From: Simon Osborne Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 14:07:08 +0000 (+0000) Subject: Book 18: X-Git-Url:;h=2accfc6ecb9ec956b142ab51d3f4ecfa071edff1;p=project-aon.git Book 18: Another set of (ne) issues fixed. git-svn-id: f6f3e2d7-ff33-0410-aaf5-b4bee2cdac11 --- diff --git a/18dotd.xml b/18dotd.xml index 2f52a63..acac6ed 100644 --- a/18dotd.xml +++ b/18dotd.xml @@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ 18 -

You sense that the talisman is protecting your body from the extreme heat and toxic atmosphere of this hellish plane. However, this talisman alone will not be sufficient to keep you sale from the creatures that are now advancing rapidly towards the Shadow Gate.


You sense that the talisman is protecting your body from the extreme heat and toxic atmosphere of this hellish plane. However, this talisman alone will not be sufficient to keep you safe from the creatures that are now advancing rapidly towards the Shadow Gate.

Turn to 80.
@@ -1714,7 +1714,7 @@ 78 -

You shout the order to fire and the Kai let loose their straining bowstrings. A cloud of arrows with armour-piercing tips, hardened in the fires of the monastery forge, whistle towards the swooping lavas with impressive accuracy. All find their target, but only one of the winged creatures falls from the sky. You see that the beast has been struck in the eye. Hurriedly the acolytes reload as the lava prepare to land on the battlements.


You shout the order to fire and the Kai let loose their straining bowstrings. A cloud of arrows with armour-piercing tips, hardened in the fires of the monastery forge, whistle towards the swooping lavas with impressive accuracy. All find their target, but only one of the winged creatures falls from the sky. You see that the beast has been struck in the eye. Hurriedly the acolytes reload as the lavas prepare to land on the battlements.

Fire at their eyes! you shout, and a cloud of fifty Kai arrows are sent screaming through the sky to seek their elusive mark. This time more than half find their target, decimating the onrushing lavas at a single stroke, yet those winged creatures who do survive this deadly volley are quick1y among the defenders on the wall.

Turn to 165.
@@ -1751,7 +1751,7 @@

High above, swooping in and out of the clouds, are scores of cackling lavas. You sense also another presence, a wispy dark shadow that exudes malevolence. You shudder when you realize that you are in the presence of a manifestation of Naar himself. He has come to witness your doom, to enjoy the sport of your final, futile battle, before he unleashes his dragons upon Sommerlund. The lavas attacks were but a preliminary phase of his master plan to destroy Sommerlund and the Kai.

With terror in your heart you retreat across the moving sands in a desperate attempt to reach the Shadow Gateyour only hope of escape. The dragon continues to advance and it utters a thunderous roar as it bares its fangs in preparation for its attack.

- If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 196. + If you have a Bow, and wish to use it, turn to 196. If you do not, or if you choose not to use it, turn to 122. @@ -2254,7 +2254,7 @@

The lower ranks of the Kai are proud and excited to have you among them. Your presence inspires their courage and you feel confident that they will fight exceptionally well in the coming battle. Lord Rimoah is also by your side, quietly intoning the words of battle-spells in preparation for the lavas attack.


Here they come! shouts Sabre Fox from the far end of the battlements,


Here they come! shouts Sabre Fox from the far end of the battlements.

Take up your bows, my lords! you cry, as the first wave of winged beasts come sweeping down from out of the northern sky. And make every arrow count!

If you possess a Bow, and wish to use it, turn to 192. If you do not, turn to 78. @@ -2285,7 +2285,7 @@

Suddenly there is a tremendous Crack! and a gaping chasm splits the ground wide open. With the hellish laughter of the Dark God Naar ringing in your ears, you are consumed by this fiery crevasse.


Tragically, on the threshold of victory, your life and pour quest end here on the Plane of Darkness.


Tragically, on the threshold of victory, your life and your quest end here on the Plane of Darkness.

@@ -2652,7 +2652,7 @@

As you slay the last of the line of lavas, you feel the wrath of Naar sweep down upon your back. The ground beneath your feet begins to shudder and fissures appear in the black soil, running red with glowing lava. You struggle to reach the entrance to the Shadow Gate, barely ten yards distant, as the ground is transformed into a heaving molten mass.

- If you possess Grand Huntmastery, and have attained the rank of Rat Grand Guardian or higher, turn to 228. + If you possess Grand Huntmastery, and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, turn to 228. If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 162.
@@ -3110,7 +3110,7 @@

You both have my deepest thanks, you reply. You took a great risk in coming to the aid of the Kai. I have seen what became of your skyship, Banedon. You were indeed fortunate to have survived.

Aye, he replies, sadly. Yet, alas, three of my Brotherhood were not so blessed. They perished when the lavas dragged us from the skies.

Take heart, Banedon, for their deaths will not be in vain. They shall be avenged. And with these prophetic words you take the Sun-crystal from your pocket and show it to your grieving friend. With this crystal I shall destroy the Shadow Gate and put an end to Naars evil plan.


