From: Ingo Klöcker Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 22:21:24 +0000 (+0000) Subject: Fix a few PAMoS violations in 12tmod. X-Git-Url:;h=370ef60adbffb5ed6a52fdeba671c4761a3576d4;p=project-aon.git Fix a few PAMoS violations in 12tmod. git-svn-id: f6f3e2d7-ff33-0410-aaf5-b4bee2cdac11 --- diff --git a/12tmod.xml b/12tmod.xml index e6e1d50..7f087f6 100755 --- a/12tmod.xml +++ b/12tmod.xml @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ Initial revision

You are the warrior, Lone Wolf, last of the Kai Masters of Sommerlund and sole survivor of the massacre that destroyed your kinsmen during a bitter war with your age-old enemiesthe Darklords of Helgedad.

Many centuries have passed since Sun Eagle, the first of your kind, established the Order of the Kai. Aided by the magicians of Dessi, he completed a perilous quest to find seven crystals of power known as the Lorestones of Nyxator, and upon their discovery he unlocked a wisdom and strength that lay within both the Lorestones and himself. He recorded the nature of his discoveries and his experiences in a great tome entitled The Book of the Magnakai. You found this lost Kai treasure and gave a solemn pledge to restore the Kai to their former glory, thereby ensuring the security of your land in the years to come. To fulfil your pledge, you embarked on the same quest that was undertaken by Sun Eagle over one thousand years ago: the search for the seven crystals of power that hold the power and wisdom of your ancestors.


Your quest was to take you far from your northern homeland. Following in the footsteps of the first Kai Grand Master you journeyed to Dessi and sought the help of the Elder Magi, the magicians who aided Sun Eagle on his quest long ago. There you learned that for centuries the Elder Magi had awaited your coming. An ancient Dessi legend told of the birth and rise to greatness of two koura-tas-kai, which means Sons of the Sun. One was named Ikar, which means eagle, and the other was named Skarn, which means wolf. A prophecy foretold that the Koura-tas-Kai would each come from out of the north to seek the counsel of the Elder Magi in order that they might fulfil a great quest. Although separated by several centuries, they would share one spirit, one purpose and one destinyto triumph over the champions of darkness in an age of great peril. The Elder Magi knew that you were Skarn, the wolf of Dessi legend, and in keeping with their ancient vows they promised to help you complete the Magnakai quest.


Your quest was to take you far from your northern homeland. Following in the footsteps of the first Kai Grand Master you journeyed to Dessi and sought the help of the Elder Magi, the magicians who aided Sun Eagle on his quest long ago. There you learned that for centuries the Elder Magi had awaited your coming. An ancient Dessi legend told of the birth and rise to greatness of two koura-tas-kai, which means Sons of the Sun. One was named Ikar, which means eagle, and the other was named Skarn, which means wolf. A prophecy foretold that the koura-tas-kai would each come from out of the north to seek the counsel of the Elder Magi in order that they might fulfil a great quest. Although separated by several centuries, they would share one spirit, one purpose and one destinyto triumph over the champions of darkness in an age of great peril. The Elder Magi knew that you were Skarn, the wolf of Dessi legend, and in keeping with their ancient vows they promised to help you complete the Magnakai quest.

In Elzian, the capital of Dessi, you were tutored an the histories of Magnamund and received lessons in lore that you would have learned from the Kai masters if only they, like you, had survived the murderous Darklord attack on the Kai Monastery. You were eager to learn all that the Elder Magi could teach you in preparation for your quest, but war was to cut short your tuition. In the Darklands capital of Helgedad a struggle for power had been won by a Darklord called Gnaag. The other Darklords, fourteen in number, united behind their new leader and upon his command began to muster huge armies in preparation for the conquest of Magnamund. Swiftly their Giak legions grew in number, enabling Gnaag to launch a sweeping invasion that was to catch the Freelands unprepared. His legions advanced unchecked until, at the momentous Battle of Tahou, you turned the tide of the war decisively against Gnaag by defeating his powerful ally, Zakhan Kimah, in mortal combat.

