. Were this not the first stage of a longer voyage to Ixia you would gladly welcome the chance to visit Vadera, for you have many friends there in the court of King Sarnac of Lencia.

During the flight, Banedon details the plans which have been made on your behalf. King Sarnac himself has promised his help; he will provide you with a boat and a pilot to sail you from Vadera to Azgad Island, a desolate Lencian outpost in the Tozaz Sea. On your arrival there you will be transferred to a Lencian ice-boat, a craft specially built to withstand the power of the treacherous pack ice which clings to the Ixian shoreline at this time of the year.

The ice-boat will land you on the coast of Ixia, Lone Wolf, says Banedon, and then it will wait at anchor for you to return upon the completion of your mission.

@@ -729,7 +1185,7 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text

You circle around the hall, keeping a wary eye on the frozen humanoids that line the walls in case your presence here should cause them to animate. Fortunately your caution proves unnecessary&emdash;they remain completely immobile.


As you pass by the shimmering archway, you feel nausea rising from the pit of your stomach and a wave of dizziness makes you falter for a few moments: lose 2 ENDURANCE points. However, your dogged persistence pays off when you discover a partially-concealed panel in the wall. As you step nearer, it slides open to reveal a flight of steps which ascend to an empty chamber. Here you discover a door of opaque green crystal set flush into the north wall. Closer investigation reveals a curious lock plate positioned at its centre.


As you pass by the shimmering archway, you feel nausea rising from the pit of your stomach and a wave of dizziness makes you falter for a few moments: lose 2 ENDURANCE points. However, your dogged persistence pays off when you discover a partially-concealed panel in the wall. As you step nearer, it slides open to reveal a flight of steps which ascend to an empty chamber. Here you discover a door of opaque green crystal set flush into the north wall. Closer investigation reveals a curious lockplate positioned at its centre.

If you wish to examine this lock, turn to 322. If you choose to ignore the crystal door and return by the stairs to the entrance hall below, turn to 299
@@ -795,7 +1251,7 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text 10 -

With a dull clunk, the lock disengages and the heavy portal creaks ajar. Immediately you are greeted by a blast of frozen air as you push open the door and step out on to a viewing platform which is fixed to the outer metallic skin of this huge alien submarine. Away to your right you can see a line of ice-boats at anchor at the lake's edge, and to your left you notice a column of skeletal warriors. These are being led by a black-robed Cabalah, marching in mechanical fashion along a jetty towards the mouth of a tunnel which leads out of the vast ice cavern. Your keen Kai senses tell you that you have arrived in Ixia, and that the distant tunnel leads to the surface.


With a dull clunk, the lock disengages and the heavy portal creaks ajar. Immediately you are greeted by a blast of frozen air as you push open the door and step out on to a viewing platform which is fixed to the outer metallic skin of this huge alien submarine. Away to your right you can see a line of ice-boats at anchor at the lake's edge, and to your left you notice a column of skeletal warriors. These are being led by a black-robed Cabalah, marching in mechanical fashion along a jetty towards the mouth of a tunnel which leads out of the vast ice cavern. Your keen Kai senses tell you that you have arrived in Ixia, and that the distant tunnel leads to the surface.

You commit the position of the ice-boats to memory; if your mission is successful, you will be needing some means by which you can escape from Ixia. Then you carefully observe the area immediately surrounding the submarine, and notice that there are only two ways by which you can reach the distant tunnel&emdash;by the adjacent jetty, or by entering the icy waters of the lake and swimming to the shore.

If you wish to attempt to reach the tunnel via the jetty, turn to 30. If you choose to attempt to reach the tunnel entrance by swimming from the submarine to the shore, turn instead to 161. @@ -916,7 +1372,7 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text 20 -

The moment you project the correct number at the lock plate, the entire portal begins to shimmer and lose its solidity. It becomes transparent and then fades completely, as if evaporating into thin air. With a smile of satisfaction on your lips at having solved the riddle, you step through the now-open archway and into an adjoining hall.


