>TM 4 >LS 2 >PS ON >PL60 >SM6 >CP ON >FO OFF >------L-----------------------!---------------------------R β211β The final tumbler clicks into place and the door Š creaks open a few inches. The corridor outside the Š cell is unguarded, and you beckon Karvas to follow as Š you push the door wide and leave. As you step out, you see the door to the cell that contains your Š weapons and equipment and you pause for a few moments Š to work on its tumbler lock. Your efforts are quickly Š rewarded and you discover all of your confiscated Š weapons lying here on the floor. (You may erase the Š asterisks [*] from your ιAction Chartι to indicate that Š your arms and equipment have been restored.) In addition to your equipment you also discover Š Prince Karvas's sword and belt, together with the Š following: 1 Bow 6 Arrows Enough food for 1 Meal 1 Spear 1 Axe Karvas buckles on his swordbelt and, before you Š leave, he takes a coil of rope from a hook on the Š wall and slings it over his shoulder. On returning to Š the corridor, you hurry to the end to where a Š circular stone staircase ascends to the levels above. Š With Kai Weapon in hand you begin to climb the steps, Š retracing the route that you committed to your memory Š when you were brought to the cell less than an hour Š ago. Turn to β169β