>TM 4 >LS 2 >PS ON >PL60 >SM6 >CP ON >FO OFF >------L-----------------------!---------------------------R â350â The Shianti escort you from the beach to a wondrous Š edifice - the sacred Temple of Amida - which stands Š upon a high spur of rock commanding a spectacular Š view of the four corners of their magical isle. Here Š in a formal ceremony you receive the thanks and Š praise of Acarya - the leader of the Shianti exiles. Š Solemnly he vows to deliver the Moonstone into the Š hands of Goddess Ishir herself, thereby ensuring that Š never again will its powers disrupt Magnamund's Š delicate balance of nature, nor be misused by the Š forces of Evil. After the ceremony, the Shianti show you some of the Š magical wonders of their island that have never Š before been seen by Man. You marvel at flowing rivers Š of jewels, fabulous flora and species of exotic fauna Š that defy description. After your tour of this Š paradise isle you are allowed to rest awhile before Š you are escorted to your boat to begin your journey Š back to the Port of Suhn. Your return voyage across the Sea of Dreams is swift Š and eerily smooth. You sense that your direction and Š speed are being controlled by the Shianti, for within Š minutes of casting off from the shores of Lorn, the Š bustling harbour entrance to the Port of Suhn Š suddenly appears from out of the swirling sea mist. A stiff breeze catches your sail and propels you Š towards the quayside where, to your astonishment, Š Lord Zinair is waiting to greet your valiant return. Congratulations Grand Master. Once more you have Š proved your courage and resourcefulness. You have Š completed the quest entrusted to you by Lone Wolf and you have triumphed magnificently. The safe return Š of the Moonstone to the Shianti is a major victory in Š the war against Evil, but it is a war that is still Š yet to be won. Upon your return to the Port of Suhn Š you learn from Lord Zinair of a new and sinister Š threat to the fragile peace of your world. If you Š wish to confront this deadly threat and prove that Š you are truly a champion of the New Order Kai, then Š the nature of the challenge can be found in the next Š exciting Lone Wolf adventure, entitled: MYDNIGHT'S HERO