X-Git-Url: https://git.projectaon.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=en%2Fxml%2F03toz.xml;h=0f7164bddf8a097a7a7b3445031ae1cc959d0b57;hb=d80f2e08f7af6c7bac69765ca41f5dcad3f5276d;hp=5c44df8e994847f242f69d88033121ef6069834c;hpb=1dd276fcc8a2063e49d9998c48db91f47f7c51c2;p=project-aon.git diff --git a/en/xml/03toz.xml b/en/xml/03toz.xml index 5c44df8..0f7164b 100644 --- a/en/xml/03toz.xml +++ b/en/xml/03toz.xml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ &inclusion.brian.williams.bio.fw; Project Aon - 20101029 + 201591

You are Cal Phoenix, the Freeway Warrior, champion and protector of Dallas Colony One. The third stage of your life-or-death exodus to the California coast takes your colony of survivors across the wastelands of New Mexico and Arizona, a region still blighted by lethal radioactivity. Can you find the safe route through to the sanctuary of Tucson, or will you and your people perish in the desolation of The Omega Zone?

@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
Jonathan Blake
Special Thanks
Jeff Dougan, James Durrant
Jeff Dougan, James Durrant, Alan Schlieper, Steven Sharp
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ -

If you have already completed any of the the previous Freeway Warrior adventures, it is unclear whether you may replenish your supplies before starting this adventure or whether you can only carry over the supplies you carried at the end of the previous adventure. It seems reasonable that you would be able to restock your supplies while in El Paso.


If you have already completed any of the previous Freeway Warrior adventures, it is unclear whether you may replenish your supplies before starting this adventure or whether you can only carry over the supplies you carried at the end of the previous adventure. It seems reasonable that you would be able to restock your supplies while in El Paso.

@@ -499,6 +499,14 @@

Again the siren blares from above the east gate but this time it is an alarm signal. Knott responds by slamming his foot to the floor and steering the lumbering truck towards the west gate. Harsh voices curse, and then gunshots ring out.

Get down! shouts Captain Frankland, as the bullets rip through the thin canvas covering and ricochet off the rear of the drivers cab. Instantly you flatten yourself to the floor, which leaps and shudders against your cheek as the truck rams into the west gate. The rot-infested doors offer little resistance: they are wrenched from their hinges and sent spinning through the air to disintegrate on landing.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + +

More shots are fired but none seem to find their target. You risk a glance over the tailgate to see the race track receding into the distance. In the street outside the track, a handful of determined Angelino clansmen are kick-starting their motorcycles in readiness to pursue you. You know just how dangerous these bikers can be, so you raise your gun and rest its barrel on the tailgate, waiting for the clansmen to come within range.

Turn to 42.
@@ -571,7 +579,7 @@

Inadvertently, your fall saves your life. Another shot passes over your head barely a second after you stumble, missing you by a hands breadth. The imminent danger clears your mind and you race towards the trees with a determination to survive. Knott encourages you to increase your speed and you pray that you will reach cover before the sniper has a chance to slip another round into the breech of his rifle.

Add together your Stealth skill total and your current ENDURANCE points score. (Note: If your ENDURANCE score is low and you are heavily encumbered, it may be advisable to discard some of your Backpack Items in order to increase your Stealth skill level.)

If your total score is 15 or less, turn to 57. - If it is 16-19, turn to 83. + If it is 1619, turn to 83. If it is 20 or more, turn to 254. @@ -605,11 +613,19 @@

Collision with the barrier has damaged Mad Dogs car: a section of the front fender is buckled against the wheel, slowing it considerably. In your deadly duel, his supercharged car no longer has the advantage of speed. However, even though it is damaged, it still possesses enough power to enable him to catch you.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + +

In the distance a bridge is fast approaching. It crosses a channelled drainageway, fed by the Pantano Wash. An Amcorp Landcruiser, one of the colonys vehicles, has broken down and been abandoned on its approach ramp. The bus blocks two lanes of the freeway, leaving just enough room for one vehicle to pass.

The two of you speed towards this narrow gap, neck and neck, each determined to be the first to get across. Desperate to beat you, Mad Dog brings his speedster dangerously close. You are three seconds away from the gap when he rams your door.

Add your Driving skill total to your current ENDURANCE points score. Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add it to your total.

If your total score is 21 or less, turn to 220. - If your total score is 22-28, turn to 105. + If your total score is 2228, turn to 105. If your total score is 29 or more, turn to 70.
@@ -659,7 +675,7 @@

Dawn is breaking and you can see the highway continuing due south, deeper into the mountains, leading you away from all hope of an early rendezvous with the colony. The further you go, the poorer the road surface becomes until all your skill and concentration are required to avoid crashing.

Add together your Driving skill total and current ENDURANCE points score.

If your total score is 13 or less, turn to 184. - If it is 14-18, turn to 258. + If it is 1418, turn to 258. If it is 19 or more, turn to 336. @@ -708,7 +724,7 @@

You scream a warning to Kate and together you duck your heads as Mad Dog opens fire with his machine pistol. Your swift action saves you both from decapitation. The bullets pass over the driving compartment and you escape unscathed.


Knowing that your enemy has only one hand on the wheel of his speeding car, you nudge the side of his speedster, tempting him to retaliate. Then, when he rises to your challenge, you brake heavily and, because he is still holding his machine pistol, he fails to react in time to prevent his car from crossing in front of you and hitting the central barrier. Metal twists and sparks fly from his fender as he scrapes along the crash barrier at nearly 100 miles an hour. You put your foot down and overtake him on the left, powering your roadster away as he fights to extricate himself from the barriers magnet-like grip.


Knowing that your enemy has only one hand on the wheel of his speeding car, you nudge the side of his speedster, tempting him to retaliate. Then, when he rises to your challenge, you brake heavily and, because he is still holding his machine pistol, he fails to react in time to prevent his car from crossing in front of you and hitting the central barrier. Metal twists and sparks fly from his fender as he scrapes along the crash barrier at nearly 100 miles an hour. You put your foot down and overtake him on the right, powering your roadster away as he fights to extricate himself from the barriers magnet-like grip.

Turn to 12.
@@ -753,6 +769,14 @@

The clansmen are training their spotlight directly into your eyes, effectively blinding you, and you are not able to steer the jeep out of their path until the last moment. The pick-up glances the rear and the sudden jolt makes you hit your head on the steering column: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

Despite your injury, you regain control of the jeep quickly and bring it back onto the highway. Captain Frankland is standing behind you, manning the heavy machine gun, and, as the pick-up completes a spectacular 180-degree turn and comes racing back, he cocks the weapon and opens fire.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + +

The heavy-calibre rounds riddle the engine and tear the cab to shreds. The truck starts to skid, and then there is a tremendous bang as the fuel tank explodes. As you accelerate onto the freeway, you glance in the driving mirror to see a huge ball of billowing orange flame engulf the remains of the truck and its passengers.

Turn to 178.
@@ -806,6 +830,14 @@

You stand up and take hold of the heavy machine gun as Captain Frankland drives off towards the west side of Lordsburg. Haskell locates an ammunition box and helps you to thread a belt of .50-calibre shells into the breech.

Most of Mad Dogs clansmen are concentrated around the block of buildings where the truck was discovered, but there are some, most notably the Detroit Lions scouts, who have taken up lookout positions in other parts of the town. You pass two or three of them on your way through Lordsburg, yet they seem to ignore you. The jeep, with its clan markings, and the darkness enable you to pass them without challenge.

It is not until you begin your approach to the access ramp of Interstate 10 that you encounter any problem. Soon after your truck was found, Mad Dog dispatched a unit of scouts in a pick-up to guard the freeway ramp, just in case. It was a smart move. When these scouts see you approaching, they switch on a spotlight mounted on the roof of the pick-up above the drivers seat, catching you in its beam. When a radio call confirms that you are not what you seem, they accelerate towards you in an attempt to run you off the road.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + +

Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your Shooting skill total.