The moment you project the correct number at the lockplate, the entire portal begins to shimmer and lose its solidity. It becomes transparent and then fades completely, as if evaporating into thin air. With a smile of satisfaction on your lips at having solved the riddle, you step through the now-open archway and into an adjoining hall.

This vaulted, oblong-shaped hall is illuminated by flickerings of electrical fire which arc between two free-standing pillars at the far end of the chamber. Beyond the pillars you can make out the shadowy entrance to another chamber; it is the only other exit from this hall. You realize at once that to pass between the pillars could prove to be fatal: the power arcing between them is as great as any lightning storm raging in the skies above Xaagon. Yet there may be a way of avoiding contact with this raw power. You notice that the two free-standing pillars do not go all the way to the ceiling there is a gap, a little over two feet wide above them.

If you possess Kai-alchemy, and wish to use it, turn to 136. If you wish to attempt to climb one of the pillars and squeeze through the gap in order to reach the adjoining hall, turn to 297. @@ -940,8 +1396,8 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text 22 -

It is in the thirtieth hour of your air voyage that the Skyrider's eagle-eyed lookout catches his first glimpse of Vadera. Word spreads quickly and a hub-bub of excitement grips the dwarven crew as the flying ship draws ever closer to the fortified walls and turrets of the Lencian capital.


Skilfully Bo'sun Nolrim lands the Skyrider on the paved courtyard in front of the Vadera Citadel, which has been cleared of crowds in expectation of your arrival. Awaiting you is a party of stern-faced Vadera officials who, with a minimum of fuss, escort you and Banedon directly to the court of King Sarnac.


It is in the thirtieth hour of your air voyage that the Skyrider's eagle-eyed lookout catches his first glimpse of Vadera. Word spreads quickly and a hub-bub of excitement grips the dwarven crew as the flying ship draws ever closer to the fortified walls and turrets of the Lencian capital.


Skilfully Bo'sun Nolrim lands the Skyrider on the paved courtyard in front of the Vadera Citadel, which has been cleared of crowds in expectation of your arrival. Awaiting you is a party of stern-faced Vadera officials who, with a minimum of fuss, escort you and Banedon directly to the court of King Sarnac.

We are honoured to welcome you once again to our city, Grand Master, says the silver-haired King. My only regret is the reason for your visit. I'd have hoped our meeting would have been in less ominous circumstances.

Formally you acknowledge the King's greeting, then you turn to face the elderly man who is standing beside the King's throne. You recognized him as soon as you entered the King's chamber&emdash;he is Lord Ardan, an Elder Magi from Dessi, one of Lord Rimoah's countrymen.

Well met, my Lord, you say, and Ardan returns your greeting with a smile. Sadly, his smile soon fades when he says: No doubt your able companion, Guildmaster Banedon, has told you of the rise of evil in Ixia. Dire news indeed, Grand Master, for it threatens our very existence, most especially the existence of our Lencian friends. If the Deathlord's power is allowed to grow unchecked, Lencia will be the first freestate to suffer his wrath.

@@ -1027,7 +1483,7 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text 29 -

Using your advanced knowledge of Brotherhood magic, you recite the words of the spell&emdash;Slow Fall&emdash;and step into the gaping hole. Easily you glide down through the dust-choked air to land on the floor of the hall, fifty feet below.


Using your advanced knowledge of Brotherhood magic, you recite the words of the spell&emdash;Slow Fall&emdash;and step into the gaping hole. Easily you glide down through the dust-choked air to land on the floor of the hall, fifty feet below.

Turn to 62.
@@ -1056,7 +1512,7 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text 32 -

The bodies of the ghastly creatures undergo a swift and gruesome transformation upon the instant you deal them the coup de grace. Their torsos implode with dramatic effect, and they barely have time to cry out in agony as their twisted remains hit the floor and crumble to dust.


The bodies of the ghastly creatures undergo a swift and gruesome transformation upon the instant you deal them the coup de grâce. Their torsos implode with dramatic effect, and they barely have time to cry out in agony as their twisted remains hit the floor and crumble to dust.

