>--L-----------------------------------------------------------------R SOF --- Outline world history Lone Wolf as Kai Supreme Master after return from POD w. MS Outline personal history Training - own characteristics New Disciplines (4 from LW) Kai Weapon - proud âOnly 5 Grand Mastersâ - name other 4 - see LW19 Honour to be chosen for mission (keen competition among Kai) Significance; "coming of age" test; prove self. Called to Vault below Tower of the Sun #1 -- LW's briefing to GM on mission's importance LW to go on 'dummy' mission to draw away attention of evil agents - hence no use of skyship Receive Moonstone - Special Item in own satchel Outline effects Moonstone has had (environmentally) Mission's 1st object = meeting with Lord Rimoah of High Council @ Š Elzian will assist on second part of journey