Victory at Tahou paved the way for the liberation of all the lands that Gnaag had taken by force. But the sweet taste of this victory was to turn sour when you discovered that he had captured the last three remaining Lorestones of Nyxator, and had vowed to avenge his defeat by destroying them and killing you. Alarmed by this news, the High Council of the Elder Magi helped you to formulate a plan of action. They had received news from allies in the west that the Lorestones were being held in the city-fortress of Torgar, where Gnaags sorcerersthe Nadziranimwere searching for a means of destroying them. Fearing that they might achieve their goal, the Elder Magi made preparations for your secret passage to Torgar and, after a long and perilous journey, you arrived to find it besieged by the allied armies of Talestria and Palmyrion. During the many months of the Darklord invasion, hundreds of Talestrians were enslaved and sent to labour in the dungeons and sulphur mines deep within the bowels of Torgar. Their plight had seemed hopeless until the allied armies, under the command of Lord Adamas of Garthen, finally arrived to liberate them. Due in part your bravery and skill during the assault, Lord Adamass troops were able to breach the great Torgar gate and storm its citadel. During this fierce battle you gained entry to the chamber at the heart of the citadel where the Nadziranim were attempting to destroy the Lorestones. Above a circular black pit the three radiant gems hung suspended in a fireball of negative energy, the focal point of several beams of power arising from crystals set around the edge of the pit. By means of a gantry you were able to climb above these energy beams and retrieve one of the three Lorestones. But, as you reached out for the remaining two, the terrible voice of Darklord Gnaag filled the chamber. Vengeance is mine! he rasped, and in the next instant a bolt of blue lightning leapt from a crystal that he held in his fly-like hand. It sheared through the rusty iron gantry, creating a shock wave that sent the Lorestones tumbling Into the black pit. A second bolt ripped the gantry in two, and, with the ghastly laugh of Darklord Gnaag ringing in your ears, you fell headlong into a portal of total darknessa Shadow Gatewhich led to the twilight world of the Daziarn Plane.

When first you looked upon the desolate wastelands of the Daziarn, you recalled what little you had heard tell of this alien world. The magicians of Sommerlund believe it to be an astral corridor, connecting and binding the planet Magnamund to other planes of existence. By passing through a Shadow Gateone of which is situated below their Guildhall in the city of Torana person could gain entry to the Daziarn. However, all those who had ever passed through the Shadow Gate of Toran had never been seen again, prompting the magicians to believe that the journey could only be made in one direction. It was said that from the Daziarn there was no escape.

@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ Initial revision -

Ok zee okak! whispers a Giak scout, a sneer spreading slowly across his ugly grey face. He has scrambled on to a boulder and, using his infra-vision (the ability to see warm objects radiating in the dark), he has caught sight of you crawling towards the cliffs. Your sixth sense informs you that you have been spotted. To continue to crawl is futile, so you scramble to your feet and sprint towards a V-shaped cleft that marks the start of a steep trail. You have taken less than a dozen strides when three squat shapes loom out of the shadows ahead: they are Giaks, armed and ready for combat.


Ok zee okak! whispers a Giak scout, a sneer spreading slowly across his ugly grey face. He has scrambled on to a boulder and, using his infravision (the ability to see warm objects radiating in the dark), he has caught sight of you crawling towards the cliffs. Your sixth sense informs you that you have been spotted. To continue to crawl is futile, so you scramble to your feet and sprint towards a V-shaped cleft that marks the start of a steep trail. You have taken less than a dozen strides when three squat shapes loom out of the shadows ahead: they are Giaks, armed and ready for combat.

Giaks 19 @@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ Initial revision

The tide bears you swiftly towards a shingle beach, which is littered with huge, sea-smoothed boulders. The hissing surf and the screech of the loathsome sea-scavengers echo all along this barren coastline. It is an unwelcoming soundcold and hostilea fitting reflection of the land itself.


Ten yards from the stony beach you slip into the thigh-deep foam and wade ashore. Night has fallen swiftly, but there is a full moon by which to see. It pierces the darkness and bathes the landscape in its ghostly ashen light. Crouching low, you scurry up the beach, using the boulders as cover as you head towards the base of a sheer cliff wall. You are nearing your goal when the sounds of footsteps and gruff voices stop you dead in your tracks: it is a patrol of Giak soldiers. Drawn from their clifftop encampment, having witnessed the battle at sea, they are searching the waters edge for survivors. The tips of their spears glint wetly crimson in the moonlight, alerting you to the fate that has befallen those of Davans crew who managed to swim ashore.