If your total score is 4 or less, turn to 143. If it is 5 or more, turn to 293. @@ -840,6 +872,14 @@

The sun has dipped below the western skyline and an eerie twilight bathes the ruined buildings of Lordsburg as you drive into the town. The tracks show that the convoy stopped here, but it must have been a brief visit for the town is now deserted. The fatigue of the mission is beginning to catch up with everyone, and all of you are having difficulty staying awake. The captain decides to camp here overnight and follow the convoys trail at first light.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + +

A place to sleep is chosen at random from among the stores and offices that line the main street and the truck is parked in an adjacent alley. You enter to discover that your overnight accommodation was once a video arcade. Scores of video machines line the aisles, standing side-by-side like tombstones in an electronic cemetery. Their screens are blank but their titles are familiar, and they remind you of the hours you spent playing similar machines at home in California before The Day.

Much to your relief, Sergeant Haskell volunteers to take the first watch. Before you sleep, you must take a Drink or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

Turn to 236. @@ -918,7 +958,7 @@

On the other side of the truck, there is another sharp crack, followed by the trailing sound of a rifle shot echoing across the surrounding mountains.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your Stealth and Perception skill totals.

If your total score is 12 or less, turn to 347. - If your total is 13-16, turn to 10. + If your total is 1316, turn to 10. If it is 17 or more, turn to 291.
@@ -971,7 +1011,7 @@


Marine Knott nods his head, his jaw taut with concentration as he acknowledges your question.

OK then. Lets go, you whisper, as you ease yourself over the rampart, using only your elbows and knees to propel you away from the safety of Fort Bliss.


Anxiously, the captain and Sergeant Haskell watch as the two of you crawl across the broken ground, their weapons ready to give covering fire should the enemy see you approaching. The faint moonlight serves both to help and hinder your progress as you inch your way towards your first goal: an elevated section of Freeway 54. Clan snipers are known to occupy this vantage point, and you are painfully aware that not until you are directly beneath the raised highway itself will you be beyond the reach of their high-powered rifles.


Anxiously, the captain and Sergeant Haskell watch as the two of you crawl across the broken ground, their weapons ready to give covering fire should the enemy see you approaching. The faint moonlight serves both to help and hinder your progress as you inch your way towards your first goal: an elevated section of Highway 54. Clan snipers are known to occupy this vantage point, and you are painfully aware that not until you are directly beneath the raised highway itself will you be beyond the reach of their high-powered rifles.

Minutes pass like hours until you make it to the comparative safety of a shallow ditch that runs parallel to the concrete freeway supports. Knott arrives while you are scanning the dark, arch-like gaps between the concrete pillars, searching for the enemy, and immediately he points out a threat. Three clansmen are positioned behind a mound of rubble less than twenty yards away to your right. You study them, silently cursing your luck, for they are Detroit Lions; getting past these clansmen is not going to be easy.

@@ -1036,7 +1076,7 @@

As you enter the town, you see a clan motorcycle parked in front of the gas station. Two men are crouched nearby, studying tracks in the dust made by the trucks tyres.

We cant let these two get away, says Knott, as you approach the station stealthily. If they bring the others down on us before weve fixed the truck, well be lucky to see the colony again.

The two men are so interested in the tracks that they fail to notice you run across the street and take cover behind the gas station wall. Then the first clansman straightens himself and begins to walk towards the bike, while his partner remains kneeling on the ground, sifting through the remnants of the materials Haskell used to repair the trucks gas tank.


We gotta take em now, and we gotta take em quietly, whispers Knott, as he unsheathes his combat knife. There may be others in the neighbourhood. Its too risky to start shooting.


We gotta take em now, and we gotta take em quietly, whispers Knott, as he unsheathes his combat knife. There may be others in the neighbourhood. Its too risky to start shooting.

The second clansman is now rising to his feet. Knott pats your forearm and motions you to move with him as he gets ready to launch the ambush.

If you wish to attack the clansman who is standing beside the motorcycle, turn to 251. If you wish to attack the clansman who is rising to his feet, turn to 88. @@ -1349,6 +1389,14 @@

As the jeep speeds away from Lordsburg, you watch the blazing wreckage disappear slowly into the night. You are half-expecting a horde of clansmen to come roaring out of the town in hot pursuit, but as you make your escape there is no sign of any clan activity.

You cover fifteen miles, reaching the intersection with Highway 80, when the jeep runs out of fuel. The captain lets it cruise to the side of the freeway, and as soon as it stops he leaps out and walks around to the back to unhook a large fuel can that is strapped to the spare tyre.

Its your turn to drive, Cal, he says, as he shakes the can. You obey this command and settle yourself in the driving seat while he pours the contents into the jeeps empty tank. Theres about two gallons in this, he says, as the precious gas sloshes into the filler pipe. Its not going to get us very far.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + +

The captain is pouring in the last few drops of the spare gas when suddenly you discover why you were not followed out of Lordsburg.

Turn to 309. @@ -1400,7 +1448,7 @@

You sleep deeply but not for very long: the truck comes to a stop barely an hour after you closed your eyes, and you are woken by the sudden lack of movement. Where are we? you ask, shielding your bleary eyes from the glare of the early morning sunlight.


Bout a mile from the border, says the captain, as he pulls open the tailgate latch and lets the heavy section swing down noisily. Theres trouble up ahead. You two had better take a look for yselves.


Bout a mile from the border, says the captain, as he pulls open the tailgate latch and lets the heavy section swing down noisily. Theres trouble up ahead. You two had better take a look for yselves.

You and Sergeant Haskell stretch your aching limbs, and then ease yourselves down from the truck to take a look at your surroundings. You have stopped on a boulder-strewn highway that descends towards a town occupying a narrow mountain pass. North, beyond the sun-bleached buildings, the peaks of the Florida Mountains dominate the skyline. To the west of the town, another highway branches away at a junction that is marked with a battered road sign.

If you possess a pair of Binoculars or a Telescope, turn to 126. If you possess neither of these Backpack Items, turn to 232. @@ -1412,9 +1460,17 @@

I think they were waiting to hear some good news from an agent they sent after us, you reply, as you walk together towards the place where Kate has parked your roadster. Theyve a long wait if theyre still expecting him to call.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + +

Kate looks at you with a puzzled expression, and you recount in detail the events that befell the team during the escape from Ciudad Juarez. As you drive out of Benson, you tell her how Frankland, Haskell, and Knott met their deaths, and how you avenged them in your showdown with their murderer, Helmut Varken, at the Tombstone courthouse.

What dyou thinks gonna happen when Mad Dog finds out that youve killed Varken? she asks, nervously.


Well, he aint gonna be happy, thats fsure, especially after what we did at Ciudad. I dont know what hell do. I guess well just have to wait an see.


Well, he aint gonna be happy, thats fsure, especially after what we did at Juarez. I dont know what hell do. I guess well just have to wait an see.

Unfortunately, you do not have to wait long.

Turn to 252.
@@ -1490,7 +1546,7 @@

You scream as Mad Dog opens fire with his machine pistol, and slam your foot on the brake pedal. Your swift action saves you from death but you do not escape unscathed. One bullet clips your forearm and another grazes your neck: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.


Knowing that your enemy has only one hand on the wheel of his speeding car, you nudge the side of his speedster, tempting him to retaliate, and then, when he rises to your challenge, you brake heavily. Because he is still holding his machine pistol, he fails to react in time to prevent his car from crossing in front of you and hitting the central barrier. Metal twists and sparks fly from his fender as he scrapes along the crash barrier at nearly 100 miles an hour. You put your foot down and overtake him on the left, powering your roadster away as he fights to extricate himself from the barriers magnet-like grip.


Knowing that your enemy has only one hand on the wheel of his speeding car, you nudge the side of his speedster, tempting him to retaliate, and then, when he rises to your challenge, you brake heavily. Because he is still holding his machine pistol, he fails to react in time to prevent his car from crossing in front of you and hitting the central barrier. Metal twists and sparks fly from his fender as he scrapes along the crash barrier at nearly 100 miles an hour. You put your foot down and overtake him on the right, powering your roadster away as he fights to extricate himself from the barriers magnet-like grip.

Turn to 12.
@@ -1519,7 +1575,7 @@ 89 -

The incessant noise of the dogs is making your stomach churn. Then you catch sight of themtwo slack-jowled bloodhoundspadding their way across the Montana Road with two clansmen close behind. One of the men is carrying a machine pistol, the other a long-handled flashlight.


