X-Git-Url: https://git.projectaon.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=en%2Fxml%2F29tsoc.xml;h=d78b10eb03866cf06c7ac2b0849e49c2c6aada95;hb=51e04b9a6e0e2ef65b112dde4e074ce8492e4f71;hp=084dad034e2b138cb15a980989f877ebf9ef86b9;hpb=f70c84a058206e6836c63dfe2890fa6c1f97b011;p=project-aon.git diff --git a/en/xml/29tsoc.xml b/en/xml/29tsoc.xml index 084dad0..d78b10e 100644 --- a/en/xml/29tsoc.xml +++ b/en/xml/29tsoc.xml @@ -119,7 +119,98 @@ - +
MS 5085 Bhanar and Chai
The vampiric Autarch Sejanoz of Bhanar was destroyed. Khea-khan Xo-lin of Chai rallied the New Kingdom armies, defeated the invading Bhanarian army and pursued it deep into the Bhanarian homeland. Xo-lins son, General Zha-zhing, looted the city of Yua Tzhan and razed it to the ground. Very few of its citizens escaped alive. This has since become remembered as the Massacre of Yua Tzhan. Young Prince Kamada, Xo-Lins great-great-grandson, died during the winter. He was next in line for the throne of Chai because General Zha-zing was the illegitimate son of Xo-lin.
MS 5086 Bhanar and Chai
The Chai army occupied eastern Bhanar, and all of its steam-powered engines and weapons of war were systematically destroyed. The aged Khea-khan Xo-lin of Chai died, and his only remaining son, Zha-zhing, acceded to the throne. Zha-zhings political rivals accused him of plotting and orchestrating the young prince Kadamas death in the preceding year for his personal gain. These accusations were never proven. Upon his inauguration he married Princess Myelsha of Mhytan. Chai forts along the border with Bhanar were attacked by Bhanarian irregulars in reprisal for the Massacre of Yua Tzhan. A treaty was signed between Chai and Mhytan (the Chai Sea Treaty). All Bhanarian shipping was denied access to the Chai Sea by Mhytanian and Chai men of war. The blockade soon suffocated Bhanarian resistance.
MS 5086 Shadaki and Free Alliance of Southern Magnamund
Zultan Zedoli seized the throne of Shadaki in a bloody uprising, and the state of Shadaki seceded from the Free Alliance of Southern Magnamund – the confederation of states which had emerged from the collapse of the Shadakine Empire of Shararak the Wytch-king in MS 5057. Grey Star, the previous ruler of Shadaki, fled but he remained the Wizard Regent of the Free Alliance and set up his new capital in Port of Suhn.
MS 5087 Bhanar and Chai
Bhanarian resistance collapsed. Khea-khan Zha-zhing installed Overseer Klutan upon the throne of Bhanar. Klutan was a political puppet of Chai. The Chai army withdrew from eastern Bhanar. Khea-khan Zha-zhing had a son, Lao Tin.
MS 5088 Vaduzhan, Bhanar and Chai
Vaduzhan invaded south-western Bhanar. The capital city of Otavai fell to Vaduzian forces with little resistance. King Kardisa of Vaduzhan claimed the territories of former south-western Bhanar for his imperial throne. Chai chose not to oppose his claims. Overseer Klutan transferred his seat of power to the coastal city of Yua Klio near to the Chai border. Gradually he lost control over most of Bhanar.
MS 5088 The Isle of Lorn
The Shianti left the Isle of Lorn to reside with Goddess Ishir on the Plane of Light. Their final act upon Magnamund was to bequeath their island to the Order of the Kai. The handover was facilitated by their emissary, Grey Star.
MS 5089 The Isle of Lorn, Shadaki, and the Free ALliance
Lone Wolf travelled to the Isle of Lorn. Assisted by Grey Star and Guildmaster Banedon, he made plans for the construction of a second Kai Monastery. Zultan Zedoli of Shadaki declared their presence upon the Isle of Lorn an act of war. Shadaki mustered its army and attacked its southern neighbours: Korli and Forlu, members of the Free Alliance of Southern Magnamund. The Freelands sent troops to support the Free Alliance led by Grey Star, as did Lone Wolf. A cassel of Kai and three cassels of Sommlending marines fought in the War of the Sea of Winds. Shadaki was soundly defeated and forced to relinquish all of its territorial gains. Zultan Zedoli was assassinated before the year was out. Ulonga the Shaman, the evil necromancer who pulled the strings in Zedolis shadow, now overtly seized control of Shadaki with assistance from Sesketera, the notoriously cruel ruler of the city-state of Ghol-Tabras.
MS 5090 Lencia and Nyras
The Lencians were forced out of Nyras by Warmarshal Ranghor. King Sarnac III was killed. A civil war erupted in the Drakkarim nations as Ranghor and his former lieutenant, Ghangrim, wrestled for control.
MS 5090 The Isle of Lorn
Construction began on the new Kai Monastery on the Isle of Lorn. It would take ten years to complete. Most of the Grand Masters of the New Order helped in the building of this magnificent fortress.
