<instance class="pdf" src="ill5.pdf" width="386" height="657"/>
<p><quote>Quickly,</quote> you hiss. <quote>Come with me.</quote> You run through the door and into the corridor outside. Shadow forms are flowing out of the walls and floor, and everywhere spirit shapes fly in all directions. You turn to your right and see the horribly mutilated corpse of the jailer. Still clenched in his mortifying fist is a small Dagger. You may take <!--ERRTAG-RE-132686-->this item<!--/ERRTAG-RE-132686--> if you wish. (Remember to mark it on your <a idref="action">Action Chart</a> under the Weapons section.)</p>
- <choice idref="sect125">If you wish to take the Jailer<ch.apos/>s Keys and free the other prisoners on this level, <link-text>turn to 125</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect125">If you wish to take the Jailer<ch.apos/>s Keys and free the other prisoners on this level, <link-text>turn to 125</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect137">If you wish to take the left stairway without delay, <link-text>turn to 137</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect212">If you wish to take the right stairway, <link-text>turn to 212</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You enter an alley that runs alongside the bar, and make your way to the rear door. Through a cracked glass panel you can see the kitchens. They are empty, but remnants of food lie scattered across the tables and, judging by the amount of fresh garbage strewn on the floor, a large group of clansmen must have eaten here not so long ago.</p>
<p>You test the handle and discover that the door is unlocked.</p>
<p>Pick a number from the <a idref="random">Random Number Table</a> and add to it your Perception skill score.</p>
- <choice idref="sect86">If your total score is 8 or less, <link-text>turn to 86</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect86">If your total score is 8 or less, <link-text>turn to 86</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect2">If your total score is 9 or more, <link-text>turn to 2</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You reach out to the Elemental plane and ask for the help of the Elementals. Representatives of the four Elements appear before you and you must choose which one you wish to help you.</p>
<choice idref="sect285">If you wish to be aided by the Element of Air, <link-text>turn to 285</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect187">If you wish to be aided by the Element of Earth, <link-text>turn to 187</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect187">If you wish to be aided by the Element of Earth, <link-text>turn to 187</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect240">If you wish to be aided by the Element of Water, <link-text>turn to 240</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect43">If you wish to be aided by the Element of Fire, <link-text>turn to 43</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You smile quietly to yourself. Tanith<ch.apos/>s angry bluff has shaken both Spittlethrift and Crabkey. Though Tanith does possess many uncanny powers taught to her while in the service of Mother Magri, a powerful Wytch in the service of the Shadakine Empire, her skills lie chiefly in her mastery of animals and nature and in a bravery that surpasses many warriors of greater stature. Tanith turns to you, the fire dying in her wild, green eyes. <quote>Accept their offer, Grey Star,</quote> she says. <quote>I do not fear this over-fed worm, or that slinking weasel.</quote></p>
<p>You sense that Tanith is far more afraid than she admits but the success of the quest is as important to her as it is to you and without the Ethetron it is unlikely that you will succeed. <quote>Very well,</quote> you say. <quote>Show me how the machine works. What must I do?</quote></p>
<p>Sullenly, Crabkey shows you the machine. Spittlethrift, pale and perspiring, remains silent, his chubby hands fluttering nervously at his side.</p>
- <choice idref="sect116"><link-text>Turn to 116.</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect116"><link-text>Turn to 116.</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect132">If the gun you are using is a Pistol, <link-text>turn to 132</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect61">If it is a Machine Pistol, <link-text>turn to 61</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect212">If it is a Shotgun, <link-text>turn to 212</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect98">If it is a Rifle, <link-text>turn to 98</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect98">If it is a Rifle, <link-text>turn to 98</link-text>.</choice>
- <p>The harsh hammering of the clansman<ch.apos/>s machine pistol is the last sound you will ever hear. Sharp, stinging cores of pain punch you repeatedly in the stomach and fearfully you clasp your hands to your midriff as you tumble backwards to the ground. Warm blood oozes between your fingers but although you are incapable of moving, you no longer feel pain. Aware that you have been shot, and that the shock of your wounds has numbed your senses, you close your eyes and wish yourself out of this nightmare,</p>
