>TM 4 >LS 2 >PS ON >PL66 >SM6 >CP ON >FO OFF >------L-----------------------!---------------------------R ไ171ไ Soon the longboat abandons its search and returns to Š ้The Triasus้. You watch as both ships unfurl their Š sails and depart from the coast, ้The Triasus้ heading Š north and the ้Seasprite้ sailing south. Sesketera must Š be satisfied that you perished during your encounter Š with the terrible Nigumu-sa. Your only regret is that Š Captain Radyard and his crew probably believe this to Š be true as well. When you can no longer see the two ships, you take Š out your map and unfold it on the sand. Aided by your Š Kai tracking skills, you determine that you have come Š ashore at the tip of a mainland peninsula, at a point Š close to the Isle of Kobra. The nearest city is Š Masama. It lies over 300 miles away to the south- Š west, beyond a wide expanse of dense jungle and Š hills. The thought of traversing this uncharted Š territory, alone and on foot, is one that fills you Š with dread. But you take comfort in the knowledge Š that you survived your battle in the sea and that you Š still possess the Moonstone. You are tired and hungry after your ordeal. Unless Š you possess the discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you Š must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. Turn to โ209โ