<p>A barricade has been thrown across the road which leads north out of Shugkona. The Drakkarim posted here have been alerted by the sounds of chaos coming from the square, and hurriedly they are trundling an armoured wagon across a gap at the centre of the barricade to seal off the exit completely. You slap your horse<ch.apos/>s rump and gallop towards this shrinking gap, but three spear-wielding guards see you approaching, and they rush forward to challenge you with their weapons held ready to strike.</p>
<choice idref="sect332">If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, <link-text>turn to 332</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect312">If you possess Kai-surge and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, <link-text>turn to 312</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect312">If you possess Kai-surge and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, or higher, <link-text>turn to 312</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect289">If you possess neither of these skills, or have yet to reach the required level of Kai Grand Mastership, <link-text>turn instead to 289</link-text>.</choice>
<p>Uncertainty haunts your thoughts as you race across the desolate no man<ch.apos/>s land that lies between the inner and outer defences of Shugkona. Soon you catch sight of these outer defences. They comprise a line of man-sized wooden casks filled with earth, behind which there stands a squad of Drakkarim archers. Their bows are loaded and aimed, ready to fire.</p>
<p>Quickly you steer your horse away from the road and set off across rough, snowy ground towards a distant line of trenches. Fortunately, the defences at the northern perimeter are much weaker than elsewhere. The trenches are empty, the guards having left earlier to watch Prarg<ch.apos/>s execution in the main square. However, the rough terrain soon takes its toll upon your already tired horse. He is near to exhaustion, and as you approach the trenches, you fear he is not strong enough to make the jump.</p>
- <p>Pick a number from the <a idref="random">Random Number Table</a>. If you possess Animal Mastery, add 3 to the number you have picked. If you have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, add 1.</p>
+ <p>Pick a number from the <a idref="random">Random Number Table</a>. If you possess Animal Mastery, add 3 to the number you have picked. If you have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, or higher, add 1.</p>
<choice idref="sect246">If your total score is now 3 or less, <link-text>turn to 246</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect87">If it is 4<ch.endash/>7, <link-text>turn to 87</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect165">If it is 8 or higher, <link-text>turn to 165</link-text>.</choice>
<p>The moment you strike your killing blow, the creature explodes with a flash of brilliant white light. As the glare fades, you see that nothing whatsoever remains of either its body or spirit. Magnaarn witnesses the death of his servant with a look of pure terror. He screams, and in a moment of panic, he touches the head of the Nyras Sceptre to the floor. There is a tremendous boom, and the floor shudders violently as it is torn wide open by a massive quake.</p>
<p>Hurriedly, Magnaarn makes his escape through a curtained archway. Determined not to allow him to escape, you get ready to leap across the fissure which has opened up the chamber floor. It is no less than twenty feet wide at its narrowest point.</p>
- <p>Pick a number from the <a idref="random">Random Number Table</a>. If you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery <em>and</em> have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, add 2 to the number you have picked.</p>
+ <p>Pick a number from the <a idref="random">Random Number Table</a>. If you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery <em>and</em> have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, or higher, add 2 to the number you have picked.</p>
<choice idref="sect128">If your total is now 3 or less, <link-text>turn to 128</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect75">If it is 4<ch.endash/>6, <link-text>turn to 75</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect179">If it is 7 or more, <link-text>turn to 179</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You reach Bear Rock shortly before dusk. The landmark is a massive granite boulder, weather-worn into the shape of a huge bear standing upright with its forepaws extended. It is positioned on the west side of the Gourneni and overshadows a sheltered cove formed where, over the centuries, the river has undercut the bank. Here you bring the boat ashore and make camp for the night.</p>
<p>Over your evening meal you discuss the next leg of your mission. In the morning you will hide the boat before setting off cross-country towards Magnaarn<ch.apos/>s headquarters at Shugkona. Fifty miles of dense timberland separate you from this town and, in current conditions, you estimate it will take at least two days to reach.</p>
- <choice idref="sect129">If you possess Animal Mastery <em>and</em> have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, <link-text>turn to 129</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect129">If you possess Animal Mastery <em>and</em> have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, or higher, <link-text>turn to 129</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect88">If you do not possess this Discipline, or have yet to reach this level of Kai rank, <link-text>turn to 88</link-text>.</choice>
<p>Instantly you flatten yourself among the rocks and moments later you hear Prarg whispering, <quote>They<ch.apos/>re Lencians. They must be lookouts from the island garrison.</quote></p>
<p>Together you watch with bated breath as two inquisitive soldiers appear, silhouetted on the top of the hill. Brandishing their spears, they curse your sudden disappearance and come hurrying down a steep track towards the beach.</p>
<p><quote>Curse them,</quote> hisses Prarg, <quote>If they find us, the whole garrison will get to hear of our mission even before it has properly begun.</quote></p>
- <choice idref="sect19">If you possess Assimilance <em>and</em> you have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, <link-text>turn to 19</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect19">If you possess Assimilance <em>and</em> you have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, or higher, <link-text>turn to 19</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect93">If you do not possess this Discipline, or you have yet to achieve this rank, <link-text>turn instead to 93</link-text>.</choice>
<p><quote>Quickly, Lone Wolf!</quote> he screams. <quote>They<ch.apos/>re nearly upon you!</quote></p>
<p>Sensing that it would be quicker to swim than wade towards the boat, you bring your hands together in readiness to dive. But before you can launch yourself forwards, you feel something sharp graze your shoulders. An instant later, you are lifted out of the river and hurled backwards through the air to land, with a thick splash, in the mud at the water<ch.apos/>s edge. One of the Gorodons caught your cloak upon its bull-like horns and, with a flick of its powerful neck muscles, it has tossed you all the way back to the shoreline.</p>
<p>Cold, stunned, and covered with mud, you struggle to find your feet and unsheathe your weapon as the three Gorodons come lumbering through the shallows, eager to kill and consume.</p>