+ <p>The harsh hammering of the clansman<ch.apos/>s machine pistol is the last sound you will ever hear. Sharp, stinging cores of pain punch you repeatedly in the stomach and fearfully you clasp your hands to your midriff as you tumble backwards to the ground. Warm blood oozes between your fingers but although you are incapable of moving, you no longer feel pain. Aware that you have been shot, and that the shock of your wounds has numbed your senses, you close your eyes and wish yourself out of this nightmare.</p>
<p>The urge to sleep overwhelms you. Coupled with the creeping numbness that has spread through your body, you surrender to death<ch.apos/>s timeless embrace.</p>
<p>Tragically, your journey and your life end here at Picacho.</p>
<p>No sooner has the first warrior collapsed when another is hacking at you from the side. As you turn to face him, a spear thrust gashes your left arm and you lose 2 <typ class="attribute">ENDURANCE</typ> points. You recoil in pain and, in the crush of battle, you slip and fall to the floor, which is already strewn with bodies. Then you glimpse an open door and crawl towards it.</p>
<p>Pick a number from the <a idref="random">Random Number Table</a>. If you possess the Kai Discipline of Camouflage, add 3 to the number you have picked.</p>
- <choice idref="sect192">If your total is now 0<ch.endash/>5, <link-text>turn to 192</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect192">If your total is now 0<ch.endash/>5, <link-text>turn to 192</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect16">If your total is now 6<ch.endash/>12, <link-text>turn to 16</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You rush into the cellar and bolt the door. Pressing your ear to the gnarled timber, you listen intently to the noise of Maouk<ch.apos/>s angry soldiers. They have entered the building and it will only be a matter of time before they notice the cellar door. You cast your eyes around the room. It is empty except for a Coil of Rope and a Tinderbox. Then you notice that there is another way out of the small stone room<ch.emdash/>an iron grille in the centre of the floor. However, the horrible stench rising from it turns your stomach.</p>
- <choice idref="sect51">If you wish to leave the cellar by the grille, <link-text>turn to 51</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect51">If you wish to leave the cellar by the grille, <link-text>turn to 51</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect123">If you decide to stay in the cellar, prepare for combat and <link-text>turn to 123</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You aim and fire a fraction of a second later, hitting the leader in the chest. He tumbles backwards, knocked off his feet by the force of your arrow. His followers growl their anger, unsheathing long knives and axes as they press forward to wreak their revenge.</p>
<combat><enemy>Zahda Beastmen</enemy><enemy-attribute class="combatskill">28</enemy-attribute><enemy-attribute class="endurance">35</enemy-attribute></combat>
- <choice idref="sect17">If you win the combat in three rounds or less, <link-text>turn to 17.</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect17">If you win the combat in three rounds or less, <link-text>turn to 17.</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect160">If combat lasts longer than three rounds, <link-text>turn to 160</link-text>.</choice>
<p>Pick a number from the <a idref="random">Random Number Table</a>. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Weaponmastery with bow, add 3 to the number you have picked.</p>
<choice idref="sect184">If your total is now 0<ch.endash/>4, <link-text>turn to 184</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect4">If it is 5<ch.endash/>7, <link-text>turn to 4</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect213">If it is 8 or more, <link-text>turn to 213</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect213">If it is 8 or more, <link-text>turn to 213</link-text>.</choice>
<p>A gangplank is lowered and the crew guide your horses aboard. As you dismount the captain strides along the bleached wood deck and greets you like an old friend, shaking both of you warmly by the hand. <quote>Lord Adamas sent word to expect two riders for this trip, though I<ch.apos/>d almost given up waiting for you to show. He<ch.apos/>s paid your fares and he said you may be wantin<ch.apos/> some privacy, so I<ch.apos/>ve set aside a cabin at the stern. My lads will see to your horses.</quote></p>
<p>The captain points to the rear of the barge where two sets of stairs descend below the deck. <quote>Take the stairs on your left; your cabin is the door at the end of the gangway. If you be wantin<ch.apos/> some food or ale, there<ch.apos/>s a tap-room in the hold<ch.emdash/>just take the stairs on the right.</quote></p>
<choice idref="sect53">If you wish to inspect your cabin, <link-text>turn to 53</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect151">If you wish to investigate the tap-room, <link-text>turn to 151</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect151">If you wish to investigate the tap-room, <link-text>turn to 151</link-text>.</choice>
