>TM 4 >LS 2 >PS ON >PL60 >SM6 >CP ON >FO OFF >------L-----------------------!---------------------------R â336â Using the Brotherhood spell - éLevitationé - you rise Š effortlessly to the top of the wall. You then counter Š the effects of the spell and step between the spikes. Š You are getting ready to leap down into the training Š field that lies beyond the wall when suddenly you see Š a guard standing directly below you. Instinctively, Š you leap onto his back and force him to the ground. Š He tries to shout out but a swift blow to the base of Š his skull renders him unconscious before his cry has Š left his lips. Immediately you scan the perimeter of Š the field and the buildings beyond in case you have Š been seen, but there appear to be no other guards on Š duty. If you wish to search the guard's pockets, turn to â246â If you do not, turn to â16â