Ten yards from the stony beach you slip into the thigh-deep foam and wade ashore. Night has fallen swiftly, but there is a full moon by which to see. It pierces the darkness and bathes the landscape in its ghostly ashen light. Crouching low, you scurry up the beach, using the boulders as cover as you head towards the base of a sheer cliff wall. You are nearing your goal when the sounds of footsteps and gruff voices stop you dead in your tracks: it is a patrol of Giak soldiers. Drawn from their cliff-top encampment, having witnessed the battle at sea, they are searching the waters edge for survivors. The tips of their spears glint wetly crimson in the moonlight, alerting you to the fate that has befallen those of Davans crew who managed to swim ashore.

Ok zee orgadak! growls one of the leading scouts, pointing in your direction.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility, and have reached the Kai rank of Tutelary or higher, turn to 215. If you do not possess this skill, or have yet to reach this level of Kai training, turn to 111. @@ -1212,7 +1212,7 @@ Initial revision -

The Drakkarim lie entangled at your feet, their heaped bodies a grim testimony to the deadly art of a Kai lord in battle. You step back from your lifeless foes, grabbing the ships rail as the deck lists heavily to starboard. The Intrepid is sinking fast.


The Drakkarim lie entangled at your feet, their heaped bodies a grim testimony to the deadly art of a Kai Lord in battle. You step back from your lifeless foes, grabbing the ships rail as the deck lists heavily to starboard. The Intrepid is sinking fast.

Abandon ship! cries Davan, his voice carrying above the clangour of striking swords and dying men. As he rushes past you, followed closely by two blood-spattered Kirlundins, he urges you to save yourself before the ship goes down.

If you wish to follow Davan, and abandon ship, turn to 110. If you decide to search the bodies of your dead enemies first, turn to 317. @@ -3073,7 +3073,7 @@ Initial revision -

The creature thrashes the last of its death-throes, then falls silent, its great bulk all but filling the entrance to the cave. The stench of spilt blood, and the greasy, dirt-encrusted hair that covers its torso, makes your stomach churn. Yet the Egorghs body is serving a useful purpose. Not only is it keeping the icy cold wind and rain at bay, but any other creature wanting to attack you would have great difficulty entering the cave. Confident that you are unlikely to be disturbed again, you settle down to a much-needed sleep.


The creature thrashes the last of its death-throes, then falls silent, its great bulk all but filling the entrance to the cave. The stench of spilt blood, and the greasy, dirt-encrusted hair that covers its torso, makes your stomach churn. Yet the Egorghs body is serving a useful purpose. Not only is it keeping the icy cold wind and rain at bay, but any other creature wanting to attack you would have great difficulty entering the cave. Confident that you are unlikely to be disturbed again, you settle down to a much needed sleep.

Turn to 300.
@@ -3126,7 +3126,7 @@ Initial revision

After following the coastline northwards for an hour, you happen upon a narrow path that rises from the beach and zigzags up to the top of the cliffs. The path appears deserted, and you decide to use it rather than risk being caught by the rising tide.

The climb to the top is long and arduous and by the time you reach the peak, the weather has taken a turn for the worse. An icy, rain-laden wind whips inland from the sea, its chilling bite accompanied by sheet lightning that illuminates the stark landscape before you. The blue-white flash reveals a vast, dead world of pitted spurs and crags, where every tree is petrified and every rock looks like a dead mans skull. You pull your warm cape close about your shoulders and set off towards a ridge that is peppered with dark hollows. You pray that one of them will offer some shelter from the coming storm.


Upon reaching the ridge, you discover that most of the hollows are merely patches of dark earth sandwiched between the honeycombed rock. The rain has become torrential, and you are about to abandon all hope of finding dry shelter, when suddenly your tracking instincts alert you to a cave-like opening at the far end of the ridge. You investigate and discover that it is indeed the entrance to a cave, one that is both wind and water tight and, to your relief, quite empty. You are now very hungry and must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.


Upon reaching the ridge, you discover that most of the hollows are merely patches of dark earth sandwiched between the honeycombed rock. The rain has become torrential, and you are about to abandon all hope of finding dry shelter, when suddenly your tracking instincts alert you to a cave-like opening at the far end of the ridge. You investigate and discover that it is indeed the entrance to a cave, one that is both wind- and watertight and, to your relief, quite empty. You are now very hungry and must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control and Divination, turn to 234. If you do not possess both these skills, turn to 307.
@@ -3405,7 +3405,7 @@ Initial revision

Night has fallen swiftly, but there is a full moon by which to see. It pierces the darkness and bathes the landscape in its ghostly, ashen light. The tide bears you swiftly towards a shingle beach that is littered with huge, sea-smoothed boulders. The crashing surf and the screech of predatory seabirds echo all along this barren coastline. It is an unwelcoming sound, cold and hostile, a fitting reflection of the land itself.