The incessant noise of the dogs is making your stomach churn. Then you catch sight of themtwo slack-jowled bloodhoundspadding their way across Montana Avenue with two clansmen close behind. One of the men is carrying a machine pistol, the other a long-handled flashlight.

Run for it! you hiss, pointing towards the ruins. Knott turns and sprints away. As soon as he is clear of the ditch, the dogs begin to bark wildly, alerting their handlers to your position. You scramble out and follow your partner, praying that you will reach cover before the clansmen see you and open fire. Your prayers are answered. In his haste the clansman drops his flashlight, and before he can retrieve it and switch it on, you follow Knott through the open door of a derelict building.

We stand a better chance if we split up, you say, casting an anxious glance over your shoulder at the yellow light that is now streaming through the doorway. But remembermeet up at the bridge as planned.

The torchlight illuminates the interior sufficiently for you to be able to make out two possible exits: a carpeted staircase leading to the first floor, and another leading down to the basement.

@@ -1566,10 +1622,7 @@

By keeping strictly to the alleys and side streets you are able to make your way deep into the heart of the city, avoiding the numerous clan patrols. At length you reach the banks of the Rio Grande and follow the river westwards towards your rendezvous destination. Your early encounters with Mad Dogs men have delayed you and now, as you hurry along the walkways and plazas bordering the river, you are fearful that you will arrive too late to join the others. You are hurrying along a walled sidewalk when you catch sight of the Stanton Street Toll Bridge less than 400 yards away. You are confident that it is the right bridge for it is the only one still intact. A glance at your wristwatch shows that you have less than ten minutes to spare.


You are about to break into a run when suddenly you hear a noise behind you that makes you freeze: it is the sound of a pistol being cocked. Instinctively you reach for your gun as you spin around to face your potential attacker, but your fear quickly evaporates when you see the familiar face of Marine Knott peering at you from over the walkway wall.


Youre getting a touch careless, Cal, he says, as he holsters his pistol and clambers over the wall to join you.


Yeah, youre right, you reply, self-consciously. I oughta know by now. Better late than dead, right?


Right, he says, and slaps you reassuringly on the back. The bridge is over there. Itll only take a few minutes to reach it. If alls well, the captain and Sergeant Haskell should be there already waitin for us.


The bridge is over there, Marine Knott says. Itll only take a few minutes to reach it. If alls well, the captain and Sergeant Haskell should be there already waitin for us.

You set off, soon reaching a cluster of old US immigration offices standing at the approach to the bridge. As Knott predicted, Frankland and Haskell are waiting for you to show and, as you approach the buildings, they call you over to join them. They have already scouted the bridge and determined that there are four clan guards on the bridge itself, but none at all on the service walkway that runs beneath it.

Weve less than an hour before the explosives are due to arrive, says the captain, checking his watch. Is everyone ready?

You nod in unison. OK then. Lets go!

@@ -1593,6 +1646,14 @@

The clansmen are armed with assault rifles, which they empty at the truck. Bullets ricochet from the rear and whistle past on every side, forcing you to duck behind the tailgate for cover. Your reflexes save you from being hit, but as you duck for cover, you catch your chin on the edge of the tailgate, splitting the skin: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + +

The firing stops and you raise your head in time to see the clan leader running into the middle of the highway, his hand outstretched to pick up a walkie-talkie that must have dropped from his pocket. He could attempt to radio another clan outpost, perhaps in Mimbres or even nearer, and forewarn them of your arrival.

If you wish to attempt to shoot the clansman to prevent him from using his radio, turn to 22. If you have insufficient ammunition, or if you do not wish to fire at him, turn to 335. @@ -1647,9 +1708,9 @@ 100 -

After considering the situation, Captain Frankland calls the team together in a room at the rear of the derelict caf. Weve got two options, men, he says, quietly. Either we ambush the trucks before they reach the race track, or we hit em once theyre inside. What dyou think, sergeant?


After considering the situation, Captain Frankland calls the team together in a room at the rear of the derelict caf. Weve got two options, men, he says, quietly. Either we ambush the trucks before they reach the race track, or we hit em once theyre inside. What dyou think, sergeant?

Haskell shifts uneasily, his face lined with concentration. I think were gonna have t blow them once theyre inside, sir. We dont know for sure which direction theyll approach from, and, considerin what theyve got on board, I doubt if theyll stop for anything until theyre safe inside Michigans HQ. You nod in agreement, as does Marine Knott.


Very well then. If we cant ambush em on the outside, well have to get inside the track and destroy em there. Itll make our chances of escape a whole lot shorter, but I agree with youI reckon we have no choice.


Very well then. If we cant ambush em on the outside, well have to get inside the track and destroy em there. Itll make our chances of escape a whole lot shorter, but I agree with youI reckon we have no choice.

Having decided on a plan of action, Sergeant Haskell distributes the mines, one to each man. Set the timers to five minutes, he says, and demonstrates how to do this using his own charge. Theyre magnetic, so try to fix them to the fuel tank if possible. Failing that, place them as near to the explosives as you can get.

You examine the heavy, saucer-like device and then carefully set its clockwork timer, according to Haskells instructions. Finally, you flick across the safety cover so that it protects the detonator button, and slip the mine inside your Backpack.

Record the Contact Mine on your Action Chart as a Backpack Item. If you already possess the maximum quota of Backpack Items, you must discard one article in its favour.

@@ -1755,6 +1816,14 @@

An old US Mail panel truck is the only vehicle in the Post Office parking lot. Its tyres have rotted, its battery is dead, and its engine is so full of dust that it will never work again. However, it still has some gasolene left in its fuel tank. The truck may not carry you anywhere but you cannot readily abandon its fuel.

You look for some means of collecting the gas, and discover an empty fuel can lying in the cab. However, you are still faced with the problem of getting the gasolene out of the trucks fuel tank.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + + If you possess a Plastic Tube, turn to 269. If you do not possess this item, turn to 92.
@@ -1775,10 +1844,18 @@ 110 -

After ten hours deep, uninterrupted sleep, you wake feeling thoroughly refreshed: restore 4 ENDURANCE points. The barricade is still intact and, once it is dismantled, you arm yourself before investigating the six other buildings that comprise the town. All of them are empty and show no signs of having been entered during the night, prompting you to believe that you may, at least for the time being , have given the assassin the slip.


After ten hours deep, uninterrupted sleep, you wake feeling thoroughly refreshed: restore 4 ENDURANCE points. The barricade is still intact and, once it is dismantled, you arm yourself before investigating the six other buildings that comprise the town. All of them are empty and show no signs of having been entered during the night, prompting you to believe that you may, at least for the time being, have given the assassin the slip.

In a shack behind the diner you discover a motorcycle that is in a serviceable condition. The tyres are sound and the gas tank is over half full with gasolene, but its oil level is very low. As you kick start the engine you can only hope that it will get you as far as Tucson before breaking down.

After studying the map you mount your new vehicle and set off, heading north along Highway 666. You have ridden only seven miles when a collapsed bridge forces you to change direction and travel west along an unmarked mountain road. You enjoy the cool breeze whipping through your hair as you ride at speed along this empty trail, and you cover more than twenty miles before coming to a small town where a sign proclaims:

GLEESON WELCOMES CAREFUL DRIVERS + + + Brian Williams + + + + + If you wish to stop at this mountain town, turn to 64. If you decide to ride through without stopping, turn to 50.
@@ -1789,7 +1866,7 @@

You give your enemy your undivided attention, for he is a formidable opponent. Also, he presents a difficult target: he is partially hidden behind the brick pillar of a hardware store, and his black suit merges readily with the shadows. Despite these disadvantages, you know that this may be your only chance to put an end to his pursuit and avenge the lives of your three dead comrades.


You watch as be completes the reloading of his rifle. Then he shoulders the weapon and takes up a pair of binocular-like field glasses, which hang from a strap around his neck. He places these bulky lenses to his visor and methodically scans the surrounding rooftops. This seems a curious thing to do as the buildings are very close: surely he does not need binoculars to be able to see if anyone is standing on top of them?


