X-Git-Url: https://git.projectaon.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=en%2Fxml%2F19wb.xml;fp=en%2Fxml%2F19wb.xml;h=699b000911172f4c54b3e981c930c4297be916ea;hb=492411b7285c38b075703433c9546415d5aa43f7;hp=570719a303387e35b09df2bf6683b6027df5421d;hpb=857ac92baaa066fd6cbf15c7fcac338e3f97fb6f;p=project-aon.git diff --git a/en/xml/19wb.xml b/en/xml/19wb.xml index 570719a..699b000 100644 --- a/en/xml/19wb.xml +++ b/en/xml/19wb.xml @@ -992,10 +992,10 @@ 7 -

Guided by a circle of blazing beacons, Javano the pilot lands the skyship expertly in the middle of a paved training park located within the castles expansive grounds. In Tyso a curfew is in force, and the only figures lawfully abroad this night are Baron Medars guardsmen whose numbers have been doubled by a regiment of Border Rangers recently arrived from Holmgard. Banedon suggests that you stay on board until he has informed Baron Medar of the true situation.


Guided by a circle of blazing beacons, Javano the pilot lands the skyship expertly in the middle of a paved training park located within the castles expansive grounds. In Tyso a curfew is in force, and the only figures lawfully abroad this night are Baron Medars guardsmen, whose numbers have been doubled by a regiment of Border Rangers recently arrived from Holmgard. Banedon suggests that you stay on board until he has informed Baron Medar of the true situation.

The guards of Tyso are under orders to kill you on sight, he says, as he gets ready to disembark. It would not be wise to show yourself, Grand Master, until I have explained all to the Baron.

You remain in his quarters while Banedon seeks an audience with Baron Medar. Shortly he returns with the Baron who, upon entering the cabin, greets you warmly like a father welcoming home a favourite son.


You will always be welcome here, Lone Wolf, he says clasping your hand in friendship. I knew in my heart that you were innocent of these crimes which have so shocked our people. You may rely on me to help you find this impostor who has sought to harm us and bring dishonour upon your good name.


You will always be welcome here, Lone Wolf, he says, clasping your hand in friendship. I knew in my heart that you were innocent of these crimes which have so shocked our people. You may rely on me to help you find this impostor who has sought to harm us and bring dishonour upon your good name.

You thank the Baron for his support and his pledge of loyalty, and you tell him how pleased you are to be in Tyso after the months you have spent abroad.

Then come, my lord, lets adjourn to my hall where you may enjoy the hospitality of my court, he says, and turns to leave the cabin. As he reaches the door he says: Oh, and by the way, there are some men waiting there who, Im sure, will be most pleased to meet with you.

Turn to 238. @@ -1556,8 +1556,8 @@ -

With mixed feelings of fear and fascination you force open your eyes and gaze upon your alien surroundings. At first it seems as if you have fallen into a humid, green-walled cell, illuminated by a solitary lantern at the apex of a fluted chimney-like ceiling. Then slowly your mind makes sense of sights and smells and the realization of where you are makes you shiver with dread.


You have landed inside the corolla tube of some gigantic flower. Huge stamens rise up to the light from the sticky bowl-shaped floor on which you lie, and nearby there is a large, chute-like tunnel which drops away into the plants hollow stem. For a moment you close your eyes and let your psychic senses explore this strange environment. Your greatest fear is that you have been drawn through the Shadow Gate to the Plane of Darkness, the supernatural realm of Dark God Naar, yet you can detect no abnormally high concentrations of Evil. Also, you are unable to sense the presence of your adversaryWolfs Bane. Your hopes begin to rise when suddenly you realize that you are still somewhere within the material universe of Aon. You are able to determine that this alien place is not your home world, yet you are certain that it is a planet that lies within the same galaxy as Magnamund.


With mixed feelings of fear and fascination you force open your eyes and gaze upon your alien surroundings. At first it seems as if you have fallen into a humid, green-walled cell, illuminated by a solitary lantern at the apex of a fluted chimney-like ceiling. Then slowly your mind makes sense of sights and smells, and the realization of where you are makes you shiver with dread.


You have landed inside the corolla tube of some gigantic flower. Huge stamens rise up to the light from the sticky bowl-shaped floor on which you lie, and nearby there is a large, chute-like tunnel which drops away into the plants hollow stem. For a moment you close your eyes and let your psychic senses explore this strange environment. Your greatest fear is that you have been drawn through the Shadow Gate to the Plane of Darkness, the supernatural realm of the Dark God Naar, yet you can detect no abnormally high concentrations of Evil. Also, you are unable to sense the presence of your adversaryWolfs Bane. Your hopes begin to rise when suddenly you realize that you are still somewhere within the material universe of Aon. You are able to determine that this alien place is not your home world, yet you are certain that it is a planet that lies within the same galaxy as Magnamund.

