>TM 4 >LS 2 >PS ON >PL60 >SM6 >CP ON >FO OFF >------L-----------------------!---------------------------R ä104ä Oriah returns to her cabin to rest whilst you stay on Š deck and help tend the wounded crewmen. Using your Š Kai curing skills, you do what you can to ease their Š pain and repair their battle wounds. To your great Š surprise, many of the injured men's wounds heal at a Š remarkable speed. In fact some recover so quickly Š that you acquire something of a reputation among them Š as a miracle worker. Secretly, though, you suspect Š that it is the presence of the Moonstone that is the Š real reason for their miraculous return to good Š health. It is shortly before dusk when Captain Raker brings Š his damaged ship limping into the harbour of Cape Š Kabar, and moors her alongside its red-stoned quay. Š Leaving Paoll in charge, he goes ashore to seek out Š his shipwright friend, Kimpil, at the harbour Š shipyard. Shortly he returns with a wizened old man Š and together they inspect the damaged hull. "It's goin' to take a month to fix 'er right," says Š the Captain on his return. "Kimpil says her keel's Š damaged and she'll have to go into dry-dock. It's Š goin' to be a long job." After talking with Raker and the others, you decide Š that you cannot stay here for a month while the ship Š is being repaired. Oriah, too, is anxious to leave Š for she fears that Cape Kabar is the first place Š Sesketera will look for her when he hears of his Š brother's death. Oriah has friends in Bisutan whom Š she trusts and she suggests that you travel there Š together. She is confident that her friends can help Š you to reach Elzian quickly and safely. In addition to Oriah, you also agree to take with you Š the three surviving marines - Ernan, Sligh, and Š Oswin. Ernan has visited Cape Kabar once before and Š he knows the route south to Bisutan. He also knows of Š some stables on the far side of the town where the Š five of you could acquire some horses. You agree that Š it would be worth a visit. Before you bid farewell to Raker and his crew, you Š share one last meal with them. (Unless you possess Š Grand Huntmastery you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 Š ENDURANCE points). To continue, turn to â181â