You watch as he completes the reloading of his rifle. Then he shoulders the weapon and takes up a pair of binocular-like field glasses, which hang from a strap around his neck. He places these bulky lenses to his visor and methodically scans the surrounding rooftops. This seems a curious thing to do as the buildings are very close: surely he does not need binoculars to be able to see if anyone is standing on top of them?

You prepare your own weapon and get ready to take aim. Then a chill stabs your heart as he scans the first floor windows of the courthouse and you realize that he is not using a regular pair of binoculars: they are sophisticated, high-resolution, image intensifiers.

Immediately you duck back from the window, but you cannot help but fear that he has already located your position.

Turn to 327. @@ -1910,7 +1987,7 @@

Your engine responds and you surge ahead, avoiding Mad Dogs attack by a few feet. You glance in your mirror to see him swerve across the freeway, but his car is equipped with a supercharged V-12 engine, more powerful than your own, and within a few seconds he comes roaring alongside. As he draws level, his electric passenger window glides down and you find yourself staring at the barrel of his machine pistol.

Add together your Perception skill total and your current ENDURANCE points score.

If your total score is 15 or less, turn to 193. - If your total is 16-20, turn to 87. + If your total is 1620, turn to 87. If it is 21 or more, turn to 21.
@@ -1988,6 +2065,14 @@

Marine Knott takes the wheel with the captain riding beside him in the cab. Meanwhile, you and the sergeant climb in the back and take up firing positions at the tailgate. Steadily Knott drives towards Columbus, keeping the speed down to avoid arousing too much suspicion. You are sixty yards from the barricade when the captain shouts through the cab partition: Hold on menwere going in!

You exchange an anxious glance with Sergeant Haskell as the engine roars and the truck picks up speed.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + +

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 03, turn to 188. If the number is 46, turn to 244. @@ -2060,7 +2145,7 @@

Inadvertently, your fall saves your life. A shot passes over your head a second after you stumble, missing you by a hands breadth. The imminent danger clears your mind and you race towards the trees with a determination to survive. Knott encourages you to increase your speed and you pray that you will reach cover before the sniper has a chance to slip another round into the breech of his rifle.

Add together your Stealth skill total and your current ENDURANCE points score. (Note: If your ENDURANCE score is low and you are heavily encumbered, it may be advisable to discard some of your Backpack Items in order to increase your Stealth skill total.)

If your total score is 15 or less, turn to 57. - If it is 16-19, turn to 83. + If it is 1619, turn to 83. If it is 20 or more, turn to 254.
@@ -2094,7 +2179,7 @@ 137 -

The tracks lead to a drug store at the centre of the town. It looks as if Kate parked your car here and went inside the store, for there are two lines of foot- prints in the dust, running from the street to the front door.


The tracks lead to a drug store at the centre of the town. It looks as if Kate parked your car here and went inside the store, for there are two lines of footprints in the dust, running from the street to the front door.

The others wait in the truck while you enter the store. Following in Kates footsteps, you arrive at some empty places on the stores shelves. She was after medical supplies, although she was selective about what she took. The shelves still hold a few medicines and other medical suppliesenough for two Medi-kit units. (If you wish to keep these, remember to mark them on your Action Chart.)

Having satisfied your curiosity, you go back to the truck and tell the others what you have found. Captain Frankland is anxious to reach Lordsburg before dark, so he orders Knott to turn the truck around and head back to Interstate 10.

Turn to 33. @@ -2149,6 +2234,14 @@

You twist the ignition key and pump the gas pedal; you feel a surge of relief when you hear the jeeps sturdy engine growl throatily. A flick of a switch brings the headlights to life and then you are off, accelerating along a narrow street opposite the bus depot that leads to the west side of town.

Most of Mad Dogs clansmen are concentrated around the block of buildings where the truck was discovered, but there are some, most notably the Detroit Lions scouts, who have taken up lookout positions in other parts of the town. You pass two or three of them on your way through Lordsburg, yet they seem to ignore you. The jeepwith its clan markingsand the darkness, enable you to pass them without challenge.

It is not until you begin your approach to the access ramp of Interstate 10 that you encounter any problem. Soon after your truck was found, Mad Dog dispatched a unit of scouts in a pick-up to guard the freeway ramp, just in case. It was a smart move. When the scouts see you approaching, they switch on a spotlight mounted on the roof of the pick-up, above the drivers seat, and catch you in its beam. When a radio call confirms that you are not what you seem, they accelerate towards you in an attempt to run you off the road.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + +

Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your Driving skill total.

If your total score is 3 or less, turn to 205. If it is 47, turn to 25. @@ -2240,8 +2333,8 @@

Yessir! Knott replies.

As the dust-blown stores and houses of the derelict Mexican town trail away behind the truck, it becomes obvious that the place is deserted. Knott arrives at the same conclusion and decreases speed as he prepares to turn off the main highway. The truck crosses a bridge then swings to the right and stops beside a store that lost its roof long ago.

Theyre still with us, captain, said Haskell, staring across the dry river bed at the group of headlights, as the bikers enter the town.


Not for long, Frankland growls, his voice harsh and determined. Spread out and find some cover. Well take em as they come over the bridge.


Quickly you move away from the truck and scour the darkness, straining your eyes to find a place to hide that also has an unobstructed view of the bridge. You can see only two such places, both far from ideal. One is a gas pump, standing on the forecourt of a gas station directly opposite the bridge: the other is an industrial trash can, abandoned at the side of the bridges exit ramp.


Not for long, Frankland growls, his voice harsh and determined. Spread out and find some cover. Well take em as they come over the bridge.


Quickly you move away from the truck and scour the darkness, straining your eyes to find a place to hide that also has an unobstructed view of the bridge. You can see only two such places, both far from ideal. One is a gas pump, standing on the forecourt of a gas station directly opposite the bridge; the other is an industrial trash can, abandoned at the side of the bridges exit ramp.

If you wish to take cover behind the gas pump, turn to 74. If you decide to place yourself inside the trash can, turn to 317.
@@ -2515,6 +2608,14 @@

You and the captain leave Knott to pay his last respects and walk back to the pick-up to consider your next course of action. Mad Dog Michigan is known to have snipers at his disposal, former HAVOC assassins who operated under him in the years before The Day. If it was one of those professionals who killed Haskell, the chances are that he will not stop until he has finished you all off.

Weve gotta keep moving if were to stay out of range of this assassin, says Captain Frankland, as he stares across the landscape. Ive had experience of these murderers in the past. Theyre totally ruthless and totally professional.

Then, as if in answer to his words and your fears, another gunshot echoes across the pine-clad mountains.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + +

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 03, turn to 340. If the number is 49, turn to 277. @@ -2648,7 +2749,14 @@

You leave behind the blazing wreckage as you speed away from Lordsburg on Interstate 10. You are expecting to be followed, yet, as the town slowly vanishes into the night, there is no sign of a clan pursuit.

You cover fifteen miles, reaching the intersection with Highway 80, when the jeep runs out of fuel. You let it cruise to the side of the freeway. As soon as you stop, Captain Frankland unhooks a large fuel can that is strapped to the rear of the jeep and shakes it.

Theres about two gallons in this, he says, as he flicks open the cap and pours the contents into the jeeps empty tank. Its not going to get us very far.

- + + + Brian Williams + + + + +

As the captain pours the last of the spare gas into the jeep, suddenly you discover why you were not followed out of Lordsburg.

Turn to 309.
@@ -2702,6 +2810,14 @@

The temperature continues to rise as the truck makes its way along the remains of Highway 81, across a vast and spectacular landscape. It is nearly noon when you reach a winding, steep-sided canyonpart of the great continental divide. Its multi-banded strata of rocks provide a dramatic splash of colour in this sun-bleached mountain wasteland.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + +

The colony should be in Deming about now, says the Captain, glancing at his wristwatch. When we reach the Interstate, well stop and wait for them there. No sense travelling in this heat if we can help it.

He has barely finished talking when there is a loud bang. The floor shudders, and then the engine starts to cough and splutter. Knott groans loudly, fearing the worst, and desperately pumps the gas pedal to keep the engine from stalling. For half a mile the truck lurches along the highway like a drunken kangaroo, until the engine utters its last cough and stops.

An examination of the engine soon reveals the problema cracked electronic ignition unit. Knott recalls seeing one of these lying on a workbench back at the Hachita gas station, and curses himself for not having taken it. At least a replacement part is within reach. Knott volunteers to return to the town, ten miles away, and asks for someone to accompany him.

@@ -2764,6 +2880,14 @@

When you can no longer see the highway for trees, you rise to your feet and scurry deeper into the forest. Here the air is heavy and still, and the heat is stifling, but at least the trees protect you from the midday sun. For two hours you ascend the pine-clad slopes of the Pedregosa Mountains, wending your way steadily westwards towards peaks that are hidden from sight.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + +

Throughout your weary trek, you exchange less than a dozen words with Marine Knott. The grief and the shock you feel play on your mind, and no matter how hard you try to shake them the images of your companions final moments keep repeating in your minds eye. Eventually you come to terms with your sense of bereavement, but you cannot escape the ever-present fear that the sniper is somewhere nearby.

By mid-afternoon you discover a trail that cuts through the scrub growing in abundance on the higher slopes. The trail is a welcome discovery, for the scrub is twisted and tough, gnarled, and deep-rooted, and difficult to climb. You have been following the trail for less than an hour when it starts to ascend very steeply towards a rugged outcrop of rock.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your Field Craft skill total.

@@ -2778,8 +2902,8 @@

OK, Cal, says the captain. Me and the sergeantll take the scenic route. Well go first. Give us time to clear the zone then wait five minutes before you and Knott make your move. Is that clear?

No problem, you reply, confidently. Well meet up at the toll bridge at 0100 hours.


With bated breath you watch as the two soldiers slip over the perimeter wall and crawl away from the safety of Fort Bliss. Expertly they merge with the broken wasteland so that you soon find it impossible to track their path, leading to an elevated section of Freeway 54. Fifteen minutes later, all is still as quiet as the grave. You are sure that they have made it across the zone by now, and so you motion to Marine Knott to follow as you lower yourself head-first over the rampart and propel yourself across the rocky ground using only your elbows and knees.


The faint moonlight serves both to help and hinder your progress as you inch your way towards the Montana Road, a highway that runs 100 yards in front of, and parallel to, the clansmens position. Every move you make is slow and deliberate as though the ground were strewn with eggs, so urgent is the need to prevent dust from betraying your position. Eventually you reach a shallow ditch bordering the highway and you use it as cover as you advance towards a group of ruined buildings at the edge of the city. You are less than twenty yards from the ruins when you are frozen by the sound of howling dogs. They are clan bloodhounds and they have picked up your scent on the warm night air.


With bated breath you watch as the two soldiers slip over the perimeter wall and crawl away from the safety of Fort Bliss. Expertly they merge with the broken wasteland so that you soon find it impossible to track their path, which leads to an elevated section of Highway 54. Fifteen minutes later, all is still as quiet as the grave. You are sure that they have made it across the zone by now, and so you motion to Marine Knott to follow as you lower yourself head-first over the rampart and propel yourself across the rocky ground using only your elbows and knees.


The faint moonlight serves both to help and hinder your progress as you inch your way towards Montana Avenue, a highway that runs 100 yards in front of, and parallel to, the clansmens position. Every move you make is slow and deliberate as though the ground were strewn with eggs, so urgent is the need to prevent dust from betraying your position. Eventually you reach a shallow ditch bordering the highway and you use it as cover as you advance towards a group of ruined buildings at the edge of the city. You are less than twenty yards from the ruins when you are frozen by the sound of howling dogs. They are clan bloodhounds and they have picked up your scent on the warm night air.

With your pulse racing, you peer over the edge of the ditch, seeking to catch a clear view of the enemy. You cannot see them, but you can hear them approaching fast. You must act quickly if you are to avoid being caught by the hounds and their handlers.

If you possess at least one Meals worth of food and wish to use it to delay the hounds, turn to 109. If you do not possess any food, or if you do not wish to use it, turn to 89. @@ -2904,7 +3028,7 @@

The man enters the room, his pistol poised to shoot should either of you be foolish enough to think you can overpower him. He motions you to move back against the far wall, and when you comply, he calls to his companions, who are hiding below the floor.


Its OK, Jack, I got em covered. You can bring everyone up now.


Its OK, Jack, I got em covered. You can bring everyone up now.

One by one, a family colony of survivors climbs the stairs and files into the room. The first to appear is a man in his mid-thirties, lean and clean-shaven, yet bearing a striking resemblance to the man with the gun. He is followed by two women of about the same age; then two children appear: a boy aged about eight and a girl aged eleven or so.

@@ -2935,6 +3059,14 @@

The captain leads the team through the buildings of the immigration control compound, and on towards the iron-framed service walkway. The gate to this section is locked but its rusty padlock is soon dealt with and stealthily you make your crossing. Below your feet, through the cage-like steel floor of the walkway, the waters of the Rio Grande glint in the moonlight. To your right lie the ruined remains of the Cordova Bridge. Its central span collapsed during the post-holocaust years, and the debris now forms an island of broken concrete that parts the waters near the middle of the river. The noisy rush of the water passing over this isle obscures the sound of your footfalls as the team hurries across the walkway towards the Mexican side of the border.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + +

You are less than twenty yards from the exit gate when the captain signals a halt. Silently he points to the end of the walkway, where two clan sentries are standing guard with their backs to the river. Weve gotta deal with these two quickly and quietly, he whispers, as he reaches to his boot and unsheathes his black-bladed combat knife.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 06, turn to 67. @@ -3051,7 +3183,7 @@ 213 -

You fire, and almost immediately throw yourself to the floor of the truck, hoping to avoid your enemys counterfire. Fortunately, your move proves unnecessarily cautious: your burst of fire hits the clan commander in the head, killing him instantly. (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.)


You fire, and almost immediately throw yourself to the floor of the truck, hoping to avoid your enemys return fire. Fortunately, your move proves unnecessarily cautious: your burst of fire hits the clan commander in the head, killing him instantly. (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.)

His death travels like a shock wave through the other clansmen, bringing them to an abrupt halt. They abort their attack and fall back, a few of them stopping just long enough to pick up and bear his lifeless body away from the street.

While there is a lull in the firing, you seize the chance to help Knott and Captain Frankland clear away the debris that is blocking your escape. A thick, wooden pole, which once supported overhead electricity cables in this part of town, is jammed between the wheel and the trucks front fender. With your help they are able to shift it, and Knott returns to the cab and starts the engine first time. Then, as he brings the truck over the mound, you and the captain leap onto the tailgate and pull yourselves aboard.

The street ends at a piece of wasteland but a few hundred yards beyond it lies a highway running east to west. The captain peers through the cabs partition window and gives an ironic laugh when he sees the highway.

@@ -3302,7 +3434,7 @@ 234 -

Nervously you glance over your shoulder as the howling grows louder. Then you catch sight of them, two slack-jowled bloodhounds, padding their way across the Montana Road with two clansmen close behind. One of the men is carrying a machine pistol, the other a long-handled flashlight.


Nervously you glance over your shoulder as the howling grows louder. Then you catch sight of them, two slack-jowled bloodhounds, padding their way across Montana Avenue with two clansmen close behind. One of the men is carrying a machine pistol, the other a long-handled flashlight.

You are beginning to fear the worst when suddenly both dogs smell the meat and bound towards it. The clansmen curse them, but, before they can pull them away from their meal, you and Knott reach the open door of a derelict building and slip inside unseen. Although the interior is dark and dusty, you are able to discover an exit on the far side of the building and escape before the enemy has a chance to catch up.

Turn to 93.
@@ -3337,7 +3469,7 @@ 237 -

Marine Knott begins his descent to the basement while you race up the stairs to a landing on the first floor where a corridor stretches away into the darkness. To your right is a door, slightly ajar, which bears the faded words EL PASO JOURNALNEWS ROOM on its panelled wood surface. You enter to discover a large, dusty room cluttered with desks and computer terminals. A fire escape sign catches your eye: it is positioned above a window on the far side of the room.


