How to vectorize illustrations with Inkscape - Open bitmap image with Inkscape; select embed - Select all (Ctrl+A) - Path->Trace Bitmap (Shift+Alt+B) - Select Brightness cutoff; deselect Smooth; press OK (ignore the preview; it doesn't work) - Object->Lower to Bottom (End) to move the vectorized image behind the bitmap image - Click the bitmap image to select it - Press Delete to delete the bitmap image leaving only the vectorized image - Right-click on vectorized image; select Enter group - Click on background; delete the (white) background; now the background of the SVG is transparent - Select all (Ctrl+A) - Path->Simplify (Ctrl+L) (with Simplification threshold 0.0005; see Preferences/Misc) - Save as PDF (without Export area is drawing/page) and Compressed Inkscape SVG