MS 5090 Shadaki
Occasional border skirmishes between Shadaki and Korli persisted.
MS 5091 Siyen
A large number of Agarashi creatures (estimated at between 8,000-12,000) emerged from the Darkwall Mountains and invaded the Lucien Plain of Siyen. The city of Varedo was overrun and destroyed. The Siyenese army swiftly counter-attacked and forced the ravening horde back into its hidden mountain lairs.
MS 5091 The Isle of Lorn
The Freelands Alliance provided 1,000 workers to help with the construction of the Kai Monastery of Lorn.
MS 5091 Shadaki
All incursions by Shadaki into Korli ceased.
MS 5091 Sommerlund
King Ulnar V of Sommerlund and his two daughters, Crown Princess Imelda and Princess Madelon, died in unexplained circumstances in the Kings Keep of Holmgard. Kai Grand Master Firestone was killed attempting to protect them. The party responsible for these tragic murders was never found but the fact someone could strike in the heart of Sommerlund greatly worried Supreme Master Lone Wolf. King Tor IV, son of Crown Princess Imelda, acceded to the throne of Sommerlund.
MS 5092 Lunarlia
The town of Jaroc, in southern Lunarlia, was attacked and destroyed by a large force (estimated at between 7,000-10,000) of Agarashi from the Doomlands of Naaros.
MS 5092 Stornlands
The War of the Warrens erupted between Eldenora and Delden following the assassination of Lord Vandyan of Eldenora.
MS 5093 Starn
Mt. Vost was besieged by a large horde of unnamed creatures (estimated at between 12,000-15,000) from out of the Kraknalorg Chasm. The Giants of Starn received military aid from Boden which broke the siege and sent the horde fleeing back into the chasm. The southern borderlands of Starn (namely the Shadow Grails and the Tsuzeloi Hills) have since been heavily patrolled by the rangers of Boden and Starn.
MS 5093 Stornlands
End of the War of the Warrens between Eldenora and Delden. Eldenora won the war, gaining territory and tribute from defeated King Loarn of Delden.
MS 5094 Kasland and Cincoria
Several skirmishes occurred between Kasland border patrols and creatures encroaching upon Kasland territory from out of the Kraknalorg Chasm. In northern Cincoria, several of its timberland settlements were destroyed by similar creatures from the chasm.
MS 5095 Vassagonia
Zakhan Jaraza acceded to the throne of Vassagonia. Peace treaties were signed between Vassagonia and the Lastlands. The new Zakhan formerly renounced all Vassagonian territorial claims to Cloeasia in perpetuity.
MS 5095 Magador
President Kadharian was assassinated and control of Magador was seized by Marshall Luthos Vorgada, a senior Magadorian army officer.
MS 5095 Sommerlund
A record harvest was reported.
MS 5096 Magador and Ogia
Magador allied to Ogia and their joint armies attacked Talestria. Palmyrion supported Talestria with military assistance and they won a decisive joint victory over Magador and Ogia at the Second Battle of Luukos.
MS 5097 The Danarg and Talestria
The Talestrian border with the Danarg Swamp was violated. Dozens of incursions were reported of swamp creatures hunting well beyond their usual confines of the Danarg. The Talestrian Army was deployed to contain the encroachments.
MS 5098 Lencia, Nyras and Nyvoz
In the Drakkarim Homelands, Warlord Ghangrim and his Nadziranim allies were pushed back into Nyvoz. Drakkar Warmarshal Ranghor oversaw the construction of ironclad warships at Zeegazad. King Telnac of Lencia ordered the construction of a shipyard at Newton on the River Doun.
MS 5098 Kasland
Archduke Chalamis of Kasland died in mysterious circumstances. He was succeeded by Archduchess Larena.
MS 5098 Sommerlund
Rich new gold seams were discovered in the south-eastern reaches of the Maaken Mines. The Sommlending Crown reaped huge rewards from this new-found gold. King Tor IV doubled the size of the regular Sommlending Army of the South, and increased the size of all the Sommlending fleets.
MS 5099 The Isle of Lorn
A Shadakine plot to destroy the Kai Monastery of Lorn was foiled by Lone Wolf and the New Order Kai. Kai Grand Master Bright Star sacrificed himself to save the new Monastery.
MS 5099 Stornlands
Acolytes of Vashna were sighted numerous times throughout the year, mostly in Delden, Eldenora, and Salony.
MS 5100 The Isle of Lorn
The Kai Monastery of Lorn was completed on the fifth day of the New Year. At the inaugural ceremony, the God Kai appeared to Supreme Master Lone Wolf. He gave his praises, his blessings, and a sombre warning that Magnamund would soon suffer assault by the forces of Naar.
MS 5100 Sommerlund
Lone Wolf returned to Sommerlund to prepare the Kai Order for a new dawn of darkness. He also sent Kai Master Red Bear and three Kai Aspirants to Talestria.