Marine Knott begins his descent to the basement while you race up the stairs to a landing on the first floor where a corridor stretches away into the darkness. To your right is a door, slightly ajar, which bears the faded words EL PASO JOURNALNEWS ROOM on its panelled wood surface. You enter to discover a large, dusty room cluttered with desks and computer terminals. A fire escape sign catches your eye: it is positioned above a window on the far side of the room.

A noise on the stairs makes your heart skip a beat: someone is approaching. Hurriedly you weave your way through the maze of office furniture, taking great pains to avoid making a noise, only to discover that the fire escape window is jammed shut. A light shines across the door and you hear the snuffling whine of a bloodhound in the corridor outside.

If you wish to smash the glass and escape through the window, turn to 153. If you decide to hide among the desks, turn to 9. @@ -3417,6 +3549,14 @@

The truck hits the wall of cars with a tremendous crash that sends a violent shudder through the floor. Angry voices and the sharp crackle of automatic gunfire can be heard amidst the roar of the engine as the truck lurches through the enemy line and accelerates along the main street. The air becomes livid with the sounds of singing bullets. They pierce the canvas and shatter against the cage-like frame. An occasional fragment singes your skin but otherwise you escape unharmed.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + +

Now Haskell is at the tailgate, returning fire at the clansmen who are guarding the barricade, forcing them to quit shooting and dive for cover. You move to join him but you are distracted when you feel the truck decelerating. A glance over your shoulder in the direction of the cab window soon reveals why Knott is slowing down.

Turn to 7.
@@ -3544,6 +3684,14 @@

Confident that the clansmen are too shaken to be able to shoot straight, you laugh with disdain at their attempt to hit the truck. Unfortunately, they are armed with high-powered, M-10 assault rifles that are fitted with telescopic sights. Moreover all three men are expert shots.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + +

A withering hail of bullets hits you in a line across your chest and sends you tumbling backwards to crash against the cab. You feel no pain, for two of the rounds have pierced your heart. Death is instantaneous.

Tragically, your life and your mission end here on Highway 9.
@@ -3580,7 +3728,15 @@

Steadily the highway climbs towards a pass, beyond which there is a hairpin bend. You manage to negotiate it safely, only to find that a rockfall has partially blocked the road less than twenty yards beyond the bend. Your driving instinct warns you not to brake heavily for fear of sending the jeep into a skid, so you try to steer around the mound of fallen rock without slowing down. Your tactics work: you clear the mound with inches to spare. Unluckily, as you straighten the steering wheel, you strike a stray boulder and the jeep is brought to a grinding halt.

The front running gears wrecked, says Captain Frankland, despondently, as he inspects the damage. Theres no way well get any further in this vehicle.


The situation looks bleak: the clansmen are likely to show up at any time and they are sure to catch you now that the jeep is wrecked. Then an idea occurs to you that might just throw them off your trail. If you were to set fire to the jeep and push it into the deep canyon that borders this section of the mountain road, the sight of the burning wreckage might convince them that you had met with a fatal accident. The others agree that it is worth a try and immediately set about preparing the jeep. Together you manhandle it to the edge of the road, and then light a rag, which Haskell has stuffed into the gasolene filter pipe. Once it is burning, you give one last push and send the vehicle careering over the edge into the canyon 300 feet below. After the resounding crash, you hear the clansmen approaching and you quickly take cover among the boulders. To make it seem more realistic Marine Knott drops his bloodstained tunic at the edge of the road before he takes cover, seconds before the first riders appear on the scene.


The situation looks bleak: the clansmen are likely to show up at any time and they are sure to catch you now that the jeep is wrecked. Then an idea occurs to you that might just throw them off your trail. If you were to set fire to the jeep and push it into the deep canyon that borders this section of the mountain road, the sight of the burning wreckage might convince them that you had met with a fatal accident. The others agree that it is worth a try and immediately set about preparing the jeep. Together you manhandle it to the edge of the road, and then light a rag, which Haskell has stuffed into the gasolene filler pipe. Once it is burning, you give one last push and send the vehicle careering over the edge into the canyon 300 feet below. After the resounding crash, you hear the clansmen approaching and you quickly take cover among the boulders. To make it seem more realistic Marine Knott drops his bloodstained tunic at the edge of the road before he takes cover, seconds before the first riders appear on the scene.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + + Turn to 227.
@@ -3642,7 +3798,7 @@ 264 -

Coarse shouts and whooping screams of delight echo from behind the building: the clansmen have discovered the truck. The news is relayed to Mad Dog Michigan stirring him to a fearful rage. Theyre here, I know it! he screams, demonically. Find them! Find them! I want them dead!


Coarse shouts and whooping screams of delight echo from behind the building: the clansmen have discovered the truck. The news is relayed to Mad Dog Michigan, stirring him to a fearful rage. Theyre here, I know it! he screams, demonically. Find them! Find them! I want them dead!

He paces the main street, shaking his fist at the buildings on either side, demanding that his men fulfil his lust for revenge. They storm the building on which you hide and at once you begin looking for a way out.

@@ -3656,7 +3812,7 @@

The fire escape offers no solution: its ladder descends to the main street. There is only one way off the roof and that is to jump to the neighbouring building fifteen feet away. After jamming the roof door to delay the clansmen for as long as possible, the captain leads the escape. The others throw their guns and equipment across and then make the jump safely. You are making the run-up to your jump when you hear a loud burst of gunfire and see the roof door collapse, shot off its hinges.

Add together your Stealth skill total and your current ENDURANCE points score (ignoring any encumbrance penalties you have due to the number of Backpack Items you possess). Now pick a number from the Random Number Table and add this figure to your score.

If your total score is 18 or less, turn to 45. - If your total is 19-22, turn to 349. + If your total is 1922, turn to 349. If it is 23 or more, turn to 130.
@@ -3665,7 +3821,7 @@ 265 -

The howling grows louder. Then you catch sight of them, two slack-jowled bloodhounds, padding their way across the Montana Road with two clansmen close behind. One of the men is carrying a machine pistol, the other a long-handled flashlight.


The howling grows louder. Then you catch sight of them, two slack-jowled bloodhounds, padding their way across Montana Avenue with two clansmen close behind. One of the men is carrying a machine pistol, the other a long-handled flashlight.

One of the dogs smells the meat and bounds towards it, but the other ignores his brother and continues to lead his torch-wielding handler straight towards you. He sees you, and begins to bark wildly, alerting his handler to your presence.

Run for it! you hiss. Weve been seen!

Knott increases his speed and you follow him, praying that you will reach cover before the clansmen open fire. Your prayers are answered. In his haste, the clansman drops his flashlight, and before he can retrieve it and switch it on, you follow Knott through the open door of a derelict building.

@@ -3724,7 +3880,7 @@

You freeze for an instant, and then raise your hands above your head slowly in a desperate attempt to save yourself by surrendering to the assassin. Unfortunately, your actions do not impress the cold-hearted murderer.


With horror you see the muzzle of his rifle spit a core of yellow flame, and then an agonizing pain erupts in the middle of your forehead. The impact lifts your feet off the ground, sending you sprawling against the courthouse wall. The pain disappears to be replaced by a numbness that clouds your vision and drains the last of your strength from your unfeeling limbs. An overwhelming desire to sleep assails your senses, and, although you fight to stay awake, it is a fight you have no hope of winning.


With horror you see the muzzle of his rifle spit a cone of yellow flame, and then an agonizing pain erupts in the middle of your forehead. The impact lifts your feet off the ground, sending you sprawling against the courthouse wall. The pain disappears to be replaced by a numbness that clouds your vision and drains the last of your strength from your unfeeling limbs. An overwhelming desire to sleep assails your senses, and, although you fight to stay awake, it is a fight you have no hope of winning.

Tragically, your life and your mission end here in Tombstone, Arizona.
@@ -3765,6 +3921,14 @@

The moment you bring the roadster back onto the freeway, Mad Dog draws up alongside. Kate empties her pistol at his head, but the clan leader just laughs: his speedster is equipped with bullet-proof glass and the slugs fail to penetrate. He sneers, and draws his finger across his throat before swerving towards you in an attempt to ram you off the road.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + +

If you are to avoid this ramming attack, you must take swift evasive action.

