>TM 4 >LS 2 >PS ON >PL60 >SM6 >CP ON >FO OFF >------L-----------------------!---------------------------R ไ192ไ You intone the words of the Brotherhood Spell - Š ้Silence้ - and direct its energies at the sniper. He Š blows his horn but no sound emerges. Thinking that it Š is blocked he tries instead to shout a warning, but Š again without effect. Suddenly he panics when he sees Š you approaching. He loses his footing and tumbles Š backwards from his perch to land heavily upon the Š exposed roots of the tree. You hurry to his body and Š discover that his neck has snapped. To your Š disappointment, you also discover his blowpipe and Š horn are both useless, having been damaged in the Š fall. Quickly you hide his body in the undergrowth, and Š then you move deeper into the jungle, guided and Š drawn by the strange noise. Turn to โ51โ