MS 5100 Kalte
All Sommlending and Durenese trading links with Ljuk were severed without warning by the Ice Barbarians. Sommlending traders had their cargoes seized before they were run out of the Kalte trading post. Two Northlands Trading Company ships were commandeered at anchor off the Ljuk Ice Shelf by Ice Barbarian war parties. Their cargoes were seized and the crews were brutally murdered. The Kalte barbarian warlord, Tvortana, united all of the disparate tribes of the northern wastes for the first time. With their unanimous consent, he claimed for himself the title Grand Brumalmarc of the Icelands.
MS 5100 Salony
The seceding town of Amory was besieged and captured by an army of mercenary companies led by Prince Darthon of Rhem. Duke Lortha, the evil Highborn of Amory, was brutally slain.
MS 5100 Lencia
King Telnac was warned by the Telchoi of an impending Agarashi uprising and he called off his crusade against the Drakkarim. The Drakkarim perceived this as a sign of weakness and launched a swift invasion of Lencia. After Vadera and Westhaven were razed to the ground and King Telnac was killed on the battlefield, Warmarshal Ranghor claimed the throne of Lencia. Prince Sarnac, heir to crown of Lencia, was able to flee from Helmstorm and went into exile.
MS 5100 The Darklands
The Lake of Blood surrounding the ruins of Helgedad self-extinguished.
MS 5101 Dessi
Shortly after the Feast of Fehmarn, the Chasm of Gorgoron was rocked by violent earthquakes. When finally the quakes subsided, swarms of Agarashi arose from the chasm and infiltrated the jungle realm of Dessi.
MS 5101 Kalte, Sommerlund, and Durenor
The newly declared Grand Brumalmarc of the Icelands, Tvortana, with Nadziranim aid, unlocked the Vagadyn Gate, a Shadow Gate located beneath the Ice Fortress of Ikaya and released the Ice Demons that had not managed to pass through this ethereal corridor before it was sealed millennia ago. These powerful creatures of evil brought an early and unnatural winter to Sommerlund and Durenor. The Kaltersee froze over and the Ice Barbarians swept down and invaded northern Sommerlund and northern Durenor. Supreme Master Lone Wolf, King Tor IV of Sommerlund, and King Danan I of Durenor lead the armies that destroyed most of the Ice Demons, and then defeated the Ice Barbarians, sending them fleeing back to their frigid wilderness. The victory was won at the cost of the heroic self-sacrifice of King Tor IV. The unnatural winter ended as swiftly as it had begun. Sommerlund endured three months of flooding before all of the melt waters declined and the natural cycle of the seasons resumed once more. King Haigh V acceded to the throne of Sommerlund and married Princess Emyla of Talestria.
MS 5101 Lencia
Prince Sarnac, at the head of a united Freelands force, attacked Helmstorm and liberated it from the Drakkarim. Sarnac was crowned King Sarnac IV of Lencia before he led his forces from Helmstorm to face the Drakkarim who had rallied to the north of the capital. Lencian and Drakkarim armies fought at the Battle of Grimstone Valley. Ranghor was vanquished when troops from Kasland arrived to reinforce the Lencians late on the second day of the battle.
MS 5101 Eru
An Eruan Pathfinder reported that Ghangrims Nadziranim had constructed a machine that would “devastate the Freelands”.
MS 5101 Western Tentarias
The Invasion of Darke began. The city fell to the united forces of Eru, Lencia, Kasland, Boden and Bor. King Sarnac IV renamed the city Gamir, its ancient Lencian title. Sarnac pressed on through Nyras and Nyvoz, intent on taking Kagorst and wiping out the remaining Drakkarim threat. Sarnac rode to victory and razed Kagorst.
MS 5101 Skaror
Frequent and violet earthquakes tore open the borderland between the Darklands and Skaror in the southern foothills of the Ogshezar Mountains. A deep chasm, two hundred miles long and of unknown depth, appeared and destroyed the ancient Darklord city of Cragmantle. It stretched from the ruins of Cragmantle on the Skaror border, all the way to the abandoned Darklands city of Nadgazad.
MS 5101 Bhanar
The remote Bhanarian city of Bakhasa was seized by a Nadziranim sorcerer named Zashnor.
MS 5101 Maakengorge
The Maakengorge opened further, extending the vast chasm by twenty five miles to the east. The ruins of Maaken were completely leveled by the violent aftershocks, and very few buildings in the Free State of Casiorn were left standing.
MS 5101 Stornlands
Thousands of Acolytes of Vashna began to make pilgrimage to the Maakengorge.
MS 5102 Chai
Khea-khan Zha-zhing died (aged 58) on the Feast of Fehmarn. His son, Lao Tin (aged 16), became the new Khea-khan of Chai.
@@ -1197,7 +1288,7 @@ 1 -

