<publisher>Project Aon</publisher>
- <date class="publication"><year>2007</year><month>7</month><day>23</day></date>
+ <date class="publication"><year>2007</year><month>11</month><day>27</day></date>
<description class="blurb">
<p>You are Kai Master Lone Wolf<ch.emdash/>last of the Kai Lords of Sommerlund, sole survivor of a massacre by the Darklords of Helgedad. You discovered the lost Sommlending treasure, <cite>The Book of the Magnakai</cite>, containing the wisdom and Disciplines of the Kai Lords recorded in the time of Sun Eagle, the first Kai Grand Master. With Magnakai Disciplines, you have sworn to restore the Kai to their former glory and so ensure the security of your land against the Darklords.</p>
<p>And so, guided by the words of your ancient mentor, Sun Eagle, and with the shadow of the Darklords ever present, you set out on the quest for the Lorestone of Varetta, unaware of the wonders and the horrors that await you in the Stornlands.</p>
<footnote id="sect308-1-foot" idref="sect308-1">
<p>It seems peculiar that you are instructed to reduce <typ class="attribute">COMBAT SKILL</typ> at the beginning of every round if you do not have Psi-screen. This loss would be cumulative so that during the first round you fight with 2 fewer <typ class="attribute">COMBAT SKILL</typ> points, the second round with 4 fewer points, the third with 6 fewer, etc. This loss is certainly intended to be for the duration of this Combat only<ch.emdash/>not permanently<ch.emdash/>since Joe Dever always makes special note of instances where you permanently lose <typ class="attribute">COMBAT SKILL</typ>. It is possible that this penalty is an error, and that you are meant to lose 2 <typ class="attribute">ENDURANCE</typ> points rather than <typ class="attribute">COMBAT SKILL</typ> points at the beginning of every round.</p>
- </footnotes>
- <footnotes>
<footnote id="sect308-2-foot" idref="sect308-2">
<p>You should not double any <typ class="attribute">ENDURANCE</typ> point losses inflicted upon the Helghast if you are wielding the Dagger of Vashna, the Jewelled Mace, or the Magic Spear.</p>