<p>There is only one group of standing stones that offers enough cover for you, Banedon, and your mounts, and they are situated very close to the highway along which the cavalry must pass.</p>
<p>You wait tensely as the thunder of their hooves grows steadily louder. Then, suddenly, your horse rears up, startled by a snake, which has slithered around its foreleg.</p>
<choice idref="sect167">If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control, <link-text>turn to 167</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect290">If you do not possess this skill, <link-text>turn to 290</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect290">If you do not possess this skill, <link-text>turn to 290</link-text>.</choice>
<p><quote>This way, gentlemen,</quote> beckons the owner, and leads you through the crowd to a table in the corner of the high-ceilinged room. Banedon hands him a clutch of silver Lune and the jolly red-cheeked man waddles away to fetch you food and ale. The soldiers are dressed in a variety of uniforms, many of which you recognize to be the tunics of mercenary regiments from the Stornlands. Two of these soldiers of fortune share your table. They talk in hushed tones and cast nervous glances at another group of men sitting near the fire.</p>
- <choice idref="sect292">If you wish to talk to these soldiers, <link-text>turn to 292</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect292">If you wish to talk to these soldiers, <link-text>turn to 292</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect102">If you decide to say nothing while you wait for your food, <link-text>turn to 102</link-text>.</choice>
<p>Pick a number from the <a idref="random">Random Number Table</a>. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you have completed the Lore-circle of Solaris, add 3.</p>
<choice idref="sect125">If your total is now 0<ch.endash/>3, <link-text>turn to 125</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect309">If it is 4<ch.endash/>8, <link-text>turn to 309</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect238">If it is 9 or more, <link-text>turn to 238</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect238">If it is 9 or more, <link-text>turn to 238</link-text>.</choice>
<p>Using your improved mastery, you move forward silently, pillar by pillar, until you are within a few feet of the creatures. Their heads resemble those of baby crocodiles, but their bodies and forelimbs are toad-like and covered with hard, shiny scales. They chatter incessantly and, judging by their behaviour and speech patterns, they are sentient beings.</p>
<choice idref="sect77">If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Divination, <link-text>turn to 77</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect313">If you do not possess this skill, <link-text>turn to 313</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect313">If you do not possess this skill, <link-text>turn to 313</link-text>.</choice>
<p>As you kneel by the trapdoor, your basic Kai sense of Hunting reveals to you that someone is hiding in the cellar below. Carefully you raise the trapdoor and demand that the person show himself to you.</p>
<choice idref="sect232">If you decided to keep any of the items you discovered in the hut, <link-text>turn to 232</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect206">If you did not keep any of the items, <link-text>turn to 206</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect206">If you did not keep any of the items, <link-text>turn to 206</link-text>.</choice>
<p>A surge of scarlet energy leaps from the orb and rips into your arm, hurling you backwards on to the ground (lose 5 <typ class="attribute">ENDURANCE</typ> points). The Zakhan laughs mockingly as he raises the orb once more, this time to finish you for good. You are aware of the Zakhan<ch.apos/>s troops fighting a desperate battle at the West Gate, and you know you must defeat him or else the city will be lost.</p>
- <choice idref="sect188">If you possess a Psychic Ring, <link-text>turn to 188</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect188">If you possess a Psychic Ring, <link-text>turn to 188</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect79">If you possess the Dagger of Vashna, <link-text>turn to 79</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect20">If you have neither of these Special Items, <link-text>turn to 20</link-text>.</choice>
<p>In the space of a few fleeting seconds you have loaded your bow and aimed it at the giant snake<ch.apos/>s head. With an angry hiss it darts its ugly head out of view. Almost immediately there is a tremendous noise as the snake rises into the air, propelled by a pair of powerful feathered wings. Two vulture-like forelimbs, tipped with sharp, rending claws, scrabble at the air as it streaks towards your chest.</p>
<p>Pick a number from the <a idref="random">Random Number Table</a>. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Weaponmastery with Bow, add 3 to the number you have picked. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, add 1.</p>