You rise an hour before dawn. You have chosen to wear the simple clothing of a Chai countryman – a padded jacket of cinnamon-coloured cotton, apple green breeches, tan leather boots and a hooded grey woolen cloak. You don your equipment and make a final check before you leave your chambers and hurry to the parade ground.


You rise an hour before dawn. You have chosen to wear the simple clothing of a Chai countrymana padded jacket of cinnamon-coloured cotton, apple green breeches, tan leather boots and a hooded grey woolen cloak. You don your equipment and make a final check before you leave your chambers and hurry to the parade ground.

In the early pre-dawn light, the area is alive with activity. The hum of the skyship engines makes the gravel surface of the parade ground vibrate beneath your feet as you approach the magnificent vessels. Lord Rimoah beckons you over to the boarding stairs of the Comet. He and Grand Master Blazer are awaiting you on main deck, and they both salute when you step aboard. They invite you to join them at the rail and watch the preparations that are underway on the deck of Skyfort, moored alongside. You watch Lone Wolf leading Black Hawk, Star Lynx, Steel Hand and Swift Sword in single file up the boarding steps. When they are all on deck, they turn to wave you farewell. You and Blazer return their waves and bid them good luck and good hunting.

Comet is the first to leave the parade ground. The powerful hum of its engine rises steadily in pitch as the skycraft makes its ascent. As it gains altitude, so you are afforded a spectacular view of the morning sunrise. It bathes the Kai Monastery with a vividly golden light. Once the skyship is safely clear of the monasterys towers, Lord Rimoah sets a northwesterly course before handing over the helm to Bosun Durin. With a smile, Lord Rimoah invites you and Blazer to join him in the skycrafts comfortable cabin where breakfast awaits.

