>TM 4 >LS 2 >PS ON >PL64 >SM6 >CP ON >FO OFF >------L-----------------------!---------------------------R â280â The city of Oberra is still mourning the death of Š King Oridon. Its scarlet and yellow flags hang at Š half mast, and many of its citizens wear black arm Š bands and shawls as visible marks of their respect Š for the memory of Prince Karvas's father. As you ride Š along its paved streets, you see that many of its Š shops and public buildings bear proclamations Š announcing the forthcoming crowning of Baron Sadanzo Š on Harvestmas Day. Most of these notices have either Š been torn or defaced with black paint, and this Š cheers Karvas, for it shows that the citizens of this Š wealthy city do not welcome the prospect of having Š Baron Sadanzo as their future king. It is nearing darkness when you find the residence of Š Florin Sainus. It is well-appointed townhouse, built Š on three levels with its own walled garden and Š stables. You dismount and pull a bell rope that hangs Š beside its arched door. The prince's aged tutor is Š overwhelmed with surprise and delight when he opens Š the door and sees his former pupil standing on the Š steps before him. The old man ushers you both inside Š and orders his servants to attend to your horses. Š Over a reviving meal of steamed fish and oatmeal Š bread, Karvas recounts the perilous events of the Š past few weeks which have brought you here to seek Š his help. Gladly he pledges his assistance, but he Š cautions you that your time has nearly run out. Š Carefully he considers the ways by which you could Š still reach Seroa in time for the crowning, and at Š length he tells you of two routes. Both offer an Š equal chance of success. The first is the most direct route: the King's Š Highway from Oberra to Seroa. Normally this road Š would take four days to travel, but there are now Š only three full days left before Harvestmas, and so Š you would have to ride hard to make up for the Š missing day. The second route is partly by road and Š partly by river. Seventy-five miles due east of Š Oberra is the hamlet of Xaia. It lies on a bend of Š the River Seroa and is a boarding point for the Š boats that carry cargo and travellers along this Š major waterway. By this route the journey to Seroa Š can be completed in three days, "assuming that the Š river boats are running to schedule," warns Sainus. "They are the swiftest means of reaching the capital, Š yet they can be unreliable during spells of bad Š weather." Karvas proposes that you decide which route to take Š and then leave Oberra at once. "If we commence our Š journey this night, we may gain a few precious hours Š that could ensure our success." You agree with the Š prince that you should go at once, but Sainus informs Š you that it will not be possible for you to leave Š Oberra until dawn. He tells you that the city council Š have imposed a curfew during the hours of darkness, Š following an outbreak of thefts and murders among its Š prominent citizens. Sainus believes that Baron Š Sadanzo's robber knights are responsible for the Š crimes, for many have become residents of the city Š since King Oridon passed away. He fears that they are Š plotting to overthrow the council and will act as Š soon as Sadanzo is crowned king. In light of the situation, you decide to stay here Š and rest, and then leave the city at first light. Š Before you retire, Karvas asks you to decide which Š route you should use to travel to Seroa. If you wish to travel the King's Highway, the road Š that leads directly from Oberra to Seroa, turn to â227â If you decide to travel to Seroa by way of road and Š river boat, turn instead to â59â