- <choice idref="sect190">If you possess Kai-surge <em>and</em> have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, <link-text>turn to 190</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect190">If you possess Kai-surge <em>and</em> have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, or higher, <link-text>turn to 190</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect44">If you do not possess this Discipline, or have yet to reach this level of Kai rank, <link-text>turn to 44</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You abandon the shelter of the bridge and work your way slowly along the ice-filled ditch to a point directly in front of the tower. Here you settle to observe the Drakkarim guards who are dutifully keeping watch over the eastern approaches to the town. All you can see of them is their brutal faces peering out of the horizontal slit which runs the full circumference of the tower. After a while, three of the four Drakkarim leave the tower by a staircase at the side. Only one remains, and you decide that now would be the best time to make your move, before the three return or before their replacements show up for duty.</p>
<p>Prarg insists that he go first; he has crossed here once before and he knows a safe way through. The ground looks clear but there are concealed pits out there just waiting to snare the careless or unwary. You nod your agreement and, as soon as the guard turns his face away from the observation slit, Prarg makes his run. Crouching low, he half-runs, half-scampers across the clearing, keeping low and zigzagging as he weaves a safe path through the pits. It takes him thirty seconds to reach the base of the tower, then he slips around the side and takes cover beneath the steps before beckoning you to follow.</p>
<p>You take a deep breath then launch yourself out into the open. With heart pounding you run towards the tower, following in Prarg<ch.apos/>s footsteps which are clearly visible in the snow. You are halfway across when suddenly the guard<ch.apos/>s face reappears at the observation slit. You pray your camouflage skills will keep you hidden for a few seconds longer, but then you see something that shakes your confidence. The guard raises a curious square of glass in front of his eyes, and at once you sense it possesses magical properties.</p>
- <p>Pick a number from the <a idref="random">Random Number Table</a>. If you have Grand Huntmastery and you have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, add 1 to the number you have chosen. If you have the Discipline of Assimilance, add 2.</p>
+ <p>Pick a number from the <a idref="random">Random Number Table</a>. If you have Grand Huntmastery and you have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, or higher, add 1 to the number you have chosen. If you have the Discipline of Assimilance, add 2.</p>
<choice idref="sect249">If your total score is now 0<ch.endash/>3, <link-text>turn to 249</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect67">If it is 4<ch.endash/>6, <link-text>turn to 67</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect74">If it is 7 or higher, <link-text>turn to 74</link-text>.</choice>
<p>(<a idref="sect17">17</a>) Removed the quotation marks around <quote>Halt Missile</quote>. Replaced <quote>Brotherhood spell</quote> with <quote>Brotherhood Spell</quote>. Replaced <quote>mid-air, then</quote> with <quote>mid-air; then</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect18">18</a>) Replaced <quote>tunnel stalker</quote> with <quote>Tunnel Stalker</quote> and <quote>Kai-alchemy, and</quote> with <quote>Kai-alchemy and</quote>. Removed <quote> or higher</quote>. Replaced <quote>wintery</quote> with <quote>wintry</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect19">19</a>) Replaced <quote>feet, <ch.lsquot/>we</quote> with <quote>feet. <ch.lsquot/>We</quote>. Replaced <quote>him so, then</quote> with <quote>him so; then</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect22">22</a>) Replaced <quote>approaching and</quote> with <quote>approaching, and</quote>, <quote>Kai-alchemy, and</quote> with <quote>Kai-alchemy and</quote>, and <quote>Kai-surge, and</quote> with <quote>Kai-surge and</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect22">22</a>) Replaced <quote>approaching and</quote> with <quote>approaching, and</quote>, <quote>Kai-alchemy, and</quote> with <quote>Kai-alchemy and</quote>, and <quote>Kai-surge, and</quote> with <quote>Kai-surge and</quote>. Replaced <quote>Grand Guardian or higher</quote> with <quote>Grand Guardian, or higher</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect23">23</a>) Replaced <quote>raised</quote> with <quote>razed</quote>, <quote>woodsmoke</quote> with <quote>wood smoke</quote>, and <quote>incident and, shortly</quote> with <quote>incident, and shortly</quote>. Replaced <quote>craft, then</quote> with <quote>craft; then</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect24">24</a>) Replaced <quote>mawtaw</quote> with <quote>Mawtaw</quote> and <quote>pathsmanship</quote> with <quote>Pathsmanship</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect25">25</a>) Replaced <quote>or, failing</quote> with <quote>or failing</quote>, <quote>assauge</quote> with <quote>assuage</quote>, and both occurrences of <quote>ante-chamber</quote> with <quote>antechamber</quote>. Replaced <quote>succeed, therefore</quote> with <quote>succeed; therefore</quote>. Replaced <quote>Tozaz forest</quote> with <quote>Tozaz Forest</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect27">27</a>) Replaced <quote>draft</quote> with <quote>draught</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect30">30</a>) Replaced <quote>breath, then</quote> with <quote>breath; then</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect31">31</a>) Replaced <quote>aimed ready</quote> with <quote>aimed, ready</quote>. Replaced <quote>It is near</quote> with <quote>He is near</quote>. Replaced <quote>Kai rank of Grand Guardian</quote> with <quote>rank of Kai Grand Guardian</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect31">31</a>) Replaced <quote>aimed ready</quote> with <quote>aimed, ready</quote>. Replaced <quote>It is near</quote> with <quote>He is near</quote>. Replaced <quote>Kai rank of Grand Guardian</quote> with <quote>rank of Kai Grand Guardian</quote>. Replaced <quote>Grand Guardian or higher</quote> with <quote>Grand Guardian, or higher</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect33">33</a>) Replaced both occurrences of <quote>floroa</quote> with <quote>Floroa</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect36">36</a>) Replaced <quote>steps and, as</quote> with <quote>steps, and as</quote>. Replaced <quote>new-found</quote> with <quote>newfound</quote>. </p>