You sheathe your weapon and step away from the foul-smelling mounds of dust. Then you hurry out of this black-floored chamber by a short passage which leads into an adjoining hall. This vaulted, oblong shaped hall is illuminated by flickerings of electrical fire which arc between two free-standing pillars at the far end of the chamber. Beyond the pillars you can make out the shadowy entrance to another chamber; it is the only other exit from this hall.

You realize at once that to pass between the pillars could prove to be fatal: the power arcing between them is as great as the lightning storm which is raging in the skies above Xaagon. Yet there may be a way of avoiding contact with this raw power. You notice that the two free-standing pillars do not go all the way to the ceiling&emdash;there is a gap, a little over two feet wide above them.

If you possess Kai-alchemy, and wish to use it, turn to 136. @@ -1295,7 +1751,7 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text 53 -

You cast the Brotherhood spell&emdash;Strength&emdash;upon yourself and, within seconds, your body surges with new-found energy. You increase your pace until you are running at three times your previous speed. Within a matter of seconds you close upon Tagazin, your weapon drawn in preparation to strike at him as you pass by, but the demonlord sees you gaining on him and he stops to block your path. He is weaker than before, but he has lost none of his devilish cunning.


You cast the Brotherhood spell&emdash;Strength&emdash;upon yourself and, within seconds, your body surges with new-found energy. You increase your pace until you are running at three times your previous speed. Within a matter of seconds you close upon Tagazin, your weapon drawn in preparation to strike at him as you pass by, but the demonlord sees you gaining on him and he stops to block your path. He is weaker than before, but he has lost none of his devilish cunning.

As you come to within striking distance, suddenly he leaps at your chest and brings you crashing to the loamy ground.

Demonlord Tagazin (injured)4545

Conduct this combat for two rounds only.

@@ -1389,7 +1845,7 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text 61 -

Using the Brotherhood spell&emdash;Sense Evil&emdash;you focus on the encroaching mist and detect a strange presence. You cannot discern exactly what is, moving out there, but you are certain of one thing: it is evil and it is drawing ever closer to Fort Azgad.


Using the Brotherhood spell&emdash;Sense Evil&emdash;you focus on the encroaching mist and detect a strange presence. You cannot discern exactly what is, moving out there, but you are certain of one thing: it is evil and it is drawing ever closer to Fort Azgad.

You warn Captain Lanza and at first he does not believe you. He chuckles, saying that it is not uncommon for new arrivals to imagine they have seen all manner of spectres in the sea mists which swirl around the fort. But then a loud, discordant bell rings out from above, and Lanza's face is transfixed with shock.

By the gods! he splutters, it's the alarm bell we're under attack!

Turn to 181. @@ -1503,7 +1959,7 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text 70 -

The moment you deal the Ziog the coup de grace it collapses to the deck and crumbles like ancient parchment. An inhuman cry arises from the skeleton horde that is grouped on the quay. They come charging down the gangplank towards you, as if hungry for vengeance. You strike the plank a mighty blow, splitting the timber cleanly in two. Both sections collapse, dumping the onrushing skeletons unceremoniously into the harbour's freezing water.


The moment you deal the Ziog the coup de grâce it collapses to the deck and crumbles like ancient parchment. An inhuman cry arises from the skeleton horde that is grouped on the quay. They come charging down the gangplank towards you, as if hungry for vengeance. You strike the plank a mighty blow, splitting the timber cleanly in two. Both sections collapse, dumping the onrushing skeletons unceremoniously into the harbour's freezing water.

If you now wish to examine the Ziog's remains, turn to 88. If you do not wish to approach the Ziog's body, turn to 329.
@@ -1653,7 +2109,7 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text

King Sarnac dismisses his guardsmen before ushering you, Banedon, Lord Ardan and Captain Prarg, into an adjoining antechamber. An oaken table commands the centre of this opulent room, upon which is spread a detailed map of north-western Magnamund.