- <choice idref="sect9">If your total is now 0<ch.endash/>7, <link-text>turn to 9</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect9">If your total is now 0<ch.endash/>7, <link-text>turn to 9</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect310">If it is 8 or more, <link-text>turn to 310</link-text>.</choice>
<p>Pick a number from the <a idref="random">Random Number Table</a>. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery or Nexus, add 3 to the number you have picked.</p>
<choice idref="sect195">If your total is now 0<ch.endash/>1, <link-text>turn to 195</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect332">If it is 2<ch.endash/>6, <link-text>turn to 332</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect81">If it is 7 or more, <link-text>turn to 81</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect81">If it is 7 or more, <link-text>turn to 81</link-text>.</choice>
<p>Pressing your shoulder to the door you force it open and advance into the corridor beyond. But a shock awaits you: two reptilians kneel at the end of the passage, supporting on their scaly shoulders a huge rod of crystal encircled with tubes and glowing with metallic buttons. Terror grips your heart as you see the rod become charged with a bolt of power that is aimed at your chest.</p>
<choice idref="sect295">If you possess the Sommerswerd, <link-text>turn to 295</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect152">If you do not possess this Special Item, <link-text>turn to 152</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect152">If you do not possess this Special Item, <link-text>turn to 152</link-text>.</choice>
<p>Your arrow opens a shallow wound in the creature<ch.apos/>s belly, but it does not deter it from attacking you with its sword-sharp fangs.</p>
<combat><enemy>Tazgar Worm</enemy><enemy-attribute class="combatskill">22</enemy-attribute><enemy-attribute class="endurance">28</enemy-attribute></combat>
<p>This creature is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge).</p>
- <choice idref="sect162">If you win the combat, <link-text>turn to 162</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect162">If you win the combat, <link-text>turn to 162</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You manage to unsheathe your weapon and strike a blow that carves a crimson wedge from the ugly creature<ch.apos/>s snout. It gives an angry, gurgling cry and recoils in pain, freeing you from its grip and allowing you time to climb through the hole. However, although the beast is wounded, it is not defeated. Driven by pain and a blind lust for revenge, it tears its way through the planking and hurls itself at you recklessly.</p>
<combat><enemy>Agtah</enemy><enemy-attribute class="combatskill">21</enemy-attribute><enemy-attribute class="endurance">27</enemy-attribute></combat>
<p>This creature is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge).</p>
- <choice idref="sect289">If you win the combat, <link-text>turn to 289</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect289">If you win the combat, <link-text>turn to 289</link-text>.</choice>
<p>Beyond the dead tree you find a muddy track which is bordered on both sides by the tall trunks and thorny briars of the forest. So dense is this tangle of trees and brush that it is impossible to leave the track. You feel as if you are walking along an endless passage, one so unnatural that its construction could only be the result of evil herbcraft.</p>
<p>At length the track widens and the trees begin to thin out. Ahead you see a clearing and at once your senses tingle: it is a warning that you are not alone. Instinctively you reach for your weapon and, as your hand closes upon it, you see that the floor of the clearing is alive with a carpet of loathsome scuttling creatures. At once you attempt to use your Magnakai powers of Animal Control, to determine if these creature are hostile, but your efforts go unrewarded.</p>
<choice idref="sect7">If you possess Animal Mastery, <link-text>turn to 7</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect171">If you do not possess this Discipline, <link-text>turn to 171</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect171">If you do not possess this Discipline, <link-text>turn to 171</link-text>.</choice>
<p>The handlers jump to their feet and fumble for their weapons as they scramble to attack you.</p>
<p><quote>For Sommerlund!</quote> you cry as they approach, then launch yourself at them in a determined counterattack.</p>
<combat><enemy>Drakkarim handlers</enemy><enemy-attribute class="combatskill">35</enemy-attribute><enemy-attribute class="endurance">39</enemy-attribute></combat>
- <choice idref="sect40">If you win this combat, <link-text>turn to 40</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect40">If you win this combat, <link-text>turn to 40</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You try the handle and discover the door is unlocked. Inside, you find a room lit by four wall sconces. A single bed, a trestle table, a stool and a wooden trunk are the only furnishings in this spartan abode. A filthy curtain partitions this room from the next and, as you approach it, you hear a menacing growl that makes you reach for your weapon. It is the growl of an Akataz: a Drakkarim war-dog.</p>