<p>(<a idref="sect37">37</a>) Removed the quotation marks around <quote>crack</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect59">59</a>) Removed <quote> (or higher)</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect63">63</a>) Replaced <quote>elite</quote> with <quote><ch.eacute/>lite</quote> and <quote>breastplace</quote> with <quote>breastplate</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect65">65</a>) Replaced <quote>argument, then</quote> with <quote>argument. Then</quote>, <quote>open and</quote> with <quote>open, and</quote>, and <quote>recently-cleared</quote> with <quote>recently cleared</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect66">66</a>) Replaced <quote>Grand Guardian or higher</quote> with <quote>Grand Guardian, or higher</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect67">67</a>) Replaced <quote>silence, then</quote> with <quote>silence; then</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect68">68</a>) Replaced <quote>backpack</quote> with <quote>Backpack</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect70">70</a>) Replaced <quote>now and</quote> with <quote>now, and</quote>. Replaced <quote>cover, then</quote> with <quote>cover; then</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect102">102</a>) Replaced both occurrences of <quote>Kai mastery</quote> with <quote>Kai Mastery</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect104">104</a>) Removed the quotation marks around <quote>Sense Evil</quote> and replaced <quote>ahead and</quote> with <quote>ahead, and</quote>. Replaced <quote>Brotherhood spell</quote> with <quote>Brotherhood Spell</quote>. Replaced <quote>evoke</quote> with <quote>invoke</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect106">106</a>) Replaced <quote>pathsmanship</quote> with <quote>Pathsmanship</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect107">107</a>) Replaced <quote>Grand Guardian or higher</quote> with <quote>Grand Guardian, or higher</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect108">108</a>) Replaced <quote>themsleves</quote> with <quote>themselves</quote>. Replaced <quote>splashes, then</quote> with <quote>splashes; then</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect110">110</a>) Replaced <quote>feet and, using</quote> with <quote>feet, and using</quote>. Replaced <quote>battle spell</quote> with <quote>Battle-spell</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect111">111</a>) Replaced <quote>arrow</quote> with <quote>Arrow</quote> and <quote>bow</quote> with <quote>Bow</quote>. Replaced <quote>strike, then</quote> with <quote>strike; then</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect154">154</a>) Replaced <quote>barnlike</quote> with <quote>barn-like</quote>. Replaced <quote>to zero</quote> with <quote>to zero or below</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect155">155</a>) Replaced <quote>hard-worn</quote> with <quote>hard-won</quote>, <quote>t<ch.apos/>is</quote> with <quote><ch.thinspace/><ch.apos/>tis</quote>, and <quote>much-needed</quote> with <quote>much needed</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect158">158</a>) Replaced both occurrences of <quote>Kai Alchemy</quote> with <quote>Kai-alchemy</quote>. Changed the choice that requires the rank of Sun Knight to lead to <a idref="sect17">Section 17</a> instead of <a idref="sect86">Section 86</a>, and changed the other choice to lead to <a idref="sect86">Section 86</a> instead of <a idref="sect17">Section 17</a>. <a idref="sect17">Section 17</a> assumes that you<ch.apos/>ve reached the rank of Sun Knight. Replaced <quote>Kai-alchemy, and</quote> and <quote>Kai-alchemy and</quote>. Replaced <quote>ca, then</quote> with <quote>can; then</quote>. Replaced <quote>Kai mastery</quote> with <quote>Kai Mastery</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect159">159</a>) Replaced <quote>Grand Guardian or higher</quote> with <quote>Grand Guardian, or higher</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect160">160</a>) Replaced both occurrences of <quote>on to</quote> with <quote>onto</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect162">162</a>) Replaced <quote>wildly, then</quote> with <quote>wildly; then</quote>. Replaced <quote>bars, then</quote> with <quote>bars; then</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect165">165</a>) Replaced <quote>Tozaz forest, then</quote> with <quote>Tozaz Forest; then</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect272">275</a>) Replaced <quote>cabin</quote> with <quote>camp</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect277">277</a>) Replaced <quote>Tozaz forest</quote> with <quote>Tozaz Forest</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect278">278</a>) Replaced <quote>arrow</quote> with <quote>Arrow</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect279">279</a>) Replaced <quote>icy-cold</quote> with <quote>icy cold</quote> and <quote>shudder, then</quote> with <quote>shudder; then</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect279">279</a>) Replaced <quote>icy-cold</quote> with <quote>icy cold</quote> and <quote>shudder, then</quote> with <quote>shudder; then</quote>. Replaced <quote>Grand Guardian or higher</quote> with <quote>Grand Guardian, or higher</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect282">282</a>) Replaced <quote>pathsmanship</quote> with <quote>Pathsmanship</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect284">284</a>) Replaced <quote>t<ch.apos/>is</quote> with <quote><ch.thinspace/><ch.apos/>tis</quote> and <quote>much-needed</quote> with <quote>much needed</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect285">285</a>) Replaced <quote>distented</quote> with <quote>distended</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect313">313</a>) Replaced <quote>face and, within</quote> with <quote>face, and within</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect314">314</a>) Replaced <quote>further, then</quote> with <quote>further; then</quote>. Replaced <quote>them, then</quote> with <quote>them; then</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect316">316</a>) Replaced <quote>pause, then</quote> with <quote>pause; then</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect317">317</a>) Replaced <quote>zig-zagging</quote> with <quote>zigzagging</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect317">317</a>) Replaced <quote>zig-zagging</quote> with <quote>zigzagging</quote>. Replaced <quote>Grand Guardian or higher</quote> with <quote>Grand Guardian, or higher</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect319">319</a>) Replaced <quote>pathsmanship</quote> with <quote>Pathsmanship</quote>. Replaced <quote>north-westerly</quote> with <quote>northwesterly</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect320">320</a>) Replaced <quote>Mastery, and</quote> with <quote>Mastery and</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect321">321</a>) Replaced <quote>arrow</quote> with <quote>Arrow</quote> and <quote>bow</quote> with <quote>Bow</quote>.</p>
<p>With a frenzied howl the wild Jackals abandon the feathery carcass and come streaming through the gap in the boulders, drawn by the scent of your horse. They seem to know that he is in a weakened state, and this fuels their fury. Your horse takes fright and tries to pull away, his hooves flailing the air perilously close to your skull, and as the first of the Jackals makes its attack, you find yourself struggling to hold on to the reins with one hand and fight them off with the other.</p>
<combat><enemy>Vorndarol Jackals</enemy><enemy-attribute class="combatskill">42</enemy-attribute><enemy-attribute class="endurance">38</enemy-attribute></combat>
- <p>Unless you possess Grand Weaponmastery and have reached the rank of Sun Knight or higher, you must reduce your <typ class="attribute">COMBAT SKILL</typ> by 5 for the duration of this combat.</p>
+ <p>Unless you possess Grand Weaponmastery and have reached the rank of Sun Knight, or higher, you must reduce your <typ class="attribute">COMBAT SKILL</typ> by 5 for the duration of this combat.</p>
