>TM 4 >LS 2 >PS ON >PL60 >SM6 >CP ON >FO OFF >------L-----------------------!---------------------------R ä74ä "The people of Hikas are living in fear of their Š lives," says the innkeeper, as he draws up a chair Š and sits with you at your table. "For the past month Š there's been a creature stalking our streets at Š night. It's killed more than fifty poor souls, and in Š terrible fashion. Ripped 'em to pieces. There ain't Š anyone who's lived to tell what it looks like but Š everyone's got their own ideas. Some say it's a Š shapechanger that goes about at day in the guise of a Š man and changes into a beast at night. Others say Š it's come from Gorgoron, seeking revenge on the Old Š Kingdom for the death of its master - Agarash the Š Damned. I...I don't know what to think. All I know is Š that it stalks the streets, and every night someone Š dies a ghastly death by it's hand." Suddenly the door to the tavern opens and in strides Š a Vakeros soldier with a sword wavering in his hand. Š He is wearing the uniform of a lieutenant of the Š city's militia, and beside him is a small boy - the Š innkeeper's son. "That's him," shouts the boy, Š pointing his finger accusingly at you. The innkeeper vouches to the nervous lieutenant that Š you are a journeyman and not the creature who has Š paralysed Hikas with a reign of terror. The Š lieutenant relaxes a little and sheathes his sword. He shouts to a unit of his guardsmen who are grouped Š outside to form into a column and get ready to march, Š then he turns to you and asks you to accompany him. Turn to â20â