BUGS: ---- - In LaTeX some sections end up with their 'choices' sections being orphaned. The XSL style has been changed to add a \nopagebreak in choices but it still happens some times. Solution #1: (Thomas Wolmer) > > \begin{samepage} > > > \end{samepage} Solution #2: (Ingo Kloecker) Use \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} (or some multiple of \baselineskip) to fit more on a page or \newpage (or something similar) to force a page break. Whatever the solution that means changing the TeX files and changes have to be preserved (see TODO item #1) TODO: ---- * Use the Souvenir font or another (good) alternative. * (if using non-Standard fonts) Embed fonts in documents, this is recommended procedure in order to make sure it looks good in all PDF readers. Some PDF readers might not have the exact font and replace it with a different one and make it look ugly. Note: This might violate the licensing use of the font, however - Use PNG files instead of generating PDF files as this is not required when using pdflatex (as opposed of using latex + dvips) - [Spanish] Provide bearer scroll and action chart for the Grandmaster and New Order series for Spanish under es/pdf/lw/$series/ Note: Already done for Kai DONE ---- - PDF file is currently missing: - Action Chart - Random Number Table - Make it possible to have external patches to the TeX files that get applied before build - Add meta-data when generating PDF files, this can be done either using pdftk (pdftk in.pdf update_info in.info output out.pdf ) or (better yet) using hyperxmp. See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/hyperxmp/ To see the current metadata provided pdftk .pdf dump_data output - or (simpler) pdfinfo .pdf - [Spanish] Update Makefiles to define 'series'