You cling to this small crumb of comfort and resolve to find a way of returning to Magnamund as quickly as you can. You open your eyes and stare around the walls of your plant-prison, searching for a means of escape. There appear to be only two ways out: by climbing a stamen towards the light high above, or by sliding down the nearby chute which plunges deep into the plants stem.

If you wish to climb a stamen, turn to 264. If you choose to slide down the hollow stem, turn to 103. @@ -1754,8 +1754,8 @@ 66 -

You ask Steel Hand to give you his rope and he obeys dutifully. Then you utter the words of the Brotherhood Spell Levitation and almost immediately you feel gravity losing its grip on your body. Gently you rise to the ceiling of the vault where, using the exposed stone buttresses, you are able to pull yourself along until you are directly above the centre of the fissure. Here you fix one end of the rope to an exposed stone beam and cast the other end to your companions waiting below. One by one they swing across the void and, when all have crossed safely, you untie the rope and pull yourself to the far side before intoning the words that cancel the effects of the spell.


It is clear from their wide-eyed expressions that they are all impressed with your mastery of Brotherhood magic, especially Steel Hand. You gather up his rope and as you give it back to him you say: Dont worry. One day Ill instruct you in the ways of magic so that you, too, can walk a ceiling!


You ask Steel Hand to give you his rope, and he obeys dutifully. Then you utter the words of the Brotherhood Spell Levitation, and almost immediately you feel gravity losing its grip on your body. Gently you rise to the ceiling of the vault where, using the exposed stone buttresses, you are able to pull yourself along until you are directly above the centre of the fissure. Here you fix one end of the rope to an exposed stone beam and cast the other end to your companions waiting below. One by one they swing across the void and, when all have crossed safely, you untie the rope and pull yourself to the far side before intoning the words that cancel the effects of the spell.


It is clear from their wide-eyed expressions that they are all impressed with your mastery of Brotherhood magic, especially Steel Hand. You gather up his rope, and as you give it back to him you say: Dont worry. One day Ill instruct you in the ways of magic so that you, too, can walk a ceiling!

The young Kai Master smiles as he stuffs his rope into his bulging backpack.

And now, my lords, we must press on. Weve a trail to find, you say, and you motion your companions to follow as you get ready to leave this chamber.

Turn to 160. @@ -1922,12 +1922,12 @@ 80 -

The grating rumble of heavy stone on stone heralds the sudden appearance of the impostor. Like some secret door to a nightmare realm, the entire far wall of this vault is slowly sliding open. Violent tremors shake the floor and orange tongues of flaming gas shoot from the ever-widening gap. Silhouetted in the centre of this fiery portal is a warrior clad in a parody of the robes of a Kai Grand Master. His stature and his facial features bear an uncanny resemblance to your own, yet the two of you are not entirely identical. The eyes of this impostor betray his true nature for they are black and cold; they are like two tiny windows through which you can see the evil lurking deep within his heart.


The portal crackles and roars like a blazing furnace yet it radiates no heat. You sense powerful magic at work here and you shout a command to your young Kai comrades to prepare themselves for combat. They react as one, their years of training suppressing their fears, and swiftly they draw arms and form up in a protective circle around you. The impostor unsheathes his black-bladed sword and gives vent to a chilling laugh that momentarily drowns the roar of the flames. His cruel laughter fills your head and suddenly the stone walls of the vault seem to writhe and buckle inwards. Your psychic Kai defences resist this illusion and the distortion ceases, yet as it does so you realize that something important has changed. You command your companions to retreat towards the chute but they do not respond. They are completely rigid, frozen immobile like four stone statues.


Ha ha ha cackles the impostor, so we meet at last, Lone Wolf. He advances a little nearer and you feel an icy chill wash over you. The body of this bogus Kai Lord radiates coldness.


The grating rumble of heavy stone on stone heralds the sudden appearance of the impostor. Like some secret door to a nightmare realm, the entire far wall of this vault is slowly sliding open. Violent tremors shake the floor and orange tongues of flaming gas shoot from the ever-widening gap. Silhouetted in the centre of this fiery portal is a warrior clad in a parody of the robes of a Kai Grand Master. His stature and his facial features bear an uncanny resemblance to your own, yet the two of you are not entirely identical. The eyes of this impostor betray his true nature, for they are black and cold; they are like two tiny windows through which you can see the evil lurking deep within his heart.