<choice idref="sect180">If you possess the Discipline of Animal Mastery, <link-text>turn to 180</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect215">If you do not possess this skill, <link-text>turn to 215</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect215">If you do not possess this skill, <link-text>turn to 215</link-text>.</choice>
<p>(<a idref="sect87">87</a>) Replaced <quote>far-stronger</quote> with <quote>far stronger</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect90">90</a>) Replaced <quote>Kai mastery</quote> with <quote>Kai Mastery</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect91">91</a>) Replaced <quote>arrow</quote> with <quote>Arrow</quote> and <quote>bow</quote> with <quote>Bow</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect92">92</a>) Replaced <quote>40</quote> with <quote>40.</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect94">94</a>) Replaced <quote>arrow in your quiver</quote> with <quote>Arrow in your Quiver</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect99">99</a>) Replaced <quote>arrow</quote> with <quote>Arrow</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect100">100</a>) Italicized the speech of the disembodied voice and removed the quotation marks. Replaced <quote>Zargarna</quote> with <quote>Zagarna</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect305">305</a>) Replaced both occurrences of <quote>arrow</quote> with <quote>Arrow</quote>. Replaced <quote>bow</quote> with <quote>Bow</quote></p>
<p>(<a idref="sect308">308</a>) Deleted <quote> which you keep in your Backpack</quote> to avoid confusion.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect310">310</a>) Replaced <quote>avoid him</quote> with <quote>avoid it</quote>.</p>
+ <p>(<a idref="sect315">315</a>) Replaced <quote>215</quote> with <quote>215.</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect314">314</a>) Replaced <quote>Brotherhood spell</quote> with <quote>Brotherhood Spell</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect318">318</a>) Replaced <quote>discipline</quote> with <quote>Discipline</quote> and <quote>egorgh</quote> with <quote>Egorgh</quote>. Replaced <quote>their haunches, then</quote> with <quote>their haunches; then</quote>.</p>
<p>(<a idref="sect324">324</a>) Replaced <quote>new-found</quote> with <quote>newfound</quote>. Replaced <quote>Kai mastery</quote> with <quote>Kai Mastery</quote>.</p>
<p>Using the Brotherhood Spell of <spell>Mind Charm</spell> you try to convince the Elder that you are what you outwardly appear to be: a lowly Acolyte of Vashna. A wave of calm washes over him. He ceases to panic and his eyes flicker as if he is about to fall asleep, but you sense that he is fighting hard to resist your spell.</p>
<p>Pick a number from the <a idref="random">Random Number Table</a>.</p>
<p>For every level of Kai rank you have attained above the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, add 1 to the number you have picked.</p>
- <choice idref="sect177">If your total score is now 5 or less, <link-text>turn to 177</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect177">If your total score is now 5 or less, <link-text>turn to 177</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect129">If it is 6 or more, <link-text>turn to 129</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You circle around the hall, keeping a wary eye on the frozen humanoids that line the walls in case your presence here should cause them to animate. Fortunately your caution proves unnecessary<ch.emdash/>they remain completely immobile.</p>
<p>As you pass by the shimmering archway, you feel nausea rising from the pit of your stomach and a wave of dizziness makes you falter for a few moments: lose 2 <typ class="attribute">ENDURANCE</typ> points. However, your dogged persistence pays off when you discover a partially-concealed panel in the wall. As you step nearer, it slides open to reveal a flight of steps which ascend to an empty chamber. Here you discover a door of opaque green crystal set flush into the north wall. Closer investigation reveals a curious lockplate positioned at its centre.</p>
<choice idref="sect322">If you wish to examine this lock, <link-text>turn to 322</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect299">If you choose to ignore the crystal door and return by the stairs to the entrance hall below, <link-text>turn to 299</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect299">If you choose to ignore the crystal door and return by the stairs to the entrance hall below, <link-text>turn to 299</link-text>.</choice>
<p>Using your advanced mastery, you lighten your body weight to prevent yourself from sinking any deeper into the mire. Moments later, you feel something brush past your leg for a second time and the chilling sensation galvanizes you into action.</p>