If you wish to accelerate, turn to 121. If you choose to brake heavily, turn to 260. @@ -3967,7 +4131,7 @@

Inadvertently, your fall saves your life. A shot passes over your head a second after you stumble, missing you by a hands breadth. The imminent danger clears your mind and you race towards the trees with a determination to survive. Knott encourages you to increase your speed and you pray that you will reach cover before the sniper has a chance to slip another round into the breech of his rifle.

Add together your Stealth skill total and your current ENDURANCE points score. (Note: If your ENDURANCE score is low and you are heavily encumbered, it may be advisable to discard some of your Backpack Items in order to increase your Stealth skill total.)

If your total score is 15 or less, turn to 57. - If it is 16-19, turn to 83. + If it is 1619, turn to 83. If it is 20 or more, turn to 254.
@@ -3989,6 +4153,14 @@

As they approach, the clansmen train their spotlight on the jeeps windscreen in an attempt to blind Captain Frankland. Despite the glare, he controls the vehicle admirably, veering away at the last moment to avoid collision with the oncoming truck. As the pick-up flashes past, you swing around and open fire at its trunk.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + +

The heavy-calibre rounds riddle the running gear and tear the back tyres to shreds. It sends the truck into a violent skid, and then there is a tremendous bang as the fuel tank explodes. As the captain accelerates away onto the freeway, you watch in silence as a huge ball of billowing orange flame engulfs the remains of the truck and its passengers.

Turn to 75.
@@ -4271,7 +4443,7 @@

It stares down at you, widens with shock, and then disappears from view. Cursing your luck, you start to move back from the door and have retreated a few yards when something else appears, something that makes you gulp with fear. It is the barrel of a semi-automatic pistol, and it is pointed at your chest.

Add together your Stealth skill total and your current ENDURANCE points score.

If your total score is 12 or less, turn to 113. - If your total is 13-19, turn to 266. + If your total is 1319, turn to 266. If it is 20 or more, turn to 222.
@@ -4301,8 +4473,8 @@

The dog begins to whine excitedly. He lopes into the room, following the trail of your scent towards the window where he paces back and forth until his master calls him to heel. Quickly he obeys, the scars on his body bearing testimony to past punishments for reacting too slowly to his masters command. You hear the clansman approaching, and then see him standing at the window staring out at the fire escape. Thoughtfully he scratches his unshaven chin, and then calls his dog once more and turns to leave.

Add together your Stealth and Field Craft totals. Then pick a number from the Random Number Table (in this instance 0 = 10).

- If your total skill score is less than or equal to the number you have picked from the Random Number Table, turn to 297. - If your total skill score is greater than the number you picked from the Random Number Table, turn to 84. + If your total skill score is less than or equal to the number you have picked from the Random Number Table, turn to 84. + If your total skill score is greater than the number you picked from the Random Number Table, turn to 297.
@@ -4440,6 +4612,14 @@

You raise your left hand to shield your eyes from the glare of the spotlight. They are trying to blind you as they approach, but you are more than a match for them. You shout to the others to hold tight and, when they are nearly upon you, you swerve aside, bringing the jeep to a controlled halt at the edge of the highway.

Captain Frankland is the first to recover and quickly mans the heavy machine gun. The pick-up completes a spectacular 180-degree turn and comes racing back, but he is waiting for them. They are thirty yards away when he cocks the weapon and opens fire.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + +

The heavy-calibre rounds riddle the engine and tear the cab to shreds. The truck starts to skid, and then there is a tremendous bang as the fuel tank explodes. As you accelerate onto the freeway, you glance in the driving mirror to see a huge ball of billowing orange flame engulf the remains of the truck and its passengers.

Turn to 178.
@@ -4506,6 +4686,14 @@

The more you think about your predicament, the more you realize how futile it is to try to outrun them. Even if you were able to defeat all the scouts, Mad Dog Michigan would simply send more and more until his lust for vengeance had finally been sated. Then an idea occurs to you that might just throw him off your trail for good. If you were able to convince the enemy that you were dead, it would put an end to their pursuit. You share your thoughts with the others and they agree with your reasoning.

Youre right, Cal. Well have to stage an accident and convince the clansmen that weve all been killed, says Captain Frankland.

Soon you reach a part of the mountains where a deep canyon borders the road. Here you bring the jeep to a halt and immediately set about preparing the accident. You push the vehicle to the edge of the road, and then light a rag, which Haskell has stuffed into the gasolene filler pipe. It ignites and once it is burning you give the jeep a push and send it careering over the edge into the canyon 300 feet below. After the resounding crash, you hear the clansmen approaching and you quickly take cover behind some boulders. To make it seem more realistic, Marine Knott drops his bloodstained tunic at the edge of the road before he joins you, seconds before the first clansmen appear on the scene.

+ + + Brian Williams + + + + + Turn to 227.
@@ -5242,7 +5430,7 @@

(Weapons) Replaced The maximum number of close combat weapons you may carry is two with The maximum number of close combat weapons you may carry is two, though you may only wield one at any time. Replaced possess rounds of the wrong calibre with possess only rounds of the wrong calibre.


(Close Combat Rules) Replaced cross-refer with cross-reference. Replaced zero with zero or below. Replaced 1) He with 1). He. Replaced are reduced to zero, at which point the one whose score is zero is declared dead. with are reduced to zero or below, at which point that combatant is declared dead.. Replaced with a reduced ENDURANCE point score with with his ENDURANCE points possibly reduced. Removed on the inside back cover of the book.


(Close Combat Rules) Replaced cross-refer with cross-reference. Replaced zero with zero or below. Replaced 1) He with 1). He. Replaced are reduced to zero, at which point the one whose score is zero is declared dead. with are reduced to zero or below, at which point that combatant is declared dead.. Replaced with a reduced ENDURANCE point score with with his ENDURANCE points possibly reduced. Removed on the inside back cover of the book.

(1) Replaced Cruces, then with Cruces, and then. Replaced north-west with northwest. Replaced make you way with make your way. Replaced says, I with says. I.

(4) Replaced outside, then with outside, and then. Replaced leads to a staircase, at the bottom of which is a fire exit with leads to a fire exit as you can only reach this section by not climbing the stairs in Section 298. Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).

@@ -5256,6 +5444,7 @@

(13) Replaced nearby, then with nearby; then. Replaced If the fight lasts with If you win and the fight lasts.

(14) Replaced plateau, towards with plateau towards. Replaced plateau, under with plateau under.

(19) Replaced over, then with over, and then. Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).


(21) Replaced overtake him on the left with overtake him on the right.

(22) Replaced reply; bruised with reply. Bruised. Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).

(23) Replaced equal to, or less than, the with less than or equal to the.

(25) Replaced each occurrence of on to with onto. Replaced bang with bang.

@@ -5269,7 +5458,7 @@

(41) Replaced on to with onto.

(42) Replaced shockwave with shock wave. Replaced The colony have with The colony has.

(43) Replaced much-needed with much needed.


(44) Replaced OK then, lets with OK then. Lets. Added a paragraph break between Ready?. Replaced Marine Knott nods his head.


(44) Replaced OK then, lets with OK then. Lets. Added a paragraph break between Ready?. Replaced Marine Knott nods his head. Replaced Freeway 54 with Highway 54.

(46) Replaced spyhole with spy-hole. Replaced dimly-lit with dimly lit. Replaced lock, and with lock and.

(53) Replaced despatch with dispatch. Replaced belt, then with belt, and then. Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).

(54) Replaced HE Grenade, and with HE Grenade and. Replaced Tennon Saw, and with Tenon Saw and. Replaced Backpack item with Backpack Item. Replaced or choose with or if you choose.

@@ -5284,13 +5473,18 @@

(72) Replaced clear, then with clear, and then.

(79) Replaced days or with days, or.

(80) Replaced limbs, then with limbs, and then. Replaced If you possess a pair of Binoculars with If you possess a pair of Binoculars or a Telescope. Replaced If you do not possess this Backpack item with If you possess neither of these Backpack Items.


(81) Replaced Haskell and with Haskell, and.


(81) Replaced Haskell and with Haskell, and. Replaced at Ciudad with at Juarez to reflect common parlance.