Ten yards from the stony beach, you slip into the thigh-deep foam and wade ashore. Although you can see no sign of enemy patrols, you keep your head low as you scurry up the beach towards the base of a sheer cliff wall. By chance you happen upon a narrow path that clings precariously to the side of the cliff-face as it zigzags its way to the top. The climb is long and arduous, and by the time you reach the summit the weather has taken a turn for the worse. An icy, rain-laden wind whips inland from the sea. Its chilling bite is accompanied by sheet lightning that illuminates the landscape before you. The blue-white flashes reveal a vast, dead world of pitted spurs and crags, where every tree is petrified and every rock looks like a dead mans skull. You pull your cape close about your shoulders and set off towards a ridge that is peppered with dark hollows, hoping that one of them will offer some shelter from the coming storm.


Upon reaching the ridge, you discover that most of the hollows are merely patches of dark earth sandwiched between the honeycombed rock. The rain has become torrential, and you are beginning to abandon all hope of finding dry shelter, when suddenly your tracking instincts alert you to a cave-like opening at the far end of the ridge. You investigate and discover that it is indeed the entrance to a cave, one that is both wind and water tight and, to your relief, quite empty. You are now very hungry and must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.


Upon reaching the ridge, you discover that most of the hollows are merely patches of dark earth sandwiched between the honeycombed rock. The rain has become torrential, and you are beginning to abandon all hope of finding dry shelter, when suddenly your tracking instincts alert you to a cave-like opening at the far end of the ridge. You investigate and discover that it is indeed the entrance to a cave, one that is both wind- and watertight and, to your relief, quite empty. You are now very hungry and must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

If you have the Magnakai Disciplines of Animal Control and Divination, turn to 234. If you do not possess both these skills, turn to 307.
@@ -4582,7 +4582,7 @@ Initial revision -

The angry screams of the Giak search party fill the night sky. The Giaks witnessed the slaying of their comrades and are now rushing forward to kill you in turn. Aching with the fatigue of your exertions, you choose to evade rather than fight the remaining enemy, and begin the steep climb towards the cliff top.


The angry screams of the Giak search party fill the night sky. The Giaks witnessed the slaying of their comrades and are now rushing forward to kill you in turn. Aching with the fatigue of your exertions, you choose to evade rather than fight the remaining enemy, and begin the steep climb towards the cliff-top.

Halfway up the cliff you make out some shadows descending the path ahead. You sense that it is another Giak search party attempting to cut you off and your pulse quickens. You look for a way to avoid them, but the only escape from the path is a sheer drop to the beach below.

If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, turn to 30. If you do not possess this skill, turn to 132. @@ -5486,7 +5486,7 @@ Initial revision -

Three times you struck a blow and three times a Giak heart beat its last. Now, without pausing even to catch your breath, you take off along the trail and begin the steep climb towards the cliff top. Angry shouts and curses echo in your wake, alerting another party of Giaks on the cliffs above to your presence. They race to the end of the trail and await your appearance, determined to catch you and then kill you at their leisure. You sense the danger and leave the steep trail at the first opportunity. You wait for your pursuers to pass, then double back to the beach. By the time the Giaks realize that you are no longer climbing the trail, it is too late for them to catch up; you are on the beach, more than a mile away to the north.


Three times you struck a blow and three times a Giak heart beat its last. Now, without pausing even to catch your breath, you take off along the trail and begin the steep climb towards the cliff-top. Angry shouts and curses echo in your wake, alerting another party of Giaks on the cliffs above to your presence. They race to the end of the trail and await your appearance, determined to catch you and then kill you at their leisure. You sense the danger and leave the steep trail at the first opportunity. You wait for your pursuers to pass, then double back to the beach. By the time the Giaks realize that you are no longer climbing the trail, it is too late for them to catch up; you are on the beach, more than a mile away to the north.

Turn to 157.
@@ -6603,7 +6603,7 @@ Initial revision -

(The Story So Far) Replaced both occurrences of nadziranim with Nadziranim. Replaced Koura-tas-Kai with koura-tas-kai. Removed the quotation marks from the words from the language of Dessi (i.e. koura-tas-kai, Ikar, Skarn). Replaced giak legions with Giak Legions. Replaced freelands with Freelands. Replaced Kai monastery with Kai Monastery.