In response to Lord Ardan's request, I have made provision for your journey to Ixia, Grand Master, says the King, as the five of you gather around the map table. As we speak, a man-o'-war is standing by in Vadera harbour, awaiting my order to set sail. Captain Prarg will accompany you during the first part of your sea voyage to our outpost, which is here on Azgad Island. King Sarnac points to the map, indicating a remote island near to the Gulf of Konkor.

The garrison on Azgad Island is commanded by Captain Lanza. Word has been sent of your coming, and Lanza has a crew and an ice-boat ready to place at your disposal. They will transport you across the stormy Tozaz Sea and land you on the southern coast of Ixia. From there you must make your way on foot to the city of Xaagon, where you will find the Deathlord and his accursed weapon&emdash;the Deathstaff.


You study the map and, with growing dismay, you appreciate the difficult voyage which lies ahead. Very well, sire, you reply. I understand how I am to reach Ixia in order to find and defeat the Deathlord, but can you tell me how I am to return once my mission has been accomplished?


You study the map and, with growing dismay, you appreciate the difficult voyage which lies ahead. Very well, sire, you reply. I understand how I am to reach Ixia in order to find and defeat the Deathlord, but can you tell me how I am to return once my mission has been accomplished?

Turn to 248.
@@ -1967,7 +2423,7 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text 112 -

The metal door is sheathed with ice and there is no handle visible&emdash;only a hexagonal-shaped keyhole. You utter the words of the Brotherhood spell Lightning Hand and point your index finger at this keyhole. A tingling sensation runs along your arm, culminating in a burst of blue-white energy which arcs from your fingertip to the lock.


The metal door is sheathed with ice and there is no handle visible&emdash;only a hexagonal-shaped keyhole. You utter the words of the Brotherhood spell Lightning Hand and point your index finger at this keyhole. A tingling sensation runs along your arm, culminating in a burst of blue-white energy which arcs from your fingertip to the lock.

Use of this spell so soon after recovering consciousness costs you 2 ENDURANCE points.

Adjust your
Action Chart accordingly before turning to 174. @@ -2204,7 +2660,7 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text 133 -

During your underwater swim, your higher Kai rank and mastery enables you to use the Brotherhood spell&emdash;Breathe Water. This magical spell allows you to absorb oxygen from the icy sea water directly into your bloodstream through the pores of your skin, negating the need to surface repeatedly for air.


During your underwater swim, your higher Kai rank and mastery enables you to use the Brotherhood spell&emdash;Breathe Water. This magical spell allows you to absorb oxygen from the icy sea water directly into your bloodstream through the pores of your skin, negating the need to surface repeatedly for air.

In just a few minutes you reach the distant shoreline and break through the surface alongside a shallow stone causeway. Atop this causeway is a track, a spur of which branches off towards the tunnel entrance. With only your head visible above the lake, you cling to the causeway stones and wait patiently for a nearby patrol to march past.

Turn to 169.
@@ -2279,9 +2735,9 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text 140 -

With your briefing now concluded, King Sarnac ushers you all into his court chamber. There you bid him, Lord Ardan, and Guildmaster Banedon farewell, and they in turn wish you good luck and godspeed before Captain Prarg escorts you to the harbour. It is snowing heavily, and few of Vadera's inhabitants notice as the two of you are welcomed aboard the Maycastle, the square-rigged man-o'-war which will carry you to Azgad Island.


With your briefing now concluded, King Sarnac ushers you all into his court chamber. There you bid him, Lord Ardan, and Guildmaster Banedon farewell, and they in turn wish you good luck and godspeed before Captain Prarg escorts you to the harbour. It is snowing heavily, and few of Vadera's inhabitants notice as the two of you are welcomed aboard the Maycastle, the square-rigged man-o'-war which will carry you to Azgad Island.

