>TM 4 >LS 2 >PS ON >PL58 >SM6 >CP ON >FO OFF >------L-----------------------!---------------------------R ä181ä The creature stalks its chosen target. Gemulkin frees Š himself from the wheel, but before he can get away, Š the beast is upon him like a hungry lion. It grabs Š him by the throat and lifts him off the deck. You Š race across the slippery decking and unsheathe your Š Kai weapon to strike the creature in the side. Š Callously the beast hurls Gemulkin into the sea and Š then spins around to face you. Your first blow opens Š a wound across its chest, making it shriek loudly. Š But it recovers in an instant and it lashes out at Š you to connect with your shoulder. The force of the Š blow knocks you sideways and sends you sliding across Š the slick deck to fall headlong through an open cargo Š hatch. Pick a number from the éRandom Number Tableé. If the number you have chosen is â0â - â4â, turn to â307â If it is â5â - â9â, turn to â266â