You enjoy a hearty meal together and discuss the details of your missions. The first part of your aerial voyage will take you to the small Chai coastal town of Hlau. This is where you will disembark and begin your overland journey incognito to the Chai capital, Pensei.

@@ -1302,7 +1393,7 @@ 9 -

With trepidation, you climb the wooden steps that ascend to the wheelhouse. Through the rear window you see a huge winged creature perched on the end of the stone pier. It is an Imperial Zlanbeast. Astride a grand saddle embellished with Darklord icons, you see a slender man-like figure swathed in a hooded grey robe. The raised hood of the robe hides the figures face but at once you know who this is; Nadziran Zashor! Klüz and Xaol have both been slain by your hand, and so Zashnor has now been forced to show itself and finish the task they failed to accomplish on its behalf.


With trepidation, you climb the wooden steps that ascend to the wheelhouse. Through the rear window you see a huge winged creature perched on the end of the stone pier. It is an Imperial Zlanbeast. Astride a grand saddle embellished with Darklord icons, you see a slender man-like figure swathed in a hooded grey robe. The raised hood of the robe hides the figures face but at once you know who this is; Nadziran Zashor! Klz and Xaol have both been slain by your hand, and so Zashnor has now been forced to show itself and finish the task they failed to accomplish on its behalf.

In the Nadzirans right hand is a short staff that bears an uncanny resemblance to the Claw of Naar. The head of the staff looks like a petrified vultures foot. It is cast in pure Kagonite embedded with specks of a shimmering scarlet mineral. Its shaft is twisted like a length of gnarled tree root and perforated with myriad pea-sized hollows. In a moment of sudden and terrible realisation, you know that this staff is not a replica of the Claw; it is the Claw!

Zashnor detects your presence in the wheelhouse and swiftly it points the Claw of Naar at the window. The Eye starts to vibrate and move in its satchel. It becomes rapidly colder and frost forms on the satchels leather surface. The movements become stronger and now you are being tugged steadily closer to the window. Zashnor has unleashed a spell that is drawing the Eye inexorably towards the Claw. If you allow the two evil artefacts to be reunited, the consequences will be disastrous. The only way you can prevent this calamity is to slay the vile Nadziran.

If you decide to confront Zashnor in open combat, turn to 138 @@ -1693,7 +1784,7 @@

You continue your desperate flight across the rain-soaked grassland until the howls of the Skarada can no longer be heard. As you ease your sweating horse to a gentle trot, Quang and the Watchers catch up with you and the lieutenant signals you to halt. You rein your horse to a stop and your companions draw their breathless horses in a circle around you. Quang pulls his mount alongside yours and together you assess your options.

We cannot go on in this direction, my Lord he says. This way will take us back towards Pensei. Despite the risks, we must turn back and continue south if we are to reach Vabou before nightfall.

You know that the lieutenant is right. The further you go northwards, the greater you will distance yourself from Vabou and increase the likelihood that you will miss your rendezvous with Lord Rimoah in two days time. You are about to agree with him when a sudden wave of nausea and fatigue makes you swoon in the saddle. The Eye is exacting an energy drain and the increased strength of its insidious power catches you by surprise: lose 4 ENDURANCE.


Quang grabs you and prevents you from falling off your horse. Anxiously he asks if you are strong enough to go on. Yes… yes, Im ready to go back, you answer, your voice a little shaky. We… we must reach Vabou before dark.


Quang grabs you and prevents you from falling off your horse. Anxiously he asks if you are strong enough to go on. Yes yes, Im ready to go back, you answer, your voice a little shaky. We we must reach Vabou before dark.

Turn to 34
@@ -6043,6 +6134,8 @@ +

(Timeline of Notable Events in Magnamund) Changed MS 5101 Kalte, Sommerlund and Durenor to MS 5101 Kalte, Sommerlund, and Durenor.


(62) Added a quotation mark at the end of the paragraph starting with When he was a young boy,.

(62) Added a quotation mark at the end of the paragraph starting with When he was a young boy,.

(79) Added a quotation mark at the end of the phrase Steady, my Lord,.

(87) Added a quotation mark at the end of the phrase Hah! and replaced Snorts with snorts.