You leave Vadera within the hour and begin the long, cold voyage northwards. During the voyage, Captain Prarg tells you about the raids which have destroyed several small Drakkarim settlements along the Gulf of Konkor and the coast of the Shakoz Bight. On the twelfth day of your two-week sea journey, you catch a glimpse of one such settlement, near to the mouth of the River Lenag. All that remains is a wispy pall of smoke which hangs above the burnt-out hovels, darkening an already stormy sky.


For most of the voyage, a host of seabirds have accompanied the May castle, attracted by the scraps of food regularly thrown out by the ship's galley. But at dawn on the thirteenth day, as the ship enters the Gulf of Konkor, the usual flocks of shrieking gulls are nowhere to be seen. It is as if they have suddenly become aware of impending danger and have turned back, eager to stay out of harm's reach. Later in the day, a fierce squall arises from the east which whips the iron-grey waters of the gulf into a maelstrom. The crew fight desperately to control their ship as the storm rages all day and all night, not abating until dawn of the following day. As the wind gradually dies and the sea settles, the lookout is able to resume his post atop the mainmast.


For most of the voyage, a host of seabirds have accompanied the Maycastle, attracted by the scraps of food regularly thrown out by the ship's galley. But at dawn on the thirteenth day, as the ship enters the Gulf of Konkor, the usual flocks of shrieking gulls are nowhere to be seen. It is as if they have suddenly become aware of impending danger and have turned back, eager to stay out of harm's reach. Later in the day, a fierce squall arises from the east which whips the iron-grey waters of the gulf into a maelstrom. The crew fight desperately to control their ship as the storm rages all day and all night, not abating until dawn of the following day. As the wind gradually dies and the sea settles, the lookout is able to resume his post atop the mainmast.

Brian Williams @@ -2956,7 +3412,7 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text 197 -

You trudge stoically through the snow and ice towards the distant circle of rocks, hoping all the while that they will afford you some protection from this incessant blizzard. When you are within a few dozen yards of the circle, you hear a deafening Crack! which sets your pulse racing. With that split-second warning, a huge expanse of rock and ice breaks away from the slopes above and swiftly transforms itself into a thundering avalanche. Wide-eyed with horror, you watch as a million tons of ice, snow, and shale comes rumbling down the mountainside towards you.


You trudge stoically through the snow and ice towards the distant circle of rocks, hoping all the while that they will afford you some protection from this incessant blizzard. When you are within a few dozen yards of the circle, you hear a deafening crack! which sets your pulse racing. With that split-second warning, a huge expanse of rock and ice breaks away from the slopes above and swiftly transforms itself into a thundering avalanche. Wide-eyed with horror, you watch as a million tons of ice, snow, and shale comes rumbling down the mountainside towards you.

Galvanized into action, you turn and run from this deadly white wall of destruction. It is almost upon you when you see a low shelf of rock near the base of the pass, and desperately you dive for cover beneath it.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you possess Grand Nexus, you may add another 2.

If your total score is now 4 or lower, turn to 99. @@ -3050,7 +3506,7 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text

At once you recognize the winged creatures. You encountered them the last time you were here upon the Plane of Darkness. They are Lavas&emdash;fell servants of the Dark God Naar.

The dozen or so Lavas surrounding the ailing Tagazin appear to be urging him on towards the Shadow Gate. Your hopes of returning to your home world rose when first you saw the Shadow Gate, but now the familiar sensation of fear returns to chill your blood. The thought occurs to you that if Tagazin should enter the Shadow Gate before you, the Lavas may be able to close it behind him and deny you the chance of escaping from this evil domain. It is a risk you cannot afford to take.


Drawing your weapon, you race along the track in pursuit of the demonlord, grimly determined to prevent him from reaching the Shadow Gate alive.


Drawing your weapon, you race along the track in pursuit of the Demonlord, grimly determined to prevent him from reaching the Shadow Gate alive.

If you possess Assimilance, turn to 347. If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 38.
@@ -3145,11 +3601,11 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text 213 -

The bodies of the ghastly creatures undergo a swift and gruesome transformation upon the instant you deal them the coup de grâce. Their torsos implode with dramatic effect, and they barely have time to cry out in agony as their twisted remains hit the floor and crumble to dust.


