<rights class="copyrights">
<line>Text copyright <ch.copy/> 1992 Joe Dever.</line>
- <line>Illustrations copyright <ch.copy/> 1993 Brian Williams.</line>
+ <line>Illustrations copyright <ch.copy/> 1992 Brian Williams.</line>
<rights class="license-notification">
<p><quote>Sir, if I am able to cure this lame mare,</quote> you say, stroking the horse<ch.apos/>s velvety nose, <quote>then will you allow me to keep her?</quote></p>
<p><quote>Ha, ha, ha, so you think you can work miracles, do you?</quote> chuckles the owner, <quote>Very well then, stranger. If you can cure her<ch.emdash/>you can keep her.</quote></p>
<p>Gently you settle the mare and run your hands down her lame foreleg. Using your Magnakai Disciplines of curing and animal control, you slowly ease her worn-out joints and mend her cracked bones. Within minutes she is as agile as a new-born foal.</p>
- <p><quote>Well I be a storgh<ch.apos/>s uncle!</quote> gasps the owner, amazed by the sudden transformation. <quote>So, stranger, you <cite>can</cite> work miracles after all! The horse is yours!</quote></p>
+ <p><quote>Well I be a storgh<ch.apos/>s uncle!</quote> gasps the owner, amazed by the sudden transformation. <quote>So, stranger, you <em>can</em> work miracles after all! The horse is yours!</quote></p>
<p>You climb upon the mare<ch.apos/>s back and wave farewell to the owner and the stable-boy, who is now crying tears of joy.</p>
<p><quote>If ever you<ch.apos/>re looking for work,</quote> says the owner, as you turn the horse to leave, <quote>then there<ch.apos/>ll always be a job for you here!</quote></p>
<choice idref="sect244"><link-text>Turn to 244</link-text>.</choice>
<p>The electrical fire that borders the Shadow Gate suddenly flares and gives off hissing sparks which climb like fireworks into the night sky. Moments later, a trio of lavas emerge from its total darkness and soar into the air. Judging by their direction of flight, you determine that they are going to reinforce the enemy line which keeps King Ulnar<ch.apos/>s armies at bay.</p>
<p>You are too far from the Shadow Gate to hurl the Sun-Crystal and so, with caution, you begin to inch your way nearer to your goal.</p>
<choice idref="sect291">If you possess Grand Pathsmanship and Telegnosis <link-text>turn to 291</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect127">If you do not possess <cite>both</cite> of these skills, <link-text>turn to 127</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect127">If you do not possess <em>both</em> of these skills, <link-text>turn to 127</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You raise your weapon and brace yourself in the stirrups as the winged horror comes swooping down to rake you with its sword-sharp claws.</p>
<combat><enemy>Lavas</enemy><enemy-attribute class="combatskill">45</enemy-attribute><enemy-attribute class="endurance">45</enemy-attribute></combat>
- <p>The creature is attempting to claw you as it swoops past, therefore fight this combat for <cite>one round only</cite>.</p>
+ <p>The creature is attempting to claw you as it swoops past, therefore fight this combat for <em>one round only</em>.</p>
<choice idref="sect263">If, in this single round of combat, you lose more <typ class="attribute">ENDURANCE</typ> points than your enemy, <link-text>turn to 263</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect226">If your enemy loses more <typ class="attribute">ENDURANCE</typ> points, or if the loss is identical, <link-text>turn to 226</link-text>.</choice>
<p>Later in the day you come to a ridge which overlooks a sizeable town positioned at the centre of a wide valley. A glance at your <a idref="map">map</a> confirms your suspicion that this town is Oredal, and, when you magnify your vision, you see that it is swarming with Eldenoran troops and horsemen. You decide to give this town a wide berth and you stay in the hills to avoid the risk of being detected. For two days you live off the land as you make your way steadily northwards. Despite the bad weather, and having to go on foot, you make excellent progress. On the morning of the third day you come to a wood overlooking a small village called Nursha, which sits astride the main Rioma road. In the centre of this town there is a junction where another wide road branches off to the east. A large signpost at the junction says: Abisko<ch.emdash/>40 miles.</p>
<p>From the dry shelter of the wood you observe the town for nearly an hour, but you detect no movement there whatsoever: the place appears to be completely deserted.</p>
<choice idref="sect169">If you possess the Disciplines of Deliverance and Grand Pathsmanship, <link-text>turn to 169</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect212">If you do not possess <cite>both</cite> of these Grand Master Disciplines, <link-text>turn to 212</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect212">If you do not possess <em>both</em> of these Grand Master Disciplines, <link-text>turn to 212</link-text>.</choice>