The portal crackles and roars like a blazing furnace, yet it radiates no heat. You sense powerful magic at work here, and you shout a command to your young Kai comrades to prepare themselves for combat. They react as one, their years of training suppressing their fears, and swiftly they draw arms and form up in a protective circle around you. The impostor unsheathes his black-bladed sword and gives vent to a chilling laugh that momentarily drowns the roar of the flames. His cruel laughter fills your head, and suddenly the stone walls of the vault seem to writhe and buckle inwards. Your psychic Kai defences resist this illusion, and the distortion ceases, yet as it does so you realize that something important has changed. You command your companions to retreat towards the chute, but they do not respond. They are completely rigid, frozen immobile like four stone statues.


Ha ha ha cackles the impostor, so we meet at last, Lone Wolf. He advances a little nearer, and you feel an icy chill wash over you. The body of this bogus Kai Lord radiates coldness.

How I have enjoyed myself in your guise, he sneers. Let me introduce myselfI am Wolfs Bane. An apt name, dont you think?

What is your purpose? you growl in reply, your hand poised to draw a weapon in case he should attempt to launch a sudden attack.


Why, Ive come to kill you, of course, he retorts, his voice full of contempt. There should be but one Grand Master and only I am worthy of such distinction. The impostor narrows his coal-black eyes and curls back his lip in disdain.


Why, Ive come to kill you, of course, he retorts, his voice full of contempt. There should be but one Grand Master, and only I am worthy of such distinction. The impostor narrows his coal-black eyes and curls back his lip in disdain.

@@ -3400,7 +3400,7 @@ 200 -

Fiery winds sear your face and body as you, and your adversary, tumble headlong towards the whirling white heart of the vortex. Motes of fire stream past on all sides and a roaring wind howls like a demon in your ears. You pass through a cloud of sparkling vapour which wraps threads of silver light around your limbs and torso. As you emerge from the cloud, this shimmering cocoon grows tighter and tighter until the pain becomes almost unbearable.


Fiery winds sear your face and body as you, and your adversary, tumble headlong towards the whirling white heart of the vortex. Motes of fire stream past on all sides, and a roaring wind howls like a demon in your ears. You pass through a cloud of sparkling vapour which wraps threads of silver light around your limbs and torso. As you emerge from the cloud, this shimmering cocoon grows tighter and tighter until the pain becomes almost unbearable.

If you possess Grand Nexus and have attained the rank of Grand Thane, turn to 229. If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 281.
@@ -3851,12 +3851,12 @@ 238 -

The Baron escorts you and Banedon through the echoing corridors of his castle, past watchful ranks of court guards and Border Rangers, to a hall which is lavishly furnished with Durenese oak and rare silken tapestries. Awaiting you there are a group of young men attired in hooded grey cloaks and close-fitting tunics. You recognize them immediately for they are four of your most promising studentsKai Masters Black Hawk, Star Lynx, Blazer, and Steel Hand.


The Baron escorts you and Banedon through the echoing corridors of his castle, past watchful ranks of court guards and Border Rangers, to a hall which is lavishly furnished with Durenese oak and rare silken tapestries. Awaiting you there are a group of young men attired in hooded grey cloaks and close-fitting tunics. You recognize them immediately, for they are four of your most promising studentsKai Masters Black Hawk, Star Lynx, Blazer, and Steel Hand.

Brian Williams - Awaiting you in the hall are four of you most promising students: Black Hawk, Star Lynx, Blazer, and Steel Hand. + Awaiting you in the hall are four of your most promising students: Black Hawk, Star Lynx, Blazer, and Steel Hand. @@ -4964,9 +4964,9 @@

Follow me, my lords! shouts Foilan, as he spurs his black mare along a narrow, cobblestoned street that wends its way through Tysos shabby North Quarter. At a junction close by the citys main stables, he turns into an avenue that leads to the West Arch of the Old Necropolis.


When the Arch is less than a hundred yards distant, Foilan brings his horse to a halt and you rein in your steed beside him. Several dozen guards and rangers have gathered at the Arch and they have erected a barricade which completely blocks the entrance to the burial ground beyond. The Reeve-lieutenant tells you to wait here with your men while he goes forward to inform the guards of the situation and to tell them that you and your companions are not Kai impostors.


