- <p>You set sailfrom Vadera harbour on a bitterly cold, grey, late winters day. The masts of your host ship, the Lencian clipper <cite>Saxin</cite>, have been rigged with every available square inch of canvas to catch the prevailing winds that will, with luck, propel you quickly to Talestria<ch.emdash/>the first stage of your long journey home. The clipper is a sleek and impressive craft and its departure does not go unnoticed, yet of all the many Lencians who have turned out to watch and wave it farewell, only King Sarnac and his closest advisors know the true purpose of its voyage.</p>
+ <p>You set sail from Vadera harbour on a bitterly cold, grey, late winters day. The masts of your host ship, the Lencian clipper <cite>Saxin</cite>, have been rigged with every available square inch of canvas to catch the prevailing winds that will, with luck, propel you quickly to Talestria<ch.emdash/>the first stage of your long journey home. The clipper is a sleek and impressive craft and its departure does not go unnoticed, yet of all the many Lencians who have turned out to watch and wave it farewell, only King Sarnac and his closest advisors know the true purpose of its voyage.</p>
<p>Once the <cite>Saxin</cite> is beyond the sheltering walls of Vadera harbour, its Captain charts an easterly course along the Tentarias<ch.emdash/>the chain of seas and landlocked lakes which separate the two continents of Magnamund. You and your companion, Lord Ardan, settle into the ship<ch.apos/>s easy routine and, with few on-board duties to perform, you endeavour to pass the long hours constructively. With the aid of a <a idref="map">map</a> which he gives to you, Ardan briefs you on the route you should travel if you are to reach Sommerlund as swiftly as possible. You spend your time discussing the details of the route and pondering the new Evil which now threatens your homeland and the Kai.</p>
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<p><quote>It is good to see you again, Grand Master,</quote> he says, forcing a smile. <quote>I was expecting you. I received word yesterday from Queen Evaine telling me of your urgent journey. Yet it is unfortunate that your visit should come at this time; I would have hoped to have given you the kind of welcome you truly deserve.</quote> The Elector then introduces you to his generals who acknowledge you with soldierly salutes.</p>
- <p><quote>As you can see, we are at war, Grand Master,</quote> he says, sweeping a hand over the maps which lie strewn across his state table. <quote>The new ruler of Eldenora, a low-born blackguard by the name of Lutha who dares to adorn himself with the title <quote>Prince of Duadon</quote>, is attempting to seize our northern territories. We are locked in battle with his army of cut-throats near Holona and, though it pains me to have to admit this, were hard-pressed to contain his advance. This war has come without warning and we were ill-prepared. We have few reserves, insufficient to support the Holona garrison and to counter the many small units of Eldenoran horsemen who are ravaging our plains. This is a dark and testing time for us, Grand Master, but e<ch.apos/>en so, I shall old you all I can.</quote></p>
+ <p><quote>As you can see, we are at war, Grand Master,</quote> he says, sweeping a hand over the maps which lie strewn across his state table. <quote>The new ruler of Eldenora, a low-born blackguard by the name of Lutha who dares to adorn himself with the title <quote>Prince of Duadon</quote>, is attempting to seize our northern territories. We are locked in battle with his army of cut-throats near Holona and, though it pains me to have to admit this, were hard-pressed to contain his advance. This war has come without warning and we were ill-prepared. We have few reserves, insufficient to support the Holona garrison and to counter the many small units of Eldenoran horsemen who are ravaging our plains. This is a dark and testing time for us, Grand Master, but e<ch.apos/>en so, I shall aid you all I can.</quote></p>
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<p>You learn that the Elector has already elicited, on your behalf, the help of High-Mayor Cordas of Casiorn. Cordas is reputedly the richest man in all of Magnamund. Manatine tells you that Cordas has ordered the construction of a sky-vessel to transport you swiftly to Sommerlund.</p>
<p><quote>This craft is presently being built in Casiorn, and the High-Mayor has sent word that you should go there as quickly as you can. His teams of skilled artisans are working on the craft day and night, and he is confident that it will be completed in fifteen days<ch.apos/> time.</quote></p>
- <p>In times of peace, you would expect the 850-mile ride to Casiorn to take little more than two weeks to complete. But peace, always a fragile state in the Stornlands, has been shattered by Prince Lutha<ch.apos/>s unprovoked attack on Holona, a town through which you had hoped to travel. Anxiously, you ask the Elector how the wax against Eldenora will affect your chances of reaching Casiorn swiftly.</p>
+ <p>In times of peace, you would expect the 850-mile ride to Casiorn to take little more than two weeks to complete. But peace, always a fragile state in the Stornlands, has been shattered by Prince Lutha<ch.apos/>s unprovoked attack on Holona, a town through which you had hoped to travel. Anxiously, you ask the Elector how the war against Eldenora will affect your chances of reaching Casiorn swiftly.</p>
<p><quote>Sadly, I cannot predict the future, Grand Master,</quote> he replies. <quote>The war bodes ill for both our causes. However, I shall do what I am able to speed your journey onwards.</quote></p>
<p>The Elector motions to one of his guardsmen who turns and leaves the War Room. He soon returns with another soldier who wears the uniform of a captain.</p>
<choice idref="sect204">If you have ever visited the Palmyrion military post at Stonewatch, in a previous <cite>Lone Wolf</cite> adventure, <link-text>turn to 204</link-text>.</choice>