<p>The walls of the shaft are mirror smooth for the first ten feet above the surface of the mire. But beyond this point you notice that they are rough-hewn and studded with sharp spurs of rock. One such spur offers a tempting handhold<ch.ellips/> if only you could get to it. If you could reach it, it would be an easy task for a warrior of your agility to climb to the opening above.</p>
- <choice idref="sect323">If you possess a Rope (oiled or otherwise), <link-text>turn to 323</link-text></choice>
- <choice idref="sect210">If you do not possess this Backpack Item, <link-text>turn to 210</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect323">If you possess a Rope (oiled or otherwise), <link-text>turn to 323</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect210">If you do not possess this Backpack Item, <link-text>turn to 210</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You crouch down amongst the foul-smelling debris which litters the floor of the hold, watching with bated breath as a dozen undead warriors enter by the stairs and begin a systematic search. Your Kai camouflage skills make you virtually invisible to the eye, but these undead Drakkarim no longer have eyes<ch.emdash/>they are using powerful psychic probes in an effort to locate you.</p>
- <choice idref="sect267">If you possess Kai-screen and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, <link-text>turn to 267</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect267">If you possess Kai-screen and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, <link-text>turn to 267</link-text>.</choice>
<choice idref="sect2">If you do not possess this skill, or have yet to reach this level of <!--ERRTAG-RE-99039-->Kai Mastery<!--/ERRTAG-RE-99039-->, <link-text>turn to 2</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You spin on your heel and sprint towards the arched opening by which you entered this chamber, but the insectoids anticipate your action and they move with frightening speed to block your escape. Snickering evilly, they fall upon you from the sides and rear, using their barbed limbs to drag you to the floor.</p>
<choice idref="sect349">If you possess a Green Gem, <link-text>turn to 349</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect237">If you do not possess this Special Item, <link-text>turn to 237</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect237">If you do not possess this Special Item, <link-text>turn to 237</link-text>.</choice>
<p>Your advanced Kai skill detects a secret door concealed in the far wall of this chamber. It is finely constructed, virtually undetectable to the human eye, but a closer examination reveals a raised pimple of rock positioned at its centre. As you reach out to touch it, the heat from your hand activates a concealed catch and the secret door slides silently open, revealing a dark passageway beyond.</p>
<choice idref="sect94">If you wish to enter this secret passage, <link-text>turn to 94</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect334">If you choose to ignore the passage and leave this chamber by the same way you entered, <link-text>turn to 334</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect334">If you choose to ignore the passage and leave this chamber by the same way you entered, <link-text>turn to 334</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You drop your <!--ERRTAG-RE-390806-->Bow<!--/ERRTAG-RE-390806--> and unsheathe a hand weapon only just in time to defend yourself from these deathly creatures as they launch a lightning-swift attack.<footref id="sect287-1" idref="sect287-1-foot"/></p>
<combat><enemy>3 Kajarda</enemy><enemy-attribute class="combatskill">48</enemy-attribute><enemy-attribute class="endurance">42</enemy-attribute></combat>
<p>These beings are immune to all forms of psychic attack, except Kai-surge and Kai-blast.</p>
- <choice idref="sect32">If you win this combat in six rounds or less, <link-text>turn to 32</link-text></choice>
- <choice idref="sect213">If you win the fight in seven rounds or more, <link-text>turn to 213</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect32">If you win this combat in six rounds or less, <link-text>turn to 32</link-text>.</choice>
+ <choice idref="sect213">If you win the fight in seven rounds or more, <link-text>turn to 213</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You warn the others of what you have found and tell them to retreat with you to a safe distance. From the cover of a gravestone, several yards from the tomb, you instruct Star Lynx to pick up a rock and hurl it through the open doorway. He selects an apple-sized chunk of granite and lobs it accurately into the tomb.</p>
<p>Pick a number from the <a idref="random">Random Number Table</a>.</p>
<choice idref="sect211">If the number you have chosen is 0<ch.endash/>4, <link-text>turn to 211</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect53">If it is 5<ch.endash/>9, <link-text>turn to 53</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect53">If it is 5<ch.endash/>9, <link-text>turn to 53</link-text>.</choice>
<p>The moment you reach firm ground, you sprint headlong across the clearing towards a distant jungle perimeter. At first the giant arachnids give chase, but they prove themselves not to be so agile on dry land and you are soon able to outdistance them and escape.</p>