Patiently you wait for Foilan to complete his task. Then, on seeing his signal, you move forward and join him at the Western Arch. He shouts an order and hurriedly the guards pull aside a wagon which blocks the entrance, enabling the five of you to dismount and proceed into the necropolis on foot.


Aided by the moonlight, you lead your party along a gravelled path towards the centre of the burial ground, to where a tunnel-like opening has been excavated in the side of a mossy mound. On arriving at this shadowy entrance you stop to examine the surrounding area, to check for any clues that may help you track your quarry. You find no fresh prints and you sense no lingering aura of an evil that could betray his presence. Confident that it is safe to proceed, you enter the mound and lead your comrades down a wide stone ramp to an oval-shaped chamber. A dozen stone coffins, each carved with the likeness of its occupant, are laid out in a circle like the spokes of a wheel. The chamber is cold and unwelcoming, but it does not harbour any trace of evil. You are sure that the impostor has not set foot here.


When the Arch is less than a hundred yards distant, Foilan brings his horse to a halt, and you rein in your steed beside him. Several dozen guards and rangers have gathered at the Arch, and they have erected a barricade which completely blocks the entrance to the burial ground beyond. The Reeve-lieutenant tells you to wait here with your men while he goes forward to inform the guards of the situation and to tell them that you and your companions are not Kai impostors.


Patiently you wait for Foilan to complete his task. Then, on seeing his signal, you move forward and join him at the Western Arch. He shouts an order, and hurriedly the guards pull aside a wagon which blocks the entrance, enabling the five of you to dismount and proceed into the necropolis on foot.


Aided by the moonlight, you lead your party along a gravelled path towards the centre of the burial ground, to where a tunnel-like opening has been excavated in the side of a mossy mound. On arriving at this shadowy entrance you stop to examine the surrounding area, to check for any clues that may help you track your quarry. You find no fresh prints, and you sense no lingering aura of an evil that could betray his presence. Confident that it is safe to proceed, you enter the mound and lead your comrades down a wide stone ramp to an oval-shaped chamber. A dozen stone coffins, each carved with the likeness of its occupant, are laid out in a circle like the spokes of a wheel. The chamber is cold and unwelcoming, but it does not harbour any trace of evil. You are sure that the impostor has not set foot here.

On the far side of the burial chamber, opposite the ramp, there is a stairwell which descends deep into the catacombs below the necropolis. You go down these stairs until you come to a landing where a passage crosses from north to south. Black Hawk suggests that the party split in two and explore both ways, but you are not in favour of this idea. Splitting the party would make it easier for the impostor if he chose to launch an ambush. You peer along both passages and draw on your Grand Master skills to determine the best route to follow, but with little success. Neither passage looks especially inviting.

If you decide to enter and explore the north passage, turn to 275. If you choose to investigate the south passage, turn to 107. @@ -5890,6 +5890,7 @@

(1) Replaced drawbolt with bolt. Replaced Calder with Caldar. Replaced force-field with force field.

(3) Replaced Crypt Spawn hordes with Crypt Spawn Horde.

(6) Replaced Bow, and the Discipline of Magi-magic, and with Bow and the Discipline of Magi-magic and.


(7) Replaced guardsmen whose with guardsmen, whose.

(8) Replaced enemyWolfs Bane with enemy, Wolfs Bane,.

(9) Replaced imbedded with embedded. Replaced Magi-magic, and with Magi-magic and. Replaced Bow, and with Bow and. Replaced Kai-alchemy, and with Kai-alchemy and. Replaced skills, or have with skills, have.

(13) Replaced curing with Curing. Replaced cry, the with cry. The.

@@ -5917,7 +5918,7 @@

(44) Replaced arrow with Arrow.

(46) Replaced co-operate with cooperate. Replaced door, and with door and.

(47) Replaced Kai mastery with Kai Mastery. Replaced Kai-alchemy, and with Kai-alchemy and.


(49) Replaced concentrations of evil with concentrations of Evil.


(49) Replaced concentrations of evil with concentrations of Evil. Replaced and smells and with and smells, and. Replaced Dark God Naar with the Dark God Naar.

(51) Replaced Kai mastery with Kai Mastery. Replaced Grand Nexus, and with Grand Nexus and. Replaced Bow, the with Bow or the.

(52) Replaced Kai mastery with Kai Mastery. Replaced Pathsmanship, and with Pathsmanship and.

(53) Replaced entrance, Follow with entrance. Follow. Replaced noise and light abates with noise and light abate.

@@ -5926,6 +5927,7 @@

(58) Replaced Brotherhood spell with Brotherhood Spell. Replaced the fire-bolt splutters with the fire-bolt sputters.