(82) Replaced silently and with silently, and. Replaced Bowie Knife [3] with Bowie Knife (3).

(85) Replaced sideways, then with sideways, and then.

(86) Replaced brighter, then with brighter, and then. Replaced three, then with three, and then.


(87) Replaced overtake him on the left with overtake him on the right.

(88) Replaced If the fight lasts six rounds or more, with If the fight lasts to a sixth round. Replaced turn to 11 with turn immediately to 11.


(89) Replaced pistol; the with pistol, the.


(89) Replaced pistol; the with pistol, the. Replaced the Montana Road with Montana Avenue.

(92) Replaced syphoning with siphoning. Replaced syphon with siphon. Replaced Backpack items with Backpack Items.


(93) Replaced You are about to break into a run when suddenly you hear a noise behind you that makes you freeze: it is the sound of a pistol being cocked. Instinctively you reach for your gun as you spin around to face your potential attacker, but your fear quickly evaporates when you see the familiar face of Marine Knott peering at you from over the walkway wall.


Youre getting a touch careless, Cal, he says, as he holsters his pistol and clambers over the wall to join you.


Yeah, youre right, you reply, self-consciously. I oughta know by now. Better late than dead, right?


Right, he says, and slaps you reassuringly on the back. The bridge is over there. Itll only take a few minutes to reach it. If alls well, the captain and Sergeant Haskell should be there already waitin for us. with The bridge is over there, Marine Knott says. Itll only take a few minutes to reach it. If alls well, the captain and Sergeant Haskell should be there already waitin for us.

(95) Replaced or do with or if you do.

(97) Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).

(98) Replaced If is is 11 or more with If it is 11 or more.

@@ -5317,6 +5511,7 @@

(144) Replaced What the with What the?.

(145) Replaced Backpack item with Backpack Item.

(148) Replaced (minimum equals one round; maximum equals eight rounds) with (minimum: one round; maximum: eight rounds. Remember to deduct this number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch). Replaced breach, then with breech; then.


(149) Replaced bridge: the with bridge; the.

(150) Replaced gunsmoke with gun smoke. Replaced blood-stained with bloodstained. Replaced Knife [2] with Knife (2). Replaced HAVOC were with HAVOC was. Replaced eight years old with seven years old as Cal was born on Thanksgiving Day 2000, which is in November, so could not be eight years old on 1 May 2008. Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).

(152) Replaced Hunting Knife [2] with Hunting Knife (2). Replaced Bowie Knife [3] with Bowie Knife (3).

(153) Replaced half-way with halfway. Replaced It it is with If it is.

@@ -5343,7 +5538,7 @@

(185) Replaced evilly, then with evilly, and then.

(188) Replaced noise, then with noise, and then. Replaced clansmen, and with clansmen and. Replaced or are with or if you are.

(189) Replaced pineclad with pine-clad. Replaced gnarled and with gnarled, and.


(190) Replaced or do with or if you do.


(190) Replaced or do with or if you do. Replaced Freeway 54 with Highway 54. Replaced the Montana Road with Montana Avenue. Replaced path, leading to with path, which leads to.

(192) Replaced Backpack items with Backpack Items. Replaced units or with units, or. Replaced Knife [2] with Knife (2). Replaced Hammer [2] with Hammer (2).

(193) Replaced neck and with neck, and.

(195) Replaced syphon with siphon. Replaced newly repaired with newly-repaired.

@@ -5354,7 +5549,7 @@

(205) Replaced are the terrified screams with is the terrified screams.

(208) Replaced Backpack, then with Backpack and belt, and then (cf. Section 306).

(209) Replaced much-needed with much needed. Replaced to the west with to the east.


(213) Replaced shockwave with shock wave. Replaced counter-fire with counterfire. Replaced on to with onto. Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).


(213) Replaced shockwave with shock wave. Replaced counter-fire with return fire. Replaced on to with onto. Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).

(215) Replaced What the with What the?.

(220) Replaced landcruiser with Landcruiser.

(222) Replaced spyhole with spy-hole. Replaced lock, and with lock and.

@@ -5364,23 +5559,23 @@

(228) Replaced rebounds, then with rebounds, and then. Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).

(230) Replaced on to with onto.

(232) Replaced Knott, and with Knott and.


(234) Replaced pistol; the with pistol, the.


(234) Replaced pistol; the with pistol, the. Replaced the Montana Road with Montana Avenue.

(235) Replaced If, after this accident, you are still alive with If you are still alive after this accident.

(238) Replaced water canteen and with water canteen, and.

(241) Replaced binouclars with binoculars.

(242) Replaced flash, then with flash, and then.

(243) Replaced a handful of faded family photographs stands with a handful of faded family photographs stand.

(252) Replaced machine gunfire with machine gun fire. Replaced minutes, then with minutes; then. Replaced Pantona Wash with Pantano Wash.


(258) Replaced blood-stained with bloodstained.


(258) Replaced blood-stained with bloodstained. Replaced filter pipe with filler pipe.

(259) Replaced torchbeam with torchs beam.

(262) Replaced spins, then with spins, and then.

(263) Replaced your lenses with your magnifying device.


(264) Replaced encumberance with encumbrance. Replaced Backpack items with Backpack Items.


(265) Replaced pistol; the with pistol, the. Replaced alerting its handler with alerting his handler.


(264) Replaced encumberance with encumbrance. Replaced Backpack items with Backpack Items. Replaced Michigan stirring him with Michigan, stirring him.


(265) Replaced pistol; the with pistol, the. Replaced alerting its handler with alerting his handler. Replaced the Montana Road with Montana Avenue.

(266) Replaced spyhole with spy-hole. Replaced lock, and with lock and.

(267) Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).

(269) Replaced syphon with siphon.


(270) Replaced instant, then with instant, and then. Replaced flame, then with flame, and then.


(270) Replaced instant, then with instant, and then. Replaced flame, then with flame, and then. Replaced core of yellow flame with cone of yellow flame.

(271) Replaced weapon, then with weapon; then.

(273) Replaced f sure with fsure.

(274) Replaced on to with onto.

@@ -5412,7 +5607,7 @@

(314) Replaced Half-way with Halfway. Replaced on to with onto.

(315) Replaced stationary, then with stationary, and then. Replaced away, then with away, and then. Replaced If the fight with If you win and the fight.

(316) Replaced spyhole with spy-hole. Replaced shock, then with shock, and then.


(319) Replaced chin, then with chin, and then. Replaced approaching, then with approaching, and then. Replaced equal to, or less than, the with less than or equal to the.


(319) Replaced chin, then with chin, and then. Replaced approaching, then with approaching, and then. Replaced equal to, or less than, the with less than or equal to the. Swapped the section numbers in the choices to send the first to Section 84 and the second to Section 297 so that the player is not penalised for having high Stealth and Fieldcraft values.

(320) Replaced Bowie Knife [3] with Bowie Knife (3).

(322) Replaced clansman, to with clansman to. Replaced or do with or if you do.

(323) Replaced (minimum equals one round; maximum equals five rounds) with (minimum: one burst; maximum: five bursts. Remember to deduct this number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch).

@@ -5429,7 +5624,7 @@

(346) Replaced come to a flight of stairs that descends to a fire exit with come to a fire exit as you can only reach this section by not climbing the stairs in Section 298. Added (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.).

(350) Replaced Haskell and with Haskell, and. Replaced CALIFORNIA COUNTDOWN with California Countdown. Replaced question, and the final part of your exodus to California, await with questionand the final part of your exodus to Californiaawait. Replaced colony are with colony is. Replaced Pantona Bridge with Pantano Bridge. Replaced Freeway Warrior with Freeway Warrior when referring to the series.


(Combat Rules Summary) Replaced cross-refer with cross-reference. Replaced Combat Results Table with Close Combat Results Table. Replaced zero ENDURANCE points, this with zero ENDURANCE points or below; this.


(Combat Rules Summary) Replaced cross-refer with cross-reference. Replaced Combat Results Table with Close Combat Results Table. Replaced zero ENDURANCE points, this with zero ENDURANCE points or below; this.

@@ -5483,119 +5678,20 @@