X-Git-Url: https://git.projectaon.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=en%2Fxml%2F28thos.xml;h=85a13b2c9db0bd10a9d20b0f87b4b6f139c45694;hb=1eeded0f9d98f7a001202f992c271145309c4f7f;hp=e795f31c4e60411cf26149681329e05b63fa0b7f;hpb=0e32e84374e87644d37ec4c21bfc22166ffbfdd4;p=project-aon.git diff --git a/en/xml/28thos.xml b/en/xml/28thos.xml index e795f31..85a13b2 100644 --- a/en/xml/28thos.xml +++ b/en/xml/28thos.xml @@ -2719,7 +2719,7 @@ -

With a deft flick of his Kirusami, Chan motions to a stable guard to bring him his horsea proud stable stallion. The young man complies, and he also brings an additional mount, a dappled chestnut mare. He hands the reins of this horse to you.


With a deft flick of his kirusami, Chan motions to a stable guard to bring him his horsea proud stable stallion. The young man complies, and he also brings an additional mount, a dappled chestnut mare. He hands the reins of this horse to you.

Well ride together, my lord, says Chan, as he settles himself into his saddle. You mount your horse, and then together you watch in silence as the aged Khea-khan and his family arrive in the courtyard. Devoted attendants usher them into the middle carriage, and as soon as the doors are closed, Chan gives the signal for the column to move off. Slowly the carriages trundle through the gates of the palace and out into the city beyond, preceded by the Imperial Cavalry troopers. You and Chan follow behind the third carriage, and as you are passing through the gates, the last sound you hear is the collective sobbing of the Khea-khans loyal servants, those he has had to leave behind.

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Very well, Grand Master, says Chan, a little disappointedly. As you wish. But please excuse me while I go to the armoury myself. The Imperial Caravan will leave shortly from the palace courtyard. I shall meet you there in twenty minutes time.

After bowing respectfully to the Khea-khan, Chan strides out of the throne room and disappears along the corridor beyond. Nearby, a group of silk-robed courtiers are gathering up hundreds of Chai court scrolls and other Papers of State. You volunteer to help them place these valuable manuscripts into wickerwork baskets, and then carry them outside to the Imperial Caravan in readiness for the long journey east.

The caravan consists of three large carriages, each drawn by a team of eight horses, plus an escort of twenty Imperial Cavalry troopers clad in plain crimson tunics. The golden ornamentation that once embellished the state carriages has been stripped away, and their fine lacquered sides have been painted a dun brown to camouflage their true origins. You approve of their ordinary appearance for it will be far less likely to attract unwanted attention on the long road ahead.


You are helping to load the baskets of papers into the last of the carriages when Captain Chan arrives, fresh from his visit to the armoury. You notice that he is now wearing a waistcoat of golden mail, called an Angsei, and he is carrying a halberd-like spear called a Kirusami. With a deft flick of this fine weapon he motions to a stable guard to bring him his horsea proud stable stallion. The young guardsman also brings an additional mount, a dappled chestnut mare, and he hands the reins of this horse to you.


You are helping to load the baskets of papers into the last of the carriages when Captain Chan arrives, fresh from his visit to the armoury. You notice that he is now wearing a waistcoat of golden mail, called an angsei, and he is carrying a halberd-like spear called a kirusami. With a deft flick of this fine weapon he motions to a stable guard to bring him his horsea proud stable stallion. The young guardsman also brings an additional mount, a dappled chestnut mare, and he hands the reins of this horse to you.

Well ride together, my lord, says Chan, as he settles himself into the saddle. You mount your horse, and then together you watch in silence as the aged Khea-khan and his family arrive in the courtyard. Devoted attendants usher them into the middle carriage, and as soon as the doors are closed, Chan gives the signal for the column to move off. Slowly the carriages trundle through the gates of the Imperial Palace and out into the city beyond. You and Chan follow behind the third carriage, and as you ride through the gates, the last sound you hear is the gentle sobbing of the Khea-khans palace servants, those he has had to leave behind.

@@ -4068,7 +4068,7 @@

You shudder with dread when you look upon the ghastly hulking forms of the two creatures standing before you now. At first glance they seem to resemble the Baknars that roam the frozen wastes of Kalte, with their thick white fur and ridged horns. But you sense that these creatures are not of any natural origin, but are born of vile sorcery. Their eyes glow with a malevolent light and they exhale plumes of icy breath that freeze everything they touch.

You look east along the highway for a way to escape from these beasts, but when you magnify your vision, you see that the road is blocked by a great hill of snow and ice. The surrounding pines are too dense to attempt swift escape on horseback, and you slowly begin to realize that these creatures have you trapped.


Chan draws his Kirusami and levels it at the ice-beasts. Lets run these cold-hearts down! he shouts, with great bravado. One swift charge and well be out of this frigid woodland before they know whats hit them.


Chan draws his kirusami and levels it at the ice-beasts. Lets run these cold-hearts down! he shouts, with great bravado. One swift charge and well be out of this frigid woodland before they know whats hit them.

If you agree to Chans plan of action, turn to 211. If you disagree with his plan, turn to 146.
@@ -4100,7 +4100,7 @@

Chan also shows you some Imperial Guard armour, and insists that you try on a waistcoat of golden mail. It is called Angsei, which means Armour of Life, he says, proudly. It is as strong as steel yet as light and as supple as fine leather. (If you wish to keep this Angsei, record it on your Action Chart as a Special Item. When worn in combat, you may deduct 2 from your enemys COMBAT SKILL. You need not discard another item in its favour if you already possess the maximum number permissible.)


Chan also shows you some Imperial Guard armour, and insists that you try on a waistcoat of golden mail. It is called angsei, which means Armour of Life, he says, proudly. It is as strong as steel yet as light and as supple as fine leather. (If you wish to keep this Angsei, record it on your Action Chart as a Special Item. When worn in combat, you may deduct 2 from your enemys COMBAT SKILL. You need not discard another item in its favour if you already possess the maximum number permissible.)

Chan also shows you the following Chai weapons and encourages you to take whatever you wish: