>TM 4 >LS 2 >PS ON >PL60 >SM6 >CP ON >FO OFF >------L-----------------------!---------------------------R ไ298ไ Rhous picks up the Kutyan Emerald and holds it to the Š light. You can tell by his expression that he is Š impressed by its flawless cut, yet still you sense he Š is a little disappointed; he had hoped for something Š more exceptional than this fine gem. After assessing Š its worth he offers you 25 Gold Crowns. You haggle Š with him and finally you settle on a sum of 30 Gold Š Crowns. [If, in addition to the Kutyan Emerald, you also Š possess any of the other items, Rhous would be Š willing to pay you 10 Gold Crowns for the Iron Skull Š and 20 Gold Crowns for the Siyen Crown. Be sure to Š amend the details of your ้Action Chart้ before Š continuing your adventure.] Turn to โ349โ