(The Story So Far) Replaced both occurrences of nadziranim with Nadziranim. Replaced both occurrences of Koura-tas-Kai with koura-tas-kai. Removed the quotation marks from the words from the language of Dessi (i.e. koura-tas-kai, Ikar, Skarn). Replaced giak legions with Giak Legions. Replaced freelands with Freelands. Replaced Kai monastery with Kai Monastery.

(The Game Rules) Replaced both occurrences of ie, with i.e.. Replaced fall to zero with fall to zero or below. Replaced each occurrence of Lone Wolf with Lone Wolf when referring to the series.

@@ -6623,6 +6623,7 @@ Initial revision

(5) Replaced bow string with bowstring and three rounds or less with four rounds or less. Replaced Weapons list with Weapons List. Replaced this weapon with this Weapon.

(6) Replaced Sommerswerd had with Sommerswerd has.

(7) Added a period to the end of the illustrations caption.


(8) Replaced infra-vision with infravision.

(10) Replaced throughfares with thoroughfares. Replaced Principalin or more with Principalin or higher.

(11) Replaced half-closed with half closed.

(14) Replaced Tutelary or more with Tutelary or higher.

@@ -6631,6 +6632,7 @@ Initial revision

(22) Reordered the first and second choices at the end of the section.

(23) Added a period to the end of the illustrations caption.

(24) Replaced north-by-north west with north by northwest.


(28) Replaced Kai lord with Kai Lord.

(14) Replaced Scion-kai or more with Scion-kai or higher.

(42) Replaced boomsail with boom-sail.

(46) Replaced Discipline with Disciplines.

@@ -6667,8 +6669,9 @@ Initial revision

(144) Replaced Mentora or more with Mentora or higher.

(148) Replaced Sez dot got! with Shez dok tot! as the original does not seem to make any sense.

(150) Replaced fireswept with fire-swept.


(153) Replaced much-needed with much needed.

(154) Replaced backpack with Backpack.


(157) Replaced wind- with wind. Replaced watertight with water tight. Replaced zig-zags with zigzags.


(157) Replaced zig-zags with zigzags.

(158) Added a period to the end of the illustrations caption.

(159) Replaced discipline with Discipline.

(160) Replaced imposter with impostor.

@@ -6677,7 +6680,7 @@ Initial revision

(168) Replaced Scion-kai or more with Scion-kai or higher.

(169) Replaced Pathmanship with Pathsmanship.

(170) Added a period to the end of the illustrations caption.


(174) Replaced watertight with water tight. Replaced zig-zags with zigzags.


(174) Replaced zig-zags with zigzags.

(176) Replaced sword, Helshezag, and with sword Helshezag and and Zejar-deluga with Zejar-dulaga.

(177) Replaced discipline with Discipline.

(181) Replaced Pathmanship with Pathsmanship.

@@ -6707,6 +6710,7 @@ Initial revision

(245) Replaced this weapon with this Weapon.

(247) Replaced Magicians Guild with Magicians Guild.

(249) Replaced Tutelary or more with Tutelary or higher.


(252) Replaced cliff top with cliff-top.

(253) Replaced melee with mle.

(255) Replaced meet, then with meet; then.

(257) Replaced Archmaster or more with Archmaster, since this is the highest rank it is possible to be when attempting this adventure.

@@ -6724,6 +6728,7 @@ Initial revision

(306) Replaced Kai monastery with Kai Monastery.

(307) Replaced fatique with fatigue and backpack with Backpack. Replaced open, so with open; so.

(310) Replaced SPEAR with Spear. Replaced AXE with Axe. Replaced DAGGER with Dagger. Replaced 60 KIKA with 60 Kika. Replaced BOTTLE OF WINE with Bottle of Wine. Replaced POUCH OF TOBACCO with Pouch of Tobacco. Replaced PIPE with Pipe. Replaced IRON KEY with Iron Key. Replaced ENOUGH FOOD FOR 1 MEAL with Enough food for 1 Meal.


(311) Replaced cliff top with cliff-top.

(317) Replaced 3 SWORDS with 3 Swords. Replaced 2 AXES with 2 Axes. Replaced 2 DAGGERS with 2 Daggers. Replaced 1 BOW with Bow. Replaced 4 ARROWS with 4 Arrows. Replaced 1 ROPE with Rope. Replaced 1 POUCH OF HERBS with Pouch of Herbs.

(320) Replaced imposter with impostor. Added a period to the end of the illustrations caption. Replaced freelands with Freelands.

(321) Replaced side-stepping with sidestepping.