The bodies of the ghastly creatures undergo a swift and gruesome transformation upon the instant you deal them the coup de grâce. Their torsos implode with dramatic effect, and they barely have time to cry out in agony as their twisted remains hit the floor and crumble to dust.

You sheathe your weapon and step away from the foul-smelling mounds of dust. But as you go to leave, you discover that the open archway that these creatures were guarding when you first arrived in this chamber, is now sealed. You approach the solid sheet of opaque green crystal and examine an intricate lockplate which is set in the centre of its mirror-smooth surface. It is a lock of ancient design, one which operates by psychic energy. You study the intricate patterns which embellish it and gradually you realize that they give clues to a two-digit number. By projecting the image of this number at the lock, using your psychic powers, you will release the locking mechanism and cause the portal to open.

The first of the two numbers is equal to the number of islands which can be found within 150 miles of Xaagon.

The second number is equal to the number of cities and towns which can be found located in the Shegtar Peaks.


Consult the map in order to determine the correct two-digit number which will open the lock. When you think you have cracked it, turn to the entry that bears that same number as your answer.


Consult the map in order to determine the correct two-digit number which will open the lock. When you think you have cracked it, turn to the entry that bears that same number as your answer.

If you calculate incorrectly, or if you cannot solve the clues, turn instead to 199.
@@ -3212,7 +3668,7 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text 219 -

As your hand closes around the hilt of the sun-sword, you suddenly recall Guildmaster Banedon's words of warning: Use the Sommerswerd with discretion. In the darkness of Ixia its power will be like a blazing beacon&ellips; it could readily alert the Deathlord to your presence.


As your hand closes around the hilt of the sun-sword, you suddenly recall Guildmaster Banedon's words of warning: Use the Sommerswerd with discretion. In the darkness of Ixia its power will be like a blazing beacon&ellips; it could readily alert the Deathlord to your presence.

For a moment you hesitate in drawing the sun-sword from its korlinium scabbard. But the cave creature is now almost upon you&emdash;it is closing swiftly for the kill. You must act immediately if you are to defend yourself from its attack.

If you choose to unsheathe the Sommerswerd and use it in your defence, turn to 110. If you decide to leave the Sommerswerd in its scabbard and use another weapon instead, turn to 275. @@ -3267,7 +3723,7 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text

You take the ship's wheel and turn this alien vessel out of the narrow harbour, into the roiling waters of the Tozaz Sea. It is less than an hour past noon and yet the winter night has already closed in. You share the icy darkness with a crew of six Lencian outposters, all of whom have volunteered for this perilous mission. Lanza has ordered them to land you on the coast of Ixia and wait at anchor for seven days for you to return; they must wait no longer.


With ten miles of sea behind you, you hand over the wheel to one of the crew and settle down on the wheelhouse floor to sleep. But you have barely closed your eyes when the deck begins to buck like a stallion. The ship has sailed directly into a saesha&emdash;a sudden and violent sea-storm from which the Tozaz is infamous. Thunder roars and sleet blows with blinding ferocity as the ship dips and rolls in the waves.


With ten miles of sea behind you, you hand over the wheel to one of the crew and settle down on the wheelhouse floor to sleep. But you have barely closed your eyes when the deck begins to buck like a stallion. The ship has sailed directly into a saesha&emdash;a sudden and violent sea-storm from which the Tozaz is infamous. Thunder roars and sleet blows with blinding ferocity as the ship dips and rolls in the waves.

After what seems like an eternity, the ship emerges from the storm&emdash;a storm against which few craft other than this could have sailed. The darkness gives way to an eerie dawn which casts its watery light upon a new danger. In the grey half-light you see thousands of icebergs ahead, stretching across the horizon as far as the eye can see. Your heart sinks&emdash;navigating a course through this icy maze could well prove impossible.