(61) Replaced most-feared with most feared. Replaced Kai alchemy with Kai-alchemy.

(62) Replaced semi-circular with semicircular. Replaced Magi-Magic with Magi-magic. Replaced Kai mastery with Kai Mastery. Replaced spell of levitation with Levitation spell. Replaced Bow, and the Discipline of Magi-magic, and with Bow and the Discipline of Magi-magic and. Replaced skills, or with skills or.


(66) Replaced Levitation and with Levitation, and. Replaced rope and he with rope, and he. Replaced rope and as with rope, and as.

(67) Replaced tables and with tables, and.

(68) Replaced Kai mastery with Kai Mastery, or if you do not wish to use any of them. Replaced Nexus, and with Nexus and. Replaced Bow, the with Bow or the.

(69) Replaced sticky and with sticky, and.

@@ -5936,7 +5938,7 @@

(75) Replaced past, therefore with past; therefore.

(77) Replaced fast flowing with fast-flowing.

(78) Replaced aura of evil with aura of Evil.


(80) Replaced Kai lord with Kai Lord. Replaced apt name dont you with apt name, dont you.


(80) Replaced Kai lord with Kai Lord. Replaced apt name dont you with apt name, dont you. Replaced nature for they with nature, for they. Replaced furnace yet it with furnace, yet it. Replaced work here and with work here, and. Replaced your head and with your head, and. Replaced illusion and with illusion, and. Replaced the chute but with the chute, but. Replaced little nearer and with little nearer, and. Replaced one Grand Master and with one Grand Master, and.

(81) Replaced Old Kingdom spell with Old Kingdom Spell.

(82) Replaced Naptha with Naphtha. Replaced agonising with agonizing.

(83) Replaced see him he with see him, he.

@@ -6012,7 +6014,7 @@

(196) Replaced part-hidden with partly hidden. Replaced each occurrence of arrow with Arrow.

(198) Replaced Brotherhood spell with Brotherhood Spell. Replaced creatures who are gathered with creatures gathered. Replaced and, with a deafening wumph!, it with and with a deafening wumph! it.

(199) Replaced whir with whirr. Replaced The first thing you see are with The first thing you see is.


(200) Replaced Kai mastery with Kai Mastery. Replaced Nexus, and with Nexus and.


(200) Replaced Kai mastery with Kai Mastery. Replaced Nexus, and with Nexus and. Replaced sides and with sides, and.

(201) Replaced The seething horde of needle-fanged horrors attempt with The seething horde of needle-fanged horrors attempts.

(202) Replaced side, then with side; then.

(204) Replaced spluttering flame with sputtering flame.

@@ -6034,7 +6036,7 @@

(229) Replaced Kai mastery with Kai Mastery. Replaced towards it until the speck with towards the speck until it. Replaced cold dark universe with cold, dark universe.

(233) Replaced Brotherhood spell with Brotherhood Spell.

(234) Replaced Old Kingdom spell with Old Kingdom Spell. Replaced Hold Enemy and with Hold Enemy, and.


(238) Replaced Baron so with Baron. So. Replaced Blazer and with Blazer, and. Replaced Blazer and with Blazer, and in the illustration caption.


(238) Replaced Baron so with Baron. So. Replaced Blazer and with Blazer, and. Replaced Blazer and with Blazer, and in the illustration caption. Replaced immediately for with immediately, for.

(239) Replaced sixth senses scream with Sixth Sense screams.

(240) Replaced Wolf Banes with Wolfs Banes.

(242) Replaced agonising with agonizing.

@@ -6088,7 +6090,7 @@

(319) Replaced Brotherhood spell with Brotherhood Spell.

(320) Removed at the front of this book.

(322) Replaced arrow with Arrow.


(323) Replaced Grand mastery skills with Grand Master skills. Replaced reign in your steed with rein in your steed. Replaced northern quarter with North Quarter.


(323) Replaced Grand mastery skills with Grand Master skills. Replaced reign in your steed with rein in your steed. Replaced northern quarter with North Quarter. Replaced :Arch and with Arch, and. Replaced halt and you with halt, and you. Replaced order and with order, and. Replaced prints and with prints, and.

(324) Replaced briney with briny. Replaced find, and with find and in the illustration caption.

(326) Replaced If you possess Magi-magic with If you possess Magi-magic and have attained the rank of Grand Thane or higher. Replaced If you do not possess this Grand Master Discipline with If you do not possess this Grand Master Discipline or have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery.

(327) Replaced power word with power-word.