<p>On entering the jungle perimeter, you force your way through dense foliage and soon discover the remnants of a trail which you follow for nearly a mile until you arrive at the edge of a second clearing. This area of levelled ground is devoid of foliage yet it is littered with strange fruits that resemble gigantic grey pineapples. Beyond these curious fruits you can see the ruins of a settlement partially overgrown with moss. Warily you leave the jungle, make your way around the fruits, and hurry across the clearing towards a statue which is crouching among the ruins. It is constructed of a smooth, lustrous black mineral and is fashioned in the likeness of some evil beast of prey. It reminds you of a hyena, but one with a massive lower jaw set with a pair of sabre-toothed fangs. Between its forelegs is a flight of rubble-strewn steps leading down to an open door. You detect waves of power emanating from somewhere beyond this darkened doorway, but you are unable to determine just how deep below the ground the source of this energy is located.</p>
<choice idref="sect76">If you possess Telegnosis, and wish to use this skill to spirit-walk through the doorway to investigate what lies beyond, <link-text>turn to 76</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect177">If you do not possess this skill, or choose not to use it, <link-text>turn to 177</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect177">If you do not possess this skill, or choose not to use it, <link-text>turn to 177</link-text>.</choice>
<p>As you strike the killing blow that finishes the last of these hideous arachnids, you drag yourself out of the thick mud and collapse on the crest of the river bank. But you allow yourself just a few moments to recover from the fatigue of combat before you are once again back on your feet and on the move.</p>
<p>You cross the clearing to a perimeter of jungle on its far side. Here you force your way through thick foliage until you discover the remnants of a trail which leads you to the edge of a second clearing. This expanse of open ground is devoid of foliage yet it is littered with strange fruits that resemble gigantic grey pineapples. Beyond these curious fruits you can see the ruins of a settlement partially overgrown with moss. Warily you leave the jungle, make your way around the fruits, and hurry towards a gigantic statue which sits crouched among the ruins. It is constructed of a smooth, lustrous black mineral and is fashioned in the likeness of some evil beast of prey. It reminds you of a hyena, but one with a massive lower jaw set with sabre-toothed fangs. Between its forelegs is a flight of rubble-strewn steps leading down to an open door. You detect waves of power emanating from somewhere beyond this darkened doorway, but you are unable to determine just how deep below the ground the source of this energy is located.</p>
<choice idref="sect76">If you possess Telegnosis, and wish to use this skill to spirit-walk through the doorway to investigate what lies beyond, <link-text>turn to 76</link-text>.</choice>
- <choice idref="sect177">If you do not possess this skill, or choose not to use it, <link-text>turn to 177</link-text></choice>
+ <choice idref="sect177">If you do not possess this skill, or choose not to use it, <link-text>turn to 177</link-text>.</choice>
<p>You leave all you carry (except for your Crystal Star Pendant and Guildmaster<ch.apos/>s Envelope) on this side of the lake, for fear of drowning.</p>
- <p>After fifteen minutes you reach the far side and stumble ashore, cold and bedraggled. However, if you possess the spell of Mend, you may restore 5 <typ class="attribute">ENDURANCE</typ> points to your current total, for you were able to cast the spell whilst swimming across the lake,</p>
+ <p>After fifteen minutes you reach the far side and stumble ashore, cold and bedraggled. However, if you possess the spell of Mend, you may restore 5 <typ class="attribute">ENDURANCE</typ> points to your current total, for you were able to cast the spell whilst swimming across the lake.</p>
<choice idref="sect11"><link-text>Turn to 11</link-text>.</choice>
<gamebook xml:lang="en-UK" version="0.10">
-Revision 1.1 2004/11/10 06:37:11 jonathan.blake
-Initial Freepository revision
-//// RCS Revision Log ////
-Revision 1.1 2002/10/20 06:24:52 jblake
-Initial revision
<title>[Insert Title]</title>
<p>You leave all you carry (except for your Crystal Star Pendant and Guildmaster's Envelope) on this side of the lake, for fear of drowning.</p>
- <p>After fifteen minutes you reach the far side and stumble ashore, cold and bedraggled. However, if you possess the spell of Mend, you may restore 5 <typ class="attribute">ENDURANCE</typ> points to your current total, for you were able to cast the spell whilst swimming across the lake,</p>
+ <p>After fifteen minutes you reach the far side and stumble ashore, cold and bedraggled. However, if you possess the spell of Mend, you may restore 5 <typ class="attribute">ENDURANCE</typ> points to your current total, for you were able to cast the spell whilst swimming across the lake.</p>
<choice idref="sect11"><link-text>Turn to 11</link-text>.</choice>