If you wish to take control of the ship's wheel as you approach the field of icebergs, turn to 51. If you wish to go forward to the prow and act as ship's pilot, turn to 189. @@ -3338,7 +3794,7 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text 230 -

You recite the words of the Brotherhood spell&emdash;Strength&emdash;and, within seconds, your body surges with new-found energy. You increase your pace until you are running at three times your previous speed. Within a matter of seconds you close upon Tagazin, your weapon drawn in preparation to strike at him as you pass by, but the demonlord sees that he can no longer out-distance you and he stops to block your path. He is weaker than before, but he has lost none of his devilish cunning.


You recite the words of the Brotherhood spell&emdash;Strength&emdash;and, within seconds, your body surges with new-found energy. You increase your pace until you are running at three times your previous speed. Within a matter of seconds you close upon Tagazin, your weapon drawn in preparation to strike at him as you pass by, but the demonlord sees that he can no longer out-distance you and he stops to block your path. He is weaker than before, but he has lost none of his devilish cunning.

As you come to within striking distance, suddenly he leaps at your chest and brings you crashing to the loamy ground.

Demonlord Tagazin (injured)4545

Conduct this combat for one round only.

@@ -3821,7 +4277,7 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text 273 -

Having used Brotherhood magic to assist your climb you now call on it again to aid your descent. The spell&emdash;Slow Fall&emdash;enables you to glide smoothly to the coal-black floor. A few whispered words cancel its effect and you hurry away towards the shadowy exit.


Having used Brotherhood magic to assist your climb you now call on it again to aid your descent. The spell&emdash;Slow Fall&emdash;enables you to glide smoothly to the coal-black floor. A few whispered words cancel its effect and you hurry away towards the shadowy exit.

Turn to 300.
@@ -4360,8 +4816,8 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text 321 -

As the Maycastle cuts through the icy waves towards the fort, a beacon flares into life, its guttering yellow flame marking the entrance to the outpost's slate-walled harbour. A Lencian flag is raised atop the watchtower and the crew give a cheer&emdash;for them it is a welcoming sight after two cold and difficult weeks at sea.


The Maycastle docks at the harbour wall, alongside the iron-bowed ice-boat which will take you to Ixia. The excited garrison have gathered to greet the crew; they have been looking forward to receiving fresh provisions and news from their homeland for several weeks. You disembark with Prarg and are met on the quay by a bearded sergeant clad in a fur-trimmed leather tunic. He escorts you to the watchtower, where you are welcomed in person by Captain Lanza, the garrison commander.


As the Maycastle cuts through the icy waves towards the fort, a beacon flares into life, its guttering yellow flame marking the entrance to the outpost's slate-walled harbour. A Lencian flag is raised atop the watchtower and the crew give a cheer&emdash;for them it is a welcoming sight after two cold and difficult weeks at sea.


The Maycastle docks at the harbour wall, alongside the iron-bowed ice-boat which will take you to Ixia. The excited garrison have gathered to greet the crew; they have been looking forward to receiving fresh provisions and news from their homeland for several weeks. You disembark with Prarg and are met on the quay by a bearded sergeant clad in a fur-trimmed leather tunic. He escorts you to the watchtower, where you are welcomed in person by Captain Lanza, the garrison commander.

Turn to 117.
@@ -4374,7 +4830,7 @@ Initial Freepository revision - freshly minted from the proofread text

The first of the three numbers is equal to the number of islands which can be found between the Tozaz Sea and the Gulf of Konkor.

The second of the three numbers is equal to the total of islands which can be found in Lake Ghargon.

The third and final number is equal to the number of cities that can be found on the banks of the River Zegar.


Consult the map in order to determine the correct three-digit number which will open the lock. When you think you have cracked it, turn to the entry that bears the same number as your answer.


Consult the map in order to determine the correct three-digit number which will open the lock. When you think you have cracked it, turn to the entry that bears the same number as your answer.

If you calculate incorrectly, or if you cannot solve the clues, turn instead to 84.
-- 2.34.1