<choice idref="sect222">You may evade combat after four rounds by <link-text>turning to 222</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect347">If you win this fight, <link-text>turn to 347</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You sheathe your weapon, run to the edge of the warehouse, and launch yourself towards the roof of the building opposite.</p>
- <p>Pick a number from the <a idref="random">Random Number Table</a>. If you possess Grand Huntmastery <em>and</em> have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, add 3 to the number you have picked.</p>
+ <p>Pick a number from the <a idref="random">Random Number Table</a>. If you possess Grand Huntmastery <em>and</em> have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, or higher, add 3 to the number you have picked.</p>
<choice idref="sect154">If your total score is now 3 or less, <link-text>turn to 154</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect310">If it is 4<ch.endash/>7, <link-text>turn to 310</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect70">If it is 8 or higher, <link-text>turn to 70</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You resist the urge to make use of the Deathstaff to ward off the approaching Vortexi horde. You would rather trust in your own goodly powers than use a weapon forged of evil.</p>
<p>Lashed by the wind and the rain, you steel yourself as the screaming phantoms come swooping down to attack.</p>
- <choice idref="sect103">If you possess Assimilance, and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, <link-text>turn to 103</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect36">If you possess Kai-screen, and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, <link-text>turn to 36</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect103">If you possess Assimilance, and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, or higher, <link-text>turn to 103</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect36">If you possess Kai-screen, and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, or higher, <link-text>turn to 36</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect144">If you do not possess these skills, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, <link-text>turn to 144</link-text>.</choice>
<instance class="pdf" src="small5.pdf" width="386" height="150"/>
- <choice idref="sect249">If you possess Animal Mastery and have reached the rank of Sun Knight or higher, <link-text>turn to 249</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect249">If you possess Animal Mastery and have reached the rank of Sun Knight, or higher, <link-text>turn to 249</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect180">If you do not possess this Discipline, or if you have yet to attain this level of Grand Mastery, <link-text>turn to 180</link-text>.</choice>
<p>The Jackals are gaining too quickly for you to outrun them; your only hope now is to fight them off. You rein your exhausted horse to a halt and slip out of the saddle, drawing your weapon as you touch the ground. The Jackals spread out and surround you, howling maniacally as they savour the scent of your frightened horse. Then, as if responding to a silent signal, they slink forward to tighten the circle. Your horse rears up and tries to pull away, his hooves flailing the air perilously close to your skull.</p>
<p>As the first of the Jackals makes its attack, you find yourself struggling to hold on to the reins with one hand and fight the Jackals off with the other.</p>
<combat><enemy>Vorndarol Jackals</enemy><enemy-attribute class="combatskill">42</enemy-attribute><enemy-attribute class="endurance">38</enemy-attribute></combat>
- <p>Unless you possess Grand Weaponmastery and have reached the rank of Sun Knight or higher, you must reduce your <typ class="attribute">COMBAT SKILL</typ> by 5 for the duration of this combat.</p>
+ <p>Unless you possess Grand Weaponmastery and have reached the rank of Sun Knight, or higher, you must reduce your <typ class="attribute">COMBAT SKILL</typ> by 5 for the duration of this combat.</p>
<choice idref="sect222">You may evade combat after four rounds by <link-text>turning to 222</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect347">If you win this fight, <link-text>turn to 347</link-text>.</choice>
<p>The wolf growls menacingly and Bracer backs away in fright. Quickly you prepare to use your Magnakai skill of Animal Control to calm this beast before its hunger or its fear make it attack.</p>
- <choice idref="sect89">If you possess Animal Mastery, and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, <link-text>turn to 89</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect89">If you possess Animal Mastery, and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, or higher, <link-text>turn to 89</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect151">If you do not possess this skill, or have yet to reach this rank, <link-text>turn instead to 151</link-text>.</choice>
<p><quote>Where was this found?</quote> you ask.</p>
<p><quote>In the ruins of Vorn,</quote> replies Kadharian, ominously.</p>
- <choice idref="sect262">If you possess the Discipline of Telegnosis, and have reached the Kai rank of Sun Knight or higher, <link-text>turn to 262</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect262">If you possess the Discipline of Telegnosis, and have reached the Kai rank of Sun Knight, or higher, <link-text>turn to 262</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect49">If you do not possess this Discipline, or have yet to reach this level of Kai Mastery, <link-text>turn to 49</link-text>.</choice>
<p>Through a gap in the boulders you see a pack of eight ridge-backed Jackals feeding on the carcass of a Durncrag Scavenger, a vulture-like bird of prey. They are engrossed in their meal until they detect the scent of their most favoured food: live horsemeat.</p>
<p>With another frenzied howl the wild Jackals abandon the feathery carcass and come streaming through the gap in the boulders, drawn by the scent of your horse. They seem to know that he is in a weakened state and this fuels their fury. Your horse takes fright and tries to pull away, his hooves flailing the air perilously close to your skull, and as the first of the Jackals make its attack, you find yourself struggling to hold on to the reins with one hand and fight off the Jackals with the other.</p>
<combat><enemy>Vorndarol Jackals</enemy><enemy-attribute class="combatskill">42</enemy-attribute><enemy-attribute class="endurance">38</enemy-attribute></combat>
- <p>Unless you possess Grand Weaponmastery and have reached the rank of Sun Knight or higher, you must reduce your <typ class="attribute">COMBAT SKILL</typ> by 5 for the duration of this combat.</p>
+ <p>Unless you possess Grand Weaponmastery and have reached the rank of Sun Knight, or higher, you must reduce your <typ class="attribute">COMBAT SKILL</typ> by 5 for the duration of this combat.</p>
<choice idref="sect222">You may evade combat after four rounds by <link-text>turning to 222</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect347">If you win this fight, <link-text>turn to 347</link-text>.</choice>
<p>Pick a number from the <a idref="random">Random Number Table</a>.</p>
<p>If your current <typ class="attribute">ENDURANCE</typ> points score is 14 or higher, add 2 to the number you picked.</p>