Together with Banedon and Rimoah, you make a tour of the monastery to assess for yourself the extent of the battle damage. Your presence among the young Kai greatly improves their morale and strengthens their resolve to withstand the lavas siege. You visit every area of the monastery, including the Lore Hall of Solaris where the bodies of those slain in battle have been laid out, awaiting burial. It saddens you to see so many Kai dead and, as you walk among their still ranks, you recognize many in whom you had held high hopes; Spring Rain, Eastwind, Sharp Dove, Deep Heart. Frost Lark, and Firefly. As you turn to leave the Lore Hall, you vow to Banedon and Rimoah that the sacrifice they have made will never be forgotten.


Together with Banedon and Rimoah, you make a tour of the monastery to assess for yourself the extent of the battle damage. Your presence among the young Kai greatly improves their morale and strengthens their resolve to withstand the lavas siege. You visit every area of the monastery, including the Lore Hall of Solaris where the bodies of those slain in battle have been laid out, awaiting burial. It saddens you to see so many Kai dead and, as you walk among their still ranks, you recognize many in whom you had held high hopes: Spring Rain, Eastwind, Sharp Dove, Deep Heart, Frost Lark, and Firefly. As you turn to leave the Lore Hall, you vow to Banedon and Rimoah that the sacrifice they have made will never be forgotten.

Turn to 256.
@@ -4073,7 +4073,7 @@

You return to the Grand Hall where Banedon and Rimoah tell you of the location of the Shadow Gate.

Kai scouts sighted it in the foothills of the Durncrag Mountains, less than five miles distant, at a place called Ravens Eerie, says Banedon.


I know this place, you say. My old tutor, Storm Hawk, and I camped there on a hunting trip when I was an acolyte, before the war with Darklord Zagarna. There is a track that leads thereI know it well


I know this place, you say. My old tutor, Storm Hawk, and I camped there on a hunting trip when I was an acolyte, before the war with Darklord Zagarna. There is a track that leads thereI know it well.

You are determined to destroy the Shadow Gate and you resolve to go to Ravens Eerie tonight, to carry out the mission. Also you are aware that tomorrow is a very special day. It is Fehmarnthe first day of Spring, a holy day in Sommerlund when traditionally all of the Kai gather at the monastery to reaffirm their fealty to King Ulnar and the God Kai. It is also the anniversary of the First Order, the day upon which all of your warrior caste, save you, were massacred by Darklord Zagarnas hordes.

I will destroy the Shadow Gale tonight, you vow resolutely, and tomorrow we shall celebrate Fehmarn, secure in the knowledge that a lasting peace has returned to our land.

Moments later, a doleful bell sounds from atop the Durncrag Tower: it is the alarm.

@@ -5336,7 +5336,7 @@ 350 -

There is a blinding flash as the Sun-crystal passes through the Shadow Gate, and a deafening implosion follows which sucks a whirlwind of air and loose rock into its whirling core. For a few moments you hear a terrible, far-off scream: it is the lonely cry of Naar himself, lamenting the destruction of his dragon herd, which, by your action, you have consigned to oblivion. The vortex continues to whirl but it is growing smaller as its collapsing power fades it shrinks and shrinks until, with a final Crack! it disappears completely.


There is a blinding flash as the Sun-crystal passes through the Shadow Gate, and a deafening implosion follows which sucks a whirlwind of air and loose rock into its whirling core. For a few moments you hear a terrible, far-off scream: it is the lonely cry of Naar himself, lamenting the destruction of his dragon herd, which, by your action, you have consigned to oblivion. The vortex continues to whirl but it is growing smaller as its collapsing power fades. It shrinks and shrinks until, with a final Crack! it disappears completely.

You return to the monastery where, upon your arrival at the north gate, you are treated to the loud and joyous applause of the young Kai warriors. Banedon and Rimoah praise and congratulate you for your victory over the minions of Naar; it is a victory that will long be remembered in the history of Sommerlund and the legends of the Kai.

@@ -5956,7 +5956,7 @@

(73) Replaced Brotherhood spell with Brotherhood Spell.

(75) Replaced say, can with say. Can.

(79) Replaced Brotherhood spell with Brotherhood Spell.


(80) Replaced doormouse with dormouse.


(80) Replaced doormouse with dormouse. Replaced Bow and with Bow, and.

(81) Replaced legs, With with legs. With. Replaced grasssnake with grass snake.

(82) Replaced Old Kingdom battle-spell with Old Kingdom Battle-spell.

(84) Replaced Vellino, with Vellino,.

@@ -6015,7 +6015,7 @@

(177) Replaced riverbank with river bank.

(178) Replaced the Tower with the tower. Replaced the Towers with the towers.

(179) Replaced animal control with Animal Control.


(180) Replaced Kai master with Kai Master. Replaced layed with laid. Replaced Sun-Crystal with Sun-crystal. Replaced replies, though with replies. Though. Split Rimoahs comments into a separate paragraph for clarity.


(180) Replaced Kai master with Kai Master. Replaced layed with laid. Replaced Sun-Crystal with Sun-crystal. Replaced replies, though with replies. Though. Split Rimoahs comments into a separate paragraph for clarity. Replaced hopes; with hopes:.

(181) Replaced naptha with naphtha.

(184) Replaced Durncrag mountains with Durncrag Mountains.

(185) Replaced dug-out with dugout.