<p>If your current <typ class="attribute">ENDURANCE</typ> points score is 13 or lower, deduct 1 from the number you picked.</p>
- <p>If you possess Kai-alchemy, and have attained the Kai rank of Sun Knight, add 5 to the number you picked.</p>
+ <p>If you possess Kai-alchemy, and have attained the Kai rank of Sun Knight, or higher, add 5 to the number you picked.</p>
<choice idref="sect313">If your total score is now 4 or less, <link-text>turn to 313</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect350">If it is 5 or more, <link-text>turn to 350</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You draw on all your Kai Mastery to evade these swooping horrors as you make good your escape. At first they pursue you, but when you leave the island they seem to lose interest and they turn back to their lair. Within a few minutes of their departing, a grey vapour boils up from the cracks in the ground. The vapour thickens with breathtaking speed until the basalt island and the entire fiery plain beyond is engulfed by this grey fog.</p>
<p>You walk through this cloying sea of mist for what seems like an eternity until your senses detect that something is circling high above you. At first you suspect that the golden-winged creatures have come hunting for you again, but then you detect that it is something completely different. There is only one creature, and you sense that it is using a highly-developed psychic probe in order to seek you out.</p>
- <choice idref="sect31">If you possess Grand Nexus, and have reached the Kai rank of Sun Knight or higher, <link-text>turn to 31</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect31">If you possess Grand Nexus, and have reached the Kai rank of Sun Knight, or higher, <link-text>turn to 31</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect106">If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, <link-text>turn to 106</link-text>.</choice>
<p><quote>Good luck, Grand Master,</quote> he calls out. <quote>My hopes and my prayers go with you.</quote></p>
<p>By nightfall you have covered twenty kilometres of rough terrain and have been assailed by extremes of weather. From a desert-like heat at mid-afternoon the temperature plummeted, causing a sub-zero squall which left you and Bracer blanketed with frost. But now, as darkness draws its cloak over this troubled land, the temperature quickly rises. This heralds the return of the rain, and the thunder and the violent lightning strikes.</p>
<p>Helped by your tracking skills, you discover a shallow cave where you can take shelter from the storm. You are tired and hungry, and unless you possess Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 <typ class="attribute">ENDURANCE</typ> points.</p>
- <choice idref="sect194">If you possess Animal Mastery, and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, <link-text>turn to 194</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect194">If you possess Animal Mastery, and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, or higher, <link-text>turn to 194</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect23">If you do not possess this Discipline, or if you have yet to achieve this level of Kai Mastery, <link-text>turn to 23</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You leap into the saddle and steer your horse away from the lake and the sinister circle of boulders. Then you hear another frenzied howl and you glance over your shoulder to see a pack of eight ridge-backed Jackals come streaming through a gap in the boulders, drawn by the scent of your horse. They seem to know that he is in a weakened state and this fuels their fury.</p>
<p>You urge your horse to the gallop as the Jackals bound along the shore, but he is weakening fast and the ground here is treacherous: it is strewn with loose rocks and jagged shale.</p>
- <choice idref="sect112">If you possess Grand Huntmastery, and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, <link-text>turn to 112</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect112">If you possess Grand Huntmastery, and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, or higher, <link-text>turn to 112</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect99">If you do not possess this Discipline, or have yet to attain this level of Kai rank, <link-text>turn to 99</link-text>.</choice>
<instance class="pdf" src="ill18.pdf" width="386" height="591"/>
- <choice idref="sect104">If you possess Grand Huntmastery and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, <link-text>turn to 104</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect73">If you do not possess this skill, or have yet to attain this rank of Kai Grand Mastership, <link-text>turn to 73</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect104">If you possess Grand Huntmastery and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, or higher, <link-text>turn to 104</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect73">If you do not possess this skill, or have yet to attain this level of Kai Grand Mastership, <link-text>turn to 73</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You focus your sight and hearing at the bushes and suddenly realize that you have been taken in by an elaborate ruse. A thin length of twine runs away under the foliage; it is the trigger that dislodged the rock and made it fall. There is nobody hiding there after all.</p>
<p>Your eye follows the twine along the hillside to a boulder high up on the slope to your left. Perhaps your would-be ambusher is hiding there instead?</p>
- <choice idref="sect214">If you possess Grand Nexus, and have reached the Kai rank of Sun Knight; <link-text>turn to 214</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect214">If you possess Grand Nexus, and have reached the Kai rank of Sun Knight, or higher, <link-text>turn to 214</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect146">If you do not possess this skill, or have yet to reach this level of Kai Mastery, <link-text>turn to 146</link-text>.</choice>
<p>The trio of phantoms break off their attack and take to the sky to rejoin their unholy siblings. As their wispy, glowing forms disappear into the stormy clouds, you get to your feet and quickly gather up your weapons and equipment. They have gone, but not for long. Within minutes they return with seven more of their ghostly brothers in train.</p>
- <choice idref="sect111">If you possess Kai-screen, and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, <link-text>turn to 111</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect111">If you possess Kai-screen, and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, or higher, <link-text>turn to 111</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect30">If you do not possess this Discipline, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai rank, <link-text>turn to 30</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You are awoken in the middle of the night by the she-cat<ch.apos/>s nervous growl. At first you think that a new day must already have dawned for the cave is awash with bright light, but when you look out at the surrounding landscape you see that the light has a far more sinister origin.</p>
<p>The sky is alive with hordes of glowing, wraith-like phantoms. They swoop down from the roiling storm clouds and skim the treetops, howling and screeching like angry banshees. A trio of these ghastly apparitions passes within a few yards of the cave mouth and startle the wild cat and her mewing cub. Terrified, they flee the cave and disappear into the pines.</p>
- <choice idref="sect283">If you possess Kai-screen, and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, <link-text>turn to 283</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect283">If you possess Kai-screen, and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, or higher, <link-text>turn to 283</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect19">If you do not possess Kai-screen, or have yet to attain this Kai rank, <link-text>turn to 19</link-text>.</choice>
<p>(<a idref="sect1">1</a>) Replaced <quote>skyship Skyrider</quote> with <quote>skyship, <cite>Skyrider</cite></quote> and <quote>scroll</quote> with <quote>Scroll</quote>. Replaced <quote>invisibility</quote> with <quote>Invisibility</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect2">2</a>) Replaced <quote>animal kinship</quote> with <quote>Animal Kinship</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect3">3</a>) Replaced <quote>beyond is</quote> with <quote>beyond are</quote>, <quote>Nexus, and</quote> with <quote>Nexus and</quote> and <quote>Knight, or</quote> with <quote>Knight or</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect3">3</a>) Replaced <quote>beyond is</quote> with <quote>beyond are</quote>, and <quote>Nexus, and</quote> with <quote>Nexus and</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect6">6</a>) Replaced <quote>tier and</quote> with <quote>tier, and</quote> and <quote>shadow gate</quote> with <quote>Shadow Gate</quote>. Replaced <quote>Kai mastery</quote> with <quote>Kai Mastery</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect9">9</a>) Replaced <quote>hand you</quote> with <quote>hand, you</quote>, <quote>appear but</quote> with <quote>appear, but</quote>, and <quote>panther you</quote> with <quote>panther, you</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect11">11</a>) Replaced <quote>Durncrag scavenger</quote> with <quote>Durncrag Scavenger</quote>, <quote>most-favoured</quote> with <quote>most favoured</quote>, <quote>weakened state and this</quote> with <quote>weakened state, and this</quote>, <quote>state and</quote> with <quote>state, and</quote>, <quote>skull and, as</quote> with <quote>skull, and as</quote>, all occurrences of <quote>jackals</quote> with <quote>Jackals</quote>, <quote>Knight, or</quote> with <quote>Knight or</quote>, and <quote>rounds, by</quote> with <quote>rounds by</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect11">11</a>) Replaced <quote>Durncrag scavenger</quote> with <quote>Durncrag Scavenger</quote>, <quote>most-favoured</quote> with <quote>most favoured</quote>, <quote>weakened state and this</quote> with <quote>weakened state, and this</quote>, <quote>state and</quote> with <quote>state, and</quote>, <quote>skull and, as</quote> with <quote>skull, and as</quote>, all occurrences of <quote>jackals</quote> with <quote>Jackals</quote>, and <quote>rounds, by</quote> with <quote>rounds by</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect12">12</a>) Replaced <quote>sun and</quote> with <quote>sun, and</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect15">15</a>) Replaced <quote>Kai mastery</quote> with <quote>Kai Mastery</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect14">14</a>) Replaced <quote>Vakovarian brigand captain</quote> with <quote>Vakovarian Brigand Captain</quote> and <quote>rounds, by</quote> with <quote>rounds by</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect62">62</a>) Replaced <quote>belt pouch</quote> with <quote>Belt Pouch</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect39">39</a>) Replaced <quote>curing</quote> with <quote>Curing</quote>, <quote>Vakovarian brigands</quote> with <quote>Vakovarian Brigands</quote>, and <quote>rounds, by</quote> with <quote>rounds by</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect40">40</a>) Removed the quotation marks around <quote>Lightning Hand</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect42">42</a>) Replaced <quote>Grand Guardian or higher</quote> with <quote>Grand Guardian, or higher</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect44">44</a>) Replaced <quote>dim blue</quote> with <quote>dim, blue</quote>, <quote>streches</quote> with <quote>stretches</quote>, and <quote>light and in its dim glow you</quote> with <quote>light, and in its dim glow, you</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect45">45</a>) Removed the superfluous semicolon in <quote>region; has</quote><ch.emdash/>the original print has a suspicious looking smudge that makes no sense in this context. Replaced <quote>says, as</quote> with <quote>says as</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect46">46</a>) Replaced <quote>vortexi</quote> with <quote>Vortexi</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect77">77</a>) Replaced <quote>furrier<ch.apos/>s shop</quote> with <quote>furriers<ch.apos/> shop</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect80">80</a>) Replaced <quote>huntmastery</quote> with <quote>Huntmastery</quote> and <quote>desolate but</quote> with <quote>desolate, but</quote>. Replaced <quote>camp fires</quote> with <quote>campfires</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect82">82</a>) Replaced <quote>deck and</quote> with <quote>deck, and</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect83">83</a>) Replaced <quote>vortexi</quote> with <quote>Vortexi</quote> and both occurrences of <quote>Guardian,</quote> with <quote>Guardian or higher,</quote>. Replaced <quote>Kai mastery</quote> with <quote>Kai Mastery</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect83">83</a>) Replaced <quote>vortexi</quote> with <quote>Vortexi</quote> and both occurrences of <quote>Guardian,</quote> with <quote>Guardian, or higher,</quote>. Replaced <quote>Kai mastery</quote> with <quote>Kai Mastery</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect84">84</a>) Replaced <quote>Black Talisman</quote> with <quote>Black Amulet</quote> and <quote>pathsmanship</quote> with <quote>Pathsmanship</quote>. Replaced <quote>rewrap</quote> with <quote>re-wrap</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect86">86</a>) Replaced <quote>spell</quote> with <quote>Spell</quote> and removed the quotation marks from <quote>Sense Evil</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect87">87</a>) Replaced <quote>scavengers</quote> with <quote>Scavengers</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect87">87</a>) Replaced <quote>scavengers</quote> with <quote>Scavengers</quote>. Replaced <quote>Sun Knight or higher</quote> with <quote>Sun Knight, or higher</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect88">88</a>) Replaced <quote>arrow</quote> with <quote>Arrow</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect89">89</a>) Replaced <quote>mineshaft</quote> with <quote>mine shaft</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect90">90</a>) Replaced <quote>drop and</quote> with <quote>drop, and</quote>. Replaced <quote>death throes</quote> with <quote>death-throes</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect96">96</a>) Replaced <quote>rips</quote> with <quote>rip</quote> and <quote>flame and suddenly</quote> with <quote>flame. Suddenly</quote>. Replaced <quote>silence, then</quote> with <quote>silence; then</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect97">97</a>) Replaced <quote>Kai Blast</quote> with <quote>Kai-blast</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect98">98</a>) Replaced <quote>One by one his</quote> with <quote>One by one, his</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect99">99</a>) Replaced all occurrences of <quote>jackals</quote> with <quote>Jackals</quote>, <quote>Knight, or</quote> with <quote>Knight or</quote>, and <quote>rounds, by</quote> with <quote>rounds by</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect99">99</a>) Replaced all occurrences of <quote>jackals</quote> with <quote>Jackals</quote>, and <quote>rounds, by</quote> with <quote>rounds by</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect100">100</a>) Replaced <quote>t<ch.apos/>is</quote> with <quote><ch.thinspace/><ch.apos/>tis</quote> and <quote>At first I, too, made</quote> with <quote>At first, I too made</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect102">102</a>) Replaced <quote>investigate and your</quote> with <quote>investigate. Your</quote> and <quote>acolyte of Vashna</quote> with <quote>Acolyte of Vashna</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect103">103</a>) Replaced <quote>vortexi</quote> with <quote>Vortexi</quote> and <quote>add 5 to your <typ class="attribute">ENDURANCE</typ> points score</quote> with <quote>restore 5 points to your <typ class="attribute">ENDURANCE</typ> score</quote>. Replaced <quote>Kai mastery</quote> with <quote>Kai Mastery</quote>.</p>
<p>Turn to 57.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect128">128</a>) Replaced <quote>sixth sense</quote> with <quote>Sixth Sense</quote> and <quote>animal control</quote> with <quote>Animal Control</quote>. Replaced <quote>mineshaft</quote> with <quote>mine shaft</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect128">128</a>) Replaced <quote>sixth sense</quote> with <quote>Sixth Sense</quote> and <quote>animal control</quote> with <quote>Animal Control</quote>. Replaced <quote>mineshaft</quote> with <quote>mine shaft</quote>. Replaced <quote>Grand Guardian or higher</quote> with <quote>Grand Guardian, or higher</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect129">129</a>) Removed the quotation marks around <quote>Mind Charm</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect130">130</a>) Replaced <quote>Vasha</quote> with <quote>Vashna</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect131">131</a>) Replaced <quote>weapon</quote> with <quote>Weapon</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect132">132</a>) Replaced <quote>Kai Blast</quote> with <quote>Kai-blast</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect133">133</a>) Replaced <quote>Kai mastery</quote> with <quote>Kai Mastery</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect133">133</a>) Replaced <quote>Kai mastery</quote> with <quote>Kai Mastery</quote>. Replaced <quote>Sun Knight or higher</quote> with <quote>Sun Knight, or higher</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect134">134</a>) Replaced <quote>acolyte Elder</quote> with <quote>Elder</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect136">136</a>) Replaced <quote>invisibility</quote> with <quote>Invisibility</quote> and <quote>arrow</quote> with <quote>Arrow</quote>. Removed the quotation marks around <quote>Mind Charm</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect137">137</a>) Replaced <quote>unconscious and</quote> with <quote>unconscious, and</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect204">204</a>) Replaced <quote>acolytes of Vashna</quote> with <quote>Acolytes of Vashna</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect205">205</a>) Removed <quote>, or higher</quote> from <quote>Sun Lord, or higher</quote> since Sun Lord is the highest available rank in this book.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect207">207</a>) Replaced <quote>Huntmastery you</quote> with <quote>Huntmastery, you</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect208">208</a>) Replaced <quote>scavenger</quote> with <quote>Scavenger</quote>, <quote>most-favoured</quote> with <quote>most favoured</quote>, all occurrences of <quote>Jackals</quote> with <quote>Jackals</quote>, <quote>Knight, or</quote> with <quote>Knight or</quote>, and <quote>rounds, by</quote> with <quote>rounds by</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect208">208</a>) Replaced <quote>scavenger</quote> with <quote>Scavenger</quote>, <quote>most-favoured</quote> with <quote>most favoured</quote>, all occurrences of <quote>Jackals</quote> with <quote>Jackals</quote>, and <quote>rounds, by</quote> with <quote>rounds by</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect209">209</a>) Replaced <quote>gulley</quote> with <quote>gully</quote>, <quote>animal kinship</quote> with <quote>Animal Kinship</quote>, and <quote>so you</quote> with <quote>so, you</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect211">211</a>) Replaced <quote>gone, then</quote> with <quote>gone; then</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect212">212</a>) Removed the quotation marks around <quote>Mind Charm</quote> and replaced <quote>spell</quote> with <quote>Spell</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect239">239</a>) Replaced <quote>Kai lord</quote> with <quote>Kai Lord</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect241">241</a>) Replaced <quote>arrow</quote> with <quote>Arrow</quote> and <quote>longer ,</quote> with <quote>longer,</quote>. Removed the quotation marks around <quote>Mind Charm</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect243">243</a>) Replaced <quote>Kai mastery</quote> with <quote>Kai Mastery</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect246">246</a>) Replaced <quote>abate, then</quote> with <quote>abate; then</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect246">246</a>) Replaced <quote>abate, then</quote> with <quote>abate; then</quote>. Replaced <quote>Sun Knight, add</quote> with <quote>Sun Knight, or higher, add</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect247">247</a>) Replaced <quote>arrows</quote> with <quote>Arrows</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect249">249</a>) Replaced <quote>animal control</quote> with <quote>Animal Control</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect250">250</a>) Replaced <quote>Then, as you round a knoll of rock, shaped</quote> with <quote>Then as you round a knoll of rock shaped</quote> and <quote>vortexi</quote> with <quote>Vortexi</quote>. Replaced <quote>sky, then</quote> with <quote>sky; then</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect269">269</a>) Replaced <quote>spell</quote> with <quote>Spell</quote> and removed the quotation marks around <quote>Mind Charm</quote>. Replaced <quote>be<ch.emdash/>a lowly acolyte of Vashna</quote> with <quote>be: a lowly Acolyte of Vashna</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect272">272</a>) Replaced <quote>arrow</quote> with <quote>Arrow</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect275">275</a>) Replaced <quote>acolyte Elder</quote> with <quote>Acolyte Elder</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect276">276</a>) Replaced <quote>Knight, or</quote> with <quote>Knight or</quote>. Replaced both occurrences of <quote>Kai mastery</quote> with <quote>Kai Mastery</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect276">276</a>) Replaced both occurrences of <quote>Kai mastery</quote> with <quote>Kai Mastery</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect277">277</a>) Replaced <quote>humble-but-honest</quote> with <quote>humble but honest</quote> and <quote>acolytes of Vashna</quote> with <quote>Acolytes of Vashna</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect278">278</a>) Replaced <quote>sparks, then</quote> with <quote>sparks; then</quote>. Replaced <quote>arching</quote> with <quote>arcing</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect279">279</a>) Replaced <quote>streaming</quote> with <quote>steaming</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect293">293</a>) Replaced <quote>backpack</quote> with <quote>Backpack</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect294">294</a>) Replaced <quote>spell</quote> with <quote>Spell</quote> and removed the quotation marks from <quote>Mind Charm</quote>. Replaced <quote>eyes, then</quote> with <quote>eyes; then</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect296">296</a>) Replaced <quote>ever-nearer</quote> with <quote>ever nearer</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect297">297</a>) Replaced <quote>Guardian, or</quote> with <quote>Guardian or</quote>. Replaced <quote>Kai mastery</quote> with <quote>Kai Mastery</quote>. Replaced <quote>out, <ch.lsquot/>my</quote> with <quote>out. <ch.lsquot/>My</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect297">297</a>) Replaced <quote>Kai mastery</quote> with <quote>Kai Mastery</quote>. Replaced <quote>out, <ch.lsquot/>my</quote> with <quote>out. <ch.lsquot/>My</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect298">298</a>) Replaced <quote>curse, then</quote> with <quote>curse; then</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect301">301</a>) Replaced <quote>bow, draw an arrow from your quiver</quote> with <quote>Bow, draw an Arrow from your Quiver</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect302">302</a>) Replaced <quote>Kai pathsmanship</quote> with <quote>Magnakai Pathsmanship</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect306">306</a>) Replaced <quote>corvayl</quote> with <quote>Corvayl</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect307">307</a>) Replaced <quote>pathsmanship</quote> with <quote>Pathsmanship</quote> and <quote>north-easterly</quote> with <quote>northeasterly</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect308">308</a>) Replaced <quote>weapon</quote> with <quote>Weapon</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect309">309</a>) Replaced both occurrences of <quote>jackals</quote> with <quote>Jackals</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect309">309</a>) Replaced both occurrences of <quote>jackals</quote> with <quote>Jackals</quote>. Replaced <quote>Grand Guardian or higher</quote> with <quote>Grand Guardian, or higher</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect311">311</a>) Replaced <quote>arching</quote> with <quote>arcing</quote>. Replaced <quote>brightly, then</quote> with <quote>brightly; then</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect315">315</a>) Replaced <quote>king<ch.apos/>s</quote> with <quote>King<ch.apos/>s</quote>. Replaced <quote>warmly, <ch.lsquot/>it</quote> with <quote>warmly. <ch.lsquot/>It</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect316">316</a>) Replaced <quote>token</quote> with <quote>Token</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect318">318</a>) Replaced <quote>head first</quote> with <quote>head-first</quote> and <quote>shadow gate</quote> with <quote>Shadow Gate</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect319">319</a>) Replaced <quote>gulley</quote> with <quote>gully</quote> and <quote>Guardian, or</quote> with <quote>Guardian or</quote>. Replaced <quote>Kai rank of Grand Guardian</quote> with <quote>rank of Kai Grand Guardian</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect320">320</a>) Replaced <quote>Kai mastery</quote> with <quote>Kai Mastery</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect319">319</a>) Replaced <quote>gulley</quote> with <quote>gully</quote>. Replaced <quote>Kai rank of Grand Guardian</quote> with <quote>rank of Kai Grand Guardian</quote>. Replaced <quote>this rank of</quote> with <quote>this level of</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect320">320</a>) Replaced <quote>Kai mastery</quote> with <quote>Kai Mastery</quote>. Replaced <quote>Sun Knight, turn</quote> with <quote>Sun Knight, or higher, turn</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect322">322</a>) Replaced <quote>acolyte Elder</quote> with <quote>Acolyte Elder</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect323">323</a>) Moved <quote>How can I help you, stranger?</quote> to the first paragraph and moved <quote>For an instant the look of suspicion returns to his beady eyes, then he sneers and says,</quote> to the third paragraph. Replaced <quote>eyes, then</quote> with <quote>eyes; then</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect324">324</a>) Replaced <quote>vortexi</quote> with <quote>Vortexi</quote>. Replaced <quote>sparks, then</quote> with <quote>sparks; then</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect325">325</a>) Replaced <quote>acolytes of Vashna</quote> with <quote>Acolytes of Vashna</quote> and <quote>ruins, by</quote> with <quote>ruins by</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect326">326</a>) Replaced <quote>Guardian, or</quote> with <quote>Guardian or</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect327">327</a>) Replaced <quote>stalagtites</quote> with <quote>stalactites</quote> and <quote>young teenage</quote> with <quote>young, teenage</quote>.<!--ERRTAG-RE-424963-ITEM--> Replaced <quote>chasm of doom</quote> with <quote>Chasm of Doom</quote>.<!--/ERRTAG-RE-424963-ITEM--></p>
<p>(<a idref="sect328">328</a>) Replaced <quote>arrow</quote> with <quote>Arrow</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect329">329</a>) Replaced <quote>arrows</quote> with <quote>Arrows</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect341">341</a>) Replaced <quote>north-easterly</quote> with <quote>northeasterly</quote> and <quote>north-east</quote> with <quote>northeast</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect342">342</a>) Replaced <quote>gulley</quote> with <quote>gully</quote>, <quote>indentify</quote> with <quote>identifies</quote>, and <quote>acolyte of Vashna</quote> with <quote>Acolyte of Vashna</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect343">343</a>) Replaced <quote>sixth sense</quote> with <quote>Sixth Sense</quote>.</p>
- <p>(<a idref="sect344">344</a>) Replaced <quote>tree-tops</quote> with <quote>treetops</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect344">344</a>) Replaced <quote>tree-tops</quote> with <quote>treetops</quote>. Replaced <quote>Grand Guardian or higher</quote> with <quote>Grand Guardian, or higher</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect345">345</a>) Replaced <quote>on to</quote> with <quote>onto</quote> and <quote>shadow gate</quote> with <quote>Shadow Gate</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect347">347</a>) Replaced both occurrences of <quote>jackal</quote> with <quote>Jackal</quote>. Replaced <quote>weapon, then</quote> with <quote>weapon; then</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect348">348</a>) Replaced <quote>invisibility</quote> with <quote>Invisibility</quote> and removed the quotation marks around <quote>Mind Charm</quote>. Replaced <quote>arrow</quote> with <quote>Arrow</quote></p>